#this is prompted by the fact i'm rereading SoC rn and i just remembered how in the show whenever they said smthn like
deanpinterester ยท 3 months
fun linguistic things i learned recently: when you pronounce a consonant at the end of a french word because the next word starts with a vowel, it's called a "liaison" (for example, when saying c'est on its own, you don't pronounce the T, but when saying c'est un, you do pronounce the T. i did learn this in school but i didn't specifically remember what it was called)
i have also noticed a similar phenomenon in the way some english ppl talk, where they will add an R sound between a word that ends with a vowel and a word that starts with a vowel. for example, i saw a bird becomes i saw'r a bird. it's called an "intrusive R"
idk what the point of this post is. i just find it so fascinating
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