#this is what mandalorian bkg does to my brain
kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
erika dear 🥺 tell me why this... somehow makes me think of my mando bakugou ??? i think it's because of the high neck maybe !!! it's so casual but idk !!! when he takes it all off maybe...😏 BUT MAYBE I JUST ALWAYS HAVE HIM ON MY MIND ALRHAODHAKKA
My darling Willow why is tumblr like this and not sending the link I’m gonna SHAKE THIS BLUE SITE WITH MY BARE HANDS!!
(edit - Willow sent me the link via messages we are so blessed: https://www.tumblr.com/vaporzzz/715171240310128640/happy-birthday-bakugou?source=share)
But the visual of a high neck…it’s too real because the mandalorian flight suit that most of them wear is thick and covers up a lot so it’s not risqué in any sense but it still reveals so much at the same time??
Like can you imagine the first time you notice it?? It would be when you have to heal his grumpy metal head. A blaster shot had managed to snag the sweet spot between his neck and shoulder not covered by his beskar shoulder pauldron. He goes feral, angered that he is wounded. And when you use the force to heal the wound, after having to snap at him, your hands press against the wound. It’s then you realize he wears a full layer beneath the armor.
But the actual time ever seeing him fully just in the flight suit?? OOF!
It’s late one night when a mandalorian cruiser ship returns back to the home planet but in a screeching clash. It shakes up the entire community. Everyone, including you, runs out into the night to check on the ship and it’s crew.
Thankfully the ship took most of the damage and everyone inside makes it back rather unscathed.
You help the medics with anything they need and even use the force to move debris getting in the way. In the heat of it Bakugou yells orders the entire time.
He is a fierce but strangely enough comfort during the whole ordeal. You can’t help it. You turn to check on his loud metal ass.
Bakugou stands hands on his hips talking with the pilot of the ship, his loud voice now composed and even comforting.
You think maybe it’s not him at first because he is not in full armor. The black painted beskar and white strip out lining the t visor is the dead give away that it’s him. However, it feels as if you are seeing him for the first time. No…it is the first time seeing him and realizing that he is a man. You wonder maybe a wild rancor has rammed into your stomach because you have to catch your breathe.
The black flight suit completely covers him, doesn’t even allow an complete image of how toned his arms are. It instead extenuates his broad shoulders. You notice his tapered waist and how sturdy his entire chest appears.
Bakugou looks strong, built, maybe even stronger out of armor and it does not make any sense! It makes you want to scream!
You should not be down right staring at this man, this mandalorian, especially not just during a time like this. And ship crash accident or not, the lightsaber quiet on your hip is a silent judgmental weight and reminder why you should not be thinking these thoughts.
With a firm inhale to keep yourself composed you jog over to help Kirishima and a few others.
The rest of the night you avoid even glancing at Bakugou. Even when he yells at you-
“Shitty Jedi, you alright?”
“Yeah I’m good!” Is all you yell back. You don’t even turn towards him because it is taking so much strength to not simply turn around and stare at him.
You even have to force yourself not to just think about Bakugou or image of his shoulders, or the way you want to imagine how sturdy his chest feels-
A horrified panic seeps in from just thinking of that and it closes your throat.
All you can do is exhale loud and shakily.
“Hey, you okay?” Sweet Kirishima asks and now you’re embarrassed even more.
You turn to him with a bright nod. “Yup all good.”
A lie, an awful poisonous one you need to find anti venom for and fast.
This feels like a test from the force and you hate that it’s one you might already be failing…
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Keddie!! I love u and ur big wrinkly brain. 😌🌷✨ also tiktok now keeps showing me Star Wars edits and *i* personally think we, Reader, need to use the force to do something cool and kick ass like pull up a space ship or something. But then it almost wipes us out bc we’re not *that* strong yet. 🥺🥺
Mermie pls I have only a small Garfield sized brain YOU are the one with the biggest wrinkly brain!! (It’s probably the most wrinkly heeheehee)
And YES!! The power of Mando Bkg pulling up those Star Wars tiktoks for you 😏 also omg I feel like I’ve become the Charlie Day conspiracy board meme with how much star wars and mando culture I’ve been bombarding you with I’m SORRY LMAO 😭
But my honey you are so right, it’s about time we showed that grumpy explosive Mandalorian WHY we earned the respected title of Jedi knight isn’t it??? ✨
๋࣭ ⭑ ☾𖤓๋࣭ ⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑ ☾𖤓๋࣭ ⭑
The troopers are getting on his damn nerves. He is able to take them out but stars be damned, this is getting exhausting. He couldn’t even focus on judging you because yeah, he wanted to. He wanted to see what was so impressive about the Jedi. This was the first real moment he could witness you in combat. Mandalorian’s were battle forged. Battle was when you saw the core essence of a person, could learn their entire being from just one move
Bakugo wasn’t a fucking fool. He knew the legends of the Jedi, the ancient enemy, knew about the sorcerers who were considered just as fierce warriors as his kind were.
The first moment your lightsaber flourished to life he almost rolled his damn eyes. What kind of warrior only fights with one dumb little light stick?
Now the blinding flash of it blurred in his peripherals and he even couldn’t process it. He had to focus on his damn battle. He couldn’t baby sit you. You - who seemed to just mediate, be a boring arbitrator, and get on his every living nerve.
Suddenly the troopers start to up and leave fast. And then ground rumbles. It shakes with an awful approach of something dreadful. Both you and him whip your head down the town’s road. There turning the corner, imposing as hell, is a Scorpenek droid.
“Fuck.” Bakugo spits out.
But in its rumbling approach, cries pierce the air even faster. There hiding against the wall in the line of sight of the battle droid are two little girls, sisters clutching each other terrified. The droid auto locks on the two and begins the approach.
Bakugo moves-
But so do you, without hesitation.
That’s when he watches you go before him. Your saber is unreleased. Rapidly and with unrelenting attack you now weave through the remaining troopers with such precision it stills Bakugo momentarily. Your footwork is sloppy and rushed but it’s committed. You leave victorious destruction in your wake and he can barely see your face because you entire focus is getting to the girls.
You get a running start to jump fast and high. You land before the girls immediately shifting in a protective stance with your lightsaber drawn on the defense. The saber’s glow illuminates your face, sweat drenched and contorted in focus. Before him you are a knight, a warrior, unwavering to your opponent. Bakugo soars up high.
The two of you focus all your attention on the droid. Bakugo attacks from all angles and you do not move once from your post protecting the children. When the damn thing's barrier is finally broken, the battle shifts.
“Bakugo!” You suddenly shout at him, his name, in the voice of a commander. “I got a plan! Together! One last time we attack together!”
“Yeah!” He roars back. Then you outstretch your hand. That’s when he see it, those damn magic whatever powers. The sand floats. The droid contorts as if possessed by some unknown spirit but the stress grows stronger and stronger on your face.
You were holding the battle droid still for him to land the final blow.
And he does. Bakugo dives down, explosives ready at the wrist, and fucking blows the thing to pieces.
The battle dissipates fast and he lands back on the ground whipping his helmet to you. But you don’t even see him. You are kneeling and facing the two girls. They cry even louder clutching onto you and you hold them tight, comforting.
The mandalorian warrior stays silent as you carry one of the girls in your arms and the other stays clinging to your robes. Even as composed as you are, he sees it. The discolor in your face and the edge of exhaustion bleeding into your eyes is evident. Your tired smile is so relieved when the girls run sobbing to their father who is thankfully safe. Bakugo however stays vigilant watching you.
“I’m heading back to help search and rescue.” He announces and you nod moving in step beside him, eyes not even looking at him. He wonders if you might be the one possessed now.
“Shouldn’t you sit your ass down, shitty Jedi?” Bakugo asks.
“M’fine.” Your voice is slightly slurred now, battle worn.
You take one more step and that’s when you pitch forward, tripping on your own damn dumb legs that have buckled under exhaustion. It takes him only two steps to move and catch you, steady and sturdy.
“Damn moron.” He knew it. He saw it brewing, the limit a warrior reaches in battle, and knew this was coming.
“Shut up blasty, I’ll be fine.” You sigh breathless.
“Stop moving!” He barks at you because of course your dumbass is trying to fidget out of his arms to keep moving. You’re fierce. He can see it in the annoyance flashing in your eyes but, it’s admirable. He can’t even deny that.
“You need to sit your ass down.” He tells you simple and straightforward like he’d tell his fellow warrior.
“You need to go away.” He rolls his eyes at your childish deadpan but begins leading you back to the medic station. You do not fight him.
Bakugo takes each step slow, eased, not to rush you. Then he feels it. The weight of your body shifts to fully lean against on him. An unspoken solidarity settles between you two, mandalorian and Jedi both a united team victorious. But, the fierce mandalorian war hero now wants to rip apart his chest so badly because he wants, no needs, to get rid of it - this the wave of something proud and fond bubbling disgustingly fast beneath his beskar armor.
“Bet you were a damn headache to train. You’re stubborn as shit.” Bakugo comments.
“Look who’s talking.” You snort and it’s amused, comradely. “And excuse you, but all my mentors at the temple said I was a delight to train and have during lessons.”
Your voice is chirped, brightly proud, gaining a bit of your spirit back. And he can’t help it. He laughs, a bark of a thing but he laughs and he fucking hates it.
“Yeah I fucking bet.” He hates even more that he means those words.
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