#this isn't a review its frustrated spew
a-ramblinrose · 9 months
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Finished this and hmmmm thoughts under the cut. Spoilers too because I'm feeling chatty and full of rambles.
Not sure how much sense this will make. I mostly want to type my frustrations out so...
It's been a while since I was so disappointed in a book. This was an impulse purchase after remembering all the talk about the movie. Maybe the movie was better, maybe the hype got to me but wow I ended up giving this comic 2.5 stars after the beginning had me thinking 4. At the end of the day I thought the choices felt way too forced and the plot holes were abundant. I'm frustrated because I can see so much potential.
Why did the kids have to choose at all ? Let alone why choose so early? The dad seemed to be able to live as human and wolf so???
Also wow the girls must be good/conform but boys get to Be was strong in this. Really felt that the "nail that stick out gets hammered down" with Yuki. Yes, some girls stop being tom boys but the way the comic went makes me sad.
Also the hybrid forms got really cartoon-y and I wasn't a fan even if the cutsie was fun earlier in the story. After the puppy days the design felt a bit uncanny valley.
The romance at the start was adorable and the following death was sad in proportion to that. But once the kids started going to school the story went off the rails for me. Way to many time skips and actions with no real follow through *frustrated screeching*
And the end?!?!?!? Nope. Not a fan at all. And I'm sad because the start was Good.
I might even return the book. And I never do that after reading. Mostly because I rarely read so quickly after buying but still.
*annoyed and grumpy noises*
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