#this isn't quite what you were hoping for i know meagn and i'm sorry
hannah-writes · 5 years
Maribel, body swap, 3 sentence
When she blinks, it’s to the sound of Liz’ voice overhead, her words thick and fast and washing over her head like water; she frowns and pushes herself up with Liz’s support and the first thing she notices is that she feels different. 
“Maria,” Liz is saying, looking right at her, a hand catching the side of her face to turn her head, “Maria, it’s gonna be okay, we don’t know what happened but you blacked out and-”
She interrupts, feeling a creeping horror crawling along her skin as she registers the emptiness of her mind where Max and Michael are supposed to sit, the peripheral awareness of the people around her in a similar-but-different way, the colour of her hands, the weight of her clothes, the pendant around her neck that she grips tightly and has to resist yanking off because it won’t hurt her. Liz is saying Maria’s name again and she turns her head, meets Liz dead in the eye and says, “I’m not Maria.”
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