#this time for my aunt's halloween party!
frenchiepal · 2 years
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31.10.22 it's gloomy these days, nice vibes for the end of october. i spent my week studying, baking with friends and working on the mountain of assignments we got in only the first week of class :')
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roosterforme · 6 months
The Younger Kind Part 57 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley gets home in time to take care of you when you need him the most, and he's ready to push aside his own exhaustion to let Noah celebrate Halloween. Announcements and plans are made, including some that you're looking forward to a lot more than Bradley is.
Warnings: pregnancy topics, mentions of miscarriage, swearing, smutty blowjob, angst, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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When Noah woke up on Halloween, he made his way into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as he went. Then he stopped short next to the table. "Daddy?"
Bradley spun around to see his son standing there in disbelief. "Hey, Bub," he said as a smile bloomed across his face. "I missed you." He knelt down, and Noah immediately trotted across the room and right into his open arms. "I made it back just in time to go trick-or-treating with you."
He kissed Noah's cheek and buried his nose in his son's soft curls, inhaling the scent of home. "We're all going to go," Noah said with conviction. "Even Skittles has a costume. And Aunt Natasha is going to get one, too. She promised."
"Then I guess it will be a party," Bradley told him, deciding now wasn't the best time to mention that you may rather spend the evening in bed. "Are you hungry?" he asked, standing up with his son in his arms, simply because he wasn't ready to stop holding him. "Do you want pancakes?"
Bradley knew it was bad when a four year old looked at you like he was convinced anything you tried to cook would be inedible. "Can Mommy make them?"
"Wow," Bradley said, trying not to laugh. He was pretty convinced five minutes ago that he'd be able to follow the directions on the box, but maybe not. "Do you really think Mommy is that much better at cooking than I am?"
"Yes. She is. Can she make the pancakes?"
Bradley laughed and kissed his cheek again. "How about I give it the old college try since Mommy is still sleeping, okay?" He held Noah while he measured out the water, but when it was time to crack an egg, he set him down at the table with a glass of milk and an activity book that you or Nat must have got for him. He looked at the egg, not quite trusting himself, and he cracked it into a bowl instead directly into the pancake mix. He ended up picking pieces of the shell out of the bowl, but once he started to stir everything together, it looked pretty damn good. 
"Okay," he muttered, wondering if you'd want to eat breakfast in bed if he managed to pull this off. He should order one of those tray tables for you to use. He dumped some of the batter into the hot pan and started to look online for a purple tray when he got a little distracted. 
"Daddy," Noah said, pointing to the stove as soon as Bradley smelled the pancake starting to burn.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath, setting his finally fully charged phone aside. "It's okay, I'll eat this one," he promised, flipping it over with a spatula to reveal a blackened, smoking mess. Now he paid close attention to what he was doing, and the next ones turned out pretty well, but it was too late.
"What did you burn?" you asked from the doorway with a smile. When Bradley tossed the spatula aside and rushed to your side, you said, "For a minute there, I thought it was all a dream, and that you weren't really home yet at all. But then I smelled something burning and knew you must be."
He wrapped one arm around your waist, tilted your chin up with his fingers and kissed you, hoping to convey just how badly he had missed you. He didn't stop until Noah asked, "Mommy, can you make the pancakes?"
"Let's let Mommy rest," Bradley replied, stroking your neck with his fingertips. "Do you want me to bring a plate of food into the bedroom?" he asked you.
You shook your head and whispered, "I'm okay. I might take a nap later, but I'm fine, Daddy." Then you took his hand gently in yours and brought it to rest on your belly. "So is this little one."
"I wouldn't have blamed you," he blurted out, and you tucked your face against his chest. As your arms snaked around his waist, he said, "I would have been sad, but only because I'm so excited for the baby. But I wouldn't have blamed you or been upset with you, Princess."
You nodded and whispered, "I know. It was so scary though. And I don't think I could have gone much longer without you here."
"I'm home. And I'm cooking and doing everything. You've got nothing to worry about."
"Mommy, please," came Noah's exasperated voice. "The pancakes."
You started laughing against Bradley. "Do you want dinosaur pancakes?" you asked, and Noah gasped in delight. "I'll take that as a yes. Step aside, Daddy. Watch and learn."
But he didn't step aside. He stood behind you with his chin resting on your shoulder and told you over and over again how much he loved you while you prepared the most adorable breakfast he'd ever seen in his life. You cut up a pancake to look like a stegosaurus body and added spikes made out of sliced strawberries. You used part of a banana as the neck, and added chocolate chips as eyes. 
"Damn," Bradley said. "That's almost as cute as you are. Can I have one, too?" Then you cut up the burned pancake and made a much less cute looking dinosaur while he laughed the whole time. "Thanks. That's exactly how I wanted it."
"You're welcome," you told him with a smirk as you took some of the good pancakes for yourself. He guided you over to the table with all of the plates of breakfast, and Noah abandoned his book while he clapped his hands.
"Thank you, Mommy," he said as he shoved some strawberries into his mouth.
Then Bradley guided you down onto his lap and held you while you ate. "It's good to be home. When you're done eating, I want you to get back in bed and wait for me," he whispered, tracing your side gently with his fingers while he stuck his fork into his burnt dinosaur pancake.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you said softly. "We can't do that. Not for a few more weeks. The doctors said my uterus has to thicken a bit more, and I-"
"Baby," Bradley said a little louder. "No. Don't apologize. I don't care about that. I want you to rest, but I also want to show you the books I bought in Tokyo."
You looked at him over your shoulder, and he kissed your cheek. "I want you to know that I did miss you that way, too."
"I missed you in every way imaginable, Princess."
Bradley ended up carefully carrying you to bed as you yawned, and he promised to clean up the kitchen and get things ready for Halloween.
"I want you to relax," he said for at least the tenth time as he dug around in his still unpacked duffle bag. "I'll take Noah out to buy some pumpkins in a little bit, and I'll leave you a sandwich in the fridge that you can eat when you want it. But in the meantime, look how cool these are."
He sat on the edge of the bed next to your thigh and handed you a stack of Japanese children's books. You smiled and looked at the covers. They ranged from some meant for a baby to ones that Noah would be interested in when he started school. "You were really thinking about your family the whole time, huh?"
"Every second I was gone," he promised, leaning down to kiss you. He would take care of everything, and Nat promised she'd come back later, and you really did almost feel like you could relax. But you still felt a little guilty even as he ran his lips and mustache along your cheek to your ear and whispered your name.
"You must be exhausted and jetlagged," you told him. "You're the one who should be resting."
He just shook his head, kissed you one more time and said, "I'll call Nat if I need her. Otherwise, I'm perfect because I'm with you. Rest."
Then he was gone, and you drifted off into the kind of beautiful sleep where you didn't have to worry about what time it was or when Noah needed to eat again. When you woke up after noon to a completely silent house, you ate your sandwich and then went right back to bed. Eventually Noah's laughter and the warm afternoon light that seemed impossible to sleep through had you out of bed again, but when you looked around the house, you didn't see anyone. The back door was open, and when you went into the kitchen, you saw Bradley and Noah carving pumpkins on the deck.
You walked outside in the random clothing you'd been sleeping in, and as soon as the sun hit your face, you didn't feel as exhausted anymore. "Mommy's up!" Noah cheered, jumping up to hug you with his slimy, orange hands. 
"Don't touch her until you wash your hands, Bub," Bradley called out with a grimace. "Too late."
"It's okay," you told him, kissing the top of Noah's head. "Are you happy Daddy made it home in time for Halloween?"
He looked up at you with a little crease along his brow. "I knew he would. That's why we bought him a costume."
"Speaking of which," Bradley said as he kissed your cheek without putting his messy hands on you, "it's almost time to get changed to go collect candy."
"And ride in the wagon!" Noah exclaimed.
"What wagon?" you asked.
"You'll see," Bradley replied with a little smirk. 
After a leisurely shower during which you didn't have to worry about anything except yourself, you dressed in your princess costume that you and Noah picked out from the Halloween warehouse and put on some makeup. Then you added your brand new crown, and you thought you looked pretty incredible. When you walked out to the living room and saw Noah dressed as a little prince, your heart melted. 
"Sweet Noah," you gushed as he held onto his treat bag, all ready to go. He was wearing his yellow paper crown that Bradley managed to procure from some unknown spot in the house, and he just looked precious. 
"I like your crown, Mommy," he said, pointing to the gold one you were wearing.
You smiled. "I like my purple paper crown better."
"Don't laugh." You turned to see Bradley standing behind you in his rather ill fitting knight costume. It kind of looked like he was wearing aluminum foil that was a size too small, but he had a smile on his face, and his costume crinkled when you hugged him. "Hey, Mav and Penny are planning to stop by to take some photos with Noah, but if you want me to call them back and tell them we just want a quiet evening, I can do that."
You shook your head against his crunchy costume as you laughed. "We should tell them about the baby when they get here."
"Yeah?" he asked excitedly. "You want to?"
"I mean, Nat and Javy know. Dr. Kelly knows. I think Mav and Penny should know now, too."
"I love this idea," he whispered, letting his fingers gently glide along the front of your dress. "You're feeling better now?"
You nodded, but Noah didn't really let you answer before he started clapping as he looked out the front door. "Aunt Natasha is back!" 
She walked in dressed as a jester and picked Noah up to give him a kiss. A minute later, Maverick, Penny and Amelia were all there as well, and phones were being passed around along with Noah, because everyone wanted their picture with the tiny prince. 
"Okay, let me take one of everyone in front of the pumpkins on the porch," Bradley said as he collected a few phones in his hands and headed outside. He smirked at you as he added, "Everyone needs to squeeze together a little bit more. Make sure both of my kids are in there."
"Both?" Penny asked before she gasped, and the first photo Bradley took was of her turning to look at you with wide eyes. "Both?!"
"I'm pregnant," you announced with a smile, and the second photo Bradley took was of everyone else with wide eyes, too. And he snapped a few more where Nat was holding Noah with a grin on her face while the others all hugged you.
After a brief argument on your end, Bradley managed to get you and Noah both settled into the oversized wagon he bought earlier this afternoon. Then he clipped Skittles' leash on before attaching her tiny crown to her head. "There we go. The royal family is now complete."
"Have fun!" Nat called out, waving from the front porch with the bowl of candy, already crowded with neighborhood kids looking for their treats. 
"I don't need to be pulled in a wagon all night," you protested as Bradley scoffed.
"What kind of knight would I be if I wasn't doting on the two of you." Skittles barked, so he added, "I meant the three of you."
"Four," you said, pointing to your belly as he pulled the wagon down the driveway. 
"My point is," he said loudly, "I will be doting on my entire family all night long, and there's nothing you can do about it. Please keep your arms and legs inside the royal carriage until we come to a complete stop."
He very dutifully pulled up to each house before lifting Noah out and taking him up to collect his piece of candy. Bradley got the chance to enjoy so many of his neighbors telling him how sweet his son looked, and he kept reminding Noah to say thank you. After about an hour, two treat bags had been filled up with candy, and you looked like you were having fun. You even started waving from the wagon at everyone you passed like a real princess would.
"This is really fun," you said, holding on to Noah as Bradley turned another corner. 
"I love Halloween!" his son shouted. 
Truthfully, it was a bit of a challenge for Bradley to pull the wagon, keep Skittles from barking at the other kids, and take Noah up to each house and back, but he wasn't about to complain. Not after everything you'd done and been through while he was in Japan. But he would sleep well tonight. That was a given. 
"I think this was the last house," Bradley said, stifling his own yawn. "Feel like chatting about our wedding on the way back home?" he asked as Noah yawned as well and settled down in the wagon with you.
It was hard to read your face in the darkness. "What do you want to chat about?" you asked softly.
"How soon will you let me marry you?"
You laughed and said, "How soon do you want to get married?"
"Hmm," you hummed. "Seems like that would be short notice for wedding guests."
"We don't need wedding guests," he said, and he meant it. "You still want to use our backyard?"
Bradley slowed down over a particularly uneven part of the sidewalk. "Are you still set on Valentine's Day?  Because I'm thinking Christmas."
"Christmas?" you repeated. "Like less than two months from now?"
Bradley pulled the wagon up the driveway past the Bronco, and of course Noah was sound asleep. As soon as he scooped his son off of your lap, Nat came rushing over from her seat on the porch. "I can get him changed and put him in bed."
He didn't argue with her, rather he handed Noah off and focused on helping you out of the wagon. "Yeah. Less than two months from now. I keep thinking about how you threw me a Christmas in July birthday party. We could have a Christmas wedding, too. And after that, we can start the adoption process."
You moaned his name as he took your hand and headed for the house. "You know the way to my heart is through Noah."
He straightened out your crown, still rather fond of your purple one which was sitting safely on his dresser. "Is that a yes?" he whispered, kissing you softly while a few remaining kids ran down the sidewalk laughing. "We can make it official? And I can take care of you forever?"
Bradley helped you out of your princess costume after he stripped out of his knight costume, and his lips met the bare skin of your shoulder immediately. "I love you," he murmured, taking you by the hand and leading you toward the bed. But it didn't feel sexual. You knew that wasn't why he was being exceptionally wonderful right now.
"I love you, too."
His forehead came to rest against yours, and his hands were so gentle on your hips. "I'm just relieved to be home. And I'm sorry I wasn't here last week. If something worse had happened to you while I was gone, when you really needed me, I don't know what I would have done."
"We're all okay," you whispered, pushing him until he was sitting down on the bed looking up at you. "And I feel a lot better since I've been resting more." Your skin felt warm and tingly as he kissed you. Six weeks was a long time, and you knew Bradley hadn't even had access to all of the photos and videos on his phone to keep him company. And you did want it to feel sexual, because you missed every bit of him.
"Lay back on your pillow and wait for me," you told Bradley with a smile, using his words against him. 
He did as he was told and patted the spot next to him as he said, "Does that mean you're ready to snuggle with me?"
"Something like that, Daddy."
As soon as you licked your lips and reached for the front of his sweatpants, his eyes went wider. "No, Baby. You don't have to do that."
"I want to," you promised, pulling the fabric down to reveal his soft length. He still looked delicious even like this. You desperately wanted him in your mouth. You met his eyes and whispered, "Please?"
He was panting softly, the rise and fall of his chest so alluring even through his undershirt. He moaned your name and made a strangled sound before he reached for your hand. When he sat up slowly and kissed you gently, he placed your hand on his cock, and he immediately throbbed for you. 
As you rubbed your thumb down his length and along his balls, he grew harder. "You missed me touching you like this," you sang in a quiet voice, watching him as he watched your hand. When his eyes flitted back to your face he nodded. "Tell me you did, Bradley."
He swallowed hard, and his voice was so raspy, your hand faltered. "I missed you like this. I thought about your body when I touched myself, but my hands aren't as soft and perfect as yours."
"Daddy," you whimpered, leaning down to kiss away his precum before taking him between your lips.
But he continued on as you sucked, driving you as wild as you were driving him. "I thought about you with a pregnant belly. I thought about how much I'm going to love fucking you when you're big and round. Big because of my baby."
You took him deep, letting him tap the back of your throat as you saw stars along your vision. "Fuck! Princess! I'm not even gonna last."
Slowly, you let your lips glide back up his length, sucking all the way to his tip. "Then just go ahead and come, Daddy. I want you to."
When he collapsed back against the pillow and tucked one arm beneath his head, you took him deep again. He wasn't kidding, because you could see the veins in his neck as his face grew pink, and you knew he was already close. You didn't rush him along, but you bobbed to a pace that left him grabbing at the bedding with his free hand.
"Baby!" he whined, rolling his hips up until you were starting to gag, and then he came. You were sputtering, swallowing him down as quickly as you could as your name fell from his lips over and over again. "Come up here," he demanded, and when you crawled toward him as you licked your lips clean, he gathered you carefully in his arms.
You never felt as loved as you did when you were with him. His body was perfectly warm and everything you had been missing. His voice calmed every part of you. "December," he whispered as he played with your engagement ring. It took you a moment to realize what he meant as he kissed at your lips. "December. We'll get married. We'll all be Bradshaws. Me and you and Noah and the baby. That's all I need."
"And Skittles."
"Please. She's my best non-human friend. It's unspoken."
When Bradley promised to meet you at your lunchtime appointment with your obstetrician on Wednesday, you were a little skeptical. 
"Even if I have to flip off Admiral Simpson and tell him to go fuck himself, I will be there."
You had laughed at the time, but you should have known he wouldn't miss a chance to interrogate your doctor in his flight suit. He stood next to you as you were told to lie back on the table for a pelvic exam, and he kept his eyes on you through the uncomfortable experience, looking down at you like you were the best thing in the world. 
"Does she need another progesterone shot today?" he asked softly as you reached for his hand. "And are you going to monitor her with more appointments? And will we get to see an ultrasound?"
"Yes, yes, and yes." Your doctor looked at you and said, "We'll monitor you more closely even after you're done with the injections. We are going to consider you high risk."
"High risk?" you gasped. "That sounds very bad."
"It's not!" he insisted as he guided you to sit up a little bit. "It just means you and the baby get extra attention."
Bradley looked the doctor in the eye and said, "She wants to go to Disneyland for a day or two. Is that even okay?"
You were ready to pout and tell both of them that you felt fine now. There had been no more blood. You were getting plenty of rest. Then he said the words you'd been hoping to hear. "Disneyland would be fine. Just don't overdo it."
"Yes!" you cheered. "Noah will be so excited! Let's go for Thanksgiving!"
Bradley opened his mouth, and you could tell he wanted to protest, but your doctor started to spread gel on your belly, and then the baby was visible on the screen on the wall when the ultrasound started up. "Oh damn," Bradley whispered, suddenly mesmerized by what he saw as he gripped your hand tighter. "Look at the heartbeat. Look at the baby."
"Does he or she look healthy?" you asked, mesmerized as well.
"Very healthy, but we will keep a close eye on things."
When Bradley walked you back to your car which was parked next to the Bronco, you pulled him to a stop. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and your scrubs rubbed gently against his flight suit. "Will you please let me plan a few days at Disneyland?"
"Two days," he replied immediately, clearly already resigned to his fate. "And you have to stay hydrated. And if you even start to look tired, I'm going to push you around in a wheelchair. And if you say anything hurts, we're leaving immediately."
"Disney!" you practically screamed as you bobbed up and down in his grasp and kissed his cheek. "I can't wait to tell Noah! I'll see you at home later, Daddy."
"I'll pick Noah up along with dinner. When I get home you better have your feet up and a glass of water in your hand."
"I will," you promised, matching his serious expression with one of your own. "I'll be very careful. And I'll plan our little vacation. And you'll take exceptional care of everything else."
"You know I will."
We should all have a Bradley in our lives to let us rest and heal when we need to. That man is going to take care of everything and probably plan a wedding, too. Is Nat also going to Disneyland? Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sevika and reader being grumbly whiskey aunts together!!!
They just want to sit on their porch together. <3
this is EVERYTHING to me
men and minors dni
you spend your evenings on your screened-in front porch, passing a smoke back and forth, one of you occasionally getting up to grab fresh drinks and snacks from the house.
you're both total grumps, but the kids (vander and silco's ofc) know that if they're ever in trouble, the first house to call is their aunts'.
lmaoooo now i'm imagining jinx calling you for a ride home from a party she shouldn't be at-- and you and sevika showing up to pick her up-- grinding and making out in front of all her friends just so she learns her lesson adkfj;laskjd
over the years, you've hosted the kids in your house for all kinds of reasons. claggor spent a month living with you guys when the three little kids were bogged down with a flu they kept passing around. in a rebellion against his dads' video games ban on him after they caught him smoking weed at fourteen, mylo and his xbox moved in with the two of you. jinx and vi come over for 'girl nights' all the time when they're growing up, and when violet gets laid off from her first job, she crashes with the two of you until she can get back on her feet.
they're the only kids you tolerate though. neighborhood kids are terrified of you and sevika-- both of you are total grumps, and little slayer and sugar are the exact same.
(but you make up for your bad reputation in the neighborhood on halloween-- you're always the house that gives out full sized candy bars.)
your elderly neighbors though? they love you and sevika.
they appreciate that you're just as grumpy as them. they always wave to you from their porches, where they sit every evening along with you guys. they like that you don't give a shit about the home owners association, and that sevika sometimes even does shit just to piss them off. (she painted your fence hot pink after being told by the HOA that the natural wood needed to be painted white. she earned the hearts of all your grumpy old neighbors with that move.)
as a result, you're always being given plates of cookies and pans of casseroles by the old ladies in the neighborhood, the old men are always coming over to share a smoke with sevika and exchange books, gardening tips, and garage tools. (you and sevika repay their hospitality by shoveling their sidewalks and raking their leaves for them in the shitty weather.)
you're constantly being told by old folks that you're 'the nicest lesbians we've ever met.'
sevika always laughs at this, then asks how many lesbians they have met. the answer is always just the two of you.
(one time, though, a little old lady informs you that her granddaughter is a lesbian 'just like you two,' and that she was so happy when she came out to her because 'you'll be just like my lovely neighbors!' this one makes you cry... and even sevika tears up a bit.)
in the summer, you've got a big fan you can flick on to keep you cool on your porch.
in the winter, you've got a little space heater you can pull closer to your matching rocking chairs.
after a few years, sevika even builds you an outside bed, so that after an evening of drinking whiskey and sharing a joint you can cuddle in each other's arms outside and listen to the crickets and frogs chirping before heading in for the evening.
your porch is your favorite little spot in the whole wide world. sevika's planted a jungle of plants surrounding it, and it's like your little oasis from the real world. you've got christmas lights strung around the ceiling that stay up all year long, lighting the porch when the sun finally sets. you've got dog and cat beds scattered everywhere so your animals can join you. there's ash trays, pipes, books, and bottles littered everywhere, and there's always at least a dozen potted plants scattered around inside your little sanctuary.
it's heaven.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
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jedi-luca · 11 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 12: Wild Uncharted Waters
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, drug use, attempted abuse
Previous Chapter
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“Papa, Halloween tonight?” Finley asked as you sipped your coffee and pushed the cart.
“A few more days bub.” You say lifting up a decoration.
“Mom, can we be Barbie?” Beth asked Quinn as they looked through the costumes.
“No mommy! No Barbie!” Fin huffed. “I wanna be Ariel!”
“I’m surprised she didn’t say Bluey.” You muttered lowly for your wife to hear before turning towards your toddler. “It’s okay, squirt. Quinn, you be Barbie with Beth and I’ll be Prince Eric.” You gesture to the costume. 
“But then who will be Ken?” Beth huffed.
“I’ll be Prince Eric and Prince Ken.” You shrug. “Two birds, one stone.”
“No! We need beach Ken! Moooooom!” Beth whined.
“Well then take a page out of Barbie’s book. Ken is just there; she doesn’t need him to help define her.” You say to your oldest.
“Nice.” Quinn nodded with a grin.
“Fine.” Beth sighed.
“Yayyyy! Ariel!!!!!” Fin shouted in joy.
“Sorry.” Quinn chuckled at a couple looking over with a smile.
“Your girls are so adorable.” The woman smiled before rolling off.
“Can uncle Kurt make ours?” Beth gasped.
“Here, give him a call to see what he says.” You chuckled, handing the phone over. Truthfully you know he’s busy he’s been working on the spring collection to be ahead of the game.
“Hi uncle Kurt!” Beth smiled as she twirled around. “I’m good; you?” She giggled looking over at you and Quinn. “I was wondering if you could make our costumes for Halloween?……Mom and I are going as Barbie and pop and Fin are Prince Eric and Ariel.” 
“Really?! Oh Uncle Kurt I’m so excited! Okay! See you then bye love you!” Beth hung up, handing you the phone. “Oh my gosh uncle Kurt and Blaine are gonna help me and Fin make ours tonight they said you just have to get us there.”
“You got it.” You grinned.
“I’ll drop them off before we get ready for tonight.” Quinn nodded. “Would have been a little better if we took them tomorrow night instead. Since the musical is tomorrow night.”
“Awww aunt Rachel’s having an opening night.” Beth sighed. 
“You can catch it next time.” Quinn smiled.
“Yuck musicals!” Fin stuck her tongue out.
“She got that from you.” Quinn glared at you.
“I didn’t say anything, and besides Beth we’re going to the fair tomorrow.” You chuckled as Quinn glared at you walking towards the halloween bags. You high fived Fin before handing her a puppuccino. You chuckled seeing whip cream all over her tiny face. “Tasty!” She giggled looking up at you. Beth giggled at her sister's mess. You snapped a picture before wiping her face. 
“We’re really going to the fair?” Beth asked.
“Yup! Nat, Nate, and Lila are coming with us.”
“Oh awesome! I can’t wait!” Beth squealed before listing off all the rides she wants to try out now, finally being older and tall enough.
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After dropping off the girls the two of you dressed up in your costumes and walked towards Thor’s house.
“Danny, Sandy, welcome!” Thor chuckled letting you and Quinn inside. 
“Zeus huh? Here I thought you’d be Thor the Norse God.” You grinned.
“I thought it was a bit on the nose.” Thor nodded before leading you both to the party.
Tony and Pepper were mobsters who were talking to Steve and Bucky as Maverick and Goose. When you caught sight of a certain redhead.
You gulped looking at Natasha who donned a catsuit that was clad against her curvy body. 
“Out to fight crime?” You rasped.
“Too many greasers on this street.” She winked.
You chuckled letting your hand run through your hair. “I feel a little ridiculous. I wanted to be a firefighter.” You shrugged.
“Don’t it’s…” Natasha gulped. “It’s working.” You looked so unbelievably dreamy to her she didn’t think that was possible. She already finds you charming and now with the clad white t shirt and leather jacket. Not to mention your ass looks great in those black jeans, and if she looks a little longer she can make out your package. 
“I still think the firefighter would have been cooler.” You shrugged.
“Oh my gosh enough about the firefighter!” Quinn rolled her eyes as she walked up.
Natasha chuckled as Bruce walked up.
“Hey Bruce.” You grinned. “Nice Batman costume.”
“Thanks! You know it’s basically the one from the movies you can punch it and I won’t feel a thing. Come on, try it.”
“I shouldn’t.” God, I wanna punch you in the face. You shook your head.
“Come on grease lightning show me whatchu got.” He taunted.
“Bruce.” Natasha warned him.
“What? How bad can it-“ suddenly he felt you strike him in the stomach and lost his breath. “Oh my God.” He gasped.
“Great form Y/L/N!” Steve clapped.
“Y/N!” Quinn growled, yanking you away.
“What? He told me too!” You huffed.
“This is supposed to be the real thing! What happened?” Bruce gasped.
“You asked someone who boxes to punch you. What did you think was going to happen?” Natasha rolled her eyes leaving Bruce to grab a drink.
“Wait, boxes?” His eyes widened.
Bucky rolled his eyes at Quinn who glared at Steve. “Okay you need to tell Y/N what you saw.”
“I know.” Steve sighed.
“Why haven’t you said anything?” Bucky hissed.
“Because I wanted to deal with our situation first. I’m glad I did. I want Y/N to believe me.” Steve explained.
“Well you need to let them know soon they deserve to know.”
“I know Buck.” Steve sighed.
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“Y/N!” You turned looking for who called out your name.
“Pssst Y/N!” 
You huffed feeling a candy corn hit your head. Looking over at the culprit it was none other than Thor himself. 
He didn’t speak but he did gesture to having a smoke or in other words ‘cheifin’, ‘sesh’, or ‘420’.
You looked back at your wife. “Go on, I'm gonna catch up with Christine Strange.”
You grinned as he waved you over away from the party towards the backyard.
“What’s up Danny Zuko!” Val smirked, already sitting on a patio chair.
“What’s up.” You chuckled as she waved around a blunt. “Ooooh yes please.”
Carol laughed sitting next to her wife.
“What’s up Quill, Gamora!” You grinned giving them a side hug. “What are you guys?”
“Oh I’m Jason!” Peter quickly placed his mask on.
“Freddy Krueger.” She said, lifting up her knife hand.
“Spooky.” You chuckled. “And you two?” You nod towards Carol and Val.
“I’m the moth, she's the flame.” Carol smirked, leaning over to peck Val’s cheek.
“Hey Y/N! I got us all drinks that blend well with the blunt.” Korg grinned while walking outside.
“Hey Korg, long time no see! I haven’t seen you at the gym lately.” You smiled while taking the Halloween themed drink.
“I just got married actually.” He smiled.
“Congratulations man!” You smiled.
“Thanks!” Korg blushed.
“So where is the lucky lady?”
“She’s at work right now but she helped me make the couples game tonight!”
“Couples game?” You asked as the rotation made its way to you. You took it gladly before inhaling.
“Yeah! It’s like a game show for couples.” Korg nodded as you handed it to him.
“Cool.” You said before exhaling.
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Natasha looked around wondering where you went off too. She hasn’t you since you punched Bruce. All she sees is Quinn talking to Christine as Stephen looks bored.
“Looking for a certain greaser?” 
Natasha looked over at Wanda. “Maybe.” 
“I think I saw Y/N go out back.” Vis pointed.
“Thanks… great costumes by the way. What superhero are you guys supposed to be?”
“Whatever we had to make.” Vision shrugged.
“Gotcha.” Nat nodded before going out back.
“Damn it, Vis.” Wanda whined.
“You told her where Y/N is.”
“Y/N is married and she-“ Wanda looked around before harshly whispering. “She has feelings for Y/N.”
Vis sighed. “Honey if she does you can’t stop it. No one can. The heart will always want what it wants.”
“Still.” Wanda grumbled. “I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
Meanwhile back outside.
“Nat hi!” You smiled with a dopey grin on your face.
“Hey Stoney Bologna.” She smiled walking over.
“Hey Nat.” Everyone coughed.
She looked around for a seat.
“Here take mine.” You cleared your throat standing up.
“Oh no you don’t have to do that.” She says, shaking her head.
“Please I-“
“Just sit on Danny’s lap!” Carol smirked.
“You’re so bad.” Val muttered in her ear watching you bring Natasha on your lap.
“Oh baby I can be really bad.” Carol husked back.
“Fuck.” Val chuckled darkly, feeling her cock harden.
“Hi.” Nat shuttered.
“Hey. Are you cold?”
“A bit.”
You quickly shrugged your jacket off bringing it around her and you like a blanket. She felt your arms snake around her and laid her arms over yours.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
“Anytime.” You grinned. “Wanna try my drink? Korg made it. It’s really good.”
“Sure.” The redhead moved towards the table causing you to gulp seeing her back side as she stretched for the drink
Val smirked at you checking Natasha out. “How ya doing over there Y/L/N?”
“Good.” You grunted as the redheaded Russian moved again this time bringing the drink with her.
Val and Carol giggled as the blunt came to you both.
“Let’s play suck and blow.” Val smirked.
“What’s that?” Nat asked.
“Well you inhale and exhale in Y/N's mouth then Y/N will do it in Carols.” Val smirked.
“Nat, you don’t have too.” You say before making a face at Val.
“I can do it.” The red head inhaled before turning towards you.
You leaned in parting your lips as she blew smoke into your mouth, her lips ghosting over yours. You inhaled her eyes looking at your lips. You broke the trance turning towards Carol. Exhaling in the same manner. She doesn’t know why but seeing you so close to Carol sort of made her jealous. 
You pulled back, noticing a change in the atmosphere.
“You okay?” You whispered near her ear. “Do you need water or anything?”
She shook her head.
One of your arms dropped from her waist resting on her knee. You gave her a light squeeze.
“You sure?”
She smiled softly before relaxing in your arms. “I think I’m just high.” 
You chuckled about to move your hand when she placed hers over yours. She squeezed your hand feeling your thumb gently rubbing against her knee.
“So I’m not dumb they’re clearly into one another.” Korg whispered to Thor watching Nat giggle at whatever you said. 
“Hmhm.” He nodded, texting his wife to make sure Quinn didn't come outside. 
It’s not that they want them to cheat, they just want them to realize they can do so much better. It all started back when Tony had his block party. Slowly the gang all realized Quinn and Bruce were awful and did not deserve you or Natasha.
“Can you imagine them fucking? My God the steam that would come off of them.” Carol smirked looking at you and Nat.
“Fuck that’s hot stop making me hard.” Val muttered while taking a drink.
“Wanna go take care of it?” Carol smirked.
“Uh we’ll meet you guys inside.” Val spoke abruptly standing up with Carol.
“They're gonna do it in the restroom.” You chuckled.
“How do you know?” Nat chuckled.
“I just know.”
“Alright guys we’re going inside so we can get ready for the game.” Korg smiled before walking back inside.
“I guess we should go too?”
Natasha stood giving you a perfect view of her plump latex covered ass in your face. She turned smirking down at you, clearly catching you checking her out.
“Thanks for keeping me warm.”
“Anytime.” You grinned standing up taking your jacket back shrugging it on. Watching her walk towards the sliding door giving her ass an extra sway. She looked so sexy in that suit now all you could think about was taking it off of her. You were incredibly blue balled and needed release as soon as possible.
You both walk back inside and she gets pulled away by Wanda so you walk over to your wife holding her from behind to show her how hard you are.
“Oh my gosh.” She says turning in your arms.
“Quickie in the bathroom?”
She blushes and nods before turning to Christine. “Excuse us.”
As soon as the door closes you kiss your wife before twirling her against the sink. You unbutton her skin tight pants, pulling them down just a bit before pulling your jeans down. You rub your throbbing member against her slit. It's been a while since you both have done this.
You gather enough wetness before pushing inside of her. You moan hands on her hips as she grips the sink and the wall.
“Fuck!” You grunt, thrusting harder and harder.
She lets go of the sink reaching down below to rub her clit. “Fuck I’m close.” 
“Let go.” You grunt wrapping your arms around her as she moves back against you cuming around your cock. “That’s it. Fuck I’m gonna cum too.” You close your eyes imagining Natasha with her catsuit. A few short hard thrusts and you finally came and you came hard.
You pant trying to catch your breath feeling yourself deflate. Quinn pushes you back a bit as you slip out. She turned to sit on the toilet as you stuff yourself back in your jeans leaning your back against the wall as you catch your breath.
Quinn watched you through the mirror as she washed her hands. She briefly wonders why you were so hard and practically begged her silently for sex. She saw what Natasha was wearing but she didn't push it. Things have been tense like walking on thin ice that’s already cracking under her feet. She can feel her grasp on you is loosening. She's terrified of losing you completely.
“Ready?” You asked.
She turned and kissed you softly. “I am now.”
You cleared your throat as she fixed your hair and opened the door.
Natasha felt a little sad watching you walk in hand with your wife. She knows you two must have done the deed in the restroom. Vis mentioned hearing two people going at it earlier. She reminds herself that you’re married, and as much as she doesn’t like Quinn. It doesn’t change anything.
“Okay everyone my good friend Korg here is leading the couples game! Everyone take a seat please!” Thor gave a dopey smile, his arm around his wife Jane. He was a little tipsy and a bit high.
“Alllllllright welcome to Love on Avenger Lane! Where I, your host, will be quizzing you on how well you know your partner.” Korg beamed as his friend Meek handed out whiteboards, markers, and erasers. 
“We’ll start off with an easy one! First question: what is your boo’s favorite color?”
“Alright let’s have it!” Krog grinned as everyone turned their boards. 
“What? I hate that color.” Bucky huffed when Steve looked at his board. 
“We got our first wrong answer already!”
“But I thought you liked black.” Steve frowned.
“Ohh Steve said black, Bucky your favorite is?”
“Red.” He said..
“But you always wear black!” Steve threw his hands up.
“Black isn’t a color Steve!”
“And Buck Steve’s favorite is?” Korg moved along.
“Blue.” He muttered.
Steve felt guilty as that was his favorite color.
“Ohhh Bucky got it right. Tony? Pepper?”
The older couple smiled as they revealed their correct answers.
“We win.” Tony high-fived his wife.
“Psh we haven’t even gone yet.” Thor huffed.
“Alright let’s see it then?” Korg grinned.
Jane and Thor showed their boards both revealing Blue. 
“Nice!” They grinned.
“Y/N? Quinn?”
You and Quinn revealed your answers.
“Nice.” You grinned pecking your wife’s cheek.
“Nat, Bruce?”
Natasha sighed holding up her answer knowing he was going to get it wrong, but to her surprise he was correct.
“You got it.” She smiled softly.
“Like your eyes.” He shrugged.
You cleared your throat not meaning to ruin the moment, but subconsciously doing it out of jealousy. You don’t know why but Bruce was like nails on a chalkboard for you. You haven’t felt this way about a person since Rachel Berry.
“What is their favorite song?” Korg grinned.
Bruce cringed, holding up his answer.  
“Anything from Sia.” Yeah no that doesn’t fly it’s not who is their favorite artist it’s what is their favorite song. Natasha?”
“I fold.” She chuckled with a shrug.
“I’m not big on music.” Bruce shrugged.
“Easy, it's American Pie.” you grinned.
Natasha smiled, you remembered the story about her family and that song. You didn’t even notice the look of disdain your wife was making.
“Uhhh right okay Y/N? Quinn?” Korg stuttered.
Quinn grinned writing hers but when you held your boards up your smile fell.
“What? It's always been ‘Signs by bloc party” Quinn furrowed her brow.
“It's Golden Brown by The Stranglers.” Natasha looks up not realizing she spoke out loud.
“Oof this is awkward.” Korg chuckled into the mic, noticing the look on Quinn’s face. “Tony? Pepper?”
“Shoot to Thrill and Cruisin’ Correct again!
You zoned out as the others went on until the next question came up.
“Alright, what is your partner's favorite morning drink?”
You once again got Quinn’s right and she once again answered wrong.
“But you always start your morning with a protein smoothie.” she huffed.
“A cup of coffee with Silk creamer, especially the coconut.” Natasha winked at you.
Quinn was fuming how can she get your favorite drink but not her own husbands?
“Nat and Bruce?” Korg moved along.
“Coffee black.” they both answered.
Korga mimicked a buzzer sound.
“Breakfast tea.” Bruce smiled.
“Hot mocha with a sprinkle of cinnamon.” You muttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Quinn furrows her brows at you. She didn’t like that you knew so much about the redhead. She wanted you to be focused solely on her.
“So it’s clear the two of you should be together.” Korg joked not realizing both parties were wildly uncomfortable. “Should not have said that…Moving on! Favorite movie!”
The couples began writing out their answers. Each couple was getting them right until once again Natasha and Bruce were up. They both answered wrong.
“It’s James Bond’s Moonraker.” You grinned.
Quinn bristled, writing hers down. 
“Okay; Y/N? Quinn?”
“Star Wars episode 6.” Quinn smiled in triumph; she knows this has to be it. She’s certain as she held up her board.
“It’s The Heat.” Natasha chuckled.
“I think I know my-“
“She’s right.” You mutter before holding yours up.
“Funny Girl, the Rachel Berry version. Yeah bud, that's not a movie.” Korg chuckled.
“Fine. Frozen.”
“Why would you say that?” Quinn hissed.
“You got a thing for Berry.” You rolled your eyes.
“That’s thick considering you and Jolene over there have been getting your answers right all night.”
“Did she just call me Jolene?” Natasha chuckled to Bruce who cringed.
“At least she knows me.” You mutter.
“Uhh so things are getting a little heated let’s just say the winner of the night is Tony and Pepper. Congrats you won a bottle of champagne.”
“I want to go home. Now.” Quinn grit in your ear.
“That’s probably best.” You nodded still pissed off.
You both stood and you waved at Thor. “Thanks for the invite man, sorry shit got awkward.” You sighed as Quinn slammed the door.
“Aw come on you can’t leave yet! I was gonna ask if you could play a few songs?”
“Yeah let’s jam out!” Carol shouted.
“Maybe next time guys.” You shake your head. “Thanks again Thor.” You walk towards the front door seeing Natasha nearby. “I’m sorry about that, Nat, have a goodnight.”
“You have to stop apologizing for her.” Nat sighs and you just nod.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night.” you say before walking out the door.
The walk home was silent. She was so far ahead of you which would normally make you upset but tonight you really just don’t care anymore.
You walk in the house locking it behind you before heading up stairs grabbing your shorts.
“So we’re not talking about it?” Quinn huffed as you stood by the bedroom door.
“Nope.” You answer, she scoffs in response as you walk off towards the guest room. You didn’t know what to do anymore. You were at a loss. It just didn’t feel like your marriage was working anymore. You squeeze your eyes shut, too tired to even pull that thread.
The following morning was silent. You did your normal routine breakfast, protein smoothie, and working out. You really needed it this morning. You gotta clear your head.
You and Quinn do your very best to avoid one another. Things were boiling and the cover of the pot was rattling off. You got the girls back from Kurt’s and by the time you got home she was gone.
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You were actually looking forward to the fair. Normally you didn’t care for them. Everything was dirty and sticky. The food was outrageously overpriced as are the rides, but being able to go with your girls and Natasha makes it all worth it.
You knock on her door as Fin rings the bell.
“Natttttty!” Fin giggled ringing the bell. “Natttttttyyyyy Fair!”
“I’m here, I'm here!”
“Hi Natty, I missed you.” Your daughter giggled.
“Hi sweetheart I missed you too. Hi Beth, have you been practicing?”
“Everyday!” She beams.
“That’s great dorogoy!” Natasha smiled before turning towards you. “I’m just going to get the kids.”
“Alright we’ll meet you at Clints.” You say walking towards your truck. You buckle Fin in her seat with Beth next to her.
You drive down across the street towards the Bartons when Natasha is walking out with Nate in her arms, the car seat in the other.
You hop out and fix up his car seat next to Fin’s as Beth and Lila go over the rides.
“No Cooper?” You ask Nat.
“He has a date tonight. I swear he’s growing up too fast.” Natasha whines.
“Yeah they do that alright.” You mutter looking in the rear view mirror at your girls.
“How has everything been?” She asks hesitantly.
“Not good.” You mutter.
“Well hopefully some overpriced food and funnel cake will take your mind off of everything for a bit.”
“I do love funnel cakes.” You chuckle.
“I know.” Natasha smiles.
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“Ooohh aunty Nat a Ferris wheel!” Lila beamed pointing at the lights.
“You two join the kids. Kate and I will grab some food with Mini Y/N.” Yelena smiled, nuzzling her nose against Fin’s cheek.
“Thank you.” You chuckled walking with Nat and the kids to the ferris wheel.
“I’m sorry if my sister is being bit much-“
“I love her, she's hilarious. This is the most I’ve laughed all week. Also you may have a competition now with Lena over Finley.”
“Finny and Nate are mine, she needs to back off.” She huffed making you laugh. 
The kids sit down when it’s yours and Natasha’s turn.
“I just want to say you two have the most beautiful family.” The carney smiled.
You clear your throat. “Thank you.”
“That’s the third time tonight.” Nat chuckled while sitting down.
“Well we can’t blame them, we are all incredibly good looking.” You give her the goofiest model face you can muster making her laugh. The Ferris wheel begins to move and Natasha out of habit takes your hand.
“You scared?” You ask.
“A bit.” She nods looking down.
“Don’t look down, focus on the music.”
“Are they playing Careless Whisper?” Natasha snickered as the ride slowly began going.
You chuckled, taking her finger and began singing.
“Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But now, who's gonna dance with me?”
Natasha giggled and you stretched your arm around her as you looked down at your daughter Beth making sure she’s okay. She was laughing with Lila. 
The Ferris wheel is playing romance music and you both can’t help but chuckle at the cheesy songs they play. That is until it’s your turn at the top. One of your favorite old songs began playing. It was Sing by Travis.
“I love this song.” You whispered.
“Sing it to me.” Natasha whispered back.
“Baby, you've been going so crazy 
Lately, nothing seems to be going right 
So low, why'd you have to get so low?
You're so…
You've been waiting in the sun too long”
“You have a really beautiful voice Y/N.”
“You do too ya know.” You give her lopsided grin.
Natasha blushes and looks up at the giant moon. “The moon is beautiful.” She says blissfully looking at the giant glowing moon.
“Yeah.” You briefly look but you can’t help but stare at her; entranced in a way by the glistening twinkle in her eyes.
She turns, feeling your gaze on her and she’s giving you that look. You’ve seen this look before. The ‘If you don't kiss me right now I might die’ look. It happened on the night of your birthday. You’ve seen it on your wife obviously, but you’ve also seen that same look on Sersi’s face, and a few other women. You never really had that feeling for them, but here now with Nat you’re questioning everything for the second time in your marriage. 
You look down at those very kissable lips. Subconsciously briefly licking your own lips before dragging your eyes up to her striking emerald eyes instead of the hazel you’re used to. Meanwhile she’s doing the same thing, both of you leaning towards one another when the song ended the Farris wheel continued its descent. You clear your throat as you break eye contact and look away.
The ferris wheel came to a stop when you both got out.
“That was boring.” Beth sighed, you wouldn’t know this for a while but Beth saw how close you and Nat were.
“How about that roller coaster over there!?” Lila beamed.
“Yeah! Can we!?” Beth asked.
“Sure.” You say lifting up Finley while Natasha takes Nate from Kate.
“We’ll take the kids.” Yelena grins, leaving you and Natasha to the fried feast. 
There’s a heavy silence in the air as you both eat.
“Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you.” She sighs.
“Okay?” You furrow your brows.
“Well hey neighbors!” Tony chuckled while sitting down. “Thanks for the invite by the way.”
Natasha inwardly sighed of course he would get in the way.
“Sorry Tony.” You chuckled. 
“Because of this I’m taking some cotton candy.” He winked.
“Where’s Morgan?” You asked.
“I left her with Yelena and Kate.”
“Oh nice.” You chuckled and excused yourself to the restroom. “I’ll be right back.” 
Natasha waits for you to be out of ear shot.
“You idiot you just had to interrupt!”
“What?!” Tony huffed.
“I was literally about to tell Y/N everything!”
“Ohhh.” Tony bit his lip. “I can scram.”
“No, it's too late.”
“I’m glad blondie isn’t here. She’d suck all the fun out of this place. Can you believe her attitude last night?”
“I didn’t care for her Jolene comment.” Natasha grumbled taking a sip of her lemonade.
You walked up taking a seat eating your corn dog as the girls walked up.
“Papa! I want some too!” Fin whined.
“Don’t worry, love, you can have one too.” Yelena smiled.
“That was so much fun!” Beth said, taking a seat and eating her chicken tenders.
“Kate, are you feeling okay?” Yelena chuckled.
“Everything is spinning.” She groaned.
“Can’t take the heat anymore?” Tony smirked
“Excuse me.” Kate gagged before running towards a trash can.
“I’ll go take care of her.” Yelena sighed, handing you Fin. 
“Nooo Lennnna.” Fin whined.
“I’ll be back, lovebug.” She smiled, booping her nose.
“I feel betrayed.” Nat frowned.
“Hi Natty.” Fin smiled offering some of her corn dog.
“Thank you, Finny.” Natasha took a fake bite humming in response.
“Tasty.” Finley beamed before taking another bite.
“Aunty Natty!” Nate whined wanting her attention back.
“I’m right here handsome.” She chuckled, bouncing him on her leg as a reminder before feeding him a chicken tender.  
Tony looked over at you watching the way you looked at the redhead. He knows that look, it can’t be described by anything else but love.
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After another round of rides and too much funnel cake Beth asked to spend the night with Morgan and Lila. Yelena and Kate went back to school so it was just you the tots, and Natasha.
“Well thanks for coming with us tonight. Looks like they’re conked out.” Natasha smiled looking behind to see the two toddlers sound asleep in their car seats.
“Hmm.” You smile.
“Wanna come inside for a bit?”
You nod and you grab Nate’s car seat and Natasha takes Fin in her arms. It all felt so domestic seeing her holding your little girl, and you holding Nate.
You both lay then down on her sofa covering them up before walking into the kitchen. Natasha starts the kettle pulling down the tea box.
“Blackberry sage, my favorite.” You smiled softly.
“It’s now my favorite too. It's so good.” Natasha smiled, pulling down the honey and peeling an orange.
“Thank you, Nat.”
“So you wanna talk about it?”
“I have never wanted to be away from her in my life, and lately?” You sighed, rubbing your head as the kettle began boiling. “I just feel like I’m the only one trying anymore, and I’m so tired of it.” 
Natasha nodded in understanding before turning off the kettle and fixing your cup. She briefly wondered if she should tell you the truth but considering Quinn is at Rachel’s musical right now she decides it’s still not the time.
“You know what, no I don’t wanna talk about Quinn. What about you?”
“Well…” Natasha brings the cups over sitting down across from you. “I took your advice, or Hilary Duff’s and spoke with Thor and Val.”
“You did?” You beamed.
“Hmhm, I get my studio this week.” She smiled coyly.
“Nat, that is fantastic! I'm so happy for you. If you need help with anything I’m here for you.” You smile and she bashfully says thank you.
You both drink tea and talk about her plans for the next hour when you yawn.
“I should probably head home. I'm pretty tired.” You stretch standing up.
She nods and takes both our mug placing them in the sink before watching you lift Fin. She whines briefly before you whisper to her, calming her down. “Goodnight Nat.” You smile.
“Goodnight Y/N.” She whispers opening the door for you.
“Natty.” Fin whispers in her sleep. 
“Shhh its okay.” The Russian whispers kissing her cheek when you bring her in a hug carful not to crush or wake Fin.
“Thank you, for everything.” You whisper gently, kissing her cheek.
She nods and kisses your cheek in response. You both sigh hearing Fin babbling in her sleep. You squeeze her hand before making your way back home. She stays on her porch watching you walk inside your home before shutting the door. She was falling so hard for you with no end in sight.
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You made your way downstairs seeing a redhead at the stove. She was setting a tray of what looked like cupcakes down. 
“Hi.” You furrowed your brows with a smile.
“Hi.” She smiled back dipping her finger in batter before sticking it out for you to try. “Come on, try it. I know you want to.” She smirked turning toward you when you noticed she was wearing nothing but an apron. “Come on baby, take it.” She murmured now flush against you her finger found its way into your mouth. 
“Hmm.” You hummed as she took her finger back, replacing it with her lips. “Natasha.” You sighed against her lips feeling her hand rubbing your cock.
“Don’t you wanna taste me?”
Your eyes fluttered hearing her voice near your ear. 
“You’re drooling Y/N.” 
You reached up, wiping your mouth.
“Take me Y/N. Take me and make me yours.” She husked before you lifted her up against you kissing her passionately before setting her down on the island.
You pull at her apron, shoving your pants down making your cock spring to life. 
“Get inside of me I can take it.” She husks.
You groan feeling her wet cunt.
“Ohhhhh fuck!” She moaned as you pushed yourself through.
You groaned feeling your staff twitch inside of her. You lifted her legs on your shoulder pushing yourself deeper. 
“Ohhhh Y/N! Oh daddy that feels so good! You’re so deep inside of me!” Her guttural moans were nearly pornographic. You lean in, taking her lips against yours. “Harder!”
You grunted, speeding up the pace as you thrusted harder and harder. 
“Oh daddy right there! You’re so much better than Bruce he doesn’t even compare to you daddy, not even close.”
Her moans turned into wails. You could feel her twitch around you.
“Cum inside of me daddy I wanna feel you explode inside of me!”
You woke up with a gasp. You looked over seeing your wife asleep before noticing the time. It was 4 in the morning and you just came inside your boxers. “Fuck.” You whispered before quietly getting out of bed. You sighed, taking off the sticky shorts before cleaning up. It’s been a long time since you had a wet dream, but it was the absolute best fucking vivid sex dream you’ve ever had. 
You furrowed your brows seeing her phone light up. You creeped on her side of the room peeking at her phone.
‘Appointment for tubal ligation reversal’
You gasped she had her tubes tied this whole time. She was clearly lying about being pregnant. I fucking knew it! You inwardly screamed.
You seriously don’t even know where to start with her. She’s a liar and a big one. Now you’re really wondering if it was her that stole your dream away. You look down at her sleeping peacefully and for the very first time ever you wanted to deck your wife in the face. You wouldn’t of course but still the anger and betrayal was beaming at the edges.
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The following morning Quinn woke up and you weren’t there. She figured maybe you were still upset with her and when you noticed her in bed you left. Either way she feels like you’re starting to hate her. She bites her lip feeling like she wants to cry. She can feel herself losing you everyday. It’s like every single move she makes pushes you further and further away. It’s only now that she realizes she has someone that others would kill for. 
She got out of bed grabbing her robe and began searching for you. She went to the guest room and the girls rooms and couldn’t find you. She made her way downstairs noticing your running shoes were gone and Ollie was sitting by the door crying. She sighed that was a bad sign. You only run to clear your head especially when you’re extremely stressed out. She knows because you hate cardio. You're more of a lifting weights person you always have been. Plus you skipped breakfast which means you’re running long distance this morning.
When you do come back home you ignore her completely, only speaking to the girls. When she tried to speak to you all you replied was “I really need my space from you today. Please respect that.” Quinn in shock agrees and walks on eggshells every time she’s near you. She has to hand it to you though you do a great job of hiding it from the girls.
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You were thoroughly warned by Wanda this morning who said that there’s tons of kids who get bussed over here, and that you will need a lot of candy. It ended up working out perfectly. Quinn and Brittany are gonna hand out candy while you and Santana take the girls and Arlo trick or treating. 
Wanda also mentioned that your house wasn’t as spooky as the others and handed you two boxes of old Halloween decorations including a 10 foot tall skeleton. 
You and Santana were fixing up the front of the house when the Latina spoke up.
“Quinn mentioned you two have been fighting a lot lately. That you’re not even speaking to her.”
You sighed she always talks to them about the problems in your marriage. You hate when she drags them in your fights.
“Come on, I won't say anything to her. What happened Y/N I haven’t seen you this upset since she sold your motorcycle.
“I found out she has her tubes tied and lied to me about being pregnant. Really makes me wonder what else she's hiding from me.”
“She lied to you about being pregnant?” Santana said in shock.
“I was offered my dream job and she told me I couldn’t take it because she’s pregnant.”
“What a bitch. I’m sorry, Y/N, I swear I had no idea. What are you going to say to her?”
“Honestly I don’t know. I’m just so upset with her I can’t even look at her.”
“That’s understandable.”
“I wanted to hit her when I found out.” You sighed pausing your motions.
Santana looked taken back.
“You know I wouldn’t but fuck she’s just been so fucking unbearable lately. She embarrassed me at the party the other night. She’s trying to tell me who I can’t hang out with. She’s just so unbearable.”
“I’ll slap her for you, I just need to find the right opening.” Santana cackled.
“Hey can I ask you something?” You say causing Santana’s eyes to soften.
“Of course tonto.” She huffed shoving you back a bit.
“I-I’ve been having sex dreams.”
“Of who me?! Y/N I can’t say I never thought about it, but-“
“What?! No you weirdo you’re like a sister to me. Ugh gross, as if.” You cringed.
“Ass. You should be so lucky. Who is it then?” She rolled her eyes. “I swear if you say B I’m kicking your ass.”
“It’s… it’s Natasha.” You mutter.
Santana’s brows raised as she began smirking. “So Q is on the money you have the hots for your neighbor.”
“What? No, no, Nat is a friend, I just somehow keep-“
“Having hot sexy dreams of her?” Santana taunted you.
“Will you stop it! Ugh, forget I even said anything.” You growled about to walk away when she stopped you. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, you don’t have to be so dramatic about it. So you’re having sex dreams about Natasha.” Santana shrugged. “She’s hot, it's natural to have those urges towards her.”
“But it just feels so… wrong. She’s a really good friend, and Quinn already has suspicions. I just don’t know how to-“
“How to stop the dreams?”
“You can’t; they're just sex dreams Y/N, but if you’re feeling more than just lust for her than that’s when you have a problem. Lusting after her, that's ok it’s natural for you to want to be balls deep inside of a woman like her, but it’s when you start having feelings for her that’s the problem.”
You nod when Natasha walks up.
“Hi Y/N, hey Santana, good seeing you again.” Nat smiles.
“Hey Natasha.” She smirks at you.
“What are you two doing?”
“Wanda told me to hang up more decorations.”
“She’s pretty obsessed with this holiday.” She chuckled.
“Halloween is sort of my thing too ya know. The movies, the pumpkins, and corn mazes.” You smirked.
“So Halloween is your favorite Holiday?” Natasha chuckled.
“Hmhm it’s-“ Suddenly Santana sang along with you. “The best day of the year!”
“Nice!” You gasped and high-fived Santana. 
“You know this one used to throw the best ragers around this time.” Santana smirked.
“Oh really?” Natasha smirks looking at you.
You sheepishly shrug.
“Ohhh yeah I remember once the door broke off its hinges. I still don’t know how you fixed it so fast being that drunk, or the time Finn drove his car in your neighbor's pool.” Sanatana chuckled, shaking her head. “Good times.”
“Sounds like you guys were pretty wild.” Natasha smirked.
“Don’t get her started.” You chuckle. “What are your plans for the night?”
“I’m taking Nate and Lila trick or treating while Lena and Kate hand out candy. Clint and Laura always create a haunted house so they’re preoccupied.”
“Oh you should join us.” You smile gesturing to you and Santana.
“Okay sounds great!”
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As soon as you stepped outside with Fin, Santana was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. “Okay but did you two talk about costumes?” Santana asked, looking between you and Natasha. 
You both looked like you were together as a family. She was clearly Ariel, Lila seemed to be mermaid Barbie, Nate was King Trident, and of course Ollie is Max.
“Nope” You chuckled blushing.
“Natty look!” Finley giggled pointing to hers and Natasha’s costumes.
“Oh you're so cute!” She said taking her in her other arm.
“We’re the same!” Finley giggled. “Under da sea! Under da sea! Papa look!”
“I know.” You chuckled.
“Papa you have to kiss the goirl!” Finley giggled snuggling into Natasha. You blushed and Santana cackled once more.
“Oh my gosh I need photos right now.” Laura squealed as Clint chuckled, covering his mouth to keep from cackling.
Meanwhile inside with Brittany and Quinn
“Are you fucking kidding me.” Quinn growled seeing the whole interaction. “Do you see this shit?” 
“They look good together.”
“Britt what the fuck?”
“Sorry, I thought I said that in my head.” Brittany mumbled looking out the window.
“Ugh!” Quinn stomped her foot.
Back outside
“Well are you ready Princess Ariel?”
“I think you need to ask my father King Trident.” She smirked.
“Ahh yes King Trident of the 7 seas. May you and your family accompany me on this Hallows night?” You bowed offering your hand.
“Oh brother.” Santana huffed as Nate giggled.
“Ignore Bellatrix.” You raised your brow.
“I’m clearly Hermione.”
“If you say so.” You muttered leading Ollie down the sidewalk.
“Beth stay close okay!” You shouted as your daughter and Lila ran off with Morgan and Monica.
Every house you all went to commented on how great you all looked together. The block however clearly had no words knowing you both were married to other people.
Natasha on the other hand was on cloud 9. You were constantly cracking jokes and had a back and forth with Santana that had her face hurting from smiling too much.
“Sing Prince Eric's song!”
“Only if I get extra kisses!”
Finley giggled as she kissed your cheeks before saying. “Sing papa sing!”
“What do ya say Ariel?” You raise your brow at Natasha.
She chuckles before clearing her throat before letting out Ariel’s classic singing. “Ahhhhahhhh” Finley playfully joined Natasha in harmonizing. “Ahhhh ahhhhh” 
“All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky. Freedom from the life I always knew. Now all I am is haunted. As days and hours roll by. All I ever think about is you.”
Natasha gulped you were her Prince she always wanted. You were her Prince Eric.
“There you are, over me”
Natasha harmonized again this time Santana joining in as she videoed you singing. Bystanders stopped to do the same
“Taking me with your song! To wild uncharted waters, miles beyond the sea I was darkness-bound, I had almost drowned 'Til you came around, and you found me!”
Santana bit her lip; you and Natasha were looking at one another the same way you used to look at Quinn when you sang to her. She knew you were starting to have feelings for the Russian beauty. She couldn’t even blame you especially with the way Quinn has been lately. Lying to you about being pregnant?! She wants to slap the shit out of her for that she’s gonna keep that in her back pocket.
“Now I am on the shoreline, but I'm still lost at sea! In these wild uncharted waters; Come find me again!”
You were going to end it there, but the crowd around you nodded towards you asking for you to keep going. You looked at Natasha and you began again.
“All I do is wonder who you are and where you'll be. In my mind, your melody goes on. Stronger than the undertow the night you rescued me. Silhouetted by the rising dawn.”
You had chills hearing her harmonizing.
“Ohhhhh, over you I cannot get over you! In wild uncharted waters; Beyond where man can see. When your eyes outshine the horizon line! And you're finally real, here beside me! Now I'm right here on the shoreline I'm right where you left me! And your voice is like A siren that guides me! To wild uncharted waters; alone, just you and me! And I hope you're there in the open air! There's no map or compass to guide me, no! Time may change the shoreline! But time will not change meeeeee! If it takes my life I will finally find you again In uncharted waters Come find me againnnnnnnnnnnnnn!”
The crowd around you cheered and clapped and you jokingly bowed.
You smiled at Natasha and Finley when a little girl pulled your sleeve.
“Oh hello!” You beamed.
“Prince Eric, can I take a picture with you?” The little girl asked bashfully. You looked up at her mother who mouthed ‘please?’.
“Why of course!” You beamed.
“Ariel, will you take one with us?” She asked.
You, Natasha, little King Trident and Finley stood for a line of photos.
“Thank you Prince Eric thank you Princess Ariel.” They would all say.
“Papa, we're popular.” Finley giggled. “Like aunt Rachel.”
“Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!” You gasped.
Santana chuckled as you all began walking back home. “Almost forgot how great your voice is Y/L/N.” 
“You ever miss it?” You ask Santana.
“All the time.” She sighs.
“Me too.” You gave her a side hug. 
When it finally came to an end it took a lot of candy to keep Fin from crying and throwing a fit. She wanted to keep going. 
“Aww dad come on Morgan and Lila are staying too.” Beth groaned when you said no to her staying the night at Monica’s.
“Beth, you just stayed at Morgan’s. Besides, it's a school night.”
“We all go to the same school," Beth huffs.
You ignored that comment determined to stand your ground.
“Please! I’ll pick up after Ollie and feed him and walk him! I’ll even take the trash out!”
“You mean your chores?” You gasped chuckling as she stomped her foot.
“Come on, Y/N, don’t be such a dick-tator.” Santana cackled. “Go ahead mi amore.”
“It’s Halloween! Be cool!” She huffed and nodded toward your eldest.
“Yayyyy love you Tia!” Beth took off.
“What am I chopped liver?” You huffed.
“Love you!” She shouted before squealing with her friends.
“Papa me and Ollie love you.” She smiled with chocolate on her face.
Natasha chuckled, wiping her face with a wet wipe.
“Thank you Natty, I love you.” Fin smiled at her.
“I love you too, dorogoy.” Natasha smiled.
“Papa, I wan Natty pwease.”
“She’s holding Nate, squirt.”
“You hold Nate I wan, Natty.”
“Ouch.” You chuckled and Natasha handed you a sleepy King Trident.
Nate whined pulling at his fake beard. You gently took it off laying it against your shoulder. The small boy yawned snuggling into your shoulder. You smiled hearing his soft snores as Fin babbled on to Natasha.
Santana walked next to you giving you a look. 
“What’s that look for?” You chuckled and Santana pulled you back a little.
“Y/N, if you’re not happy with Q anymore you can leave her.” She said softly. 
“I uh-“
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m just saying no one would be upset with you. You have to think about your own happiness sometimes. You can’t raise kids if you aren’t happy.” 
You were completely taken back.
“Just think it over.” Santana nudged you and Natasha turned around.
“Papa come on trick or treat!”
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When you finally made it to your lane Fin threw a fit when it was time to take her home. 
“No Papa! Natty!” She cried.
Santana bit her lip as she took her son and Ollie inside your house.
“You’re just sleepy little Ariel.” You whispered, taking her in your arms.
“But don wanna seep.” She cried sleepily.
“When you wake up it’ll be ballet time.” Natasha smiled, kissing her cheek.
“Ballet.” Fin whispered as she began falling asleep on your other shoulder.
“I better take King Trident home.” She smiled, taking him from you. 
“I can't wait to have another one.” You chuckled, handing him to Natasha.
“You want a boy?” She smiled at you as you walked her across the street towards the Barton haunted house.
“Yeah don’t get me wrong I love my girls, but I’ve always wanted a son too.” 
“Well it’ll happen one day. You’re such a great daddy I just know it’ll happen.” Natasha smiled, speaking softly as to not wake the kids.
You briefly wondered if maybe Quinn would have a boy and a small part of you didn’t want another with her. Not after everything, not after the talk with Santana.
You both are greeted by the Barton’s who are closing shop.
“Hey there’s my little King Trident.” Laura smiled taking him from Natasha.
“Thanks again Nat- or should I say Princess Ariel and Prince Eric?” Clint smirked.
You chuckled, shaking his hand before leading Natasha back across the street.
“You looked amazing as Ariel by the way.” You smile.
“Same to you Prince Eric.” She smiled.
“Goodnight Nat.” You say as you both stand in front of her home.
She opted on not kissing your cheek seeing a certain blonde fuming by the window.
“Goodnight Prince Eric.” She smiled softly before making her way in the house.
You make your way inside right when Santana and Brittany are leaving.
“Bye Prince Eric.” Brittany winked.
“Think over what we discussed.” Santana muttered as she hugged you goodnight.
You looked over at Quinn who stood fuming looking at you with a glare. You rolled your eyes and ascended up the stairs. You could give a shit about what she has to say at this point.
You slept in the guest room again that night.
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You were deep in thought going over Santana's words once again. You were inwardly going over what would happen if you were to leave Quinn.
“Y/N the timer went off like 2 minutes ago.” Quinn huffed from her spot next to Beth. She was helping her with her math homework.
You snapped out of your daze turning down the stove top.
“What is up with you today? You’ve been in your head all day.” She asked.
You ignore her fixing up dinner.
“Damn it, Quinn, just not now okay! Can you let me finish dinner? Or am I not allowed to do that either???” You huffed with a roll of your eyes.
Quinn glared at you but before she could say anything back Beth broke the silence.
“Dad.” Beth muttered looking out the window.
“Hm?” You asked as you grabbed plates.
“The neighbors are gathering outside with guns  up.” Beth said looking over at you her brows crinkled together. 
You saw Steve grab his rifle.
“Whoa what in the- Stay here.” You say sternly before rushing outside.
“What’s going on?” You asked Steve who now had his gear on with Carol and Bucky. 
“A couple prison escapees were sighted a block away from here.” Steve speaks as he clips his vest. “Carol is heading south, I'm heading north and Buck will go East.”
“Clint said he’d go west.” Bucky spoke up.
“Y/N, do you have a gun?” Carol asked.
“Yes.” You nodded, picturing where you put it.
“Go grab it you never know.” Carol said, adding her magazine.
‘Natasha’ you thought as you ran inside setting the new system Tony and Scott installed.
“The house is now secure.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke out as your house completely locked down.
“What’s going on dad?” Beth asked; seeing you run inside holding your phone to your ear.
“Y/N?” Quinn furrowed her brows looking up from Beth’s homework. She huffed standing up to follow you upstairs.
“Come on pick up.” You growled before taking a peek at Natasha's window. You hung up, you were just going to run to her place.
Quinn made it to the room just in time to see you lift the wooden board in your closet taking out your gun.
“Quinn, go get the girls, and Ollie then lock yourself in the room!” You say loading your gun.
“What the hell is going on? Why do you have that?!”
“There’s been a prison break and they were spotted near our block. I'm gonna go check on Nat.”
“What?! why?!”
“Because I called her 3 times and she’s not picking up.”
“What about us?” She huffed looking at you like you grew a second head.
“Q, you’re in a state of the art home security system that Tony and Scott set up. You and the girls are safe. I’ll be back, I know the code.” You ran out with Quinn and your daughter shouting your name.
“Natasha?” You say again, cupping your hands to see inside the dark house. Nat usually had her blinds open. Seeing a vase fall you call out again. “Natasha?!”
“Y/N!” She managed to yell, throwing her hand up from the floor behind the sofa.
That was all you needed, you backed up before kicking the door in.
Seeing a man holding her down with a knife and the other tying her up.
“Let her go. Now.” You growled, gripping your gun. 
“You’re not gonna shoot me.” One of them laughed. 
“You don’t know me, I don’t know you, but I know her. Really wanna try me now?” You arched your brow looking deep into his eyes.
He gulped, dropping the blade slowly lifting his hands up. “The fuck are you doing? Theres two of us and one of them! Get them!” The other inmate snapped before trying to drag Natasha down the hallway.
“Let me go!” She screamed, kicking and grabbing the wall.
“Let her go or I swear I’ll fucking shoot you!” You shouted.
“What are you doing, get off your ass and get them!” He gruffed trying to pull Nat. “Stop moving you little bitch or I’ll make it hurt!” 
Natasha swept his legs punching him in the throat but he grabbed his knife.
You stopped thinking and shot him in the back.
“Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh fuck!” He cried out landing with a thud. “I can’t feel anything! You crazy mother fucker you shot me!”
“Nat come here!” She rushed behind you.
The other guy panicked not knowing what to do.
“Get down on the fucking ground!” You shouted.
“Please don’t shoot me, I'm sorry!” He cried getting on the ground with his hands behind his head.
“I should fucking kill you for what you did to her!” You shouted.
“Y/N no!” She pleaded.
“No wait please, I'm sorry!” He cried.
“You’re sorry! You were gonna hurt her and attack me, but you’re sorry? I should just fucking kill you now.”
“Y/N?” Natasha said softly now behind you softly touching your arm.
“They would have hurt you.”
“Y/N, please.” Natasha pleaded. 
“Y/N?” Steve called out.
“What?” You huffed, still pointing the barrel at his head.
“I got it from here.” He said softly. “It’s okay bud you did good.”
You nodded as he cuffed him. You placed the safety on the gun tucking it behind your back.
Natasha tackled you with a hug. 
“Did he? Did they?” Your eyes are wild and brimming with unshed tears at the thought of anyone hurting her. You push her hair back looking her over pushing her hair back she was bleeding.
“No, no.” She shook her head feeling your hands gripping her waist as she places a hand on your chest and the other against you cheek. “I swear detka, just a few scratches, they hit me on the back of the head.”
Searching her eyes for the truth. She kissed your cheek bringing you back in a hug and you kissed her temple. Holding her close against you as you sighed in relief. 
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“You’re lucky your spouse came home when they did.” One of the officers sighed after taking her statement.
“Oh I’m not-“ you cleared your throat. “I’m just the neighbor.”
Natasha’s still silent; you wondered if she heard that or if she’s just in shock.
‘I’m in love with Y/N.’ She thought to herself. ‘Y/N saved me. They’re always there for me. I’ve completely fallen in love with someone in a marriage.’
“Oh excuse me I just saw you holding her and then the rings and well I assumed.” He chuckled.
Soon a car came to a screeching halt behind the police barricade. It was him, it was Bruce. You noticed a brunette getting out of the passenger side.
“Sir I’m gonna have to ask you to get behind the barricade.” The officer who thought you were Natasha’s wife gruffed.
“I’m her husband. I live here!” He shouted.
“Not again Arnold.” You hear him mutter. “Let him through.” He sighed.
“I came as soon as I heard!” He shouted running toward her. The moment he brought her in his arms she snapped out of her state. Shoving him away harshly.
“Don’t touch me!” She screamed, getting everyone’s attention. She quickly backed away, colliding into you. You wrapped your arms around her feeling her tense.
“Hey, hey easy it’s just me.” You said softly as she turned in your arms. 
“Natasha, it's me, Bruce, your husband.” He spoke softly and tried reaching out again but she buried her face in your neck.
“Y/N!” She cried; everything was hitting her at once. She was trembling in your arms. 
“It’s okay, I know. It’s okay.” You whispered, holding her tightly as she began breaking down. She breathed in harshly before crying again.
An EMT came by speaking softly as she could. “You’re in shock. You’re having a panic attack. Come with me I can help settle you down a bit.” 
The EMT knew the redhead wasn’t listening so she spoke with you. “Can you help bring her to the truck?”
You nodded wordlessly. Slowly scooping her up in your arms. Walking her to the ambulance. “You gotta let go.” You whispered trying to set her down.
She shook her head still shaking. 
Another car came to a screeching halt. Out came a familiar blonde.
“Сестра!” She shouted. “Сестра, Где ты?!”
You raised your hand seeing Natasha’s head pop up at the voice.
She easily evaded the police barricade stopping in front of you both.
“It’s okay, she's fine. They’re sister’s.” Arnie sighed, already knowing the two were sisters.
You felt Natasha let you go and hug her sister.
You looked up seeing your wife standing next to Christine, arms crossed. A look on her face you can’t place.
Knowing Nat was okay you walked away only to have Yelena take your hand. 
“Thank you for being there for her.” Yelena sniffled.
You just gave a small smile and squeezed her hand before walking back towards your wife.
You kissed her still lips before taking her in your arms holding her tight. You waited for her to hold you back, but it never came.
“Thank you for taking care of her.” Bruce said, taking your hand; interrupting you and Quinn.
“Well maybe if you had been there you could have done it.” You snapped.
“Y/N.” Quinn gasped.
“No!” You whipped your head at your wife before looking at the nerd in front of you. “She could have seriously gotten hurt and where were you? Let me guess holed up with your side piece right?” You laughed gesturing to the brunette behind him. “Couldn't you leave her to take care of your wife?”
“Y/N stop it!” Quinn grit.
Now the entire block was standing behind you.
“Well I was working. I’m actually working on-“
“A breakthrough?” You questioned tilting your head stepping towards him only for him to take a step back colliding into his car. “You’ve been saying that for how long now?”
“Too fucking long!” Carol shouted.
“Tony back me up here.” Bruce chuckled awkwardly.
“No. You need to tell her the truth now.” Tony glares. “You said you were gonna tell her it’s been 2 months.” 
Bruce sighed. 
“Tell me what?” Natasha questions from the ambulance.
“Nothing!” Bruce shouts quickly with a nervous smile.
“Bullshit it’s nothing.” You grabbed him by his blazer shoving him back into the car. “Tell her the truth now!” You yelled. Quinn tried to pry your arm off of him but you shoved her back. “Say it!”
“I’ve been cheating on her with Betty!” He gasped covering his mouth looking over at Betty who merely shrugged.
“Say it to her you idiot.” You gruffed, shoving him towards the redhead.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Quinn snapped, grabbing your arm.
“Him!” You yelled pointing at Bruce who was trying to run away from Yelena.
“That has nothing to do with you.” Quinn huffed.
“Natasha is my friend-“
“Y/N you shoved me.” She quirks her brow. 
You sighed, rubbing your head. “I’m sorry I shoved you, but you weren’t there! You didn’t see those animals on her! They would have hurt her!”
“You’re right I didn’t because I was busy taking care of myself and the girls.” She snapped.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You snapped.
“You left us! You left your family for our neighbor! How do you not see what’s wrong with that?”
“You’re making it sound like I chose her over you. That’s not what happened. What happened was I acted fast, got you and the girls in lockdown. I told you when I didn't hear from Nat, I knew something was wrong, I can’t just ignore that. I will not!”
There was so much going on Natasha didn’t know what to focus on. She had almost been SA’ed. Her fake husband just admitted to his infidelity. The neighbors were now whispering and worse. You and Quinn were arguing about her. Right in front of everyone.
“Y/N, I am your wife. Me. I am the one who gave birth at 16 because you knocked me up! I’m the one who took the stretch marks and the constant feeding. I’m the one who works.”
“Wow…” you muttered looking away from her, noticing Val and Thor trying to get the rest of the block to leave. “I’m gonna go give my statement then we’ll talk about this in the morning. I can’t even look at you. You’re so fucking selfish.”
With that you walked away leaving a bristled Quinn behind. Quinn looked at Christine who gave her a brief side hug before walking back to her house.
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After your statement; the police and first responders made their leave. You’re not too sure what happened with Bruce but the scientist was nowhere in sight.
Yelena walked up leaving her sister on the porch. “She doesn’t want to stay in her house. Do you mind if we stay with you tonight until we can get the place secured and cleaned up?”
“Of course not. Come on.” You say walking towards the redhead. “Hey gingerbread-“ you feel her fall in your arms. Without another word you scoop her up and walk over to your home. Yelena opens the door and you begin going up the steps towards your guest room. You gently push the door open as Yelena turns the light on. You gently set her on the bed.
“Should I get you two some pajamas?”
“Thank you, Y/N, I brought some clothes so I think we’re good.”
“Don’t go.” Natasha whispered, taking your hand.
“I have to go change and talk to Quinn.” You respond.
“Please stay.” She shook her head holding onto your hand laying back down with Yelena right behind her holding her tight.
“Okay.” You whispered, shoving your pants off revealing your boxers and leaving your shirt on.
You laid down and she curled into you with Yelena curled into her. 
“Y/N I have to tell you something.” She said softly, hearing Yelena already snoring away.
“What’s wrong?”
“...I lied to you… about Bruce.”
“What about him?”
“We’re married but… not really. He married me to make his ex jealous, and I married him for a green card.”
“Oh.” You say with a nod.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn't tell you. I should have told you a while back. I don't know why I didn’t. I knew you wouldn’t tell anyone. I guess I just-“
“Hey… it’s okay.”
“Of course to be honest I feel like an idiot now the way I yelled at him in front of everyone-“
“No one knows but you, the Barton’s, and the Maximoffs. I’m sorry, Y/N, I should have told you.”
“Water under the bridge-“
“Might want to hold on to those words because I have something else to tell you a couple things actually.” She muttered. “You might hate me after this.”
“Hey I promise that will not happen. Now what’s wrong?” You ask softly.
“I don’t know how to say this but after tonight I have to. You deserve to know these things. Just promise me you hate. Promise me you won’t stop talking to me.”
“I promise. You can tell me anything.”
“Back on football day Tony told me to tell you something important.”
“Why doesn’t he just tell me?” You furrowed your brow.
“Because he’s too chicken shit.” She huffed sitting up next to you.
“Y/N, he told me you were accepted into MIT. In fact he said you had a full ride, but that someone turned down your scholarship. He doesn’t know who, but it’s true.”
“Wait… what?” You rubbed your eyes and head unable to process the information. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” She whispered. “I know you really wanted to follow in your fathers footsteps.”
“I was accepted?” you sighed really wanting to cry. Your whole life you just thought you weren’t good enough. You remember seeing the disappointment in your fathers eyes when you told him you were denied. You remember feeling broken hearted. Now you’re racking your brain trying to remember anything that could pinpoint who it was.
“Hm?” You hum still in thought.
“There’s one more thing… Do you remember your birthday night?”
You gulp turning to look at her. Your heart was thumping out of your chest. You settle for a nod afraid of speaking at all at this point.
“When you went back outside Rachel stopped me.”
You furrow your brows and nod asking her to continue.
“Y/N she does like Quinn she outright told me. She wanted me to… Well she wanted me to help her break the two of you apart.”
“That little evil hobbit.” You growled. “I knew it, I knew Rachel is a snake.”
“I’m sorry Y/N.” She whispers.
“Don’t be; I’m the idiot.”
“No you’re not. You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing Y/N. Some people are just not good.”
You try to get out of bed.
“Wait where are you going?” she asks, holding your arm.
“I need to take a walk. There's so much going on I can’t-”
“Y/N I am begging you right now please don’t go. Please. I- I need you here with me. I don’t feel safe with out you.”
You nod taking her in your arms when you see tears forming in her eyes. “Shhhh, shh, it's okay go to sleep I’ll be right here with you.”
“I promise.” You say softly laying down with her shaking in your arms. You squeeze her tighter, kissing the top of her head. “I’ll be right here.”
Natasha nods and sighs in relief. Relief that the secrets she was holding are finally out. Though her body is still stuck in fight or flight mode you seem to be calming her right down and you have to admit after those truth bombs she was keeping you level headed. Though you didn’t sleep that night it was nice to hear her breathing.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You got up early; quietly putting your pants back on before stepping out the door. You walked into your shared bedroom grabbing a fresh set of clothes.
“Where have you been?” Quinn asked, sitting up.
“Downstairs.” You lied putting your clothes on.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I was out of line last night. I shouldn’t have been upset with you saving her. She would have been hurt or worse and I was being selfish.” 
You felt taken back hearing her apologize. You didn’t say a word instead opting for a nod.
“I’m going to go and grab us breakfast from that place you love.” The blonde stood pecking your cheek before heading into the bathroom. 
Soon she was out quickly putting on her yoga pants and shirt. “I’ll be back soon.” She smiled before stepping out. You watched her pull out of the driveway when you heard the guest door open.
You turned to see Natasha.
“Morning.” You give her a small smile.
“Thank you for everything.” She said softly walking over to hug you.
“Of course.”
“I’m going to Lena’s place for a few days. Tony said his crew is working on my house so that makes me feel better.”
You nodded not wanting to push her to talk about it. 
“Thanks again Y/N, and thank you for saving my sister.” Yelena spoke while walking up next to her sister.
“Of course.” You say again as she brought you in a big hug squeezing you tight before letting go.
“We’re totally going to get some breakfast. Want to join us? We’ll probably just take it to my place.” Yelena smiled.
“Thanks Yelena but Quinn left for breakfast so I’m good maybe next time.”
She nodded before looking over at Natasha. “Ready?”
She nodded. “Thank you, again Y/N.”
“No need to thank me.” You finally say as she hugs you she inhales deeply as you nuzzle her head breathing her in.
She smiles up at you and follows her younger sister out the door.
You yawned finally feeling sleepy as you watched her leave.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
(This part was originally called Talking in Your Sleep by Rogue Wave I highly suggest to play it while reading this next part)
The next few days you were sleepless and all around depressed. You hadn’t been this helpless since Finn passed away. Quinn was being overly nice and waiting on your hand and foot. You couldn’t help but miss your neighbor. You had sex dreams of her every night. You texted her a few times to check in and see how she was doing. You learned she made it back home last night. You even asked her if she wanted you to go over and stay with her, but she insisted she needed to be alone. She needed to overcome her fear. 
Quinn had gotten home late in the morning hours the end of her quarter went off without a hitch and now she has more time to be with you. She jumps in the shower eager to lay with you before you wake up. 
When she finished showering she noticed the tent you were pitching. “Like clockwork.” Quinn smirked a quiet giggle escaping her breath as she uncovered you. She hummed seeing you in nothing but your boxers. You two haven’t had sex since Thor's party and she figured since she’s been a nice and doting wife she can wake you up in the best way possible.
“Nat?” You call out stopping her from opening her door. She turned around and you went up the steps. 
“What’s wrong?” She smiled.
You bring your hands up to caress her cheeks looking into her eyes doing everything you can to convey how worthy she is. “You are the most beautiful, sexiest, most amazing, sweet, kind woman I have ever met. Let me show you how beautiful you are.” With that you brought her in a kiss, one that she eagerly responded back with just as much vigor.
The redhead moaned, feeling your hand on her waist and the other threaded through her tresses.  
Soon you were both stumbling into her house stripping one another as you made your way to the sofa. She sat you down straddling you.
Quinn after warming herself up on your dick she slowly let you enter her. “Fuck Y/N.” She smiled closing her eyes feeling you fill her up.
You felt Natasha lift your member, closing her eyes as she sat down on your cock. “Y/N.” She sighed adjusting to your girth.
“Natasha.” You breathed out seeing her look down at you her nose nuzzling yours before she-
Suddenly you were woken up by water to the face. You gasped sitting up falling out of bed. Looking up to see a raging Quinn holding a large cup of water.
“Quinn what the hell?!” You shouted angrily seeing her place the cup down before quickly changing into jeans and a shirt.
“You’re cheating on me?!”
“What?!” You sputtered. “Where is this coming from?! You just woke me up in a shitty way Quinn!” You shouted thoroughly pissed off.
“Tell me why I’m trying to wake you up in the best way possible and you utter the neighbors fucking name.” She growled shoving her shoes as she started descending down stairs.
“Quinn!” You shouted hearing the front door whip open. 
“Quinn stop!” You yelled running after her drenched in water in nothing but your boxers.
Steve who was mowing his lawn tilted his head seeing your wife pounding on Natasha’s door.
Bless her heart Natasha opened it still seemingly sleepy.
“Quinn? What’s going on?” She rasps.
“You lying little home wrecker!” Quinn towered over her, pointing her finger in her chest.
“Excuse me?” Natasha sputters in disbelief pulling her kimono closer pushing Quinn’s finger away.
“Oh cut the shit Romanoff, I know you want my wife. It doesn’t take a fool to see how desperate you are for her. So how long has it been going on?”
“Quinn!” You shouted running up the stairs. “Quinn stop it! You’re acting like a fucking psychopath!” You growled. 
“No, tell me!” She yelled at both of you.
“I’m so confused. Tell you what? And why are you calling me a homewrecker?”
“Tell me why my partner called out your name while I was fucking them?!”
“Oh my God, oh my God, Oh my God this isn’t happening.” You muttered holding your head.
“Wha… What did you say?” Natasha shakes her head furrowing her brows. Were you thinking of her the way she’s been thinking about you? Did you secretly want her as much as she wants you?
“Okay since you’re too dumb to understand I’ll say it again-“
“Don’t call me dumb Quinn.” Natasha kinked her brow standing her ground.
“Then why are you acting like it?!” 
“I’ve only just woken up to you pounding on my door calling me a homewrecker. I have no idea what you are asking me when you take this tone with me Fabray.”
“It’s Mrs. Y/L/N to you Romanoff.” Quinn said, taking another step up towering over the redhead. “How long have you been fucking Y/N?”
“Y/N and I are friends Quinn. They would never do anything to hurt you like that. You should know that already.”
“Fuck you; telling me to trust Y/N. How can I trust them when they’re calling out your name in our bed?”
It was silent as she looked at you with an unknown expression. 
“Quinn, I was asleep it wasn’t like that-“
“Don’t do that.” She snapped pointing at you. “You think I’m dumb? I’m riding you and you call out another woman’s name? What the fuck else are you two hiding? Are you even in a marriage with Natasha?”
“No, actually we’re getting a divorce.”
“You two have a thing together and I’m fucking sick of it. You’re done. You’re done being around my partner, and my kids. Leave my family alone.” 
Your eyes darkened and you stepped between the two women. “She’s not going anywhere.”
“Is everything okay here?” Steve walked up handing you a robe. 
“Thanks Steve.” You mutter placing it on.
“No, it’s not actually. You cheated on your wife and that energy got on Y/N.”
“I came out Quinn. I think the cheater here is you.” He crossed his arms.
“Wait what?” You furrowed your brow.
“Excuse me?” Quinn raised her brow.
“I was the one that saw you that night at Y/N’s party. I’ve been waiting patiently for you to confess, but I guess I’m gonna have to do it for you because Y/N deserves to know.”
“Steve, what are you talking about?” You furrowed your brows.
“Nothing! He’s obviously crazy.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry to tell you this it should have come from your wife. The night of your birthday I caught Quinn making out with Rachel. Pretty heavily.”
“You cheated on me with Berry?” You asked, furrowing your brows in shock. 
“No!” She huffed. “I would never-“
“Quinn.” Steve glared.
Quinn rolled her eyes. “Y/N she’s into you this is why they’re lying!”
Natasha ignored the blonde and continued. “Y/N, Steve, is not a liar. If anything this lines up with what I told you Rachel said to me that night.”
“Oh please, you're lying. Y/N they are lying to you!” Quinn laughed.
“You’re the liar Quinn.” You said eyes brimming with tears. “You lied about being pregnant.” Quinn’s eyes were wide with shock. “Yeah I know you tied your tubes. You lied about Berry, and you fucking stole my chance to go to MIT. I know it was you! I knew you were bitch going into this relationship. I just never thought you would go this low not, with me.”
“Y/N, baby, I swear I didn’t-“ Quinn had tears forming in her eyes. “Okay, I lied about the baby, and I did- I did kiss Rachel, but I didn’t steal your dream away I swear it wasn’t me.” She sobbed, she tried to take your hand and you snatched it away. “I wouldn’t do that to you Y/N!”
“Fuck you!” You shouted. “Quinn, you're a liar and a cheat! I'm done with you! I want you out of the house. I can’t even look at you right now. We’re getting a divorce.”
“No please Y/N! Please don’t do this. I'm begging you to come back with me. We'll talk about it. I promise you we’ll figure this out together! Please!” She sobbed as you shook your head.
Natasha opened her door further letting you and Steve in the house.
“Natasha please that is my wife, my husband, my partner I’m begging you-“
“You’ve done enough.” Natasha snapped slamming the door in Quinn’s face.
“Oh my God.” Quinn inhaled trying not to have a panic attack. She turned to see some of the neighbors outside staring at her.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Wanda called out as Quinn walked home. 
Meanwhile inside the Romanoff residence you were having a panic attack.
“It’s okay bud inhale 1, 2, 3, 4 hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 exhale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 repeat.” Steve was used to calming down panic attacks because of Bucky. After losing his arm he suffered from severe PTSD for a long time. “There you go now tell me what’s one thing you can see, smell, hear, and touch?”
“Um the photo of Nat and Yelena when they were kids, I can smell Nat’s home musk, I can hear her grabbing me a cup of water, and I can feel the fluffy carpet beneath my feet.”
“There we go.” Steve smiled, feeling your pulse instantly dropping.
“Did you really see them?” Your voice cracked.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I should have told you sooner I was hoping she would confess.”
Natasha laid a cool hand towel on your forehead handing you a glass of water. “I’m sorry detka.” Natasha whispered, laying her hand on the center of your back. She didn’t know this yet but that hand placement always made you feel better. You leaned into her and began crying feeling her wrap her arms around you, rocking you. “It’ll be okay. I promise.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way Y/N.” Steve felt his heart break for you.
You cried a little harder and Natasha turned her head towards him. “I got this Steve if you wanna…”
He nodded, taking the hint. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” He stood feeling terrible as he made his way out the door.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You woke up a few hours later practically on top of Natasha.
“Hi.” She whispered, pushing your hair back. “How are you feeling?”
You groaned sitting up.
“So my shot at MIT was stolen, she lied to me about being pregnant, a long time frenemy has been trying to break us up, and kissed my wife. Am I missing anything else?” You rubbed your face letting it all really sink in. 
You groaned remembering Quinn embarrassed you about calling out Natasha’s name in bed.
“Y/N.” Natasha sighed you haven’t looked at her.
“Yeah?” You cleared your throat.
“So you had a sex dream about me!” She exclaimed, causing you to groan in embarrassment. “It’s not a big deal I’ve dreamt about you.”
“What?” This caught your attention. Your head almost got whiplash with how fast you turned.
“Oh my God, you’re terrible. Yes Y/N I have had sex dreams about you.”
“Dreams; plural;  as in more than one?”
Natasha, realizing her mistake, rolls her eyes and shrugs. “Yes.”
“Oh.” You say suddenly very aware of your proximity.
“So now will you look me in the eye?”
You slowly met her gaze she dreamt about you fucking her… more than once! Maybe Quinn was right, maybe she is into you and maybe you’re into her too. You’re on unfamiliar ground. You’ve only ever been with Quinn. 
“I’m sorry for being so weird about it. I just- I’ve never dreamt about a friend before.”
“Come on, you need to eat something. I know you love omelets. Want me to make you your favorite?”
You nod in surprise.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Okay we’re here- why the hell does your face look like a puffy marshmallow?” Santana grimaced. 
“Quinn what’s wrong?” Brittany furrowed her brows
“I- I fucked up.” Quinn began crying.
“What the hell did you do, Fabray?” 
“I cheated on Y/N.” She sobbed.
Santana sighed, she hates to say she saw this coming, call it her Latin 3rd eye, but she knew something has been off ever since your birthday.
“Quinn!” Brittany gasped.
“What the actual fuck Fabray?!” Santana huffed standing back up so she wouldn't slap the life out of Quinn. “Who, when, where, and how many times?” 
“It was one time and we didn’t even have sex we- we made out.”
“It was with Berry wasn’t it?” Brittany muttered.
Quinn nodded.
“Wow. You’re a dumb bitch for that Fabray. Y/N gave you everything and this is how you repay them?”
“What do I do?” Quinn sobbed.
“Well you’re gonna give Y/N space and if they decide to leave and divorce you then I highly suggest you do it if you have any respect for Y/N.
“I can’t just let Y/N go. I can’t, I love Y/N.” Quinn sniffles.
“You have a really funny way of showing it.” Santana scoffs. You kissed faked a pregnancy, treat them like crap, kissed a troll, and stole Y/N’s chance at MIT.”
“It wasn’t me.” She cried.
“Then who was it?” Santana asked. “Bitch, you’re already fucked might as well be honest now.”
Quinn gulped for uttering the words. “My mother.” 
A/N: like, comment & reblog please I spent a long time on this chapter 🫠
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rebelfell · 11 months
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✦ Stranger Things Masterlist ✦
My works feature a female reader with limited physical descriptors. Just by virtue of being written by me, they will likely be shy/inexperienced ‘cos I write what I know, y’know? There are individual warnings on each. If you do come across something you think needs a warning, please let me know (gently, I am but a fragile soufflé ready to sink)
🌶️ is marked with a*
Everything is 18+ MDNI for your sake and mine
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The Third Date┃Part One┃Part Two~
eddie munson x anorgasmic!reader - 14k
Surrender┃Part One ┃Part Two*┃Part Three*
eddie munson x bi!reader x lesbian!chrissy cunningham - 18k
Bells Will Be Ringing┃Part One*┃Part Two*
crush!steve harrington x fem!reader x fwb!eddie munson - 8k
Hold Your Peace in Pieces┃TBD
engaged!rockstar!eddie munson x reader -
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this summer is the apocalypse, pt II, pt III*, pt IV*, eddie’s interlude, part V, epilogue~, epilogue II~
Thinking thoughts on eddie and an older!Harrington!reader (aka: stevie’s aunt has got it goin’ on)
for your viewing pleasure~
a series of drips and drabbles featuring pornstar!eddie
under the influence
an edible loosens your lips in front of your frenemy, eddie
game night* (surrender universe)
chrissy and eddie get extra competitive, you benefit
made for lovin’ you*
softdom!eddie makes a bad tinder date a whole lot better
special delivery*
someone unexpected shows up to deliver your pizza
in the middle of the night*
boyfriend!steve helps to soothe what ails us🩸
buzzcut season, rockstar!eddie free write
dmm, i’m just embracing my shaved-head era
haven’t had any complaints yet*
the trials and tribulations of giving van head over forty
cold dry stone*
revenge f!cking with gator 🐊
that Vanity Fair party was a lot*
actor!steve x assistant!reader x rockstar!eddie
are you even listening to me?, cont’d~, preq
bestfriend!eddie gets distracted by your…assets.
I didn’t know you were into that…
you’ve been watching too many ghostface tiktoks 🔪
working on my fitness, pt II
a gym meet cute w/ modern!eddie (neighbors AU)
modern!wealthy!Steve? How’d you get in here?
steve spoils his girl in the midst of a hangover
wait, are you a…have you never?*
bigdick!steve x virgin!reader
felt in need of some affection…
sweet!soft!eddie vignette
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possessive.┃eddie shows you who you belong to
multiples.┃eddie wants you to arrive properly
urgent.┃eddie can do better than he can
hesitant.┃eddie has been avoiding something
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so wrong, it’s right┃so right, it’s wrong 🎃
eddie munson x his best friend’s (ex?) girl
you’ve never seen gremlins? 🎃
it’s scary movie night at eddie’s house
you’re a what? (WCIL-verse) 🎃
modern!eddie bumps into you at a halloween party
how much of that can is left? 🦃
you + eddie + whipped topping
today is a no bones day 🦃
you and eddie in recovery mode
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#index landing pages for long form/multi-part blurbs & fics
#free write bursts of writing based on images/other posts
#my moods fic/character moodboards, (aka I spent too much time spent daydreaming on pinterest again)
#thrift shop eddie short blurbs about all the odd and random gifts I would terrorize shower Eddie with if given the chance
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© 2024 rebelfell All Rights Reserved. Any written work on this blog is my own and I do not consent for it to be copied, altered or re-posted in any form or to be fed into AI software.
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backtothefanfiction · 10 months
A Christmas Blessing: The Gift of Moving On | frat!Peter Imagine
Summary: You and your boyfriend had a messy breakup at Halloween. Almost two months later you think you’re ready to move on, even if he’s still holding on.
Warnings: jealousy, messy break up, sweet Peter, fluff
Word Count: 1K+ (wrote in app again so not completely sure)
A/N; it’s Christmas party season and I was scrolling through fics when this idea came to me so here we go.
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He couldn’t help but watch you. It had always been the way. Ever since his frat brother had brought you back to the house that first time. Peter was mesmerised. By your hair, your eyes, the way you dressed. The way you had 5 different laughs. The way you always found time to say hi to him when you came over to the house. If you came over before Matt had gotten back from the library or a lecture or wherever the heck he was, you’d grab a drink for the two of you and just sit with him and talk. It was always just so easy for you both to talk.
It had only gotten worse after you and Matt broke up at Halloween. You’d caught him hiding out in one of the upstairs rooms of a party over at the Theta Beta Phi house, making out with some girl in a slutty super girl costume. The argument the two of you had had, instantly killed the party. Peter had gotten so angry with Matt when he’d found out what he’d done. If the party hadn’t been over when you walked out, it definitely was after he punched Matt in the face on the front lawn.
He couldn’t help but watch you now. Your gaze was focused on something in the adjacent room. Your cup was held frozen in mid air near your chin with one hand, while your other arm wrapped protectively across your chest. You were stood alone, your back to a messy stack of shelves. Where once you looked so comfortable at parties surrounded by friends, now you just looked like you’d rather be elsewhere. And that made Peter sad.
“What are you staring at?” He asked as he approached, but as soon as he was stood in the right angle to follow your gaze, he knew exactly what you were looking at.
Matt stood in the hallway with the girl from the Halloween party. However instead of her slutty super girl outfit, she wore a slutty Santa costume. She was giggling at every word he said. His finger reached out to play with her hair. He took one look in the direction of Peter and you, before he plucked the girls hat off of her head and placed it on top of his own, his body shuffling closer to her.
“It’s like watching a car crash.” You say to Peter. “She doesn’t even realise he isn’t actually into her. He’s just trying to make me jealous.”
“How come?”
“Because I wouldn’t take him back.” You said, finally looking away from them as you took a sip of your drink.
“Good. I’m glad.” Peter said, only slightly fumbling over his words. “I mean, he was a dick and you are way too good for him.”
“Are you allowed to say that?” You question as you adorably tilt your head at him. “Isn’t he your fraternity brother. Isn’t that part of the brotherhood and the pact, to always have each other’s backs.”
“Yeah but I think the rules my Aunt and Uncle taught me about not being a dick to women kind of overrule any fraternity pacts or rules.”
“Well,” you say, lifting your cup towards him for him to cheers with his own, “I guess that must make you a rare breed of man, Peter Parker.”
Your words make him blush as he looks down into his cup as you take a sip from your own.
You both stand with each other in awkward silence for a moment until another fake giggle draws your attention back into the hallway where Matt is now making out with the skinny blonde in the red and white mini skirt. His hand groping at her ass for everyone to see. Peter’s head turns back to looking at you as the expression on your face turns sour.
“He looks like he’s trying to swallow her face.” You comment. “Please tell me we never looked like that.” Peter’s brow furrows, so you elaborate. “When we were drunk making out at parties. Please tell me we didn’t look like that.”
“You didn’t look like that.” He said as you both watched Matt and the girl break apart only long enough for her to giggle, take his hand and starting leading him upstairs.
“I’m sorry.” Peter says.
His statement throws you. It takes you a moment to work out why. It’s because you’re relaxed. For the first time in weeks, your chest feels steady and not jittery. Your mind is calm and not racing a hundred miles a second with a thousand different hypothetical’s. You don’t feel intimidated by Matt or the girl. You feel sorry for them. You think on the way he had come grovelling to you just days ago, begging for your forgiveness only to now be shoving his tongue down another girls throat.
“Don’t be sorry.” You turn and say to him. “She can have him.” And it’s then you really look at Peter. He’s handsome, despite the bleached blonde hair he currently had because of some dare. He’s not like those other frat boys. He has a moral code. He’s always been friendly to you and if rumours are true, he stuck up for you after you had left the Halloween party.
“So um, are you headed home for the Christmas-“
“Would you like to go out with me?” You suddenly asked him, catching him off guard.
“Um uh, like right now or?”
“Or later. Tomorrow? Friday night? Whenever.”
“Uh um, uh,” he struggles with his words, his wildest dreams coming true like it’s some Christmas miracle. “Yes. Yes!” He finally gets out. There’s a pause between you both before he says, “Are you sure? I mean, it’s not too soon or-“
“No. I’m sure.” You smile at him and he feels like the cow that just jumped over the moon. “It’s just,” you say, bashfully looking down into your cup, “I just realised that I don’t think I was ever really supposed to be with Matt, you know.”
The way you look at Peter says so much. It’s always been easy for you two to talk to each other and it seems that also goes for silent conversations as you slowly inch closer to one another.
Before he knows it, he’s reaching a hand up to your face, guiding you closer to his own. You don’t protest as he kisses you, instead breathing a deep sigh of relief. Yeah, you thought to yourself, she can have your shitty ex boyfriend, you have something better right here.
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 6
And we're back on this story. I didn't get as much Halloween stories in as I wanted, but there is still a week and half left in the month so I might get a couple of one-shots out before the big day. I have one with the older teens dressing up as RHPS characters for a midnight showing I'm part of the way through that might get done in time. We'll see.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Eddie hadn’t seen Steve in close to an hour and it was starting to worry him.
He been bombarded with commiseration after commiseration from friends of his grandma and their families. All the Munson family was already here.
As far as Eddie knew, Al Munson was still in some jail in Texas for grand theft auto. His third strike in the state of Texas. Who knows how many strikes he had in other states. Wayne wasn’t telling, and Eddie wasn’t asking.
He was standing there in his best jeans and nice black button up. It wasn’t what he was going to wear to the funeral, Wayne had raised him better than that. But he thought it was nice for a wake.
And it wasn’t as though Steve was dressed up either. He was wearing khakis and a grey Henley.
But all around him Eddie could feel the eyes of the other mourners, looking at him, judging him, and absolutely finding him wanting.
He stood in the corner, sinking further and further from view as he felt assaulted by their glares.
Suddenly there was a warm hand on his back and voice in his ear telling him to take a walk outside with him.
He let Steve lead him out of the house and onto the porch.
Steve pulled out a cigarette and lit it, handing it to Eddie and then lighting one of his own.
“You grandma must have been one hell of a lady to have that many mourners at her wake,” Steve said after a moment or two of smoking in silence.
Eddie snorted. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, pretty boy. This is just close friends and family. Tomorrow’s gonna be the real shindig. It’s going to be standing room only in the church.” He paused. “Ah, shit. That’s going to be okay, right? Going to a Catholic church?”
Steve scoffed. “Yeah, that’s fine. Not religious myself. Kinda hard to be when you’ve seen the worst of humanity and actual fucking monsters.”
Eddie look a long drag of his cigarette. “I feel that. Stopped believing in God when I heard that AIDS was one of God’s modern plagues against the unrighteous.”
Steve shook his head. “That fucking blows. I figure if there was a Jesus, he was like El, you know? Just extra human, no God required.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah. I bet that’s what it was. Thanks for that.” He raised his cigarette. “And this.”
Steve bumped their shoulders together. “No trouble, Eds. I could hear what they were saying about you behind your back and I thought you could use the break.”
“You thought right, Stevie,” he agreed. “Not a Christian heart in a single one of those church goers.”
Steve hummed. “This is what I’m here for on this trip, okay? I will put myself between you and those hateful people.”
Eddie laid his head on Steve’s shoulder. “God, it’s on top of everything else, you know. The six hour drive yesterday. My aunt being a bitch to you even though you didn’t deserve it. Putting on my second best clothes and still not being good enough for them.”
“They look at you and see your dad, huh?”
Eddie froze bringing the cigarette to his mouth and turned to Steve in shock. “How the hell did you know that?”
Steve shrugged. “My parents used to throw these big parties for Christmas and their anniversary. Like BIG parties. Blow your uncle’s yearly wages on a fucking party, big. The last was when I was sixteen, right? And I could hear all the whispers about how much I looked like him and how I must be just like him. Booze, women, and lavish parties full of people that wanted to kiss my ass.”
The cigarette fell out of Eddie’s mouth and landed on his lap. He brushed it off quickly, cursing and patting at his crouch so that he wouldn’t get burned.
Steve laughed.
“Fuck you.”
Eddie stomped out the cigarette to ease his bruised ego. He huffed out a sigh. “Is that part of the reason for the attitude change? Because everyone credits Nancy and Jonathan for the cognitive readjustment, but it started before that.”
Steve frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Before you started dating Nancy, you stopped the big parties at your house,” Eddie said. “Hagan told me it was because your dad caught you, but that wasn’t it, was it?”
Steve’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. “Holy shit. I didn’t even realize.”
“You started to clean up your act for Nancy, sure,” he continued. “But you started down that path before you started dating.”
Steve stubbed out his cigarette. “I saw you listening to Depeche Mode earlier when we had finished cleaning up the house...”
Eddie straightened up. He had listened to the tape. The song Lauren had queued up for him, especially. That one over and over.
“You into BDSM there, Stevie boy?” he said with a teasing grin.
Steve laughed. “Oh god, that one. Yeah, no, man. You know the song I mean.”
“You want to tell me what went down there?” Eddie asked. “Don’t spare Nancy for the sake of my feelings, okay? You’re more important to me then some chick.”
“She had a thing for Jonathan,” he explained. “Broke up with me for a month and then came running back. I didn’t think too much of it, you know? I was just happy that she was back. I tried to be the best boyfriend I could. I don’t think I succeeded. Then I made the mistake of using the words ‘normal teenagers’ because I wanted to go to some Halloween party.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “She started drinking heavily that night. Like more than someone her stature should. I tried to get her stop and I spilled the drink all down her white dress. So we went to the bathroom to clean it up. She called me bullshit. Said our relationship was bullshit.”
“Holy fucking hell, dude,” Eddie whispered.
Steve shook his head. “I thought it was just a bad fight. Even though everyone at school was calling it a breakup. I didn’t believe it. I bought her flowers to apologize. Fucking roses.” He was on his feet and pacing back and forth, running his fingers through his hair. “But she wasn’t home. Oh no. Her and Jonathan were on a fact-finding mission. And a fuck finding mission, apparently.”
Eddie leaned forward in shock. “She slept with Jonathan?”
Steve stopped, frozen still. He took a deep breath and let it out slow. “I still thought we were dating. She didn’t. It’s why I don’t tell people. Because she thinks she didn’t cheat on me and I think she did.”
“Yeah,” he said, looking down at his stark white tennis shoes in utter despair.
Eddie was on his feet and giving Steve a huge hug. “Thank you for telling me. I get why the music spoke to you and I won’t begrudge anyone loving music that helped them through rough times, okay?”
Steve nodded into Eddie neck, trying to not to sob.
When Aunt Penny came out a while later she found both boys just crying into each other’s arms.
“Boys,” she said gently. “It’s time for the toast to Gina.”
They reluctantly let go of each other and wiped their faces with their hands.
Wayne handed them glasses when they entered the front room. Penny picked up her glass.
“To Gina Munson!”
“Salut!” they all cheered.
Eddie and Steve knocked back their drinks with the rest of them.
There was more socializing after the toast, but this time Eddie had Steve at his side and every time they glared at Eddie, Steve would wink at them causing them to flush in embarrassment and turn away.
Finally everyone had gone, the food had been cleared away and the mess cleaned up.
Eddie and Steve silently made their way to the room they shared.
“I wanted to thank you for earlier,” Eddie said as they slowly got ready for bed.
Steve straightened up from where he had been pulling on his pajama bottoms. “For what?”
“For everything, I guess,” Eddie murmured. “For fending off bullshit...not even relatives, but friends of the family, I guess. For telling me about Nancy even though it was clear you didn’t want to. For coming on this trip in the first place. I probably would have thrown hands already if it wasn’t for you.”
Steve pulled up his pants and padded over to him to pull him into a hug. “I do it for any of our friends, Eds. But I’m glad I’m helping. I’m glad that you told me you needed me for this.”
“Single best decision of my life so far,” Eddie mumbled into Steve’s neck. “Wayne thinks so too.”
Steve laughed. “Well if Wayne says so it must be true.”
Eddie chuckled. “He is pretty smart.”
They crawled into bed and faced each other under the blanket.
“What’s really bothering you, Eds?” Steve whispered. “I can tell there’s something bothering you, but I can’t figure it out.”
Eddie pursed his lips. “It’s the stares and snide remarks, I guess. I know that like back home they all think I did it. That I killed Chrissy and Patrick and Fred. That I’m just like my dad. Maybe even worse.”
Steve pulled him close. “We know the truth. Wayne knows the truth. The people that love you know the truth. You’re a bona fide hero, Eddie Munson. They can all burn in hell if there is one.”
Eddie shook his head. “It’s more than that, I think. It’s that despite seeing me for a month every summer, that they would even think me capable of such violence. I had grown up with these people. How could they think that of me?”
“Small-minded people will always think the worst of you,” Steve murmured. “I know, it sucks. But here’s the best part about being an adult. If you wanted to, you never have to see them again in your life. You can cut them out and that’s all the say they have in the matter.”
Eddie sighed. “Thanks.”
Steve just held on until they both fell asleep.
The day of the funeral dawned cloudy and grey as if nature, too, grieved the loss of Gina Munson. Cherished wife, beloved mother, and devoted grandmother.
Eddie and Steve dressed in solemn silence. Eddie pulled on a pair of black high-waisted trousers that he had found at a thrift store before they left. He put on the black button up from the night before and rolled up the sleeves. Over the top went a nice dark grey vest. He wore his nice, white sneakers. He strapped on bracelets and bangles on his wrists and chains and necklaces around his scar on his neck.
His wasn’t as noticeable as Steve’s but he had had enough of his grandmother and aunt’s friends eyes flicking toward it and sneering last night to last a life time thank you.
Steve was dressed similarly. The nice black slacks, the black button up (buttoned neatly at his wrists), a dark grey sweater vest. He wore a suit coat over the top and nice silver tie. His shoes were shined mirror bright and his hair artfully done.
Wayne, Steve and Eddie decided to all go in Steve’s car to the funeral. They pulled into the spots reserved for family and made their way into the church. As Eddie predicted it was standing room only. They walked all the way up the aisle to where the first row had been designated for the family, too.
They sat down and the service began.
Eddie sat there, tears streaming down his face, tucked into Wayne’s arm. Steve took his hand and held on as the Father droned on and on about the life of a good woman.
The pallbearers stood up. Wayne, Oliver, Eddie, Danny, and two good friends of Gina’s lifted her coffin onto their shoulders and marched down the aisle to “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” played on the organ.
They carried the casket out into the cemetery and slid her gently onto the straps that would be used to lower her into grave.
Eddie moved back to stand next to Steve and looked out into the crowd.
He stiffened as he spotted someone near the front of the throng of people paying their respects.
Steve followed his eyes to the man standing next to a portly fellow in a black suit.
He had dark curly hair shaved on the sides. He had a neatly trimmed beard that highlighted the sharpness of his jawline. His cheekbones were as hard as his jaw and eyes. It was the eyes that really struck Steve. They were the same color as Eddie’s but so, so cold.
He bowed his head and Steve could see that his hands were clasped in front of him.
Or so he thought.
The cold man shifted from one foot to the other and Steve could see the glint of the handcuffs.
There was no doubt on who this was now.
Allen “Al” Munson had been allowed to come to his mother’s funeral.
Pt 7|Pt 8|Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76
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reveluving · 11 months
if the skirt fits ; andy barber x reader
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summary: Andy finds a little secret of yours.
warnings: heavily implied s~mut; costume kink (minors DNI!), familial fluff & mild humour!
a/n: you don't know how happy I am for finally sharing this piece with y'all, considering how it has been collecting dust in my drafts since LAST YEAR, but here it is; one of my earliest ideas for the series! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» wanna know what I have in store this fall? come & check out my m.list for 'reve's quirky reverie 🕷️'!
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“It fits you perfectly,” He purred, almost deep in thought—probably in his own fantasy, “So perfectly.” ;
"You could dress up as Jason?" You suggested what might’ve been the seventh costume idea since the drive home from dinner at the Thai restaurant nearby. 
"Done that." Jacob replied as he leaned forward from his seat to talk to you and his father.
"I feel like everyone's dressing up as Spiderman this year." 
"But not everyone's going to dress up as the same one." You had a point, considering how you and his dad were the first victims of his Spiderverse fixation since the second movie was released, so you knew what you were talking about.
"I guess,” Jacob thought for a moment before falling back in his seat, taking your idea into consideration, “I guess I just want something… different." 
"If you want different, then we could get you one of those inflatable dinosaur costumes on the internet." Andy held a playful look even as his eyes remained on the road.
"Very funny, dad." His son grumbled, despite fighting back his own smile.
"Aw, cheer up, Jake. You've got time." You reassured him. 
“Yeah… And I’m not too worried. The store next to Aunt Sarah’s bakery got some cool stuff when I bought last year’s costume,” Jacob mused before asking you, "What about you, mom? Have you thought of a costume yet?" 
Ah, mom. Even after all this time, you and Andy will never get tired of him calling you that.
"Mmm, not yet. But when I do, I'll make sure you're the first to know." You and Jacob shared a smile in the rear-view mirror, only to be interrupted by Andy clearing his throat.
"Uh, you're gonna tell him first and not me?" He cocked his head, feigning disbelief.
"Of course. You lost that privilege when you suggested Jake the dinosaur costume." You and Jacob laughed as Andy dramatically groaned, telling you ‘I didn’t mean it’ in an angsty teenager tone.
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"I am not dressing up Ken." Andy answered, removing his watch and leaving it on the vanity table.
"Oh, c'mon, Cowboy Barber has a nice ring to it." You said with a lilt. 
"And where exactly am I going to find a Western shirt in my size?" He quirked an eyebrow at you.
"We could always ask the Flags. Her husband might have one hidden somewhere."
"Just because we've seen him with a cowboy hat last Halloween?" He remembered seeing him wearing one during the community party at the park.
"You'd never know. Barbie and Ken are safer than your recommendation." You opened the closet without taking your accusatory eyes off him.
"What's wrong with a devil and an angel?" 
"Andy." Surely he could tell how ridiculous he sounded. 
"It's… easy…? And you'd look really good in it." He tried to persuade you, standing next to you.
"At a party full of kids?" You weren't sure how the parents that were a little more… conservative would feel about their kids' teacher dressing up like that.
"I didn't say it was for Wilson's party. It's for our afterparty," He wiggled his brows, "Just you and me while Jake stays over at the Wilson's." 
You snorted. How cheesy of him.
"Wilson's party first, then whatever you want after," You turned back to the hanging clothes, "And besides, you should be the devil, not me." 
That wasn't a no.
"You know what," He pursed his lips, already considering your idea—especially with the black suit he knew you'd melt over, plus a red tie before dodging the swat of your hand with a laugh. Just then, he noticed you'd been searching for something for a while, unbuttoning his cuffs and folding his sleeves before asking, “Need some help?”
“I can’t find my panties. The baby blue ones.” You frowned.
“The one with the lace?” He asked, prompting you to nod, “I mean, as much as I love seeing you in those, you know I don’t mind you without any in the first place.”
“Nice try, Barber," You narrowed your eyes at him, gesturing to the drawers in front of him before you rummaged through the pile of folded clothes on the bottom rack, “Help me search the drawers, please.”
He did as he was told, looking through the first stack before moving on to the next.
There was little progress in your searches but your curiosity was only piqued when out of the corner of your eye, Andy was looking closely at something.
“Did you find it?”
He took a quick breath before answering, “No, but I did find something better.” 
You furrowed your brows, standing up to ask what he meant by that until you caught sight of the familiar skirt he held.
Plaid, grey and extremely short.
Uh oh.
You clasped your hands together in front of your tummy as you stared at the microskirt with wide eyes. You were even failing to notice him slowly breaking into a smirk. He didn’t stop there, reaching into the drawer he was looking into with his other hand to take out the matching tie. Your lips parted, darting your eyes between the article of clothing and the smug look on his face.
“I can explain,” You finally spoke up, your voice softer than you hoped for.
“Please, do,” He held the ends of the untied tie with both hands, “Because I’m pretty sure these are too small to be mine.”
Oh, he was going to have some fun with this.
“Well, it’s, y’know,” You moved your hands around, only to silently plea for him to understand without having you say it, “Andy, c’mon. You know what it is.”
It wasn’t enough for him, though, raising his brows and encouraging you to continue. 
He was clearly enjoying this. A whole lot. 
“It’s my old costume.”
He hummed, appraising the garment as he immediately imagined what you would look like in it, “So my pretty girl has a dirty secret of her own. Did you break any necks when you pranced around the neighbourhood in this?” 
“In my defence, I only wore that once, when I was in college, so,” You corrected him, recalling the party you attended in your final year. 
“So, you broke college boys’ necks.” 
“I didn’t say that,” You shook your head in amusement, “I just didn’t have the heart to give it away. It was just one of those rare times where I truly enjoyed living in the city.” 
Though the city wasn’t far from Reve Road, and hell, you’ve even thought about moving back once or twice in your earlier days, truthfully, you haven’t been there in ages, and thank goodness, too. What would life be like if you hadn’t stayed, made a name in the peaceful neighbourhood and met the Barbers?
"Do you miss it?" 
"Sometimes," You mustered a small smile, though it didn't quite reach your eyes, "But I had my fun. Grew up to be a city girl, earned my degree and let out my ‘wilder’ side a couple of times. But I love it here more, and if I want to keep my job, the last thing my students and my son need to see when they go trick-or-treating is their Literature teacher in this." 
You shared a hearty laugh. Your wonders about who or what you could’ve been if you stayed in the city were nothing more than a mere curiosity, and even then, it hardly mattered to you now.
“Wouldn’t hurt to relive the old days here in our room.” Oh?
"You can't be serious," You chuckled nervously, "It might not even fit." 
You were lying—you barely looked any different from your college years. You just weren’t sure if you were ready to see his reaction over such scandalous attire.
"All the more reason to try it," He replied confidently, closing the gap between the two of you. His voice deepened as he whispered, "C’mon. You can be a good girl for me, can’t you?" 
Like the gentleman he was, he used your weakness against you.
You knew you were done for when you gulped under his intense stare, cocking his head in the bathroom’s direction. 
You snatched the garments out of his grasp, the ‘deathly’ glare on your face contrasted with his conceited one as you obtained the shirt that came with it out of the same drawer. He continued to hold your gaze even as you closed the door.
Once you were alone, you couldn’t help but let out a silent scream.
You were too embarrassed to even face the mirror as you got dressed, not until you slid on the last piece—the skirt before turning around to look at yourself. You could barely acknowledge the coincidence of covering your face with your hands like a bumbling schoolgirl.
Because that was exactly what you looked like.
You remembered washing the set a couple of times after your first and only wear, and even then, you didn’t think the skirt could shrink that little. Your ass was hanging out of the hem, offering an ample peek at the black bikini brief you had taken with you. 
You came out of the bathroom, ignoring the warmth spreading through your body as you were met with Andy sitting at his side of the bed, shamelessly displaying the prominent tent bulging in his pants.
He hummed in approval before beckoning you to his lap, "Come here." 
You kept your gaze on the ground as you walked over to him, standing in between his legs.
"Come here." He repeated, this time, forcing you to maintain eye contact as he tapped his knee.
You let out the softest whimper, your arms encircling his neck before straddling one of his thick thighs. He rested his hands on your hips, only to run them up and down your body, watching your face already contorting between bashfulness and desire.
“It fits you perfectly,” He purred, almost deep in thought—probably in his own fantasy, “So perfectly.” 
He pulled you closer, bouncing his knee to rub against your clothed sex. Electricity coursed through your body over the not-so-innocent move, your breathing growing heavier by the second as he teased you further.
“But you haven’t answered my question yet. Did they or did they not stare at you when you wore this?”
He rendered you speechless. You were beginning to think your heart might burst out of your chest at any point. 
“I’m sure they did,” A part of him wanted to be annoyed but miffed was a better way to put it. Not at you, though, he could never. You were just trying to have fun and make the most out of what life had to offer. But if he was there to see you in this the first time you had it, likely showing your wilder side, oh, he couldn’t lie and say you wouldn’t catch his eye either. 
“But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore,” His hands slid past the hem, lifting it for him to drink in the sight of your curves, “It’s just you and me now.”
You dropped your head on his shoulder, hoping to stifle the moan that threatened to slip past your lips.
“Just imagine me bending you over the bed so I can get a peak of what’s mine underneath,” He sighed dreamily, smiling when your ass jiggled as he grabbed at and squeezed them, “Or should I throw you on the bed and have you on your knees?”
You didn’t answer, too focused on the way he groped your body until you jumped at the resounding crack and the sting that came with it on your left cheek.
"Does it come with thigh highs?" He asked ever so casually as if he wasn’t straining to have you just as much as you were him.
"I-It did, but… I kinda lost it." 
"That's fine. I can always get you a new one," He nosed your jaw, "In fact, I'll buy you more than just a pair. Maybe match some with your panties." 
You mewled, raising your head and granting him access to your neck. 
“You'd do everything your favourite professor tells you to do, wouldn’t you?” 
“Andy, I–” You nearly called him Professor Barber when the sounds of knocking on your door caused you and your husband to freeze up.
"Mom, dad,” It was Jacob, “I think Beemo's been collecting… socks under the couch?" 
Like a fish out of water, your mind was too blank to respond or even acknowledge the question. Thankfully, Andy was able to do it for you, “We’ll be right there!”
The two of you waited until his footsteps receded before you were able to let out a sigh of relief. Andy, on the other hand, had the audacity to chuckle at you. There was no reason for you to worry about scarring Jacob since Andy had already locked the door.
“Very funny.” You murmured sarcastically, moving off him and loosening the tie, hoping to ignore the ache in between your legs for the time being.
“Hilarious,” He cockily added, standing up with an almost pained groan. He stood behind you before wrapping his arms around your waist, “But this isn’t over.”
You stopped.
“I meant what I said about buying you thigh highs with it. Or better yet, some fishnets because my wife’s not so innocent after all.”
Despite getting cockblocked, he was immensely satisfied to see you shiver.
‘Beemo, are you collecting underwear too?’ You heard Jacob ask the cat incredulously, only for a ‘wait!’, followed by his footsteps going down the stairs, probably chasing the feline with whoever’s briefs or undies he had in his mouth. You could only hope it wasn’t yours.
“And, that’s our cue,” His shoulders slumped, only to growl in your ear, “Wear this for me tomorrow after dinner.” 
He then released you with a big smooch on your cheek, exiting the room to find his son, but not before winking at you.
Leaving you to wonder on your own if he’d throw you on the bed or have you on his lap tomorrow.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» a/n: now is a good time to say; no, I have yet to come back to the series, but I was too stoked about this event and thought 'hey, this should be the best time!'
» consider it as a mini compensation! but I do want to thank you for still sticking around, just know 'future mrs barber' is nowhere near discontinuing! ;; gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
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readychilledwine · 11 months
what do you think about azriel x autumn court reader , she is also eris’s cousin, where she is utterly obsessed with halloween/ fall and she decorates the whole house of wind with spooky decor and little pumpkins everywhere. She hides little jumpscares, yk the ones that are in grocery stores, she hides them behind closet doors so whoever opens them gets a nasty creature in their face. Like I can imagine rhysand screaming and cursing her for the jumpscare and feyre just giggles w reader
And she make everyone drink pumpkin spice stuff and claims it is a must. Reader is also in her baking era and bakes so much everyday, the second someone comes in the house, they smell delicious treats. She really channels her inner autum court girl. And during fall she really only wears her clothes from the autumn court. She gets az to visit the autumn court now that eris is high lord, and she takes him to town to drink spiced cider and caramel apples and they have the best time.😭❤️
The Last Cabin on the Left
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Summary - after moving to the Night Court to be with Azriel, y/n Vanserra has strived to bring an Autumn Court Tradition to your new home, and this year you've pulled out all the stops
Warnings - spooky themes, pranks, Nyx and cousins being adorable, matching couples costumes, general fluff, Azriel dressed like a pirate
A/n - I tweaked this request a little bit, and I hope that's okay 💜
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Azriel smiled as the scent of candies, pumpkin, and apple cider hit his nose.
You had done it again, and it never ceased to amaze him. The cabin you two shared on the edge of the woods was decorated to celebrate an Autumn Court Tradition you, Eris, and Lucien called Hallows Eve. 
He remembered you explaining it to him passionately as you two moved pumpkins and haybales around the yard 5 years ago.
In Autumn, it was a night where children were allowed to dress up in little costumes and go door to door in search of candies and treats. It was also a night where teens and adults tended to try to scare each other through stories, pranks, and sometimes decor.
Eris flat out told them when he confirmed the tradition that you were the best conjurer on cheap scares and tricks. He had told Azriel, Rhys, and Cassian of his aunt and Uncle's party and fair they threw for the territory they looked over. It was one night where your Father, the true opposite of Beron, was able to argue that with costumes and masks, you truly could not tell who was rich, who was poor, who was greater, and who was lesser.
He couldn't help but to smile as he heard you humming softly. You were sat at the table, decorating dipped apples for the party you two were hosting tomorrow. "How's my pumpkin today?" He to moved to you, kissing the top of your head before stealing one of little hard coated chocolates you were using. "House looks fantastic."
"Thank you," You were beaming with excitement and joy, flooding it down the bond. "I wanted to make the first Hallows Eve party with Eris and Mara amazing."
Azriel flooded you back with his love, admiration, and adoration. "Did you hear who Nyx is dressing up as?"
"No baby," you added a touch of white edible sparkles to the apple you were making look like a spiderweb, "what's he coming as?"
Azriel sat down, watching with loving eyes as you hand crafted each and every element of this party to perfection. "He's coming as Cassian." You paused. "And Cassian and Lucien's boys?"
"No," you started laughing. "They're not doing this."
"Oh they are," Azriel confirmed. "Sat there while the three of them showed me and everything."
You paused slightly. "Are you going to have to loan out the shadow babies? I need them." 
Azriel shook his head, smiling hard enough his dimples showed. "No, the shadow babies are all yours, pumpkin." Azriel stood, walking over to the closet to put his jacket away and you smirked, watching and waiting. 
You had conjured a mirror in that closet that created the creature the person who was looking into it was most afraid behind them before it would disappear quickly. 
Azriel jumped, "Mother above," and quickly slammed the door shut after throwing his jacket in. He took a few deep breaths, hands placed firmly on his knees before staring at you. "Really?"
You picked up the spider you had crafted from dark chocolate and placed it off center on its web, finishing the caramel and dark chocolate dipped apple. "There's more. My goal is to finally get Cassian this year. Hence why I need the shadow babies." 
Azriel scoffed lightly. "He's used to my shadows, dove. He's not going to-" Azriel paused as you looked at him, a small devious smirk on your perfect face. "You found him." 
You nodded. "I did."
Lucien and Elain were the first to arrive to you home. They were dressed like an old Autumn's tale of a phantom who haunted one of the many Opera Houses and one of his legendary victims. 
Lucien looked dangerous in his black suit and cape. Half of his face was covered in the famed white mask the Phantom wore to the performances. 
Elain was in the last dress the famed female performer was ever seen in, a white corset gown with a white lace robe. Her hair was curled into spirals and adorned with jewels. 
Their son was tucked behind them, waiting so politely for his cousins that you could not help but melt at the sight. Or maybe it was the sight of him dressed up as a little version of Rhysand that had your handing him his first sweet for the night in a hushed tone and a wink. 
Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx arrived next. The High Lord and Lady had also dressed in a matching couples costume. Rhys was in brown pants and a green tunic. He had a hat with a feather tucked into it and brown belt hanging loosely on his hips. He smiled at you as he walked in a tiny illyrian leather wearing Nyx. 7 red stones were glued in place. "He was hoping you could glamor him to have Cassian's face scars?" Rhys rolled his eyes. "I offered to do it, but you know how he loves when you do the final touches on their little outfits." 
You brought Nyx close to you, and wiggled your nose, making the heir giggle. A scar appeared through his brow and lower lip, "You're still too handsome to look like Uncle Cass, baby." 
Nyx got really close to you, pulling down on your dress gently, "Did you make the peanut butter chocolate covered cereal with the white fluffy sugar?"
You just nodded, handing him the same treat you had given his cousin who was squirming on Rhysand's lap, as the High Lord adjusted his jacket lapels. "Once we're in full swing, everything is free game for all of you, okay?" Nyx nodded, running eagerly to his cousin and looking over all the games and snacks you had. 
Feyre appeared next to you, iridescent see through wings conjured on her back and a short green dress that looked as if it was made of layered leaves. "I heard you acquired the thing."
"I cannot confirm nor deny that there is an ancient God of fear in my home." You handed her a lemon drop secretly. "I really like the lost boy and pixie idea." 
She shrugged. "Rhys just wanted me to wear this dress." 
Eris and his mate entered your home next, Azriel immediately standing to hug your cousin and take their baby from them. They were also dressed as legends. The God of Death and Goddess of Spring. Eris wore a black tunic with gold jewelry wrapping his bicep as he held his mate close to him. Mara had her long blonde hair pinned up, a crown of bones and roses resting on her head. Her pink dress was adorned with flowers and pearls. She waved to you with a bring smile on her face. "How many doors should we be afraid to open?" Her bell-like voice rang. You only smiled in response. "All of them."
They had dressed their daughter in a little blue shimmering gown. Azriel walked her to you, tears lining his eyes. "Look at our good daughter," he stroked her soft cheek with one of his fingers. "Eris said they'll probably change her so we have to enjoy this while we can." 
"Did you let them know we have a little room ready for her whenever?" Azriel nodded, his soft eyes never leaving her face. "We should go change, my love. Let Lucien have his niece."
Azriel handed her off before you two went up the stairs. "You are sure Nyx is okay with the shadows standing ominously behind him?" Azriel nodded, pulling out his costume and quickly changing. You could feel through the bond he desperately wanted to get back to the little Autumn Heiress.
You saw him in leather everyday, but something about him quickly changing into those loose leather pants and that open white tunic with jewelry had your heart pounding. He strapped the leather belt and weapons to his waist while staring at you. "Later, my lady. Little princess cuddles first."
He helped you get into your own costume, similar to his, being careful not to over tighten the corset you had on. You stared at the two of you in the mirror as he kissed your temple. "We should become pirates." 
Azriel shook his head, smacking you playfully on the butt. "I have all the booty I need right here."
The two of you made your way back downstairs. You run up behind your nephew, grabbing Nyx and pulling him into the kitchen. "Are you ready for shadows to loom over you oh so ominously?" You tickled him gently as you asked, and he nodded eagerly. 
"You promise Uncle Cass will scream?" You and Azriel nodded. "Revenge." Nyx said with a serious look. "Also. When are we doing the candy?" 
Azriel ran a hand through Nyx's hair. "Soon, little bat." A sudden feminine scream had Azriel and you looking up.
Rhys had opened the door where you had created an illusion. Opening the door would cause a mist and dust like figure to appear before it began rushing towards the person standing there, deathly thin hands and fingers reached out to rip them into what appeared to be a void. 
Rhys stood with his hand on his chest, eyes wide in fright. "Mother above, y/n! Why?!" 
Feyre began to giggle, hiding her head in Lucien's shoulder. "You should have seen your face."
Rhys glared at his mate. "I will never understand your amusement in these things, Feyre Darling."
Eris muttered softly from next to you, surrendering his daughter once again to Azriel. He handed one of the hand-made soft caramels to Nyx and Lucien's son. "It's more the look on your face that's amusing, Rhysand Darling." He paused, looking around. "Where are our other friends?"
Azriel took a cookie, breaking it in half for the boys as their mothers fell into a deep conversation, not noticing as their sons were fed sugar. "Cassian and the girls will be here soon. Mor is in Winter with Viv. Amren is still in Summer."
Lucien rose a brow, smirking. "Still? It's been almost 2 months."
Azriel nodded. "It's not him. It's her." 
"You two won't be much better," Rhys said casually as he looked between you and Azriel. 
Azriel sighed, "Soon."
You perked up as the door open, smiling in an almost feral way to Eris. "And the show begins." 
The Valkyries came in first, carrying a few snacks with them and adding to the table. They were all in black dresses with black corsets. Nesta had a ceremony knife strapped to her waist, Gwyn had shimmering potion bottles on hers, and Emerie had an old leather bound book. Cassian came in next with his and Nesta's son, holding his hand as he hid behind his father. 
For such a loud outgoing male and a bold daring female, they had given birth to the quietest being you had ever met. You kneeled down, holding your arms out to him and he ran to you instantly.  Cassian was dressed in black robes, he also carried a book of ancient spells and rituals. "Little guy is nervous over the spooky pumpkins in the yard."
You nodded, lifting your nephew as you held him close. "I'm sorry, bud." He reached for Eris, and the male took him, smiling at his little leathers with bright blue siphons.
"Did you want Uncle Azriel's shadows or no?" He nodded shyly, resting his head on Eris's shoulder. "You know, Auntie y/n bought extra pumpkins for you three to decorate tonight. We can have Auntie Fey help yours look really cool and less spooky."
Feyre's smile grew. "We could turn it into a kitty, or a carriage!" 
"Can we play?" He whispered. "And have candy?"
You all nodded. "I made all three of you super special apples this year. And apple sauce for our little princess."
The boys all nodded excited, and you looked at Azriel, giving him the code to begin Cassian's torment. He made a shadowy figure appear behind Nyx, following the little heir to where you had set up games for them and little snack bags for when they got to run through the House going from room to room to collect candy. Cassian stared at the figure and then Nyx. Ignoring it at first as he socialized and got drinks for himself and his trio of witches. 
His glance kept going to Nyx as the night passed and the littles played games, smiling and screaming through the House as they found each hidden scare behind the doors and collected their candy from the shadows waiting for them. 
"You out did yourself and exceeded expectations once again, sister," Rhysand leaned on the counter next to you, smiling as he drank his spiked cider. "Though I would like to know why the shadows are looming over my son."
You smiled at the boys, watching as they pulled Cassian to the last door to be opened before they got to sit with their hand made candies and make smores. "Just watch, brother," Azriel said smoothly, a scarred hand running up and down your arm as he watched with a smirk. 
"Daddy, please!" A tiny version of Azriel pushed Cassian towards the door. "You have to! Mommy did one!"
Cassian looked to Nesta, who nodded in confirmation. "It was a mirror, but instead of reflecting me, it was the King of Hybern holding his head."
Cassian rolled his shoulders back, popping his neck quickly and shaking his hands out. He knocked, thinking he was activating the magic to be ready, and you just smirked. He opened the door and froze before a scream echoed in the house causing Rhys to spit out his cider into the sink and cough. The room was silent, waiting for the shadowed figure to disappear, "You didn't," Rhys whispered.
"Oh, she did." Cassian backed away slowly, putting the three boys behind him just as Bryaxis disappeared. His shoulders visibly relaxed falling into a false sense of comfort as the 3 boys and Nesta began to giggle. 
"He's right behind me, isn't he?" Feyre nodded, a tattooed hand covering her mouth. Cassian turned his head in a comedic fashion, whispering it was all fake, just cheap tricks you had conjured to scare the kids. "Just cheap tricks." He repeated over and over until he opened his eyes and looked up, staring straight into the looming figure of an ancient God of Terror. 
"Boo," Bryaxis hissed out. Cassian screamed again, running to hide behind Nesta and leaving the three boys their holding out their candy bags.
"Trick or treat," they sang to him in unison. You all watched as the God pulled the largest candy bags you had packaged out, putting on in each bag after shifting himself into an adult sized replica of the little shadow babies behind Nyx. Bryaxis floated to Gwyneth, seeming to almost smile down at her. "You have left the library?"
She nodded. "It took some encouragement, but yes. We miss you protecting us." Bryaxis moved to Feyre, shadowy limbs moving her hair gently. 
"I am ready to come home." Feyre seemed to melt on the spot. "If you will still host me." Cassian turned to Rhys, his face falling in terror as the High Lord nodded to his lady. "Did I get a window?"
"Several actually," Feyre confirmed. "You have a sky light now. It's enchanted to protect you from the sun and darken the room during the day, but allow you to see out at night and admire the stars." Bryaxis nodded, disappearing out the window and towards the House of Wind. 
Cassian turned to you, "What the fuck was that for?"
You took a sip of water, "Dropping me on purpose on April Fool's Day." 
Cassian opened his mouth to defend himself, but paused as he saw his son and cousin giggling as they sat in a little circle. 
Eris entered the room, smiling broadly and gently pushing Lucien. "Fire is ready if the boys are." He turned to Cassian. "I thought for a second I needed to come rescue my mate when you screamed. Then I remembered her and Aspyn were next to me." Laughter erupted through the room as Cassian smirked at Eris. The two males jokingly shoved each other, smiling as they grabbed drinks.
Everyone left the room laughing as Eris and Cassian verbally picked on each other, heading to the large bonfire. You, Rhys, and Azriel stood inside, waiting for the door to shut before the High Lord turned to you two.
"I had a thought I wanted to speak to you about y/n," Rhys grabbed a handful of the trail mix you had made. "We've enjoyed this tradition so much the past few years, and if you are okay with it, I would like to introduce it to all of Velaris next year."
He paused, watching excitement set in on your face. "I just imagine the streets full of children enjoying the festivities. We do not have many holidays and traditions aimed towards them, and this truly seems to be from them more than adults."
You nodded, smile growing. "I would need you to lead the community on it. Hold meetings explaining traditions, teach the citizens how to make treats, talk to seamstresses about costume designs. Could you do that for me?"
"Yes!" You bounced in place, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Of course I can!"
"You will have to do one more thing, sweetness," Rhys tilted your chin up to his face. "Nyx will never forgive me if Auntie y/n stops having her haunted cabin. I need this to continue until the boys lose interest, and even then after that for Aspyn and this little ones you two may have some day. I know it's been a discussion." He smirked at your non verbal confirmation.  "Nyx will want to take part when he's older during set up and execution. He dreams about it and has little maps of ideas in his room."
You and Azriel had froze, your mate's hand and arm coming around your waist. "What gave away that we were trying?"
Rhys pointed towards your untouched cider and the candy and snacks you and Azriel had been eating all night. "She hasn't drank alcohol for the past 3 months, you have been deligated missions that keep you far from home for too long, and you, dear brother, have been even more obsessed with little Aspyn. The last click was the baggy costume instead of her being your arm candy tonight like she normally is. No one else knows that you're actively trying. I will keep it to myself until you're ready." 
Rhys leaned in, kissing your forehead. "Think about my request. We will loan all the help you need. Excuse me while I go stop my wife from eating all of the marshmallows."
You and Azriel stood there, the shadowsinger placing soft kisses on your temple, then cheek, and neck. "You did a wonderful job, dove. The shadows have been whispering everyone's praises back to me all night." You smiled, turning in his arms to kiss his jaw. "Let's go get smores. I know you have been waiting for them all day."
He grabbed the bowl you had been digging in all night and your hand. The two of you smiled as Eris told the three young boys a campfire story, bouncing his daughter gently on his knee as he did.
Cassian wrapped an arm around you as you sat next to him, "Great party again, even if you scared me shitless."
"Did Rhysie tell you what he wants to do next year?" Cassian nodded. "What do you think?"
"As long as Auntie's spooky cabin continues, I'm in. Ness and I will help however we can."
"Then we should do it."
He nodded, watching as Azriel used his shadows to scare the boys at the perfect point in Eris's story. "Yes, yes, we should."
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Peter Parker Masterlist (MCU)
this boy is gonna have a whole post just for himself cause damn
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The Spider Boy
14 and 46 with Peter Parker
“Dont you love me?”  
“I’ll ruin you if I ever see you talking to my love again”
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?”
Not Crushes Soul Mate
Comforting recently broken up Crush
Pretending to be a couple
Copycat trying to court Crush
Valentines Day
Yandere Copycat
Bullied S/o
Oblivious crush
S/o that loves Physical Affection
Panic attack comfort
S/o who doesnt believe in marriage
jealous cause the kissing scenes in your preforming play
Happy Birthday
Trying to get S/os parents approval
S/o with invisibility power
S/o with a bad home life
Aunt May finding out Peter kidnapped S/o
Kidnapping headcannons
Peter coming into S/os dimension via Movie
S/o who ran away/Disappeared
S/os a mermaid
starting college before him
Teenage pregnancy
Scary movie marathon
Pumpkin Carving contest
Married in LA
Zombie Apocalypse
S/o being frightened from watching horror movies alone
Post Infinity War, Ghost! Peter
First meeting, stalking, and taking pictures of Crush
S/o w/ superiority Complex
S/os the daughter of Tony Stark
Queen S/o
The type of Photos Peter will have of S/o
photoshoping himself into pictures with S/o
Manipulative S/o
“Dont say youre lonely, you have me!”
Halloween HC
“i love you, and ill do anything to prove it”
Body image issues
Yandere Crush
Dealing with another Yandere whose after you
crushs a weeb
Youtuber S/o
S/os protective best friend
Joining the side of his Villain S/o
Jealous cause S/o likes WWE
S/o whose close with their family
Touch starved S/o
“dont run away from me”+ “i need you”
Movie Star S/o
S/o who loves to be doted on
Movie Star S/o prt2
Jealous caused youre shipped with others
Being separated in classes  
Jealous cause S/os spending more time with Ned
Jealous because of S/os protective, clingy Little sister
S/os parents finding out about his yandere traits
Youtuber! Peter obsessing over S/o
S/os friends trying to separate you
Someone else asks S/o to be their Valentine first
S/os father, Tony, not liking peter
Workaholic S/o
Popular S/o
Vampire S/o who feels bad for feeding
Touch starved Peter
Straight Forward S/o
S/o with a terrifying Father
Relaxing w/ you after Spiderman duties
S/o who finally escapes
Athletic S/o
Thinking your cheating
S/o who constantly loses her glasses
Druggie S/o
Childish Drunk S/o
S/o being taken advantage of
Jealous of your friendly Teacher
S/o hiding her chest
S/o Hiding behind him
Comforting Workaholic S/o
Constantly tired S/o
S/o who stalks, takes pictures, and steals peters underware
Trying to break up with Peter
Proposing to Peter
Suddenly jumping on peter for a piggy back ride
Taking a depression nap
Someon flirting with Naive S/o
Selfless Kidnapped S/o
S/os Parents disapprove of the relationship
Short S/o struggling to keep eyecontact
Fighting anyone who bullies peter
Online Crush coming to visit
pyromaniac S/o
Recharging after Finals
Villain S/o dating Peter to kill him
Stoping Server Workaholic S/o
Stopping S/o from fighting
Another yandere kidnapping S/o
S/os Suicide TW
S/o with acrylic nails
Pregnant S/o running away
Getting better score than Peter after he Tutored you
Surprised by how muscular Peter is
S/os a unknown Hero
Peter paranoid at S/os birthday party planning
Stalker S/o forgetting to turn of their cameras Flash
S/o that does archery
Voice actress + Cosplayer S/o
S/o coming to America for College
S/o on her period
S/o asking for tech help at ungodly hours
Emotionally immature affectionate S/o
Sterile S/o
Someone trying to get your pantie shot
Intimidating but sweet S/o
S/o whos chill with Peters yandere traits
Player S/o
S/o with negative affiliations
Learning Sign Language to Adopt a deaf child
Bad, corny pickup lines
College S/o bringing back gifts from their Home Land
embroidery w/ S/o
Avengers finding kidnapped S/o
Gamer Rage S/o
What kind of parent Peter is
S/o accidentally revealing their powers
S/o being harassed because of “Thin Privilege”
S/o Shuting down when kidnapped
Autistic S/o
Tourist Crush
Comforting S/o whose parents are divorcing
S/o who loves to do calligraphy
S/o who Friendzones everything
S/o hacking into Stark Industries
Gluten allergy S/o
Pissed S/o punching a whole in the wall
Starving Succubus S/o
The Purge + Hunted down
S/o whos not allowed to celebrate Halloween
S/o who is immune to Incubus Peter
Kuudere S/o + Haunted House
Overworked S/o due to parents
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world
Monster fucker S/o being disappointed she wasnt kidnapped by a Orc
Saying a Werewolf pun to Werewolf Peter
Kidnapped S/o asking for videogames
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world PRT2
Werewolf S/o
S/o that can bring dolls to life
Bad Necromancer S/o
Telepathic S/o
Demon S/o
Escaped Naga S/o
Monster S/o Attacking peter
S/o who speaks in older languages the angrier they get
S/o having a breakdown
S/o who is secretly a DJ
Going to halloween party with Dullahan S/o
Exhausted yard worker S/o
S/o not caring for their birthday anymore
Finding out S/os a harpy
Finding S/os sleeping on the streets
People Pleaser S/os friend commits suicide TW
Tsundere S/o
S/o being upset for what peter did in their dream
S/o sneaking out to go Black Friday shopping
S/o staying home for their birthday
Knowing Spidermans peter when he saves S/o
Android S/o finally showing a huge step in affectiom
S/o just moving to NY
S/o escaping to go to McDonalds
Independent Crush in a Zombie Apocalypse
Immortal S/o pranking people in brutal ways
“What if we ran away together, JK kidding… Unless?”
Crush trying to get peter and their friend together
Stalking S/o to their safety
S/o has hyphema
Darlings brothers are terrifying
S/o sneaking out to star gaze
Murdering someone S/o knows
Yandere S/o not liking Aunt May
Witch S/o giving peter a magic Romba
Artist Male S/o gifting peter a portrait of Uncle Ben
Kuundere S/os parents not supporting them
Cat girl/boy S/o
‘Dead’ s/o being found
Dotting on stressed peter
Succubus eating off of affection rather than lust
Bullied s/o fighting back
S/o who acts like a cat when they want his attention
S/os name is hard to pronounce
Yandere letters
1st generation immigrant S/o who isnt good at English
Bratty S/o
S/o has a friend thats basically their kid
S/o who forgets to eat
S/o who forgets to sleep
Joining S/o in gym
Darling with Fainting spells
S/o who forgets to take their meds
Depressed darling comfort
S/o addicted to monster energy drinks
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/os obsessed w/ space
Keeping naive S/o out of trouble
Male s/o that flirts alot
Motherly S/o
Hunted down by Werewolf peter
Aro S/o who loves physical affection
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Pleasing prt2 
NS FW alphabet A-Z
Sub Peter w/ Male S/o 
Creampied w/ Male S/o 
NS FW headcannons
Using your underwear 
Jerking off in S/os bed when theyre away 
Watching S/o masturbate through closet door 
Omega peter convincing that hes a worthy mate. slightly NS FW
Breeding + Submissive 
Breeding kink 
Worked up in the middle of school 
NON-CON Breeding kink 
Sexually frustrated S/o 
Sitting on Peters face 
Indulging Male S/os dirty fantasy’s of Spiderman 
Soulmate + Somnophilia 
Sensory deprivation w/ Sub Peter 
Somnophilia HC 
Naga Peter NS FW HC
Somnophilia w/ male s/o 
sending him sexy pics 
994 notes · View notes
groovebunker · 7 months
cc x fran fic masterpost
been meaning to do this for a little while - indulge me so i can pin it.
ongoing work
it's all there in black and white [teen - 4/?]
when newspaper editor maxwell sheffield wants to introduce an advice column, he pairs veteran political reporter cc babcock up with his newest hire, fashion columnist fran fine. the only problem? cc wouldn't take her own advice at gunpoint. oh, and she hates fran's perfect face and stupid laugh and general existence. there is that. aka the agony aunt au.
chapter one -- chapter two -- chapter three -- chapter four
i only liked a lot of things before i knew (the way i love it when you touch me now) [explicit - 1/2]
cc admits she's never been with a man who got her off. fran's nothing if not persistently helpful.
chapter one
can't reach the moon up above, don't dare touch the fire [explicit - 1/?]
cc's never been sure how to want things. fran's determined to show her how.
chapter one
what would you do?
what would you do (if they never found us out?) [explicit - 11/11]
after what was supposed to be a one time thing in the wine cellar, cc and fran find they can't keep their hands off of one another. but it's only because neither of them can get maxwell. right?
i. how it started -- ii. furious -- iii. do you trust me? -- iv. beautiful -- v. missed you -- vi. promises -- vii. i'm glad you're here -- viii. i've got you -- ix[a]. only bought (you) this dress so i could take it off. -- ix[b]. needing -- x. what would you do if they ever found us out
what would you do (the vignettes) [explicit]
i. the smoke gets in your eyes -- ii. while you were sleeping
the latke-verse
i like you (a latke) [teen - completed - 1/1]
fran doesn't want to show up to her ma's chanukah party alone. cc's fed up of seeing her sad since she got back from paris. no ulterior motives here, none at all. aka the fake dating chanukah fic.
seventh time is (hopefully) the charm [teen - completed - 1/1]
cc gets some help with valentine's breakfast.
won't you?
won't you just let me pretend that this is the love that i want? [teen]
there's a lot of things cc and fran never talk about. until they do.
won't you just show me the love that i need? [teen]
cc's never been good at being needed. unless, obviously, fran needs her.
won't you just give me the love that i long for? [mature - 2/2]
neither of them are sure how it's so confusing to be able to have what you want. until it's not.
chapter 1 -- chapter 2
won't you just show me the love i've been missing? [teen - 1/?]
sometimes, you have to go back to where you started for anything to change.
chapter 1
should be over all the butterflies [mixed ratings]
a series of vignettes set in the won't you universe.
august two thousand and nine: the fence -- two thousand and six: crossword -- two thousand: the beginning -- two thousand and three: the first time -- two thousand and seven: look after her -- two thousand and eleven: no such thing as bad thoughts -- two thousand and fourteen: how did you know? -- two thousand and seventeen: i wish you hadn't
one-shots (for now)
trick or treat (or: how cc babcock learnt to enjoy halloween) [mature]
c.c. does not like halloween. fran's absolutely not going to stand for that.
fran fine, sweater thief [teen]
five times fran wears c.c.'s sweater and one time c.c. turns the tables.
wise men followed the star (the way i followed my heart) [explicit]
when the phone rings at 11 on christmas eve, fran doesn't expect cc on the other end.
i want your midnights [teen]
c.c. does leave maxwell but that's not the only reason she runs away from the sheffield house. when she and fran end up at the same new year's eve party, can she convince herself to stand still?
i still see it all in my head (burnin' red) [teen]
soulmate au: the world is black and white until you see your soulmate for the first time. or: how red becomes c.c. babcock's favourite colour.
three minutes [teen]
fran finds someone unexpected on the other side of the table when val accidentally takes her to lesbian speed dating. unexpected but not necessarily unwanted.
black coffee morning on the east side [general]
fran's not sure what cc stands for. but she's absolutely going to find out. or: the one where fran's a barista and cc's a very beautiful stranger who drinks freshly brewed black coffee and blushes a lot.
53 notes · View notes
callalillywrites · 4 days
His Scarred Omega Part 6
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Part 5 / Series Masterlist
Relationship: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Word Count: ~2300
Summary: This little pack is moving into the house Bucky wants them to make into a home. They grow closer during these first few weeks, and Omega learns she can trust Bucky more and more.
Warnings: Bucky Barnes (he's a warning), allusions to Omega's past (again; so sorry), past violence/assault on Omega (not by Bucky)
A/N: I wrote this story really fast as I mentioned above. It’s proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Omega soon learns how much Bucky meant what he said.
He moves ahead with the house, going back and forth with the previous owner until they work out a deal that works for them both.
With the house now becoming theirs, Bucky arranges to pick up Omega, then Gracie from school so they can head over and see it for themselves.
Gracie loves it as much as Omega does, especially when she learns she’ll get to decorate her room however she wants. Bucky’s already ready and willing to take her to a nearby furniture store to help her pick out her new bedroom set. He’s also got paint samples for her to choose from as well as some other ideas to truly make the space her own.
He also whispers in Omega’s ear how he’s going to do the same for her after showing her the room he thinks she’ll like the best. As much as he wants her to share the main bedroom with him, he also isn’t breaking his promise to take things slow. One day, he’ll have her in there with him, and that’s all that matters to him.
Omega is surprised to learn the house has four bedrooms and three full bathrooms.
When she asks about the fourth bedroom, Bucky tells her it can serve as a guest room or an office they can both share. He’s fine with either. Though, he does have hopes of one day having another little one running around the house, a sibling for Gracie.
Their tour of the house soon shows the home can use some updating, which Bucky is happy to defer to Omega’s thoughts on what they need while he does the work to make it happen.
It’s not long before Jake and his little pack learn they’ll be neighbors (or close to it anyway) and are already planning a little housewarming party for Bucky, Omega, and Gracie. Jake promises his niece will be there as well, which makes Gracie so happy.
It’s during this brief reunion with his friends that Bucky pulls Steve aside and shows him the two photos he wants done up in Steve’s style, having really loved the portrait Steve made for Angel for her birthday.
Steve is all too happy to get to work on them, promising to have them done before they move into their new home. He flat-out refuses to take any money from Bucky for the work, saying Bucky’s happiness is payment enough.
When Steve’s not looking, Bucky slips the money to Jake and tells him to spoil Steve the first chance Jake and Angel get. Jake is more than happy to comply with that request.
Omega ends up touring the house all over again with Angel, detailing what her and Bucky’s thoughts are for what will happen in each room.
Angel never stops smiling at the happiness exuding from Omega or the sappy smile on Bucky’s beaming face. She knows these two are meant for each other, and she’s going to do all she can to help them along, including babysitting Gracie any time they need some alone time.
That time comes about a month after that fateful Halloween night Bucky convinced Omega to give him a chance, to trust him.
He’s kept up with his weekend jaunts with Omega and Gracie, learning even more about his daughter and her beautiful aunt. He falls even more in love with them both, wanting to give them everything he can. Nothing is really off-limits in his mind, either.
It’s during one of these little jaunts that Omega broaches the subject of maybe spending some time just him and her. He’s almost surprised she’s the one broaching the subject, but he can see she’s serious about giving him a chance to not hurt her. No way he’s going to let her down either.
A phone call to Angel has Gracie all squared away for an evening of alone time for him and Omega.
That evening, he takes her to a nice restaurant that Jake recommends where he presents her with another surprise he’s been holding onto since that fateful Halloween night.
It’s a locket with a picture of Gracie on one side. He leaves the other side empty, not wanting to presume she wants a photo of him close to her heart. She doesn’t take long to ask where he got the locket since she wants to add a photo of him from her phone.
When she shows him the one she has in mind, he can’t help recalling that day though he can’t recall seeing her phone out to take the photo. He’s not at all photogenic or handsome in the photo, but the soft smile on her face as she gazes at it makes his heart warm through and through.
There’s little doubt she can feel his reaction through their connection as much as he can feel her happiness with the locket.
Dinner ends up a huge success as they rave over the food and share a few pieces with each other. Omega is definitely shier about sharing than he is, but he finds her so adorable when she does offer him a bite.
Conversation topics remain light throughout the meal as neither wants to ruin their first night together like this with heavier topics. Those can wait for the time being.
They end up sharing a dessert between them before he takes her to pick up Gracie and return them home to their apartment.
He presses a soft kiss to her cheek and reminds himself only a couple more weeks before he can take them all back to their new home. The countdown is on, and he can’t wait for that day to come.
Their first date together actually ends up going well, and Bucky makes it so they continue to have a weekly date night together. Angel is more than happy to watch Gracie each week, sometimes wrangling in some visits with Jake’s niece for those couple of hours as well.
Move-in day comes with all the chaos one might expect of bringing two households together, but Bucky doesn’t mind the chaos or the multitude of boxes littering every floor of their new home. He actually finds it comforting to know that Omega and Gracie are now under the same roof as him.
Gracie adores the additions to her room and her new furniture. Her pink cat stuffy Bucky got her back on Halloween sits proudly on her freshly made bed, a place of highest honor in Gracie’s mind. All her books line the shelf Bucky put in about a week before they moved in officially. The fantasy series she loves sits front and center since they’re still working their way through it together.
Omega finds herself a bit overwhelmed with everything that’s come from both their homes, but she doesn’t mind the mess. She’s even finding it fun with Bucky helping her get a few boxes put away each day until they’re down to the last one. It’s almost with a sad heart they finally finish this chore as she wonders what they might do together next with their busy schedules (and Gracie’s).
Bucky doesn’t disappoint her though as he’s learned she has a great love for board games and card games. He picks up several leading up to their move-in and surprises her with an almost full closet of them. He’ll soon learn that she’s quite merciless when she plays a few of her favorites: Battleship, Uno, and even Candyland. It brings out a new side of her personality, and he’s all that more enchanted by her.
What he doesn’t count on is the bloody screams that pull him from a dead sleep about two weeks after they move in.
At first, he thinks it’s Gracie who’s screaming, ready to race to her room and comfort her.
He doesn’t make it far in the hallway before he realizes the screams are coming from Omega’s room and Omega herself.
Letting himself in, his heart breaks at the sight of her thrashing and crying out in her sleep. Her hands are clenched into tight fists as she moves her arms up to protect herself from some unknown assailant.
He moves over to her and gently grips her wrists in his and calls out to her softly. His chest is already rumbling in the hopes of soothing the terror within her though that takes a bit longer to actually register.
Gracie wakes up and inspects what’s happening. Her eyes hold such sadness as she sees her aunt wrapped up in Bucky’s arms and doing her best not to cry against him.
“It’s fine, sweet girl. She’s fine. Go back to bed, okay? I’ll be there to tuck you in again after I get her calmed down,” Bucky assures Gracie though he’s not certain what set off Omega to make her react such a way.
Gracie, the outspoken girl she’s become, shakes her head. “It’s the bad man. He hasn’t bothered her in a while, but he comes to her now and then.”
“Who’s the bad man?”
Gracie shrugs. “That’s what she told me when I was little. She never would tell me who he was. Just that he can never hurt me, so I shouldn’t worry. I just know that she’s never herself after he visits her in her sleep.”
By the way Gracie continues to watch her aunt, Bucky knows that Gracie is in fact very worried.
“I’ll see if I can’t keep the bad man away from now on, okay?”
At this, Gracie nods. “Night, Dad. I’ll tuck myself in.”
“Night, sweet girl.”
Omega can hear everything they’re saying to each other, but she can’t bring herself to leave the safe space she’s constructed after all the years she’s dealt with these nightmares. She takes solace in the deep rumbles coming from Bucky’s chest, clinging to him as long as he’ll let her. The thought of letting go absolutely frightens her, making her hands tighten on the shirt he’s taken to wearing with Gracie now living with him.
“I’ve got you, Precious. You’re safe. You’ll always be safe with me,” he murmurs into her hair between comforting kisses.
Time is lost to her as she slowly comes back to herself.
Eventually, she manages to speak. “I’m sorry for waking you. I didn’t mean to.”
“I’m not worried about me. Wake me up anytime you want, love.” He tugs her closer until she’s situated in his lap with her head resting where his neck and shoulder meet. His arms wrap around her while he continues to purr.
“I haven’t had that dream in almost a year. Not sure why I had it tonight,” she admits softly, not sure why the words came out when she’s never talked about this before. Something about Bucky really makes her want to trust in someone again, to lean on somebody else for once.
“Is it the move? Did I push you too fast on this?”
She immediately shakes her head. “I love this house, and I really want to be here with you and Gracie.”
Her mind goes over and over the possible reasons until she recalls the date. She stiffens in his arms as she realizes that horrible night some seven years ago is tonight. The anniversary of it anyway.
“Talk to me, Precious,” Bucky quietly urges.
“The bad man was someone I dated in college. He’s the reason I dropped out though Dot had wanted me to quit and become Gracie’s full-time caregiver. It was so easy to do that after what happened.”
“He hurt you.”
It’s not a question.
She nods.
“Oh, Precious, I’m so, so sorry.”
Omega does her best to stem the fresh tears that spring to her eyes, but she fails as they streak down her cheeks. She tries to bury the memories of that night, but they refuse to stay buried this time.
Her hand trembles as she reaches towards the cleverly camouflaged bandage on her neck. With a rough tug, she removes it to reveal the damage to her mating gland there.
Bucky sucks in a harsh breath when he sees the darkened blemishes on her otherwise perfect skin. While most of it evened out over the years, some of the deeper damage have turned into scars that she’s sure to carry the rest of her days.
He doesn’t exactly think about the ramifications when he presses the softest kiss he can to her scars.
Yet, he knows he’s messed up with the way she stiffens against him. No amount of purring from him is going to fix this, and he hates that he’s messed up.
So, it’s a real surprise when she turns her head towards him. Her hand reaches around his neck and tugs him down until she can press her lips against his. Tears are still streaking down her cheeks, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care as she moves her lips against his. He lets her take the lead, not wanting to mess up further.
When she pulls away for air some time later, her gaze meets his as she whispers, “Stay with me. Please? I don’t want to be alone. Not tonight.”
There is no hesitation in him as he moves to place her down on the bed, helping her to straighten next to him. He does the same before tugging her back into his arms, making sure she can feel him from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.
“I’ve got you, love. You won’t ever be alone.”
It does take Omega a bit to fall asleep again. When she eventually does, she knows that Bucky will keep her safe. He won’t break his word.
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hauntedwitch04 · 11 months
Candles and fire
Nyx Acheron x reader
Words: 0.7k words
Warnings: none, just fluff and idiots totally in love with each other, some burnt pots
Author’s note: Hi everybody! Sorry to be this late, life is just being crazy right now.
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🎃Halloween party 🎃
DAY 7: “Love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire.”
You don't really know where your passion for candles comes from, you just know that one day you tried to get a packet of them, to decorate your home, smelling of cinnamon, and from that day your life totally changed.
The one you have today, often your friends and family, call it almost a disease, since every time you enter a store selling candles you have to be careful not to spend your entire salary and that of your mate, Nyx.
Ironically, the two of you actually met while you were looking for new candles to light in the fall and he was looking for a gift for his Aunt Nesta, who like you had discovered the power of candles and had made it a point to light one every time she read or embroidered. Seeing you so knowledgeable Nyx had thought well to ask your advice and one thing led to another you found yourselves on your fifth date on the largest and most beautiful deck in Velaris, gazing at the moon and stars when the bond clicked for both of you, and from there the rest is history.
You enter the house after a difficult day spent in your library, which is located in one of the most beautiful places in the Rainbow, when you are presented with a scene that you do not know whether to call heavenly or hellish. The home you share with your love is strewn with candles, and their vision sways between an angelic vision to the flames of hell.
"Nyx?" You ask, entering the house paying attention to where you put things down or where you walk. You get to the kitchen and see your mate busy with something at the stove. It probably must not be going the way he wants because you hear him cursing as he moves pans and pots off the stove, some with smoke and flames coming out, others with foam. You can't help but laugh at that scene, but in doing so you are discovered by your husband, who turns around. Nyx, seeing you, his eyes immediately light up.
"Love! You're back already!" The boy says happily, only to look around and immediately guilt shows in his expression. "I'm sorry, I wanted to try to surprise you: candlelight dinner, but I guess the only thing I'm good at is lighting candles and pots and pans on fire." He comments as he walks over to you and hugs you, leaving a sweet kiss on your lips.
"About this: love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire. I love candles, but I wouldn't want us to turn into skewers." You say and Nyx can't help but laugh as she presses her nose into your hair, breathing in the smell of your favorite shampoo.
"You think so?" The prince of the night asks amused, as he looks around again. "I'm really sorry though, for once I try to do something for you. I really am a terrible mate." Says Nyx, ducking down and hiding her face in the crook of your neck.
You stroke the back of his head, then force him to look into your eyes.
"Hey, cut the crap! You're the best mate a woman could ever want, you're handsome, funny, kind, good in bed, smart in short I think there are people who would kill to be loved by you even for a few minutes, and just because you couldn't get something done today doesn't mean you're any less perfect than everyone already knows you are." You say, leaving him a series of kisses all along his face in the process. "How about we make something together instead? It's been a long time since we've done that." You propose and immediately see his eyes light up, and he nods, as he takes you in front of the stove again, and amid laughter, kisses, and maybe something more, you finally manage to prepare something, and it doesn't even matter if it's the best thing in the world, because the only thing that really matters are the moments you've shared with the person you love.
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keelt9 · 2 months
Chapter 2
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“Oh shit!” 
I whisper, feeling the burn sensation on my hand. My cup of tea is burning in my hand.
The sound of the doorbell makes my mother run downstairs and opens the door; screamings and yelling sounds pull my father to the door. I dry my hand after putting it under the cold water before hearing the quick and small footsteps.
“AUNT Y/N!” Archie screams as he runs and reaches me in the frame door of the kitchen. He jumps so I can hug him.
“You're heavy.” He giggles, his little arms around my neck. 
“No, auntie is the coat!” I put him down seeing my brother walking to us.
He opened his arms too. “I still can't believe it.” He lifted me from the ground. “A Christmas miracle.”
I pinch his ribs and Nora hugs me. “It's good having you here.”
Nora and Peter meet in college. Peter studied architecture and Nora urbanism, after a boring Halloween party where both of them leave early wearing a silly costume, their love story begins. Two years after their graduation got engaged, and a year after they announced they were pregnant.
Do the math, Peter is really really older than me, 10 years older to be more specific.
“Mom is a beautiful Christmas tree.” Peter said as we sat in the living room, his eyes stuck in the big tree and the red and white colors all over it.
“Oh, this time, Y/N is the mastermind.” Mom smiles at me. “You must be hungry, let’s go, Y/N are finishing the breakfast.” 
I chuckle because I barely put the coffee maker on.
Nora serves more orange juice to Archie. “This is your second week here?” She asked me, I nod because I'm mouthful. “Having fun?”
She knows how much I love my work and the few, almost nonexistent days off I take, I see her lively eyes.
“I have… a lot of things that keep me busy.” She laughs, as we change the conversation to what is in the Christmas List of Archie.
When we finish breakfast we all start to get ready for the day, Peter reaches me in the door, eating another slice of apple pie. “A lot of things, huh?” I roll my eyes. 
“How many have you already eaten?” He offers me his plate, but Archie grabs his father's leg. 
“Ready buddy?” Archie nods with a lot of excitement.. “Are you sure you can handle him?” He smiles at him.
I scoff. “Come on! It’s not my first time.” Dad appears with the keys of the car. “Besides, I have backups.” Peter laughs as we see Nora walking to us chatting with mom. 
“Now, have fun, we are in charge of this little cookie monster.” Mom lifts Archie from the ground walking to the car. 
“We pick him up for lunch, all right?” Peter says, dad put a hand on his shoulder before reaching mom and Archie. 
Archie is a really quiet and shy boy; since he is one year old, he loves to spend time with our parents at home or in the coffee shop where he basically increases the sales with that cute smile and his curly hair. Among that he loves to spend time with dad as he listens to him playing the piano.
That day Archie was hypnotized by the piano and the Christmas tree next to the window. 
“It took me a lot of time, do you like it?” Archie nods, running to the piano pulling me by the hand. 
“Just one please!” Archie makes me sit as he tries to climb to the black seat in front of the piano. “And I promise I will just eat one cookie of each flavor!” 
I laugh, his parents set the limit for two cookies, that’s all. “Archie, I haven’t played in a while.” I grab his little face.
“Please, just one.” He swings his little feet looking at the piano and…I gave up.
It was like a natural thing with dad, at a young age Pete and I learned to play piano as we grew up we passed late nights weekends hearing dad play and unconsciously go and play with him. When Nora and Peter knew they were expecting, he used to play for Archie in his free time and as a baby became my as under the sleeve, everytime he was in a bad mood, I played what became our favorite song.
I stretch my fingers before starting to play, Archie moving all his body side to side, after recognizing the song he starts to hum. I lost in his soft voice and the note of the piano; when we reach the end a lot of claps make us jump.
In the coffee, people gather, some with their orders in their hands, another making a line but all with soft smiles. 
“You start to build your legacy Mr. Stratton?” One of the customers said to my dad who proudly denied with his head. Slowly people go and the rest remain waiting for their orders, Archie turns with a smile in his face and gives me high five.
“You’re not that off pitch aunt.” I scoff. 
“You got a friend on me, beautiful.” Like a magnet, Archie turns around with his eyes wide open.
“JOE!” He jumps off the bench and goes to hug Burrow. “Hi!” Joe was sitting in his heels so he could try to be at his height. He hugs Archie with one arm and before they split, he lifts a cookie to the level of his eyes.
“It’s a secret, all right?” Joe whispers, making Archie giggle and hug him again, this time a cookie in his mouth. 
“Let’s go, cookie monster! Give them something to wait for.” Mom appears to take Archie to the office. “Joe and grandpa have things to talk about.” She smiles at Joe. “Simon be here in a minute darling” 
I lift trying to follow mom. “Hey, Y/N, do you have a minute?” 
Last night was a moment of crisis, after Joe helped me to put the star I froze for a seconds but I remember the last time we was this close; how he quickly take his arm of my hands like if I was some kind of plague, makes my body react and move to the side avoiding his proximity, leaving him standing as I grab the boxes to the storage. 
“Actually, I have things to do, my dad will be here any minute.” I try to pass next to him, avoiding all the time his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I hissed at hearing his words, for years and months I tried to know what I did that was so awful that made him turn apart. “I was so rude, but…” Now, after years, I don’t need this. 
“Hey, I’m fine, it was years ago.” I feel stuck on the floor. “Whatever you feel sorry for, it's ok, it doesn’t matter anymore. You are a special person to my family, but for me…” I turned around, this time that ice eyes were far gone. “You’re just Joe Burrow, not more.” 
“I got it!” Dad appears with a file in his hands. “Thank you honey.” He smiles at me as I pass to the office to reunite with mom and Archie.
Late at night I was working on the manuscript, the drawings are quite bizarre but strangely enchanting at the same time, it keeps me fascinated. 
“Working late?” Peter appears in the kitchen, hair messy and eyes half close. 
“Kind of. I just find it hard to sleep.” I close my laptop, he nods, thinking for a couple of seconds then smiles at me like when I was kid. 
“MILK WITH CHOCOLATE!” Both of us scream in a low voice. 
We sit in the backyard with our huge cups. “Archie told us Joe went to the store and gave him a cookie.” I laughed,Joe must know all the secrets are known by my brother.. “He calls Joe his secret friend.” 
I lick the whipped cream off the top. “I didn’t know he was like this with Arcihe.” 
“Oh, he is. You’ll see it, we have tickets for the next game, come with us and no, it’s not a question.” He answered before I complained. “And on Christmas he sent him a nice present every year. He’s a great guy.” 
I sip the hot milk as he does.“Oh, Archie gossips a lot about you too.” I narrow my eyes.
“Yeah, right.” Peter laughs but answers.
“I’m serious, he always told him about how amazing you are and the latest news of you.” Peter giggled. “Joe listens to him all the time, even if he is late. It’s kind of lovely.”
Peter saw me, but I didn't give it importance. “It’s normal, I’m his super aunt.” He pushed the cup to my face and covered my nose with the cream. 
For a second I kept my eyes in the tree of the back yard, the cold breeze made us shiver. “We should go to sleep, or we will get a cold.”
“Y/N!” Leah threw me a white flower. “The white ribbon.” She laughed as I gave her the ribbon. “Where is your mind these days?” She gets down the stairs, I helped her to put up decorations for a session she has to take this afternoon.
“If you find it, tell me, because I didn't even know.” She leans on the desk.
“Is it for your conversion with Joe?” I told her what happened thinking this could be what I needed but every time I remember that day, endless questions and mixed feelings hit me. “Hey, any closure isn’t easy, take your time.” She point to my heart. “This is what take the longest to heal.”
I nod, helping her to pick all the things she won't use. “I guess you’re not going to the game, right?” 
I already built a perfect excuse for that. I have an important meeting, we have to send the last manuscripts of the year for the authors review, so I can’t go. Part true, the lie is the manuscript usually sends the week of new years eve, not this. Pam helps me with tricky mail to show it to my family.
“No, at all, do you have any plans?” Leah giggles but her eyes told me she indeed has.
“There is a nice restaurant, I’ll pay, I own it for you.” I laugh for the flop from the party of Miles, the love story she already start to write in her face crumble down when he introduced us to his fiance in his party. 
I say goodbye to my family at the door, all wearing his Bengals outfit. “Have fun, all right?” 
“Any chance you come?” Nora asks, I shake my head. 
“You read it, I need to be in this meeting, I’m sorry.” Mom hugs me and says she left the dinner in case I’m hungry. I’ll be back before them anyway. 
One of the couple Leah took photos of their wedding last spring, owns that restaurant, an Italian restaurant to be more specific.
“Wow.” I exclaim the place is full, you can smell all types of aromas in perfect balance, inviting you to eat.
A blond girl who recognizes Leah runs to her to take us to our table; she is the bride, who is in love with Leah's work. Before the desert arrives, Leah excuses herself for going to the bathroom. I see in my phone the photos of Archie in the game wearing his hoodie. 
I can hear from the table beside us a guy speaking bravely. 
“27- 12” A guy says with full joy. “Burrow is him!” 
Even here?
My morning passed between praises to Joe, how amazing the game was and the fact Joe met Archie post game and introduced him to his favorite player Cam Taylor Britt. So I remain at home as much as possible, until the close time approaches. I take a cab to help my parents close the coffee.
“Long day?” Mom asks as I enter the coffee shop and I sit in the first chair I found. 
“No, it’s just, I gave the house the last touch before Christmas.” I show my finger with a small cut for trying to put more lights in the window.
Peter and Nora enter with a huge box of cinnamon rolls, offering one to mom and dad.
“This is from <Sweet Crust>” I ask, the smell is unmistakable. Peter nodded with a huge smile, but didn’t give me one. “Hey!”
“Archie have yours.” Peter said looking at mom who already has that lethal eyes on her.
“Does he still keep him busy?” Dad asked, sitting at the same table as me.
Nora laughs. “He will think twice the second time he offers to babysit.”
I don't get it, but my answer came with Archie walking through the door holding Joe's hand. He keeps talking about his favorite topic of the season, Rudolph the Reindeer.
 “Is there a chance he could take a photo of Rudolph the Reindeer?” Archie asks but Joe pretends to think.
“Well, he is pretty fast, you know.” I giggle, I still fight from time to time to find the right words to answer his question and don’t break the magic.
My mom scoffs, the difference in size is hilarious. “Come on Archie, let Joe have a rest.” Archie nods, running to my mom, not before giving me a small box.
“Tea, Joe?” Mom asks him as she follows Archie.
“I’m fine, thanks.” He answers but his gaze makes me feel unsettled.
“Thank you Joe. You bring something sweet home.” Dad thanked him, before answering the phone which started to ring. “Hi Pam…”
Oh, damn it, I forgot I must send her the papers for the meetings with a couple of editors. I checked my phone and I already have 6 missing calls from her. 
“I got it!” I grab the box and my phone. “Can I take the car?” I ask but my dad is giving me the keys already. 
I kiss his cheek as he rolls his eyes. “See vacations are dangerous.” He laughs. 
In two days will be Christmas and my parents always teach us that a <Merry Christmas> could be healing words in this season.
 “Merry Christmas Joe.” I say as I exit the door.
I send Pam the files and explain to her in detail with which writers could be more tricky and some tips so she doesn’t freak out. “I’m sorry, I promise I will answer your calls.” 
I apologize to her as she rolls her eyes through the camera. “It’s ok, that means you’re enjoying your days off.” Her cellphone start to sound. “I have to go. Merry Christmas Y/N.” 
She smiled. “Merry Christmas Pam, say hi to you mom when you go home.” 
After we end the call I finally take my time to open the box with the cinnamon roll; the scent of vanilla makes me smile, I take a bite when I notice something is written inside of the box. 
<Merry Christmas!> I knew this handwriting.
While Peter was cleaning the table after the dinner, I practically attacked him. “You don't bought the cinnamon rolls?” 
Peter jumps for the straight forward question coming out of the blue. “I didn't even know that place existed. Joe promises Archie he will take him to one of his favorite places the next time he comes here.” I have a weird feeling. “That was last summer, so he picked him first in the morning at the coffee shop hour, at lunch sent us their location and we drove there, he seems like a frequent guest.”
This is my favorite bakery of the town, an issue is to the other side of the city. I took Joe one cold evening of June after he was ruled out and recovering from just knee surgery, 4 years ago.
“I mean, he is a really known face but you know, it seems he is a familiar face around there.” He threw the towel at me. “How do you know that place?” 
“I… I… I used to go there in high school.” I’m confused and Peter notices because he just nods and passes next to me. 
“Nice place.” I keep playing with the towel moving from one hand to another. 
I found it in Google in my first semester of the collage, I remember I drive the old car of mom to the other side of the city just for making sure that place really exist; I fell in love right away with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla, the second I enter when I tasted it, I knew it, this is something I wanted to share with someone special.
Before I went to college one more time and with Joe giving everything in his recovery, I did the same small trip with a detective Burrow in the passenger seat and his incessant questions. We ate 4 that time, not our wiser decision but we really enjoyed those hours. 
The last time I went, the owner, an old man probably in his 70's, called David, gave me a napkin as he put in front of me a milkshake, making me cover a fluffy face with a red eyes between my hands.
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Kill the Lights [hangman PT. 5/8]
PART OF MY “WHATEVER THIS IS” SERIES WHICH CAN BE FOUND HERE PAIRING: JAKE ‘HANGMAN’ SERESIN x Female Plus Size Bartender!Reader NICKNAME: Sunshine It goes without saying but I do not give permission for anyone to use my work or copy it somewhere else. Want to be added to the tag list for this character, all stories or another character? let me know here :)
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PLOT: Penny Benjamin's niece works at The Hard Deck, saving the money she earns to get out of the west coast and put herself through Graduate School. What happens when a pretty boy pilot ends up as her fake boyfriend?
Time starts to feel different after that day in the booth when you gave Jake his old secondhand store copy of a Report from Engine Co. 82. There was a quiet nature to the two of you, a harmony of moving parts and matching heartbeats the longer the two of you spent in the mirage of a budding romance. At times, it was so simple, so effortless that the two of you forgot about the arrangement and just fell into natural patterns of him picking you up for work on his days off or you going to his place for dinner on Saturday nights before work.
Even your pestering aunt seemed to feel that a new leaf had turned as she walked the two of you on the picnic tables during the day before the Hard Deck would open. Deep in your work, you would sit barefoot with your legs up on his thick thighs and his lean fingertips would massage your calves as he read his newest book or bathed in the heat of the sun.
When the Summer months passed and September came and went, Javy was convinced the two of you inaudibly changed your relationship status for real. It made him incredibly happy. What made him even more happy was hearing that the two of you were planning to match your Halloween costumes for the party that Phoenix and Aries were hosting together.
“You want to go as cowboys?” Jake asks as he walks you home from work one night, arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders. He couldn’t help but crack a smile just looking down at you, bundled up in his old heather gray naval academy sweatshirt. Your hand skimmed across his toned stomach delicately, grazing your fingertips over the flesh on his exposed hipbone. A shiver runs through the man which makes you giggle.
“Why not?”
“I’m from Texas darlin’,” Jake’s drawl is thick and factual, “It’s a bit on the nose, no?”
You pull away from him as your porch comes into view, back to the home as you stare at him. He’s sunkissed to the gods and with the quiet desk time he’s had before the new group of recruits start, a scruff has begun to scrap his sharp jawline. Over the weeks of your agreement, he had been scaling back on the stiff gel. It left his hair soft and so fluffy that you couldn’t help but run your hands through it any chance you got, even tugging on it teasingly in gentle moments. “Maybe I want to see you in your truest form.”
If Jake caught something in your tone, he didn’t show his cards. You walk through the thick tension until you’re on the top step of your porch, glancing down at the beautiful man in front of you. “Thank you for,” the sound of a car rumbles down the dark neighborhood road and without taking my eyes off his emerald greens, you know the driver in an instant.
Jake steps up, the way you know you can count on him for and he steps up just a step with his hands up. “Say something mean,” he demands, intense gaze on your face as you frown.
“Excuse me?”
“Keep that cute, annoyed look on your face and say something mean to me,” Jake repeats, holding his hands up like he’s trying to defend himself. “He’ll think it’s weird that we were at a distance from each other. So, give me something to try to charm my way back into your arms,” Jake challenges and you narrow your eyes at him, jaw clenched.
“I can’t believe you wouldn’t let me buy an extra book today,” you grumble, shoving him lightly for good measure so he steps off the porch. His brows raise at the sudden motion, and it almost causes a giggle to roll through you. But it doesn’t last because suddenly, Jake’s in your space and clouding your judgement.
He’s fogging up your brain as he takes the steps quick enough to grab your face between his gentle hands. The leather of the watch his father gifted him after graduation roughs against your jaw. It’s delicious. “Is that the best you’ve got?” His tone is taunting and it’s brewing something in your lower tummy in a way you haven’t experienced in a while.
“You make it hard to be mean,” you breath out, hands shoving without much effort at his chest. You muster all the strength of Meryl Streep before shoving him back again, down into the yard. “I don’t want to look at you right now, I can’t believe you.”
He’s getting that whiplash again, your loud and sharp tone something he never wants to experience again. It tugs at his heart strings and suddenly he feels like he’s begging not to leave your side, begging to stay. He watches you turn away from him, toward the door where you try to collect your keys slowly and shakily. “Please,” he’s suddenly whimpering behind you, but you can’t look now. You’ll break and tell him that you don’t want to look anywhere but him. That he’s the only one on your mind. Just as you get your key into the slot, rough hands are grabbing your hips and spinning you around to press you softly against the doorframe.
Jake’s mouth is soft and begging as it slots over yours, moving almost skittishly as he clutches at the soft material by your waist to tug you closer to his body. Your hands slide up his chest, against the strong muscles of his shoulders as you nibble on his bottom lip before you stop kissing back. You push him away but this time, Jake’s prepared and he only steps back once, twice before he’s back.
He grabs your cheeks and tugs you to him as he kisses you again. This time, the porch disappears around you when his lips pepper your neck, and the rumbling of the car is lost in the way Jake’s jeans rub against your thighs. Jake knows exactly where your sweet spot is on the crux of your neck, wet kisses skim along your collarbone as you step backward. Your hand finds the doorknob behind you, twisting awkwardly to step into the house. Your fingers run over the buttons of his shirt and clench, tugging his shirt with your eyes locked as he follows you inside.
He kicks the door shut behind him and locks it swiftly, his chest rising and falling as you stare at each other in the silence of your small home. Without looking away, Jake toes of his boots and steps tentatively toward you with slow hands. It’s a stark contrast to the hot and heated moments out on the porch outside but you were more than okay with this Jake; soft and hesitant.
“I don’t think we’re Oscar worthy yet,” his lips are swollen and pink, inviting as he takes a deep breath.
His minty breath fans over you as you kick off your shoes, eyes searching his flushed face. “Method actors rarely get awards,” the comment makes him chuckle as you slowly tug him to the couch. “Can we…”
“Yes,” he murmurs before he kisses you again, his strength tugging you onto his lap as you forget everything but each other’s mouths.
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aureliaporter · 1 year
not so secret secret identity
summary: your best friend needs to tell you something. too bad you're oblivious.
a/n: literally me bc i never watch any news or anything. also first time doing x reader!! lmk if there's anything y'all wanna see, and i'll do my best :)
cw: fluff, gn!reader, slightly oblivious!reader, exasperated peter parker (mcu!!), intended lowercase!
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PETER HAD SOMETHING to tell you, based off of his texts. or rather, something he wasn't telling you that you were very intent on figuring out.
you knocked the door to his apartment, an old tune from elementary school band that you somehow still remembered to this day. after a few beats, aunt may opened the door, offering a small smile and nodding down the hall.
"he's in his room."
you nodded, slightly embarrassed that your intentions were so clear on your face, and slipped past her - making sure to leave your shoes by the door.
you leaned against peter's doorframe, watching his hunched-over form with an amused smile. he was probably tinkering with something again, or trying to figure out his english homework. you pushed off the doorframe, wrapping your arms around him from behind. "miss me?"
after a rather undignified shriek and a few exchanged words, peter was sitting on the edge of his bed as you laid down, legs propped up. you both waited for each other to speak
"i was-"
the two of you stared at each other before looking away, slightly embarrassed. "can i..?" peter asked, glancing at you. you nodded, stretching your arms as you waited for him to speak.
"so, you're- you're probably here cause i quit everything, right?" he asked, fiddling with his fingers. you hummed, bobbing your head side to side.
he looked up at you, confused. "maybe? then- why're you here-?"
"it's kind of obvious you're going through a thing," you said, cutting him off. "aunt may says it's puberty, but either way i'm sure you'd prefer to be around someone instead of by yourself. kind of what support groups are for," you added, referring to the name of their group chat with mj and ned.
he let out an odd noise, a sort of exasperated chuckle. "it's not puberty."
"didn't say it was."
"you just did."
"no, i said aunt may said it was puberty. learn to listen, young padawan," you said, flicking his forehead.
"that's not even-! you can't use star wars quotes if you haven't watched the movies."
"i can, and it's called the first amendment."
"so if i misquote that weird crow kid from your book series?"
"hey," you said, sitting up and poking his chest. "nobody disgraces kaz brekker like that. the bastard of the barrel deserves better."
the two of you stared at each other before breaking into laughter, soft giggles and muffled snorts. as you laid back on the bed, feeling a bit lighter than before, you noticed a flash of red and blue from peter's closet.
"yo, pete?" you asked, nodding to the suit. "isn't halloween not for another few months? what's with the outfit?"
you watched as peter's face morphed through three different emotions within the span of a few seconds. he paled, lunging for the suit and kicking it back into his closet, then slamming the door. he turned back around, offering a sheepish smile. "uh.. costume party?"
you raised an eyebrow, an amused huff escaping you. "want to try again?"
he stared at you for a second before slumping, a depressed look on his face. he tossed himself onto the bed beside you, nearly hitting you in the face. you didn't say anything, though, giving him a minute to get his thoughts together.
after a few minutes, you heard his voice again. "promise me you won't tell anyone."
you blinked, cocking your head at him curiously. he wasn't looking at you, face still planted in his sheets. biting back a smart remark, you nodded. "i promise."
you heard a sigh escape him, and then he was sitting up, staring at you hard. and then,
"i'm spiderman."
silence blanketed the pair of you for a few seconds, soon turning into a minute. you merely blinked, confused. "who?"
he seemed confused, too. "what do you mean, who? spiderman! you know, the- the dude in red and blue? with a mask? who protects the city?"
you looked sheepish, lips moving soundlessly as you tried to think of a way to respond. "pete, i- we both know i like, never leave my house," you said. "i-i didn't even know this guy existed."
peter stared blankly at you, his confused expression slowly turning to disbelief as a laugh escaped him, then another, and then he was laughing completely, small tears escaping him.
"y-you! i was- i was so scared of telling you! and you- you don't even know who he is!" he laughed, trying to muffle himself and ultimately failing.
after a moment or two, you started to laugh as well, the pair of you chortling at your own oblivion. aunt may smiled to herself in the other room, glad that, even as he was going through puberty not, he still had friends like you to help him through it.
and yes, peter eventually did explain spiderman to you in detail - a powerpoint presentation, complete with ironman memes and snacks - and yes, you did end up whacking him with a pillow when you learned of all the times he nearly died, but peter didn't mind at all.
he didn't mind because the feeling that echoed in him as he tucked you into his bed, exhausted from a pillow fight and an overdose of sour gummies, was warm and fuzzy and precious and made him smile a little too wide for his liking.
and, he thought to himself as he looked up at you from his makeshift bed on the floor, if you could handle this confession so well, then you should be able to handle another.
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here with another one! i think i'm liking the casual romance thing, it's so nice to experiment with :3 i've always loved this spiderman trope too lmao, it's so cute and such a mood. anyway, happy days to you all <3
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