#this is the professor doing our exam tomorrow
misskamelie · 1 year
Why do I always forget I do stuff better when I go slowly and calmly!!!
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wolfofwhat · 1 year
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butchtoads · 2 years
Taking a lying down break from my assignments bc my back hurts like an mf
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suashii · 2 months
— 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝓌𝑜 𝑜𝒻 𝓊𝓈 ౨ৎ
suna rintaro x reader. 0.6k wc. ノ sfw ノ fluff ノ college au ノ miya twins appearance :3 ノ repost!
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“i totally flunked that exam.” atsumu groans as the four of you—the twins, suna, and yourself—exit the literature building. his theatrics draw the unwanted attention of several other students who are on their way in or lounging on nearby benches. you shake your head in embarrassment and can practically feel suna cringing from beside you.
“i’m sure the professor will be happy to see you again next semester. you’re just a wonder to have in class,” osamu quips. he doesn’t even try to hide his growing smile at the thought of his brother having to retake the course.
“don’t act like you didn’t fail, too.” atsumu shoots back.
“oh, i did terrible,” osamu easily admits, “but i didn’t skip half the assignments needed to boost my final grade.”
atsumu scoffs at the call out. sensing that the boy’s comment would snowball into a full-blown argument, you finally speak up.
“what are you guys going to do to take your minds off our impending doom?”
“this new frozen yogurt shop just opened so i was gonna go check it out,” suna announces. he turns to face you. “you should come along.”
“can’t, i’ve got practice.”
confused, suna blinks.
“yeah, my next class starts soon.”
then frowns.
failing to take notice of suna’s boring gaze, you pout at the twins’ answers. despite their constant bickering, having them around is always a fun time. knowing that they aren’t able to make it to the outing has you racking your brain for solutions.
“why don’t we wait until we can all go, then?” you propose. “is everyone free tomorrow?”
“i work out in the morning, but other than that i’m free.”
annoyed, suna rolls his eyes.
“i’m not doing anything.”
then sighs.
“great!” you clap your hands together with a smile. “tomorrow it is.”
you settle on an exact time with the twins before they part their separate ways, leaving you with only suna’s company. you turn to him, but his default look of indifference is traded in for one of despondency.
“seriously?” he stares down at you.
“‘why don’t we wait until we can all go?’” he repeats your words from earlier. he doesn’t mean to sound bitter, but it’s frustrating that you hadn’t caught on to his intentions. “i wanted to go with you.”
“you are, i’ll be there.”
“alone. just the two of us,” he emphasizes. “like a date.”
your mouth forms an “o” at his confession. the twins were so quick to answer that you had no idea his invitation was meant for you exclusively—and in a romantic way, no less.
“ah, i’m sorry!” you press your hands to your warming cheeks. it’s embarrassing that he had to spell it out for you—certainly not one of your finest moments.
“it’s fine. see you tomorrow, i guess.” his voice is laced with defeat as he raises his hand in a weak wave. you bite your lip, watching him turn on his heel to take his leave.
“no, wait.” you spring forward, clutching onto his arm. he stops, looking at you with wide eyes full of surprise. “let’s go!”
“now?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.
“yeah.” you excitedly nod. “i feel bad for accidentally sabotaging your date idea.”
“what about the twins?” suna really didn’t want to ask, but it was obvious you wanted to include them.
“they don’t have to know—we’ll just go again tomorrow.” you wave him off. there’s a sparkle of mischief in your eyes as you smile at him. “it can be our little secret.”
suna huffs out a laugh. “sounds good to me.”
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thanks for reading! if u enjoyed, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :3
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jenosbliss · 4 months
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pairing. gn!reader x jeno | genre. fluff | wc. 0.4k | warnings. reader goes through a breakdown, academic stress
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The hallway window leading to your bedroom reflected a blurred image of yours. Even though the image appeared bleary, the slump of your shoulders, the dark circles under your eyes, and the wild mess of hair escaping your usual bun spoke volumes of your exhaustion.
With a heavy sigh, you shuffled towards your room, this wasn’t new. Semester end had always been exhausting, the relentless cycle of assignments, deadlines, and exams was draining. You just probably needed a good cry and sleep to prepare yourself for tomorrow’s struggles and stress.
Entering the room, you were greeted with a “Hii baby” from your boyfriend sitting on the shared bed. Jeno’s eyes formed small moons as a sweet smile played on his lips which faded the moment he saw your weary state.
“What’s wrong, Y/n?” His smile gave way to concern. “So much… I’m tired,” you said, dropping your bag near the desk. “Come here, love". You turned around to see his arms wide open.
Tiredly you walked toward him, sitting next to him as he wrapped his arms around you, soothingly patting your back. "What's troubling you?" he asked, as you shifted closer to him, hugging him back.
Jeno could probably never understand how much you needed this hug right now, he felt like home, and the warmth from this hug made all your worries disappear for the time being. You didn't want to come out of his embrace wishing to stay here forever as if he'd protect you from everything and everyone.
Tears filled your eyes; the day was exhausting enough and now this closeness overwhelmed you. Noticing your distress, Jeno tenderly held your face, his gaze filled with concern.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you admitted, leaning into his touch. “Each day feels harder…” Your voice faltered, tears streaming down. Jeno knowing not to interrupt just leaned in and kissed away your tears, a hand rubbing the back of your head slowly.
“As if all this end sem and exam stress wasn’t enough, my English professor misplaced my portfolio and is asking me to submit it again.”  you sobbed, gripping his sweatshirt. “It’s not even my fault! She knows I submitted it, but somehow it vanished… I spend hours searching it everywhere but…”
Jeno gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb wiping the tears off your cheeks. It hurt him to see you so broken, he knew it was temporary academic stress and everything would be fine after a week but right now he couldn’t do anything except watch you cry while sitting there helpless wiping your tears.
“I’m not even getting proper sleep, my head hurts all the time, I feel dizzy, and it feels like no one gets it., I hate it… I just want to give up.” Your shoulders slumped as your head fell on his shoulders. Your cries turn into muffles. Both of you stayed like for a few minutes, while you cried on his shoulder, he just rubbed your back calmly.
“Y/n, baby hear me out.” Reluctantly you moved your head and looked up at his direction. “How about we look for your portfolio together on Monday? I’m sure it must be somewhere in her cabin and if not, I’ll help you write it.” He smiled raising his eyebrows. “But our handw-” placing a finger on your lips he continued “Don’t worry I’ve got that covered.” he teased, bringing a smile to your face.
He felt a little peace seeing your smile “And I’m turning off all the alarms for tomorrow. No getting up at 4 and studying, okay?” You were about to protest but he just continued “Nope, no excuses. Sleep in till you wake up fully fresh. You need rest baby also I’ll make you breakfast tomorrow so no getting up early.”
“Fine… but I want waffles.” Knowing that you couldn’t win against him and that what he said was correct you gave in. Smiling he pressed a lasting kiss on your forehead mumbling “I love you” before kissing you on the lips. “Love you too.”
The stress of academia was nothing new, breakdowns like these were frequent for you, crying yourself to sleep and preparing yourself to survive another day was like an everyday story until now.
What changed now was that you can lean on someone while you cried, someone to rub your back, someone to hold, someone to share your problems, someone who maybe doesn’t relate but understands you, someone to make sure that you sleep peacefully before going to bed himself, someone who’s just not someone, but Jeno.
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a/n. had this idea two weeks ago when i went through a similar situation but didn’t have someone like jeno :’)
masterlist. dream | 127 | wayv
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heavenlycloud · 9 months
arachnophobia~ spiderman au  kim minji x fem! reader
authors note: i wrote this for @tzuyuscloud months ago for their birthday and never got around to posting it. i don't plan on writing for nwjns in the future tho, this was just a special request for a friend!
p.s. im sick rn and running on soda, pancakes, and cough syrup so i hope this makes sense cuz im a lil hopped up on stuff rn
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tw// swearing, blood, violence
the clock tower across campus struck loudly across campus, indicating the top of the hour. you rolled your eyes at the sound and wished they’d only use it during daylight hours instead of when everyone was trying to sleep. diverting your attention back to your laptop, you added a few more sentences to the Literature paper you were writing before closing the top. it was deep into the night so you quickly washed up and changed into pajamas before heading off to bed since you had a morning class. an hour must have passed when you jumped upon hearing a loud thud followed by a crash of items clattering to the floor in the room nearest yours. quickly, you sprang up and tried to open your roommate’s door which was locked from the other side. for a moment it was silent which only made you frantically jiggle the doorknob harder in an attempt to help the girl on the other side. loudly, you called out, “minji?! are you good bro?” from the other side of the door you could hear her cussing rapidly in english and korean in a hushed whisper. after a moment she called out, voice slightly strained, “yeah uh i’m fine. i just knocked over some stuff on my nightstand. i’m fine though you can leave.” you furrowed your brows in confusion before awkwardly answering, “uh.. um okay yeah. goodnight, i’ll see you in class tomorrow morning.”  right when you settled into bed you thought aloud to yourself, “what nightstand? we don’t even have those in our rooms?” however, you didn’t let yourself think too much of it and shrugged off the thought so you could go back to sleep. 
the next morning you woke up and got dressed for class as you normally did but this morning minji wasn’t getting ready with you. instead of thinking too much of it, you told yourself she was probably sleeping in a few minutes longer. nine o’ clock rolled around and minji was still nowhere to be found so you went to her door and banged on it, LOUDLY. when there was still no answer you called out, “minji- bro come on we have our literature exam today! lets go!” for nearly two minutes you were calling out to her before you had to leave. minji wasn’t one to skip class so you just stuck with thinking maybe she got an earlier start and was already in class. the walk to the lecture hall was quieter than normal without minji by your side. your roommate’s daily spiel of gossip that she’d overheard from classmates was dearly missed at this early hour. the second you walked into your lecture hall, one of your other classmates, haewon, waved you over. she groaned and put down the book she was skimming in her hand, “god i can’t wait for this lesson to be over.” she pushed the text away from her in disgust, and you laughed, “well we have the exam today, and the paper due next class so it’ll be over soon!” she looked past you a bit then asked, “wait where’s minji?” you craned your neck and squinted to try and see if she was in the large lecture hall but she still hadn’t shown. with a shrug you responded, “i don’t know. i thought she was already here but i guess not.” haewon pulled out her phone and frowned, “she hasn’t texted me either…” before the two of you could do anything else, your professor entered the classroom with a thick packet of exams. your stomach wound itself into knots at the realization that minji would be missing this exam. she had already missed class six times this semester, so this absence would be the one to make a failing grade for the semester. when your professor got to your row with the exams in hand, she looked at the empty seat next to you with a face of disapproval. you awkwardly gave a weak smile and passed the packets down your row before starting on your own test. 
half an hour passed leaving 45 minutes left in the class before you all had to leave. from the looks of your other classmates, this exam was a tough one. beside you, haewon was sound asleep with her exam under her arms. you looked up at the door when you heard rushed footsteps and labored breathing, followed by the door closing. minji rushed up to her seat and sat down, not sparing a second to catch her breath before starting her exam. her appearance was slightly more dishevled than she’d normally deem acceptable but you remained silent. for the rest of the exam period you worked on the test trying to match paces with haewon and minji so that the two of you could leave together at the end. despite arriving thirty minutes late for class, minji managed to complete her exam in fifteen minutes, before you and haewon. not even a minute after the three of you exited the classroom you demanded, “bro, where the hell were you this morning?” haewon agreed and added on, “yeah and why are you dressed like adam sandler?” the two of you onced over the oversized t shirt and baggy basketball shorts that she sported with a pair of sneakers you’d never seen before. you wrinkled your nose and added, “and why do you smell like a burnt gas station?” 
minji shrugged off your questions as nonchalantly as she could, “there was an emergency at HQ and they called me in to help-” you cut her off, “wouldn’t they just call someone else? you don’t even work there?” minji’s cheeks flushed at the realization that you had a point and she quickly explained, “it was one of those ‘all hands on deck’ things. i was available to help so i did. anyways, i was tired so i stayed with a friend who lived nearby, and i had to borrow some clothes. and i was fixing hanni’s car again, it stopped on the side of the road because she forgot to fill it with gas, it’s not a big deal.” you pretended to be unbothered by the remark but something about the slight limp she had and bruises on her legs made your stomach wind into knots. when you looked back up at her face she caught your eyes lingering on her shins with a slightly uneasy stare. nervously she laughed, “lets go to JavaBean before our next class, my treat.” haewon was already linking arms with you and tugging you along, happily murmuring, “i love that she has that new internship with Samsung. i don’t have to pay for stuff anymore because she keeps treating us.” 
haewon turned her phone around and showed you and minji the screen, “did you all see this? that spiderperson stopped a bunch of people from robbing a bank downtown last night! they released the footage this morning.” you watched as the masked assailents attempted to take on the local hero all at once. from the corner of your eye you could see minji shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she watched the video. you looked at her and asked, “isn’t this place right by the samsung building you were at last night? and the footage says it happened around the time you were out. did you see anything?” minji’s eyes widened and she looked down at her iced latte, “no i was inside the building working. we heard the sirens but i didn’t see anything besides police cars up from the windows on my floor.” haewon pouted and said, “damn i wish you’d seen something. i wanna know who this hero is- they’re kinda hot.” you and minji choked on your iced coffees and you laughed, “they wear a mask, you don’t even know if they’re actually hot.” haewon explained, “i mean the act of kicking ass in a spandex suit is hot. but i wouldn’t be surprised if they were good looking too. i’ve seen movies.” minji laughed and shook her head before you turned your attention back to the video. you noticed the way the hero crumpled to the ground when one of the robbers kicked their left knee, coincidentally the same one minji had been babying all day. 
at the end of the school day you found minji in the main room of your shared apartment with her laptop over her lap, and chemistry papers scattered around the coffee table. the second she noticed your presence she slammed her laptop closed and scrambled to gather her papers and tuck them away. you furrowed your brows and awkwardly laughed, “why are you acting like a 12 year old getting caught on a 18+ website?” minji’s face was flushed red with panic and she tried to play it off, “just some uh…classified work stuff that’s all?” you pointed to her laptop, “and you’re doing highly classified work on a school laptop connected to public wifi?” minji rolled her eyes and shoved her computer into her backpack without a response, clearly having gotten caught in her lie. your gaze shifted to her legs where she now wore a pair of sweatpants, your sweatpants to be specific. her long sleeved t shirt rode up on one of her arms and your stomach formed a pit when you noticed small scratches and bruises along her skin. 
“what happened?” you asked, motioning to her arms with a curious but stern glance. minji quickly tugged her sleeve down and murmured, “nothing, don’t worry about it.” for a moment you almost let it go but decided otherwise knowing whatever was happening would continue if you didn’t try to help. you insisted, “no. you need to tell me what the hell is going on.” minji gave you a confused look and you persisted, “this whole thing where you’re disappearing late at night and not coming home? you keep blowing me and haewon off, not to mention that girl hanni came here the other night in tears thinking something happened to you because you hadn’t answered her calls in a week. why the hell do you keep coming back beat up and bruised?!” minji felt her face heat up and she immediately responded much more defensively than before, “i said don’t worry about it.” she got up and pushed past you before slamming her door, shaking the entire apartment with the force. 
for hours you tried to rationalize why minji was suddenly keeping so many secrets from you. what the hell was so secretive about a technology company internship, and why was it that she was only working on projects at night? the more you thought about the whole thing the more stuff started to make less sense. two weeks passed and you noticed minji coming in and out of your dorm at late hours, or just not coming home at all even more. although it wasn’t unusual for her to disappear during the night but you brushed it off knowing that she had that high demand, super prestigious Samsung internship. your suspicions only started to rise further when her bruises and bumps were too noticeable to hide. minji was more closed off towards you and all of your friends and you just missed your roommate, the dork with a 9:30 bedtime, a hermit crab collection, and a love for harry potter. so naturally you decided that you were going to figure out where she was constantly disappearing to since she wouldn’t ever give you a direct answer. 
minji left your apartment around 9:00 pm with the excuse of going out to meet a friend for the night, and potentially spending the night. you opened the find my iphone app on your home screen and opened it to see where minji really was. sure enough she was not at a friends house and actually in some old warehouse downtown. you followed the gps to the location and mumbled quietly to haewon who was on facetime, “what would she even be doing over there?” haewon shrugged and answered, “maybe she knows someone in there, you know that place is full of squatters.” you rolled your eyes and said, “she only talks to four people including us and her uncle. i’m not close with that hanni girl she’s friends with but i don’t think she squats in an old metal factory. but i’m here so i’m gonna hang up.” haewon told you firmly, “okay but if anything happens you need to leave okay?” you nodded and hung up before tucking your phone into your pocket. 
there was nearly no light inside of the old factory, just a few yellowed bulbs illuminating a few feet ahead of you. broken windows offered rays of moonlight to pool where the bulbs couldn’t, making it only a bit brighter. you pulled your black hood over your head and tucked yourself into a dark corner of the factory just to see if minji was actually there. a group of burly men were huddled together around the center of the floor, taunting a smaller figure between all of them. when one of them moved you saw the familiar carnelian red and navy blue spider suit peeked from the middle. you gasped and felt your heart sink as the men tormented the hero who was already in bad shape. instead of staying you looked at your phone to see that minji’s location was now somewhere else in the city. despite wanting to stay and possibly help the young hero, you knew that it was safer for you to sneak out the way you came in. quickly, you hustled down a flight of stairs and slipped out one of the broken walls into a dark alleyway that would lead to a main street after a few blocks. as you walked down the street you turned back when you heard a blood curdling scream, it sounded all too familiar but you turned back and listened to haewon’s advice, hoping to the heavens above the person screaming wasn’t your best friend. 
walking alone at night in this sketchy part of town wasn’t ideal but public transit wasn’t running at this hour and you weren’t paying for an uber because it wasn’t cheap. you could feel a pair of eyes on you despite nobody being around so you quickend your steps. just as you were about to break into a run a man jumped out from the darkness and blocked your path. there was a sinister smile on his face as he asked, “what’s a pretty thing like you doing out alone at this hour?” you swallowed your fear and stood your ground best you could, “going home. now, excuse me.” you tried to slip by him and the wall just for him to pin your body against it, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. 
the man’s face was inches from yours, his breath smelled of cigarettes and alcohol as it ghosted your lips when he smiled, “what’re you doin sweetpea?” you looked him dead in the eye and kept a stoic face before jamming your knee upwards, hitting him straight in the groin. he stumbled back and staggered onto the ground and you looked over him before kicking him in the same spot, adding one hard stomp after just for good measure. you then took off running, hearing him suddenly yelp you turned around to see the local hero in the spider suit shooting webs at him, sticking him to the alley wall. your eyes met the hero and you heard them yell, “run Y/N!” you didn’t even waste another second before you ran all the way back to your apartment, locking the doors behind you and barracading the door. it was after you took a shower and changed into your pajamas that you realized the masked hero said your name, and suddenly it all clicked. to test your theory, you needed solid, undeniable proof that your roommate was not who she said she was. 
you peeked into minji’s room through the cracked open door she had and you smiled seeing her window was in fact open. that’s definitely how she was getting in and out of your apartment every night without opening the front door. without wasting a second you pulled the window closed and locked it as tight as you could with a satisfied grin on your face. all you had to do now was wait for minji to get back home. 
hours passed and after one long and surprisingly painful mission, minji was finally rushing back to your shared apartment. she sprinted across the grassy quad as quickly as she could, praying that nobody was going to be outside at this time of night. she frantically attempted to use her web shooters to swing up into the trees, her usual and most secretive way of getting around. however, after the fights she had last night and tonight, she knew it was a long shot. the teenage superhero smiled when she heard a familiar click, but it fell when her web shooters released a thin, miniscule amount of webs that wasn’t even the size of her arm. she cursed under her breath knowing she’d had to fix that before going to sleep, but all she wanted now was to get back into her room. finally she got to her dorm and looked up at her window which sat on the fourth floor of the dorm building you both were assigned to. she began climbing up, wincing as pain seared through her entire body but specifically on her abdomen where a nasty gash was still leaking blood. 
a feeling of dread washed over her when she realized her window was both closed and locked which she never did. she will admit she’d been out of it recently, forgetting to do some school assignments, showing up to club meetings, and she’d even screwed up on tonight’s mission resulting in the bloody wound on her side. the feeling of dread was replaced with panic when she heard a couple of students walking a short distance away. there were only a few seconds to spare before she was spotted so she scanned the floor to see if any windows were open. she saw yours, wide open just asking for her to enter. minji held her breath, hoping and praying that you would be asleep tonight. she quickly crawled through your window and up your walls onto the ceiling in an attempt to exit through your door to her room. the superhero made it to the middle of your ceiling when your light flicked on and you gasped, “ahh! what the fuck?! what the fuck? what the FUCK?!” you yanked the broom from your closet and started smacking the masked individual on your ceiling with it. just like a real spider, minji quickly dashed from one side of your ceiling to another, almost making it out of your room. that was until the broom jammed right into her abdomen, making her scream in pain and fall onto your floor with a loud thud. 
you immediately reached forward and snatched the mask off her head, ready to swing the broom on the stranger again and call the police. a small gasp left your lips when you realized it wasn’t a stranger but rather your own roommate of a year. she had her eyes closed in pain while tears pricked the side of her eyes, getting ready to roll down her cheeks. blood ran from her nose, purple and blue splotches peppered her brow bone, jaw, and cheek, while a cut over her lip had a thick patch of partially dried blood. you looked at her carnelian red suit that was darkening over her stomach area. her hand pressed over it and you urgently moved, “oh my god- minji!” she weakly smiled through a wince of pain, “hey, y/n.” you looked down at her and brought your hands to your head, “holy shit i was right- oh god- ok um…shit you’re bleeding on my rug.” you bent down to help her up, taking most of her body weight onto yourself while she hobbled with you to the bathroom. minji winced once more and you onced her over, “you need to take that off so i can clean your stomach.�� immediately minji refused, “no i’m fine it’s just a little cut. you can go to sleep y/n, it’s fine. this is nothing new.” your heart clenched at hearing her last words but you were adamant, “no i’m helping you. minji, you can’t even stand up straight. so take it off so i can help you.” she sighed in defeat knowing that there was no point in trying to refuse because you wouldn’t let up, and honestly she did need help this time. minji pressed a button on her suit causing it to quickly retract up her arms and legs, leaving her in what was now a form fitting tank top and biker shorts version of her suit. 
minji placed her hand on her side, applying pressure to the cut before you gently lifted her onto the countertop of the bathroom. she shifted uncomfortably for a minute while you grabbed a handful of bandaging pads, gauze, and medical bandage tape. when you came back you carefully lifted her top to expose the wound. a small whine of pain left minji’s lips as you peeled the material from her bloodied skin. once that part was done you rinsed it with water, minji gripping onto your shoulder so she didn’t interfere with your help. while you cleaned it, you stated, “if it was any deeper i would’ve had to take you to the ER.” she remained silent at the remark, instead focusing on the way your hands tenderly took care of her wounded body. the teenager hissed as you began to dress the wound with layers of gauze and bandaging tape, throwing her head back to prevent tears from falling. afterwards, you placed small bandaids over the small cuts on her brow bone, temple, and jaw. minji could feel your eyes skimming her arms and legs, looking at the varying scars decorated with new bruises that she’d gotten in the past year. however, she was surprised when you didn’t mention a single word about any of it. instead, you finished up and said, “just avoid getting those wet when you shower, drink water and eat, and let your body rest. alright?” the superhero nodded and you said, “okay, i’m done. good night, i’ll see you in the morning.” minji mumbled a shy, “thank you” under her breath to which you smiled and assured her, “it’s no big deal.” 
you turned around to leave and minji grabbed your hand, “i’m spiderman or girl or woman or whatever. but it’s me.” slowly you turned to face and looked into her eyes, “minji, i know.” she sighed and pulled you closer to her as she still sat on the bathroom counter, her legs wrapped around your torso to keep you close, “no- i know that i just don’t want there to be any more secrets. i can’t keep lying to you.” she pulled your arms to rest on her shoulders as she held your waist and you prompted, “so what else should i know about my spiderwoman?” butterflies erupted in minji’s stomach and she cracked a smile through her split lip, wincing when it hurt slightly. she ran her knuckles along your side and she started, “i can shoot webs from my suit, i can crawl on walls, i’m pretty fast and i’m stronger than regular people, i heal faster so all of this will be fine tomorrow mostly, i have enhanced balance and reflexes, and i get this tingly feeling when i feel like there’s impending danger.” you looked at her asking for more and she continued, “i do really work for samsung though just not in the engineering program like you and haewon think. it’s this classified project so as much as i want to tell you more, i can’t because i don’t know much either right now."
you asked, "what about the day you came in late for the exam? why'd you smell like gas and ash, hanni has a tesla and that doesn't take gas. and what happened to you that day you were there in the alley? i saw you in the factory too." minji sighed and admitted, "i saved a man from a burning car on the side of the highway. they stabbed me in the factory which is why i screamed, and i had a feeling something was going wrong in the alley after i escaped the factory. but that’s all of my secrets i promise. no more secrets, okay?” 
brushed a stuck hair from minji’s forehead and nodded, “no more secrets, huh?” she hummed in agreement and you told her quietly, “i have one.” minji’s eyes found yours and you cupped her face with your hand, “i really like you, more than a friend.” minji broke out into a smile and responded, “i really like you too.” you asked almost as if you didn’t believe her, “yeah?” she nodded eagerly, “yeah.” minji leaned foreward and pressed her head against yours, you placed a gentle kiss on her forehead then you pulled away and looked at her, both of you sharing a similar glance, “don’t tell haewon.” the two of you bursted into laughter and minji leaned forward pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. 
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lovelycassy · 2 years
Ok hear me out, a Lorenzo Berkshire imagine where him and the reader are dating and she gets hurt during a girl day with pansy 😌
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Summary: Ever since you and Lorenzo started dating a week ago, you noticed a certain slytherin who always seems to be glaring at you. It only took some time before they take action against you.
Pairing: Lorenzo/Enzo x fem!reader
House: any
Blood status: pureblood
Word count: 1,588
Warning(s) : some violence, a lil cursing, a kissing scene that’s barely there, pet names (love & darling), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: I am so sorry anon I didn't check my ask box for a rlly long time so I didn't notice that I already had requests 😭 I hope you didn’t wait that long but here it is though. btw this is my first fic so pls bear with me if its cringy I'm trying
Also forgive me if pansy, lorenzo and Daphne are not so in character these are just how I imagine their personalities are
It was a sunny friday afternoon and you were going to your last class of the day. You were thinking of what you were going to do the next day when you heard someone call your name from behind.
"Y/n!" they called. You turned around and saw your best friend Pansy running down the hallway.
"Yes?" You answered
Pansy caught her breath before she asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"
"not much, just going to stay in my dorm all day I guess, why?"
"I was thinking that we should have a girl's day, you know just the two of us, shopping at hogsmeade. Since our NEWTS are coming up and I know its gonna take a lot of our time, tomorrow is the perfect time for us to hang out before we have to stress about our exams. So, what do you say?" She said, with her eyes almost looking like she’s pleading for you to say yes.
You thought for a while. You didn't have anything else to do aside from sleeping and staying in your bed all day anyway. You also finished all your homework yesterday, you just need to hope that your last professor gives mercy on all of you students and lets you go without any homework.
"Okay sure, I need a break from school anyway." You finally answered.
"Great! Let's meet at the great hall at 9am, sound good?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow Pans!"
"Thank god we don't have any homework assigned today" you muttered as you entered the slytherin common room, heading to your boyfriend's dorm.
You knocked 3 times before you heard someone answer from inside;
"Who is it?“ Lorenzo shouted
"It's just me" you answered
"Oh alright, the door's open"
You entered and saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. He already changed out of his robes and wore some comfy clothes.
He looked up from his book the second you entered the room.
"Hey darling, how's your day?" He asked
"Tiring, how's yours?" You said while taking off your robe and putting it on the coat rack
"It's alright, if you exclude the fact that seamus almost set the classroom and everyone in it on fire in potions."
"Wow, that bad?"
"Yeah, luckily snape was there. But of course he had to take points off Gryffindor because of the chaos Seamus created."
By now you had already changed into some comfortable clothes and was climbing in bed "But everyone was okay, right?"
"Of course, but enough about my day. Tell me what happened to yours?" He said, while cuddling you putting you on top of him
"Well pansy came to me a few hours ago, asking me to go on a girl's day with her tomorrow at hogsmeade. Since our exams are coming up she wants to hangout before we all get busy studying."
"And what did you answer her?"
"I said yes of course she's my best friend"
"I thought you said we're going to spend the whole day together tomorrow?" He looked down at you with a pouty face
"I said on sunday, love"
"No you definitely said Saturday"
"I'm pretty sure I said sunday"
"Fine you did"
"I promise you on sunday I'm all yours, okay? No one is going to disturb us."
"Alright fine"
Before you could say anything else he suddenly flipped both of you and he was on top of you
“Love what are you trying to do right now?”
“What I’ve wanted to do since classes ended”
Then you felt his lips on yours
You were roughly making out for about 5 minutes now when you both heard a knock on the door.
"You lovebirds done? Its nearly dinner already so stop making out and let's go to the great hall." Theo groaned from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay we're coming" you said fixing yourself up
"Cmon lets just stay behind they won't even mind" Enzo complained
"Sorry love but as a human being I also need food plus I'm starving" you were walking to the door when you turned around and saw him on the bed with a pouting like face
"We could continue after dinner." You said with a smirk
That made him run to the great hall.
*timeskip to the next day*
You and Pansy have been shopping for almost 2 hours now. You suggested you guys eat lunch first before continuing your shopping spree
Once you guys were finished, you were both deciding the next store you were going to when you saw a certain slytherin walking towards you with her gang. The one who has been rude to you since you and Lorenzo started dating, Daphne Greengrass. Let’s pretend she didn’t like theodore and liked lor
It was no secret to the whole school that she liked him. She practically did everything to make him notice her. Yet Lorenzo still chose you, and that made her blood boil.
"What's she doing here?" You whispered to Pansy
Pansy just shrugged
"Well well well, look who we have here, its lorenzo’s little girlfriend, L/n " Daphne said with a smirk (IM INTERNALLY CRINGING RN)
“Hello Greengrass, what brings you to hogsmeade on this lovely day?”
“Oh nothing, I just heard you and parkinson over there talking about how you’re going to spend your boyfriend’s money on a shopping spree. Does enzo even know you’re spending his money?” She said as she strode a little more closer to you
You can’t start a fight, or else some professor might pass by and punish you both by taking away house points that won’t be enough to win the house cup
You took a deep breath before answering her, “actually Greengrass, the money I’m spending right now is my monthly allowance from my parents. Now if you would excuse us, we would like to get back to our shopping.”
You tried to get past her before she blocked you and pansy’s way
“Not so fast l/n, that’s not what I came here for.”
“What is it then Greengrass?” You were starting to get annoyed
By now you were standing at arm’s length from her
“I came here because I wanted to remind you something.”
Suddenly she pushed you to the ground
“What the hell are you doing!” Pansy shouted, while trying to break free from Tracey Davis, one of Daphne’s closest friends
“Telling L/n here to stay away from what’s mine” daphne said, pointing her wand at you
Right now you were terrified of what might happen
“What the hell do you mean by staying away from what’s yours-“
“I meant staying away from Lorenzo you bitch!”
“We were friends since we were babies! We were meant for each other until you came and took him away from me!” She shouted
“So right now I’m going to take revenge on what you’ve done, stupefy!”
With that you flew and landed your back on a wall, you felt yourself getting dizzy with dark spots covering your vision. You heard Pansy run to you calling your name before everything went black
You woke up from a shine of light coming through your eyelids (does that make sense?), with a slight pounding in your head. You squinted your eyes a bit to get a better view to know where you were, it took a while before coming to a realization that you were in the hospital wing
You felt something or someone holding your hand, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Enzo, sleeping on a chair beside your bed holding your hand.
“Love, wake up,” you said, gently shaking the hand wrapped around yours.
You saw him fluttering his eyes a bit before looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god you’re awake- hold on for a minute I need to get madam pomfrey.”
He rushed out of the hospital wing and returned with her not even 2 minutes later.
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Madam pomfrey asked with a gentle smile.
You looked at her and said, “my head hurts a bit, but may I ask what happened?”
“You must’ve forgotten because of how hard you hit your head yesterday.”
Hit your head? What happened? You thought for a while before all the events came back to your head. Daphne greengrass hexed you.
“Oh” was all you could say.
“Well dear once the pain in your head fades you are free to go anytime,” And with that madam pomfrey left.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and he looked at you with concerned eyes
“Um” he started “I heard from Blaise what Daphne has done to you, he was walking in hogsmeade when he saw Pansy trying to drag you back to the castle. I’m really sorry that-“
“It’s not your fault love” you cut him off
“No it partly is, I should’ve made it clear it Daphne that we weren’t going to work out if we ever got together. I guess I kind of led her on before I asked you out.”
“Well even if you say it is, you weren’t the one who hexed me.”
“Alright but I’m going to stay by your side all the time now, wherever you go I’m always gonna be there”
“Even during girl’s day??” you asked with a fake shocked face
“Even during girl’s day.” He said with a grin
“Just kidding love, but still just in case so you won’t end up in the hospital wing again.”
I’m not really satisfied with the ending, I might redo it once I think of a better one. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! :)
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
Can you write more prompts for Zoro pleaseee? Thank you:))
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Author's note : haha!!!i was actually gonna write a new fic for zoro when i saw your request!!!as always,ask and you shall receive!
College love
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : new semester,new classes,new classmates and a new love
Warnings : none,College au (my favorite trope),studying and late night talks, gender neutral ,maybe more parts?,not me in the middle of exam season and dying from overworking myself
College sucks.
Everyone tells you college is great;its a place full of new experiences,a new life. Having coffee with friends after lectures and studying together,or simply doodling in your notebook as the professors talk about gods know what.
But as you sip your third cup of coffee that night and rub your eyes while yawning,you glance down at the remaining pages you have to go through before your exam in two days,before you groan and bang your head to the table.
Its exam season,and you're currently sitting in the library at 3:04 am.
College sucks so bad.
You know you have tomorrow to study as well,but between working part time job at a near the campus cafe, and going to lectures,you barely had any time to study.
You stared at your empty cup of coffee and sighed before standing up;then you guess its time to get a refill
"wow,you look like shit."
You dont raise your head from the desk as you groan at your friend.
"hello to you too,Nami."
Nami drops his bag next to you with a 'Thump' and settles down. You feel her hand rub up and down your back (almost awkwardly) and through your misery you manage to crack a smile;being comforting is like a physical torture for your ginger friend.
"did you pull another all nighter?"
Slowly,your head turns in her directly and you narrow your eyes.
"not everyone can be both gorgeous and smart effortlessly like you,Nami. Us, lowly humans,have to choose one." You ignore her eye roll and continue, "and i choose the one that can get me a good job in the future."
"looks can be pretty useful too,honey."
"I'm going to choke you."
"be my guest."
You're too busy to bicker that you dont even notice the door of the class opening and a new person stepping inside. Just as Nami's about to wrap her arm your neck and choke you instead, that's when your eyes land on the new person in the class.
And your breath stops all together.
The first thing that catches your eyes is his green hair. The man is tall,and a mess of green hair making his brown eyes stand out more. There are three golden piercings on his left ear. His black leather jacket looks expensive,and you dont need to see the key to guess that he's probably owns a motorcycle..
"y/n!" You realize you've been staring shamelessly at the man and suddenly whip your head in Nami's direction.
"Nami!" You grip her shoulders and shake her violently, "who's that?!why havent i seen him around?do you know him??is he single???!!"
Nami shoulders off your hands and looks at you like you've grown a second head.
"He's Zoro Roronoa. Our classmate. You haven't seen him cause he almost never shows up at lectures. What the hell is wrong with you exactly?"
"what's wrong with me is that the man is drop dead gorgeous," you frown at her, "and geez girl. How do you know so much about him?"
"cause he's my "kinda friend". We go out drinking together sometimes."
Your shriek is so loud,that when you turn around, you see mr.gorgeous is eyeing you with annoyance.
Great. Your new crush thinks you're crazy.
You duck your head as your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Nami rubs your back sympathetically and you groan tiredly.
"want me to introduce you to him?"
"hell no," you whine and rest your cheek against your desk; letting the surface cooling down your heated skin, "he obviously hates my guts now."
"to be fair,Zoro hates everybody's guts."
"its just a crush Nami," you flash her a smile, "it'll go away eventually."
Unfortunately,it in fact,doesnt go away eventually.
After your embarrassing moment in the classroom,you seem to run into Zoro awfully alot; Whether it be getting a coffee from the near campus cafe,or working your shift there,you seem to always see him.
Zoro liked his coffee black,that was no surprise. The first time that you surved him the black hell,he hadnt even batted an eye at your shakey hands or your stutter.
And you were certain that he had forgotten all about you.
Among the finals creeping close and closer,and with you drowning yourself under your books until morning before going back to your lectures or job,you had completely forgotten all about him.
So when you drop your head on your text book at almost 4 am and try hard not to burst into tears or having a mental breakdown in the almost empty library,you almost scream when a warm can of coffee touches your cheek.
Your head snaps up,and your mouth parts into a small scream that soon gets an ugly glare from the librarian. You shoot her an apologizing look,before turning your head back to the person in front of you.
Zoro freaking Roronoa,holds the coffee in his hand and gives you an unimpressed annoyed look.
"why are you always so loud?"
You dont answer;your mouth hangs open from the shock,and you blink a few times to make sure you're not hallucinating.
"what," you clear your throat, "i,uh, excuse me?"
Zoro rolls his eyes and sits down in front of you while dropping his own backpack on the table. He then slides the drink in front of you and while folding his arms across his chest,he eyes you for a second before looking away.
"you look like a mess. Figured you needed some coffee," he gives you a displeased look from the corner of his eyes, "or some sleep."
Your hands wrap themselves around the warm can;and a small laugh escapes your dry lips.
"you think i can sleep with all these books?i can barely manage between lectures and my part time job with only two hours of sleep as it is!" And for some reason,your stupid brain decides that its a great idea to cry in front of your crush;as if you haven't embarrassed yourself before. So your lower lip starts to wobble,and you let out a small sniffle.
There's a moment of silence;where neither of you say a word. With you starting to finally breakdown,and Zoro just glaring at the textbooks like they had personally offended him. Finally,after a while,you hear him sigh and look up at him with your blurry vision.
"... I'll help you."
Another sigh.
"i said, I'll help you study. Im familiar with this stuff,so it'll be nothing."
You let out a loud gasp and stand up from your sit .
"Seriously?!wont you need that time to study?!"
"helping you makes me remember these stuff. It'll be alright."
And when you hold his hands in his,you grin so widely that you feel your cheeks hurting. You shake his hands and laugh lightly.
"thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!"
"yea yeah." He shakes off your hands and stands up,and amongst your joy,you manage to catch a small smile on his lips. Zoro flings his backpack on his shoulder and walks away. He gives you one last look and says "go home and rest for now. See you tomorrow."
And suddenly,the world doesnt seem so bad. College doesn't suck,and your crush, apparently,doesnt hate your guts after all.
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xstargirlslutx · 9 months
Cock Warming || Theo Nott
Day 5 of Kinkmas
Kinkmas Masterlist
TW: grinding, slight exhibitionism, teasing, use of y/n, public sex, rough riding
Words: 1,171
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You were sitting on Theo's lap in the common room, visiting with Pansy who sat adjacent on the other couch. Theo was reading a book, hardly paying attention to the conversation you two were having.
For a while, you and Pansy were just talking about school and the upcoming O.W.L.S., until she switched the topic and made you laugh. You shifted slightly as you giggled and repositioned yourself to be more comfortable.
You heard a heavy exhale behind you but it no mind, you were too busy laughing anyway.
"Oh Y/n, we really need to get the whole group together again, go out for butterbeers or something."
"Oh I know! We've all been so busy studying for the o.w.l.s., I've barely had time to do anything."
"Other than snogging Th-" You cough loudly,
"None of that either, mind you." Pansy smirked,
"Well you need to fix that then. Might help.. take the stress off before exams."
"You're talking as if I'm not here," Theo mumbled.
"That's because you're supposed to be reading obliviously since you insisted on staying with me all night."
"Note taken." He laughed,
"I think I'll run to the restroom real quick, before I piss myself." Pansy said, still laughing. She winked at you and walked down the hall.
As soon as she had disappeared Theo marked his place in his book and set it down on the couch.
"Maybe she's right darling.. It's been far too long."
"We've been far too busy."
"Well I'm here now." You shifted yourself to look at him better, he stifled a groan, "-Bella, you've got to stop doing that."
"Doing what?" You smirked, and he blew out from his mouth,
"Stay quiet."
"Wh-" Suddenly, Theo reached his hand down and undid his pants. It was only a matter of moments before he slid your panties to the side and sunk into you. "Ah- Theo-" You bit down on your lip at the lack of warning, "We can't here-"
"We're not." And he was right- technically. He didn't move one bit. Your skirt covered everything that was happening, but it didn't hide your face growing increasingly red. You could barely think straight, feeling so full of him. You missed it after so long, and you couldn't wait to be back up to your room with him later.
Pansy returned shortly after, with Draco, as well. You turned and buried your face in Theo's neck out of embarrassment, yet he was back to reading like nothing was happening. Except this time, he had one arm securely wrapped around your waist.
"Look who I found!" Pansy chimed, "He was doing nothing alone in his room so I thought he could hang out too."
"Perfect." You forced a smile. Immediately as Draco sat down he noticed something was off about you.
"Are you okay, y/n?" He asked,
"-Yes, yes of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I mean, it's a little cold all the way over there, isn't it? Don't you two want to come sit over here by the fire?"
"We're fine." Theo interjected, and Draco smirked knowingly.
"Very well."
"Um, so what do you guys think of that new professor?" Pansy asked, trying to change the subject.
"He's alright, bit of a downer in class though, won't let us talk to our friends until he's done with his lecture."
"Isn't that what most teachers would expect?"
"Maybe, but most of them have given up trying to quiet us down." You all laughed and Theo squeezed your hip. You mumbled an apology to him and reached back to play with his hair. He smiled slightly but kept his attention on the book.
The three of you talked for an hour longer, enjoying catching up after the chaos of the end of the school year. Theodore stayed a bystander, calming reading his book despite your attempts to arose him with your movements.
Eventually Pansy said, "I think I'm going to turn in guys, it's getting pretty late."
"Yea me too, we have an early practice before school tomorrow, I want to be well rested. Don't forget that either mate." Draco said, referring to Theo, almost knowing he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.
"Well goodnight guys, we need to hang out again soon, after exams." You smiled, and they waved goodnight before exiting the common room.
You glanced around to find there was nobody left except the two of you. "I could fall asleep like this you know? All warm and full.." You had almost forgotten he was still in you, simply feeling complete.
"Oh really? Hm.. well I don't know if I can let that happen yet.. You still need to fix what you did to me earlier."
Heat filled your cheeks once again and you decided to make a bold move. You shifted and spun yourself to face him, not once letting it slip out. "Mm.. Theo, you wanna do it here? We may as well.."
Theo loved it when you were like this, giving him your innocent eyes yet begging for the nastiest things.
"I thought you were embarrassed by this darling, what happened?" He smirked and set his book to the side.
"Shut up-" You rocked your hips back and forth, suddenly desperate for friction.
"Fuck tesoro, you want me to fuck you right here? Where somebody could catch us?"
"I don't care- they're all asleep.."
"So bad.." He gripped both of your hips and wasted no time fucking into you with short but rough thrusts.
"Fuck- Theo- Gods- Ah~" Your words were interrupted by his sporadic movements, hitting your cervix just right.
"Shh.. darling- don't- want to wake- anybody up- now.." Though he preached for you to be quieter, he was slowly coming undone himself, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Mm.. Theo- I'm close."
"Fanculo, bambina, already?"
You whimpered and nodded quickly, and he sped up, slid a hand down under your skirt, and rubbed fast circles on your clit.
You fell apart above him and buried your face into his shoulder to mute the sounds that were bound to fall out of your mouth.
"Mm.. fuck yes-" He moaned and released just after you, only sliding in once more and then staying there.
"Could we- go back up to your dorm?" He asked, and you nodded and began climbing off him, but he pulled you back down onto him.
"Mm, no.." He stood up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping in the same position. "Good girl.."
The two of you made it back to your dorm room, and he laid you both down on the bed, keeping his dick in you the whole time.
"Can we stay like this tonight?" He asked, and you nodded nervously. "It's okay, darling, it'll be good I promise." He reached his hands and unbuttoned your shirt to make you more comfortable. "Just relax and go to sleep.. I know you're tired."
You nuzzled your head into his chest and quickly fell asleep, feeling full of him and as comfortable as ever.
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joelswritingmistress · 8 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 28
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
Dr. Miller stared down at the card as he loosened his tie. He then gently took it from my hand and smirked a bit as he read it.
“You know, I'm a little mad that someone beat me to it,” he joked. “Getting you a Valentine’s Day card.”
“Should I be freaked out?”
“It's probably your little security friend there.”
I rolled my eyes and took the card back between my fingers. “It's not James.”
“James, that's right.” He tipped up the corner of his mouth and winked again.
“Trevor maybe? He's odd. It seems like something he might do.”
“Maybe he's taking a crafting class,” Dr. Miller continued to be lighthearted, tracing the homemade heart on the cover with his fingers.
“He made a comment about you,” I said. Finally, I had his attention. “He thinks you're stalking me.” I raised my eyebrows and Dr. Miller laughed out loud.
“Well, he's not wrong. Did you tell him you stalked me first?”
I smiled but then put my hands on my hips. “What if he finds out?”
Dr. Miller reached for my hand and slowly pulled me to him, smiling through his words. “Deny, deny, deny.” Our lips met and we both smiled into the kiss.
“You're not worried about it?” I asked.
“Nope.” He kissed along my cheek to my ear and spoke into it. “Are you ready for your exam?”
I scrunched my nose and tightened my arms around him. The feel of his beard against my ear made me giggle. Our eyes met from just an inch away and we both still smiled. “Teach me.”
“I wish we could just drive to campus in one car,” I admitted, speaking over the phone as I drove down the highway.
“It's a small price to pay,” Dr. Miller’s voice came through the speakers. “What would Trevor think?”
I laughed. “Fucking Trevor.”
“Speaking of Valentine's Day,” he went on. “I’m taking you away with me to Lake Kora for two nights.”
I smiled. “Where's Lake Kora?”
“You'll find out.”
“Mmm.. can we leave tonight instead?”
Dr. Miller laughed. “It's not Valentine's Day until tomorrow. Besides.. sometimes it's a little fun to wait.”
“Painfully so.”
He laughed again. “Plus, I couldn't condone you skipping my class.”
“I would never.”
“I know.” There was a pause and he cleared his throat. “I'll see you soon, honey.”
My heart grew two sizes when he used terms of endearment. “See you soon.” When the phone call ended, I sighed. I felt like something was missing at the end of our conversations - something significant. My head and my heart were in a constant battle over my feelings.
It’s too soon, my mind attempted to will me away from those three little words that were making my heart beat into overdrive.
I turned up the music to drown out my inner monologue and soon I was pulling onto Woodbridge’s campus. When I found a parking spot, purposely under one of the many lights in the lot outside of the building where class was held, I locked up the car and began my trek inside.
I love you. I imagined myself saying it to him. In one scenario I created in my head, Dr. Miller said it back. We went on to a night of mindblowing sex, a romantic weekend to follow and lived happily ever after. In another faux-scenario, he just said thanks.
When I entered the classroom, Dr. Miller’s eyes met mine and he held my gaze. I couldn’t look away until he finally did. I wondered if other people picked up our subtle interaction the way Trevor did. Were people suspicious of the two of us, or was Trevor just ahead of the curve when it came to nosiness?
Trevor. Where was he? I climbed the stairs, not spotting him right away. And then, there he was, eyes focused on his laptop screen and typing away.
Normal, I thought. Good. I still couldn’t help but wonder who my secret admirer was.
Dr. Miller was more mellow than usual in his method or instruction that night. He let everyone know the deadline to our latest assignment was Tuesday of the following week, highlighted some statistics that created some good discussion and then concluded the lesson with a purposely corny “dad joke” that left everyone chuckling.
“Class-” he began and the group said in unison, “Dismissed.” It made Dr. Miller laugh lightly and I smiled to myself. He had such an easy time captivating an audience. His charisma was so natural and endearing.
Trevor finally glanced over at me when we both got to the bottom step but he didn't say anything. He left the classroom earlier than usual and I passed by Dr. Miller with just a subtle glance. He glanced back and then turned his attention to two guys who said they had questions about the upcoming assignment.
I wandered out the door feeling extra needy for his attention, for whatever reason. I didn't want to drive separately. I didn't want to pretend he was just my professor. I wanted to hug him and hold him and tell him everything I was feeling.
It's because of Valentine's Day. Internally I blamed it on the holiday but that was a lie to try to justify the sudden overwhelming nature of my feelings as they were brought to the surface.
Chill out. I tried ordering myself to do so as I exited the building.
The temperature had dropped significantly since the beginning of class and I crossed my arms over my chest as I walked across the parking lot. I stopped when I saw another white envelope on my windshield.
When I looked around the immediate area I didn't see anybody and I rushed the rest of the way. I hurried to tear open the envelope with my name on it, revealing another plain, white note inside with the word, SURPRISE written on it.
Surprise? I glanced part way over my shoulder, feeling a sudden presence behind me. As I turned fully, I let out scream that I didn't even know I had in me. It was a blood-curdling, terrified, horror movie scream.
And then there was a sudden crash. An explosion. No. Not an explosion.
I glanced down, seeing green shattered glass covered in an eruption of suds and bubbles that cascaded over my shoes. When I glanced up, James stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face - eyebrows raised, mouth partway open and a single, red rose in one hand.
“Oh man, (Y/N), I'm so sorry.” He squatted down in an attempted to clean up the glass that had been strewn about in all directions from the shattered champagne bottle he had been holding.
He glanced up as he picked up the mess. “I'm sorry. I scared you. I wasn't thinking clearly.”
“Yes, yes you scared me but..” I glanced down as he frantically tried to clean up the glass. I squatted down beside him to help. “James-”
“I really didn't mean to scare you.” He was almost sounding out of breath. “This was so stupid on my part.”
“No, it wasn't stupid.”
We both rose to our feet and I opened the door to my car to retrieve an empty Dunkin Donuts cup to put the shards of glass in. When I closed the lid and placed it on my roof, I turned to my friend and stared at the rose in his hand.
“I, uh..” he cleared his throat. “I just.. I like you, (Y/N). Tomorrow's Valentine’s Day and I've been walking you to your car every week.” James let out a big sigh and extended his arm across, handing me the single rose.
I took it but stared at him in disbelief and with apologetic eyes. “I, um..” Fuck. This is the last thing I wanted. James was my friend - and I wanted to keep it that way. Now, I truly wished it was Trevor that was my secret admirer. But Dr. Miller had been right. It was James.
I saw his expression deflate. I didn't have to tell him that I wasn't interested in him that way. He just knew. I could tell.
“James,” I began again but he gave a painful, closed-mouth smile.
“I'm just.. I'm going to take a walk.” He nodded to himself and I put a hand on his forearm. He stared down at me for a second.
“I am so sorry.” I shook my head. “I just.. I'm seeing somebody-”
“You don't have to explain.” He smiled again and I could see he was hurt, plain as day. “It's okay.”
“No, it's-”
He cut me off again. “It's really okay. I thought.. I don't know what I thought.” James cleared his throat and looked me in the eye. “I clearly read things wrong.”
“I'm sorry.” I shook my head.
“It's okay.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and then turned away as he began to walk.
“I'm sorry, James,” I said a little louder.
My friend turned with a smile and put up a hand to wave. I glanced down at the leftover champagne at my feet and then to the single rose in my hand. I watched as James sullenly walked away, weaving through the cars.
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @acciowolfstar1 @smolbeanzzz @bandluvr97
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lovestaysblogs · 8 months
another cinderella story
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pairing: college au!jeongin x reader word count: 2121 genre: college au, fluff warnings: none network: @skzstarnet
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Jeongin frowned at his friend’s bad joke. To be fair it was finals week. They had to find some humor somewhere because if they didn’t laugh, they would most definitely cry. He reached over to flick Jisung’s forehead,
“Go back to studying,” He deadpanned.
Jisung rubbed his forehead with a pout. “I’m trying, bro”. He groaned, “I don’t know why the hell I took this class in the first place.”
Jeongin chuckled, “It’s a required class Sung, you didn’t have a choice,”
“I know, I know but I’m a –”
“Creative writing major” They said in unison.
“We all know. You say it all the time,” Jeongin groaned and leaned back. “It’s college math bro, we all have to do it whether we like it or not,”
It was currently nearing dinner time and they both have been cooped up in the library from the day has started and they have yet barely reached anywhere.
“I give up. I don’t know why I even attempted to study,” Jeongin placed his head on his hands. “And I’m hungry,”
“We need to pass the class,” Jisung said trying to convince himself, “And I do not want to go through this hell again,”
Jeongin looked around, the library was full of tired and stressed out students. “If we leave and come back we’re probably not going to get our spot back.”
“Or, I could leave and you watch our spot?” Jisung looked over at him with a sly smile. “I could bring you back a coffee, please! Innie-ah please!”
Jeongin sighed, running his hand through his hair, “Fine, just go. You need it more than me anyways.”
Jisung barely took notice of his comment before packing up and leaving immediately. “I’ll find the best coffee on campus I promise!”
Jeongin would describe himself as an okay student. The university he attends now wasn’t his first pick. In fact, it’s more quaint than the others. But seeing that he still hasn’t declared a major, he can’t really be too judgy. 
He looked down at the foreign formulas in his book. Studying was not something that was on his mind at the moment. So with the lack of motivation and food in his stomach, he starts to scroll on his phone, praying that Jisung comes back soon.
The table he was sitting at shifted. He looked beside him to see a girl unpacking her books, basically setting up camp for studying beside him.
“Hi, uh that’s someone’s seat,” Jeongin said.
She turned to him and he noticed how put together she looked. Her twists pulled into a neat bun, wearing a sweater vest and dress pants paired off with the cliche black glasses frame. She was also wearing a mask but the way she frowned at him with her eyes in despair, when he told her she was in Jisung’s seat, tugged at his heart strings. He could tell she was a nerd, but at least, she was a cute nerd.
“Really? Oh no, the exam is tomorrow and my laptop is dying and this was the only open spot with an outlet right next to it.” Her soft voice brought back some life into Jeongin.
He suddenly felt re-energized. And who was he to turn down a study partner, especially one with such pretty brown eyes.
“Well, I’m sure he’s not coming back for now.” 
That was the half-truth, Jeongin prayed that Jisung wouldn’t come back for now. 
“You can stay here until he’s back,”
The bright eye smile you gave him as you pushed your glasses up, made him smile as well.
“Thank you so much!”
“No problem.”
After a shared silence, he glanced over to see you clicking away on your calculator. Your brows were knitted together as you punched in numbers and quickly wrote down answers, softly mumbling to yourself. 
“Is that college math?” He asked.
“Yeah, the exam is tomorrow and I’m so nervous,” You barely even glanced at him.
But he smiled again. “Yeah, I have it too. But you seem to know what you’re doing. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
You paused what you were doing and looked up at him. He felt the gratefulness from your eyes.
“Thank you. But I don’t. And it’s no thanks to Professor Cho,”
“Wait, we're in the same class?”
“Yeah, we are”
“How come I haven’t seen you before?”
You looked back down at your notebook, and pressed your lips together, “Oh, you probably just didn’t take notice,” You said softly.
He scratched the back of head, feeling embarrassed.  “Well I should have. I can’t believe I’m only getting to know I had such a pretty and smart classmate all along.”
You laughed softly through your mask, “I’m wearing a mask, you can’t even see me.”
“I don’t need to when I know how gorgeous your eyes are already,”
There’s a certain warmth from you that’s pulling you towards him and he wants to find out more. 
You rolled your eyes, hoping the mask hid your smile beneath it, but Jeongin saw straight through it. Before he even got a chance to comment you changed the topic,
“How do you think you’re going to do on the exam?”
His shoulders slouched, “Honestly,” He chuckled, “It’s in God’s hands at this point,”
Your head fell back slightly as you laughed at him. It was to the point of people starting to shush you. You covered your mouth, trying to soften your laughter, even though you already had on the mask.
He liked that he made you laugh.
“It can’t be that bad?” You tried to offer little hope, before shaking your head, “No, it’s that bad. Professor Cho did nothing but yell all semester,”
“Or complain about –”
“No one wants to work these days,” You both said simultaneously.
You giggled looking over at him. His jet black hair slightly ruffled, most likely due to stressfully running his hand through it. His dimples really shine through, even when he barely laughs. His eyes glanced over at you and you both made eye contact. 
“You’ll do fine though,” You said softly. “I see you and your friend in class and you always have the long ass worksheets he sets for us done,”
“You saw that?” His eyes widened, “Damn, how come I’ve never seen you before?”
He truly cannot believe that you two have not crossed paths before. He was almost mad at himself for not taking notice of you. It’s amazing how in such a short time, he managed to feel so comfortable with a complete stranger. He really wanted to get to know you more. He can’t imagine how much more beautiful you were unmasked. 
You laughed, “Maybe it’s the mask. You just didn’t notice me” 
But his eyes narrowed at you, “Maybe it is,” 
His hand slowly reached out towards your face, “Can I?”
You nodded. 
As his hand gently touched the face covering, you both jumped apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat.
Jeongin looked up to see Jisung and cursed in his head. Of course he picked the worst possible time to come back.
“Uh hey, that’s kinda my seat,”
And apparently Jisung was set on cockblocking him too.
“Oh! Sorry, yeah. My laptop’s done charging anyways.” You said quickly packing up your stuff. 
“I’ll see you around Yang Jeongin,” You said, “Good luck,”
Jeongin looked at Jisung out of the corner of his eyes. “You couldn’t stay away for five more minutes,”
“Bro, I don’t know why you’re attacking me. You’re the one that gave up my seat to a random girl. Why were y’all so close anyways? Do we know her?” He said handing the coffee over to Joengin.
Jeongin rolled his eyes as he took a sip, “No. But she knows me. And I was getting to know her.” He sighed leaning back into his chair, “The only good thing to happen to me tonight was her and I didn’t even get her name bro,”
Jisung shrugged, “She left her calculator here though,”
Jeongin sat straight back up, “Wait what,”
He grabbed the calculator and examined it, realizing there’s no name on it. Instinctively he stood and rushed out of the library, but he didn’t see you around.
“Damn it, the exam is tomorrow and she doesn’t have a calculator,” He mumbled to himself.
Dejectedly walking back into the library, he saw Jisung packing up. 
“Did you find her?”
Jeongin shook his head. 
“Maybe you’ll find her tomorrow man. But let’s call it a night because I have a feeling we’re not getting anything else done tonight.”
He shook his head again, “Nah, you go ahead. I wanna stay back,”
Jisung shrugged and left him behind.
The sun was blaring down on Jeongin at the exam center. He woke up early and went there just so he could see the girl with the mask again, in hopes of giving her the calculator before the exam.
It was now five minutes before the exam and still no sign of her. He looked down at the pink calculator with a frown. Before one last hopeful look he turned around with a sigh about to enter the room.
“Yang Jeongin!”
A girl screamed running towards him. As she got closer Jeongin realized it was her. 
She came to a halt breathing heavily, “You have my calculator? Please tell me that you do?”
Her pretty brown eyes furrowed once again, reminding him of their first encounter. Her twists were no longer neatly pulled back but a bit more messy resting her on shoulders. Yet, wearing just a simple t-shirt with sweatpants he still found her beautiful. His eyes scanned the features of her face, the mask so rudely covered. Her full lips fixed into a frown and her round cheeks added to her cuteness. 
“I do. When I realized you left it, I ran out after you but you were gone.”
“God, I’m so stupid. I didn’t realize I left it until I reached back to my dorm and I had to study using my phone calculator. If you know anything about phone calculators and how inconvenient they are, you can imagine how stressed I was. Not to mention I thought it was gone for good and calculators are so damn expensive nowadays and I got that ages ago and –” Your hands flew up to her face in despair as her breathing got worse. 
He gently reached out to your hand and placed your calculator in it. “Breathe.”
And so she did. 
Their eyes locked together once again as Jeongin smiled at you, “I’m sure you studied well and you’ll do well. Now let’s go so we never have to go through Professor Cho again,” 
You laughed. He really liked that he could make you laugh. “You’re right,”
When Jeongin left the exam room, he saw you outside waiting for him. 
“So how was it?” You asked with a smile.
He shrugged, “It was okay. But I think it’s because I saw you again as to why,”
You laughed and shoved him slightly, “You play too much,”
“How was it for you?” He said.
“It was good. Thanks again for bringing my calculator,”
“Of course. I had to find you again,”
“Because I want to get to know you,”
You looked down, suddenly feeling insecurities rise upon you. Why would he want to get to know you? 
“I forgot to wear my mask today,”
“I…I was just saying that’s why I look different. You’re probably not really interested. It was probably the illusion of the mask,”
He placed a finger under your chin, raising your face up, forcing you to take eye contact with him. “I mean what I say, I want to get to know you. And without the mask, I think you’re beautiful the same,”
You felt your face warm up and if you were a bit lighter, you’re sure you would have been caught blushing.
“Let me take you out,” He said boldly. “After finals. It’ll be worth your time I promise,”
“You don’t even know my name,”
He used his other hand and tucked a twist behind your ear, “What’s your name pretty?”
“Y/N. My name is Y/N,” You said with a soft smile.
He smiled at you back. Your name was beautiful as you were. “Would you go on a date with me Y/N?”
“Yeah, I would,” You said with a giggle. 
“You know, I’m actually really glad you left your calculator,”
You gasped and hit him playfully, “You play too much,”
He laughed as he gently took your hand and walked with you. He knew that you were glad too, you just didn’t want to admit it as yet.
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reblogs help other people see my fics and it lets me know that you liked it that much to reblog 🥹🫶 so please reblog! i appreciate it.
omg this is the longest fic i've written! i hope you enjoy it T.T please please let me know.
i take feedback and criticisms as long as you're nice. i tried to play with the point of view here. if you notice it hopped between third person omniscient and second person. i tried my best to switch it when it was appropriate. let me know if it was good or not. also!! i'm trying my best to not write the same character (both the boys and y/n) in each fic. i really want to diversify it and really make them feel real and raw. with each post is me practicing so i'm really trying my best here. i hope to get better :')
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twistedworld101 · 1 month
Chapter 10: The Fall of The Lord of Malevolence
Book 1: The Vengeful Teen
Chapter 10: The Fall of The Lord of Malevolence
Malleus: For the last time, it wasn’t me!
Crowley: Malleus, this is for your own good.
Malleus: But I didn’t do it!
Crowley: Cease your excuses, isn’t this yours?
*Crowley shows Malleus the Roaring Drago that Yuu, Grim, Ace & Deuce found.*
Malleus: *Gasps* I was missing that last night and-
Crowley: Of course it is yours! Now, sit down.
*Malleus sits down in a chair*
Crowley: Draconia, for now on, you are going to be here instead of participating in any of your classes, by the end of each day, you can return to your dorm. And instead of going to your classes, you go and stay right here! And in fact, if I hear one more incident, I will expelled you and have one of the Diasomnia students who helped Idia from YOUR Overblot. Sliver to be the new Housewarden. Do I make myself clear?
Malleus: Crystal.
Crewel: Professor Crewel will be the first teacher to keep an eye on you.
*Then some of the Staff Ghosts appear*
Ghost A: Don’t worry, we’ll have eyes on him too, just as you requested.
Crowley: Splendid, I’ll be heading towards my office. And remember Malleus, 1 more incident and you’re expelled.
*Door shuts*
Malleus: 💭(I swear, I didn’t do it, I couldn’t find it last night. Lilia said that we can find it tomorrow, but I wasn’t expecting this.)
Trein: Was it really Malleus who injured you?
Idia: Well, I was trying to find a book that Ortho lost for his exams, so I did what any big brother would do. Finding it for him.
[Interior hallway (night)]
(Last night)
Idia: Alright, it has to be here somewhere.
???: Looking for something?
Idia: Gah! Who are you?!
*It was a mysterious shadowy figure that looks like Malleus in his ceremony robes*
Idia: Malleus?!
*The mysterious figure beats up Idia*
Idia: What’s the big idea?
*Idia hits on the ground*
Idia: Wait a minute. You’re the guy who-
*Then a blast of green light brightens Idia*
Idia: Gahhh!
*End of flashback*
Idia: And that’s it.
Trein: Alright, and don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye on him.
[Library (night)]
(After school)
*2 mysterious figures were having a chat*
??? #1: Why having a chat here?
??? #2: Because, there’s nobody here. Thanks for framing Malleus, to be honest, you’re a real bruiser.
??? #1: Your welcome, doing a great voice expression and putting on ceremony robes and a headband of Malleus’s horns was just perfect.
??? #2: Yeah, and we had to ensure that Malleus is behind the chickenpox spell on the twins, thanks to me. Anywho, the others are almost done with the “Thing” I been planning.
??? #1: Good, and soon, am I going to get what I wanted?
??? #2: Yes, once we soon activate the plan.
??? #1: Good. We should head back to our dorms anyway, night.
??? #2: Night.
[Diasomnia Dorm, Malleus’s Room (Night)]
Malleus: *Sighs* Tomorrow is Thursday and then 2 more days til the Youth Festival. And I didn’t injured Shroud, yet people still think I did it, I wish that just at least a few people will know that I didn’t do that awful crime.
*Malleus goes to sleep and begins to have a dream*
(In Malleus’s dream)
Malleus: Hmm? Why is it so dark?
*Malleus uses his magic to lighten up the scenery*
[Disasomnia Dorm, Lounge (During Overblot)]
Malleus: Why are there thorns all around here?
???: Why? Why? Why nobody wants to be friends with me?
Malleus: Hmm?
*The voice was another Malleus but in Overblot form*
Malleus?: I tried to be nice, everyone fears me no matter what, I don’t understand. And now everyone hates me, why? why? WHY?
Malleus: Is that me? How dreadful!
Malleus?: Dreadful? Everyone fears us and hates us, surely we just want at least, a true friend.
Malleus: True, everyone feared me because of my powers, and I didn’t injured Shroud and didn’t poxed him and the twins. Rollo Flamme was right before about that I one day bring disaster to the world, I never mean to hurt anyone especially Child Of Man. You are me and I am you.
Malleus?: Hahahahaha! That is true, I am you! Lilia, he and Grandmother been keeping such secrets from us for years! We been trying to find someone to be our friend, for years!
Malleus: True, but I have changed my ways and even so, everyone fears me and now they all hate me because for what I did to them all.
Malleus?: Yes, true, but I won’t let you do that reformation nonsense!
*The appearance of the dream Overblot Malleus changes into Malleus’s Overblot Phantom*
Malleus: Is that a dragon, like the one the Thorn Fairy transformed into?
Malleus?: They hurt us! You will get stabbed and fell off a cliff with me! And even though you’ll be turned into ashes, everyone will still fear you in their hearts! For all eternity!
Malleus: They didn’t hurt me, I did it myself. No one to blame but myself.
???: We meet again.
Malleus: Huh?
*It was Rollo Flamme*
Rollo: Hehehehe, hahahahaha! Malleus Draconia.
Malleus: (Angry) Flamme!
Rollo: Indeed, in the flesh. I was right all along, you ARE a villain!
Malleus: Perhaps, but I shall redeem myself and starting by facing my demons, which is you both! Now you’ll deal with me and all the powers of the Abyss!
*A green aura was getting many drops of black guck, then a Diasomnia magic pen’s green Magestone was getting drops of black guck and then turns completely black*
*Malleus went Overblot but still remain conscious*
Malleus: Let’s settle this, once and for all.
Rollo: So be it. You vile monster. Dark Fire!
*Rollo transforms into his fiery form*
*Then a battle begins*
(Before turn 1)
Rollo: You will face my judgement!
Malleus?: You will fear my wrath!
Malleus: No, it is you who will fear my wrath! And your new salvation will end tonight!
Rollo: Never again! Malleus Draconia!
(After turn 1)
Malleus?: Give up, face it, we all know that you will always be alone!
Rollo: Exactly.
Malleus: You’re both wrong. I will have Lilia, Sliver and Sebek to keep me company. And even if they’re gone, I won’t care what people think of me! And I don’t care if I’m alone!
(After the final turn)
Rollo: Impossible!
*Malleus unleashes a huge wave of green fire against his monster and Rollo*
{To Be Continued}
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risingoftime · 2 years
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𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 & 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖓 | 𝖗𝖎𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
part i | part ii
thank you anon for this request ✧˚ · so sorry for the wait!
synopsis: Riri has always been one step ahead of you. She is always at the top of her class, and you are not too far behind. Each time you think you got something, she’s right there. You’ve finally had enough of the competition and decide to confront her.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: smut, semi public sex, fingering, oral sex, face riding, sub!reader, dom!Riri, light dom sub, swearing, biting, orgasm denial/control.
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
I glared toward Riri across the library. But, of course, you both were one of the select few who stayed late on campus to study for exams. I tried my hardest to look over the assigned formulas and equations, but her presence was enough to keep me on my toes. Riri’s cornrows were neatly braided and twisted into a low bun, and her baby hair laid on her forehead as she analyzed her textbook. How pathetic can I be? In a secret competition with a person who rarely gives me a second glance. The only time anyone has gotten her attention is if they book her academic services. I’m sure that at this point, I’m the only one in our class who doesn’t have her number saved. But our names have always been next to each other—Hers above and mine below. I wish I knew how she did it. According to MIT gossip, Princess Shuri has even visited her dorms. How the fuck did she manage that?
I didn’t recognize how long I was staring until Riri raised her head for her eyes to meet mine. My heart almost beat out of my chest. Crap, she saw me staring. I quickly averted my eyes to review my messy notes and highlighted textbook. Underactuated robotics has never been my strong suit, and I must study ten times harder to secure my GPA. Although I knew this, I was itching to steal another glance in Riri’s direction. At this point, I’d have to leave and study back at my apartment. I gathered my belongings and placed them in my backpack.
“I hope you’re not leaving because of me.”
There she was, standing in all of her glory. Riri wore her nefarious smirk as she looked down at me. This is the first time she’s spoken to me, and Riri assumes she could intimidate me. I rolled my eyes and reached for my packed tote bag.
“Please, you think that you can make me leave? You’re so full of yourself,” I sighed.
“Well, you have been shooting daggers in my direction since I got here,” Riri said.
Fuck, so she did notice me staring. Riri continuously operated like she never cared for those who shared her surroundings. She is always in and out, only talking with her close friends and customers. Meanwhile, she might as well pay rent in my head for how long she stays in my mind.
“I’ve got a lot on my mind, exams begin tomorrow, and I don’t have time for meaningless conversations,” I stated.
I gestured for her to move out of my way. I couldn’t stand being so close to her for long. If I did, she would notice I was not as calm and collected as I presented myself.
“Hold on, no need to be in such a hurry. You’re in my robotics class. With Professor Winston?” She held my wrist, keeping me in place. I leaned against the desk, a feeble attempt to create space between us.
“Yeah, every Tuesday,” I grumbled.
Riri quietly nodded to herself, “Well, if you’re not too busy, maybe we could compare notes? We’re always the top two in class. It’s not common for me to find someone who could keep up” Riri let out a small laugh, but I didn’t find it funny. Keep up. If only she knew how competitive I indeed could be.
“Yeah, sure, you could let go of my wrist now. I’m not going to run away.”
Riri slowly removed her hand from my wrist to pack her things. She led me toward the private study rooms and opened one for us to enter. We both placed our textbooks and notes on the table, sitting beside each other. Riri explained her study methods and reviewed the nonlinear dynamics of robotic manipulations and motion planning with me. Riri made everything sound so simple and easy to comprehend. The way her brain navigated equations and theories left me speechless.
“It’s getting late. I think we should get going before the library closes,” I said. Truthfully, I didn’t want to leave; I wanted to spend more time learning from Riri. But if I didn’t get going now, I would pay for it later when I got up in the morning for our exam.
“Okay, so what’s your form of payment?” she replied.
“Payment?” I almost yelled at her audacity.
“You didn’t think I just offered my services for free, did you?”
“You never mentioned that I would have to give you something in exchange, and I don’t have any cash. Do you accept other forms of payment? I could always repay the favour.”
“I have something else in mind.” Riri places her hands on my bare thighs, toying with the ends of my mini skirt. My breath hitched at the warmth of her presence. I am paralyzed by the realization that Riri wants her to pay with her body. But why?
“I’ve always wanted to do this from the moment you walked in at the beginning of the semester. You’re the last person I would’ve thought to keep me on my toes. Walking around in these mini skirts, crop tops, and revealing clothing. I’ve wondered how you would,” Riri confessed.
Her calloused fingers went further up my thighs until they disappeared under my skirt, almost brushing against the fabric of my panties. Riri’s eyes met mine, seeking permission to continue. She hadn’t even begun, and I already felt lost for words.
“What do you want me to say?” I asked.
“Tell me you don’t want me to go on, and I won’t, but I won’t forget that you owe me a favour,” she said. Truthfully, I didn’t want her to stop. This is the most attention I’ve received from Riri, and I enjoyed every second. I tentatively shook my head before replying.
“I don’t want you to stop.”
Riri swivelled my chair to face her and used both hands to pull me to the end of my chair. My legs were slightly parted when Riri slid my panties off, pooling at my ankles. She didn’t break eye contact when she traced her finger along my pussy.
“Now be a good girl for me and spread your legs,” she demanded. I nodded and obeyed, giving Riri full access to do as she pleased. I kept my bottom lip tucked between my teeth to silence my gasp as she pushed two fingers inside me. Closing my eyes so I could focus on the feeling of her inside me. I rocked my hips back and forth, matching my pace with Riri.
Riri brushed her lips against mine and whispered, “open your eyes. I want you to watch me fucking you.” I was weak to her commands. A knowing smile appeared across Riri’s face, and her eyes shined mischievously. I watched as she lowered her head to lick and suck my inner thighs. Leaving a kiss on my clit before softly flicking her tongue against the sensitive bud.
“Riri, please,” I moaned.
She hummed against my pussy in response, and her fingers beckoned me forward as each thrust became more profound. Riri’s other hand gripped my waist to grind me against her face. My body moved into a fluid rhythm as Riri guided my movements while she fucked me. My eyes rolled back, and my legs began shaking from the sensation. I inhaled sharply before letting out a slight whine. Riri removed her fingers from me and pulled away.
“Baby, you have to stay quiet, or we’re going to get caught”
“I don't care,” I groaned. At this moment, all that mattered was her and I. I craved her presence and the return of her mouth against my skin. I positioned my pussy closer to her face so she could continue, but she didn’t move from her stance, waiting for me to meet her eyes.
“If you make another sound, I will stop, and you won’t cum” she challenged. Her tone was low and aggressive. I shivered at her response and the thought of Riri having such control over my body. I rolled my lips into a firm line. This wasn’t the time to test her. She took my silence as a yes, praising me softly before roughly inserting her fingers in my entrance. Wet noises filled the study room each time she pulled in and out. Riri was no longer gentle, creating endless friction and sending waves of bliss through my body. Each time I got close to cumming, she slowed to make me last longer. It was torturous.
Riri’s tongue traced circles on my inner thighs, teasing me. She wanted to make me squirm, but I refused to give in. When I didn’t let out even a sigh, her lips rubbed against my folds, covering herself with my juices. I felt myself dripping in anticipation. Riri extended her tongue to part my folds, tasting the liquid running down. My walls clenched around her hand. I am frantic with desire and need, fucking her face and fingers on the edge of my seat. She slipped in and out of my pussy with ease.
I felt myself become light-headed and my vision hazy. I was drowning in lust. Riri made me feel intoxicated. Sparks ignited within me, and I knew I was close. Just as she was about to slow down again, losing rhythm as my climax approached. I growled in protest. Before I could register what I had just done, Riri pulled away to stand up.
“get yourself together and put your panties on,” she said.
Riri grabbed my chin, tilting my head up to kiss me. I could taste myself on her lips and the sinful actions that left me out of breath. She seemed reluctant to pull away, as if she were in a daze.
“I don’t think we’re done yet,” I replied.
“oh, I believe we are babe,” Riri claimed.
I shot a glare toward her while I made myself presentable and cleaned the mess we made. The study room looked as if nothing had happened once I was done. After observing my work, I caught Riri staring at me with a grin.
“can I help you?” I playfully asked.
“No, but you can tomorrow after our exams. You were right; I don’t think we are done just yet. I hope you remember all that I taught you,” she winked.
I couldn’t reply before she turned around to leave the room. Fuck I forgot about our exam. All my mind could remember was Riri kneeling before me, her demands still clear.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: *in a formal teaching attire* Good morning, everyone. I'll be your substitute teacher for today.
Ace and Deuce: M-Madame/Ma?!
MC: Everyone should now calm down. I'll make certain that everyone remembers what we're going to cover in this hour.
MC: Because if any of you fail Professor Trein's exam tomorrow, I'll make sure an extra hour is added to your regular schedule. *looks at them with a clear warning in her gaze*
*a few hours ago*
MC: Professor Trein, your visit has taken me by surprise.
Trein: Ah, yes. I sincerely apologize.
MC: I'm guessing it's critical. How do you want me to assist you?
Trein: Oh. First, let me explain my situation to you. My dear wife has called and requested that I return home today. As soon as possible.
Trein: However, I don't have anyone to ask to substitute my class, and I can't just let students hang out during my time.
MC: I see. So you want me to teach in your place?
Trein: I'm not pressuring you, Madame.
MC: No. It's all right, Professor. Your wife was gracious enough to invite me to dinner despite the fact that I was unable to attend.
MC: This will be my way of apologizing to her.
Trein: Thank you very much. You're obviously nice.
MC: However, I'm curious if you'll be leaving lesson plans for me.
Trein: Without a doubt. I have them with me.
MC: Perfect. I'll make certain that your students learn a lot.
Trein: *chuckles* Please, please. Do not overdo it. You could take my place.
MC: I don't think so. I'm nothing in comparison to you, professor. *smiling*
MC: What's your name, mister? *pointing her folded fan at a student*
Jack: J-Jack Howl, Miss!
MC: You appear to be paying close attention in my class. Now I'm curious to see if you weren't acting.
Jack: *his tail wagging*
MC: What's the answer to this question?
Jack: *answers correctly*
MC: *nods* Very well. You have indeed paid attention.
MC: You may now take your seat.
*the bell rings*
MC: Hm. That, I believe, concludes our discussion for today. Goodbye.
Deuce: *rushes towards her* Let me carry your stuff, Ma— Madame!
Ace: Oi, Deucey! Don't leave me behind!
Jack: ...
The students: *talks about her after she left*
Heartslabyul student: Can you believe that? I didn't fall asleep in history class!
Octavinelle student: Maybe because it's a different teacher?
Pomefiore student: I could still remember everything she discussed! In fact, I feel confident that I will perfect Professor Trein's exam tomorrow!
Jack: ...
Jack: Miss!
MC: *turns to look at him* Yes, Jack Howl?
Jack: *has approached her in the hallway* Yes! But you can just call me "Jack", Miss!
MC: Why did you approach me, Jack? Is there anything in our lesson that you don't completely understand?
Jack: N-No, Miss! Everything is fine! It's just that— *keels over*
MC: ...
MC: Alright. You are welcome to pay a visit to the Ramshackle dorm. However, I recommend that you only go there if you are not too busy or if you are having difficulty with your studies.
MC: That's it. Now hurry up and get to your next class on time. *turns around and walks away*
Jack: Thank you, Miss!!!
Riddle and Azul: *learning that MC has taught history class on freshmen*
Riddle and Azul: ...
Riddle: Don't you think Professor Crewel has any plans on getting a substitute teacher?
Azul: Even if he does so, I don't think the Madame will accept it.
Riddle: Why?
Azul: Madame has told me once that chemistry classes have never been kind to her.
Riddle: I see. How unfortunate.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: However, isn't Madame a good fit for P.E.?
Azul: ...
Azul: *smirks* Now that's an idea.
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ckmstudies · 2 years
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Three hours in the library tonight! Very proud of my productivity especially since I basically slept all day. If I’m not careful I will become nocturnal, especially with the sun setting before 5 o’clock.
In the library tonight, I started researching for my developmental psych paper. I picked out five articles and read through two of them but I don’t want to work anymore on it since I’m meeting with my professor tomorrow and he could change or alter my topic. I also started reading for my Roman culture presentation for my Latin class. The professor for that class picked our presentation topics, partners, and days of presentation. Which means my developmental paper and final exam will be on the same day as this presentation. Luckily that day is a week and half away which means I’ve gotten a pretty good head start!
Only two days of class this week since it’ll be thanksgiving break in the US which means I’m headed home Tuesday afternoon. Very excited for a break even if I still have to do minimal schoolwork!
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bittersweet-folder · 1 year
~□♡ Tipsy under the moonlight 🌕
~ Wen Junhui x fem! reader ~
~ little bit suggestive but overall fluff, friends to lovers, university au hence both Jun and reader are 18+
• Word count: 2394 words • Masterlist •
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Song rec: falling for you by boywithuke// crush by Tessa Violet // fall in love alone by Stacey Ryan// bad ideas by Tessa Violet // i wanna be yours by Arctic monkeys
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You were sitting on your bed quietly, going through the reading material your professor has recommended y'all in the class. Minghao came to your house, more like you dragged him to your house to help you out with any difficulties you might face with the reading material. He was sitting quietly beside your bed scrolling through his phone.
"You do realize that going to a damn housewarming party won't hurt you right? Just our friends would be there and no one else whom you don't know and you know how Soekmin prefers known people in his party so it would be more fun" Minghao's voice had a lingering sense of irritation after making you understand the umpteenth time that it was okay to take a break even if the semester exams were like two weeks after. But the problem was that your last semester paper didn't go well and part of you was way too anxious about what might happen next.
"Hao can't you go and meditate for a while? You sound very irritated and we have talked about this on our way back to my home. I ain't a baby, I'll see what I can do" You said shifting your gaze to face him.
"I ain't a baby my ass you need a break you nerd, you won't be any less of a nerd if you take a break" he mocked you.
"HEY! THAT'S VERY RUDE OF YOU TO SAY" you shouted and threw a pillow at him.
That's when your mom entered the room.
One, because you shouted and she hurried even more.
Two, because Jun came.
It was an awkward moment which turned you even more anxious because your mom was now glaring at you and Jun was staring at you trying to hold back his laughter.
" y/n, honey mind explaining to me what is going on" your mom had a fake smile plastered on her lips.
"Aunty it's alright and it's just some friendly banter nothing else" Minghao added "and we were talking about the fact that Seokmin has invited his friends to his housewarming party tomorrow. And few of y/n's friends would be there and our friends would be there too and most probably some of them would stay at his place at night as well". Minghao said.
"Ahh that's lovely you should go y/n/n"
"Mom not my nickname-"
"Anyways Jun told me you called him at your place so here he is"
"Hello!" Jun waved and flashed a smile towards you. And hell that smile made you feel so many things. But you didn't call him. What is he doing here?
"Hi" your voice was soft.
"Okay anyways I'm leaving" your mom announces as she leaves, with the door wide open, of course.
Jun comes up and plops himself beside you on the bed and looks at you.
"Well it was Hao who texted me to come to your place and save him from the horrors of teaching you because you dragged him to help you out with studies". Jun said nonchalantly staring straight into your eyes.
You blush in embarrassment. " Well yeah I did"
"And I think you should take a break as well, you know. I know you are stressed out but please don't be so hard on yourself" Jun sounded concerned.
You pondered for a minute while still staring at him. And most definitely cursing Minghao to invite someone who's literally your crush.
"Okay fine!" You stood up with your books in your hand to keep them back on the shelf. Jun followed you. You keep your books and turn back only to face him.
"Jun, what are you? A duckling?"
He giggled and leaned over. You felt your cheeks starting to burn up.
"Guys? Right in front of my tea? I'm still sitting here" Minghao said, petrified enough to witness his best friend leaning over a girl, probably to kiss her right in front of him. Jun turned around and you both looked at him.
"Dude you have no tea to start with you know-" you just said it out loud outta irritation because Jun was so close to you yet Hao third wheeled in. Jun started laughing.
"Wow okay I'll go and tell aunty to make some tea for me" And with that Minghao went outta your room. There was a moment of silence. Jun turned around and looked at you.
"So umm is it okay if I pick you up tomorrow from your house then we'll head to Seokmin's house together" Jun was calm yet there was a hint of nervousness in his voice.
You were taken back because this was the first time that the Wen Junhui, the one whom you have a crush on for months now, has asked you out? What should you call it though you don't know but you were both nervous and excited about it.
"Umm yeahh of course. There's no problem with that" you said with your gaze shifting down gradually.
He smiled. "Alright then I'm glad to hear that, I'll be here at 7 in the evening tomorrow"
"Okay!" you flashed a warm smile at him. And he'd be lying if that didn't melt his heart.
Next day:
"Fuck fuckkkkk I'll be late" You were pacing around in your room keeping things back and searching for your eyeliner.
"Mom! MOM where's my eyeliner!?" You shouted in your room. She didn't respond, and came to your room instead handing you her eyeliner.
"Calm down, will you?" She patted your head.
"Okay sorry" You pouted. You put on your eyeliner.
"Okayyyy I'm done!"
You looked at yourself in the mirror satisfied with your simple get up. The clock ticked 7pm and just then you both heard the doorbell ring.
"What a timing your lover boy has huh"
your mom said, smirking at you. She knew about your crush you had.
"Mom seriously!? Not now!" you whined. You went down stairs. Slid on your shoes and then opened the door.
Jun was there standing in a black polo shirt and wide legged jeans with black and white pattern and….a small bouquet of roses? He looked at you. His ears turned red on how pretty you looked. "Why do you have to look so pretty every damn time? Guess you don't even know how hard it is for me to not take my eyes away from you" He thought.
"You look really pretty in this floral dress and umm i don't know if I'm being too much but i bought some flowers for you" Jun held the bouquet in front of you. There were five red roses with baby's breath surrounding them, wrapped up with a pretty newspaper and black bow.
"That's so sweet of you Jun" You smiled and took the flowers.
Your mom cleared her throat and made you both know about her presence.
"Okay so enjoy the party two of you"
"We will" You both said in unison and looked at each other and giggled. And you went out. With the bouquet in your hand of course. Jun and you took the bus and then walked a short distance and reached Seokmin's house. You both chit chatted about various things on your way. You rang the doorbell and to your surprise it was Joshua who opened it.
"Hello there! Lovebirds" Joshua said with his usual sunshine radiant smile.
"JOSHUAA! we aren't dating-" You said being flustered with the sudden lovebird comment
"yet. Anyways come in"
"Seems like you are dating though Shua, you know the crush you have on Seokmin~ we all can clearly see that~ '' Jun said with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows.
Joshua was blushing now. "Okay chill jesus christ-"
You were giggling.
"Spill the tea! why are you laughing y/n! " An energetic and curious Soonyoung popped out of the blue.
"Okay I'll spill the tea, let's go inside!"
"Yayyyyyyy!" Soonyoung definitely sounded eager.
"Y/N! JUN! WELCOME TO MY NEW HOUSE~~" Seokmin chirped. He wrapped both you and Jun into a big hug. You both hugged back.
"Seokminie's hugs are always so warm" You giggled as you looked up to Seokmin. What you didn't know was Jun taking a short glance at you while you said that. He was clearly jealous especially at the nickname.
"Okay so let's go to the drawing room. Also, all the drinks and food are in the kitchen. Suit yourself with any of them you like."
"Okay if we are drinking then some people have to be sober enough look after the drunk maniacs"
"Exactly and especially Soonyoung, Kwannie and Hao"
"You too you know"
Seokmin was definitely embarrassed because he has had created drunk disasters before partnering up with Soonyoung.
"Dokyeomyaa!! come here for a second please" It was Joshua.
"Gotta go!" and with that he went.
"So you wanna grab some drinks first?" Jun asked.
"Yesss let's go"
"Someone's excited" he said and then smirked.
"I mean of course it's been a while"
You and Jun headed towards the kitchen. You met Soonyoung and Liya (your close friend) in the kitchen.
"Liyaaaa! Hello!!"
Liya jumped off the kitchen counter and hugged you.
"You look damn pretty y/n"
"You too honey"
"Wait a sec. roses?"
This was awkward because you took the roses with you just so your mom doesn't tease you later that you have Jun as your boyfriend when you don't.
"I gave it to her," Jun interrupted. You turned around. He was now seated on the dinner table's chair in a manspreading position. If that question didn't make your face flushed up, his answer did. Especially the way he sat. "Pretty nice thighs you have huh? makes me wanna sit on your lap but guess you don't even know how you make me feel about you" you thought to yourself. And to your horror, he did take notice of your flushed up face.
"Are you guys dating?" Liya asked bluntly while Soonyoung was munching on some chips intently watching whatever was happening in front of him.
"Uhhh- "
"No we aren't" you were interrupted by Jun.
"Ohhh" Soonyoung and Liya said in unison.
Your expression kinda dropped after hearing this. What was that bouquet for then? Why would he lean over like that? What about those notes slipped in those graphic novels which he borrowed from you?. Soonyoung and Liya left the kitchen after the music was turned on. Liya asked you if you wanna join but you turned that down. Your lips were pressed in a thin line. You looked at Jun and then went to the kitchen counter. The moon was up tonight, mesmerizing as always. You could see it from the glass window. The kitchen was dimly lit and the moonlight was visible from the window.
"Seokminie literally got hold of so many soju bottles for real. I just hope he doesn't get caught for this" You said to Jun with your back still facing him. You poured yourself some in a small paper cup. After five shots you felt someone was standing behind you.
"Don't drink too much or else I have to give you a piggyback ride to home" Jun let out a chuckle after saying this.
"Okay! Fine" You pouted.
"Can I hug you y/n?"
The question caught you off guard.
"Yeah you can.." you said softly.
He wrapped you up in a back hug with one hand around your neck and the other around your stomach with his chin resting on your shoulder. Blood rushed through your cheeks as you felt butterflies erupting on your stomach. Your shoulders tensed up.
"Are my hugs warm too?" Jun whispered beside your ear.
It suddenly clicks in on why he asked you this. You turned around and faced him, his hands now resting around your waist.
"Ain't no way you're jealous of Seokmin-"
"Yes I am and I am jealous of how he has a nickname given by you" Jun cut you off mid sentence. You looked away. Did the friend whom you have a liking on, just confessed that he's jealous over you complimenting one of your mutual friends? . Oh yes he did.
"Yeahh?" You looked at him and made an eye contact. Never in your life you thought Jun would be talking about all this outta the blue in your friend's housewarming party. But here you were pinned against the kitchen counter with hands around your waist looking at you with such softness in his eyes.
"I like you okay? Your smile makes my day. I love it when you recommend to me your favorite graphic novels. You're so cute when you get all confused while studying. Really love it when you listen to all my playlists and like them too. I don't know if you feel the same or if you're ready for a relationship. I'll respect any decision you take and.. I like you y/n I really mean it."
You hugged him burying your face on his chest. Jun's face was flushed because of that.
"Your hugs are warm, so is your presence. You're funny too. I really love your laughter" you smiled "really love those notes you slip through those novels, love your playlists and I like you too" You confessed and then you looked at him. It felt slightly dizzy, more like close to feeling tipsy this time your face eventually warming up.
Slowly Jun leaned in and got closer to your face.
"You're okay with kissing?" A hint of desire dripped from his words.
"Yes, I am"
With that you placed your lips on his. His lips were soft. They moved at a steady yet slow pace with your lips. There was a lingering taste of soju on his lips. He was pulling you closer,chest pressed against each other smiling into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck while one of your hands caressed his hair. One of his hands was around your waist while the other on your back. He was melting into the kiss. After a while you pulled away breathless.
"Can't believe I have such a pretty girlfriend now," Jun grinned.
"Wasn't Joshua soo right about predicting us dating Junnie" . His ears perked up with the given nickname.
"I like the new nickname and yeah he certainly was" he chirped as you let out a chuckle.
a/n: ik it's long but well I can't help it. Lol.
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