#this isn't prowlbee
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poseidonsseaglass · 10 days ago
nobody fucking talk to me.
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spencerthedeerhumanhybrid · 2 months ago
Hey! I'm Spencer (not my real name obv) and I'm in multiple fandoms with my main one being Transformers! (specially the Animated version) and I'm also a multishipper! I ship stuff like;
BlurrBee (My OTP!), JazzOp, MegOp, JazzProwl, BlitzBee, ProwlBee, Oplita, ShockBee, SoundBee, Sentinel Prime x Bumblebee (TFO), WheelRatch, OpRatch, SoundRod, Mirage x Noah, Elita x Arachnid, Acree x Elita, BreakBee, KOBD, StarBee, SkyStar, SwindleBee, Jettwins x Bumblebee, Wasp x Bumblebee, Bumblebee x Bug Bite, Thundercracker x Bumblebee, Skywarp x Rumble, Skywarp x Bumblebee, Elite Trine x Bumblebee, Rumble x Bumblebee, Frenzy x Bumblebee, and a lot more. (I ship Bumblebee with WAY too many people)
I also like to write fanfiction and draw in my free time! I have a lot of AU/fanfic ideas for Transformers and hope to post them here in order to help my stories become popular or noticed! I love rare pairs, mirror shipping/selfcest, and oc x Canon! (I have like 4 OCs in the TFA universe)
My OCs in the TFA universe are;
Nova Storm, a transfem femme who can turn into those motorcycles professionals use, indigo with dark pink strips, was part of a royal family before she ran away and changed her frame into a femmes, she is as tall as the Jettwins who are shoulder length to Optimus and is obsessed with explosives (she is also shipped with Black arachina)
Retro, a mini-bot a few inches taller than Bumblebee who can turn into a race car, has a red paint job with a few black and white stripes! (He is also shipped with Bumblebee)
Lemon, half the size of Bumblebee and has a slightly darker shade of yellow, can turn into a bigger version of those toy cars, he is brothers with Swift and works with Retro! (He is not shipped with anyone as he is perceived as a minor)
Swift, the same size as his brother and has a calm blue shade as a paint job, can turn into the same thing as Lemon, works with Retro, brothers with Lemon! (Also not shipped with anyone for the same reason as Lemon)
Ao3 <- my account!!
Tiktok <- my other social!
Discord <- my 2nd (3rd?) social!
My AUs:
A Contract I Regret Signing/Stripper!Bumblebee TFA AU (COMPLETE)
The Golden Eagle And The (Very Little) Honey Bee/Good!Sentinel TFO AU (WIP)
I Should've Been More Wary Of You/Techno-organic!Bumblebee TFA AU (Coming Soon)
Please Notice Me My Bug!/Obsessive!Starscream TFO AU (Coming Soon)
Spies In Disguise/Spy!Bumblebee TFA AU (Coming Soon)
I Found People Who Cared/Deception!Bumblebee TFA AU (Coming Soon)
The Forgotten/Deception Ruler!Bumblebee TFO AU (Coming Soon)
That's all I really have to say, I hope we can be friends!
(when all of the AUs are done I'll start posting normal TFA or TFO fics or art stuff)
Zoophiles, Homophobic, Rapists, Racists, Supporters of Trump, PETA supporters.
Pure Porn Blogs, Autism Speaks supporters, Ableists, Toxic Religious People, Toxic People, Toxic Shippers.
People who don't respect it/its or neo pronouns.
If you think queer is a slur.
White but uses the n-word, claiming POC can't be racist, claiming women can't be sexist.
If you make rape or sexual assault jokes (I am a survivor of COCSA), if you think COCSA isn't real.
TERFs, SWERFs, Elon Musk supporters, Nazis, defends problematic people.
People who claim that survivors of SA can't be hypersexual.
Transmisics, transmisogynists, transandromisics, transmultimisics, enbymisics/exorsexists, intersexists.
Homomisics, lesbomisics, bimisics, panmisics, omnimisics, abromisics.
Exclusionists, especially mspec gays/lesbians exclusionists.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
How would the Bumblebee ships work in the Shattered Glass reality.
I'm not too sure what Shattered Glass is but i suppose i can try?
I've seen some takes on that by others- most often i see Bee being depicted as a total opposite of himself so i will go with this too. Bee's usual happy-go-lucky, overconfident attiture gets switched up with a shy and fearful one. He's a scaredycat and always always does what he's told to do to avoid the punishment.
I imagine his team is not very nice to him, they're the main reason he's suffering. Bulkhead isn't even friends with him and basically got stuck with him during boot camp and somehow his job. Optimus is mostly silent and ceases any insupordination with violence. Ratchet has been kicked out for unethical practice on patients and still does it sometimes on folks that aren't his team. At least Sari is your typical hurt emo kid that got mistreated by her father, so she and bee kinda stick together. But still, you can imagine ProwlBee isn't very happy; Prowl is an arsonist and a manipulator, he speaks softly only to get you to follow him and then stab you in the back. He saw Bee as an easy target and pretends to love him when in reality he only sees him as another one of his toys. Bee is very naive and believes everything he says, even if he physically hurts him he always comes back cuz he thinks this is the best he can get.
Now, since the Autobots are the evil ones, Decepticons are the heroes that will save the yellow princess. ShockBee; Shockwave was send to spy on the Autobots under the disguise of Longarm. He wasn't very good at being mean or not showing much emotions which got him some suspicious looks. Then he met Bee, the little bot whose Spark was nearly literally pouring out of him from sadness and suffering. He talked to him and they kept in contact in secret, but then after he got assigned to the repair crew, Optimus found his little communicator and broke it and beat him up. Longarm suspected somethign has happened to he volunteered to find him and Megs. And sure enough, Earth was the place. He was so happy to see Bee- but Bee seemed to not even want to look at him, not talk at all. He tried his best to get him to open up again but to no avail... even so the final straw was pulled when he saw Bulkhead trying to punch him dead while they were investigating some Decepticon signal (cuz Shockwave couldn't sit still in the autobot mode). He jumped out and nearly offlined said giant and took Bee with him, all while making sure the big bot saw him and would say he was kidnapped instead of a traitor. After that Bee was brought to Decepticon base to keep safe. Shockwave revealed himself to be his good friend Longarm and Bee, after a long period of holding back, caved in and told him everything while being held in a hug. From then on Shockwave takes care of Bee and teaches him all the fun stuff he gets to do now that he's not with his team anymore. Sari also gets pulled with him once Megatron onlines again and she can have the caring and supportive father she always wanted.
Now onto BlitzBee, the very popular choice; Bee and Blitz don't meet until they are on Earth, although i think Shockwave wold tell Blitz things from his job for fun therefore he learns about the existance of the little yellow mini. Blitzwing is very much different- his Icy (Joy) personality is very cheery and positive if not a little unsettling, Hothead (Scaredycat) is worried 24/7 and will cry if you yell at him, and Random (Blunt) is the serious strategic deadpan of the three, mostly in charge while in combat. He's also the one that will hold emotions to let them out in a gruesome way on either an object or the enemy. I imagine he met Bee while he was out at night and caught the scout crying alone,he managed to talk with him and noticed all the various dents he had on him. They became friends rather quickly and before either knew they fell in love. But just a couple of meetings after the confession Bee has disappeared, he didn't come to the spots neither he was out while they fought. Something must've happened to him and he knew it. But then he saw him sitting there in the cons' medbay being treated by Blackarachnia after the fight and he could not have been happier. Turns out Shockwave has found him imprisoned deep within the autobot base and took him from there, the autobots said he was kidnapped by decepticons which wasn't true so he looked. Bee told him that the others somehow found out about their relationship and self-sentenced him to tortures instead of typical death penalty for treason. Blitzwing listened while set on his blunt face and only cradled his little love when he was all good to go and rest. Bee and Blitz are by all means the cutest couple there could every be, Blitz is so very caring and does everything to make sure Bee feels safe and loved. And since i can't leave the child out of this, Blitz flies and rescues Sari from the tower, upon both Bee's and Megatron's request. They're all one big happy family.
I think you could make BlitzBee and ShockBee into one with this but i won't go into it further. Anywho, hope this was what you were looking for!
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prowlbeepilled · 9 months ago
If you ship Prowlbee and ask Blitzbee fans to gtfo, isn't Prowlbee a pedophile ship too? And your a minor. Minors don't do pedo ships...
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this is what you look like, also bumblebee is an adult lol
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gigicrazydraws · 1 year ago
very pedophilic art of Prowlbee
Very strange that you would say that considering that Bee isn't a minor. And on top of that you don't even have the gal to say it without being behind an annon. If you're gonna be stupid at least say it with full confidence.
Ok, I see a lot of people mistake Bee for being a minor, so we're gonna go over arguments and think about it for more than 2 seconds so that you can see how quickly that falls apart.
1) Ratchet refers to Bee as "kid". Ok, he also calls Bulkhead and Prowl "kid" and "young bots" at different points in the show.
2) Human Error. Bees Human Error design was meant to be a joke on his height
3) He acts young an immature. Ok??? So do I am I am an adult, it is literally just being called nerodivergent. That bot has ADHD and there will be no convincing me otherwise. On top of this, there are several times throughout the show where, when the situation calls for it, he will get serious and mature about a situation.
4) Bee was in the Autobot equivalent of a military boot camp for some time, and while yes, I know their society is different than ours and there is no reason for them to follow the same rules as the US when it comes to how old you have to be to enlist in the military, but at the same time this was a US produced and aired show and there is also no evidence to suggest that the Elite Guard was allowing kids to join.
Anyways, hope that clears things up.
I really need people to stop infantilizating Bee because he is nerodiverget, I have seen so much of that, and frankly, it is pretty disgusting. Adults are allowed to act immature and have fun, there is nothing wrong with it, and slapping the label of "child" on them for doing do is just wrong.
And one last thing:
You are allowed to not like a ship but if your reason for not liking it, isn't even there, or even worse, puts other people down or slaps bad labels on them then that is an issue and you need to stop. Just simply say, "I don't like the ship, it's not for me." And then cool that's it.
Anyways, I spent way too long writing this, I am going back to draw those boys kissing.
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meatohchondrium · 3 years ago
This!!! Tbh, I was shocked that prowlbee isn't the most popular ship in tfa
Anybody else feeling salty that TFA Prowlbee isn’t more popular despite all the interactions and chemistry they’ve had in Transformers Animated? 💔 
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
I've read somewhere about Bee being half-insecticon. and it got me an idea-
Like, when he was being forged something happened- may it be insecticon raid or smthn- and he got those insecticon genes. like he's not half but surely a part of him is insecticon.
that being said, he developed wings. a pair of clear, shiny elytra that he cherished and kept a secret from everyone.
that is until the bad manager of the carequarters he was in found out and burned them away cuz it was 'wrong'. these beautiful things reduced to small, tattered and dark nubs.
he grows up and his wings are always stashed away, he often forgets they even exist. the only one to know they are there is Ratchet, he discovered Bee had them when the scout was damaged severly. They are beyond repair and Docbot can't do much about fixing them.
He never show his wings. 1. there is no use in it. 2. almost all autobots he met in the past were racist and discriminating on anyone different from them, he doesn't know his team isn't like this.
Skipping to Earth and the time when Waspinator shows up- Wasp knows Bee had those burned wings cuz he bullied him in boot camp and found out. So Waspinator teases and taunts him about his beautiful wings and Bee's broken ones. This sends Bee into a rabbit hole of hating himself and mourning his damaged wings. He hides it but the rest definitelly notices something it up.
[insert scenario of whoever's dating him reacting to his sad damaged wings and comforting him cuz i cannot be bothered to write it + its a general headcanon so no need for shipping my brain goes prowlbee or blitzbee on this]
During one of those seft-hate days they get a signal about the Allspark shard. At one point Bee gets the shard and is dropped from very high from the sky. In that moment he wishes he could fly-
and so he does.
he still crashes and once the dust settles- everyone notices them.
the long crystal-like wings sprouting proudly from his back. Bee himself can hardly believe it. Apparently, the Allspark decided they were not beyond repair. After a worrying amount of silence from him he starts crying and laughing and zipping around. The others are worried but Ratchet reassures them that everything's fine with Bee.
After that, Bee is slightly paranoid over his wings breaking again and rarely uses them. Both cuz he is paranoid and cuz he is so used to being a grounder. With time it gets better but he is still worried about losing them.
i imagine to unsheath them, Bee's subspace moves down and hangs from his hips, almost mimicking how earth bee's have an abdomen.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
Been thinking about all the interfacing content of my favorite ships with Bee and not gonna lie... it's kind of old isn't it? I mean, I know we all like it to some extent but honestly, I can see Bee not being the way you write him with these.
Let me take a normal ProwlBee for this- oh and here's the anker post so you know what i'm talking about.
Bee was a flirter to be sure, he knew how to talk to get folks to get along with him. He knew the tricks to make them do what he wanted if it came to it. But the truth was; it was all learned behavior. Things he have seen other bots do on the street back when he was a near-homeless youngling. He had no idea what their true intentions were nor what interfacing was. He ran away from the carequarters long before anyone could explain it to him.
When he got together with Prowl, he was being more "smooth" as they described. He had no idea what he was doing until during one of their make-out sessions, Prowl's chassis split open and the tentacle-like wires slithered out.
"...You do know what interfacing is, right?" Prowl has hesitantly asked after Bee very much freaked out by something Prowl was very common with.
"Yes, defintelly- of course I know what that is!" Bee tried to act confident, putting on a charade like one of the bots he saw on the streets. But Prowl's 'i know you don't' look made him give in and admit. "...No, I don't."
So after a few questions, it became clear Bee didn't even know what those parts were nor what they were used for... nor what all the alluring talk he did was meant to do. Prowl decided it was best to educate Bee on those topics, starting with his own biology and interfacing.
After brief-but-on-point explanation about the struts he got Bee to try interfacing with him.
Bee was uncertain, the feeling of those struts exposed wasn't what Prowl described it felt. Still, he forced himself to follow and let Prowl gently stroke the tentacles. He internally told himself it will feel good, that Prowl knows what he's doing and it will all be great...
He tired to make himself enjoy it, but as soon as one of Prowl's tentacles gently slid against one of his, his mind screamed 'NO' at him. He pushed Prowl away and scooted to the other end of the berth.
"I'm sorry- I-I tried to enjoy it. But i just can't- I'm sorry, I-" Bee tried his best to calm down, he didn't know why he felt like this, he wanted to cry, this- this wasn't supposed to make him cry, right?
"Bee, it's okay... I said you don't have to if you don't want. Nobody is forcing you to do this." Prowl shushed, he gently cupped Bee's faceplate and wiped the incoming tears away. "It's okay if you don't want to do this. Some people don't like to interface and that is okay. You are not any less loved if you don't want it either."
Bee let himself settle in Prowl's hug- Prowl assured him nothing will happen this time. He felt bad, he thought he could do it and meet Prowl's expectations... but Prowl did not let him have any of it, he kept reassuring him that it was okay and that he shouldn't push himself to do what he doesn't want. Interfacing wasn't the most important thing in a relationship after all.
And while Prowl was running fairly warm and the need for contact settled he pushed it down for the sake of Bee's comfort. He could deal with it later.
After that, Bee's flirty talk has reduced. He still did it from time to time cuz old habits die hard but now that he knew what it was associated with he shyed away from it.
Eventually, Prowl found something that could be an alternative to interfacing for them. Light bathing.
"It's a practice where two Sparkmates open their chassis' and let their Spark's light illuminate them- none of Spark Chambers are open, of course." Prowl explained, Bee was sceptical when Prowl started with 'I know you don't feel comfortable interfacing-'
"And then what happens?" His voice had an obvious suspicious undertone.
"Nothing. We just sit there and enjoy each other's presence. It's okay if you don't want to try, it was just a suggestion." Prowl spoke with the kind smile, he wouldn't dare overstep Bee's boudaries. Bee decided that it sounded alright and wanted to try.
They sat in the pile of pillows and plushies in Bee's room at night, doors locked to guarantee them privacy. They had a little count-down to break the nervousness. Both of their chassis' split and revealed their Spark's casings, the light poured thru the little windows in them. Their servos rested in each other, eventually Prowl made their digits intertwine. Bee, in a moment of boldness, decided to lean in and press his forehelm to Prowl's- a common gesture of affection on Cybertron that could be interpreted as human culture's kiss.
They sat there, the quiet thrumming of their Sparks filling the silence, the ghostly emotions flowing on their plating like breeze as the feeling of content and comfort fell over them like morning mist. It wasn't bad at all.
So from then on, sometimes both of them would sit or lay together and enjoy the intimacy. While Prowl still has to take care of himself on rare occasion, they were doing just fine.
Idk, maybe it's me projecting my asexuality on the comfort character but who cares, I wrote him as trans once so I can do whatever I want. Deal with it. If I want smutless fluff then I shall have it.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
ooo, would you elaborate more on the cyberbeast beeprowl au please?
Cyberbeast AU is a thing where certain transformers have an ability to become metal beasts, they're exceptionally powerful and dangerous. Everyone thinks they're a myth cuz they live in hiding. Check #cyberbeast au on my blog for more.
The thing with ProwlBee; Prowl as we know is a huge animal nerd, no doubt he also seeks knowledge about other creatures not necessarily from Earth. He only heard about Cyberbeasts as a myth, so when he actually meets one he is overjoyed and wants to learn everything about it. Now the Cyberbeast in question is Bumblebee, Prowl didn't expect him to be the legendary and mighty CYberbeast but he's not disappointed. In fact, he's quite happy- he already had a little crush on the scout and now he can, as they say, "kill 2 bird with 1 stone" and be near him while also studying Cyberbeast anatomy and behavior.
Prowl was always drawn to unusual aspects of bots and other things, call it xenophilia or not but it's true. He thinks all different things are beautiful. Bee having those animalistic features along with the slight feral behavior is really alluring.
Bee on the other hand is not that enthusiastic like Prowl. While yes, he is happy that everyone accepts him after they learn his other side, he also learns that Prowl can be annoying the same way he is. He's constantly asking questions and touching him- which isn't a bad thing in Bee's optics, he does like the ninjabot, but this is getting a little out of control.
So to avoid any uncomfortable situations they come to a compromise of Bee coming to Prowl's room once a week so Prowl can study him and learn the valuable information that might come in handy if they encounter other Cyberbeasts. In those study sessions Bee will switch into his beast alts or half-alts (where he has bestial features but still looks 'humanoid') and let Prowl touch him to study his anatomy (with obvious restrictions of course). Prowl will ask questions and Bee will answer them to the best of his capabilities, although he doesn't know much about himself or his Cyberbeast kind, he hasn't meet another Cyberbeast in his life, at least one that he knew was a Cyberbeast.
So during those study sessions and outside, Bee and Prowl become closer and end up dating. There's many similarities between Cyberbeasts and Earth animals so Bee is one lucky fella to have Prowl help him out with stuff he doesn't understand about himself.
That's all is could come up with for this, thanks for asking!
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
the whole prowlbee revival subject reminds me so much of that one spiderman movie— where Gwen Stacy fell from a clock tower I think and spiderman tried to save her, he couldn't stop the impact of her fall and she died.
I think she was called Mary Jane but i may be talking about the different movie. There's a lot of them out there...
Also- Spiderman is a forbidden movie in the Autobot base. The failed rescue scene gives Prowl PTSD flashbacks from the incident.
I didn't make that connection when i thought about it in the first place, i mainly based it off the incident where Optimus couldn't catch and save Elita. Except the yellow bot really died this time.
Whenever Bee gets hurt, Prowl will freak out and try to help him even tho there's nothing to help with. Even if it's just a scratch he will worry way more than needed. After a good amount of time he's isn't overreacting so much but will worry if Bee hits his helm for example.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
more prowlbee cybertbeast au please 🙏, it's alright if you don't want to, I'm just asking :]
it's okay! i try to answer every ask i get so you'll get your answer sooner or later. :3
Bee is somewhat unaware of his crush on Prowl, and now that he can show himself without worry of being kicked out or killed he surely will sometimes get in his Beast alt or half-alt and put his feathers on display. He only really does this when he's alone with Prowl. He'll show off his biolights in the dark and even make those little floating lights.
Starborn Cyberbeasts are fond of their feathers- it's their pride and most cherished thing. Rarely does a Starborn let a stranger touch their feathers. Bee only lets 3 people touch his feathers; Bulkhead, Sari and Prowl. With anyone else he flinches away. Bulkhead only gently touches them and only when Bee says he can, he doesn't wanna overstep boundaries and those things look very fragile so he doesn't wanna break them. Sari loves to brush them but it's mostly Prowl that helps Bee with grooming them when it calls for help. Prowl is gentle and very careful, he loves to study the patterns and everything while he helps Bee. Of course he did have a minor sparkattack when he thought he pulled out a small bunch from his plume but don't worry, he didn't. Sometimes Bee needs to shed from the old and damaged feathers so they fall out and a day later there's new ones in place. Oddly enough, Bee allows Prowl to keep his feathers, usually he would throw them away but he makes an exeption for Prowl. The feathers lose their glow after being dropped, but they are just as pretty- they are this silver color that darkens depending on what angle you look at them. Prowl has a special box to keep all of the feathers Bee gives him safe.
Speaking of Prowl- he is the animal nerd and knows many facts about various animals. However there isn't much to learn about Cyberbeast, the only ever knowledge about them was from legends and really old archives. He sees many similarities between Cyberbeasts and earth animals, but he throws it under a rug cuz he "doesn't want to assume things" even tho Bee is literally trying to court him by animal kingdom laws.
I call it that Prowl would definitelly ask Bee what kinds of sounds he can make- his favorite is the chirping-purr sound when Bee's happy.
Bee is pulled to Prowl's room at least once a week to "gather information about Cyberbeasts cuz it might come in handy". In reality, he knows Prowl is mostly doing it for the sole purpose of staring at him in awe. Bee will get into his beast alts and sometimes half-alts and Prowl would study him and ask questions. He'd never admit but having Prowl's servos touching his plating in order to study him feels good.
Sometimes the study sessions would turn into play- Bee has found out Prowl was ticklish in some places so of course he's gonna torture him. One time Optimus wanted to send Prowl on patrol and he walked in on Bee in beast alt doing little bites while Prowl was pinned face down under him and giggling like crazy. He decided to go on patrol himself.
When they get together, Bee will surely put intentional displays for Prowl, at that point he would realize Prowl is into his bestial side and would playfully tease him about it when they want to have fun. Bee would also give him kisses- as in, he'll lick his faceplate. Be it short licks (normal kisses) or just a really long one to annoy him (big kiss).
Cyberbeasts have a way to mark what is theirs, they have a special moisture at the base of their plume and tail feathers that leaves a scent of the specific cyberbeast on anything they touch it with. I imagine Bee just nuzzling into Prowl when they're cuddling or playing to mark his claim on his mate.
Prowl- he loves to pet Bee, especially in his half-alt or beast alt- he has found his sweet spot behind his horns. Bee will go completely soft and wag his tail, he'd have the tip of his long glossa sticking out while he does the chirping-purr sounds, he might even stomp his leg. When he's just cybertronian he'll do similar, tip of his glossa out and chirping-purr. Prowl might or might not have done the baby voice with him when Bee in his beast alt was revelling in the affection and pets he provided.
Bee loves to be pet in general, when he's in his beast alt he'll ask about anyone to give him pets. It's often Sari that will openly give him pets and scritches, optionally a belly rub but when she's not around he'll go bug others- They'll give him a pat or two but nothing more, in those cases he'll go and find Prowl instead.
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gigicrazydraws · 1 year ago
Saw you get hatemail and just. Do these people realize the block button exists? Prowlbee isn't my cup of tea either (I like stuff that's a lot less fluffy... lol) but I wouldn't bother someone who likes it about it. Keep on doing what you're doing, if they don't know how to curate their own internet experience that is a Them Problem
Sadly lots of people just like to find reasons to be mad
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