#this was a new wave of thinking suddenly and i've been in kpop for over 5 years and many young debuts were not cared about to this extent
sasunarulesbian · 1 year
“no minors in kpop” and then these mfs proceed to make fun of current minors in kpop acting like teens like what... do you actually care about minors in kpop or not. because the empty phrase “no minors in kpop” doesn’t do fuck all for the minors who’ve already debuted. do your fucking part as a fan to protect the minors currently in the industry instead of repeating some sort of false morality that does nothing for them.
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yisanged · 1 year
hiiiii 🔥 kpop
HI SAM. SO SORRY. i was busy o(-( but yes kpop. umm. this got long again my bad
there are a lot of kpop opinions out there that already get argued over a lot because they're nuanced and complex but that's kind of boring and annoying to talk about. i think idols need to go on strike. i've said this before as a joke but i'm sort of serious. like there needs to be an industry reset or at the very least an industry pause. industry go to our room and think about what we're doing. we're debuting children and all the idols are like one mean spirited twitter thread away from developing eating disorders if they don't already have them and the music is arguably getting worse and it seems like there's more lawsuits and similar problems every day and there's just so much ToT and i really think just everyone taking a second to breathe would solve most of this or at least steer things towards getting somewhat better. like i mean i honestly don't even know that much about kpop industry wise i just like songs and music videos and funny clips sometimes but it seems reasonable to assume that a lot of the problems with idols being mistreated by companies or managers and whatnot is because with kpop being so hot right now there are people who care more about riding the wave and making money than they do about creating quality and honest content. and i think the thing with so many kids debuting at least partially has the same root issue. people just want to make money as quick as possible and it's easier to do so by pulling in young trainees who are hungry for a chance but have less of their own agency or authority than more experienced and prepared adults would. i know young idols have been debuting for a while and it's not really that new but i think it's worse recently. and all this would be less of a problem if more attention was brought to these issues and people pushed for better standards. maybe say through a strike... as for the music getting worse obviously that's subjective and i recognize music is art which changes in conventions and style and whatnot and there are always some haters that complain about these new styles when they start circulating and etc but there are a lot of people saying that they think nowadays a lot of songs are being created more for the purpose of being catchy and having 5 seconds of viral online fame than to just be good songs. and i have to say i don't totally disagree..... at the very least the way groups advertise songs now definitely make it seem more like that's what they're trying to do with all the tiktoks and insta reels and everything and again that might mostly just be things changing with the times as things often do but well. i'm a tiktok hater i won't totally back down from this. anyways i know a lot of the problems i've mentioned aren't totally recent developments and have been present in kpop from the beginning like the wack body and beauty standards for example but i do believe that something like a strike to bring attention to such problems and urge for better conditions and standards could potentially bring a lot of that stuff on an upward mend or at least stop them from getting worse like it seems like they're doing a lot of the time nowadays...... honestly though this might not be that practical of a take or anything i kind of just want everything in the whole world to stop forever.. i think everything's going too fast and at least part of that is definitely because i'm fifteen going on sixteen when i definitely don't really wanna be ToT sorry to suddenly go from kpop unpopular opinion to coming of age crisis but yeah. support kevin moon. and in the words of dj crazy times: "tell the world, 'stop . . . '".
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that thing he says in the middle btw. it's a shortened version of 큰일 났네 which literally means "it's a big deal" but it's just something you say when something vaguely shocking happens. like oh dear or omg
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
oh hell yeah snsd paved the way yeah they really did bro they really did. like i know a lot of people came here in 2017 or during quarantine, so let me tell you how things were in 2008. i know that boa and tvxq started it in japan but i lived in the SEA, and it was the mostly the second gens that started it here. back in elementary school where no one actually knows kpop and suddenly, suddenly they all did. initially there was a resistence and dismissive responses, such as why are they wearing such short pants, why are the dances so meaningless (in my culture a dance HAS to have meaning so it took a while until people are accustomed to that), but it was not that long, those 2nd gen sound has such an addictive quality that i think is vital to make people not care about anything else.
it was gee that personally started the hallyu wave in my school. over recess we were begging our teachers to let us play the music in the computer, and after that we just jamming to it and learned the dance in the class. after that there's other snsd tracks like genie and oh! and run devil run, also we started to listen to other groups as well, this "multis aren't true fan" bullshit is nonexistent, almost. there were bigbang and wonder girls and 2ne1 and shinee (+ a lot of people here know shinee and ss501 after boys over flowers, that drama was a major hit, i'm telling you). i remember the boys really loving 2pm's hands up and just jumping and popping on it in the hallway. literally no one knows what are they singing but it slaps, and who cares anyway if we don't understand, we listened to english songs without a clue, too. when a comeback happen one of the friends with internet at home will Inform the class so others could check it out. i read sunday newspapers religiously too so i won't miss a comeback, even if i have to wait for two weeks for a school work that requires visiting internet cafe to finally check the mv. we did so without shame too, i guess not too much stupid things has happened.
around 2012 and 2013 people were a lot more welcoming about kpop groups, and a new wave of groups came up, there were exo and bap and yes, bts. the grip 2nd gen has is really strong, though, around these year snsd also came to my country and outsold some 10000+ ticket for one night. i have a whole meltdown about not getting to see them.
bts went over here as early as mid or late 2013.. i think. i remember someone scribbling "2 kool 4 skool" badge on a school table and asking my friend how the fuck did "bulletproof scoutboys" become "bts" in 7th grade. so like... to the (especilly white) btspoppers, your boys have always been popular, lol. you don't elevate them or shit. they don't need saving. instead they have to dumb themselves down so they could penetrate your thick caucasian skulls. and they don't start shit here. snsd and other 2nd gens did. thing would be a lot more difficult for them without snsd doing the introduction and heavy lifting. but of course, asiawide accolades means nothing, right? of course any asian group needs Enlightened White People approval to truly be seen as popular -_- sorry for the rant i'm really upset with how armys behave towards snsd lately. like know HESTORY, dammit. i have never seen so many people being proud of not knowing a fundamental group? honestly if anyone said "i've never heard about them" about say, snsd and bigbang, that's just makes me not going to take their opinion seriously, lol. ah, here comes the newbie sprouting opinions after knowing one album of one group. better leave them alone.
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me reading this whole message... anon thank you so much I had the loveliest time reading it bc you are SO right. and it's really interesting to read your perspective as an SEA resident of what kpop looked like back then.
"instead they have to dumb themselves down to penetrate your thick caucasian skulls. and they didn't start shit here. snsd and 2nd gens did. things would have been a lot more difficult for them without snsd doing the introduction and heavy lifting. but of course asian accolades mean nothing right?" THAT PART. mic drop
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xuseokgyu · 3 years
very true about seventeen concepts... i appreciate the no cringe...
i have a friend that has over 100 playlists..... shes very serious about them too...
Idk if I would call like A-teen and 9-teen ballads lol but yeah generally osts are more ballad-y... warrior is so good tho so unexpected!! it starts with piano so you are not expecting it to just drop into that beat suddenly lol
Oh those Ben Platt songs are good!! Hm i remember listening to Ateez debut song(s)? there was two songs.... and then i kinda forgot about them lol but people keep mentioning them to me lately... i liked good lil boy the most out of those three!!
For me... i've been listening to a lot of A.C.E lol their most recent album was so good (Chasing Love is probably my fav off that album... tho I seem to like Atlantis more with every listen...) it finally propelled me to go and actually seriously listen to their music instead of skimming through it like i have been for years lol (even though Goblin (Favorite Boys) was on my current fav playlist for like 6 months...that apparently still was not enough lol) plus the ost Spark that they did... ugh im so obsessed with Spark... i love that song...
also have been listening to a lot of enhypen lol and was really into onewe - Rain To Be and Veronica, N.Flying - Flashback, and NIve - escape and tired. (also obviously svt and lucy most recent albums lol)
on the non-kpop side of things... been into the song Real by Great Good Fine OK - i get this song stuck in my head constantly... and also Look Up To Yourself and Left Behind by Wave Racer. I've also been really into Sparrow by Lemaitre....
...wait actually the best song of all time is Boys & Girls by Weaver lol I was scrolling through my liked songs and im contractually obliged to listen to that song every time i see it... mmm speaking of j-pop i recently also caught back up with some Kenshi Yonezu's songs i missed... current favs would have to Pale Blue, Shinigami, and Campanella. hm hm ok to round this all off heres a c-pop song i like rn. Xenogeneic/Alien by The9 .... "i am the freaky girl~"
i spent... too long listening to music and now its midnight lol i started typing this ask around 7pm....... how about you just pretend i asked a question lol talk about whatever you want.... oh wait actually i do kinda have a question, do you have a song where like you see it and you just have to listen to it? (love how these asks have become only like 10% svt related lmao i just like talking about music lol)
Hahahaha is the natural course of things to drift away from the original subject 😂😂😂
I love that we haven’t properly made playlists but we basically gave playlists to each other, week assignment completed ✅ hahahahha
I love all of this, I’m such a noob to the world of kpop so I’m taking all recommendations to heart! I hadn’t heard any of ACE yet and I think I’ll look more into it... Also, knew absolutely nothing about jpop so yet a new universe for me to explore hahaha
Ateez for me was funny cause my sister was already a casual listener so I knew who they were, but then seeing them in Kingdom I was ssooo mesmerized I basically had to see more!... Started watching other little shows with them and absolutely fell in love... I’m going through all the content I can find recently
About your question.... I don’t think that there’s one song that does that to me, but I definitely have waves of obsession haha I’ll listen to a new song, I’ll love it, I’ll learn the lyrics and then I’ll keep listening and singing along to it non stop for a month or more haha Not necessarily on loop, but whenever I stop to listen to music I’ll start with that one.... the latest obsessions that I can remember were Insecure by Bren Joy, then Here’s Your Perfect by Jamie Miller and now is the Ben Platt one haha (tho I can feel myself starting to get on this cycle with Written in the Stars by John Legend and WENDY)
What about you??
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