#this seems like a beautiful foundation and op is really sweet so if u can help
newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                                    MAY 2017
 *****On March 31st Robert Redford did a nice op-ed piece on the times. I had been waiting for his wisdom during this countries troubling turn of events.  It is worth a look up.
*****I am sort of liking HBO’s Big Little Lies. It has great music but the characters can be a bit ho hum. I must say that I never thought I would see Reese Witherspoon puke so much and that it would be so green!!
*****Thanks NPR for reminding us that Pat Buchanan campaigned on Trumps platform first but didn’t make it to President. It is like we have stepped backward in time.
*****The NFL draft was a big deal with The Packers picking Kevin King and the Vikings picking Dalvin Cook. The Browns go crazy with Deshone Kizer, Myles Garrett, Jabrill Peppers and David Njoku.
*****Why do we not have Days of our lives and Late night with Dave box sets? There is a market for them. What is up NBC?
*****Days alert: It was nice to see Vanessa A. Williams (Dr. Valerie Grant/ Days) on Major Crimes. **A scene from Days: Kate: What am I doing?  Marlena: You’re having a drink with your best friend… Who would have thought that you’d hear Marlena say that about a former wife of Stefano? OMG, times sure have changed on Days. .. Thank goodness that awful couple in Canada are history. But what the fuck is up with Nicole? First she trusted some stranger when her and her daughter’s life depended on it and then hiding stuff from Brady who is the only person she can trust and now she just wants to settle in to a place that has been compromised. What happened to her street smarts, her radar?? Also..Lani sips champagne with a psycho pimp while working undercover with no back up? What are they saying abut the women of Salem? Are we supposed to believe that they have all become idiots?  I guess Kayla and Hope are still acting sane.**. A. Martinez is out as Eduardo so that hurts. **So glad that Sonny and Paul are back together but surely something will tear them apart. It is good to see them together at the Kiriakis mansion. They should be running the place, what a power couple!!** The slow moving love story of Ciara and Theo will be so sweet when it finally comes to be.** Sammy is back!!!
*****Oh Scandal!! Portia? How could U????????
*****Hackers, known as the dark overlord seem to have the next season of Orange is the new black as well as other things.
*****Disneyland got real when Johnny Depp dressed as Jack Sparrow appeared at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
*****Cate Blanchett will star in All About Eve in London.
*****Aidy Bryant is engaged to her partner of 9 years, late night writer Conner O’Malley.
*****Scary Clown 45 has a red button added to his desk to summon a butler.
*****3 Isis fighters were killed by wild boars!
***** It is scary to see that it is not just the U. S. struggling with shady elections. The Philippines had concerns with vote-buying and gender equity.  In Zambia there were stories about harassments of private media and abuse of office. Elections in the Congo have been postponed but many citizens are being trained to observe their own elections. Voting in France has led them to 2 outsiders for the run off but with worries about tampering.
*****Blondie’s ‘One way or Another’ is being over used in advertising. Thank goodness the new stuff is out there. Blondie will be at London’s Camden market from April 29 to May 3 with some Chris Stein photography. Pollinator is due our may 5 and it is sounding good.
*****Why can’t Scary clown 45 talk to this nation in a normal manner? Does this country deserve nothing but tweets and snipes? And what is with all this covert golfing??
*****Charlie watts wins the Gold award at the Jazz FM awards!!
*****The writers at Law and Order SVU did a great job the last week of May on the HNT episode. This episode was about sexual abuse at a fictional TV network.  They slipped a line in about the network, HNT and how when the news personalities work together they are in the “fox” hole. Nice!!
*****Helen Mirren is working on the new movie about Sarah Winchester..It will be released in spring 2018. Yeow!!
*****Main Squeeze will be at the Summer Camp festival in Three Sisters park, Chillicothe,Il.  And in a private message: Finally the three sisters will be together at the three sisters times two. I am a lucky girl!!!
*****It is nice to see Bill O’Reilly out but he was well paid for it. He gets a settlement, he still writes books and still has his podcast so we are never really rid of the pecker head. Most of the allegations against him were of a sexual or abusive nature and yet most of the upright evangelical brigade stood by him. How can this be acceptable to so many? Bloomberg and Wendy Walsh are asking for a full investigation into Fox’s workplace. A lot of advertisers had pulled out but some were resistant like Hulu, Trivago, Terminex, Flonase, Capital One, Honda and Nutri system.  Of course many of those that did stop advertising just moved their dollars to other Fox shows. Mia Farrow said it best: “One less lecherous racist on national tv”Birds of a feather flock together so Ailes.. O’Reilly.. all the old pussy grabbing white men who have been in their glory may finally get some small discomfort.  Do they not understand that nobody wants to fuck them? Power does not get you everything, at least not for free.  Scary Clown 45 should be out next, yet Michael Moore predicts we will not be rid of him until he is impeached in his 2nd term. OY!
*****Rex Tillerson : “The Syrian people will determine their own future.” The Trump team seems so used to being sneaky and dishonest that they do it when they don’t even have to.
*****Many merchants are fighting against the Illinois healthy workplace act. The bill asks for 5 sick days a year when employees work 20 hours a week. Why can’t we all get on board with that??
*****Dale Earnhardt Jr. retires from racing!!
*****Sandy Wexler is just loaded with stars like Conan and Jane Seymour!
*****Harrison Ford gets to keep his Pilot license.
*****Crashing will be back for a second season and thanks for the Zevon music.
*****Liam Neeson will play Mark Felt in the deep throat movie, Felt. OOOOOOOO Can’t wait!!
*****Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice seems to be getting the “blame the black woman” treatment from the Trump administration. They don’t like the fact that she requested the identities of Americans caught up in the election fiasco.
*****McMasters seems to be adding experienced persons to the National Security council after Steve Bannon was removed as one of the principals. Getting rid of Flynn’s personnel seems to be a move in the right direction.  Insiders have suggested that Trump and Bannon laugh behind the scenes for he may be less visible to the public but he is still there.** Insiders are also commenting about the comparisons of former WH staff and political shows like The West Wing, Veep or Scandal. WH staff used to laugh about how much calmer the White House really was compared to those shows and the way they make it all look so chaotic. Now reality has caught up to its fictional counterpart as the chaos ensues under scary Clown 45 and the family.
*****The senate changed the rules to get the Supreme Court they wanted so that it is not really a true representation of our country. It is no longer a requirement to have 60 votes for a Justice. Gorsuch was added to the court with the smallest number of votes in history. Are we finding out now that he is a plagiarist?
*****The US has dropped from 4th to 6th as a tourist destination worldwide.
***** Devin Nunes is under investigation after recusing himself from the Russian investigation.
*****Since E! is experiencing some serious falling ratings, they are looking for some new reality blood. They seem to be looking in the direction of Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna and their 2 beautiful daughters Delilah and Amelia.
*****Neil Young was ill so Dave Letterman inducted Pearl Jam into the Rock and Roll hall of fame. But no matter what else happened, the J. Geils band was still not inducted which is an outrage and now we have lost the man himself so Geils will never be there to drink it in. Every year I rail about one of the best bands of all time not getting enough votes to be inducted. What the Hell?????
*****Jimmy Kimmel was so broken up about the loss of Don Rickles. The moment was raw and touching and since I have always been more of a Newhart fan, I was glad to hear a Bob Newhart story.  Adam Sandler even wore a suit.
*****Duck Dynasty is history.. Finally!!
*****Let’s stick to policy.. We didn’t like when they made fun of the name Barack so why is it ok to make of Reince for his name. There are plenty of other things to belittle him about. A for instance is the way he insists that “nobody cares” about Trumps tax returns. Every single day I hear people say they want him to release them. He lives in denial and spin.
*****Oh what casting: John Waters as William Castle on Feud!! I am sad it is over but that was a hell of a show!!
*****Thank you to The Americans for the wonderful use of the Stones song, ’Slave’.
*****On April 8th the Dallas emergency siren was hacked with no computers involved. It was done old school!!
*****The Washington Post won a Pulitzer prize for its reporting on Trump’s charitable foundation. The NY Times won 3. The Salt Lake Tribune won for its investigation of rape at Utah colleges.
*****The Pope gave free laundromats to the poor in Rome.
*****There was a beautiful guitar shaped floral arrangement sent by the Stones to Chuck Berry’s funeral.
*****Sergio Garcia golfed his way to a championship.
*****Law and Order SVU show runner Warren Leight, who has been there since Meloni left, will be leaving the show.
*****Sean Spicer had to apologize for telling us that even Hitler didn’t sink to the level of chemical weapons.  If you don’t know history, you are bound to repeat it.
*****President Obama deported more immigrants last February than Trump did this February but Trump is moving them through faster. Scary Clown supporters are getting less than they bargained for. I know those voters don’t seem to understand why we have trouble accepting the new way of things. It is very hard to adjust to a laughingstock after such a reasonable and honorable President.
*****The University of South Carolina took the NCAA Women’s basketball championship.
*****The Lost City of Z from James Gray is with us starring Charlie Hunnam.
*****Barbara Bush has 8 toes.
*****Kharma is a bitch. South Carolina congressman Joe Wilson who yelled ‘you lie” to Obama in 2009 in his state of the union was drowned out by those same chants at a town hall. Nevertheless he is still committed to repealing the ACA.
*****There has been some controversy over a clown sketch with Louis CK on SNL. It is very similar to a sketch that Tig Notaro started in 2015 and still uses on her tour.
*****MTV is bringing back Fear Factor.
*****It is now known that 7 countries picked up Russian intels of contact with the Trump team.
*****Korn has hired 12 year old Tye Trujillo, who I mentioned in an earlier tumblr page, as a temp .
*****Scary Clown 45 signed an order allowing states to defund all Planned Parenthood services.
*****Julian Lennon has a new children’s book with Bart Davis and Smiljana Coh titled Touch the Earth. They hope to teach children about the environment and ocean life protection.
*****Harland Williams has a new LP, Cousins. He is also on the Disney channel with Puppy Dog Pals.
*****The Glen Campbell LP, Adios that was recorded after his alzheimer’s diagnosis is due out June 9th.
*****Best fake United ad I saw… Board as a Dr: leave as a patient!
*****The Cooking channels Food: Fact or Fiction has a great host in Michael McKean but it is a bit hackie. It does have some interesting food history though, like Fairy floss( which it is still called outside of this country) that was introduced by a dentist, then later tinkered with by another dentist before it became cotton candy!
*****Trudeau proposes legal recreational pot in all of Canada.
*****Hasan Minhaj hosted the White House correspondents dinner that the President and his staff would not attend. I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting much from Minaj but he did a terrific job!!  Trump gave himself a boner by throwing himself a rally instead and the press and his cult followers fell for it. I came home that evening to find him on every fucking news channel. Really??  Horrifying!! Samantha Bee had held a charity event, not the white house correspondent’s dinner which was funny. She really handed it to CNN who deserved it because most of the time, they are unwatchable because of the amount of people who are talking. Even Anderson Cooper never calls these idiots on the ridiculous things they say. Jordan Carlos did a small blurb, which was exciting. The real dinner honored Woodward and Bernstein and yet all were focused on the clown. He repeats himself with the repetition you see in a toddler so why keep listening? Fight his policy, zero in on the offensive things he says, it is all out there IF you want to listen but why every channel every time he speaks? Nobody in history has gotten more coverage except perhaps Hitler and Lincoln. C’mon!!  As long as journalists keep interviewing him and showing his clips on a fucking loop we will never be rid of him .They are giving him exactly what he wants. Just let him implode, give him no ink and he will get bored. Nobody seems to get this except Dem strategist Tara Dowdell. I was so happy to finally see a smart talking head who was saying exactly what I was thinking. But back to the WHCD: The reporters on the red carpet were joking about the lack of celebs and how boring it was. Some celebs had opted not to be there from the start because it is a Trump Presidency. His celeb supporters , of course followed their leader and did not attend. Others probably thought with less press coverage, less prestige and less schmoozing with the top , why go?? But that all sort of offends me.. We need to shine a light on some of the great journalists and stories that won awards. We may not know about Trumps lies about his charitable giving if it weren’t for these brave souls. What about the students, the journalists of tomorrow who were recognized? Julie Whiston, who has been throwing these dinners together for years is retiring and she was honored.  In the audience, there was a guy who seemed to be falling asleep so there was a bit less bang than usual. But in the end, Minhaj hit hard at the administration but nothing they did not deserve. He got some hateful looks and a fair amount of groans, which I did not understand but genuine laughs as well. He roasted all the news teams but gave such an eloquent moment at the end about how important the press is and how wonderful our country is. ** The next morning the Sunday shows catered to Trump and his 100 days and barely mentioned the WHCD except for This Week. This Week showed various clips but that may have been because they had WHC Association President Jeff Mason as a guest.  Meet the Press had Pence on looking apprehensive as he prepared to spin. He told us all how terrible the last 8 years have been and thank God that things are going so well under Trump. He chuckles like this is all a game as their healthcare stalls again. He sounds more like his cult leader every day preaching that Trump has gotten so much done by signing all those bills and just look at all the crowds he gets!! I suppose it is true that his followers don’t care what he actually gets done. They seem to just care that he keeps up the’ fuck you’ to things like the WHCD or that he caters to dictators and welcomes freaks like Phillipines leader Rodrigo Duterte who once called Obama the son of a whore.  Hs base loves that shit. **The Sunday morning shows should put a real dream team panel together for a season. I would love to see some real brains up there like say Bernie, Michael Moore, Colin Powell, Marco Rubio, John Kasick.
*****Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn are over.
*****What is going on with Dr. Phil’s eyes?? They seem unusually OPEN!!
*****Ivanka dined with Xi Jinping and now has provisional approval from the Chinese Government for trademarks that would usually take a lot more time.
*****Kevin Spacey will host the 2017 Tony awards on June 11.
*****Shouldn’t Trump know where his aircraft carriers are before he starts shooting off his mouth? North Korea? Australia? It matters!
*****Serena Williams is pregnant.
*****Richard Simmons may be clever like a fox. Word is he has been working on a tell all book and building suspense for big bucks.
*****Trumps sanctuary cities order has been blocked by a Federal judge but I like the way Colbert tweeted about it better: “Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A judge walks into a courtroom and blocks Trumps executive order.”** BTW.. Has anyone celebrated the fact that Colbert has a female announcer??
*****An inquest is being held about the death of Terrill Thomas. He died after being deprived of water for 7 days in a Milwaukee isolation cell last year.
*****GOP lawmakers want to exempt themselves from their redo of the ACA. They want to keep Obamacare for their staffs and themselves.
*****It was great to see Nathan Fillion on Brooklyn 99 and that he uses his voice on Cars 3.
*****Marc Edwards was on the Daily Show but he is not the Marc Edwards I know!! The Daily Show interview was with the engineer who helped uncover the Flint Michigan water problem. The ‘problem’ has caused 600 million in damage. The administration is looking for something to do with the leftover $ they had with the 107 mil they got from the inauguration, they could start there.
*****Speaking about places with small crowds, Trump got another one when the Patriots came to town. The picture of the super bowl winners with Obama was huge but a small bunch gathered this year with Trump.
*****So SNL sort of blew my mind, Harry Styles playing Mick Jagger. It was like a 2 for 1 sale of YUM!!
*****Domino’s pizza changes itself every time they turn around. New menu, new sauce, now a new look.. Why don’t they just give it up. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who likes their stuff.
*****Nugent, Palin, Rock.. Time for the apocalypse!!  Ted and David Crosby have been in a twitter war. Ted calling Trump a ‘ball of fire’, being so proud of his Pres. and Crosby calling Nugent a ‘brainless twit’.
*****Thank you Billy Barr for your obsessive climate records in Colorado. You give us proof positive of our climate problems.
*****Scientists tell us that about 110 million tons of plastic trash is in the ocean and into the food chain.
*****Brad Paisley has a new LP, Love and War, with help from John Fogarty and Mick Jagger. Paisley set a Johnny Cash poem to music for the album.
*****Michael Moore at the Tribeca film fest: “Ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to hate. Trump knew that part of the equation really well. And hate leads to violence.”** Hillary was also at the fest to talk about elephant poaching. She was there for a Kathryn Bigelow film, The Protectors.  I hope she does a lot more of this. Support the Clinton global initiative!! She also talked of her support for the March for science. I was so glad to attend our own smaller Science rally.
*****So Trump summoned all the Senators to him by bus to have a classified briefing about North Korea which they say told them little. What a waste of money. He couldn’t go to them?
*****Pagans and Wiccans among others are finally recognized faiths in the military. Welcome familt members, U R now recognized!!
*****Fox is being investigated by the justice department and the USPS for the payouts to all those women and their business practices. **Roger Ailes man, co- President of Fox news, Bill Shine is being defended by Sean Hannity in some ranting tweets. **There has been a quiet outreach for a new head of the news division, preferably a woman.
*****The new Gong show is shaping up to be something special. They won’t admit it but the scuttlebutt is that Mike Meyers is hosting as Tommy Maitland. The host has an entire back story in a crazy nod to Chuck Barris. Andy Kaufman used to appear on the original show and this seems so Tony Clifton. Will Forte’s production company is in charge and he will appear as a rotating judge. Also judging will be Jack Black, Zach Galifianakis, Alison Brie, Andy Samberg, Elizabeth Banks, Joel McHale, Dana Carvey and Anthony Anderson.  The Gong show premieres on ABC on June 22nd.
*****Will there be a writers strike??
*****Scott Baio is getting some backlash for his comments on the death of former girlfriend, Erin Moran. In an interview he stated that if you do drugs and drink, you die. She did reportedly have a drinking problem but died of cancer. He is now blaming the backlash on the liberal hate of him because of his Trump support.  Seems like a typical angry Trump supporter response.
*****I still can’t believe that the daytime Emmy’s, which honor television, are not on TV anymore but I found them. They streamed live on Twitter and Facebook. Right before they were to start, things froze up but that may have just been my computer. When it suddenly jolted into the action, I was bombarded with dancing daytime stars and the Crenshaw high school choir. Eric Martsolf( Brady Black) and Nadia Bjorlin (chloe Lane) were singing with other actors as well. The hosts were Sheryl Underwood and Mario Lopez whose sexual banter was a bit uncomfortable and seemed to go on forever. I never understand the bitching about the length of these shows when this chatter could be cut. They were right, however when they talked of how hard these daytime stars work.  One good thing about no network would seem to be no commercials but they still stopped for breaks. **Larry King was there and I saw Meredith Scott Lynn (Anne Milbauer) jump up to lead a standing O for his 60 years in the biz.  Another legend, Nichelle Nichols was there but did not win. ** Even daytime Emmy’s can get a little political. Gaby Natale won and gave a nice FU to intolerance. Kate Mansi won for her former portrayal of Abby on Days. They had a march of basset hounds that were adorable but many of the short legged dogs had trouble getting up the stairs. All the hounds are up for adoption. Tim Allen did not seem t care for them and told us he was a cat person.  He introduced his friend Mary Hart for her lifetime achievement award. She droned on for over 10 minutes and told us her life story. I don’t know if she thought she would never have the chance again or is going into seclusion or what but it went on and on. Perhaps she thought this show was just for her. Congratulations! ** Steve Harvey won twice but was not there. Maury was nominated for his first Emmy but did not win. I will be honest, I did not recognize most of the winners. ** Best dressed for me were : James Reynolds, Nadia Bjorlin, Susan Lucci, Aisha Tyler, Kathryn Kelly Lang, Jane Pauley, Gina Tognoni (glad she won) and Lamon Archey. Worst dressed were: Vanna White and Natalie Morales.
*****RIP Jonathon Demme, Francine Wilson, Connie Brooks, Gilbert Baker, Erin Moran, J. Geils, Don Rickles, James Rosenquist, Dorothy Mengering, Charlie Murphy, Dan Rooney, Sylvia Moy, Cuba Gooding Sr., Aaron Hernandez and the victims of the Syrian chemical attacks.
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