#this isn't complete and im sorry! I just ran out creative thinking juice for this :'D
geminai-ramblez · 8 months
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It wasn't normal to see a short body run on top of rooftops, flipping in ways that no normal person should be able to, and have a voice that silently - and yet loudly - proclaims its excitement.
Izuku tried to stay quiet as he got near Yushiro's place, but he couldn't help the excitement, relief, and euphoria he felt. Flashes of Yushiro hit him in waves, and the smile—grin—widened as he landed near the window that was lit.
Tanjiro would've liked to knock on the door, but there was no time. Even if it seemed like they had all the time in the world to contact one another.
After a small intake of breath, he landed on the narrow window sill and knocked on the glass gently. The window opened quickly, and emerald green eyes saw lavender for the very first time.
A lot of emotions arose underneath his skin: distrust, indifference, fear, happiness, and elation. He stopped himself from doing something embarrassing, but his waterworks were kinda of inevitable. Thankfully, he didn't cry, yet he was close. Very, very close.
"Yushiro-San," Izuku murmured in older-ish Japanese, "Tanjiro—or do you prefer Izuku?" asked Yushiro in the same language. While Yushiro wouldn't care if Tanjiro, or is it Izuku(?), wanted to use his older name or current name, he still deserves, at least, some respect.
"Tanjiro... will be fine," Izuku informed as he entered inside the small apartment, "Pardon for the intrusion," he added belatedly. "It's a bit late for that," remarked Yushiro as he closed up the window and currents.
A meow caught Izuku's attention and when he looked in the direction of where he heard it, he was surprised just a bit to see Chachamaru. "So, Chachamaru survived?" Izuku asked, Chachamaru walked up to Izuku with its tail up and purred happily while rubbing on Izuku.
"Humans aren't the only ones to become demons, you know?" Yushiro muttered while glaring at Chachamaru that hasn't changed much in attitude after all these years.
"Oh," Izuku said, feeling a bit stupid about—well, everything—his head wasn't in the right place right now, but he shooed away those thoughts and looked at Yushiro.
Yushiro glanced back—analyzing this reincarnation—one of the first things that, in Yushiro's opinion, was ironic, was that Tanjiro was green. Not like green as if he were sick but his hair and eyes were actually green in color. Much like the checkered haori, he wore back then.
Another thing he noticed when he opened the window was the wave of emotions that he felt in Tanjiro. Every human being, even demons, gave off a chemical that showed how they felt. What Tanjiro felt was a huge contradiction that Yushiro couldn't decipher on his own, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth that Tanjiro, of all people, felt fear towards him.
Something was off about him. It's something Yushiro was very certain about.
Both men had a stare-off and, surprisingly, it was Yushiro who broke it. Usually, it was Tanjiro since he tended to speak a lot, but it was Yushiro who asked first, "Are you going to spill or did you come here for a get-together?" Yushiro said blankly.
It took a second, a second longer than Tanjiro would've spoken, but he answered—simple and straightforward—not kind or warm like how he would've spoken.
"Sorry, just something in my mind," Tanjiro answered. He sat on the couch and took a small, deep breath, looking at Yushiro with undecipherable eyes, and it threw Yushiro off-guard. It helped further make this reincarnation suspicious, but something in Yushiro's head told him to just, 'Wait, wait. He'll say something. Just wait: be patient.'
In Izuku's head, the storm of emotions grew to be insufferable. Genya never met Yushiro, so it's obvious that he was distrustful towards the demon, but feeling indifferent and nervous and happy at the same time was really messing him—them—up. It took a second, but they spoke. They all spoke up so that Yushiro could help them with their current issue.
"You've already caught on to how I act," Tanjiro started, "and it's inevitable to hide this as some sort of odd quirk or attitude change I've picked up due to the environment I grew up in this quirked society. You have questions... and I will answer them the best I can regarding me."
"You know, you sound very formal," Yushiro said quickly, "Way too formal even for yourself, Kamado Tanjiro."
Izuku blinked but chuckled a bit, "Ah, my apologies," Kanao said instinctively, but they continued on; "Is it that odd of me to speak like that?"
"Definitely," Yushiro said without hesitation. "What's up with you? It looks like someone kicked your pet and damned your mother." One thing that hasn't changed was Yushiro calling him out—guess some things just never change.
"A lot of things," Izuku replied nonchalantly, unnerving Yushiro, 'Great, did he become depressed or something? I know I'm a doctor but not a therapist.'
"If you came here to rant about your problems, seek professional help-"
"I'm not just Tanjiro," Izuku cut him off quickly, "What?" Yushiro murmured, observing Tanjiro—no, not just Tanjiro—in disbelief. "I'm not just Tanjiro, Yushiro-San..." Izuku said quietly.
His emerald eyes dulling in colour too quickly for Yushiro's liking, "It's complicating and will sound absurd -"
"When was something more absurd than creatures that were similar in human nature and special abilities?" Joked Yushiro to get some hint of life in Tanjiro's(?) eyes.
It did work, somewhat, but that glint—full of sadness and grief and unresolved horrors was evident—still remained. Yushiro disliked it. "Heh, but it will sound—more absurd than... than demons," Tanjiro said calmly, like something that would've come to be revealed without an option to say 'yes' or 'no.'
"Well?" Yushiro prompted, curiosity—no matter how wrong it felt—was killing the cat, "As I said, I'm not just Kamado Tanjiro, so I'll introduce myself properly."
'Properly?' thought Yushiro.
"It's nice to meet you properly, Yushiro-San. I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu," the yellow, thunder breather that fought a newly formed Uppermoon Six rung a bell in Yushiro's head, 'So, two—no, three—souls sharing a body? How's that-'
"Hashibira Inosuke," the boar head, "Kamado Nezuko," the voice—their voice—sounded a bit more feminine, "Kamado Tanjiro," just a bit—just a moment—did it actually sound like Tanjiro, "Shinazugawa Genya," Yushiro didn't know who that was immediately but - the surname... the name sounded familiar.
'Oh,' Yushiro quickly realized why, 'He died: the Wind Pillar's little brother,' no wonder he didn't have a face to recognize because the boy was already dead due to a Uppermoon. And that fact... well, it was empty, "And Tsuyuri Kanao," finished Tanjiro—or is it Nezuko? Zenitsu?
"Wait," Yushiro put the thought of the Wind Pillar's little brother behind him and focused on the now. The answer to his main question regarding Tanjiro, and yet it wasn't just Tanjiro here; it was like six other people, the majority he recognized but never further got to know for many reasons. He only kept in contact with the Kamados and only the Kamados after the war. He was talking to six people—six souls—that he knew and didn't know at the same time, "How did- how...?"
Izuku looked at Yushiro in sympathy because neither he—nor they— knew how their existence came to be. He was an abnormality. A mistake that was given a chance to see the world from many perspectives simultaneously.
They wanted to give Yushiro a proper explanation, but there wasn't one. At least one that gave a definite answer to how they came to be. Izuku didn't know how one body could host multiple souls, different lives that arrived at the same, and just go on with its day.
But he guessed that those who didn't remember had the luxury of not being in their position. It was complicated and lonely being in their shoes. The constant flashbacks of not one life but another, a lost family, ostracized, constant reminders of failing people, horrors that no—normal—human being should remember or even try... So many things happening at the same time.
It's a miracle that they are even alive now. They lasted this long despite and... at least the comfort of one another—helped soothe the loud voice inside Izuku's mind from taking over... and doing the unforgivable.
Izuku breathed in and out and looked at Yushiro, "I hope we can get along, Yushiro-San," uttered the amalgamation of souls.
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