#this time i felt cornered overwhelmed was having two separate phone calls and didn't know how to navigate that
dummerjan · 11 months
i just passed out from stress
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Rooftop Conversations (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader/ Yelena Belova)
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Hi everyone!
This is a little shorter, but hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Reader shares a complicated history with Wanda. What will happen when Natasha introduces her sister to the problem? Who will reader end up with?
The closer you got the tower you called home; the more anxiety began to bubble in your chest. You had been away for over three months now and the entire time you were away Yelena refused to accept any of your calls. Admittedly they were few and far between due to circumstances, but the rare instances when you were able to get your hands on a phone, the other woman would always be miraculously busy.
You didn’t blame her.
Not in the slightest. Still, with every flimsy excuse Natasha gave you whenever you asked to speak to Yelena, you couldn’t help but feel that you were losing a part of yourself. Yelena was woven into your being and being shut off from her was something that was… entirely your fault.
It always made your heart ache though. To know she didn't want to even speak to you. To be away from her. There was so much about her you missed. Like her voice, her laugh, her jokes…
You just missed her.
“Y/n!” You jumped slightly and turned your attention to Steve who was glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. “Everything okay?”
All you managed was a weak nod as you focused back on the world around you. It was something you had to do often over the last few months. “Fine.” You replied, turning to face him as you awaited whatever it was he wanted to say.
“You can stop fidgeting with your necklace. We shut down all the bases. That’s all we could do.” He eventually said.
It wasn’t until Steve pointed it out that you realized that your fingers were fiddling absently with the charm that was hanging from the necklace Wanda had given you before you left. “What are you talking about?” you questioned, your brows furrowed in confusion.
Steve gestured broadly in your general area with one hand, while the other hand remained on the controls of the quinjet. “Whenever you get nervous you start fiddling with the necklace.” His hands returned to the controls as he shifted his attention. “Like a safety blanket.”
Grumbling absently, you folded your hands and looked out the window like a child who had just been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. “Says the one with the pocket watch.”
In response, Steve shrugged. “Touché.”
You smirked and leaned back in your chair. “That’s what I thought." He chuckled. "Besides, I know we did all we could on the mission. I’ve come to terms with Dr. Wilkerson getting away, without his bases of support though he’s nothing.”
“Is that not what you were nervous about?” Steve prodded.
You shook your head. “I’m worried Yelena is going to hate me forever.” You admitted, your hand once again flying up to fiddle with the charm on your necklace.
Steve whistled lowly. “Still no word from her?” You shook your head again. “All you can do is be honest, kid. Earn her forgiveness. While you may have had good intentions, you lied. Even if it was to protect her. She reserves the right to be angry about it.”
“I know.” You replied. “I agree entirely, but… I don’t want to lose her. I can’t lose her. She-… She means… Everything to me.”
There was a moment of silence. “Do you love her?”
It had been months since you had allowed yourself time to think about the inner workings of your heart, yet the answer remained the same and came with no hesitation. “Yes.”
Steve nodded. “Does that mean you’re over Wanda then?”
The question took you by surprise and suddenly the pendant burned under your touch, like every nerve ending in your body went haywire. Overwhelmed with the thought of the two women that unabashedly occupied your heart. You feebly let your hand fall back to your lap.
Again, silence hovered in the air until, “No.” You replied softly, knowing it was the truth. Knowing you had no reason to lie to Steve.
Again, there was no hesitation in your answer.
“Sounds like you still have a lot to figure out then, kid.” Steve reached over and pat your shoulder sympathetically, “Between you and me though, I always thought you and Wanda would find your way back to each other. You’ve always been like magnets you two.” He admitted. “Natasha disagrees with me. She seems to think that you and Yelena are the most irritatingly perfect match. Her words not mine.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly. “You and Romanoff better not be placing bets on my love life again. You remember what happened last time, Rogers.” You warned with a point of your finger.
Steve chuckled and raised his hands innocently. “No bets were made. I’m just telling you the information.” He paused slightly. “Though I will say if it was a bet, I'd probably win since I did say Wanda would be the one to ask you out originally because you’d be too nervous to even get a word out. You won me fifty bucks that day.”
You punched his shoulder. “I can’t stand any of you.”
“That’s what families do.” You rolled your eyes and chose not to respond as you both distracted yourselves with your own tasks.
Just over an hour later Steve spoke again. “Hope you got enough thinking done because we’re touching down at the compound in five minutes.”
You sucked in a breath as the clouds opened up and the sharp points of the familiar building filled the sky before you.
Suddenly it was as if you blinked, and Steve was lowering the quinjet onto the waiting platform. “It’s good to be home.” You mumbled as you gathered what little you had and walked off the jet with Steve.
Before you could get far, you were met with an armful of someone else causing you to drop everything in your arms to catch the other person.
When the familiar floral scent invaded your senses, you quickly relaxed and held on tighter, relishing in the moment. The comfort that you hadn’t felt in months. “I missed you too, Wanda.” You whispered into her ear as you tucked your chin over her shoulder.
“You have no idea.” Wanda replied as you both held tightly to each other. You faintly heard Steve mumble how he would take your things inside for you, but his words barely registered as you familiarized yourself with the touch you hadn’t felt in months.
Suddenly, it felt like you were grounded again. Like you had been drifting freely and now, being back by her side you felt anchored again. Connected to the world in a way that mattered again.
Sure, you had managed to speak to Wanda briefly a handful of times over the course of your mission, but those sparse minutes were nothing compared to the sensation of actually being in her arms once again.
“It’s good to see you again.” You said leaning back slightly and taking in her every feature, every speck of color in her eyes. This was the longest you had gone without seeing her since the day you both met. “How did you know we were coming back? We wrapped up a few days early, I thought it would fly under the radar.”
Wanda smiled sheepishly back at you, and you couldn’t help the way your own lips pulled up endearingly at the sight. “I may have convinced Tony to program a new feature to FRIDAY that would let me know when you landed.”
A small chuckle of amusement slipped pat your lips. “Yeah? How did you manage that?”
“I may have pulled the Stark missile card.” Wanda answered with a small shrug.
“Didn’t know you couldn’t be so devious, Maximoff.” You teased as Wanda playfully dusted the invisible dirt off her shoulders.
That was when another voice interrupted the moment. “Really? You didn’t?” You turned your head to find the source of the interruption, though from the voice you knew exactly who it was. “I’ve known for a while now.”
Wanda pulled away from you and looked away, rubbing her own arm uncomfortably. “Nat,” You warned. “I just got back; can we not fight first thing?”
Natasha looked between you and Wanda for another moment as if she was contemplating her choices before opening her arms in silent invitation. “Fine, I’ll play nice. Sorry Maximoff.” Wanda nodded in acknowledgment. You suspected she was still terrified of the other woman.
You glanced at Wanda to be sure she was okay before walking over to your best friend and embracing her just as tightly, finding comfort in her embrace. Comfort in knowing that they were all okay while you were gone. That was all you could have wanted. You missed this. All of it.
Regardless of how chaotic it could be at times.
“I assume you didn’t manage to play nice while I was gone. No wonder I stayed away so long.” You said playfully as Natasha pinched you side. You swatted her hand and pulled away in protest. “Is this how you show how much you miss me?”
Natasha rolled her eyes, “Miss you being an idiot? Sure.” She nudged you playfully. “It’ll be nice to have you back though, the compound hasn’t felt the same without you.”
“It really hasn’t.” Wanda agreed, wincing when she saw the blank look Natasha gave her.
You shook your head, “Nothing has changed.” You lightly rested your forehead on Natasha’s, so she could focus on you, so she could hear the sincerity of your next words. “I did miss you, you know? No need to be snappy.”
Natasha finally cracked a smile. “I know, I missed you too.” She lightly nudged your nose with her own before pulling away and ruffling your hair.
You smiled back at her but couldn’t help but look over Natasha’s shoulder a moment later. If Natasha knew you were back, then it was only safe to assume that… “Is- Is Yelena in her room?”
Amusement began shining in Natasha’s eyes. “Couldn’t even go ten minutes without asking about her, could you?” Heat quickly rushed into your cheeks. “She’s on a mission with Clint, should be back later today. Just light recon about a minor disturbance a few cities over.”
“Surprised you let her go without you.” You mumbled, already anticipating the moment of Yelena's return, mentally preparing all the ways you could earn her forgiveness.
“Tony had me on a separate assignment until this morning.” Natasha explained. “Besides, she’s with Barton, they’re both in good company. Safe.”
You nodded, if Natasha wasn’t worried then you had no reason to either. “I-” You lowered your voice. “Will you let me know when she’s back? Don’t tell her I’m here until I get a chance to talk to her, please, I don’t want her to avoid me anymore. I want to apologize. To make it up to her.”
Natasha analyzed you for a moment, analyzed your pleading tone before nodding. “I’ll give you this one shot because I know you only did what you did to protect her... I would have done the same.” She looked over your shoulder before looking back at you. “Now, I think I’ll head inside. We can catch up later. Don’t do anything that will make me have to kick your ass.” She warned.
Before you could utter a reply, your best friend had disappeared into the compound. “She actually talked to me once while you were gone. It was about a mission report, but still, she’s not ignoring me anymore.” You heard Wanda say from behind you.
You chuckled slightly as you turned to face her again, gesturing for her to follow behind you. “That’s actually great news to hear. I miss being able to spend time with both of you.” You leaned against the railing of the landing pad and let the wind traveling through the air be the only sound for a moment.
Wanda mimicked your position, her arms brushing yours, your own pinky shifting slightly to be in contact with hers.
It was like Steve said, there was something magnetic about you both and it felt even stronger after the separation. You couldn’t help but feel like you wanted to be closer. Your free hand raised to fidget with the charm on the necklace nervously.
“Still wearing the necklace, I see.” Wanda noted, her eyes shining happily in the light of day.
A faint blush quickly spread over your cheeks, and you managed a weak nod, your hand once again falling from the charm. “Steve says it’s my safety blanket.”
Wanda’s smile widened. “I didn’t know if you’d even use it since you had given it back to me after we broke up.”
You shrugged halfheartedly. “We’re past that. It represents more now. It represents you.” The sound of Wanda’s breath hitching caught your attention and you couldn’t help but feel your heart hammer in your chest. You just hoped she would change the subject, the vulnerability felt all too much in that moment. "It was nice to have on the mission."
“How did the mission go? I assume well since both you and Steve are back in one piece.” Wanda eventually asked, breaking the charged silence much to your relief. She always was good at reading your wants.
You nodded faintly, eagerly responding to the change of topic. “It did. We shut down every base we set out to, which was all of them.” You could see the happy smile form on Wanda’s lips, and you continued. “We did everything we set out to do except catch Dr. Wilkerson.”
Wanda’s smile fell almost immediately. She knew Dr. Wilkerson was your greatest enemy, your greatest fear. “Are you okay?” As the last word fell from her lips, her pinky moved to rest over yours, as if she herself wanted to be closer. To comfort you.
In response you turned you hand over in silent invitation and Wanda accept the offer immediately, her fingers tangling naturally with your own. “I feel okay, Steve still thinks we can catch him. He won’t get too far… I know he wants to take me back.” Wanda’s fingers tightened against yours. “Don’t worry, without the bases, without his minions? He’s nothing. Powerless. It’s only a matter of time.”
“The day he tries to come after you will be his last.” Wanda said seriously, her eyes darkening at the mere thought. “He won’t hurt you again, Y/n.”
You squeezed her hand, you knew Wanda would never hurt anyone, but her protective nature may change that. You’d never want to put her in that position. “I know, Wands. Don’t worry, Steve and I will find him. I’ll be okay.”
Her lips turned up faintly. “I know, I’ll be here to make sure of it. I’ll protect you, Y/n.”
“And even though you're infinitely stronger than me, I will protect you.” Wanda giggled slightly and you smiled back at her.
For a moment you both just stared at one another, allowing yourselves to get lost in the moment, moving closer and closer until you could feel her breath fan across your lips. You quickly looked away. Not ready to take that step. Not ready to ruin the leaps and bounds of progress you had made with her.
“Now fill me in on what I missed while I was gone.” You said in hopes of brushing over the minor traces of awkwardness that lingered in the air.
That was how both you and Wanda spent the remainder of the day, catching up on everything that had happened in the last few months, the hours slipping away with ease. There was only one thing that could ruin a relaxing evening like that.
And it was the sight of a smaller quinjet landing a few feet away. Your heart began hammering in your chest because the only other ones out on a mission were Yelena and Clint.
The woman that had occupied your mind so deeply was now just seconds away from you.
Except when the doors to the quinjet opened and Clint was the only one to step out, looking battered and bruised. Your stomach dropped at the sight.
You ran over, Wanda following closely behind. “Clint, where is Yelena?”
It was like Clint had just seen a ghost, his eyes widening even more than they already were. “Where is Natasha?”
“WHERE IS NATASHA!” He yelled, his voice reverberating in the air around you.
Bile climbed up your throat in tandem with the panic you felt squeeze at your chest as the three of you ran into the compound in search of the other woman.
A few moments later you found her lounging in the main room of the compound with a notebook in her hands. Natasha immediately looked up when she heard the sound of panicked footsteps enter the room. “Clint, what-”
Clint quickly interrupted her, his panicked expression making you sick as you anticipated his next words.
“They took her. They took Yelena.”
And just like that, the world stopped.
And that's all folks! This chapter was more of a set-up for the unraveling of the remainder of this story which I now know will be 12 parts total. Sorry for no Yelena in this part. As always, thoughts and comments are always welcome!
Previous part: "Necessary Lies"
Masterlist: "Omen"
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hydroponicjj · 4 years
pinky promise
pairing: jj maybank x reader
word count: 3.1k (i’ve never written anything this long before lmao)
warnings: swearing
summary: your birthday takes place over quarantine and because you can’t have an actual birthday party, the pogues host a netflix party for you but an unexpected guest joins which ruins the mood. jj decides to cheer you up from a distance.
a/n: hello!! i know i’ve been a little m.i.a. but, i promise that i’m back. send me some outer banks requests and i’ll be happy to do them (no smut pls) also, if you’ve sent a request recently, i’m working on em :) gif credit goes to hvitstark!!!
y/n/n “your nickname”
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                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
When summer first began, you as well as the rest of the pogues were overwhelmed with excitement. You didn't have to do homework, get stressed with school, take exams. Nothing.
The plans weren't set in stone but all of you had a general idea of what you’d do from day to day. From surfing to eating at The Wreck, there was nothing that could stop you and your friends from having the best summer ever.
All of you had seen news articles, talking about a deadly virus entering the United States. It first appeared in Washington, then slowly started to spread around the vicinity. But no one in the Outer Banks of North Carolina was concerned.
So, the beginning of summer break started with absolutely no delay.
After the first couple of weeks of the virus spreading across the country, slowly but surely, you watched as people started to get worried. It got to the point were you mother was cautioning you before going to hang out with the rest of the pogues.
“I pinky promise that I’ll be safe!” You’d tease before going outside and hopping into John B’s Volkswagen.
When you hopped into the back of the van, you noticed the disappointed looks on everyone’s faces while Pope was rambling (like he usually does).
“I really think that we should start to prepare because I think that this virus is very similar to the Black Death.” He finished, taking a deep breath.
“What’s up?” You greeted, raised eyebrows in confusion.
Pope smiled enthusiastically and gave you a warm welcome while the others groaned like a walker from The Walking Dead.
“What are you babbling on about today, Mr.Heyward?” You questioned.
“He literally won’t shut up about this stupid virus!” Kiara answered for him, resting her head on the window as she sat in the front seat.
“Neither will my mom. She’s all worked about this and telling me to ‘be safe’ before leaving the house.” You explained.
“It’s not like we know anyone that’s sick.” John B shrugged, starting the van.
Seconds later, JJ started to have a coughing attack. He literally couldn’t stop, even after he had multiple sips of water.
Both you and Pope moved to the corner farthest away from him, you were laughing because you knew JJ and his personality while Pope was terrified.
“Holy shit, he has it.” He whispered in your ear, eyes as big as a Watermelon.
“He’s about to cough up a lung.” Kie commented, turning around to see the blonde flopping around like a fish.
After a few more seconds, JJ recovered from his coughing attack and sat up, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Not funny!” Pope screamed, kicking the bottom of his foot.
“You should have seen your face, it was priceless.” He chuckled.
You crawled over to JJ and rested your head in his lap, arms crossed over your stomach as you cackled, “Oh my gosh, that was hilarious.” You raised your hand and gave him a high five, intertwining for fingers and bringing it back down to your chest.
“I only did it because Pope needs a reality check. In a couple weeks everything will be fine.” He sighed, using his other hand to take the lighter out of his pocket and light the blunt between his teeth.
Before he could, you held out your left hand which was your way of asking him to place the items in your palm because no one was interested in getting a contact high at 2 pm.
Usually the rest of the pogues would snatch it from him but you were different. You didn’t feel comfortable being rough with him because you knew about his life at home and you didn’t want to set him off.
That was one of the many things that JJ appreciated about you. You were gentle with him and always took your time, not wanting to him to feel rushed. So, he always complied when you asked.
“Fuck it, I’m taking all the toilet paper.” Pope commented out of context, causing everyone to laugh.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Fast forward one week later and your entire life has flipped upside down.
Covid-19 shut down absolutely everything. Kie and her family were forced to close down The Wreck because they couldn't take the risk of hurting any customers or members of the staff.
All of your friends were separated, except for JJ and John B because they quarantined together, not wanting to be alone during this time.
To be honest, you missed everyone, especially JJ because the two of you always gravitated towards each other so it was pretty hard to be separate from him.
To stay connected with each other, you all texted in the shared group chat and had group facetime’s and netflix parties almost every single night.
John B insisted on inviting Sarah and you didn’t know how to feel about it. Sarah and Kie did squash their beef but, she told you all of the things that happened and it really rubbed you the wrong way. But, you wanted John B to be happy, no matter who it was with.
“Holy shit, y/n/n your birthday is in 2 days!” JJ noticed while the two of you were on facetime. John B was busy talking to Sarah so, he called you to pass the time.
“Yeah.” You replied, unenthusiasticlly.
“I know it sucks that we’re in quarantine but, I promise we’ll have a group facetime and you can pick the movie.” He smiled, you didn’t even have to elaborate on why you were sad because he knew you that well.
“Wait for real?” You laughed.
Listen, everyone has different taste when it comes to movies so, every time that you’re doing a netflix party, it’s really hard to decide on a movie that all of the pogues can enjoy.
“Okay, now I’m excited. This is going to be so fun!” You screeched, clapping your hands together.
“Shit, John B’s calling me. I’ve gotta go but, keep that same enthusiasm, okay?” He replied, smiling into the camera.
“Pinky promise.” You gave him the biggest grin known to man before hanging up.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
Exactly two days later, you woke up to your mom towering over you with a cake in her hands, “Happy 17th birthday, y/n/n!” She took JJ’s lighter that was sitting on your nightstand and lit the ‘17’ on the cake.
“Woah!” You said, rubbing your eyes. It was still pretty early in the morning and you couldn’t fully comprehend what was going on.
“Thank you so much.” You sat up in your bed, making room for your mother to sit.
“Make a wish.” She encouraged, taking out her phone to capture the moment.
“I wish that I have the best day ever, despite not being about to see my friends.” and with that, you blew out the candles, smiling up at your mom.
“Awe were you recording that?” You smiled, covering your face.
“I was gonna send it to your friends,” She paused, “Speaking of them, are you gonna uh... party on neflix tonight?” She squinted.
You chuckled, your mom really wasn’t as aquatinted with technology as other parents, “Yeah, the 5 of us are gonna watch a movie on facetime. I promise to keep it down.”
“Thank you. I’m gonna go start on breakfast. I’ll call you when it’s finished.” She left your room, leaving the door cracked slightly.
After a few seconds of staring off into space, you checked your phone like you always do when you wake up and your phone was filled with notifications.
Your smiled from ear to ear. Unlike the average kook, you weren’t very popular but that didn’t matter because you had 4 of the best people on planet earth as your best friends.
The first thing that you checked was Instagram. You tapped through the stories that you were tagged in and were met with some of the best memories that were caught on camera.
From the time you accidentally set off the sprinklers at The Wreck, getting all of the customers wet as they were leaving to the time that you got stuck at the top of the monkey bars at your old elementary school and JJ had to come and save you.
You almost started crying because you hadn’t been apart from any of your friends for more that 12 hours and even though it’s only been a week, it felt like forvever.
Before you responded to the countless amount of texts from your aunts and uncles, you texted the group chat and gushed to them about how thankful you were that they all posted something in honor of your birthday.
They all politely told you to and I quote, “shut the fuck up.” because it was a given that they’d praise you for your special day.
You rolled your eyes with a smile on your face and threw your phone on the charger, heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast with your mother.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
The sound of your phone ringing tore you away from the piece of cake that you were chewing.
“And the guest of honor has arrived!” John B gushed, JJ was sitting next to him and it looked like they were on the couch.
“Get any presents?” Kie asked, positioning her phone upwards so that she could be seen.
“Nah, unless you count cake.” You chuckled, showing them the piece that you were currently devouring.
“That looks so good.” Pope commented, he was staring into the camera, hypnotized by the sweet treat that you had just showcased.
“Snap out of it!” JJ started clapping his hands in the camera causing Pope to fidget slightly taking his face out of the camera.
You spent the first 30 minutes of the facetime call catching up about the stupid quarantine habits that you all picked up. 
Kiara had given herself a few dolphin stick & pokes, Pope had started online shopping, like a lot. He had at least 30 new t-shirts in his closet. John B calls Sarah while JJ spends most of his time talking to you.
“Wait, wait, wait guys,” You paused, trying to get their attention because they were all screaming at each other, “Are y’all ready to watch the movie?” You questioned, opening a new tab on your computer.
“Yeah, yeah. Wait a second.” John B put himself on paused, you could hear JJ sigh because he does that at least once every time that you all are on a group call.
After a few seconds, you heard everyone's phone ding as well as your own. You all had gotten a group e-mail to join a netflix party. At first you were confused because JJ said that he talked to everyone and they agreed to letting you chose the movie.
A few more seconds passed and you saw another square begin to connect to the facetime call. It was a number that no one recognized so, everyone was pretty stunned (except for john b).
The mystery person finally connected and it was revealed to be Sarah Cameron. 
You looked at everyone's little square and saw how wide their eyes were. JJ seemed furious but, he didn’t want to make a scene because after all, it was still your birthday.
Kie and Pope looked shocked that John B would add her without asking if you were okay with it first.
“Hey guys! Happy birthday, y/n.” Sarah greeted, smiling.
“Thank you.” You croaked back a response, going on your computer and opening the e-mail that was sent, clicking the netflix party link.
After taking a second to load, you saw that you were watching the 4th season of Riverdale. (yikes)
You rolled your eyes, praying that it went unnoticed.
“Is this what you wanted to watch, y/n? I thought you hated Riverdale?” Pope asked, still a little confused on the whole situation.
“Nope.” You stated dryly, shrugging you shoulders and falling back onto your bed.
“Oh, it was my idea.” Sarah chimed in, her bubble got bigger because she had said something, “You don’t mind, right y/n/n?”
“I kind of wanted to watch Back to the Future.” You revealed.
At this point, everyone was shocked, even you. You didn’t hate Sarah, she was currently being really nice but you wanted to spend your birthday talking to your best friends and she didn’t fit into that category yet.
“I don’t really like that movie.” John B commented, earning a slap on the back of the head from JJ.
“Actually,” You paused, contemplating if you even wanted to continue the sentence. You had two options, make a scene or leave peacefully.
“I’m not feeling to well. I think I’m going to go but, have fun watching Riverdale.” Before anyone could protest, you hung up.
Option two it is.
“Fuck birthday’s.” You concluded, turning off your light. You didn’t have the energy to argue with anyone so, you decided to go to bed and deal with it in the morning.
JJ muted the phone so that no one else could hear the conversation that was about to ensue, “Dude, what the fuck?!” He yelled at John B, who was very confused.
“You invited the girl you’ve been mackin’ on for a month to y/n’s birthday party. Did you even ask her?” He stood up, towering over his friend.
“Woah, woah, calm down. I didn’t think that she’d care.” He defended himself.
Pope and Kie were texting you while Sarah was too busy watching the cringe unfold on Riverdale that they didn’t notice that John B and JJ were arguing.
“All she wanted was a good birthday and you fucking ruined it.” He accused, poking at his chest.
“I didn’t ruin it. She was tired and had to go!”
“It’s literally 9:30 pm. You think she’d go to bed this early? We’re in quarantine! Everyone stays up till like, 5!”
The look on JJ’s face conveyed that he was seconds away from punching John B in the face but he had to remember that you wouldn’t want them fighting because of you.
The blonde took a deep breath that lasted at least 5 minutes, “I need to go check on her.” He stated, going into the guest room that he was currently residing in and grabbed a big basket but with how fast he was walking, it’d be impossible to make out the contents inside.
“You can’t go see her, we’re in quarantine.” John B protested but JJ didn’t seem to care.
                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」
The sun started peaking through your window at around 6 am. The heat of the sun beamed on your face, causing you to wake up earlier that you anticipated.
Groaning, you trudged to the one and only bathroom in your house, thankful that your mom was off to work. She works for Mr.Heyward and they’re currently trying to deliver supplies to as many people as possible.
After getting ready for the day in the restroom, you headed towards the kitchen. In your peripheral vision, you saw a big basket sitting on your front porch.
Peaking your interest, you opened your front door and grabbed the basket with two hands. It wasn’t that heavy but it appeared to be filled to the brim.
Perched on the very top of the basket was a ripped sheet of blank paper covered with medium sized writing. The penmanship was sloppy and certain words had been written over and over again, most likely because the marker was running out of ink.
Tumblr media
Based on the lack of punctuation, you already knew who hand delivered this package.
On the inside was 3 of JJ’s shirts (without the sleeves ofc), a half empty bottle of cologne that he’d only wear on special occasions, a torn 2 dollar bill, and a hydroponic blunt.
If any other pogue was receiving this as a gift, they’d probably be really disappointed but, not you. You knew that JJ wasn’t well acquainted with showing and or receiving love so, this was a huge gesture.
Running back into your house, you grabbed your phone, ignoring all of the apology texts from John B, you facetimed JJ.
After a few seconds of it ringing, he answered, “What time is it?” He groaned.
“When did you deliver this?” You asked, ignoring his question.
“What are you talking about?” He didn’t falter, standing his ground.
“Don’t play dumb with me, JJ. What time did you put this on my doorstep?” You persisted, showing the poorly wrapped package that rested on your dining table.
“I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.” He chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
You squinted your eyes into the camera and waited a few seconds and sure enough, he creaked, “Fine, fine! I may or may not have decided to play mail man last night.”
“What the heck-?” You paused, attempting to take in what he had just said, “Wait, why?”
“Well, after Sarah crashed your birthday party, I thought you might want to wake up to something, uh, nice.” He grinned, awkwardly.
“You should’ve called me! I would’ve come outside to see you.” You replied, disappointed. He was mere feet away from you last night and you weren’t aware.
“Social distancing, y/n.” He teased. We all know that JJ is the pogue that’s most likely to accidentally break one of the rules during quarantine.
“JJ,” You took a deep breath, “Why did you all of this. I mean, it’s such an amazing birthday gift. A blunt and a 2 dollar bill, what more could a girl ask for?”
“IT’S BECAUSE HE LOOOOVES YOU!!” You heard John B scream from farther into the house.
JJ dropped the phone on the bed and put himself on mute, you shook your head, knowing he was most likely scolding John B.
“I’m sorry, he’s been spending to much time with Sarah.” He returned, “Also, I stole that bill from Kie, don’t tell her though.”
“I really really really miss you, JJ.” You sighed, frowning.
“I really really really miss you, y/n.” He mocked, of course he could not be 100% serious, even when he wanted too.
“Can you promise me something?”
He raised his eyebrows, face plastered with curiousness, “Uhhh, maybe.” He chuckled.
“Promise me that you’ll ask me out once quarantine is over?” You deadpanned. It was clear that it caught him by surprise because his face wasn’t covered with confusion anymore but shear terror instead.
“W-What was that John B???!!! You fell in the toilet! Awe shit, y/n, I’ve gotta go.” He replied, hanging up the phone.
Usually, you’d be a little offended but, you knew he was just messing around with you, especially because he was so used to making the first move when it came to getting girls.
Your phone was on silent so, you didn’t notice it a first but you had a new text message from JJ.
“pinky promise.”
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daddyzanchez · 5 years
Hi hon, didn't know if you were still taking request but if you are, is it possible to get one with Zero Rick comforting fem reader after a stressful week of everything going wrong. And it turning into passionate love making since he wants to see her happy. Thank you so much if your able to and if not, no worries. I still love your work very much❤
Hey sweet friend, here is just what you wanted .. I hope! Sorry for such a long waiting time but I wanted it to be perfect for you. Additionally, this is my first attempt at doing some Zero Rick, so bear with me and enjoy your read :)
2580 words - erotica - F/M - hurt/comfort, comfort sex, vaginal sex, kissing, undressing, fluff 
Link to story on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19399486
Worst Week Ever!!!
The only thing that kept you from letting out a scream when you finally entered your home was the fact that you lived in an apartment building. You did not want to risk someone calling the cops on you in the idea that you were hurt, so instead, you stomped through the hallway, past Zero who was lying on your couch, and into your bedroom to drop your body onto the bed. You could hear him say your name and from his tone, you knew he had noticed that not everything was like it usually were on a Friday afternoon; you were usually cheerful at the idea of weekend. TGIF, right? You guessed that the usual relief when that saying that phrase applied to this as well - relief at the fact that this work-week was over.
As your face hit the mattress, you realised that you didn’t even care enough to take off your coat and boots, no you needed this too much to care about anything else. You pulled your pillow close to your chest before lifting it to your face, and then you screamed into it until your lungs gave out and you had to heave in a huge amount of air to scream again. It felt better afterwards, just a little.
Maybe I should just go to bed, you thought to yourself as you rolled onto your back. You stared at the ceiling and it felt like it was staring back at you, judging your wish of sleeping your sorrows away. It was not wrong to go to bed at five in the afternoon, was it? With all the crap that you had had to endure throughout the days, which had made the week seem like a month, you almost deserved a long break from life.
“Hey,” you looked towards the voice, Zero leaning against the wooden frame of the door with his usual tired eyes. You knew that your entrance hadn’t gone unnoticed, and whilst it might have for most Ricks, Zero was different and a lot more observant which you guessed was simply a trait that the quiet types had.
“Hey,” you looked away again, going back to your staring competition with the ceiling.
“Is everything alright?” He took a few steps towards you; the radiation of your whole being telling him to tread carefully unless he wanted an outburst to happen. You contemplated not answering his question. It was not because he was annoying you with his interest but because you feared that you’d start the longest rant that would eventually make him leave your flat from the tediousness of it, and under no circumstances could he leave; you’d missed him too much during the week.
“No,” you replied, looking at him through the corner of your eye. You pushed out your bottom lip in a pout and folded your arms across your chest.
“Rough week?” He egged you on, clearly wanting to be there for you, and then something happened, something that took both of you completely by surprise: You started sobbing and it was the best feeling that had washed over you in days. You absolutely bawled your eyes out, heaving for breaths as you stuttered whilst talking.
You started listing things, mentioning the way you car’s battery had been acting up and made you late three times this week, one particular time standing out a lot more than the others, “A-a-and I get out there and they’ve already started the presentation without me! I mean, I know- I know that I was late, but it wasn’t my fault! I worked my ass off, and fucking Jeremy took all o-of the credit!”
You were sitting up now as you had started to feel your tears run down over your ears and into your hair. Zero had accompanied you on the bed, brushing his hand up and down your back but saying nothing at all. The look of sympathy, the small nods of understanding and the warmth of his touch were enough to tell you that you could go on for as long as you liked, and you proceeded by telling him the cost of a new battery and the way your boss had threatened you with taking a bit off of your salary this month, “And I- just fuck him, he knows I do everything around there. I even left my keys in anger and had to do some weird version of the walk of shame, go back and get them after frantically searching for them in my purse and my car for half an hour.”
Zero pulled you into his chest, resting his chin at the top of your head and humming in agreement to everything you said. You weren’t sure if he was actually listening but even if he was pretending, it was nice to finally let it all out. He pulled away briefly to wipe a few fresh tears away from your face, and you smiled sadly at him. He smiled in return, a rare thing to see on his usual stone-face, “Sounds like you had an eventful week, huh, babe?”
“Yeah,” you were silent for a moment but then reached into your pocket, fishing out your phone to show him a huge crack along the screen, “And would you believe this? As if things couldn’t get any worse.”
You threw it on the bed, throwing yourself down onto it as well as you let out a frustrated groan. This truly could not get any worse, in fact, it could only get better from here on out.
“I can fix that for you,” he said, “Just give me till tomorrow.”
“I just want to go to sleep,” you mumbled, shuffling up on the bed to rest your head on your pillow, “I’m not tired but the whole world seems a bit too much right now.”
“Well, you can’t go to sleep in your winter coat and boots,” Rick stated as were it a scientific fact, crawling to the end of the bed. He started untying your shoes, pulling them off slowly and dropping them onto the floor. You thought about how sweet he was when he pulled off your socks as well, indirectly letting you know that he remembered how you despised sleeping with your socks on.
“Thank you,” you said, closing your eyes to drift off.
“Let’s just take it one step at a time,” you could feel he was moving on the bed again, reaching out for your coat to unbutton it slowly and as he managed to undo the first one, you giggled in surprise, opening your eyes again, as he started kissing you after each one. Eight kisses that only turned more and more loving with each one, and you found yourself embarrassingly whining for more when he wanted to pull away to push the coat off your shoulders.
You let him do it though, knowing that if you played your cards right, you would have to take it off anyway. Your eyes followed his every move as he pulled it out from underneath you, ready to react if he wanted to leave the bed and when he suddenly  looked determined to go put it in the entrance hall, you reached for his wrist, “You know, I think I might have an idea how to make me feel better.”
“I’m doing the best I can,” Zero chuckled, giving up on trying to tidy up and leaving the clothes on the floor beside the bed. He then continued stripping you from your clothes, peeling off your blouse and jeans until your underwear was fully visible. You had goosebumps all over, and Rick hummed as rubbed your arms and kissed your bare skin to make them go away.
“I love you,” you mumbled, and it made him look up at your face. He smiled one of his rare smiles, then reached to take off his striped sweater. You grinned as you saw how his already unruly hair became more unruly, wanting to touch him as soon as possible but when you reached out, he pulled back to strip himself of the rest of his clothes.
“There,” he said, completely naked in front of you and you responded by returning the favour by getting into your birthday suit as well. Zero slowly crawled back onto you.
The first touches of skin against skin were sweet, the vulnerability of feeling your stomachs pressing together, without any clothing separating you and making your body ache as were you walking on power lines. The electricity that shot up from wherever your bodies touched and to your fingertips was flowing through him as well because his voice dropped an octave and his breathing hitched.
“I know,” you mumbled, shifting underneath him until you felt his cock on your belly. You still held onto his shoulders but then ran your fingertips down over the muscles at his biceps which were taut from holding himself up, “You make me feel so much better, you know that?”
Zero chuckled at that, shaking his head in a humble way that was so unlike any other Rick and you knew that he was the one for you. He shifted his weight to one arm before reaching down between the two of you to grab his cock in his hand. You responded by bending your legs up and opening them.
When he slid inside of you with barely any effort, time stood still in the already quiet room. Nothing existed in here, everything around you was ripped from your senses except the feeling of him filling up your cunt, a shaky whimper leaving your mouth as it fell open, “Oh-”
You angled your hips upwards and Rick nearly fell forward as you engulfed his cock even more, “Holy shit.”
“Sorry,” you giggled, and the look on his face told you that even doing that was too overwhelming after all the anticipation of slowly undressing. You’d never know the feeling of being inside someone whilst they giggled but it seemed to be pretty damn good in the way that Rick’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head as you simply giggled even more.
Eventually, Rick covered your mouth with his hand, shushing you with a playful smile and you did your best to calm down again. This wasn’t going anywhere anyway, if he could barely contain himself, and you needed some of the fun as well.
“There we go,” he praised as you finally stopped laughing against his hand, making him draw back and then slide back inside of you, “Good.”
You moaned softly, feeling your body sink even further down into the mattress as he started a slow pace. His strokes were languid, lazy even, and they were just teasingly shallow enough to leave you sighing for him to do more.
Rick being on top was a possibility to explore his delicate light skin; you said light as he was less tan than the rest of the Ricks you had met due to him liking the indoors a bit too much. Your hands came up to rest on his chest, running your fingers over the smooth skin only to dig your fingertips slightly into it, noticing every little beauty mark, scar and how he was turning slightly pink for the effort he was putting in, in fucking you.
You lifted yourself up as best as you could, breathing heavily as the strokes still teased but shifted with your movement, only to kiss at his shoulder, tasting the saltiness and the taste that could only be his. He took it as you wanting more, one hand holding your thigh to lift your leg onto his hip so he could go deeper, replacing the shallowness with much more thoroughness. You fell back down, arching your back as he placed your other leg over his other hip as well.
The two of you were even closer now, and mere moments ago, being even closer had seemed impossible. You pulled at him by linking your arms around his neck and shoulders, wanting the weight of him on your chest so you could kiss him deeply. And kiss him you did; every little fibre of your body giving in to him as your lips and tongues met in a clash of sucking and nibbling.
In return, he sped up his thrusts and altered the angle just slightly, earning a string of moans from you that made you lose the control over the kiss that you had; him being so close made it possible for him to grind his pelvis against your clit.
“Fuck, Rick- I’m…” you parted your lips to look down between you, unable to keep your noises to a yourself and admiring the way he could work his hips so well.
“I’m close,” he breathed, voice shaking so much that you knew he was indeed. You started to chase your own orgasm after that, grinding against his pelvis and wantonly pushing back down on his cock whilst he struggled to follow along.
“Make me come,” you moaned, untangling your arms from around him and sliding your hands up into his hair instead to pull his head down for another messy kiss. Your climax was mounting, hanging on by a thread, and from the way the both of you struggled to keep up the kiss, his was too. All you had to do was keep going, and going, and going, and-
As if you had taken the leap of faith off a cliff, a wave of pleasure surged forward in your lower abdomen and then another, and another and you could do nothing but ride it, with cries that mixed with Zero’s, until it ebbed away and left you happier than you had been the rest of the week.
On top of you, Zero had collapsed on top of you and you felt the stickiness of his come between your legs. He was heavy but perfect, and you took the opportunity to inhale his hair and kiss it softly until he started stirring again.
“Let me get you a towel and a flannel,” he mumbled and got out of bed, going back to his usual quiet state. You nodded and didn’t mind at all, wanting mostly to get cleaned up and then go to sleep.
It didn’t take many seconds of staring up at the ceiling and relishing in the glory of a good orgasm before he was back, handing a damp cloth to you so you could wipe yourself down and urging you to lift yourself up, so he could slide a towel underneath you.
“I figured you didn’t want to get up, so the sheets could be changed,” he smiled shyly, looking at you with tired eyes.
“Come here, I can see you’re tired,” you said, patting the bed and he crawled close you, “An orgasm really knocks you out, huh?”  
“Any excuse just to sleep,” he muttered, making you chuckle as you snuggled close to him and closed your eyes.
“Don’t wake me,” you said, “I just want to sleep until tomorrow and I know you get snacky after sex.”
“Goodnight then,” he replied but you were already drifting off.
You woke up the next day to a phone screen without a scratch, having slept throughout the whole afternoon and night… And the smell of pancakes was wafting through your home. God, you were starving and the work-week was forgotten.
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thetraumadiaries · 5 years
My experience with MDMA & PTSD
So let me tell you about the first time I made a major breakthrough with my PTSD.
It's the first time I felt like I was capable of healing. What I'm about to say may be controversial, and perhaps not all of you will respect my decision, nor do the same thing I did. In fact, I am not trying to encourage you to do what I did, but I just want to come out and be honest about how I felt.
For years, I've been the kind of girl that's very "against" drugs. Well, I didn't have a problem with people that chose to do it, but I could see their suffering and reliance and I did not want to become weakened by a substance, or reliant on it. I am an incredibly resilient person. Heck, I don't even take painkillers when I need them. But for a while, the idea of drugs scared me because of their dangers. Also, the social stigma made me really adamant on staying away from them.
Of course, when I turned 20 I did try marijuana for the first time. Tbh, I didn't even really enjoy it. It made me ridiculous, silly and paranoid. It enhanced the overthinking parts of my brain. A few years later, I decided to try it again... this time I had sex while being high. It was actually a great experience. It was fun. But meh, it wasn't really something I cared for tbh. At the time, that was the "hardest" drug I'd ever do. I'm glad I tried it, but I vowed not to do anything else.
You see, my mother has paranoid schizophrenia. We aren't sure what triggered it in her... perhaps it was having me after 3 miscarriages before. I wasn't meant to be born.
Maybe it was the way my uncle treated her as a child, and how horrible people were to her. Maybe it was her own traumatic experiences time after time.
Either way, I grew up with a crazy mom.
It was hard. I won't explain the details of that today, but of course, you can understand my hesitation and fear of drugs after growing up with a mother like that. No, my mom never did any drugs. But knowing that schizophrenia COULD be hereditary and that drugs CAN trigger it, means it is a very real risk for me.
After university and postgrad, I had a friend who tried to talk to me about drug therapy. I was very open about what I was going through on Instagram & Facebook. But I kept explaining to him that I have a very good reason not try any substances. He was telling me how MDMA research had found breakthroughs with PTSD. This is when I had just started suspecting that I had a severe case of PTSD, but wasn't yet diagnosed. Honestly, when he was talking to me, I didn't even know what MDMA was. I didn't know what ecstacy really did to people. Or meth. Or cocaine. Or heroine. I just knew that they could ruin people's lives - and that the risk to me is the greatest. So I brushed him off, educated him on my schizophrenic parent, and was adamantly against was he was saying.
But I have to say, I think that knowledge haunted me subconsciously.
Half a year later, I made some new friends when I was on my way to go clubbing with my girls. I really like to dance, and these new friends - two guys - they noticed that. They told me that I should come raving with them, and that I'd really enjoy it. I honestly knew nothing about raves, but being a metalhead for so long, I've also been exposed to harder styles of EDM and was interested in it. I decided to go with them. They offered me M but I declined, of course. I didn't explain my reasons right away, but they respected me for it & it was a great time.
I wanted to go again to another event. I was also interested in the guy that invited me. But he told me something that was strange. He said he doesn't feel comfortable around sober people when he raves. I thought that was some weird af guilt-tripping bullshit tbh. So I explained my reason and TBH, I always have a good time sober. I'm just as happy and fun and crazy as everyone else! But sure, whatever...maybe I didn't "tap into" whatever they did.
So we all went to another event. It was good. But I started growing more and more curious. My PTSD was actually getting worse. A few months before these raves, I got raped.. and I hadn't healed properly. I even lost my job because I wasn't able to focus on both a criminal investigation, how I felt and doing my daily tasks. I didn't even look for a new job in this time. I was so lost, going through so much. I think I really just wanted someone to talk to who wouldn't blame me or question the logic of what happened. But heck, I couldn't afford therapy. I didn't even have the energy to make the phone call to get help. But I really needed help. So I kept talking to this guy. He was nice to me and would talk to me, having "real" conversations with me (not like the BS small talk that most Toronto fuckboys engage in). Looking back, I think I liked him because I felt like I could heal through him. This was a mistake, of course. But it's okay, we live and we learn.
Now comes the good part. The first breakthrough.
Dreams Festival was around the corner, and since I'd been exposed to all my friends on M at every rave, I was really thinking about it a lot. I had done some research and read that M with assisted psychotherapy really did do wonders for PTSD. Of course, I didn't have a psychotherapist... but I was curious. What if I did just a little bit? Just a tiny amount.
The guy I was seeing - he would make his own pills. So he could tell me exactly how much is in each of them, and customize it for me. I told him I wanted to try it... but I didn't want to do it both days of the festival. Just one. I read and saw my friends go through a lot of the side effects and a lot of the highs, and they educated me a lot on it. So I think I was okay.
Day 1 was great, but Day 2 is when I popped for the first time.
I only took 0.10, but man... it was enough. Believe me. When I started rolling, it was like...
I didn't even know I was capable of feeling that way. It was as though a HUGE weight that I'd been carrying for my whole life was literally lifted off my shoulders. The sun was setting and it felt so good on my skin. They kept telling me to put my sunglasses on, but I didn't want to. I wanted to look at the sunset, and feel the warmth on my face. I didn't have a fear in the world.
And that was profound.
I didn't feel any fear. For the first time in my life.
I wasn't scared or worried about ANYTHING. I had no stress. I wasn't thinking about anything bad that had happened.
So I started crying. I was fucking balling my eyes out. I didn't know it was possible to feel this way. I didn't even know that hope existed. I didn't know what recovery felt like. But feeling that... made it all possible. I realized that it was actually possible for me to feel that way sober. The "real me" came out. I realized that there was a kind of "fear cloud" haunting me, and that I just need to separate myself from it to feel good and heal.
It was magical. This realization was the biggest epiphany I've ever had in my life.
I was okay. I was REALLY okay... and I would continue to be if I can remember how to do that again.
I just have to remember....
Since that amazing night, I got A LOT better. It was like 6 sessions of therapy, I swear. Don't get me wrong- the "fear cloud" definitely came back LOL. & I'm still damaged af. But tbh, I learned a lot and I can tap into that experience to help myself move forward.
The best part is, I had no come down and I didn't even crave the feeling of being high like that again. Just that one experience was enough for me to know that I'll be okay, but that it's going to take a lot of pro-activeness for me to get there.
And so I've been working hard at psychoanalyzing myself, and keeping my mental health in check.
When I break down, it gets REALLY bad. But I can tap into that and talk myself out of the overwhelming negative memories and bad thoughts that stop me from sleeping. It doesn't go away completely, but it really does help a lot. I'm not a lost cause anymore. I'm not bad anymore.
I'm not the way I was last summer.
And well, there you have it.
That's just one baby step in a life long journey of healing from PTSD.
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