#this is the same teacher who was annoyed that we hadn't turned in a prep assignment that WASNT DUE for an essay
frecht · 3 years
hate hate hate my english teacher
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srhlsx · 4 years
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master | ch. 11 | ch. 13
Some light *light* nsfw
Some days during your elective prep course, the teacher allowed you to leave the classroom to study in an environment you found best. Today was one days and you found yourself deep in the stacks of the Aobajohsai library. It was an expansive space with rows upon rows of books, a maze of hallways, and enough private study rooms for half the student population to each have their own at the same time.
That was where you found yourself, alone, with Iwaizumi.
Your books were open on the table, endless pages of notes scattered across the surface as you tried to figure out just when, or even if, you had learned how to solve a particular equation. You huffed, annoyed, as you flipped over another page in your textbook but came up with no answers.
“Haji?” You said, your volume was low but in the small space it seemed to echo. The boy before you looked up from his own work, eyebrows raised. “Have you done number seven?”
He glanced down to his own work and nodded when he found the answer, “Need help?”
“Ugh, yes.” You groaned, slumping forward slightly in your seat. He laughed and got up, walking around the table to look at what you were working on. 
He leaned over you, arms supporting his weight on either side of your body. His chest pressed slightly into your back, and even through your uniform jacket you could feel the heat radiating off him. You were sure his movements were unintentional, but still...
Your mind seemed to short circuit and suddenly math was the furthest concern you had. He reached out for the pencil in your hand, grasping it and erasing some of the work you had done, pointing out and explaining the mistake you had made but your ears were deaf to the words he was speaking. His breath fanned against your skin and you couldn’t control the shiver that racked your spine and made you flex and straighten your back suddenly.
He noticed the movement, pausing what he was saying and allowing a smirk to cross his lips. He felt you stiffen beneath him. It hadn’t been his intention to get you worked up, the two of you hadn't even mentioned or addressed what had happened weeks ago, but he surely wasn’t going to just pass up the opportunity. You were the only thing that seemed to be on his mind anymore.
Taking a risk, he turned his head and gently buried his face into your neck, pressing a wary kiss against the soft skin testing for a reaction. He got exactly what he had hoped for when you left out a breathy sigh, knowing that while there were no windows in the room there were definitely paper-thin walls and everything could be heard.
You closed your eyes and felt yourself start to let out a needy moan as Iwaizumi trailed a second, third, fourth kiss up your neck, reaching one of his hands up to sweep your hair out of the way as he raked his teeth across a spot that seemed to make all switches in your mind flip. You turned your face towards him and surprised him by capturing his lips with yours. The surprise made him let out the softest yet most sensual sound you’d ever heard from deep in his throat and he reached around to turn your chair so you faced him.
You reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt, tugged him closer to you, and opened your mouth to kiss him. He easily overpowered you, resting his weight back on his hands on either side of you again, and explored how you tasted at his own free will.
Leaning forward, he shifted a leg to spread yours apart and then lifted it so his knee was pressed under your skirt and right against your underwear. He pressed forward as you moaned, feeling your hips roll slightly to get a little more friction against the pressure you could feel building in your lower stomach. You let out the slightest of whimpers and it spurred something within Iwaizumi, something he’d only ever felt that last time the two of you were in this position but with less clothing between you. He surged forward, sucking at your tongue, ravaging your mouth to savor the taste of you that he craved so badly.
You had begun to lose your breath, gasping heavily when he cradled your face and moved to assault your neck once again, hand tangling and pulling at your hair to open up your neck. At that moment you forgot about everything except the feeling of Iwaizumi Hajime-
Bzz! Bzz!
You gasped and pressed your hands to his chest to push him away. You’d been surprised by the notification on your phone and the pounding of your heart seemed to signal something else within you. Were you scared that someone had caught you? Would that have really been so terrible?
Yes, you thought, it would’ve been awful.
Iwaizumi ran a hand through his already messy hair, fixing his tie as you reached out for your phone and checked the screen. Of all things, it was a message from Oikawa. He was asking if you wanted to get some food before you went to his cousin’s volleyball camp. He had invited you along, stating his little cousin did not believe he had a girlfriend and wanted - no, needed - to prove him wrong even if it was entirely fake.
You responded with a confirmation as you still tried to catch your breath. When you’d locked your phone again, tossing it onto the table with a loud clang, you looked up at Iwaizumi who was staring at you with such intensity you swore you almost wanted to ask him to take you right then and there. If that wasn’t the most whorish thought you’d ever had, you didn’t know what was.
“Um,” You started, unfamiliar with the feeling of embarrassment you had.
“(y/n),” He said, taking in a deep breath as he looked back up at you. His voice didn’t waver and his expression was stern. “I’m not going to be able to stop next time that happens.”
You stayed silent as a thought crossed your mind - next time.
- - - - -
“I’m serious, Tooru.” You turned your phone so the screen was shown to Oikawa. “I’ve never met this girl or even seen her in my life.”
He chuckled after taking a look at the username and avatar picture of the girl who had messaged you over social media. You had posted the picture from when Oikawa and Iwaizumi came to your dance competition, the caption - thankful for my cheering section! - with a few fun emojis for added effect. The amount of likes you got in such a short period of time was alarming, but not as alarming as the messages from one girl in particular you had gotten. They weren’t threatening, per se, but they were obsessive in nature and you had to wonder if the girl needed help.
“That’s why I don’t allow anyone to message me, no matter what.” Oikawa responded, shaking his head.
“Like at all?” You asked, glancing back at the messages before looking up at him nodding his head. “That’s probably a good idea.”
“I’m sorry, (y/n).” He said, the look in his eyes and his tone of voice genuine. “I know this hasn’t exactly been easy on you. Iwa told me about the note a few weeks ago.”
You rolled your eyes and waved him off, tucking your phone away and looping an arm through his. “Like I told Haji,” You said, grinning up at the tall boy next to you. “If I couldn’t handle it, I wouldn’t have said yes.”
Little did he or Iwaizumi know, there hadn’t been just one note. It had grown over the course of the weeks you’d been in school to almost being a regular occurance. Some of them were from girls who were begging you to break up with Oikawa, some were from boys asking you for the same thing. You read a few of them, finding some humor in the whole situation, others you just threw away without a second glance. The few you took a glance at were sometimes alarming, sometimes malicious in intent, but one thing you could guarantee was that none of them were ever positive. 
You had thought about going to administration and putting in a formal complaint, but you came to believe that would mean they’d upset you - and you weren’t going to let anyone think they’d done that to you. You weren’t going to let the words get to you, but you were starting to understand Oikawa’s views on how utterly bothersome it was.
Oikawa grinned down at you, pulling his arm free and wrapping it around your shoulders instead to pull you in for a sideways hug. “I don’t think I deserve a friend like you,” He mumbled.
“You mean girlfriend, Tooru!” The teasing voice of a young boy came from in front of you. You both looked ahead at the young boy, no older than ten, who was watching the two of you with a snarky grin and a volleyball in his hands. You were walking out of the gym where he had just been practicing at a camp, so the little boy’s face was still flush from laughter and running around.
“Yes, Takeru!” Oikawa said, “I definitely meant girlfriend.”
You rolled your eyes as Oikawa winked at you, laughing until you were cut short by him reaching out a hand to halt your forward movement. You were about to ask him what the fuck he was doing, but stopped yourself when you looked at him. He was gazing forward intensely at a boy who couldn't have been much younger than you, the two were locked in a heated gaze.
You recognized him as the prodigal setter form Karasuno. He was looking at Oikawa, but upon seeing you he started to flush a little bit and his shoulders tensed. You almost wanted to coo at him like a baby, knowing that you made him nervous by just looking at him.
“Tobio!” Oikawa exclaimed, seeming a little alarmed at who he was looking at.
“What are you doing here, Oikawa?” The boy, Tobio, asked. “What about practice?”
“I’m with my nephew and girlfriend,” Oikawa responded smugly. “And we take Mondays off.”
“You take a whole day off?” The boy seemed utterly shocked at the notion, his jaw dropping in surprise. “What a waste!”
“There is a difference, Tobio, between resting and slacking off.” Oikawa spoke sharply. You saw how serious he was not only by his tone, but the glint in his eyes. You reached out and nudged Takeru forward, wanting to avoid this mess altogether. 
You saw that Tobio was wanting to ask a question, but Oikawa childishly turned to follow you. He made a face at Tobio over his shoulder, sticking out his tongue which earned a slap across the head from you. You might not have really been dating him, but you were not going to put up with childish behavior. When Oikawa looked up at you pouting, you motioned for him to give a little attention to the boy bowing before him - literally.
He grumbled under his breath, reaching into his pocket and handing over his phone to you. “What?” You asked bluntly.
“Photographic proof that Tobio bowed before my greatness,” He responded, throwing a peace sign and looking smug as ever.
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” You shook your head and held his phone out back to him. 
“Fine!” He pouted. “Meanie. Takeru, you take it!”
You ushered Takeru away from the conversation as it had suddenly turned very serious, very quickly. You tossed around the volleyball he had with him, not very skillfully but doing your best as you both waited. After a few minutes, Oikawa joined you, leaving the other boy to stand in an almost trance. You could see the gears turning in his head and you wondered what all was spoken about.
“Augh!” Oikawa cried out as you all walked along. “Why am I the blurry one in all the pictures?”
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