#this is okay to rb if you want but I've been doing lots of reflecting
menlove · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot abt the ways in which society doesn't prepare people for parenthood lately
mostly bc I am 24 and my dad was 21 when I was born and my mom was 25 so I am right in that age range and I cannot stop thinking about how young they were, especially my father. because it is absolutely no excuse but I can't help thinking about what it would be like to have a 3 year old right now and how hard it would be. and I've gone through more therapy than he ever did and done so much more self reflection than him.
and I'm really very glad our generation is having less children and having them when they're older and like I said it's no excuse but... I can't help but feel sad for the ways society fucks over young parents and their children
no one ever taught my father how to be a parent and the world pushed him to be one when he was still too young to know who he was or how to Be a person. my mother was barely 18 when she had my oldest sister. she was still a child herself and didn't know what being an adult was, let alone how to be a mother...
like I keep thinking about how some of my most Traumatic memories of my father would have only happened when he was 29-31 and that's the age of my friends. that's almost my age. and none of us know ourselves at all, let alone how on earth to have been raising a family
I don't think that people shouldn't have kids and I think young parents can be really great but... idk. sometimes I remember that our parents just felt like children playing house. and my heart hurts a bit for the little girl and little boy that still existed and got eaten up by traumatized, scared, and selfish people
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Sol (he/it) QUEEEER!!
Welcome to my Centricide blog, dedicated to that one web series that you most definitely shouldn't fucking watch!! I only really post about certain characters because I do not like the others, so if you are wondering where <insert character> is then that is why. And no, I do not care much for canon, so if you think my interpretations of characters are "cringe" or "incorrect" then maybe you are just not silly enough for my blog.
ASKS OPEN: Feel free to send in asks!! I might doodle requests if it peaks my interest, emphasis on MIGHT, so feel free to send in hypotheticals. Only request characters I've already drawn before though.
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op -- centricide -- authunity -- leftist unity -- jreg ancom -- jreg commie
🔁 rb -- 🧭 extremists -- 🌟 leftist unity -- 🚭 pacsan -- 💳 ancap -- 🔥 ancom -- ♀️ anfem -- ☮️ anpac -- 🌈 anqueer -- 🧢 authright -- ⭐ commie -- ✝️ conservative -- 🏳️‍🌈 homonat -- 🚬 insan -- 💀 polnih -- ☢️ posadist
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And yes I ship Leftist Unity. Leftist Unity is not problematic, and I don't understand how some of you have come to that conclusion. More under the cut.
At no point is Ancom explicitly stated to be a minor (as far as I'm aware). The term "anarkiddy" is a derogatory term for anarcho-leftists, it's demeaning because you're implying they're immature and childish. And it is completely in line with Commie's character to be using a demeaning term like this, because Commie views himself as more intelligent and mature than the people around him. Actually, it's really important to Commie as a character that Commie stops referring to Ancom as anarkiddy, because he's come to the realisation that Ancom is an equal to him and that he needs qim. Take the song Leftist Unity -- a part of the whole reason the last verse holds so much weight is because Commie drops the demeaning nickname and actually calls Ancom by qis name. Commie is realising he has driven a wedge between them because of his own flaws, and that he just can't go on without Ancom despite having claimed he was better than the other. None of this is inherently about Ancom being a minor, this is about Ancom being treated as an equal. That concludes my mini analysis.
All that being said, I MUST emphasise: one shitty joke in the director's cut is not confirmation that Ancom is a minor. For realsies. It's just one offshoot line.
I think something that sucks is that, maybe for some people, this assumption has come from a place of misunderstanding. For example, there has been a lot of push by certain people that being nonbinary is a phase or neopronouns are for children and this general narrative that there are no nonbinary adults.. This obviously isn't true, and I worry that people who have come to the conclusion Ancom is a minor might partially believe that because they've internalised this or actually agree with this narrative. DISCLAIMER: ADULTS CAN BE NONBINARY <- *I* am a nonbinary adult and there are plenty of other adult gender queers out there. Ancom is not a minor just because qi has silly pronouns.
However, I don't mind if you view qim as a minor. That's none of my business. But don't go around calling a ship gross because of something YOU'VE projected onto a character, that's your own headcanon and it's not universal. And if you ARE under the assumption Ancom is a minor because qi acts silly or uses neopronouns or the like, I just want you to pause and think about if it's coming from your own assumptions of what an adult is meant to look like. If you still think Ancom is a minor after that reflection, then that's okay, and that's your headcanon, and you are allowed to silly wit it :3 Just don't force that hc onto others.
TLDR; don't harass me over my headcanon and I won't harass you over yours. 👍
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skybristle · 2 years
I'm really interested to hear about your episode 11/12 CRK rewrite, do you mind explaining the plot? If it's too long to explain or smth, can you at least give some basic plot points/major changes?
[pls rb] It's a bit messy tbh since i never got into the nitty-gritty of the exact play by play events, but i had a lot of thoughts on how i would like to have restructured it / rewritten certain parts. its always bugged me how tonally distant the hb kingdom is from,,,, everything else in the main storyline, especially compared to pv and cacao's plotlines. one of the key things is that i took the mention pitaya burned down the kingdom at one point WAY more seriously than the plot does - as well as them 'taking over' the kingdom. i should note that they aren't nessacarily malicious, moreso trying to bait hollyberry out of hiding to fight them and going about it in the worst way possible. The timeline of cr is so messy and conflicting [esp now with the implication roguefort was very young when their family died in the ob christmas event and they died in my fanon BECAUSE of the pitaya attack but i had other stuff before that that said it was only like 6-7 years ago but. AUGH. WHATEVER]. TLDR the hollyberry kingdom has rebuilt but they're still kinda a mess and slowly losing faith in the royal family and turning to the great houses - leading to a setup similar to the princess contest [i think the 'princess contest' is stupid as hell, like, especially when princess herself shows up for it but it 'must go on'].
TO SUMMARIZE SOME THINGS. For my fanon in general i've kicked gingerbrave and co out of the main plotline - nothing against them, but persoanlly them being shoved into every plotline makes their narratives suffer drastically [at least in my fanon] . i've weighed the thought of either rasp or princess being the main protagonist but like . princess probably makes more sense im just HEAVILY biased towards rasp. Background stuff thats important to the characters -rasp has been staying in the cookie kingdom for a while and becoming dissalussioned with her house and hollyberry kingdom as she spends time away from the suffocating enviorment and begins falling in love with parfait - but cant commit because she can't be in love with a commoner under her house's watch. puts off going home until a carriage shows up asking her to come back to the kigndom for the contest. Is not havign a good time and only gets more and more upset as the plot goes on - batflower [oc of mine] was a heiress, but lost her manor in the pitaya attack. she's a power-obsessed asshole who does Not value people unless they contribute to her amusement or game. Is a literal fucking serial killer! - uhhhh i wanted to do more with tiger lily but the brainrot was never there. i think it would be sillly if part of the reason she went missing was related to hollyberry's dissapearance - i also kicked out the cookies of darkness not because they're irrelevant or completely gone i just liked using batflower and pitaya as the villians wayy more. they might be around but probably serving a more minor role - like how affogato is the main antagonist in chp 13/14 but theyre still around OKAY SO. It runs mostly the same but the one to poison their drinks is - suprise suprise - batflower ! nyx holds a lot of envy towards the remaining heiresses [especially rasp who is trying to walk away from the privlidge she'd been given that batflower so desprately wants back] and she spikes the heiresses' drinks with something similar as to what wizard/strawberry get in the original. And raspberry's already having her emotions run high and is pretty pissy and her and princess do Not Get Along so they start fighting before dueling [11-27 boss fight] - though it gets interupted by batflower showing herself, unfurling her wings and mocking them for falling right into her play. Yadda yadda drama stuff yadda yadda rasp falling even deeper into her want to leave her role because she sees the reflection of what it can do to people in batflower but also. THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING [batflower replaces the 11-30 boss - it fits nyx well since its in a garden and nyx has plant magic it uses to make its poisons]. Once batflower is beat she retreats. Probably shows up later at minimum as an observer but i havent figured that out. Rest proceeds mostly as normal, with hollyberry showing up having realized how badly she failed her kingdom and what pitaya has done to it as 'ruler', and promptly beats their ass into next week and probably makes them do community service /LH. i wanted to do more to hb's characer arc and i DID mostly but im trying not to get too deep into the psychology of the events [as i often tend to do] and just tell it as it is. i think it would be cute if wildberry was with her [since she took him in while she was in hiding] and when its revealed shes the queen he gets promoted to her personal bodyguard. just thought that though idk a lot of this is loose Rasp at this point is done, goes home, gets in a fight with mousse and leaves the kingdom for good - though that probably wouldnt be featured in the plot. what WOULD be featured is a tiger lily reuinion with her family - i havent thought abt it much but it annoys me to NO FUCKING END that she is completely written off despite being LITERALLY *the missing princess*. And they do nothing with her besides jungleberry offhandedly remarking "oh that might be her,,," like GIRL YOURE NOT GONNA ?? INVESTIGATE ??? i think thats it . i might be forgetting something but whatever.
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