#this was a warmup i’m planning on finishing a commission today but i needed to get into The Zone to make sure it’s good
tamberlanecomic · 1 year
July Newsletter
Hey everyone! Here are some general updates for everything that’s been going on and what you can expect for this month and throughout the summer.
Health Update
As some of you may remember, right after the Kickstarter closed I was knocked out by a one-two punch of a fibro flare and Covid. While I’ve been put through the wringer, I’m FINALLY feeling like I’m crawling back out from under this extended period of sickness.
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I’m still dealing with some pain and fatigue due to my fibro flare-up, but it’s more or less back to the “normal” levels of what I’m used to, so overall I’m doing pretty good. I took some extra time to recuperate from Covid in the hopes of avoiding any long Covid effects, and while I am still taking it easy, I take a lot of joy in drawing and being forced to not indulge in any of my creative pursuits have made me all the more eager to get back into the swing of things. So, I’m still being careful, but I’m also easing back into work. 
I got so many amazing comments from patrons, readers, and Kickstarter backers all encouraging me to take as long as I needed to get better, and I can’t thank you enough for the kind words and well wishes! It was measurably easier to take some time off to rest knowing I had so many people cheering me on and encouraging me to do so, so thank you so much for taking the time to say something and for sending me words of support. <3 You da best!
Comic Updates
We’re moving right along, with 12 pages currently in the pipeline at various production stages. In fact, I’ve just put three new finished pages into the buffer for $10+ patrons today! Our priority right now is to get a healthy buffer so that I can have ample time and space to catch up on other work without impending deadline pressures.
Patreon Rewards
Next, I plan to knock out a good chunk of Patreon commissions for my $50+ folks. I’ve already been doing that here and there, but I want to make sure that the oldest ones are finished first. 
Likewise, due to the chaos of a sudden move and a lot of life changes, Ari didn’t send the May postcards out until today, so I apologize for the delays there – we’re getting back on track! June’s postcards have already been sent.
Speaking of, I’ve included some of the patron reward art I just finished last week!
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Kickstarter News
We still need to finish the internal book edits, draw up the Q&As, format the information in the book, and finish formatting annotations. These are all things I had intended to get done both during and after the campaign but I was simply unable to keep up with it due to health reasons. Curse you, chronic illness! 
I am also going to explore another option for getting the softcovers printed locally, which is something I will only go with if the quality is up to my standards. But we're less than $5k away from being able to reprint Chapters 1-3 so if we're able to get a cheaper local deal with a good printer, I'm willing to explore the option! 
By the way, we are now officially sold out of Chapters 1 and 2 books, but you can help us reprint them by preordering them and other stuff through our Backerkit shop!
Preorder Here
We’ll be streaming edits in the Foxglove discord server, so be sure to keep an eye out on there!
New Pride Merch
For Pride month I launched two new apparel designs as part of our Pride collection! Choose from Agender or Non-Binary Ainsley or Biromantic or Transgender Marie on comfy shirts available in a wide range of colors and sizes. 
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This collection also features downloadable Tales from Treehollow comics dealing with LGBTQIA+ themes. Come check it out!
Shop Now
I’ve never done Artfight before, but I’m gonna try this year! It’ll be fun to have little warmup drawings I can squeeze in here and there between larger projects. 
If you’ve never heard of Artfight, it’s an annual art trading game where you “attack” by drawing other people’s characters. It seems really fun! If you’re participating and want to add me, here’s my profile:
Thanks all for reading! May this month be ever better!
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keefwho · 1 year
July 24 - 2023 Monday
10:43 PM
Today I felt very bleh, like my head was empty. Might be due to the missed sleep the past couple days so I’ll be sure to get to bed on time tonight for real. 
For breakfast I had half a totino’s pizza, a pear cup, and a couple oreos. I spent my brief free time playing Neopets games. 
The stream went okay. My warmup kinda sucked because I’m trying to figure out a way to do sketches on my sketch sheet then finish those on a new canvas while still retaining the feeling that everything is real loose. For a little bit I was just finishing them as low res thumbnails on the sketch sheet itself but the point of the sheet is to be a collection of incomplete and experimental things. Having completed drawing in it does not sit right with me but taking a sketch and moving it to a new canvas makes it feel more important than it is. The point is to make a little doodle that turned out good enough to post, not a pre-planned successful kind of drawing. Im sure I’ll figure something out. I feel there is a lot I need to improve on with my process and how exactly I color including the actual brush settings. There will be lots of experimenting in my future. Also on stream we finally got to watch more episodes of Rugrats because we watched the movie that ties seasons together this weekend in Discord. We also watching Courage and I’m thinking we will watch 1 episode of each show a day. I only did half commission time today and spent a little more time finishing an emote commission I had. 
After stream I did my workout in it’s entirety despite how physically tired I felt. I really had to push through this one but that’s kind of the point isn’t it. I meant to clean up first but I forgot so I cleaned up after my shower. In the shower I was about to ask my friend straight up if I had permission to think about them while I took care of myself but I decided to do it to something else intentionally. I’ve briefly brought this up to them before. I think it’s given that sometimes we jerk off to each other without the other knowing. However I know how she feels about being sexualized and sometimes I can’t help but wonder if she would actually appreciate me thinking about her like that on my own time sometimes. It bothers me enough that I do think it would good to ask permission beforehand or have a brief discussion about it. This might be weird of me but I’m just listening to how I feel. I respect her tremendously and want to exercise expressing that. 
For lunch I was excited to make a hearty helping of Rice a Roni with lentils, meatballs, broccoli, green beans, and onions. It turned out okay as usual but I was hoping it came out better. It was still a solid meal. I invested more time into Neopets while it cooked. I’m enjoying some of the minigames. 
I feel I did a poor job on today’s request. The whole time I was thinking about how I want to make something I can be proud of but it just wasn’t coming together. It came out okayish but I wanted to do better. Next I spent an hour working on a TOTK pic of my otter and my friend’s sona. I mostly tidied up the sketch and then completely lined it, taking extra care to do a good job so thats why it took so long. After that work was officially over but I wanted to do more so I briefly setup the new horse avatar I got so I can start turning it into my most recent horse sona. 
I spent time in my friend’s server where there was a lot of negative talk about one of my other friends about his overly sexual behavior. I felt sort of bad because it was more or less shit talking them behind their back and I was just going along with it. Usually if I talk about him with others, its coming from a place of at least mild affection. Some of this was just mean though. 
Tonight I watched my friend give me a sort of rundown of the Neopets website and some of it’s history, I liked listening to her about it. I love hearing her be passionate about anything. After that we hopped on Pony Town for a tiny bit and looked at characters people made before checking out my little house and giving each other horse kisses. I started dinner while she headed up to bed and we chatted a bit. 
Today I wasn’t proud of much. Just the usual amount of proud for doing things to the best of my ability. I did well on my workout especially, and doing that little bit of extra avatar work. 
For some reason my self perspective was very lacking today. I kinda just wasn’t there, at least not in a great capacity. Looking back there were moments that would have benefitted me being more involved in the present. Spending time with anyone is a good example because it only becomes truly meaningful if I am offering my full attention and appreciation. Tomorrow will be another day to exercise my awareness and put it to good use. 
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keefwho · 1 year
May 30 - 2023
11:55 PM
This morning I awoke to a horrible message. Daisy’s rat Peach died which was extremely sad to hear. I love her rats, and her other pets. It’s almost like I know them, like a friend’s dog you see whenever you go over to visit. It was also very gruesome and I feel so bad she had to go through that. At this point I had already planned drawing a tribute of sorts for Peach, but I had to take care of my other responsibilities first. I had no commissions today but I still did my warmup and finished another summer avatar for myself and fixed my bikini outfit. It was a productive and chill morning. After a small break and a shower, I called Daisy while cleaning and making lunch. She had to leave abruptly and thats when I started working on the drawing for Peach. I tried to put a lot of heart into it, I was trying to let out as much sorrow as I could even though I’ve never actually known her. I’d say I was successful, and glad I could exercise so much emotion. I have to admit that lately I haven’t had many good opportunities to feel very strongly. After that was VRchat time where multiple very irritating people joined. I’m extremely tired of putting up with these bozos, I firmly intend to start speaking up against them. I want my VR time to be fun again, I let these people I don’t like ruin my experience too much. After VR Daisy and I beat the last major temple so far in Zelda, the water temple. 
I meant to do this early but I need to discuss with myself what I intend to do for the next week. 
First of all I actually read back my entire week of journal entries. Reading that one bad day I had was kind of hard. I thought I would cringe at it but instead I felt a sort of empathy for myself. Reading everything I wrote together made me feel a little more like I am actually a dynamic person and that I just fail to see it on a regular basis. So it was a good idea to go over everything again. 
This past week I meant to work on being present and focused on things. I did that to an extent but a flaw with my plan was how vague it was. There were no planned events, just a general thought to keep in mind which gave me little direction. This next week I do have a plan. I want to spend 1 hour each day doing something new and with a focus on myself. Examples could be a game I haven’t played in awhile or ever, or practicing another hobby like my guitar. The goal would be to get out of my comfort zone a little bit and explore something new on my own which might encourage a sense of play or self discovery. It’ll also help to tear me away from some of the thoughts and feelings I know I need a break from. 
Im starting to get desperate and am ready to take more drastic measures to steer myself in a better direction. I want to improve in ways I thought were impossible, using any motivation at my disposal. I thought it might be unhealthy to use external motivation to do something but I think as long as I am on watch for it, I won’t actually do it in an unhealthy way. I know a lot of parents are motivated to do better for their kids. Some people are motivated to do better for other family members, or their community, or a mentor or literally anything else. What gives me true motivation right now is to do better for my closest friends. I want to be able to support them through anything and I can only do that by supporting myself. I think that’s reasonable. 
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