#this is super rough but also it's nearly 3 am and i've been trying to write for two hours
anichibicore · 2 years
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another disaster twin shitpost because i got splatoon 3 and one match i had was with two people named donnie and leo and we fuckin lost and it shoved this post in my head and just refused to leave me until i drew this and finally purged it from my brain
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browniefox · 2 years
17 and 18 for the AO3 asks?
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Hm, very hard question. I probably have to go with Ingo, though. Makes sense because I've probably wrote him the most this year! He's just such an interesting character to explore, what with his amnesia, his experience, his relationships. Being able to explore him throughout Detours has been so much fun! I really in particular love writing him in the middle of a battle and trying to go into what goes through a super-skilled trainer's mind during a high-intensity thing like that.
An honorable mention to Harry du Bois, tho, because writing him is so weird and complicated with the skills, but it can also lead to a lot of interest thoughts and interactions!
(also also honorable mention to Cynthia <3 fun to write the woman super Going Through It these last few chapters of Detours)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Oh god, so many. Just, so many of them. Detours has, like, what feels like 50 characters, and trying to not make them all sound at least somewhat unique is a constant battle.
Recently, tho, Kim Kitsuragi has been a rough one. It's similar to the trouble I had writing Mob. Like, the thing about Kim (that is often misrepresented, I feel) is that he's actually a very funny guy! And also not nearly as much of a paragon as I think he's often portrayed! Trying to find the sweet spot of funny-serious-not-giving-a-shit is tough!
Honorable mention for this one is Elesa, I just can't think of enough good pokemon puns. I'm so sorry all Elesa enjoyers, I promise every time she doesn't make a joke I am also in pain.
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poststormjitters · 9 months
Consolidated story progress 2022-23
I'm bringing my updates onto one post instead of taking up most of what I have on this blog. Art should be the majority! Not repeated walls of text as I try to track some data. Having it all on one post should also make it easier for my brain to look back at my patterns from *checks notes* nearly two years ago (whoof). I haven't really been writing for myself very much this past year, but I would like to get back to it (and more art) soon. The blogger may be constantly tired, but the blog isn't abandoned!
Thank you to anyone who reads my notes, much appreciated :)
Dec 21 2023 (today as of writing): 46334 total. 105 pages.
<2023: no updates b/c very little writing. Did not, in fact, finish this draft and start second draft this year>
Dec 19 2022: +443 words. 44544 total. Notes: It’s been kind of a while since I’ve sat down with intention, though I’ve caught some opportunities for a few sentences here and there. I’m trying a new POV and having some extra free time helps. I am on (I believe) the final third and I have my outline in a good place. Resolutions and wrap-ups, ~50 pages left. All the respect to nanowimo writers. There’s only a few more days left in December, but I hope to finish this draft and start my second draft next year. 
July 18 2022: +5,236 words since last update (plus uncounted planning). 33,565 total (more than 30k, woah!). 75 pages. Notes: Not sure how much I'll sick to it, but I've been thinking the story will be "segmented" into three parts. The first 50 is my setup, the next 50 is the body and building off the set ups, the final 50 will be the climax and payoffs/end. I'm halfway through the second "arc." I recently read that 30k is about a third of a novel, which is validating and puts me right about on track. They're small enough chunks that I can have goals and planning, but they're big enough that I don't feel constrained so I can still stretch and play. I stopped reading to my friend about 50 pages in because we just caught up to where my writing left off, and I do so infrequently enough that it seemed silly to read to them only every couple of nights (and have the pressure to keep up with it like that). We agreed that where we left of was actually a really good place. “Like a season cliffhanger” and thinking about it like that-- three sections with their own arcs set within an overall story--has been super helpful to how I’m choosing to pace. It’s just my first draft, so it only has to exist, but this way of thinking about it is new for me and I like the way it sits in my brain.
June 22 2022: +1,909 words. 28,329 total (almost 30k, wow!). +5 pages. Notes: this is from two days, but they’re getting one update because I forgot. Working title achieved!
June 10 2022: +1204 words +3 pages :)
June 6 2022: +617 words. 52 pages.
May 18 2022: +499 words. 24019 total.
May 9 2022: +1,472 words in planning. Notes: Wanted to put down the progress :) Reading to my friend has caught up with how far I’ve written, and I’ve been a little stuck on what comes next. But I think I have a direction again. It’s still a little rough on what’s directly next, but I’m feeling good for what’s generally after. 
April 25 2022: +608 words. 22,055 total. 51 pages. Notes: I deleted a couple paragraphs. Things are amping *up*! 
April 25 2022: +972 words. 21,331 total. 50 pages. Notes: I just did a crush scene and I feel all blushy, aw
April 18 2022: +3,979 since last update. 20,337 total (20k!). 48 pages. Notes: Plot is coming together. I don't quite know what is coming after this next bit, but it's the first draft and we'll figure it out as we go. It just has to exist. We’re gonna get dramatic slice-of-life-y here soon!  Reading to a friend is definitely helping me be motivated. The internal sense of "needing to write more because we're going to run out of story to read" keeps a deadline feeling going. Plus, though there's a lot that's still up in the air (ha), it’s fun and encouraging to share with someone and re-read things without the time or intention to edit.
March 4 2022: +594 words. 38 pages. 
Feb 21 2022: +459 words. 36 pages.
Feb 5 2022: +958 words. Notes: Also character work/ brainstorming.
Feb 2 2022: +613 words. 33 pages.
Feb 1 2022: +359 words. 13,734 total. 32 pages.
0 notes
existslikepristin · 3 years
What A... Bummer
Desc: The fic that (sort of) started it all. Sorry for the funky formatting, as this was mostly just copy/pasted from Discord, where I ran the polls. You may also find it here if you prefer AFF: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1462191/what-a-bummer-aka-i-m-so-sorry
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Tags: TheLounge, Gfriend, Eunha, Yerin, maleOC"you", mostly butt things, angry bunny, vote story, backlog story
You knock on the dressing room door. Just inside is your Gfriend... as in "good friend" Eunha. Today is a very exciting day, and it's been a long time coming. She released her first solo album at midnight and she was at the first show where she would perform it live in front of a camera.
The two of you have been close... "good friends," as they say, for a while now. And you managed to convince security to let you in so you could give her a gift before she goes on stage. After all, you're proud of her accomplishment!
You hear shuffling inside the room and know she's on her way over. You really hope she likes the present!
What was the present again?
Options: 1. Champagne, baby! You got the expensive stuff! 2. A basket of healthy fruits! You're wholesome as fuck! 3. Your buddy Yerin! Can't celebrate without a good laugh! 4. (Picked:) A buttplug?! Who the fuck do you think you are?
You hold the box behind yourself as the door opens. Just inside is your buddy Eunha, all by herself. Not a surprise since you saw her manager downstairs earlier.
And she looks awesome. Her hair is cut short again, just to her jawline, but instead of curling in like her normal bob, it flares out at the bottom. She's got on a white shirt, cut low enough to just tease at her cleavage (even though you happen to know she's hardly got any cleavage without the pushup). Below she's wearing a super short black skirt, with a slit on one side that nearly reaches her hip bone, but her safety shorts hide the real goods. You know she has some tall black heels for this outfit since you were there when her stylist picked them out, but she's barefoot for now, nails on her fingers and toes painted all black.
She shouts happily and jumps up to wrap her arms around you as soon as she sees you. You barely manage to keep her from dragging you down to the floor, putting your arms around her too. "You came!"
"Of course I did!" you shout, "Congratulations!"
The top of her head barely reaches your chin while she's on her toes. She nuzzles her head into your neck. Her hair dresser would flip her shit, but it's okay if it's just for a second, right?
She suddenly grabs the box from your hand. The sly little idol.
"Yerin told me you were bringing me a present. I thought she might be lying, but..."
Eunha tears the wrapping off the box. You'd be a little offended, but you did the same thing to the last birthday gift she got you.
"Now... what am I supposed to do with this thing?"
Eunha holds up the butt plug. You grin, recognizing the excellence of the thing. Stainless steel, polished like a mirror, a bright red gemstone embedded into it (and yeah, you got a real gem for it), and big. Real big.
Options: 1. (Picked:) "You keep it inside you, once I help put it there." 2. "WOAH. That's not what I thought it was, I swear! Yerin tricked me!" 3. "How the fuck should I know?"
"What are you supposed to do with it?" you ask as you take a couple steps forward.
"You keep it inside you, once I help put it there."
Eunha puts the butt plug up to her mouth. "Like this?" She licks it and puts it in her mouth, as far as she can at least. She looks up into your eyes, looking as innocent as she can. You would almost buy the stupid act too, but you know she's got somewhere to be.
You grab her by the shoulders and spin her around. Then you drop to your knees so your face is directly next to her ass. It takes up your whole field of vision. But still, there's no time to waste. You grab the sides of her safety shorts and yank down. As expected, there's nothing underneath and you can instantly spread her glorious cheeks to be greeted by...
Oh damn, she's already got a plug in.
Eunha giggles above you. "Don't worry. I like yours better. Help me swap them and you can keep that one."
Not a bad solution.
The plug takes a little work to get out. Eunha half-moans, half-laughs as you wiggle it back and forth to get it moving. She reaches back to spread her ass cheeks to give you better access and a fantastic view.
And eventually, with a little pop, the plug comes out. It's much smaller than the one you brought, made of silicon, and much more boring.
You stand and hold it in front of Eunha. She instantly sticks her tongue out to lick off the lube.
"It's almost like you've done this before, isn't it?" you ask with a smirk.
"It's almost like you know that personally," she says over her shoulder.
You take the brand new butt plug out of her hand and get back on your knees. Eunha instinctively spreads her ass again. You can still see some of the glistening of the lube that was there for the last plug, so it's probably at least safe to put the new one in without anything extra. Then again, the new butt plug is pretty big...
1. (Picked:) Stick it in rough. This might mess up her performance, getting you a punishment later. 2. Give her a good lube up with your tongue first. You know from experience that she loves this, and you'll be well rewarded later.
You know, you and Eunha have been good friends for quite a while now. How bad would it really be if you messed up her performance just this once... And besides, her cute, tiny little asshole just needs a real good stretch sometimes right?
Eunha waves her ass from side to side, bent over a bit, mostly for the presentation. "I'm ready for it. What are you waiting for?"
Well, she said it! You line up the top of the plug at her lube-short hole, earning you a sultry giggle from the idol. You give it a slow twist to one side, the other side, brace your elbow, and shove like you've never shoved before.
You're not quite sure whether or not you were successful. It seems like time slowed down... You felt the tension of her ass resisting the plug up to the widest part, followed by it giving way as it tapered back down. But that only took a second or so, and Eunha didn't react. The dressing room is dead silent.
Then, Eunha falls to the floor. To her knees, then onto her hands. You're more than a little worried, so you move to her side to see her face. Her mouth is open like she's screaming, but there's still no sound, until she whispers, "What... the f-f-fuck... is wrong with you?"
Her eyes slowly turn in your direction so you give her your biggest, winning smile. But there's fire in her eyes. You're suddenly feeling like you may have made a bad choice.
There's a knock on the door and a voice comes through, "Eunha? We'll be starting your stage in five minut--"
"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" Eunha screams. You hear the PA muttering as they walk away.
You open your mouth to say something, but you forget what it was when you get smacked in the jaw. Eunha is still holding herself with one hand, but the other is floating menacingly next to your face, nails looking beautiful but also ready to tear you apart.
Clearly trying to compose herself, Eunha lowers her head and whispers again, "Go find Yerin... and wait for the stage... now."
It's probably best not to argue. You get up and and make your way to the door. You turn back to look at her though. She hasn't really moved, and you get a great look at her thicc ass sticking into the air with your plug poking out from between her cheeks.
You know for sure you're going to get punished later, but you think maybe you should say something?
Options: 1. Apologize. You can admit, you fucked up. You'll still get punished, but maybe she'll go easy on you? 2. (Picked:) Never mind, say nothing. You'll obviously just make it worse. 3. Just laugh. Eunha doesn't have connections to any hitmen, does she?
For the sake of your personal safety, you think it's probably best to just go. You slip through the door quickly so nobody can see through the door and make your way to the stage.
Yerin is pretty easy to pick out of the crowd for you, as she's wearing her usual thick sweatshirt, plain jeans, tennis shoes, hat, facemask, and glasses that make it impossible for her to be recognized in public. She's in the back of the crowd, holding a gigantic sign that says "I LOVE YOU EUNHA I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES" as a joke. You remember the first time she said that was when Eunha was fucking her with a strap on. It looks like everyone in the crowd is too busy practicing their fanchant to really notice the overtly sexual (and nonsense) sign.
"Yo slut," you casually say as you walk up next to her.
"About time you got here whore," she says back, clearly grinning mischievously behind the mask. You smirk back.
"So, did she like her gift?"
Your smirk fades, "Uuuh. You know, she will probably have to tell you that herself."
"Mmm, I will. And then I'll take it out of her, put it back in and lick all around it... ugh, I'm so wound up. Hey. If I masturbated while we watch the stage, would you keep an eye out so I don't get caught?"
Options: 1. "Of course! I've always got your back my dude." 2. (Picked:) "You want to do it yourself? But I'm right here." 3. "Woah, Yerin. Don't be so weird. Just enjoy the show like a normal person. Sheesh."
You give Yerin a smirk and move behind her. She points at her eyes and swings her hand in a circle, her nerdy way of telling you to keep watch. You get the feeling she'll enjoy what you have in mind.
After a couple of minutes go by, the fans scream as the stage hands walk off and the lights go dim. You and Yerin join them in the cheer, welcoming your hot little buddy into the spotlight. Yerin holds her sign high and shouts her support.
As the lights come back up, you see Eunha, cool and calm like the professional she is, with her backup dancers. You're a little surprised (and slightly disappointed) at her exceptional composure.
The first note of the song hits and the crowd instantly shuts up, ready to fanchant like hell. That's when you seize the chance to shove your hand down the back of Yerin's jeans and pop the still-lubed butt plug (the one you took out of Eunha earlier and never did get rid of) into Yerin's ass. It slides in like butt...er.
Eunha jumps into her dance and Yerin jumps up and down with the music with no regard for your hand down her pants. You feel like you might get a rash. But either way, you soldier on and reach in further, until you can touch her clit.
There's one move in Eunha's dance that draws a big gasp from the crowd, where she bends over and presents her ass. Her safety shorts hide the butt plug... for anyone who isn't paying close attention. They aren't especially good at hiding how deep the crack of her ass is, and there's just one very slightly bulged out part.
Yerin moans back at you, "Holy shit, she is so fucking hot up there," as she grinds herself down against your hand, drowning your fingers in her juices. "I just want to sit on her face, pull her legs back and pump a dildo into her helpless butt."
You smile at the thought. Maybe Yerin will be on your side if Eunha is still angry when you meet back up, considering that she also wants to destroy Eunha's asshole.
Yerin doesn't quite cum before the song is over. You take your hand out of her pants just in time not to be seen by all of the fans turning around to leave. She groans in frustration.
"Let's run to the dressing room and see if she can finish me off. I was so close!"
Options: 1. "Hey wait. She might be a little mad. I may have done something a little mean..." 2. (Picked:) "Yeah, definitely! Let's go get those shorts off her!"
You confidently walk through the halls next to Yerin. The whole time, Yerin bounces up and down, distracting you with the constant thought of ass. A couple times she even turns her head, sees you staring, winks, and spanks herself. You forget entirely about the confession you considered making.
Once at the dressing room, you see that the door is already open. Weird?
Yerin jumps through the door and shouts "YEAH EUNHA!"
The display of enthusiasm is met with silence. Yerin scratches her head and walks further into the room. "Maybe her mic got stuck in her hair?" she ponders.
You walk in too. You're about to comment, but there's a sudden sharp pain in the back of your neck. You attempt to put your hand up to slap at whatever bug got in here, but your hand just falls limp. So do your legs. And your vision goes dark as you vaguely feel yourself falling to the floor.
* * *
"He's waking up," you hear a garbled voice say. All you can see are blurry shapes as you open your eyes, but they come into focus very slowly.
"Don't stop!" another garbled voice shouts, making you suddenly feel a pounding in your head. Did you go too hard on some vodka?
The voices (or just one voice really) start clearing up. You hear Yerin moaning, turning slowly into a scream. And eventually your eyes confirm it.
About ten feet in front of you, Yerin's face and torso are pressed against a bed, with her butt held up against Eunha's face. Her legs are trembling wildly. Eunha's hands are gripping Yerin's hips tight, her eyes are closed, and her legs are folded underneath her. They're both entirely naked, and you have a side view of it all.
It would be a little more exciting if you weren't chained by the legs and wrists to a wooden chair.
And you look down to see that you're naked too, other than some kind of device locked very uncomfortably around your dick.
There's a thud as Eunha drops Yerin onto the bed. Yerin is apparently exhausted by the orgasm she just had, because she's not moving.
Eunha shakes her head to refluff her hair that was being pressed against her cheeks and looks at you.
"Good morning," she says blandly.
You try to respond but your tongue feels weird and doesn't move properly so you kind of just blubber.
Eunha slides off the bed and takes a few steps to stand right in front of you. A tiny drop of her cum falls from her pussy onto your knee. Damn, they must have been at this for a while.
Her entire body is bare in front of you, practically on top of you, and it's so incredibly sexy. Under normal circumstances, this is when she would sit down and ride you for hours. But she isn't sitting down, and your dick is being painfully stopped from getting hard by the contraption it's in.
"So... do you have anything to say now?"
Options: 1. Yup. Apologize. 2. (Picked:) Yeah, you enjoyed her solo debut! 3. Nope. Nothing to say. 4. Yes.. BeGONE, THOT
You smirk, ever so slightly unsure of yourself, or if what you're saying is a good idea. The corner of your mouth trembles as you say, "Yeah, I really liked your solo debut. You did great up there."
Eunha leans over, putting her hands on the back of the chair you're tied to. It would be a great chance to stare at her perky little titties up close if her threatening gaze wasn't holding your eyes. Her face comes in closer. You can feel her fuming hot nose breaths on your forehead. Your own breath is caught in your throat, and your lungs start to burn with how long she stares you down.
"Be glad I'm a professional. And thanks," she says, very flatly.
As she stands back up and turns away from you, and you release a huge sigh of relief.
"Yerin, over here please. I'm going to need your tongue in my ass."
With a groan, Yerin rolls off the bed and crawls to Eunha, kneeling between her and you. Eunha leans forward, putting her hands on the bed for support. If there was any question about what your punishment was before now, it was pretty clear now.
Eunha spreads her ass, her perfectly painted black nails creating a frame for the asshole you love so much. It's only a few feet away from you. You can feel your dick trying to harden but the cage just makes it... well it doesn't hurt, but it's extremely uncomfortable.
And then Yerin's head appears between you and that beautiful butt. Her hands grip onto the backs of Eunha's thighs, squeezing the flawless flesh as if she were trying to hold herself up on the edge of a cliff. You know the exact moment when Yerin's tongue meets Eunha's ass. The shorty has a very characteristic half-squeal-half-moan that comes out of her every time something wet touches it. You might have thought you could look away to stop the discomfort in your cock, but that sound brings back too many memories of your entire face being buried in those cheeks.
"Oh... Oh yes. Good girl."
You watch as Eunha slowly pushes back against Yerin's face, over and over. It lasts for hours? Days? You could never tell. Her squeals and encouragement get louder, more urgent. You can't help but let out a quiet groan of your own.
But like the rabbit she is, Eunha heard. She twists her upper body to look at you without disturbing Yerin. "What was that? Do you want to fuck this ass? Do you-- fuck..."
Her eyes screw shut as a brief shiver of pleasure runs through her body. You can see her legs quaking for a moment. She's close.
"Do you want Yerin's pretty little mouth to dip up and down on your cock to lube you up for-- fffuck!"
Again, a shiver. It's longer this time, and Eunha almost falls, her feet sliding a few inches farther apart before she catches herself. There's a loud slurping noise as Yerin moves to accomodate the change and gets a much needed breath of air.
One of Eunha's hands shoots to her inner thigh and you can barely see past Yerin's shoulder that she's squeezing herself tight. She would often remind you about how she would do that to make her orgasms more intense, so now you know exactly what (or rather, who) is coming.
Even so, she manages to gasp out nearly a full sentence, "You want my ass clenching around your cock when--" The last word melts into one long squeal and trails off from there into a silent scream. Her whole body shakes violently except where Yerin is holding her down tight.
You could swear it lasts for a whole minute. Agonizing for you and Eunha in different ways. But when she collapses face first onto the bed, her knees hitting the floor softly as Yerin guides her down, it's over. Except for the few extra twitches when Yerin gives her ass a couple of licks. You release a long breath that you didn't even realize you were holding.
Yerin climbs up to cuddle Eunha from behind, kissing her neck, shoulders, and back. The two of them giggle lightly at the gentle touches, making no move to point their beautiful, still-wet asses away from you.
"Time for your fanmeet?" Yerin asks softly after a minute or two.
Eunha sighs and pulls herself away from Yerin. "Yes, I guess we should get going."
As you expected, you're not getting any. At least not soon. You casually watch the members making their way around the room, collecting their clothes and getting dressed back up.
And notably, not untying you.
"That sure was amazing," you say, suddenly nervous, "Maybe I should help set up the chairs for the fanmeet?"
Yerin chuckles, "They're already set up, man."
"But... the audio right? You know? Do some mic checks?"
Eunha stands in front of a mirror, brushing her hair to get it back to looking presentable. "Oh that's fine. Manager's taken care of it."
You struggle to think of something else to say, or to think of what's about to happen.
"But don't worry," Eunha struts over to you and pats your knee, "SinB will be coming in after the fanmeet to let you go."
You groan. SinB rejects you any time she thinks it would be funny, which is literally every time. She probably won't even unlock the cage on your dick.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Eunha smooches your forehead like you're a pet she's leaving home for the day, and then drops a key down her shirt and into her bra. It's not hard to guess what the key is for. "And when I do, I'll have cheered up, and I'll bounce on your cock harder than you can imagine."
Yerin draws in a sharp breath somewhere behind you. She's probably planning on being around whenever that happens. You can't help but look forward to it, though it sounds like twenty-four hours of torture for you until then.
The lovely ladies zip out of the room before you can get in another word, leaving you to the inevitable humiliation SinB will have for you... in an hour or two.
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jinstronaut · 3 years
do you sometimes think like... i don't know how to explain ;-; every day i think about my past and how i'm living right now, and it just gets clearer and clearer that i won't be proud of who i am today in the future, just as i'm ashamed and regretful of who i used to be. it feels like i'm getting much more far away from who i wanna become, not the opposite :( i see the boys' story and they were following their dreams at such a young age, all of them, even jin who's the oldest, they were always working hard. i know i shouldn't compare myself to them, i should use their support as a help for my own path, but i feel strenghtless. i ended high school at the beginning of this year and i haven't entered uni (i really have no idea of what i want), which means 2022 will be another year of studying hard for me, and honestly i don't think i will be able to survive this. i used to be good at studies when i was younger, but even this part of myself fade away. now this is the hardest thing to me. it's the first time in my whole life in which i can't see or believe in a future for me. .. you probably will desagree, but when i think rationally about this i feel very realist, not negative :( i wish i could find a job so i'd feel less like a burden and more like a person worth of something more, i guess. sorry, i've talked about this so many times with my closest friend and my cousin, but i feel like they're tired of this same thing over and over and i don't blame them. you seem like a cool person so i sent this, if you decide not to answer it, i'll understand ❤💓💓
hi sweetie nonnie 🥺 first of all thank you for trusting me with this and opening up to me!!! i hope i can be a good soundboard for you during what's obviously a rough time right now 😞
firstly, i want to make something really clear to you: you don't need to know what you want to do. there's always such a weird societal pressure that once you've graduated high school, you need to have your life figured out, and that's just not true!! i know it's a lot easier said than done, getting into that sort of mindset where you can just exist and be okay with that, but i really want you to know that it's okay that you're not sure what you want to do. if you want to go to university, then go for it! don't pressure yourself to fall into a certain routine -- the best part about college is the amount of classes you can take in a variety of different subjects. you could find something you really love to do, or you could realize that maybe it's not what you want it to be. both are super valid and it's a good reminder to keep in your back pocket when your brain tells you that you're not doing enough ♥
i also know it's really hard to not compare yourselves to others, especially success stories like bts. they're all incredible and work really hard for what they have and what they've gotten, but their path doesn't always equal your path, you know? you can still work hard and apply yourself to whatever you want in the moment and it'll be successful. it's not about measuring things in terms of huge achievements, sometimes it's about celebrating the little things you manage to do on a daily basis. like taking a shower, for instance, or getting out of bed a little earlier than usual, or applying to some jobs even if it's tough. take that into consideration, and truly give yourself some credit where it's due in terms of the things you do every single day -- it's not about being the best and being the biggest, it's just about being yourself!!
i also also think you need to give yourself a little bit of a break :( we've lost nearly two years to a worldwide pandemic that's certainly shaken the foundation of everyone's lives. the world was in lockdown for nearly a year, and some places are still in lockdown. some places are trying to pretend that covid doesn't even exist, and the state of the world has been incredibly volatile since march 2020, maybe even before that. it's all right that you haven't managed to do something like get a job -- the job market is really rough right now, considering how little people are willing to pay others to essentially risk their lives every day. it's all right to take a break and still try to ensure that your safety is coming first. being healthy is much more important than being put in an uncomfortable position by capitalism. one of the most important life lessons you can learn is putting your own self worth over a paycheck.
a little insight into me, for example: i'm the same age as jin, 29, and just recently do i feel like i'm finally on the right path. literally, this revelation started in may. may!!! that's only 3? 4? months of me feeling like maybe i have my life together, and i'm 29!! life is wild in the sense that things are always changing and moving and evolving. i've changed passions so many times, been at extremely low lows and incredibly high highs, but it's a constant work to feel like i'm a good version of myself, someone that past emmeline would be happy to know. if i can instill any wisdom into you from what i've learned over the past decade, it's that you don't always need to have all the answers. it's extremely valid to feel a little panicked and down -- like i said, the world is a hard place right now -- but what comes first is you.
maybe try some new hobbies! do something that you know you love a little more often every day, just to ensure that you're feeling happy. if your hobbies no longer excite you, don't be afraid to try something new! i know it's scary, but the first step is having the confidence to admit that you need help.
i hope this soothes you a little bit, nonnie :( i don't know if this makes sense in one whole go, but when i read your message i felt really touched, and i saw a lot of my younger self in your worries. i want to let you know how valid your feelings are, while reassuring you that things can change and get better when you least expect it. i'm here for you!!! and i'm sending you all the positivity that i can 💕💕💕
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swiftieinred13 · 5 years
Hi my Swiftie babes! So many of you probably know I'm a spoonie but you may not know what I have and I will get to that in a minute but I wanted to explain something first. I'm struggling. I haven't admitted it to many and not even in words to my family, though my mom already knows. This year has been super rough on me health wise. I've had a whole bunch of doctors appointments (nearly 10) and 1 ER visit. Every day I am symptomatic and sometimes that's why I'm not on tumblr. Please forgive me for those days. I'm trying so hard but being chronically I'll can be HARD. Yes I exercise almost daily and eat well so please dont tell me that and essential oils will heal me. I have a whole brace bin and what feels like a whole pharmacy in my bathroom. So onto what I have. I can name all but 2 as I am in the diagnostic process for them.
1. Chiari Malformation
2. Syringomyelia
3. CCI
4. hEDS
6. Gerd
7. Gastritis
8. Chrons
9. Occipital neuralgia
10. POTS
11. Syncope
12. A partially paralyzed right ankle
13. PCOS
I am waiting for results on to which autoimmune disease I have but it's quite strong so treatment will be coming. I also appear to have CSF flow issues.
But life isnt over! I'm still a happy girl who loves her friends her family, her boyfriend. I still have hobbies, I love to figure skate and dance and snowboard and bake. I'm always down for a walk in nature or a movie night. That's why I included a "good day" picture (even though I'm always symtomatic) and one with my brace on.
I know I wouldn't be where I am today if it was not for Taylor Swift. This is why I am starting #spooniekatmeettaylor . Everyday I listen to Taylor Swift. She gets me through it all. Her music brings me strength and joy. Her music gets me through this never ending fight. Taylor is everything to me. I've been here since Tim McGraw and I'm never leaving. Catch me and maybe my brace buddy at Gillette at Lover Fest East Night 1! I will be sitting in Floor Section A5, row 16, seats 17 and 18. Please come and say hi! I would love to meet as many of you as possible!
If anyone can reblog with the #spooniekatmeettaylor and tag Taylor, I would be so so grateful.
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Love you all! My messages are always open if anyone wants/needs to talk :)
All my best,
Spoonie Kat
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