#this is for all of us y'all. everyone under the transgender/GNC umbrella
sagechan · 5 months
"you're not dysphoric, so you're not trans" sounds so much more limiting than "you are dysphoric, so you may be trans." like, even if a person has dysphoria, they might not be trans. and even if they're trans, they might not have dysphoria. it's very reductive to say an entire spectrum of identity, an entire spectrum of being, is dependent on whether you are that identity in the "correct" way. maybe it's naive idealism, idk. but I think when you start defining queerness by what you aren't, you lose the chance to get to define queerness by what you are. which is much more important in the grand scheme of your life as you shore up against the bigoted vitriol of a would that wants all of us, dysphoric or not, to disappear.
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adhd-anti · 6 years
Alright, since that other person didn't acknowledge the lie they told I'm gonna make my own post abt it
Apparently some of y'all think APA is an unreliable source bc a) you believe the lie that APA categorizes being gay as a mental disorder and/or b) APA says gnc ppl and drag queens are under the trans umbrella
Well, I'm here to clear some shit up for you!
(this is a copy/paste of my response to this post)
Found under the tab "Is homosexuality a mental disorder?" (Link below):
"No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and [h*mosexual] behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality."
Retrieved from here
Now, the reason drag queens are considered to be under the trans umbrella is because of their role in trans activism throughout history. Cw, the following quote is from a 2016 study that contains outdated terms that were used during the 1960s. Slurs are censored.
"The pace of transgender social change activism quickened in the later 1960s. In Los Angeles, Sir Lady Java, an African American trans-feminine performer at the Redd Foxx nightclub, helped overturn police rules that criminalized cross-dressing, and Angela Douglas founded TAO, the Transexual Activist Organization.75 In New York City, the support groups Transsexuals and Transvestites (TAT) and Labyrinth, the first group dedicated to transsexual men, formed along with STAR, the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. STAR House, founded by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, provided free shelter, food, and peer support for marginalized transgender street youth of color (Figure 9).76 Another New York group, the Queens Liberation Front published Drag magazine, which reported on political happenings all across the country.77 In Philadelphia, the Radical Queens collective worked to integrate transgender concerns into multi-issue social change activism, often in collaboration with the radical lesbian collective [D*KETACTICS]."
Found on page 28 of chapter 10 in LGBTQ America: A Theme Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History, retrieved from here
According to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, Johnson was also a drag queen.
Also this isn't saying I think all drag queens are trans, but that the reason they are included under the trans umbrella is because historically, they have been. Same with gnc people. Do I think all gnc ppl and drag queens are trans? No, of course not, everyone's experience is different. APA just categorizes them as being under the trans umbrella because of their involvement in trans activism
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