#this took more time than I expected to write it and I uh. Crave Validation.
thelastspeecher · 5 years
King Stansort AU - Burying the Hatchet
This turned out MUCH longer than I planned, but I got going and couldn’t stop.  This was a scene that was a long time coming.  After Ford pissed Stan off to the point that Stan kicked him out of the castle and sent him back to the States (as written up here), Ford got followed by an enemy of the crown.  When Ford arrived in Gravity Falls, said enemy of the crown kidnapped him.  Ford managed to escape.  And as for what happens next...read to find out.
              The bell over the door jingled as Ford stepped into the diner.  He immediately caught sight of Stan; he was the only customer in the restaurant.  Guilt abruptly washed over him as he remembered the events of the night before.
              “Ford, oh fuck, oh fuck, I didn’t mean- shit, are you okay?” Stan asked, standing over Ford.  Ford looked up at his brother.
              “Yes, no thanks to you,” he spat venomously.  In the faint moonlight trickling through the forest understory, he couldn’t quite make out Stan’s face.  But he relished in the mental image of Stan finally looking guilty for how he’d treated Ford.  “Why on earth did you punch me?”
              “In my defense, you punched me first.”  Stan held out a hand.  Ford ignored it, pushing himself up and standing after more effort than he’d expected. Stan’s outstretched hand fell to his side.
              “Yes, because you grabbed my shoulder while I was fleeing my captors!”  The adrenaline that had been surging through him moments ago built up again.  “Captors that likely targeted me because of you!”
              “…You’re right,” Stan said after a moment.  “They went after you because of me.  I’m...I’m sorry, Sixer.  I was too pissed at you to realize you could be in danger after people seeing you at the castle.  At least, I didn’t realize it until after your plane left.”  Stan idly kicked at the ground.  “It’s basic safety.  If you’ve spent time at the castle, you need protection for a while until people sorta forget you know the royal family.  And you spent two weeks there.”
              “No shit, I needed some form of protection,” Ford snapped.  “Or at least a heads-up!”
              “Look, the cops and some of the guards I brought with me are combing the woods. They’ll find whoever kidnapped you.”
              “Great.  Good for them.”  Ford stomped away.  Stan followed.
              “Ford, I’ve got a car-”
              “I don’t care,” Ford snarled, spinning around to face Stan.  Stan took a step back, surprised by Ford’s anger. “I don’t care that you have a car that can take me home, I don’t care that you came here to check on me, I don’t care that your guards are trying to find my captors, I don’t care about any of it at all.  Why should I? You clearly don’t.”
              “That’s not-”
              “It’s true!” Ford insisted.  “You don’t care about me.  Neither does Fiddleford.  Why else would I have been shipped back to Oregon without fanfare or basic protection?” He felt himself wobble slightly. Stan stepped closer.
              “C’mon, Ford, you’re dead on your feet, let me help you back to your place, okay? We can talk about this after you’ve slept off the jet lag and kidnapping,” Stan said calmly.  Ford laughed, but the sound had no humor in it.
              “That’s rich!  No, Stanley, we won’t be talking about this.  Not at all.  Never.” Ford turned away from Stan, but before he could continue walking home, the world went dark.
              Ford hovered by the door uncertainly.
              I said awful things to Stan last night.  Why would he be willing to talk to me?  Sitting at the counter, Stan finally turned around.  He waved at Ford with a hand holding a large burger.
              “There you are!  I wondered if you saw my note,” Stan called.  The scene was achingly familiar.  It was like they were back in high school eating at their favorite diner. Ford made his way to Stan.  Stan patted the seat next to him.  “Sit down.”  Ford did as he was told.  Stan took an enormous bite out of his burger.  His eyes rolled to the back of his head.  “Ugh, this is so fucking good,” he said.  Ford’s mouth quirked in a half-smile at Stan’s behavior.  Stan wiped his mouth with his sleeve, then froze.
              “Aw, shit,” he muttered.  He set his burger down.  “Great.” He took off his jacket and set it on the counter.  “I forgot for a second that I was wearing nice clothes,” Stan said quietly.  He stared at the ceiling.  “After all, last time I was in an American diner, I was homeless.” Ford’s faint smile vanished.
              Right.  We’re not in high school.  Stan’s a husband and father.  And a king consort.  Ford looked down at the menu resting in front of him on the counter.
              “Get whatever you want, by the way,” Stan said.  “I’m buyin’.”
              “I- I can’t-” Ford started.  “It wouldn’t be right.”
              “How come?”
              “I…”  Ford took a breath and looked up at Stan.  “I was awful to you last night.  I don’t deserve your generosity.”  Stan glanced away.
              “Yeah, well, I fucked up too, so…And money’s not a problem for me, okay?”
              “Stanley, I really-” Ford started.  Stan held up a hand.
              “Hey, Susie!” he called.  The waitress that always seemed to be working at the diner poked her head out of the kitchen.
              “Yes, handsome?” she asked.
              “How’s about another one of these-”  Stan held up his burger.  “-for my brother?”
              “You got it!” Susan chirped.  She vanished into the kitchen again.
              “You need to eat.  Kidnapping makes you hungry.  I know.”
              “You-”  Ford stared at Stan.  “Have you been kidnapped?” he asked.  Stan didn’t meet his eyes.  “Stan.”
              “Look.  There’s-” Stan shook his head.  “I don’t wanna talk about it.”  He glanced at Ford.  “I’m…glad you decided to meet me.”
              “Of course.  It’s the least I could do, after screaming at you when you were trying to help.”  Ford swallowed.  “That being said, thank you for leaving the note, rather than waiting at my house.  I doubt I would have responded well.”
              “Yeah, that’s what Angie said,” Stan said idly.  He took another bite of his burger, chewed, and swallowed.  “I called her after you passed out and I brought you home.  Told her I was gonna wait until you woke up.  She lost her shit about that.  Said you needed space.”
              “She was right.  You married a very wise woman.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan grinned. “She’s outta my league.”  Ford stared at his twin.  He didn’t know where Stan had ended up staying the night, but he was still dressed in tailored, nice clothes, his hair still tied back neatly.
              This feels familiar.  A plate with a burger and fries was placed in front of him.  Ford switched to staring at the food.  And yet, it feels painfully strange.  This is how things used to be, but not really.  Stan didn’t second-guess ordering a second meal for me.  He’s not prepping a speech on how it should be free for us.  And he’s dressed like- like…
              “…like royalty,” Ford whispered.
              “What’d you say?” Stan asked, his mouth full.
              “Hmm.”  Stan pushed Ford’s plate closer to him.  “Eat.”
              “I’m not-”
              “I have two kids, Sixer.  Do you really want me to use the same tricks on you that I use when Danny and Daisy won’t eat?”
              “…Fine,” Ford mumbled reluctantly.  They ate in silence for a few minutes, Ford reluctantly nibbling at his burger and Stan inhaling his.  When Stan finished his burger, he licked his fingers in an exaggerated manner and belched loudly.  Ford rolled his eyes.  “You take a man out of New Jersey, but you’ll never take the New Jersey out of the man. Even if you put him in a castle.”
              “Yep!” Stan said cheerfully.  He leaned against the counter and played with a straw wrapper.  His eyes were soft and calm, not harsh like they had been for the entirety of Ford’s stay in Lirone.  He seemed far more relaxed now.
              Is it because he feels like a fish out of water there?  Or just because I visited at a stressful time?
              “By the way, Ford, normally, I don’t yell at guests, even if they piss me off,” Stan said, as though he had read Ford’s mind.  “It’s just…”  His face clouded over.  “It’s been rough.  I wasn’t exaggerating when I said that I’m worried the guy who went after Angie will try to go after the girls.”  Ford thought back to the first day he had arrived in Lirone.  He’d seen Daisy running gleefully across the castle’s lawn, not a care in the world, while Stan chased her, visibly terrified.
              “I understand,” Ford said softly.  He pushed his burger away.  “I- I’d like it if you could tell the girls-”
              “I’m a king, not a messenger,” Stan said.  He idly spun his wedding band.  “You got something you wanna say to Danny and Daisy, you tell them yourself.”
              “I can’t.”
              “Why not?”
              “Because-”  Ford looked down at the counter, trying to muster up courage.  “I won’t visit them anymore.”
              “What?!”  There was a loud crash.  Ford looked over.  Stan had fallen off his stool.  A guard approached.  Stan held up a hand.  “Chill, Yves. I can handle this.”  The guard reluctantly stepped away.  Stan got back on his stool to gape at Ford.  “Sixer, you don’t hate them or somethin’, do you?”
              “No!  No. Far from it.  I care very deeply for them.  I just…we should resume what we have done for the last ten years.  No contact.  I can’t distract you from your new life.”
              “You haven’t-”
              “You’re a king consort, with a wounded reigning queen as a wife and two young daughters.  Yet you flew across the Atlantic after me.”
              “Angie’s got a big family.  They’re helping with her responsibilities and making sure she rests.”
              “Yes, but-”
              “I didn’t have any guests at my wedding,” Stan said quietly.  He resumed spinning his wedding band.  “I- Angie had half the country, it felt like.  But I couldn’t think of anyone to invite.  I was- Angie’s folks, they told me I didn’t need to talk to my family if I didn’t want to.  And I didn’t.  I really didn’t.  But it still sucked.  I couldn’t help- I couldn’t help but think about how we joked that I was gonna marry Carla McCorkle, and you’d be my best man, and-”  Stan closed his eyes.  “Don’t get me wrong.  It was one of the happiest days of my life.  But it still felt- it still felt wrong.  You weren’t my best man.”
              “And when my daughters were born- I was so happy.  But I couldn’t stop thinking that they’d always be two uncles and a grandma short.”  Stan took a shaky breath.  “I have a family in Lirone.  The royal family took me in like one of their own.  I married the youngest daughter.  I have two kids.  But I- I can’t pretend I don’t have another family here, in the States.  I especially can’t pretend that now.”
              “I really fucked things up,” Ford mumbled, putting his head in his hands. “You were happy-”
              “Clean out your big-ass ears, Sixer,” Stan said.  “I was happy.  But I wasn’t as happy as I coulda been.  Yeah, most of your visit, I was pissed at you.  But when I wasn’t, it was- I didn’t realize before how much I missed you. And you’re really good with Danny and Daisy.  They gave you a nickname.”
              “They did?”
              “Yeah.  It’s, um…” Stan furrowed his brow in concentration. “Unkel Paroles.”
              “What does that mean?”
              “‘Uncle Words’.”  Stan grinned half-heartedly at Ford.  “They like hearing all the big words you use.  And they think it’s funny as hell that, even though you know so many big words in English, you don’t know a lick of Lironian.”  Ford managed a small smile.  “We’ve got shit to work through.  We’ve both fucked up a million times.  There are probably ten or twenty hatchets we’ve gotta bury.”  Ford’s smile grew a bit bigger.  “That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.  If I’ve learned anything from all the diplomacy classes I took with the royal family, it’s that when things are shittiest, that’s when you work the hardest to fix it.”
              “Wise words.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan’s grin turned smug.  “I got myself a royal education.  I’m full of wise words.”
              “Not as many as your wife, I’m guessing.”
              “…You’re right.”  Stan punched Ford on the shoulder.  “Speaking of my wife, you’ve barely met her!  Once we catch the assassin and things cool down a bit, you’ve gotta visit again, okay?  She’ll blow your socks off, I guarantee it.  She’s fucking great.”
              “I have no doubts about that,” Ford replied.  Stan grinned again.  Static sounded over a nearby guard’s radio.
              “Got it,” the guard said.  He approached Stan.  “Your majesty, it’s best if we leave soon.  Locals are beginning to get suspicious, and we don’t want to attract attention, since this isn’t a scheduled visit.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan looked down at his empty plate sadly.  “You’re right.  And I don’t wanna leave Angie and the girls for too long.”  He looked back up.  “Hey, Susie, think you could make me five burgers and fries to go?”
              “You got it!” came the shout from the kitchen.  Ford frowned at Stan.
              “Why do you need so many burgers?  You live in a castle with professional, high-class chefs.”
              “Yeah, and none of them know how to make a proper burger.”  Stan rolled his eyes.  “They always put shit like micro-greens or saffron or aioli on it. I don’t want a fancy sandwich, I want a slab of meat on a bun and you have to put your own damn condiments on. It’s been ages since I’ve had a real, American burger.  So I’m bringing home one each for Angie and the girls, and an extra one for me.”
              “That’s four.”
              “The fifth’s to give to the head chef so he knows what I mean when I ask for a burger in the future,” Stan replied firmly.  Ford chuckled.
              “I never thought that the food would be a downside of living in high society, but you make a fair point.”
              “You’re damn right.  I bet even after I tell Philippe – the head chef – that this is what a burger really is, he’ll still give me something with quark on it.”  Stan raised an eyebrow at Ford.  “Maybe I should escape to the States more often.”
              “If you do, I’ll be more than happy to host you and your family,” Ford said. “I have a question, though.”
              “If it’s about security-”
              “No, it’s…what is quark?”
              “Oh, it’s some weird cheese that the McGuckets love.  Not my kinda thing, though.”  Five to-go boxes were placed on the counter in front of Stan.  “Thanks, Susie.”
              “No problem, hotshot,” Susan said with a wink.  Stan dug out his wallet and placed some cash on the counter.  He jerked his head in the direction of the door. Ford followed him outside.  Stan slung an arm around Ford’s shoulders.
              “Tell ya what.  Next time you visit, you can have all the quark you want.”
              “And I can go to the Royal Archives?” Ford asked.  Stan stiffened.  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Ford fibbed quickly.  Stan laughed.
              “Geez, don’t scare me like that.”  He winked at Ford.  “I gotta head home.  How do you feel about getting a call from the girls later?  They were pretty upset they didn’t get to say goodbye.”
              “As long as you’re paying for the international fee, I’m more than happy to talk to them,” Ford replied.  Stan punched Ford’s shoulder playfully before being ushered away by his bodyguards. Ford watched them leave.
              What on earth is in the Royal Archives that the royal family is so secretive about?  No, Stanford, drop it.  Focus on something else.  Like the rekindling of your relationship with your twin brother.  Ford turned away and began to walk back home.  Maybe your relationship with Fiddleford will get better as well, now that everything’s out in the open.  A faint smile hovered around Ford’s lips.  That would be wonderful.
28 notes · View notes
ka-za-ri · 4 years
Personal Assistant Pt. 2
Part 1: Here Part 3: here Part 4: here Part 5: here Part 6: here Part 7: Here Crossposted to Ao3: here
Hi. Hello. Thank you for reading the first chapter and for all the new follows. I’m still new to this whole fandom so excuse me if I overstep any boundaries. Unbeta’d because we die like heroes here. Please leave a comment or something idk, validate me?
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader Wordcount: 5,900 ish Genre: Smut Tags: Edging, Oral Sex, Orgasm denial, masturbation, sex toys, under-desk blowjob, sexual tension, sex on a desk, overstimulation
Probation Period
Lucifer wasn’t joking when he said you would be occupied with a lot of work. The first two weeks at the office were dedicated to acquainting yourself to the systems you would be using on a daily basis, learning the location of all the supplies as well as memorizing  what floors all the departments were. It was a proper nine-to-five with all the bells and whistles of benefits, overtime pay and paid-time-off as long as it was approved. Being so close to the head of the company, you came to realize just how much work actually needed to be done. Lucifer’s schedule was always full and you were constantly trying to squeeze in just one more meeting for him. It almost made the interview you went to feel like a feverish dream. 
Every now and then, you would steal a glance over to your boss after he finished speaking with another department head or analyst. The two of you would lock gazes and for a moment there would be a heat that welled up between your legs reminding you that everything he promised was real. 
You thought you were prepared for the job with your skill set, figuring fluency with an office suite was the bare minimum. However, you never thought you’d be learning six other proprietary systems while also having to answer a phone that never stopped ringing. 
Humans didn’t know many things; but, they could always be easily taught anything in the world with some proper training.
For someone who had lived hundreds of years, ensuring that you were well trained to actually handle the duties of his office before starting proper private lessons was a small price to pay. It barely passed in his mind that you could be needy and wanting more of what he had offered the night you signed your contract with him. He often looked fondly over the document after hours when even you had gone home, smirking in pride when he knew you hadn’t read everything thoroughly. No one ever did. 
You were beginning to think that the promise of “after hour activities” had all been made up and fell into a rhythm at work, quickly becoming efficient at weeding out the unnecessary meetings and phone calls by settling the issues at hand with a well worded email.Things were settling and finally you were in a lull where you could comfortably work and not feel like you were drowning in information. Still, even if you were a month and a half into your new position, the last thing he told you the night of the interview rang in your head. 
“Wear the same lipstick, will you? I’d love to see what that color looks like smeared all over my cock.” 
Ever since that night, you came into work with the same shade of red on your lips, hoping it would be the day he would get to see what the image of your lipstick all over his hard length looked like. It became so ingrained in your routine, you had even bought a few more tubes of the same color, just in case the current one you had ran out. 
Yet, nothing. No indications whatsoever from Lucifer that he took notice how obedient you were of his request. No outward signs that he was even remotely as affected as he was on the night of the interview. Soon enough, you had chalked it up to some persuasive tactics he used to get you to work for him. 
So, it was much to your surprise when you walked into the office in the beginning of your second month and found a small box sitting at your desk. Once your things were put away, curiosity got the better of you and you opened the non-descript box. The moment your eyes laid on the phallic object inside, you gasped and dropped it back onto your desk. 
“Is it not to your liking?” Lucifer’s low, silky voice came from behind you. He had somehow soundlessly made his way to your desk, watching your every move as you unwrapped his gift to you. 
“I uh… Uhm…” 
“A present… for making it through your first month here.” He explained, coaxing you out of your chair and bending you over your desk. Your body was as pliable and malleable as he remembered it to be. 
“I… Thank you… Lucifer…” you breathed, swallowing hard as you eyed the object nestled in the box. 
“Let me help you into it.” He offered, taking it into his hand. He moved one of your legs to be propped up on the top of your desk, the AC hitting your heat in a way it hadn’t in what felt like ages. Nearly nothing had been done and a fog of desire had already settled upon your brain. 
Now that he had an excellent view of your panties, he rubbed the stout, girthy toy up and down your slit, watching as your body twitched in reaction. Pushing your panties to the side, he pressed the tip of the toy into your pussy only to have a strangled gasp come from you as you weren’t wet enough to accept it yet. 
“I should have expected as much…” He murmured to himself. How foolish of him to forget that even if you had been in his care for the last month, your true training was starting today. Of course he couldn’t expect you to be as wet as he wanted as soon as you walked in. “Stay still.” He commanded and the warmth of his body left your side. 
Making his way to his desk, he unlocked a drawer and took out a bottle of lube. Generously coating the toy while he walked back to you, you saw the same glittering darkness in his eyes that made your heart race from the interview. Fearful that you had disappointed him, you started babbling apologies and begged for his forgiveness, promising to do better. He hushed you with a firm glare before going back to what he was doing. “The only thing you need to apologize for, is if you’re unable to be wet enough to take this first thing in the morning by next week.” he said coolly. 
The slick toy now much easier to slide into you was met with only the resistance of your tight pussy as he pushed it into you. “Starting today, you’ll wear this during your working hours.” He readjusted your panties once the vaginal plug was snuggly in you, the bottom of it just peeking out between your lips before your underwear covered them once again. Satisfied, he helped your leg down from the desk and put the bottle of lube into one of your drawers. “Don’t let it fall out now.” He said with a self satisfied smirk, turning heel and heading back to his desk as if nothing ever happened. 
The plug inside of you stretched you out and filled you deliciously so. However it wasn’t nearly large or long enough to properly satisfy you. Sitting down at your chair to start your own duties for the day, it pressed further into you, stimulating you and made it hard to concentrate on your tasks at hand. As hard as focusing was, the fear of disappointing Lucifer looming over you was even more oppressive. Any moment your mind wandered to the stretch your pussy was feeling, you forcibly had to look at something else or distract yourself with phone calls in order to get through the day. 
No matter how many distracting tasks you came up with, it did nothing to quell your arousal. The way the toy pressed at your entrance and teased all the spots inside of you that needed attention had your nerves on fire. You weren’t sure how you were going to survive if you needed to wear it on the regular. By the time your shift ended, there was a significant wet spot on your chair and on the back of your skirt. You were eternally lucky that there hadn’t been any physical meetings set up for the day. Though, you weren’t quite sure if it was actually luck or if Lucifer had orchestrated the day to work out like that for you. 
Regardless,cleaning up the mess you became in the bathroom was an adventure. The toy easily slid out of you and you groaned from both relief and desire. Having it inside of you all day only made you want something more. More being specifically Lucifer’s cock dragging itself in and out of your walls. As you washed the toy and stowed it away in its designated drawer, your mind meandered, wondering if today would be the day that you would see your lipstick on his dick. 
It was very much to your dismay though, when you came out of the bathroom, Lucifer had already left for the day and you were alone with your thoughts and a throbbing, aching pussy. 
The moment you got home, you frantically searched under your bed for the box that held your own small collection of toys and grabbed the first one that you knew could satisfy you in the way you had been craving all day. Thrusting it into your sopping core, you moaned wantonly, throwing your head back and flopping onto your bed, not caring to take off any more clothes than absolutely necessary. 
The toy worked in and out of you and you bucked against it. Almost forgetting that it could vibrate, you turned it on and let it do its work, making you moan as you shoved its full length into you. If only it was Lucifer and not a piece of silicone. If only he had bent you over the desk after work and filled you. Your fingers rubbed at your clit and you angled the toy to brush against your g-spot, gasping and writing in pleasure as your vision filled with stars. You panted heavily, the pressure of an orgasm building quickly in your abdomen and you couldn’t wait for the release it would give you. It only took a few more hard thrusts of the toy on its highest setting before you came undone, crying out gratefully and spasming around it, your mind reeling in the euphoria of getting off after hours of being teased by a damn toy. 
But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t him. And it somehow felt dirty that you had cum without his permission, without his heated gaze on your body. A feeling of shame and guilt washed over your body while you powered the toy off, gasping for air after the whirlwind fucking you had given yourself. You whined, pulling it out of you rolled over, the initial high had been great but it left you feeling dissatisfied for some reason. 
It was as if your pleasure belonged to Lucifer. No matter what you did to yourself, it wouldn’t be nearly the same as what he could give you. Your pussy ached for more stimulation just thinking about him, even if you had just cum. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to relieve yourself unless it was at his behest. Sighing heavily, you dragged your limp body to the shower to get rid of the mess between your legs and to prepare for another day of long torment without relief in sight. 
It took less than a week to train yourself to be wet enough to slide the vaginal plug into you without the aid of lube. First thing in the morning, Lucifer got a front row show of you parting your legs, taking the toy out of the drawer and putting it in you. You adapted quickly, kicking your skirt up before you sat down so that your bare ass came in contact with the chair and you would have less to clean up. Lucifer was kind enough to have the foresight to supply you with a leather chair to ensure your essence could be easily wiped up at the end of your shif. Ever since the first night, the desire to be fucked only grew in you. You hadn’t touched yourself since then, hoping, praying that he would show you mercy and relieve you in a way only he could. 
Ah, but Lucifer was cruel and he took his training very seriously. As soon as he knew you had grown accustomed to the first toy he introduced, he was ready to push your limits again as yet another gift graced your desk a week later. The butt plug, adorned with a glittering red jewel made you swallow hard. You hadn’t ever explored using your other hole, but Lucifer was at least gentle as he trained your asshole open that morning. 
Plenty of lube dribbled down your backside as he slowly worked the hard metal plug, pressing it against your tight ass and easing it into you, cooing and praising you the whole time. He pet your hair as you gasped from being stretched to your limit, he stroked your face as the plug finally slid into you and your whole body was alight with a flurry of sensations. “Good girl…” he praised softly, planting a kiss on your cheek before going back to work. As soon as you sat down, you knew you had a long day ahead of you as the duality of having both holes filled cast a fog over your mind.
Part of his responsibility as a boss to you was to make sure you were cared for, looked after and treasured even if his normal disposition was rather chilly. He was a stern businessman after all, but he did dote on you in some ways. The main way being that he made sure to be there every morning to fit the anal plug into you while you slid the other one into your waiting pussy. Every step of your training was meticulously overseen by him and he just loved the way your body accepted everything he tried as long as he was patient enough. 
Your workload never seemed to lessen, even with the weight of the plugs inside of you every day. The corporate world didn’t stop for anyone and you had to adapt even further to hide your sexual frustration from the guests that frequented the office during his meetings. Guiding them to the little alcove in the corner of the office lined with couches that served as a miniature ‘waiting room’ was the hardest part. Every step you took sent jolts of pleasure down your legs and you struggled to keep your pace even while maintaining perfect posture. Your muscles clenched and strained to ensure nothing fell out of you. Even if the journey was a short one, it felt like it lasted for miles with how much effort it took to look professional. You always ended your introductions with a smile, letting your esteemed guests know that Lucifer would be ready to see them shortly before having to make the long, arduous journey back to your desk. 
Lucifer took pride in the company he built and the people he trained. You, most of all, were so susceptible to all his lessons and adapted quickly. It only felt natural for him to spend on gifts for you, giving you a plethora of options to choose from on how to stuff your pussy for your day. Every few days, it seemed like there was a new box on your desk. Whether it was deliciously textured balls that rubbed against each other and stretched you in a way that made you see stars, or smooth orbs with weights in them, making you clench anytime they shifted inside of you, they all had one thing in common: they all left you wanting more. None of them ever seemed to stretch you far enough or deep enough to satisfy that itch and craving you had for Lucifer’s cock and you were driven nearly mad at that fact. 
He could just how frustrated you were as you cleaned up after yourself and bent over your desk, waiting for him remove the anal plug from your ass. Your essence flowed freely down your thigh at the end of the day and he was satisfied; especially when you let out that precious breathy moan of yours whenever the plug left you empty. You would always look back at him, pleading with your eyes for him to take it further and fill you, but it was business as usual for him. He’d tell you to go home and you would be left on the edge, unable to cum unless he gave you explicit permission to do so. 
The end of your second month working at Akuzon as Lucifer’s personal assistant drew to a close and by the third month you were there, no matter what task you were doing, your mind reeled with fantasized images of how you wanted Lucifer to take you and make you scream. It invaded every fiber of your being. It was so endlessly frustrating to see your boss completely straight laced and nonplussed at your predicament. He could tell you were close to your breaking point, almost a month of teasing and yet no release in sight; it would soon come time for him to give you what you truly craved. 
“Ah… This is a problem, can you come here and help?” He called you over to his desk and pointed at the space underneath. “I dropped the whole box of paperclips and I really don’t have time to pick them up before my next meeting. Be a dear, and help?” 
“Yes, of course, Lucifer.” you obliged, thinking nothing of it and scrambled on your hands and knees to pick up what seemed to be hundreds of paperclips on the ground. Before you were even a quarter of the way through, you heard the elevator in the distance ding, signalling the arrival of your next guest. Scrambling to get up and greet them, you only found yourself blocked off by Lucifer sitting down, scooting his chair right up to you and blocking your escape. 
“Don’t make a sound now.” He said quietly, looking down at you with an expectant expression on his face. “This guest is of the highest esteem and I would like to make sure this acquisition goes smoothly.” 
“Y-yes, Lucifer.” You mumbled, shifting enough so that you were settled somewhat comfortably between his legs and staring right at his thighs. 
“My apologies for not having my assistant greet you.” Lucifer said as his guest came in. “She’s on an errand and couldn’t make it back in time. Please, take a seat.” He stood up, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the desk and got right to work, discussing the terms of his next acquisition and his expectations once the companies merged. The talk was mundane and there was a fair amount of back and forth as schematics were discussed. 
He kept one hand on his thigh, gently stroking his crotch, and you watched wide eyed, barely daring to breathe as he got hard right in front of his client. His voice betrayed nothing, staying smooth and low while he discussed business matters. You could barely think straight as his finger beckoned you closer to his clothed crotch. His musky scent mixing with the smell of his cologne and newly dry cleaned clothes made you dizzy. As his cock started to strain and press against his pants, you carefully leaned forward, nuzzling his crotch and basking in his closeness. 
He seemed to enjoy this little development. His hand wandered over to your hair, pulling you closer and encouraging you. The thrill of possibly being caught sparked an arousal in you that you hadn’t expected. The conversation above you melted away as you focused on the hardening length pressed up against your cheek and breathing in his scent, getting intoxicated by just his proximity. His hand gently patted your hair as you nuzzled him to full mast under his clothes. You felt your arousal rise along with his cock, your slick essence soaking through your panties. Yet you didn’t dare touch yourself or make a noise. 
“Ah, how foolish of me. I forgot the final paperwork in my car. Please, excuse me for a moment while I retrieve it.” The client said as they drew close to closing the deal. “I’ll be right back.” 
“Of course, please take your time.” Lucifer said. You couldn’t see it, but you could almost feel the self satisfied smirk that was undoubtedly on his face once the guest left to retrieve the documents. 
As soon as the elevator dinged and they were alone, his grip in your hair tightened. He slid back just enough to see your face peeking out from between his thighs. “Don’t ruin this for me.” he warned, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. You started salivating as you saw his length unfurl before you, hard and throbbing, a drop of precum dribbling from the tip and your tongue darted out to catch it and taste him. He smirked, loving how obedient  you were without him asking you to be. “Don’t mess up my suit. Understand?” 
“Yes… Sir.” 
The dark glitter of lust shone in his eyes for a brief moment as you addressed him properly. He settled himself back into place and you were once again alone under the desk; but this time with a very important task at hand. It was a long ride up the elevator from the ground floor to the top, which gave you ample time to suck him off as loudly and as lewdly as you wanted. His cock filled your mouth hot and heavy, the salt from his precum and his scent cast a haze over you as you put as much of him in your mouth as you could. Your hand fisting the rest of what you couldn’t handle all at once. 
His hand in your hair set the pace, making your head bob as you slurped and sucked. Only once did you hear a satisfied groan come from him. But, that was enough to send your hormones into overdrive and you redoubled your efforts into pleasuring him. Your knees ached and your whole body felt too hot to be cramped under his desk like this; but the taste and feel of his cock in your mouth was worth it. It was truly too soon when you heard the tell tale ding of the elevator in the distance, signalling the return of your guest that you had to abruptly stop being loud. 
“I didn’t take too long, now did I?” 
“No, not at all. I was just reviewing everything to make sure everything is crossed and dotted properly.” Lucifer replied calmly, but you could hear a slight strain in his tone. His hand pushed your mouth further down his length until he hit the back of your throat. You fought back a startled squeal and resisted the urge to gag, relaxing your body and your reflexes to accept him as he saw fit. Satisfied, he removed his hand to go over a few more things on the paperwork and you took the prerogative to keep taking him until every inch of him was down your throat. You had to take slow breaths to keep yourself from passing out, his girthy cock blocking much of your airway. 
You could feel his thighs tense as he was balls deep down your throat. As soon as he was able to, his hand returned to your hair and set a languid pace, using your mouth and throat as a fuck toy while he hashed out important business details. Drool pooled at the base of his cock as you let him use you. The worry of ruining his suit caused your whole body to tense in anxiety and you prayed that everything would drip onto the chair below him and not on the expensive tweed of his suit. 
“Yes, I think all of that checks out. Just our signatures left.” Lucifer’s voice floated into your consciousness, the first clear sign that it was all going to be over soon. He didn’t know just how wet you were from sucking him off under his desk. Just rubbing your thighs together, you knew there was a slick mess for you to deal with later on your own. 
Just a little bit more… You told yourself, holding your desire and your breath as you heard the tell tale scratching above you of papers being signed. From there, it was only a few more congratulatory remarks and the guest was on his way out. As soon as he leaves I’m going to suck his soul out from his dick. You determined, fantasizing about how his hot load would taste going down your throat. 
“Yes, that’s the last of everything. I’ll have the receptionist see you out.” Lucifer shuffled the documents on his desk and slid them into a drawer. 
“Of course. I look forward to future business ventures with you.” 
“And I as well. Thank you for coming.” 
Something happened then that you didn’t think could ever happen. You stifled a whimper against his cock buried in your face, but it was impossible to not make a sound. Your whole body shivered when he said that word. The way it lilted and the meaning it held to you had involuntarily made you orgasm. All the sexual tension you had been asked to hold for the past month came crashing around you and you were a shaking wreck, clenching around the small toys inside of you. The lack of air making the euphoria of your climax all the more surreal. 
“Did you hear something?” 
“Must have been the air conditioning settling.” Lucifer lied easily, gripping your hair tightly as a warning. “It does that sometimes… scares me half to death when I’m alone after hours.” He chuckled and gestured towards the door when he saw a message on his desk phone light up. “My receptionist is already here to see you out… Please be sure to drive safely home.” 
“I will. Thank you again.” 
The pain of his hand in your hair grounded you as you rode out the unbidden orgasm. As soon as the elevator was on its way down, the pressure of his cock filling your mouth and throat as you were roughly pulled away from him. You gasped, tears of relief streaked down your face as you took deep unhindered breaths to clear your mind. Whatever plans you had to swallow his load earlier were completely dashed as he pulled you off his cock. 
He slid his chair back assessing your disheveled figure under his desk.  The sight of your drool and lipstick smeared across your face, your hair an absolute rat’s nest from the rough treatment and your trembling form in the aftershocks of your sudden orgasm did things to him he hadn’t expected. He knew he had you trained well with the toys; but it never crossed his mind just how much power his words had over you. Just the casual phrase he let slip had made you cum. The knowledge of that sent a thrill through his body as he immediately started to scheme all the things he could do to you. 
Lucifer glanced down at his cock, looking at the long red streaks of lipstick smeared all across the length. He smirked, loving how the color looked against it. “I was right… that color does look good all over my cock.” He pushed his chair back again to give you just enough room to timidly crawl out from under the desk and stretch your aching muscles. Seeing you on all fours also made him want to do things to you, things that would have to wait until later. “I was going to reward you for a job well done.” He started, pulling you up and sitting you on the edge of his desk. “But unfortunately… it looks like someone got too much pleasure out of this exchange without my permission.” 
His hands spread your thighs apart for him and he pushed your soaked panties to the side, the toys peeking out of your ass and your pussy were absolutely drenched in your juices. Your nether region quivered, and pulsated around the small toy, trying to milk it as you had done to his cock months prior. “Every one of your orgasms… belong to me.”
“Ye… yes, Sir…” you breathed. “I’m sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again, Sir.” you babbled, praying he would forgive you. 
“I suppose I can cut you some slack. Even I didn’t know how sensitive you can be from my words.” His fingers stroked your labia, his touch driving you insane. It had been so long since he had last been intimate with you like this, your whole body was in complete sensation overdrive as it relished being touched by him again. Sure, he spent a few minutes every day prepping your ass; but that was nothing compared to what he was giving you now. 
“Thank you sir.” You sobbed, your heart nearly beating out of your chest at the prospect of feeling more of him. 
“Of course… It’s only proper that I congratulate you on making it through the probationary period.” He replied casually, pulling the plug out of your ass and letting it drop to the ground. He chuckled, as you whined, feeling your anus being stretched out as it exited you and then feeling the emptiness that came after it. The toy in your pussy came out next, but he made sure to take his sweet time to drag it out of you, watching it come out bit by bit. The needy whine that came from your lips as your empty cunt begged to be filled again was music to his ears. 
It was only a short moment after that all your needs were fulfilled. His cock easily slid into you, assisted by the copious amounts of your essence that coated your nether region. The dull thud of the toy hitting the ground sounded so distant. All that mattered was finally feeling full and having your needs satiated by Lucifer. With no one else in the office anymore, you moaned loudly, throwing your head back and clutching the edge of the desk to brace yourself. Your legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him closer towards you. It had been so long since you had felt his cock inside of you; yet, your body seemed to remember every ridge and edge of it as he filled you up. 
“Does that feel good?” He purred, very pleased at your reaction. Holding off on fucking you was possibly the best decision he had ever made. However, now that he had you, he knew he couldn’t hold off again like that. Not when your heat surrounded him and released all the carnal desire he had reigned in for the past months. 
“Yes… Yes, Sir!” 
“You’ve wanted this for a long time, now huh?” he asked, starting a slow and steady pace to build you up to yet another explosive orgasm. “The toys I gave you weren’t enough? You wanted this inside of you instead, huh?” 
“Yes… Yes… “ You were delirious, swimming in a sea of pure pleasure as his cock hit every sensitive spot in you that had been craving attention for months now. You couldn’t see or think straight. It was all like the first time you had coupled during your interview. All of it was so intense and amazing, it took your breath away. “I want you so much, Sir. I can’t stop thinking about you.” you admitted freely. 
“What a good girl…” he praised, stroking your hair gently. “Your hard work will be rewarded.” He said before roughly slamming his hips into you and burying his whole length into you. Your cries of pleasure rang in his ear as he picked up the pace and chased his release inside of you. Your walls, so tight after your first orgasm hugged him deliciously and he saw stars every time he was balls deep inside of you. 
“Oh… thank you! Thank you, Sir.” you sang endless praises for him as he fucked you senseless, taking you to highs you had never experienced. Being teased for months on end had made all your nerves so sensitive, you could barely handle the reward he was giving you; and that was possibly the best part of it all. “This is the best… reward.. Thank you… thank y---” 
Lucifer cut off your words with a deep kiss, shoving his tongue roughly into your mouth and exploring your mouth. He could taste traces of him in you and it only served to make his hips snap into yours even faster and harder. He was close again. Anytime it came to being inside of you, he knew it would be over soon. Perhaps that was why he preferred to tease you for such long periods of time. The payoff was so worth it in the end. 
“Cum.” he commanded once he broke his kiss with you. “Cum like you did the first time, milk me.” He hissed, his pace now erratic and needy. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Sir!” you obliged, the pleasure building up in your abdomen crumbling all at once and you came around his cock hard. Your vision whiting out for a moment and your ears ringing from the force of your climax. 
It only took a few more brutal thrusts before he emptied himself inside of you with a satisfied groan, his long lashes fluttering as your walls pulsed around him and accepted every drop of his seed. “Very good…” He murmured softly, holding you in a close embrace and patting your hair as the both of you came down from the highs of your orgasms. 
Lucifer hissed as he pulled out of you once he was soft enough to do so. The image of his cum dripping out of you was so enticing, it almost made him hard again. Satisfied that you were properly trained for his needs, he adjusted your panties back over your crotch and looked up at your blissed out face. “Congratulations, you’re now a permanent member of my staff.” He cooed, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You weren’t even in the right mindset to thank him, your brain reeling from the pleasure and your body relaxing after finally getting the release you had been craving for months. His words sounded like they were coming from under water, muffled and garbled. You blinked, in a haze, trying to focus. 
It wasn’t until something cool hit your neck that you jolted to consciousness, grounding yourself with the new sensation against your heated skin. A thin, delicate chain held up a beautiful pendant in the shape of a peacock feather now adorned your neck. In your high, Lucifer had pulled the gift out from his desk and helped himself to putting it on you. 
“A small gift… I think it suits you.” he explained softly. 
“Thank you…” You said, rather touched by the gentle gesture. “I’ll wear it with pride.” 
“I expect nothing less from you.” 
It was true, humans didn’t know much at all until they were trained. You were proof of that and he couldn’t wait to see what other things he could teach you to do with your body.
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idga-buck · 4 years
use somebody || five
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pairing: harry x plus-size!reader
word count: 1,800
warnings: mentions of sex, douchebaggery, and shitty attitudes toward women
summary: a night out has harry asking question he usually stays away from
challenge: @baezen​‘s the Other Guys Writing Challenge
previous // masterlist  // next
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He didn’t know you. Not really. A one night stand, a handful of parties, one long yet entertaining car ride and most recently a clandestine tour of another man’s wine cellar that he’d definitely be thinking about later, but in reality you were still strangers to each other. He still didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. Now that he’s hustling down the winding walkway from Darius’ back patio to the street, he doesn’t waste time trying to figure out why he cares so much. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he tried, kicking up his feet in a jog to catch up. The jingle of the chain clipped to his belt loop was louder out in the open and he self consciously tucked it into his pocket. He thought he heard you say you didn’t care, but you didn’t stop walking away from him either. “Would you look at me?” You spun quickly to face him and Harry nearly found himself putting the ass in asphalt as he tried not to plow through you. You’d caught him off guard and suddenly he wasn’t sure what to say. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Smooth.
After a few tense seconds, your hands dropped from your hips and dangled freely in a resigned posture. “I’m not hurt, Harry, you don’t owe me anything.” His immediate response was to argue, but he hardly knew what he disagreed with. “You’re a grown ass man, kiss whoever you want,” you shrugged. “Just because I’m not looking for a relationship doesn’t mean I wanna screw up someone else’s.”
“It isn’t a relationship,” he defended even though he believed you. You didn’t look upset. You didn’t look happy to see him either and he selfishly wanted that part back. Textbook people pleaser and he was kicking himself for it. “She calls me when she’s bored.”
“So you were bored?” You clarified and he didn’t like it. He didn’t kiss you because he was bored. He was bored, but he wanted to kiss you. That fact hadn’t changed since he met you. He might have forgotten for a moment, but the second he spotted you, it all came back to him. Not because he was bored. No.
“I didn’t say that,” he frowned awkwardly.
“You came out tonight… with a girl that only wants you when she’s bored.” Yeah, so? “Either you’re a gigolo or you were bored too.”
Harry was almost certain there was a wrong answer, but he wasn’t sure if there was a right one. You must have sensed his nervousness because the grace you offered in the form of a teasing smile felt like cool water splashed over his face, the fever instantly gone. Once he could breathe again, Harry grinned back and shoved his hands in his pockets, stepping up next to you as you resumed walking down the hill. “I’m not a gigolo.”
“Too bad,” you laughed and he knocked his hip into yours. You returned the gesture and he stumbled a bit off balance…. and now all he could think about were those hips, wider and clearly more powerful than his. He knew what it felt like to grip them tight. The term “for dear life” came to mind. But what else would they do to him if he was given the opportunity? He was more than a little eager to find out. 
“So…” he slurred, looking around the car lined street, significantly quieter than the house. “We’re not going back, right?”
“Right,” you laughed. Before he got the chance to suggest something stupid like going back to his place, you saved him from the embarrassment. “I’m starving,” you looked over your shoulder at him and Harry grinned back.
“I can always eat.”
He’d said it so confidently fine with spending more time with you, but he hadn’t expected to be standing in front of a fancy restaurant at 9:30 on a Thursday night. He certainly hadn’t padded his wallet for something like Taix when he left his apartment thinking he’d be dipping into a party and then out of that girl’s bed well before midnight. The only thing padding his wallet was a condom and unlike all of the cash folded behind it, it apparently would remain unused.
“No one just craves French cuisine,” he teased, hoping you’d agree and pull him away for a burger and fries.
“I do,” you quipped back, not even bothering to look at the menu. You were on a mission and as a waiter in a crisp white shirt and black bow tie approached, Harry guessed he was about to find out what it was. Short ribs and a beet salad. A weird craving. “I’ll never finish it all, so get something different and have some of mine.” It was a genuine offer, he could tell and he smiled back. A small, shy little quirk of the lips that made you frown and the smile fell away completely. He’d planned on offering to pay for your meal, but with the wine that was promised to be paired with the meal, it was going to be well over $50 for you alone. Beyond what he was able to swing that night.
“Uh, French onion soup looks good.”
“And for your entree?” The waiter probed. Shit. Harry looked back at the slick leather folder in his hands and realized he’d ordered from the Hors d’oeuvre menu. After hemming and hawing for too long, you politely asked the gentleman on your left to give you a few more minutes to decide and Harry was equally relieved and embarrassed.
“Ok... What’s the deal?”
“What do you mean?” Harry didn’t have to look across the table to know what you were getting at. 
“Get the Steak Frites, it’s good and you said you wanted fries,” you said simply, as if it was obvious. It was anything but. He tried to argue and you pushed back, but not rudely. It was a good place, you pulled him from his plans, he deserved something tasty to close out the night. All good and valid points. Harry didn’t have much by way of macho pride, but the miniscule amount he kept tucked away was a little sore anyways. 
“I can’t afford this place,” he admitted sharply before tucking his forehead into his hands, realizing that the surrounding tables had heard him. It wasn’t like it was shocking. He was wearing a leather vest and his shoes had distressed blue and white stars stitched above worn rubber soles that were more gray than white now. It wasn’t a fashion statement, it was just him. Clearly he didn’t belong there. He wished he could ignore that for you, for no other reason than wanting to see you again. The way the night was going, he wasn’t sure he’d get another chance. 
“You couldn’t afford to eat at the Roosevelt either, but you did,” you pointed out and he rolled his eyes.
“This is different,” he said through his teeth. He wasn’t mad, just uncertain. He couldn’t get his footing with you and it was frustrating. Yes he’d taken you up on your offer to linger at the expensive hotel after sex, but having dinner after a steamy make out felt different. He just hoped you wouldn’t ask him how since he had no clue. It just was.
You waited a moment, but when he didn’t have anything else to add, you nodded and waved the waiter back over to your table with a smile. You reached across the table and squeezed his forearm gently. Harry looked up from his shame and smiled back, still awkward but appreciative. Finally, you were leaving and he could stop making an ass of himself.
“Steak Frites,” you said and his eyes widened to the size of the dinner plates he couldn’t afford. You asked about cocktails and Harry knew his mouth hung open, having a conversation in code right in front of him about whiskeys he’d never even heard of. But you can’t make a real Old Fashioned out of Old Crow. Not in a place like this. Once the garçon was satisfied with the order, you turned to look across the table and held out your hand. “It’s on me, Harry. I was the one that wanted to come here, it’s only fair.” He took your hand and didn’t let go until he had to, dishes and drinks suddenly occupying the middle of the table and your attention.
Half way through the meal, which even Harry had to admit was the best he’d had in years, pride be damned, a stout gentleman in a heavy white coat emerged from the kitchen expressly to interrupt your meal. He planted a big kiss on each of your cheeks and Harry stumbled slightly while trying to stand with his hand outstretched. It was batted away and he received the same treatment, stiffening at the feel of a thick mustache against his cheeks. The conversation was short lived and that’s when Harry learned your secret to scoring tables at fancy French restaurants without reservations. You have to know the chef. Duh.
Once the conversation was just the two of you again, Harry felt more at ease, forgetting the venue and the price of the drink warming his rapidly filling belly. He didn’t feel out of place when it was just the two of you joking and sharing anecdotes like you had in the front seat of his car. It was surprising how easy it was. He was so pleased even the beets tasted better. Usually they were like chewy dirt discs to him, but off your fork, they were divine. Maybe it was the hand that fed him that was divine. Either way, the night ended too soon. The bill paid without him even pretending to reach for his wallet. The rip of Velcro against a faux Parisian backdrop would have been too much embarrassment and he was glad he hadn’t gotten the soup so his wallet could stay firmly tucked in his back pocket. You called a car like it was nothing and asked if he needed a ride after having walked from Darius’. He started to decline, but your face told him not to. He’d be a damn fool to deny himself a dark backseat with you pressed up against him, so he held the door for you and slid in until there was no room between you. Your head was a comforting weight on his shoulder and Harry had to remind himself that it wasn’t a movie. Or a real date. Or a date at all. What was this?
He didn’t get the answer before his apartment was pulling up on the right and he scowled at the balcony through the car window. Before he could reach his door, you leaned out the window, chin propped up on your folded hands to harass him once more, thank him for his company, and remind him to call you if he decided to run away from any other obnoxious parties. He told you to call him if you had any more cravings for expensive cuisine and were feeling generous. You laughed and waved before slipping back into your seat without another glance. The car drove off, taking you with it, and Harry stood on the sidewalk with his heart beating fast, wondering what the hell he’d gotten himself into.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ^o^
May I request a Match up, please?
I’m at the part when I have to choose a route and I honestly don’t know/care. So I decided why not let some lovely internet stranger choose for me? Who do you think I would pair the best with?
I also noticed how much effort and detail you put into these so I decided that it was only fair to try to put in just as much effort in requesting. Or maybe I am just extremely vain so blabbering on this much about myself comes naturally (I also wouldn’t be too suprised if this were the case lol). Either way, I apologise for this getting so long. And without further ado, let’s learn about yours truly. Uh, yay?
I will start with my physical appearance because that’s easiest.  
First of all, I am rather tall for a woman. Pair that with the fact that I constantly wear boots with 8 centimetre or greater heels and I almost always cap out somewhere above 182 centimetres (that’s 6 feet in American). So yes. I’m not exactly the approachable type, on the account of my height and near constant resting bitch face. I always look pissed off at something (and to be fair, I usually am).
I am a brunette with boring brown eyes. Nothing of note there. 
I prefer to walk on my toes, for whatever reason. I also have great posture when I walk and these two factors always make it seem like I am floating. I’ve been told that I always seem very confident and self-assured. Which is complete bullshit because 90% of the time, I am winging it. 
I am a dancer (of sorts. More on that later), so I am rather slim and toned. This is literally the only aspect of my physicality that I am actually confident in. The rest of me can burn in hell for all I care. 
I am also very touch adverse. I hate the feeling of skin touching my skin it grosses me touch. However. There are a select few people in this world that I accept and enjoy hugs and cuddles from (and who I could snuggle with for hours). If I let anyone cuddle me that means I trust said person unconditionally and feel extremely comfortable around them. It’s essentially the ultimate statement of trust.
Onto personality.
If you can’t already tell, I have about as much dignity as a wet cat. I while I certainly do have an ego, it can be kind of difficult to bruise. Publically, I am absolutely shameless and don’t give two shits about what others think. 
I have a tongue of steel and can rapid fire the most atrocious insults and comebacks when provoked. I’m known for my venomous sarcasm and biting wit among my own circles. I have a line for nearly every single situation so one-liners have become my thing. Which works out for me because I am a huge flirt.
I’ll flirt with pretty much anyone regardless of gender, I don’t give a crap. To clarify, it’s not because I am an attention whore (okay, yes. I am a complete attention whore), it’s because I am a theatre kid so excessive eye contact and sexual jokes are kinda where I thrive. I am also not afraid to get questionably lascivious with my flirting if someone tries to out-pace me. I never blush, I never falter, and I never let anyone know that they got the better of me. It shows weakness. 
Despite my salacious façade, I am not inherently a sexual person. As a matter of fact, I am quite the opposite. I don’t experience sexual attraction (kudos to my asexual humans. I see you). This has rendered me practically immune to all charm, crushes, and sex appeal. It makes my life a lot easier, in my opinion. I don’t get too attached. I also enjoy messing around with the egos of fuck boys. 
As mentioned earlier, I am an attention whore. I love showing off because I crave validation (this could point to some deep seated insecurities about myself that I refuse to acknowledge…. Ahem). Being on stage as where I thrive. And yes, I am a dancer, as I stated earlier. But I am not your conventional prissy ballerina. I am a circus performer. More specifically, I’m an aerialist. I have covered trapeze, contortion (I am unnaturally flexible), lyra, and silks. It’s a lot of fun almost dying every day and finding bruises in the most questionable places (if you cant already tell, I am an adrenaline junkie. I took karate for the first dozen or so years of my life and have recently been searching for more weapons combat classes because apparently I don’t have enough bruises already).
I am not easily impressed. And I don’t give out compliments very often. And that includes myself. I can be unnecessarily hard on myself at times… most of the time. But then again, who isn’t? 
As for the side of me that isn’t stark-raving mad, I am usually a pretty objective person. While I have no qualms with discussing emotions (both mine and friend’s. I am a great listener and actually give pretty good advice when it comes to dealing with intense emotions). I tend to avoid letting them interfere with my logic. I look down on those who allow their emotions to dictate their actions. It makes them needlessly reckless. 
I am typically a pretty chill person. When I am among people I am unfamiliar with, I tend to stay quiet and try not to rock the boat too much (again, I won’t hesitate to unleash a severe tongue lashing upon any poor soul who happens to rub me the wrong way… Or just happens to exist. I don’t take shit from other people and I hate it when others try to control me. (I don’t play rough, I play smart). 
I really enjoy reading, writing, or drawing quietly. I can’t stand loud and excessive noises or people (parties, screaming, concerts). I am a true extroverted introvert. I love being the center of attention and chatting, but I need my alone time. People are exhausting to deal with. 
Because of my aversion to loud sounds, I tend to avoid typical dance parties like the plague. While I am very good with mingling and partying in general, I can only keep it up in short bursts before I have to retreat somewhere quiet. This is also the reason I greatly prefer the nighttime (if I had a choice I would sleep all day and only frolick around at night. I just love the dark. It’s comforting in a weird way). I also love the night because that’s when I get to sleep and just peace out on life. It’s kinda like non-committal dying.
I am near constantly on hyper-alert so I am not easily startled. When I do get startled, I have a tendency to squeak, yelp or growl. These noses are purely reactionary sounds but for whatever reason, my friends think that they are absolutely adorable and will go to great lengths to startle me just to hear me make them.
To counteract my friend’s malevolence, I have learnt to be super observant, especially when I feel threatened. Usually, I am caught up on my own world and thoughts. I have an imagination so powerful that I can trick my brain into feeling false sensations such as an extra limb or falling. I much prefer to spend my time in my head rather than our boring reality. But if I feel threatened, or think that another attack is imminent, I instantly become hyper aware. These moments of lucidity enable me to make certain observations others would otherwise be overlooked (for example. I was able to tell when my professor lost her wedding ring due to the discoloration around her ring finger and the habitual and near-constant worrying she did at it. I offered to help her look after class ^.^. I admittedly felt kinda smug when I saw her surprise.) Ironically enough, I like to refer to this mode of thinking as “Sherlocking”. I can be quite the detective when I really try. 9 out of 10 times my friends will come to me when they suspect infidelity, I am pretty good at digging up dirt. 
However, I have to make the conscious decision to do this, usually when I am trying to figure someone out or manipulate them into liking me. So this isn’t constant and usually I go about my day like everyone else, blissfully unaware of my surroundings.
Uhh, there is probably more I could cover but this is getting very long as-is and you are probably forcing yourself to get through my seemingly eternal ramblings. So I am going to stop here and go grab myself some food. 
Best of luck to you,
Hi there love!<3 you sound like such a cool interesting person! ^_^ Hehehe I probs took so long with this match up that you already chose a new route lol! Anyways thanx for waiting soooooo long for this and I hope ya enjoy it love ^0^ ^_^
I match you with……………………… Masamune
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Honestly, it was between Masamune and Mitsuhide for me lol but i eventually decided to go with Masamune 
The first time Masamune sees you, his eyes go wide in awe, like wow you are one tall fine lady! He has legit never met anyone so tall. After you were named as chatelaine, you stayed behind with some of the warlords to chat and get to know them better, you are after all going to be seeing their faces every day for the next 3 months. 
Right of the bat, Masamune is howling in laughter at the fact that you are way taller than Ieyasu. You, Masamune and Mitsuhide basically tease the poor porcupine for a solid 20 minutes. “My my I never expected such a scary-looking little mouse to be so bubbly and friendly.” 
Oooh, this boy just stared a war of wits. Today day was a good day cause your tongue of steel was rapidly firing witty words and sarcastic remarks at the resident kitsune. He almost couldn’t keep up, almost. Masamune was just standing there watching the whole scene unfold, you truly were going to be a lot of fun! Masamune decided to test out that tongue of steel of your and started firing some flirty pick-up line, while unbeknown to him you are the queen of one-liners, and have no shame when it comes lascivious flirting. Masamune, of course, never backs down from a challenge, and he was determined to make you blush. The conversation got so heated that it made even Hideyoshi blush on your behalf. You simply laughed and fired another one of your pick-up lines.
After the little chat in the hallway and a massive speech from mama bear for talking about things that were not PG13, cause of the kids *cough* Mitsunari *cough*, you and Masamune become quick friends. He had never met a woman before that was immune to his boyish wild charm, and handsome sexual appeal. Masamune was definitely popular with the woman, not as popular as Hideyoshi, but he was definitely a fuckboi. As surprised as he was, that his normal antics didn't work on you, his ego wasn’t dented one bit, it just made him more determined to get to know you. 
Masamune definitely finds your flirtatious nature attractive, especially when you managed to score the two of you free sweet bun just by flirting with the shop owner, he was, even more, shook when the shop owner was a woman, your flirtation truly knows no bounds. The two of you would spend loads of time together, just going out for tea and sweets while getting to know each other. TBH although Masamune would never admit it, he found it refreshing that you weren't just his friend simply cause he was hot or cause you wanted to climb in stations but because you actually liked him as a person. You and Masamune definitely made an unstoppable team when it came to banquets. The two of you would team up and start teasing everyone there. When you two cuties are together its always a good time with loads of laughter and banter
Masamune discovered that you like him, was an adrenaline junkie. He loved that he finally had someone around that would do stupid shit with him just for the thrill of it. The two of you would go out on adventures 24/7 jumping down waterfalls and hiking up cliffs. The two of you goofball would also dare each other to do the craziest shit. Like one-time Masamune dared you to jump off the castle’s roof onto your balcony, and you freaken did it, no questions asked. Or like the one time you dared him to put his head in Shogetsu mouth, mind you the little cub was now grown into a full-blown tiger
One day you and Masa went to go watch one of Mitsuhide’s undercover performances. The three of you were investigating a shady daimyo in one of the nearby provinces. The three of you disguised yourselves as performers and joined a circus troop as their new dancers. You were so excited, the stage is where you truly come alive. You had promised Masa to show him something that would shock/surprise him after he gave you the grand tour of  Azuchi. Today was the day, you had kept your dance and performances a secret from the two men, and now it was finally time to show them what you can do. You had 3 different performances planned. The first one was contortion. To say Masamune was shook would be an understatement he never knew anyone could be so freaken flexible, like wow. Your next performance was aerial dancing, his blue eye gleamed in delight, watching you move through the air so gracefully. If he wasn’t sure before he was sure now, this boy loved ya. But what really took his breath away was when you trapezed through the air, he was absolutely mesmerized at the way you flew through the air doing back-flips and other cool ass tricks. Masamune loved the look of pure joy on your face as you performed and after the show, you explained to him that you were a theatre kid back in the past. Mitsuhide definitely took note of your skills, and since that day you now accompanied him on most missions that required him to disguise himself as a performer.
Masamune loved everything about you at this point. Your overdramatic introvert/extrovert personality. The way you walked. Gosh, he loved the way you walked, it looked like you were an angel floating around wherever you went. He loved your banter and one-liner for every situation. And most of all he loved your hyper-alert side. Boy did he love to come up behind you to scare the crap outta you just so he could hear you squeak, yelp or growl. Like he lived for those adorably cute noises. And you somewhere along the line had fallen in love with the big idiot. He was always coming up with new fun adventures to go on or new fun things to do. He was one of those few people that could actually keep up with your banter
What was he most impressed with you may ask, well you Sherlocking skills of course. One day there were rumours of some super shady daimyos visiting Azuchi. Word on the street was that they were planning on stealing Mitsunari report to make the poor angel look bad. Mitsuhide was away sorting out some other plots and schemes, so it was now up to you to use your skills, to save the angel. You used your detective skill to gather evidence, and since your inner circle knew you were from the future, you were planning on catching them in the act and filming them for evidence. Masamune was always up for an adventure, so he acted as you own personal Watson. The two of you hid while watching the whole scene unfold, once they left the room the two of you came out. “What do you think they are going to do with the report lass,” he asked while his blue eye gleamed in delight. “Hmmmmm, I believe they are going to burn the evidence in the forest” you replied in your best British accent. Masamune couldn’t help but laugh. The two of you made your way to a secluded part of the forest and spotted them making a fire. Masamune looked at you curiously “How did you know they were going to be in this exact spot.” “Elementary, my dear Masamune.” He couldn’t help but burst out in laughter you really were a super fun kitten. Unfortunately for the two of you, they heard you guys laughing behind the trees and before you knew it, the two of you were surrounded. One of the men had a sword right at your throat ready to cut you open, that is when you shocked them by not backing down from the fight, you hit the sword away with one of your own gifted to you by your dearest one-eyed dragon. “ Point that sword at me one more time and i’ll slash your Achilles’ tendons, and TBH given the medicine situation of this time, no one would know how to fix your injury, so I hope you like hobbling around on one leg for the rest of your life cause that is what will happen.” These men were shook; meanwhile, Masa was next to you howling in laughter, “She’s not joking boys, this lass delivers on her threats.” You had never seen grown men run away from a fight so fast. You and Masamune picked up Mitsunari’s report that had fallen on the ground during the commotion and walked back hand in hand
You didn’t really like skin touching skin, but TBH you definitely like the warm feeling of Masamune’s hand warmed around yours. The two of you had come to fall in love with each other, and it wasn’t long before you two cuties entered into a relationship. Despite both of you being adrenaline junkies, both of you also loved your quiet times. Often you would sit together in his manor each doing your own thing. You would read and write, and Masamune would sit at his desk pretending to work (Cause admin is so freaken boring). 
The two of you would have the best time together during banquets you loved being the centre of attention and would chat with everyone, but as the night would progress you would start feeling a bit drained and that’s when the one-eyed dragon would swoop in, pick you up and takes you to a quiet corner where the two of you cuddle and snuggle together.
He would spoil you rotten with the most amazing food, he would basically, cook anything your heart desires just to see that beautiful smile on your face. His heart would always burst with affection whenever he cuddles and kiss you, he knew that the fact that you allowed him to cuddle you was the ultimate statement of trust between the two of you.
Often the two of you cuties can be found causing mischief and giving Mamayoshi more grey hairs or cuddled together sharing stories of your day
Other potential matches............... Mitsuhide 
Hope u enjoyed it dear @november-solarstorms
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gwenbrightly · 6 years
Oh look! My brain decided to create a random drabble about elemental powers instead of focusing on OMAC… Oops. I guess Misako's appearance will have to wait… All the headcanons and stories I've been reading lately that mention Lloyd's powers acting up when he gets emotional made the temptation to write this too great. So yeah. This one shot can probably be considered a part of Of Milk and Cookies, and takes place just after the chapter titled Awkward. I hope you enjoy!
Elemental powers are weird, Lloyd muses early one morning not too long after their visit to Darkley's Boarding School. He can control his now – sorta – and the others can do some pretty amazing stuff with theirs – like being able to lift a sports car with your pinkie. Or spark fire with a snap of your fingers (literally). Or charge your phone using only your own energy. Or meditate inside of a freezer for hours on end without getting cold (okay, maybe he hadn't been around for that). All those things are incredibly cool, and Lloyd's not complaining, because someday he'll be able to do all of that too, which is super exciting. He can't wait, really.
But sometimes... Sometimes having powers isn't exactly the best. He's been around this weird, dorky family of his long enough to notice that there are days where things get a little out of wack. Where Kai or Zane get emotional and the temperature around them suddenly changes to the extreme, or any number of other bizarre side effects. Just last week, Lloyd walked into their skimpy apartment only to feel his hair immediately begin defying gravity due to the sheer amount of electricity filling the air. Puns involving shocking had most definitely been made. Cole and Jay's latest argument (See: whether or not pineapple is an acceptable topping for pizza) had gotten a little... heated, and the master of lightning's powers had acted up as a result. It wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened, and the blonde is pretty sure it won't be the last. Still, he has to admit that it's a little (a lot) unnerving to deal with the aftermath of an elemental outburst... Especially... now that he's experienced his own for the first time... Okay, he'll admit it – that's the real reason he's up right now – not because he was craving poptarts. Which is what he plans to tell the others if they question it. Not that they're awake, so he's safe. For the time being, at least. Maybe he can get this glass cleaned up and replace the lightbulb before anyone finds out? If he's lucky. Lloyd slips over to the meager set of cupboards that they've installed in one corner. They have to be keeping some extra lightbulbs around here somewhere... Honestly, given what's happened during training, he really shouldn't be surprised that his latest nightmare ended with him blowing up their light source – it had been so vivid, and just… he'd woken up terrified. He hates feeling like that. He'd stared at the mess for quite some time, too shocked to do anything about it at first, but. Having all that power running through his veins was guaranteed to catch up with him eventually. He knows that, but it doesn't make attempting to quietly remove broken glass from the floor any less of a struggle. Carefully picking up the largest piece of what used to be a lightbulb, Lloyd shoves it in the garbage. Bit by bit, the debris begins to disappear. The green ninja has managed to dispose of most it by the time someone else wakes up (it's impressive that it took this long, to tell the truth). It's Nya, of course, trying hard to cover up the fact that she isn't a morning person (at all). The girl seems to have some sort of magical sensing abilities that activate whenever he's in trouble. She gives him a concerned look before wordlessly grabbing a fresh lightbulb from a shelf too high for him to reach. The samurai drags their one whole rickety stool over to the socket and screws it in with a large yawn. Then, Nya gives the floor a quick scan, looking for any remaining hazards that might exist. There are none.
"So. I earned some extra cash at the autobody shop yesterday. Wanna go get some donuts?" The girl asks her adoptive brother, eventually.
"Huh?" Lloyd stares at her, not fully processing the question. She shakes her head with a sigh. Clearly today's gonna be a rough one. He really could stand to get away from the apartment for awhile – to decompress and all that therapeutic stuff you're supposed to do when you're dealing with emotional triggers.
"Donuts, Lloyd. You know, those pastries police men are so obsessed with? I'm leaving in five with or without you." His mind may not immediately get what she's saying, but his stomach certainly does. Growl.
"That's a yes, then?" Nya says, smirking.
"Sure. Okay." He replies with a shrug, because donuts do sound awfully good, now that he thinks about it and. He's not gonna pass up the opportunity to eat something other than off brand cereal for breakfast. That would be completely out of character, no matter what the reason for doing so is. They slip out of the apartment, careful not to wake the others (though Cole's definitely going to be offended if he finds out about it later) and wander down the sidewalk. As it turns out, the nearest donut shop is less than a block away. The smell of freshly fried dough greets the pair as they push the door open. Mmm… It's only when she notices the distinct lack of customers inside that Nya realizes how early it is. A glance at her phone (which she probably should've checked before they left) tells her it's not even 5:30 yet. Oh well, if the place is open, it's not like they're intruding or anything. Lloyd perks up noticeably when she lets him pick out his own donut – a questionable decision, since he immediately chooses the one with as much frosting as humanly possible and a thick coating of rainbow sprinkles. It even has gummy worms on it. A part of her wants to scold him for being so unhealthy, but the grin on his face. She can't. So, she selects a donut of her own (powdered sugar with raspberry filling) and hands the drowsy cashier a bill. They find themselves a booth near the windows lining the front of the store and enjoy their breakfast in silence for a few minutes before Nya says anything to Lloyd.
"So. Nightmare?"
"Yup." He tells her in a small voice, playing absent mindedly with one of his gummy worms.
"I kinda figured." She comments wearily, "You gonna be okay?"
"Dunno. Hope so."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"I-I…. Don't really remember much about the dream itself… Just… It was so freaky to wake up with the light going crazy… and then it exploded, and I've never had my powers go out of control on me like that and…" Nya wraps a comforting arm around the blonde's shoulders. He leans against her, regretting having been woken up so early, and perhaps still a little shaken by the events that transpired earlier.
"I'm sure it was pretty freaky… You know you can always wake on of us up if you need to, right?" Lloyd nods unconvincing. There are no tears, surprisingly, which Nya takes as a good sign.
"I know… And I was gonna. Eventually. But I wanted to take care of the glass first – so nobody stopped on it. Thanks for helping. With the lightbulb. Being short sucks sometimes."
"Course it does. But it's gonna suck even more someday when you finally stop being such a pipsqueak and end up taller than me." Asserts the samurai. He giggles weakly.
"You don't know that that's what's gonna happen… maybe you'll get lucky?"
"I guess you have a point there. But seriously, if you have any more issues with your powers, I'm here to help. And so are the others. I mean, Kai accidentally set his bunk on fire when he first got his true potential… Maybe you should talk to him about this – I'm sure he'd understand…" Kai is a pretty okay listener from what Lloyd's seen at this point. He probably wouldn't have convinced himself to revisit Darkley's without him.
"M'kay. I'll think about it." He decides through a mouthful of donut, "Not right now though? I kinda just wanna forget about the whole thing…"
"That's valid. This can be our little secret. Betcha the guys aren't even awake yet." The girl agrees, figuring he'll share more when he's ready. She's not gonna push him. This time.
"They're really missing out. This donut is delicious." Lloyd tells her, clearly done talking about powers, nightmares, or anything related. Life's really not so bad when you've got an awesome older sister to buy you junk good. Even if it is only because your elemental abilities went haywire in your sleep.
"Totally. But they don't need to know anything about that. You, on the other hand, will be taking a nap as soon as training is over for the day. And I don't meaning laying around reading comic books. Actually sleeping will be expected." Nya stated, giving him a pointed look.
"What? But that's not fair! I just got a new one!" Lloyd groans indignantly.
"And I'm sure you find plenty of time to read it eventually. However, you also need your rest, so that's gonna have to be a priority for now." Deep down, he knows she's right. He just doesn't plan on admitting it. So, he decides to focus on what's left of the mound of pastry, frosting, and sprinkles instead. He feels better now, anyway.
" So, that happened?" Lloyd says one day, several years down the road, as he stares at a soaking wet Kai. He's not even sure where that much water could possibly have come from.
"Uh... Oh my gosh, Kai, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." Nya apologizes, attempting to use her abilities to draw the moisture away from her brother.
"I mean, we all knew it was gonna happen eventually. S'not that big of a deal. But you do owe me a new tube of hair gel..." He shrugs, not particularly concerned. The reason for their... Disagreement isn't important anymore. Things have been tense for everyone since the battle with Morro. He just wants her to be okay. She's not exactly the biggest fan of her elemental powers in the first place.
"Yeah. That's fair." She agrees after a second, looking sheepish.
"Happens to all of us." Lloyd reminds her, "Wanna go get some donuts?"
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Could you write a fic about Bing or Google learning that (about not being able to go in water)?
Yeeep, I was already planning to! Here you go!
MP Fanfiction - Testing The Waters
Everything had happened quickly, as all accidents did. When Bing sawGoogle slip quietly out of Egos Incorporated, his insatiable curiosity hadsparked. Bing had only been manifested a short time ago, but he had seen enoughto know that the older Ego wasn’t particularly stealthy on a normal day, soperhaps this was abnormal. None ofthe others had seen him leave, so, being the go-getter that he was, Bing hadflipped his skateboard onto its wheels with the toe of his shoe and followed.
By his standards, he was being an absolute ninja—walking like an animal, flowing with the terrain, controllinghis breathing and whirring, all the tips Wikihow could supply him with. Evenso, he had only been following Google for about fifteen minutes before theblue-clad android turned on his heel and snarledat him, bared teeth and all. Bing yelped out a sharp, censored curse,scrambling to backpedal.
“Are you finished making a fool of yourself yet?” Google spat, bristlingwith a threatening whirr and staring down his nose at Bing, who scuffed hisfree foot against the pavement and jammed his hands into his pockets.
“Well, are you?” he shot back. It wasn’t the best comeback he’d ever had,but he had to stick with it. “Sneakin’ out of Egos Inc. like you’re goin’ allstealth mode—it didn’t work, by the way—and I followed you for a good longwhile before you noticed!”
“I heard you the second you closed the door behind you. Even if you hadmanaged to close it without my notice, the wheels of your skateboard gave you away,” Google deadpanned, his voice drippingderision.
“…Oh.” After a moment of awkward silence, Bing perked up, pushing hissunglasses higher up his nose as he noticed where they were. “Would you look atthat? Come here, old bot, and I’ll show you what my radical board is good for!” With that, he had picked up hisskateboard and was dragging Google by the collar toward the gate leading into thepark. The only way he managed to wrangle Google inside was because he had takenhim by surprise, but judging by the swipe at his arm, which Bing narrowlydodged, he released him just in time to avoid a few broken fingers.
“What are you doing?” Google demanded as Bing strode proudly toward thepond.
“I’ll bet ya I can get up the speed to hop the pond on the first try!” heannounced, to which Google shifted his weight back, looking thoroughlyunimpressed.
“I’ll bet that you’ll hit a cleft in the ground, fall, and break yourneck before you get there,” he huffed. “I don’t have time to indulge you andyour stunts.” As he spun to leave, Bing’s smirk fled and he tossed hisskateboard onto the ground.
“I’ll prove you wrong! If I do it, you tell me what kind of mission you’redoing on the D.L.! If I can’t clear it, well, I’ll go home and I won’t keepriding you.” Google ignored him as he moved back toward the gate, so Bingscowled further, doubling his fists. “What’s wrong, Rusty? You scared of a bet?!”
That stopped him dead in his tracks. He stood motionless for severalseconds, trembled slightly—no doubt in rage—and then lifted his head. When hepivoted and reapproached, his face was an expressionless mask, but hisnaturally brown eyes were burning with blue. He said nothing as he shoulderedpast Bing, kicking the skateboard to the side in the process, before plantinghimself by the edge of the pond.
“Well?” he snapped, gesturing expectantly at the surface of the water,which sparkled and danced in the sunlight. “I’m waiting.”
“Don’t get your gears in a crunch.” That said, Bing readjusted hisskateboard, planting his foot squarely and leaning back on his other heel,squinting at the water, trying to gauge just how much power he had to put intohis jump. He wasn’t the best at math, but he figured the same amount of push heput into getting halfway down the stairs would be enough!
Google was tapping his foot now, Bing noted, eyes narrowing further, hiscore tightening in his chest.
This was going to be easy—just a simple jump. If he was feeling sassymid-jump, maybe he’d put a little flip into the board, just to rub it in Google’sface that much more. He was gonna show him. He was gonna humiliate him. Themental image of the shock on Google’s face when he cleared the pond was so, so sweet. Bing craved it, now morethan ever.  
He could feel the power at his disposal as soon as he pushed off; it wasgoing to be more than enough. He could already feel the elation, the pride, thevalidation, the reward—
As soon as the board’s front wheels left the ground, however, an irongrip snagged Bing’s arm, hauling him out of the air and sending him flying theopposite direction. He hit the grass with a startled grunt and rolled a fewfeet, lying stunned for a moment before pushing upright and staring indisbelief up at Google, who stood holding up his skateboard by two fingers. Hewaved it tauntingly.
“What the…? You—!” Bing’s next several words were censored by his SafeSearch as he scrambled furiously to his feet. “What’s your problem?! That was a perfect shot!”
“I guess not,” Google sighed, feigning sympathy, but the size of his grinbetrayed it. “And since the bet was that you clear the pond on the first try—and you didn’t—I guess youhave to slink on home. You never said I couldn’t interfere. Now let me get onwith my work. You should work on yourjumps.” That said, he set the skateboard down and idly nudged it with his foot.Bing watched, openmouthed, as it rolled slowly over to him, and then glanced upat Google, who was walking back toward the path without a care in the world.
Hands found board, feet found purchase, arms found air, and he swung ashard as he could, screaming something unintelligible. The crack as the skateboardconnected with Google’s head was much louder to his ears but even that wasdrowned out as the older Ego was thrown back and splashed thunderously into thepond.
As soon as he struck, Google sparked, contorted and screamed—a horrifying,garbled, high-pitched wail of agony that Bing never wanted to hear again. Hestumbled back as Google flailed and floundered, electricity spewing out of hischest for several long seconds. As it died down, so did his struggle, hisscrambling slowing to defective twitches and his screams petering out into alow, crackling whine. Even that fell silent after another few moments and therehe lay, stiff and smoking.
No, no, no, no—
The skateboard, the deadly weapon, fell with a clatter, completelyabandoned as Bing sprinted to the edge of the pond, gasping as he leaned toreach out and then flinched back. The water—if he reached in—Wait—The tip ofGoogle’s shoe was just poking up out of the perilous pool. Thinking fast, Bingsnatched at it as best he could, dragging Google’s dripping leg up with it assoon as he latched on properly. The rest of his waterlogged frame followed andit was only when he was lying unconscious on the shore that Bing felt free topanic.
“Google—Google, I didn’t mean to—oh, man, oh, man, what’ve I—? Oh, man—”Gripping Google’s shoulders, he shook him a little, pleading nervously, “C-C’mon,wake up, you gotta—” What was it they always did on the shows? Check for apulse… Gnawing frantically on his lower lip, Bing pulled on Google’s soppingwet shirt, sliding a few tentative fingers under it toward his core, probing.
What if I’vekilled him?! I didn’t mean to kill him—If Dark finds out I’ve killed him, he’lltear my head off without a second thought! The Host will erase me from history!A sudden spark sent a jolt up his arm, startling him out of his agonizingthoughts, and he didn’t waste any more time, shoving his hand into the rim ofGoogle’s core, hooking his fingers on the wiring. His skin tingled as soon ashe made contact and then he could sense it: electricity.
“There’s still time!” he burst out, glancing up at Google’s pale facewith a near-sob of relief. Instinctively he brushed at the wet strands of hair,hissing through his teeth as he saw the sizeable gash his skateboard had madein Google’s forehead. “You’re good, you’re gonna be fine—the doc can fix you! Ijust gotta get ya there! S-Sorry—” Scooping Google into his arms, gritting histeeth against the dead weight, he ran.
“The, uh, the old fart’s gonna be okay, right, doc?” Bing ventured as Dr.Iplier emerged from his lab. “You were in there for a century and a half…”
“You didn’t expect me to rush, did you?” Dr. Iplier huffed. “He wasdying. Frankly, I’m surprised he didn’t die as soon as he hit the water. If hewas anyone else, even any of the duplicate Googles, I’m pretty certain he would’veFaded right in front of you.”
Something distinctly uncomfortable tightened in Bing’s throat and hischest. He swallowed around it and took a deep breath. “But he’s gonna be up andat ’em soon?”
“Once his self-repair systems can work on their own again, yes. You cango see for yourself, if you’d like,” the doctor offered, nodding toward thedoor.
Facing Google was frankly the last thing he wanted to do, but Bing hadpride to account for. He had to act guiltless. After all, he’d told Dr. Iplierthat Google had tripped into the water, not that he’d been pushed, so…no onehad to know about his guilt. If he avoided Google because of it, though, he wassure to tattle to Dark as soon as he was back on his feet. If he visited him,however, Google may keep it between them and treat it like another privatereason to hate him.
“Are you going or staying?” Dr. Iplier prompted, recapturing hisattention.
“Uhh, staying,” he blurted out, rising. “Thanks, doc. You’re the man.”With that, he pushed the door open, shuffling slowly toward the medical bed. Onthe bedside table, he could see Google’s glasses, the frames warped and thelenses cracked, and something about it made his stomach turn. Even so, his eyescouldn’t resist drifting to the glasses’ owner. He expected Google to open hiseyes and look at him, his gaze filled with loathing and fury, but they stayedclosed.
He looked…vulnerable like this,Bing realized in disbelief, moving around the bed and sinking onto the edge ofthe nearby stool. His face was still unnaturally pale and the circuitry visiblethrough the gash in his forehead flickered faintly, working to repair thedamage from within. Now that he was paying attention, Bing could see the dentingalong his forehead and jawline, leading to his parted lips and the thin tube betweenthem, draining excess water out of his throat and into a bag.
Did the doc actuallyuse a catheter on his throat? Bingwondered, a weak laugh finding its way out of his own throat, but it diedhalfway. There were drains plugged into his core too, the places Bing himselfhad searched for any sign of life. His hands tightened between his knees.
“You owe me big time, y’know that?” he muttered. “I could’ve…I could’vejust let you die. Fade. Right in front of me. I bet you would’ve if it’d been me, right, man?” His thoughts turnedback to the moment when Google grabbed his arm, wrenching him away from thewater. But that had been to humiliate him, hadn’t it? He’d done that just to “interfere”…hadn’the? What if he hadn’t?
Google was pompous and sadistic and selfish. He hadn’t done it to save him! He did it because…he wanted tokill Bing himself, on his own terms and timeline. He wouldn’t let him die tohis own stunt.
But didn’t that mean he had savedhim, even if it was for the wrong reasons?
“Why do you have to be such a—? Ugh, I hate you…” Running a handfrustratedly through his hair, Bing glanced down at the floor and then back atGoogle. “I hate you,” he repeated, more slowly…testingly.
“I hate you.”
How did it feel, saying it to his face?
“I hate you. I hate you.”
The more he repeated it…the better it felt. He sat up straighter, lookingGoogle up and down.
“I hate you.”
He wasn’t so tough.
“I hate you.”
A little water had stopped the big, bad Google dead. He would’ve diedright there.
“I hate you.”
He remembered Google’s smile as he taunted him, waving his skateboard. Hehad left his skateboard behind for him! The anger returned then, stirringkeenly in his chest.
“I hate you. I hate you.”
The anger felt…good. Refreshing. Really, really good, he realized, a surprised smile tugging at his lips. Isthis how Google felt towards him all the time?
Why hadn’t he let himself feel this sooner?
“I—hate—you, Google,” he hissed,leaning in close, elated by the fact that Google couldn’t do anything to pushhim back. “So…so…much.”
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respheal · 6 years
Two years of Galebound
Hey guys, Res here! Long spiel ahead because I’m getting personal and long-winded here. Full text after the cut to spare your dash.
tl;dr: A brief history of Galebound’s development and my experiences with telling a story, joining a community, depression, and living inside my characters’ heads for two solid years.
So I was working on page 103 early last month (yeah, the week page 103 was due to go up aaaahhahahaha -cries-) when I realized what was coming up: the second anniversary of Galebound’s start as a webcomic. The exact date of the anniversary is a little nebulous. The decision to make it a webcomic was made on 4/20/16 when I completed drawing the concept art for all the main characters (which I had set as a prerequisite for going on the hare-brained adventure) and drew what would become the title page. The first page was published on Smack Jeeves (where galebound.com is hosted) on 5/14/16. So the birthday of the webcomic is somewhere between those dates but I’m going to consider it to be 5/14, which is why I’m rambling about it today. I want to talk a bit about Galebound’s history and what it means to me.
Galebound was originally a short story called Noblesse Oblige. It was written in first person POV from Conan’s perspective and published on DeviantArt back in 2007 or so. I really wish I could find that original draft because I bet it’s wonderfully terrible. I didn’t really know what I was doing with the story at the time--Conan was an untrusting jerk, Din was an arrogant troll, and Pascal was downright unhinged. The basic mechanics of the Obligation were there (simply that Noblemen could command Magicians), but that was about it.
I pants’d the story until it got to--well, just after this point actually. The conclusion of the battle on the bridge, and then I stopped. I don’t entirely remember why. But the story stuck around in the back of my mind while I met new friends (Hi, Skypernauts!), went to college, moved across the country, met my first boyfriend, got my first job, met my future husband, and casually worked on developing an RPGMaker game in my spare time (That RPG is called Memory and that story will likely get turned into a comic eventually as well).
While I was working on Memory’s battle system, I had the thought: how would I convert Noblesse Oblige into an RPG? The magic system would probably have to be something like the field generator from the original .hack games: string together words for a certain field or, in this case, magic. That way the command side of the Obligation would be integrated into the gameplay.
I played around with that idea for a bit longer, but ultimately decided it wouldn’t work; there was a major design flaw with the game. I can’t say what that flaw was because figuring out the solution to the design flaw led to the realization of a huge twist in NO’s story. I had to get this story out. Now.
Around this time I had abandoned RPG-making (because making nice maps is a PITA), so I took Noblesse Oblige through a JulyNoWriMo (NaNoWriMo, just in July). This time I took the story through Norin, Evenheim, the bridge, and on to Cymaria and beyond, compelled as if by Obligation. I accomplished my goal of 50k words, but the story still wasn’t complete. I slowed down the writing process and kept at it, but I also wanted to share the story so badly.
And uh...well. No one was interested in beta reading it except one friend, when time allowed. My fiance made an attempt, but didn’t get very far (He tried though, bless him, and said that although the beginning was rough--lord was it ever--it picked up eventually). In his eternal patience, my fiance at least let me spill the whole story at him. He didn’t like parts of it, mainly some things that happen around the midpoint and Din as a character in general (Din was a bit more actually evil back then). But he listened to the story as a whole, which was a lot more support than I felt anyone else had given the project at the time (Thanks, Mike <3). He also made a hell of a lot of puns about the ending of it, but in fairness the ending does lend itself to a lot of puns. It’ll blow you away (ba-dum-tsh).
I started getting really frustrated. There was this story that I just had to tell, but seemingly no one who would listen. I’d put a couple chapters up on Wattpad or Tablo, but got no feedback there (and didn’t learn until much later that those sites are miserable for anything that isn’t romance). An excuse would be that I wanted to know if this project had any sort of worth and if I should continue with it, but real talk: I wanted validation. I know better now what was happening then, but...well, hindsight.
While this was going on, I posted this illustration in the NaNoWriMo forums, the first drawing I had done in about two years or so.
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No comments for a bit, but one day I was browsing through the thread and noticed someone quoted me and responded, asking if I was doing a webcomic. Um...No? I had tried making a webcomic before, but it was a LOT of work and I figured it wouldn’t be something I would have time for now.
Buuuuuuuuut the seed was planted. At this point I had determined the reason no one was interested in reading my rough novel was because A) the writing must be terrible (it kind of was) and B) nobody ain’t got time for reading books. So maybe this story could be told and find its audience as a webcomic. But only if I could draw ALL of the main and secondary characters. I would have to draw them hundreds of times, so no point in trying if I couldn’t even draw them all once.
Suffice to say, I succeeded. And the comic began under the new name Galebound.
Even as the comic went up, however, the need for validation persisted. I meticulously tracked subscription counts and likes and faves and everything, craving proof that people were reading this story. It got better as the story went on and some events did provide temporary boosts (Like Galebound getting featured on a “Top Five New Comics” list from Top Web Comics -excited screaming- and I met a new friend who I could talk to about the story and she actually read the monstrosity that was the first draft), but, well...
So, long story short: I was suffering from clinical depression with all that entails, and did for quite a while. Still am, technically. Just well managed now (yaaaaaay therapy and medication). It’s funny because I can pick out the pages it was hitting me the hardest because Conan was super bummed in those pages too.
I guess what I’m saying here is that this story was a big part of my life during some of the hardest and darkest times of my life.
I’m doing better now (see: aforementioned medication and therapy). Really I’m lucky because I see and talk to other webcomic artists who have similar struggles and similar feelings and the same reactions when sad or disappointing things happen and I want to suggest they get professional help when I recognize the signs of depression in them, but I realize I’m extremely fortunate in that I even had the opportunity to get the medical attention I needed. (I will recommend up and down all day long that if you’re suffering from depression and have the opportunity to see a doc about it, do so. For years I had tricked myself into thinking it wasn’t that bad even when...it was.)
There were good things, too. I met new friends and joined a community of other webcomic creators. I contributed to some drama in the community in an attempt to hold our publishing platforms accountable. I created a website to help webcomic readers and creators. I attended my first convention as an artist (and actually sold a sticker and a booklet! Woo!) and by the time this gets published I’ll have attended my second. Galebound has gained a small fanbase and I’m so proud of how clever the readers are. Seriously, you all keep me on my toes.
Regarding the story itself, Galebound is, by my estimates, about a fifth of the way through the full story, which means it will likely run for about ten years total if things don’t speed up (and I really want to speed things up). If you consult the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet, we’re somewhere in “The Debate”, that debate being “Who is Din and can he be trusted?”
Spoiler alert (warning: song with explicit language)
The whole concept of the Obligation stems from the dichotomy of what one wants to do versus what one feels compelled to do. That could be taking over the family business, going to college, going to church, even choosing a life partner based on expectations as opposed to one’s true feelings--as a character will say in the future, “not all Obligations are magic.” This sort of Obligation is something I think a lot of people face, and something Conan, too, will face throughout the course of the story.
Galebound is also about redemption and forgiveness. There are characters who have made terrible mistakes and decisions in the name of hatred and prejudice, and those who have brought harm to others out of sheer ignorance. It’s about self-worth and purpose. It’s about friendship and reconciliation. It’s about platonic and familial love. It’s about duty...and obligations.
It’s complicated, but “simple stories are inherently false. Life is complicated, and perspective matters.”
To sort of go into Conan and Din’s headspace a bit as they are now, they’re not in a good place emotionally, and it’s soon to get worse (because a certain someone Can’t Follow Instructions). They will hit rock bottom, but after that...well, there’s no place left to go but up? After this chapter, both of them will be reeling from mistakes made in the recent and distant past, but these events--as well as what will happen with the next few days--will put them in a place to rethink everything.
Long story short, I’m excited for what’s to come, but when am I not?
Anyway, that’s my spiel. Thanks for reading and for reading Galebound! My goals for it this year are to finish the first volume, start editing some of the earlier pages in preparation for printing, get a few chapters of the novel written (again), and get to the turn into act two. I’m actually so hyped for the turn I’ve edited this paragraph a millions times to keep myself from dropping even hints of spoilers because wow I want to talk about it.
So I better stop.
Thanks again for reading and Galespeed! <3
Read Galebound here: galebound.com Prints and Stickers: store.synestories.com Social Media: Twitter | Facebook Support: Ko-Fi | Patreon
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