#this is also my first time writing Red Son in a solo fic
mariposiel · 1 year
My Red Son/Reader fic is probably going to go past 10K words, and there’s still a few, major scenes I have to incorporate AJSKDKD
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dramaticcrow · 5 months
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case you upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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topaz-witch-tea · 10 months
To your last post: I love a hc that all the protection charms Yanqing wears are from Jing Yuan: he's proud of his student (son) and is confident in his abilities but deep down as a parent he's deeply worried about Yanqing's well-being, especially when he isn't near to personally insure his safety. (and Yanqing certainly doesn't make his life easier, running away to fight criminals and go on solo missions kskdkd). He totally prays to Lan
P.S. I love your fics and headcanons about the HCQ and Yanqing so much! Thank you for writing them!!
Hello!!!! I'm so glad you love my work, I really enjoy making them for everyone to read!!!
I know this reply is a bit late, I am behind on answering all my asks 😅
In canon, I have a headcanon that Jing Yuan took Yanqing in when he was a little baby, barely a month old. Jing Yuan was already so tired of his role and his life when he came across Yanqing. He was absolutely taken in by the baby, who seemed to babble endlessly and cry when Jing Yuan set him down. With this new sense of fatherhood also came a sense of fear and anxiety since babies are so fragile and Yanqing was so, so very curious.
The first was the silver lock charm, which was originally on a silver hoop to prevent Yanqing from choking. Jing Yuan got it not long after he took in Yanqing. The charm was decorated with auspicious symbols for Yanqing to live a long and healthy life. He knew a long life was a small ask for Xianzhou Natives, but he had seen war and knew full well how easy it was to die. Yanqing enjoyed the charm greatly, especially the little tinkling sounds the bells made.
The second was the red string on his ankle, a symbol of protection and good fortune. Yanqing was probably about 6 months old when he got the anklet. A gift from Jing Yuan, he had heard of the tradition from Yukong when she got Qingni and Tingyun a red bracelet. Survival is based on luck 50% of the time and he prayed that Yanqing could receive all the good fortune he could get.
The last one was the bells, a bracelet that was also given to babies for good luck and protection. The bracelet was bought in conjunction with the lock charm but Yanqing had a habit of sticking the bells into his mouth so the bracelet was removed of out of fear it was a potential choking hazard. It was given to Yanqing at 1 year old when he outgrew the phase of shoving things in his mouth and instead started the crawl off. The jingling of the bells quickly signaled his location and allowed everyone to keep an eye on him. In the early years, the bells were the most useful protection charm Yanqing had.
While they did not get rid of his anxiety, they did assuage it a little bit. A little bit of hope for Yanqing's safety and survival and a symbol of Jing Yuan's love for his only son.
Please feel free to send more 🥰
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Okay so I watched Empire Strikes Back tonight, and like, how have I never seen any Varigo as Han Solo and Leia? Like they’re perfect.
Anyway, this triggered a “what if I wrote a whole fic about this and put all the characters from tts and vat7k into Star Wars?”
So here is who I’d think be who. Keep in mind, my Star Wars knowledge is limited to mainly just the original trilogy, and even then isn’t much.
Varian - Leia So, basically instead of Varian being a princess or prince of whatever planet Leia is from, he would be a royal scientist who was naturally good at the force and just didn’t know it yet.
Eugene - Luke Luke and Leia would be cousins in this, Eugene being the son of Darth Vader, and Varian being Vader’s nephew. Eugene, after being born, gets taken to an orphanage on Tatooine, where Ben watches him and makes sure he’s not evil. Hugo - Han Solo Hugo would still work for Donella, he would be more of a bounty hunter than he is in the movies. He has his own ship, but Don gives him assignments. Olivia - Chewbacca/Millennium Falcon Chewy: so I’m imagining like a big robot that Hugo built, she could’ve worked as R-2, but Chewbacca is always with Han, so it just made more sense. In this Olivia would be used less for sneakiness and more for brute strength, because Hugo needs that more Millennium Falcon: Olivia is an AI in the ship, Chewy is just Chewy Donella - No one! She doesn’t really fit with anyone, or maybe she does and I just don’t remember them. So here she’s kind of just inserted Qurin - Leia’s dad Seeing as we never see Leia’s adopted father, we don’t know much about him, just that he was an old Jedi master. (I think. I’m getting most of my info from my dad, so let me know if I’m wrong) But he presumably dies when her planet blows up, so that’s what happens to Qurin here! Sorry! Edmund - Darth Vader So, since Eugene is Luke, Edmund had to be Darth Vader, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. Especially because of Dark kingdom/Dark side. Sorry to Edmund fans, (not sure how many there are) but I can personally totally see him being evil if the Dark kingdom was just a bit more evil. Rapunzel - Jedi leader Not an actual character that I know of, she’s just one of the generals or whatever for the Jedi. Lance - Lando Calrissian Because it just works okay. Especially for Lance’s first appearance in the show, when he was kind-of reformed, but not really, then later becomes better. It just works. Also I like the idea of Lance and Hugo knowing each other before hand. Eugene and Hugo did, it’s not too much of a stretch to say Lance did too. Baron - Jaba the hut I have nothing else for this, it’s self explanatory. The Force: So we’re going more moonstone with this. Those who can connect to the moonstone are Jedi, and they can use its magic. Usually trained from a very young age. If you’re a Jedi you get a fun hair color (it matches your lightsaber), and makes it very hard to blend in. This is mainly cause I like the Varian’s hair stripe means he’s got some moon magic in him theory. Dark side: Dark kingdom wants to protect the world from the moonstone, they think it’s dangerous. Darth Vader rose to power despite being connected to the moonstone and using the force, he claims he can use it without being connected, but he can’t. The reason he wears the mask isn’t because he’s terribly disfigured, cause that’s a little bit of bad messaging, it’s so he hides his bright red, glows-when he-force-chokes-someone hair. And cause he thinks it looks cool. I didn’t want to make Adira and Hector evil, so I just didn’t include them, let me know if you think of a way they work. If I do end up writing this, it will take a long time, feel free to use the ideas for your own fic, especially if you know more about Star Wars than I do, just let me know and please credit me. :)
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
10 Questions for 10 Writers
Thank you SO much for the tag, @coneygoil !! You have no idea how much I love being included in these things🫶🏻
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
Sadly, it’s just a hobby. My life’s kinda too busy to make it a lifestyle
2. A journal full of notes, or a clean completed manuscript?
A clean completed manuscript, thank you very much. Which is pretty ironic, given I’m a pretty chaotic woman.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
SwanFire and ThePhoenixFeatherQuill. I went through a Once Upon a Time phase became a huge SwanFire shipper after my first rewatch and one night while I was lying in bed, I looked up SwanFire fanfics. The Phoenix’s masterlist was like, the first or second search result? So I clicked on it when lo and behold! The Spinner’s Son captured my interest. I clicked on it and fell in love. I looked for other medieval AUs but couldn’t find any so naturally, after seeing posts about writing what you went to read, I decided to try my own hand at writing one.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Well… I’m not a singer (I sing WITH people sometimes) so, definitely having someone I look up to read my first draft. I remember when Red (an awesome writer who I also look up to and tumblr friend - check out his Into the Woods, it’s amazing!!) told me he checked out Secrets, Lies and Blessings after we met and started interacting during covid. I was mortified and wanted to crawl into a hole.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
Um, maybe….? I delved into OC stuff this year and wrote a fic about Gale Cleven. Two people with totally different personalities and characterization than Baelfire and Emma so, I guess yes? Maybe it didn’t change my perspective but it’s helped me grow as a writer maybe? I don’t know, maybe I don’t understand this question…?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
AO3 and FFN by far!! They’re my favorites and go-tos. I started out on those babies! I think FFN is slowly dying though😔
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
105,744 - No, I wish it was higher. If it was it’d mean I’m more prolific.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
Once Upon a Time started my writing hobby. I needed Neal to be happy and I was gonna write that, darn it! But with running out of ideas, writing SwanFire for 6 years straight, and going through a kind of heartbreak, I got really burnt out and kinda stopped for a while. It was The Boys in the Boat and Masters of the Air that inspired me to start writing again❤️ Don and Gale, man! They have a hold on me!!
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
That my writing is better than I give it credit for. And yes, Red told me that four years ago. He said it more articulate than that though (former English teacher and all, lol!) and him saying that made me feel a little more confident in my writing. I’ve gotten some pretty nice compliments about keeping my characters’ personalities true to canon and that’s pretty high praise too because I go real out of my way to do that.
10. What defines your writing style?
I… don’t even know? Even though most of my stories are romance, there’s also a heavy emphasis on friendship because a good old fashioned friendship is important to me (e.g. Emma and Eleanor). Theyre also very emotional. Whether it’s someone falling in love, preparing for parenthood, or suffering from PTSD, I want my readers to feel what he/she is going through and to be able to relate to them on a personal and intimate level.
Tags: Not me racking my brain to think of all the writers who follow and/or engage with me, and/or are in my notes🤕 @phoenixwrites @ljf613 @solo-pitstop-vibes @okieedokes @swanfireprincessmydear @fictional-at-heart @redbone135 @heatherfield @strangethings-everywhere @plasmabluefire @themeepyfreak And whatever other writer sees this and wants to participate, please consider yourself tagged! You can even say I tagged you. I want you all, especially new writers, to be included🫶🏻 No cliques in SassyAndClassy’s house!!! Oh my gosh is that ten??? DID I DO IT???? We won’t talk about how long that took me to come up with all of you🥴 I hope none of you will be annoyed that I tagged you🫣
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hertzwritings · 2 years
Try me
A/N: I had another chat with my incomparable, loving girl @staysluttymyfriends97​ and now my head is swimming with ideas – which is why my smut-weekend is extended by a day. Hope y’all can cope! This is honestly dirty as hell and my first step-anything-story, so I hope you’ll like it! It’s also my first Chris Evans solo-story, so cheers to that.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, oneshot or multichapter fic just for you!
Love y’all so much. Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests (and askbox) are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me and I have none!
Pairing: AU! Stepbrother!Chris Evans x female reader
Warnings: Language, stepbrother/stepsister dynamic, slight enemies to lovers, hate-sex, dom!Daddy/little girl (slightly), spanking, dirty talk, p in v, angry sex, semi-public, unprotected sex, cream pie, degradation-kink, praise-kink, slight breathplay, oral (m receiving), probably something else I forgot
Wordcount: 4.230
 Try me
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Chris was normally a pretty level-headed guy – he knew right from wrong, he didn’t blow up at anyone out of nothing, and he prided himself in not being too much of an angry asshole, when things didn’t go his way.
But for some reason, those things didn’t apply when it came to Y/N. No, for her? He was seething with rage, all snide remarks and glaring eyes, which she returned tenfold, that snarky, little girl.
They had gotten along great when they were younger. He was ten years, when his dad introduced him to his soon-to-be stepsister and stepmom. She was 6, and they had a pretty good relationship for a few years, being an actual pair of siblings. Then she hit puberty. He was barely home around that time, but he came home one day, and she just looked like… He wanted to bury himself in her. He knew it was wrong, and it tore him apart whenever he felt the desire to just take her. Which led him to a lot of pent-up anger and then that just became their language – and it had been since then.
His want for her hadn’t diminished one bit since then. They only saw each other during family functions, holidays, and the likes, which always bled into arguments – he couldn’t help himself. He liked seeing her face go red and the way she talked to him made him feel all the things.
It was fourth of July-weekend, and he had barely stepped foot inside his childhood home, before he bristled as Y/N walked past him with a raised brow and short, that could double as a pair of panties. He groaned. Of fucking course.
“Hi, dad.” He hugged his dad with one arm, eyes trained on Y/N, who was currently bending over – she was going to kill him. “Hi, son. Can you stay somewhat nice for the weekend?” He asked, keeping a stern grip on Chris’ shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll try.” “I still don’t know what the hell happened between the two of you but keep it nice.” Chris nodded and gestured to his room. “I’ll put my bags down. There’s a party at Sebastian’s tomorrow, I might go. Is that okay?” His dad nodded once. “Yeah, sure. Just don’t get too drunk and don’t bring anyone back home, your mom would have my head.” Chris grinned, his eyes trailing after Y/n as she ascended the stairs, her hips swaying dangerously. “Sure thing, dad.” He followed Y/N, getting enveloped in her perfume – it smelled like apples and lilac, and it was fucking addictive – following the scent to the landing on top of the stairs.
“Hiya, bro.” She called from her room, the usual amount of contempt in her voice. “Put some clothes on.” He simply murmured back, closing the door to his room with a loud bang. He threw himself on the bed and palmed his semi-hard cock through his pants; as always, the weekend would be long and hard. A slight knock sounded on his door, and he sat up, hiding his hardened length behind his shirt before the door opened, and Y/N stepped inside – she had changed into a summerdress in green tones, and she looked stunning. Too stunning. “What do you want?” “Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist. Mom put some of my shit in here, I’m just getting it.” She roamed the room before finding a box of things, clearly marked with her name. “You should put on some more clothes. I can see your tits from here.” “My back is turned.” “Statement still holds.” He sneered. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, the box resting on her hip. “Sorry, daddy, I’ll be sure to get right on that.” “Don’t fucking call me that.” His cock was ridiculously hard. She smirked. “Get a hold of that monster before dinner.” She nodded to his crotch. He groaned as she left the room, the air thick with her scent. At some point, he’d have to stop torturing himself by coming home. He wanted her so fucking bad, and he knew it was wrong, but she riled him up like nobody else had – or ever could – and she looked like she was straight out of his fucking dreams. He sighed and slowly grabbed his hard, angry length. Better follow her advice. He remembered the picture, he had – by accident, honestly – seen on Sebastian’s phone a few months earlier with Y/N as a centerpiece; her almost naked frame had filled the screen, the little, bratty smile on her lips and her middle finger in the air, while her tongue was out, sent him into a tailspin. He wasn’t much for admitting it, but he had lost his mind thinking about her sending that kind of picture to Sebastian of all people, and much to his embarrassment, had sent the picture to himself, deleting the message from Sebastian’s phone. He sighed and grabbed his phone, finding the picture on his phone and settled back into his pillows.
Dinner was uneventful – other than the casual insults hurled between him and Y/N – and he retreated to his room earlier than normal. He couldn’t handle looking at her in any way – her dress was lowcut and fit her like a fucking glove, and it made the dining-experience wildly uncomfortable for him, despite just rubbing one out. It was like his own, personal hell.
He paced his room, thinking back to the moment she accidentally dropped her fork as she was carrying dishes out, and stopped to bend down right in front of him; her ass was almost against the front of his jeans and he could see her thong – he was about to lose it and just take her right there, but whatever little self-control he had left, had gotten the best of him. He could not be here for a full fucking weekend with her prancing around in nothing. It was like she was doing it on purpose, just to rile him up.
His mind was made up pretty quickly; he wanted to tell her the fuck off and then get the hell out of dodge, not fucking caring anymore. He was grabbing the handle of his door, pulling it open, when a sound hit him; it came from Y/N’s room and it was like a fishhook had sunk into him, an invisible line pulling him straight to the door, that had been cracked open a notch. Sinful fucking sounds came from there. He could hear a slight buzzing followed by wet noises, that went straight to his cock, and he felt disgusted by himself, listening to the wet sounds of her fucking herself. It was wrong, so fucking wrong of him to listen in on her, but he was rooted to the spot, listening with red cheeks and shame coursing through him as her moans began to tumble out of the cracked door. He was palming himself again, the sounds making him feel tense and tight, dreaming of being in place instead of the vibrator, when he heard his name.
“Chris… Fuck, daddy!” She whined it, the vibrator buzzing wilder than before – he grunted at the sound and the throb in his cock made it almost impossible to stand up; he quickly walked back to his own room and furiously jerked himself off to the thought of her riding his cock deeply.
“Mama, I’m going to Sebastian’s!” Chris heard Y/N’s voice ring through the entire fucking house – he ran inside, spotting her with a hand on the doorhandle, almost already out. “You’re not fucking going to Sebastian’s party.” He groaned, his eyes scanning her outfit; it was barely an outfit, in his eyes. He wanted to rip it to fucking shreds. A sheer, white dress hugged her body, the swimsuit peeking through – it was absolutely sinful. “Oh, my god, you should try removing that stick from your ass.” He stalked to her and towered over her – her chest was heaving, and he couldn’t help himself. He loved it. Always had. The way she’d look up at him defiantly, her chest rising and falling with desperate breaths every time he said or did something to rile her up; it was a part of his hellish fun. “I’ll give you something in your ass.” He rumbled, hushed, so their parents didn’t overhear; she licked her lips, the tip of her pink tongue peeking out and he wanted to fucking bite it. It was insane, the feral nature that just took over his body whenever he was close to her. “Try me, asshole. I’m going.” “I’m driving.” He spat out and grabbed his jacket from the hanger. He hadn’t planned on going yet, but there was no way he was going to let her go alone. “You’re a dick.” She said, pouting a little – he wanted nothing more than grab that sweet, little lip and tug on it as he buried himself deep inside of her, but he simply rolled his eyes with the biggest show of self-control he’d ever put on.
“Yo, I’m driving her. I’ll stay there as well, Seb’s expecting me anyway.” He yelled out, not bothering to wait for an answer before pushing the door open and walking with angry strides to his car, opening the passenger-side door for her. She slid inside with a huff, and he geared up the car, his hand so tight on the gearstick, his knuckles turned white.
He was dangerously close to touching her exposed, warm thigh, every time he shifted gears, and he noticed her squirming a little, whenever he was; his pinky almost touched her at one time, and he could’ve sworn she sucked in a sharp breath. He noticed the choker, he had given her as a gift a few years back – as a prank, he really wanted her to look like the brat, she was – rested around her throat. She tugged on it a little, almost in a comforting gesture. He was going to die. He sped up and they managed to reach the Stan household in record-time. He stilled the engine and she sucked on her teeth. “Thanks for the ride.” She mumbled. “Good girl, look at you being all polite with me.” He didn’t know why the words had spilled out of him, but they had. Maybe he wanted to test the waters with her – or at least just see her reaction to him. Heat colored her skin and she whined. It was the smallest noise in the back of her throat, but it was everything to him. That sound, that little noise, could fill his head for years to come. “Asshole.” She quickly got out of the car, rushing inside; he glanced down at the seat, and with a wide grin, realized she’d left a little, wet spot on the leather.
He followed her inside, waving and nodding at the few people he knew inside, before going to the back of the house, where several people were lazing around either in the pool or around it. He spotted Sebastian, who jogged over to him with a wide smile, grabbing his shoulder. “Hey, man! I thought you weren’t coming until later.” “I wasn’t, but Y/N needed a ride.” He grumbled, thankfully taking the beer that was thrust into his hand by a random passer-by. His eyes were locked on Y/N, who was smiling and laughing with some asshole a little away from Chris. “Cool, thanks for bringing my girl over.”      
He bristled at that and couldn’t control the slight growl in the back of his throat. Sebastian grinned and raised his eyebrow. “Down, boy. We’re just having fun.” “Don’t fucking talk about her like that.” “Dude… Fine, I’ll ask you as a real gentleman. Can I take a shot at it with her?” Chris bared his teeth. “No, you can’t, you dickhead, she’s mine.” He growled, eyes on Sebastian. “She’s yours?” Sebastian looked a little disgusted. “I’ve never heard her moan your name before.” “Buddy, she’s your sister.” “By marriage.” He answered lamely. He knew it was a shitty excuse, and he knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but he didn’t want anyone touching her – she was, in his head at least, his. “Bro, that’s fucked up.” Sebastian answered. “I’ll fuck you up, if you as much as breathe in her direction today.” Sebastian rolled his eyes – Chris was pretty sure Sebastian already knew how he felt. “I’m not going to unpack those issues with you, dude. Scarlett is around here somewhere; I’m going to let you go and brood in a corner.” Sebastian clapped his shoulder. “Get yourself together, man. Honestly, you can’t be simping for your sister.” He left, letting those words hang in the air and Chris watched Y/N as she shrugged the dress off of her body, and he saw red – he stalked to her and grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her to the pool house, her whines trailing them. He smacked the door shut and glared at her.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” The bathing suit barely counted, small scraps of flimsy fabric covering her pebbled nipples. “A bathing suit. I wanted to go bathing.” “Half of your ass is showing.” He grumbled, his hands still on her arms. “So is your asshole personality, but you don’t see me complaining.” “Shut the fuck up.” He growled. “I saw that idiot touching your arm.” She huffed. “You’re just letting anyone touch you like that?” Her chest was heaving, and Chris could barely focus on her words. “Well, you’re not going to.” Her words shot straight to his cock, sending it roaring – he stepped closer to her, his body flush with hers. “Who the fuck said I wouldn’t?” He growled, searching her eyes. “Bullshit.” “Try me.” His hand traveled to her throat, tugging at the choker. His voice had dropped, and he could almost smell her arousal. “You like something of mine choking you?” He muttered, holding it tightly. She whined a little. He leaned in, his fingers hooked under her choker – her breath stuttered, and he dropped all pretenses of being a good, normal brother and crashed his lips to hers.
She was like fucking heroin to him. She breathed against his lips, her small hands wrapped around his neck, and he pushed her legs open with his knee, his tongue sliding across her lower lip; she whimpered and granted him access to her and he lost himself completely. He grabbed her roughly, hooking his hands against her ass and growled as she tugged his lip between her teeth. He disentangled himself from her lips and looked at her hooded eyes. “I want to see how my cock looks like choking your throat.” He mumbled in a low voice. She closed her eyes with a slight exhale and whimpered again; he chuckled at her wanton sounds. “Knees.” He commanded. She followed without hesitation, placing herself on her knees among the various shit stacked in the pool house and he grunted as her hands found his shorts, swiftly undoing them and letting his cock spring free. He groaned as her tongue found his cock, licking a long, lazy stripe along the underside of it – he jerked his hips, letting himself go into her mouth and settle against the back of her throat. “Fuck… Oh, your mouth looks so good around my cock, baby girl.” He mumbled, tangling his fingers in her hair to keep her in place. She moaned around him, gagging slightly as he began fucking her mouth with short, desperate thrusts. She was warm and wet around him, the sounds of her gagging on his cock would be enough for him to cum; he moaned her name and forced his cock deeper down her throat – she gagged and tears welled in her eyes as she looked up at him.
She was a fucking vision.
“You like choking on your stepbrother’s cock, huh, you dirty fucking slut?” He mumbled, lost in the feeling of her around him. She moaned and opened her jaw more, allowing him to go deeper – he groaned as he slid down her throat. “Fuck, yes…” He couldn’t control the sounds he was making – this was a dream come true, her beautiful face looking up at him with his cock buried in her throat. “Fuck, stop, stop, stop, or I’m going to cum, fuck, baby…” HE pulled out of her mouth, a string of spit connecting them; he pulled her roughly to her feet, quickly undoing the straps on her bikini-bottom, letting it fall to the ground. He grinned deviously when he saw how fucking wet they were. “You want to be fucked by your stepbrother, huh?” She shook her head. “No…” She said defiantly, a smirk playing on her lips. “Then why are your legs shaking, and why are your panties so soaked?” He asked, cupping her chin with his big hand; she was forced to look up at him and her eyes told a very different story than her lips did. “I was swimming.” “In your own juices, it would seem.” He let his fingers wander to her slick folds and chuckled lightly. “Oh, baby, you like this, huh? You’re going to be my little, good girl and keep your fucking bratty mouth shut for me?” “Fuck… Yes, daddy.” He growled at the nickname and squeezed her chin even harder than before – she mewled at it, and her hips rolled on their own accord. “Good girl.” He slid two fingers inside of her and began pumping, the wet sounds filling the pool house. He was happy that the music from outside drowned out pretty much everything else, because she was loud. “You’ve been thinking about me fucking you, haven’t you?” He asked, thrusting his fingers deeply inside of her. She was fucking velvet against his fingers. “No…” She tried to lie, but her moan cut her off and her knees buckled. “I heard you yesterday, baby girl. You were so naughty, fucking yourself to the thought of me, huh?” he pumped his fingers relentlessly in and out of her, coating himself in her slick; she was fluttering around his fingers and he knew she was close – her chest heaved, and he wanted to choke her out, let her gasp and struggle for air, beg him for it, but he knew he couldn’t wait to be in her. “You want to cum, baby girl? You want to cum all over my thick fingers?” he asked, slapping her cheek. She mewled and her eyes rolled back in her head, and fuck if that wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “Yes, yes, please… I want to cum, please…” she moaned, her hand on his wrist, holding him deeply inside of her. “You fucking cum on my fingers, cum for me…” he moaned, his eyes trained on the fingers going in and out of her tight pussy. She came apart on him, her pussy gushing out of her, drenching his hand, and her moans turned to screams as she came hard. He felt her drag him deeper inside of her, and he wanted to stay here forever to just look at her come undone on his fingers. “You want me in you?” He asked, the final line not yet crossed – if she agreed, there was no turning back from it. She found his eyes, still heaving for a breath and nodded once. “Yes.”
His lips descended on hers, desperate and wanting as he lifted her to a box of whatever and sat her down, legs open for him and pussy so inviting, he’d want to fucking live there. She bit his lips and rolled her hips, clearly just as desperate as he was. “I’ve wanted you to fuck me for so long, I need to feel you inside of me, please, please, ple…” She groaned as he slipped his cock inside of him, filling her out. She was a drug, heaven, hell – all of it combined in one, and he knew for sure he was going to all the hells there existed for doing this. He didn’t care. He grunted as he bottomed out, looking down at her stretched over his large, twitching cock. “Fuck, you look so good stretched out over my cock, baby girl…” He whispered, his hand finding her throat and squeezing slightly. She whined and arched her back, letting him fill her deeper than before. “Shit…” He began fucking her, no rhythm or control – he just wanted to fill her, be buried in her, despite of the shame of what they were doing, he wanted her to be ruined by him. She was moaning his name, letting it tumble from her lips like a secret prayer as her nails dug into his shoulders, her chest bouncing with every thrust he gave her. “Fuck, you’re never going to be free of me… You’re my personal, little, secret…” He groaned and fucked her harder, feeling her clench around him. “Fucktoy, aren’t you?” He finished his sentence with a growl, as her fingers found his hair, tugging at it. He roared and pounded her deeply, his balls slapping wetly against her ass. She was dripping down on him, her breathing labored by his hand around her throat.
“You want to cum, little girl? Yeah, you want to cum on your stepbrother’s cock, huh?” She whimpered and he chuckled, removing his hand from her throat to pinch her pebbled nipple. “Oh, did I dumb you down already? All you needed was my thick cock in your tight pussy?” she mewled and clung to him like he was a fucking life-raft. He looked down at where his cock disappeared inside of her, and he groaned. “Look at you, taking me so well… You want to cum, baby girl?” He moaned and found her lips again as he pounded her roughly. She screamed against his lips as she came, and he was nearing the edge too; everything felt so fucking tight around him, her hands, nails, pussy, everything was so fucking tight. She went limp in his arms, but her eyes found his; they were dark with lust. “Fucking… Fuck, you want me to fill you, huh? You want me to use you like a good, little cum-slut?” She smiled dirtily at him and held him tighter, bouncing back on him. “Yes… Fucking fill me with your cum, please… Please, stepbrother, please!” She whispered, moaning wildly as he sped up, chasing his high. “Your pussy is fucking heroin, baby…” He mumbled, leaning his forehead against hers, fucking her roughly and deeply until he felt his balls tighten. “Fucking hell, take it!” He groaned and roared as he came deep inside of her, long, thick ropes of hot cum filling her. She was moaning and grinding back on him as he came in her, and her hands drew long, red lines on his shoulders.
They were both panting as they came down from their highs and he pulled out with a hiss – he was overwhelmed by shame and contentment and even a little bit of pride, when he saw his spend leak out from her. He cupped her face and dropped his voice. “We can’t tell anybody. Get that?” He asked with a hard voice. She raised an eyebrow and dipped her fucking finger inside of her, licking their spend off of her finger; she moaned at the taste, and he could go again, right now, right here. “Why would I ever tell?” “Because you’re a brat.” He told her, slapping her cheek affectionately. She grinned at him and grabbed her bottoms, tying them back on, before turning back to him and kissed him. Her tongue slid against his and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his body; if he had his way, he’d never let go. “Well… You enjoy me being a brat, don’t you?” She asked gently, biting down on his lip. He smirked. “Only if I get to punish you for it.” “Hm…” She kissed him again and smiled against his lips.
“Don’t you think I could do well at Boston Uni? I would just have such a hard time paying rent for something over there…” He grinned and smacked her ass. “Good thing your brother lives just right next door, huh?”
TAGLIST:  @acaceta​ @a-skov​ @angelmather1​ @cooldreamlandsandwich​ @est1887​ @enchantedbytomandhenry​ @fionnthebandersnacc​ @herroyalbubbliness​ @keiva1000​ @kebabgirl67​ @luclittlepond @mis-lil-red​ @multifanficdom @one-sweet-gubler​ @pandaxnienke​ @perfunctory-username69 @sleutherclaw​ @summersong69​ @spookyboogyuniverse​ @stardusted26​ @thereisa8ella​ @timetraveller4​ @thatonechickhere​ @themanfromu​ @thelastpyle​ @yourlocalhoney​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​       
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
I don’t know if you write for them as well, but could I request a poly fic for Reki, Langa and the reader and maybe them explaining them explaining their relationship to Langas and/or Rekis mom after being caught cuddling together? Thank you in advance and sorry, if you don’t write for them.
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Reki & Langa: Three's a Crowd
A/N: my first request for Reki and Langa! I'm so excited because I love those boys with my whole heart; they deserve the world! So excited to write this!
Rating: PG13
Warnings: use of the term "slut", complex teenage relationships/sexuality discussed
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Flopping over onto your back on the bed, you stretched your arms and legs out and let out a loud yawn. You, Reki, and Langa had been working on homework ever since the three of you had arrived at Langa's house after school and you were starting to get mentally exhausted. 
"I'm done!" you exclaimed, shutting your eyes and exhaling.
Peeking at you from where he was lying on the floor, Reki cocked a brow at you. "You finished all of it?"
"No." You shook your head. "I'm just done. My brain hurts. If I do any more I think I might die."
"Good enough for me!" Reki closed his textbook as well and stopped doing his homework too.
Sighing from his spot at his desk, Langa turned in his desk chair to face the two of you. "We have to have this done for tomorrow. You do know that, right?"
"Yes, obviously." You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to do the rest later. I just need a break."
"Exactly. Break time!" Reki stood up from the floor and promptly fell down on top of you on Langa's bed, crushing you and pushing the air out of your lungs in the process. "I'll finish later too."
Langa scoffed. "Y/N I believe . . . but Reki, we all know you'll forget about it tonight and end up scrambling to finish as the teacher goes around collecting it tomorrow morning."
"He does have a point," you wheezed out, trying your hardest to push Reki off of your stomach.
Reki frowned and stuck his bottom lip out dramatically. "You guys are so mean to me." He adjusted himself on top of you so his face was hovering right above yours. "I expected this from Langa, but you, Y/N? I thought you loved me."
You forced out a laugh as you cupped his face with your hands. "I do love you, but that doesn't mean you don't have faults, Reki. I love you despite your faults, and one of your faults is procrastination."
He furrowed his brows, his face scrunching up in thought. "I can't tell if that was a compliment or not."
"The gist was that you're loved," Langa muttered as he continued working away at the homework one question at a time, trying his best to ignore the two of you.
Reki's eyes lit up at that. "Well, good!" He smiled as he cupped your face with his hands in return and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
Immediately, your cheeks turned red and you averted his gaze. Things between the three of you were still relatively new and you were still working out how a relationship with three people worked, exactly. The fact that neither one of you had ever really had a serious relationship before only made things more complicated.
Noticing your reaction, Reki brushed the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks. "Sorry," he apologized. "I should have asked before I kissed you."
"No, it's okay," you assured him, a soft smile on your face as you did so. "I'm just not used to it yet, especially since our relationship isn't exactly . . . normal."
"I know." Reki hugged you tight and buried his face in your neck, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there. "Did you tell your parents yet?"
You shook your head as your heart began to pound nervously. "No. Did you?"
"Not yet," he mumbled into your neck. "Every time I try to, one of my siblings is around and I abort mission."
Craning your neck, you looked over at Langa. "Did you tell your mom yet, Langa?"
Only half-listening to the conversation, Langa perked at his name but tilted his head quizzically at the inquiry. "Did I tell my mom what?"
"About us," Reki clarified. "The three of us being together."
"Oh." He seemed to grow nervous about the topic as well. "Not yet. Soon."
Finally rolling off of you, Reki laid on his back and pulled you into his side, his arm wrapped around you and your head resting on his chest. "If only we were adults and didn't have to worry about the approval of our parents."
"Yeah," Langa agreed, thoroughly distracted from his homework now, his mind running a mile a minute while he thought about the current predicament. The three of you had to be careful when you went over to each others' houses, trying your best to convince everyone that you were just close friends and nothing more.
Cuddling and kissing were usually reserved for late nights when the sun went down, the lights were turned off, and the three of you hid behind the excuse of watching a movie together. Funnily enough, watching a movie together and cuddling had been how the three of you had discovered your feelings for one another.
"Speaking of that, you two should be careful." Langa gestured to the way you and Reki were holding each other on his bed. "What if my mom walks in?"
"Yeah, you're right," Reki sighed. "I just feel like we never get to be together how we want . . . we're worried about what our parents will think at home and worried about what everyone else will think at school. Nevermind the fact that Langa and I are gay, or, bisexual I guess . . . but polyamory? We'd never hear the end of it."
You exhaled slowly, cuddling closer to Reki. "They'd probably call me a slut for having two boyfriends."
Standing from his chair, Langa walked over to the bed and laid down with you and Reki, forgetting about all of his usual paranoid worries for the time being. "You're not a slut," he told you, wrapping his arms around you as well. "And who cares what anyone else thinks anyway, right? As long as we're happy and we're not hurting anyone else, that's all that matters."
Relishing in the feeling of having your two favourite people on either side of you, you started feeling the stress fade away and your body relax from its usual tense state. "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Before either Reki or Langa had the chance to respond, the bedroom door suddenly swung open and Langa's mom poked her head into the room. "Langa, are you friends staying for dinner or-" She stopped talking as soon as she saw the three of you tangled up in one another on the bed.
Immediately, the three of you jumped away from each other, the stress that had just left filling your body once more. Completely caught off guard since Langa's mom usually knocked first before opening the door, neither one of you knew how to explain away what she had just seen.
"M-mom!" Langa was standing on the opposite side of the room now while you and Reki stood on either side of the bed. "Why didn't you knock?"
Langa's mom eyed the three of you, quickly noticing the flushed faces and obvious nerves radiating off of you. Even if she hadn't thought anything of what she had seen at first, she definitely suspected something now with how the three of you were acting.
"I apologize," she said, pushing the door open all the way and standing in the doorway. "Langa, dear, do you have something you want to tell me?"
Fiddling nervously with his fingers, Langa turned to look at you and Reki, trying to gauge your reactions and decide whether he should tell the truth or try to pull off some sort of lie; but both you and Reki were completely useless as you stared down at the floor and shifted anxiously.
"Langa?" His mom prompted once more.
Finally meeting his mother's gaze, Langa drew in a deep breath. "Can you promise not to be mad?"
Langa's mother quirked a brow quizzically. "You're starting to worry me, honey. Just tell me what's got you so flustered."
"Well . . . u-um," Langa stumbled over his words, completely unsure how he was supposed to just come out and say it. "Well, Mom . . . Reki, Y/N, and I aren't . . . aren't just friends."
Langa's mother folded her arms over her chest and took a minute to process what she had just heard. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're trying to tell me."
Deciding to rescue Langa from having to ride solo on this, you stepped over to him and took his hand in yours. "Mrs. Hasegawa, Langa and I are dating," you told her.
"Oh, I see." Langa's mom's face flashed with understanding, but then she looked over at Reki, no doubt wondering how he fit into all of this.
"And I'm dating Y/N." Reki stood on the other side of you.
Langa nodded. "And I'm also dating Reki."
The understanding that had once been visible on Langa's mom's face had completely vanished after the three of you had elaborated. "S-so . . ." She paused as she tried to fit all the pieces together in her head. "So the three of you are all dating each other? Is that right?"
"Y-yes," Langa confirmed. "We know people will think it's weird but it's just what makes us happy and I just . . . just please don't be mad."
"Mad?" Langa's mother seemed offended at the insinuation that she could ever be mad at her son for, for lack of a better term, coming out to her more or less. "Oh, dear, I could never be mad at you for who you love."
Before either of you had the chance to process how well that conversation had just gone, Langa's mother was striding over to the three of you and pulling you all into a hug. "All that matters is that you're happy and healthy," she told Langa before looking to you and Reki. "And the same goes for the two of you. I don't know what your parents have said about this, but just remember that being happy and healthy is all that matters."
"Y-you're really okay with this?" Happy tears began to well in Langa's eyes. It was clear that he was overjoyed and shocked that his mother had been so accepting so easily.
Placing her hands on her son's face, Langa's mother smiled at him. "Of course, I am. Is it a little confusing for me? Sure. Do I know much about being in a polyamorous relationship? No. But if the three of you have discovered that this is what makes you happy, as I'm sure you have since you're all old enough to make your own decisions and know what's best for you, then I'm happy as well."
"Thank you!" Langa hugged his mom tightly, silent sobs escaping him as all the worry he had been carrying around for weeks dissipated and he was flooded with relief.
"I'll always love you, no matter what," Langa's mom told him as she glanced at you and Reki, who were starting to tear up as well. "Do your parents know as well?"
You and Reki shook your heads. "No, not yet," you said in unison.
"Well, I hope they are understanding," she told you. "And just know that the three of you are always welcome here."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hasegawa." Reki wrapped his arms around you and held you tight as you cried as well. "Really, thank you so much. We were all scared that everyone would think we were weird or gross."
"People are often scared of things that they think are different," Langa's mom explained to the three of you. "But that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being different. I won't lie and say that everyone will be understanding, but the world is changing . . . don't assume the worst from people just yet; they might surprise you."
With that, Langa let go of his mother and engulfed you and Reki in a hug. Finally, the three of you had safe space where you could be together and not worry about judgmental people looking in on your relationship. 
Overjoyed and unable to control his excitement, Reki planted kisses on both you and Langa—marking the first time either of you had dared show affection in front of someone outside of the relationship.
Hopefully, the first of many. 
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kaistarus · 4 years
Drunken Christmas Party Confessions
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 2.2K
Summary: Nishinoya and Tanaka are throwing a Christmas party and maybe he’s had too much ‘hot chocolate’, but you’re really working that ugly sweater.
Notes: This is a college au, so that’s why they have dranks. Thanksgiving is over and it snowed where I live which means it’s officially Christmas. Which means it’s time to write too many Christmas/Winter themed fics.  I don’t make the rules lol
 Nishinoya wasn’t the brightest crayon in the Crayola 64 box sharpener included, but he knew three things for damn sure. When given the option you should never let Shoyo DJ a Christmas party, buying Christmas trees from Amazon is only a good idea if you pay attention to the size chart, and you looked really good in an ugly sweater.
Nishinoya swayed back and forth to the tenth rendition of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’-apparently the only song Shoyo had on his Christmas playlist-while shamelessly watching you with hooded eyes. You looked so pretty in the ugly reindeer sweater that you’d stolen from his closet ten minutes before this party started. He could practically hear your laugh from across the house as you sling an arm over your stomach, gripping onto Yachi’s shoulder for stability.
He pursed his lips. Yachi’s joke probably wasn’t even that good. Nishinoya was a million times funnier than her for sure.
“Bro, are you even listening?”
“Hah?” Nishinoya rolled his head toward Tanaka who had apparently been talking to him.
How long had he been there?
“I said I think I’m finally going to make a move on Kiyoko,” Tanaka said with a lopsided grin, gazing over Nishinoya’s shoulder where Kiyoko probably was. Nishinoya wrinkled his nose and took a sip of the spiked hot chocolate from his classy red solo cup.
Tanaka must be drunker than he was if he thought this was the first time he was making a move on Kiyoko.
“That sounds super awesome dude.” Nishinoya tuned out Tanaka again, his eyes trailing back to where you were leaning on the false-granite countertop, smiling so wide the corners of your eyes crinkled.
You were so cute. Did you know you were the cutest person to ever exist ever?
“Do you think that’s a good plan?”
“Uh-huh, yeah. For sure.” The corners of Nishinoya’s mouth quirked up when you waved your hands around, your face expressive and your lips moving quickly as you told Yachi a story of some kind. He loved how passionate you got over the littlest things.
“Dude, you’re definitely not listening,” Tanaka was close to Nishinoya’s ear now and if he had his usual reflexes he probably would’ve jumped. “What are you staring at?”
The coolest person in the whole world.
Whoa, he should definitely tell you how awesome you are. You would be so wooed at how profound and suave he was.
Without a word he exited the one-sided conversation with Tanaka, ignoring the offended gasp, and made a wobbly bee-line for the kitchen. He handed off his hot chocolate somewhere along the way to some random party-goer. He was a man on a mission and hadn’t bothered paying attention to who had been the victim.
“....guchi said he tried to pretend it was his brother’s.” Yachi was having a hard time getting through the sentence without laughing, Nishinoya observed once you both were in earshot.
“Why would it be in his closet if it was his brother’s!?” You snorted with another belly aching laugh that made his heart skip.
“That’s what I said!”
“Hello ladies,” Nishinoya slid up against the counter opposite you and Yachi and definitely didn’t miss the ledge with his elbow his first try. That would have been embarrassing.
Yachi’s hand covered her mouth and her body shook lightly. How dare she laugh at his epic moves.
“Hello Noya,” you smiled at him in the way that made his heart feel all funny. Like, when he made a really good receive that made adrenaline course through his veins except he was also wrapped in fluffy blankets on a cotton candy cloud.
He gave you a finger gun and closed one eye in an attempted wink, “I thought this was an ugly sweater party. Not an… uh…” He squinted at the tray of desserts behind you. “Good looking sweater party?”
You blinked at him, not saying a word due to what he assumed was how stunningly swept-off-your-feet you were while Yachi glanced between the both of you adorning a sly smile.
“I’m going to go,” Yachi pointed toward the living room where Nishinoya and Tanaka had placed their pathetic miniature plastic tree. “Talk to you guys later.” She winked at you when she left and Nishinoya felt like he should analyze that one, but he was not up for critical thinking.
“So,” you gave him a once-over which made him smile dopily back at you. “You look like you’ve had a good night.”
“I cannot remember the alphabet.” Nishinoya said confidently, giving you two thumbs up. Another rendition of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ began playing and Nishinoya whipped his head toward the living room where Shoyo was standing conspicuously near the speaker. “Shoyo, I swear to god!”
“It’s a Christmas classic!” He shouted back, getting in a defensive stance in front of the speaker. “I’ll play it as many times as I want.”
“Not in my house you son of a-” Nishinoya began climbing over the counter for the quickest route to fight the orange-haired punk when you reached out and grabbed his wrist. He looked down at your amused smile with wide eyes.
“Let’s go outside.”
“But it’s snowing,” Nishinoya pointed out the obvious before his slow to process brain realized he’d be alone with you. He nearly fell on his face hopping off the counter. “Outside it is.”
Nishinoya had you walk in front of him to the front door, like he assumed a gentleman would, and behind your back he gave Hinata an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. Hinata stuck his tongue out and it took every bit of self-control Nishinoya had left to not go over there and teach him why he shouldn’t disrespect his elders.
“Here,” you were offering him his red winter jacket by the time he turned around, already having put yours on. His heart warmed that you had remembered what his coat looked like-ignore you two walked to class together multiple times a week. He still knew you were the smartest and nicest and coolest person ever for bothering to remember that detail about him.
He flung his coat on and trailed after you into the winter night. A shiver racked his body at the drastic temperature change when he stepped onto his snow dusted porch, the white fluff falling lightly from the sky.
Nishinoya loved snowy nights. More specifically he loved how the sky was lighter than it should be, a shade of pink that only seemed to exist during a quiet snowy evening where the snow was sparkling and untouched. Before it became disgustingly dirty from cars on the streets or crushed by people’s footsteps as they walked across campus to classes they dreaded.
He was also a sucker for throwing snowballs at an unsuspecting Tanaka, but that was a separate story.
He had zoned out so hard he hadn’t noticed you brushing off the front step of his porch, clearing off a place for you both to sit. You patted the space beside you and without thought he was already down.
“It’s pretty,” you admired, looking out toward the freshly covered lawn.
“Yeah,” Nishinoya said, focusing on you. Even with the porches overhang the snowfall’s slight angle caused snowflakes to collect on your hair and jacket. He wanted to reach out and touch one, but clenched his fists instead.
You glanced over and caught his blatant staring, but he was too at peace to be embarrassed. He just enjoyed looking at you, especially when your nose and cheeks were painted red from the winter’s cold. Or maybe you were blushing. Maybe you were as affected by his presence as he was yours.
That would be nice.
“I’m happy,” Nishinoya proclaimed, glancing out towards his untouched lawn. He should build a snowman… What was that little thing from that Disney movie? Sven? No that’s not it. He should build that though. That would be sick.
“I’m glad,” your voice came out barely above a whisper and oh yeah he was in the middle of something important. He felt his heart do the skipping thing again that only happened around you. He wondered if you knew the effect you had on him.
Nishinoya gave you a lopsided smile, “I like being with you.” He leaned back on the porch with the support of his hands. “But you make my chest feel funny.”
“Yeah,” he rubbed his coat over where his heart was currently beating sporadically against his rib cage. “Like, when I do a good Rolling Thunder.”
“I make you feel like Rolling Thunder?”
“No, that doesn’t...” Nishinoya put a hand on his forehead. That wasn’t right at all. He tried to reach past the thick layer of fog in his mind for the right words, but it was too dense. “It’s like… when you’re sick, but then someone makes warm soup and after you eat it you don’t want to vomit anymore!”
You just stared at him which led him to believe he didn’t explain it well.
“Okay… how about when you go to McDonalds in the summer thinking the ice cream machine is broken, but it’s not!” He threw his hands up, excitedly. “So, you thought you were going to suffer, but you end up getting a sundae.”
You were still looking at him with a brow raised and this was turning out to not be his night.
“Um… Oh oh oh! it’s like when you really have to poop and you think somebody else is in the bathroom, but it turns out there’s not! That relief you feel when you finally get to just let it-”
“Okay,” you put a hand over his mouth and his eyes lit up with elation. Hell yeah, he did it. He was fucking shakespeare. A true poet. English classes would be studying this moment for centuries to come. “I have no clue what you’re trying to say.”
“What?” He pulled your hand off his mouth. “How?”
“You just told me I feel like a poop.”
“No, you feel like the relief during the poop, not the poop itself!” He rolled his eyes. It seriously wasn’t a hard concept to grasp.
You blinked several times before your eyes slowly widened in realization. “Are you trying to tell me you like me?” Then a hand flew to your forehead. “Through poop metaphors?”
“There were several metaphors actually but-”
You punched him in the shoulder and he rubbed it with a whine. He had never confessed feelings before, but that probably wasn’t a desired reaction.
“You can’t just do that while you’re drunk, you asshole.”
“Wow, name calling seems a little uncalled for don’t you-”
“I can’t kiss you when you’re drunk.” You let out a frustrated groan and buried your face in your hands. “I can’t even fully trust that you mean it.”
Nishinoya’s jaw went slack. His brain was half functioning, but kissing definitely sounded like good times. Wait, what was that last part? Trusting him for, huh?
“I don’t lie,” he tilted his head slightly confused. “I don’t care if you don’t like me back, but I would never make something like this up to hurt you.”
You peeked up at him wearily, which still made his heart drop a little, but when you nodded he felt better. All that mattered was you trusted him. He didn’t care about much else in the moment. Although that kissing comment had not been overlooked.
“I also…” Your face turned a deeper shade of red than the snowy weather had allowed and Nishinoya definitely settled on you blushing. “Don’t not like you.”
Double negatives was a trip for someone who’s brain wasn’t at full capacity, but he worked it out. He beamed at you and bounced lightly in his seat on the porch step you both resided on. He could easily work with that. More than work with that it was everything he’d wanted.
“We should probably do something about it then,” he suggested, his smile softening as he gazed at you through hooded eyes. “I have a feeling I’ll be hungover tomorrow.”
You cocked your head to the side, clearly confused at his topic change. “A genius observation, yes.”
“We should go get a hangover brunch since I’ll wake up miserable at noon,” he propped himself up by placing his cheek in his palm. “Hangover days are always best when you spend them with your favorite people.”
The corners of your mouth quirked up into a smile as you reached over, brushing some snow out of his hair and lightly trailing your knuckles down his cheeks. “Yeah, sounds like a date.”
Nishinoya hummed in agreement, wanting to do little now beside exist with you and watch the snow as it fell from the midnight sky. He was exhausted. His brain had done way too much work that night and he needed to lay down.
He peeked back over toward you, adorning a content smile on your lips and he sighed deeply.
Nishinoya had never been the brightest volleyball in the basket, but he knew three things for damn sure. After watching a movie over fifteen times he apparently was still incapable of naming the main cast, alcoholic hot chocolate was his new best friend, and he liked you.
He really really liked you.
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
love in all its forms - rafe cameron
you love rafe cameron and he loves you too. sometimes it’s better shown than told
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: allusion to sex, light angst (duh its me), no dialogue (is that a warning? idk)
words: 1k
a/n: this has been in my drafts for ages, finally finished her up this morning. this is probably the last thing i write for obx for a while, hoping s2 will bring some more motivation
Rafe Cameron has never been big on ‘I love you’s. He loves to hear it from you - your cracked sleep-laden voice first thing in the morning, a breathless whimper when he’s inside of you, rushed and casually as you peck his lips and leave the house, softly in his ear before you fall asleep in his arms, a quick text throughout the day. There is no sweeter sound that falls from your lips than those three syllables, except maybe for your soft sighs and moans.
Growing up, he never heard the words. A dead mother and an absentee father who didn’t have the time to ensure his emotional needs were met. It worsened as he got older, saddled with responsibilities and expectations he couldn’t keep up with, his father’s absenteeism grew into cold malice, the lack of love became an intentional absence. Ward Cameron only loved two of his children, and neither of them were his only son.
And so Rafe finds the words difficult to say. He means them, oh God does he mean them. He loves you like he’s never loved anything before. When he looks at you he sees an unbridled future, the two of you against the world, surviving and thriving, despite obstacle after obstacle. He sees marriage and a white picket fence and a dog and two and a half children that he will love the way he never was loved. He sees possibilities and hope and everything he ever dreamed of. He sees love in its purest form.
While he can’t say the words back when you utter them, he shows you in so many other ways. A vase of calla lilies brought home on a random Tuesday ‘just because’ and ‘they made me think of you’. Makeshift candle lit dinners when he knows you’ve had a bad day. Always vacuuming the living room carpet before you even have a chance to ask, because he knows it is your least favorite cleaning duty. Grabbing you a blue gatorade and your favorite snack when fueling up on a road trip even though you said you didn’t want anything. Gentle lovemaking, held hands and foreheads pressed together, intermingling breaths and soft kisses on bare skin. 
You treated him so good, he isn’t sure he deserves it. He knows he can be an asshole, and his temper needs work, and he can be overly possessive which you hate. He often says the wrong thing, can snap at you when you don’t deserve it. He sometimes forgets important things like your anniversary or dinner with one of your parents, and you don’t like it when he blows you off to go golfing with the boys. But you love him, flaws and all, and you will always forgive him. 
You knew love. Growing up, your parents had always told you they loved you and each other. with words, with actions, with gifts. Every morning you would witness the blissful domestic form of love, as your parents moved around the kitchen, movements a decades long choreography of your mother making coffee as your father made eggs. Stolen kisses and slight squeezes. A kiss atop your head and to your mother’s cheek before your father left for work and your mother was left to get you off to school. Dancing in the kitchen and family vacations and quiet Tuesdays. Father/daughter dances and dates and your mother pulling you out of school early one Friday a month to take you to get your nails done and a late lunch at your favorite restaurant. Consequently, you grew up very loved. 
However you also knew love could hurt. As a teenager, you had watched as your parents’ love for each other couldn’t combat their issues with each other. As your mother sought love in a man ten years her junior and as your father blamed himself, that his love hadn’t been enough for her. You knew that despite love’s best intentions it could very quickly turn to resentment, hate and impatience. You had witnessed the death of love, seen love in its most desperate and despicable form.
Despite this you had fallen deeply and quickly in love with Rafe Cameron. From the moment you had met freshman year at some stupid social your roommate had dragged you to, you knew he was it for you. He was dressed like a douchebag, blue henley and backwards baseball cap with your university team written across it, a red solo cup full of jungle juice grasped in one hand, the other hand flicking through his phone. Ordinarily he was exactly the type of guy that you would avoid but there was something about the look in his eye, or maybe it was the small smirk that graced his lips when he caught you staring for a minute too long. Whatever it was, it possessed you to cross the makeshift dancefloor, place your hand in his and drag him to dance with you; all without even knowing his name yet. He’d let you guide him and hadn’t stopped following you like a lovesick puppy since. 
At first it bothered you that he couldn’t say the words. You had an idea in your head of what the perfect progression of a relationship was, and when you had said the words first and he had been unable to reciprocate, you had stormed out of his apartment in a mix of embarrassment and sadness that your feelings were not shared. As he explained the next day, that wasn’t quite the truth, that he had never been comfortable with the words but that didn’t mean that he didn’t mean them too. 
As your relationship progressed, you began to see the ways he told you he loved you without having to physically speak the words. Picking you up at the bar after a few too many without any judgement. Taking on your least favorite household chores so you wouldn’t have to. You realized that love was more than three words, eight letters. It was every action, every conscious choice where he picked you every time. 
Your love wasn’t perfect. It was selfish and petty at times, it wasn’t always fair. But it was beautiful too, understanding and compassion and light. It was a combination of all you were and all that he was, and in all of its forms it was yours.
taglist babies (im so sorry if u dont care abt this anymore, i just copy pasted from my last fic lov u ) @velyssaraptor @danicarosaline @copper-boom @x-lulu @prejudic3 @rekrappeter @downbytheouterbanks @ilovejjmaybank @bricksatanakinswindow @jellyfishbeansontoast @rudyypankow @im-a-stranger-thing @alexa-playafricabytoto @hoodpankow @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @sortagaysortahigh @socialwriter @bloodyheavcn @anxietyandtacos @diverrdown @starkeyseguin​  @dmonchld​@rafej-cambanks @stfukie @obxmermaid
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fanfoolishness · 4 years
Mandalorian live-blogging, chapter 12, the Siege!
What did the Client really want to do with Grogu? He didn’t exactly seem to be on good terms with Gideon.
Din: “I finally know where I’m taking you — away from my life but not from my heart *cryyyyyy*” — oh wait, was that not the one?
The very practiced way Din is asking Grogu to do complicated shipboard maintenance suggests this has absolutely happened how many times before?
Din is so expressive here! All his gestures! So much nodding! His “no!” Hands! Shit, maybe my storyline about Din teaching Grogu sign is being carried on right here.
This may be the longest amount of time Din Djarin has spent continuously talking in about a year. I love how Grogu brings it out of him. He’s clearly exasperated by the shitty ship, but endlessly patient with Grogu, and I love how his voice absolutely conveys both of those emotions simultaneously
The tender way he says “no no no” to Grogu is so gentle.
I also love his contentedly narrating to Grogu as a part of their daily routine
I could easily watch 20 minutes of that type of content every episode and try to include pure adorableness like that in just about every fic I write
Oh, Cara Dune... why are you such an enjoyable character played by such an obnoxious person? I’m glad Gina Carano is taking her nonsense elsewhere, especially since it was clear she’d had multiple warnings, multiple chances to educate herself, but damn, I am gonna miss Cara on screen lugging Din around like a rag doll, or just smashing people in the face. I really appreciated seeing a woman on screen with the physique and capability to be that effortlessly kickass.
Din Djarin, wearing a jetpack: scrambles off his shitty ramp with all the grace of a flying lobster
I love the dynamic of Greef and Cara and Din. I hope we at least get to see Greef again! Maybe he’ll be like “now that the town’s cleaned up, the Marshal’s moved on.” Also, since when do we have Marshal in Star Wars? I’ve seen how many SW movies how many times, and no such thing as local law enforcement, let alone local law enforcement with a Western flair? Then all of a sudden Mando S2 shows up with Cobb Vanth and Cara Dune and I’m wondering if it’s an actual legal position in the Outer Rim and like, a cultural title of Outer Rim humans on many worlds (because it sure as shit doesn’t sound like a title you’d take in the Core Worlds).
Anyway, Greef’s actual love and adoration of Grogu is the sweetest. Maybe he and Peli can start a Grogu fan club and be the founding auntie and uncle.
Still can’t believe I missed that statue of IG-11 until I saw it pointed out here on tumblr.
Just think of how this is probably the first time Din’s been around this many children since Sorgan. And Sorgan kids had it different, they had a world that loved and protected them, and a place they could freely be above ground, and so that was fine; and Din had thought the children of his covert, the foundlings, they were fine too. But then it turns out it wasn’t true, the foundlings weren’t safe, they were slaughtered. And this is Nevarro, a township that wasn’t Home, but was nonetheless home to his people; and he remembers a little school in their hidden, simple covert for the foundlings in their training helmets; and he’s both heartened and pained that this group of children, at least, are able to be schooled in a safe place.
Din trusts these people as much as he’s trusted any non-Mandalorians, and it’s a lot! He knows he can ask them for help with the ship, he knows they saved his life and Grogu’s. And yet still see how unsure he is to leave Grogu at the school! He knows they don’t mean harm, he sees how beautiful and well-used the school is, he knows it should be safe... but he still stares after Grogu, barely looking at Cara, wanting to follow him. “Wherever I go, he goes,” says Din desperately, barely bearing to trust that anyone else could keep the kid safe like he could.
I keep thinking I need to write a fic of him flying off to go get Grogu at the end, now that I’m rewatching it, perhaps now is the time!
I’d love to have some of these kids’ Star Wars hairstyles
Hey! The Maelstrom! I know that! You know Han Solo did the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs? And I love correcting people when they think SW didn’t know what they were talking about? Parsecs ARE a unit of distance and that’s what Han meant because of the Maelstrom! He got dang freaking close to it! Anyway I’m just very excited because y’all do realize they built the Sun Crusher in the Maelstrom? Anyone here read those books?
Grogu is such a little shit! and he really did just say “Patu,” huh
I love Greef’s beard. I love it! Are we saying it enough? It’s great!
So is Nevarro basically an asteroid? Are they seriously flying to the other side of the planet for this? Maybe it’s tiny? How can Din fly over half a planet on a jetpack? Nevarro must be a galactic pebble.
I could watch Din just get in and out of vessels all day long
Din is just so excited to use the Phoenix and I love that he’s not that good at it but loves it anyway. “Hold tight”
Lava tide? The hell is this shit planet.
Din is not impressed by stormtroopers one little bit. I love him standing there all nonchalant.
Din is just sooooo shiny in this episode.
Cast it into the fire, Isildur!
Why do these bases never have guard rails for these giant drops
The Mythrol asked the same question 1.3 seconds later
Mythrol? Cracks of doom? Mithril??? A coincidence? Surely not
Greef I love your outfit so much
Yeaaaaaaah get those Snoke-looking bitches outta here
Din with a horrible sinking feeling... “I don’t like this...”
Din is heavily regretting letting this man live rn
Din must have been seeing. FUcking. RED
You know if they stop building their hallways with fucking COVER the stormtroopers won’t keep getting killed in them by enemy assailants with better weapons and aim
Din running to get his son <3
Cara SMASH and I love it
Din, you flew away over the LAVA? That is so badass. And I love his very clumsy superhero landing. And taking a running leap off the top of the lava flat
I love that Cara doesn’t quite get the whole kid thing, but totally supports Din in his love of fatherhood
Cara would be GREAT at driving the Mako
I do love how often environmental hazards take out scouttroopers on their speeder bikes. Like, no shit! You’re a human trying to go 300 miles an hour? Since when is our reaction time capable of that???
Dammit TIE fighters! They’re much more intimidating on a planet, actually. They pack a serious punch when you aren’t shooting ship-sized lasers back at them
Yes!!! The shitty little Razor Crest that could!
And Grogu’s excitement! He trusts Din so much now that it doesn’t even enter his mind they might be in danger. He just knows Din’s here, we’re gonna have fun, I trust him.
And think how much Grogu has grown since S1. He would have been hiding in the back with all of that excitement beforehand, not excited and waving his hands and giggling
Din is just... resigned to Grogu being sick. And he could clean Grogu up and go back to see Greef, but he just wants to make sure the kid’s okay... especially after what he’s just learned about Moff Gideon.
I do miss the slower pacing of S2. I would have liked another episode in between this and The Jedi where Din just sort of processes and deals with all of this new information.
Oh hurr hurr wait I write fanfic
I like that some of these Imps don’t have the Coruscanti accent. They’re just like... y’know, American.
Gideon is so childishly pleased by his Darktroopers, like get over yourself, dingus
If Favreau took this episode I wonder if that means he wanted to make sure all the mythology and shit is going according to plan. Or maybe I’ve just been watching too much X-Files. If Chris Carter wrote an ep, it was mythology ONLY, and that was it.
The end! Maybe I’ll write tomorrow :)
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[ ❤ Works posted so far! ❤ ]
Why the second to last instead of the last? That’s because we’ve reached 114 Exchange works for 2020! The more treats get added, the more we time we add to our juicy cabooses and keep the exchange train rolling. Until Saturday that is. Tomorrow is the final posting date, and we’ll reveal the wonderful participants on September 5 no matter what. 
Here are today’s releases!
Claws by anonymous for solomonara [ART, Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Dick Grayson/ Jason Todd] 
Additional Tags: FanartHurt/Comfort, Injured Jason, Secret Identity, dick's teams don't know the red hood's identity, dick's harem of morally ambiguous older men, dick: he's not older, dick: wait i mean he's not my villain boyfriend, dick: damn it
Summary: Dick takes the Red Hood to a Titan safehouse after an injury. Explanations are expected.
Learning To Love The Fall by anonymous for 3isme [ART, Teen, No Warnings Apply, JayDick] 
Additional Tags: Fanart, Alternate Universe - 1920s, Mechanic Jason Todd, Plane Pilot Dick Grayson
Summary:  It's the early 1900s and the country of Gotham is recovering from a long war.
Trying to get a better life, Jason Todd has been moonlighting as an underground plane mechanic for illegal aeroplane racers, getting a cut of whatever the pilot wins. After one particular competition, he's accused of sabotage and, despite his protests, forced into deeper debt. At the end of his rope, he runs into Dick Grayson, ex-ace of the Gotham Air Force and supposed dead man. The war hero was supposed to have been shot down near the end of the war. Regardless, this pilot is the best chance Jason has to grab hold of that better life, and he's not going to let it go.
The Still and Quiet Surface by anonymous for TheWayneManner [FIC, General Audiences, No Warnings Apply, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd] 
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Gift Fic, Ficlet
Summary: Dick leaves the sea behind and never looks back.
Scents & Sensibility by anonymous for Nitrojen [FIC, Explicit, No Warnings, JayDick] 
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Fae, References to Jane Austen, although the writer has a pretty dark secret concerning our dear friend jane, Getting to Know Each Other, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: Prompt - Something along the lines of the Princess and the Pea. It can be A/B/O, modern, fantasy, or even something that takes place in canon where there's some kind of curse. Have fun with it! 
Give It A Shot (of espresso) by anonymous for morimaiter [FIC, Teen, No Warnings, Dick Grayson/ Jason Todd] 
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - College/University, Hurt/Comfort, Barista Jason Todd, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Sexual Tension, JayDick Summer Exchange, very minor injury, art included
Summary: Dick was one of their regulars. And yes, that was his real name. The first time he’d asked Jason to write it on his cup Jason had given him a death glare until the man had whipped out a driver’s license to prove it. ‘Richard John Grayson’, printed right there. It hadn’t been an innuendo after all, just an unfortunate choice of nickname. He came into Gotham Grinders (and hell if Jason hadn’t heard enough innuendos about that name to make up for any lack of innuendo in Dick’s own) every Tuesday and Friday, which happened to always be Jason’s shifts. Every time he asks for some new over-the-top order, and every time without fail he also asks for Jason’s digits. Jason replies every time with:
“I’m sorry sir, we can’t give out personal information to customers. Will that complete your order?” 
(Fic + Art)
Lazy Days by anonymous for BehindTheRobinsMask [ART, Teen, No Warnings, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd] 
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Married Life, Married Couple, Established Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Literal Sleeping Together, Lazy Mornings, Domestic Fluff, Fanart
Summary:  It's the weekend! Jason and Dick sleep in after a long night on the streets.
Taken in the Butt by the Gay Vigilante Acro-Bird by anonymous for solomonara [ART, Teen, No Warnings,  JayDick] 
Additional Tags: Romance Novel, Cover Art, Jason Todd is an Author, Partial Nudity, Birds, Vintage Gay Pulp Novels, Chuck Tingle-Adjacent, Please Forgive me, FanartDigital Art, JayDick Summer Exchange
Summary: The Red Hood has a secret: he's a part-time romance novelist.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea by anonymous for stribird (timidGoddess) [FIC, Mature, No Warnings Apply, Dick Grayson/ Jason Todd]
Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Self-Doubt, Lazarus Pit, Panic Attacks, Established Relationship, Bad Decisions, Romantic Fluff, Amnesia, Broken Promises, Road Trips, On the Run
Summary: Jason couldn’t do that. He could never forget what Dick meant to him. Which is why he had to bring his Bluebird back. Which is why he had to remind Dick of everything that he had lost.
Even if that meant forcing him into the Lazarus Pit. Even if it meant cursing him in the process.
tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef, that i'm a vegetarian (and i ain't fucking scared of him) by anonymous for prompt_fills [Mature, No Warnings Apply, Dick Grayson/ Jason Todd]
Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Protective Damian Wayne, POV Damian Wayne, Batman: Reborn, Jason Todd has a Heart, Damian Wayne Has a Heart, Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne’s Parent, Dick Grayson is Batman, Mutual Pining, enemies to idiots to lovers, Misunderstandings, Damian Wayne Plays Therapist, Jason Todd is Bad at Feelings, Dick Grayson is Bad at Feelings, My Continued Mocking of Tim Drake (it's loving i swear), Donna Troy is a goddess and no one deserves her, My love for Donna Troy is so strong that I projected it onto Damian and I am not sorry, Unbetaed we die like Jason Todd refuses to, Past Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Jealous Jason Todd, Pining Dick Grayson, BAMF Donna Troy AND MORE
Summary: It had taken a few weeks for Damian’s ill-fated hopes for the more platonic explanation of Grayson’s unseemly conduct regarding Todd to expire because Damian (unlike Drake) is not an idiot (and Brown had prattled on about every instance of very clearly not platonically fueled tension, slowly crushing Damian’s remaining hopes for Richard’s taste in romantic partners). Denial, heavenly as he has now known it to be, can only take one so far. And as a pragmatist and the grandson of the great Ra’s al Ghul and son of the great Bruce Wayne, he assesses the situation from a logical perspective, free of any emotions clouding his impeccable judgment, and comes up with a solution that benefits both himself and Grayson.
Jason Todd must die.
Or the story of how Damian Wayne became the number one shipper of JayDick and is not at all happy about it.
Si solo fueras tú by anonymous for fallogory [ART, Gen, Creator Chose No Warnings, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd]
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Fanart, Kid Dick Grayson, Adult Dick Grayson, Kid Jason Todd, Adult Jason Todd, King Bruce Wayne, Prince Damian Wayne, Prince Dick Grayson, Poor Jason Todd, Hurt Dick Grayson, Jealous Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug
Summary: Blue came first
Then Green arrives
Then Blue meet Red
And Green hate that
Or where Dick was Bruce's bastard child who was forced to lived like a prince until Damian's born and meet someone who make his world be upside down.
the smell of cold stone by anonymous for abcission [FIC, Mature, No Warnings Apply, Dick Grayson/ Jason Todd]
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Bisexual Dick Grayson, Autumn, American Football, College Football, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, referenced Jason/Kyle, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Dick Grayson/Roy Harper, past dick grayson/wally west - Freeform, implied Roy/Kory, implied Roy/Wally, implied Donna/Kyle, future besties Jason and Roy, Roy's eternal crush on Donna, frat boy Dick, Fluff
Summary: Their eyes meet on the quad one day; he’ll probably never see the frat boy again, but he’ll be nice fodder for Jason’s dreams at least.
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Did someone say people writing anonymous fics in your asks?? 👀 Hmm. Guilty.
Ik someone said they wanted to write this, but after I had that 18-years-old-soulmate-idea I couldn’t get it out of my head so I wrote something. Annnd it’s a little bit long. Sorry! Anyway, without further ado~
Logan was ready.
It was the night before his eighteenth birthday, and he was getting a soulmate. His sisters, all older, had already had their Soul Days, as people called it. They had told him over and over their stories of hearing their soulmate’s Voices for the first time, being able to hear the Voice of the rest of their lives. And now it was his turn.
He had started out his freshman year of college two months before. He joined a fraternity and got settled in his classes, and things had been going well.
He’d asked some of the guys who’d already turned eighteen if they’d heard their voice yet. Most had. Some were even lucky enough to stumble into their soulmate on campus. There were a few who hadn’t, though, a few who’s soulmates hadn’t turned eighteen yet. They told him this with sad smiles. He almost wished he hadn’t asked them.
Logan couldn’t imagine having to wait. He didn’t know if he could bare waiting any longer than he already had.
He finished combing his hair and stepped out of the bathroom. His roommate Finn was lying on his bed reading a book, reading glasses perched on the edge of his nose.
“Hey,” Finn said when he noticed him. “Happy Soul Day!”
Logan gave him a nervous smile. “Thanks.”
Finn was one of the guys who hadn’t heard his soulmate’s voice yet. Logan felt bad for him. He was a cute guy, and Logan thought Finn deserved to know at least the voice of whoever he was meant to be with. It was too bad Logan couldn’t fix it.
Finn swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Ready to party?”
The party downstairs was already outrageously loud, music and laughter filling every room. Logan was the man of the hour. Hands clapped his back and people yelled his name, and all he could do was grin and take the drinks they handed him.
He didn’t know how to feel. Yes, he was excited, but he was also nervous. He had been waiting for this his whole life. He wanted so badly to find the person that he would be spending the rest of his life with. Eighteen years of anticipation had been killing him.
Logan weaved through the crowded fraternity house and made his way to the back pourch. The music pulsed through the door. The clock on his phone read 11:47. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he dialed his parents’ number.
“Logan! C'est le jour de l'âme!”
“I’m not eighteen yet, Maman.”
“Eh, assez proche. Are you shaking? I know your hands shake when you’re nervous.”
He shoved his free hand into his pocket. “Maman, je vais bien. It’ll be fine.” Logan didn’t know who he said that to reassure.
“Is that my son?”
“Yes, Marius,” his mother sighed. “Here, he wants to talk to you.”
“My boy is a man!” His father boomed into the phone. “Happy Soul Day, mon fils.”
“Thanks Papa. But again, not eighteen yet.”
“Eh, assez proche.”
Logan rolled his eyes and breathed out a laugh. “Listen you guys, it’s almost midnight. I should go.”
“Yes, go, go! S'amuser!”
“Nous t'aimons!” his mother’s distant voice called.
“Love you, too,” he said as he hung up.
His parents had heard each other’s voices. His parents had found each other.
Logan took a shaky breath and opened the door again, squeezing through the crowd as people wished him well. The song changed and people shrieked with approval, stomping and clapping to the beat. It was all background noise to him.
He found his way to the kitchen and clutched the counter to steady himself.
“Your hands are shaking.”
Logan jumped. Finn stood behind him, studying him over the rim of a red solo cup. Logan took off his hat to run a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, well…” he trailed.
Finn chuckled. “I know the feeling.”
Logan glanced at his phone. 11:58.
How was time going by so fast?
“Good luck,” Finn offered. “With your soulmate.”
Finn breathed in deeply. He didn’t look all there. Logan wondered if it was because he was tipsy or because of something entirely different.
They stood there looking at each other, waiting in suspense as the seconds ticked by.
Somebody tackled him.
“Tremzy,” they slurred. “Happy Soul Day! Do you hear anyone?”
Logan, having been pushed into the next room, caught his balance. This is was it. He was going to hear a Voice. Hopefully. He tried to focuse on his thoughts. Hello?
Hello? He tried again.
No one was responding. He wanted to swear, to cry, to go lock himself in his room for the rest of the night.
But then he heard a voice.
Hi. it said.
And despite how softly it was spoken and how noisy everyone was being around him, he recognized it.
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Oh my god
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winrene · 5 years
wenrene fanfic masterpost
(last updated 15/07/2020)
(these are all from ao3, i can try and make one from aff too if anyone wants it, but i don’t really read on there) 
let's get away tonight by daybreaking - “you should really stop showing up like this,” joohyun reprimands, wry and dry, but her hands are reaching out to take the spare helmet anyways. “my parents will know about it someday.” seungwan just grins under her helmet, cheeks full and pressing against the insides of it. she pats the space behind her on the motorcycle. “yeah, someday.”
oneshot, 3,341 words, highschool au
i'll be your naughty girl & i got to have ya babe by throwaway18 - seungwan thinks joohyun is too much of a prude to be able to beat her in a dance-off. and joohyun is certain she's the only person capable of getting into seungwan's nerves.
oneshot, 6,800 words, dancer/rivals au
much ado about nothing by numot94 (futureplans) - seungwan's front-door neighbour is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen, and one day she'll definitely work up the courage to ask her out. in the meantime, though, she'd be happy to get through a conversation without embarrassing herself.
39 chapters, 180,319 words, neighbour au (this is simply gorgeous, one of the best wenrene fics of all time in my opinion, again highly suggest reading their other wenrene fics)
tell me why my gods look like you (and tell me why it’s wrong) by irwens - joohyun waits tables. seungwan is a cook. they work at the same restaurant.
oneshot, 3,333 words, restauraunt au
when you move, i'm moved by birdii (birdmint) - when you're an idol dating a ballet dancer, finding time to appreciate each other is difficult. seungwan and joohyun do their best.
oneshot, 2,195 words, ballet/solo-artist au
playing pretend by xpenguinqueenx - yeri needs a fake girlfriend to meet her parents, and wendy agrees to fill the spot, but mostly because she wants to eat her yogurt in peace. irene is not enthusiastic about their new 'relationship.'
oneshot, 10,026 words, ordinary-life au
this structure fell about our feet (and we were free to go) by redcapesarecoming - the seven times irene and wendy met in an airport
oneshot, 4,740 words, airport au
recessional by birdii (birdmint) - seungwan calls joohyun for a ride to the airport. it's the first joohyun has heard from her in five years.
oneshot, 4,045 words, modern au
rain will make the flowers grow by 8moons2stars - after red velvet splits up, joohyun and seungwan find each other again.
5 chapters, 5,334 words, canon-divergence au (highly suggest reading this author’s other wenrene fics too)
death of the author by numot94 (futureplans) - all seungwan wanted was to escape reality at least for a little while and go live in some fairy tale where everything goes right and everybody’s happy. still, she didn’t expect it to actually happen! now that she’s found herself in the fairy tale kingdom overnight, she’ll do her best to keep the story on track and make sure princess joohyun gets her happily ever after with the prince. of course, nothing is ever that simple, is it?
11 chapters, 35,134 words, fantasy au
the purity club by changdeol - joohyun bae is the president of their school's christian union who thinks she has all the answers. seungwan son proves her wrong.
37 chapters, 152,278 words, highschool au
sweet like honey by hyunsvelvet - son seungwan is in desperate need of a job. when she gets hired as the new secretary for up and coming forensic lawyer bae joohyun, who has developed a habit of firing secretaries, she's determined to keep this job. she pictured joohyun to be cold and distant, but upon meeting her seungwan can't help but notice her warm personality and begins to wonder how she's the same person known for firing secretaries after hiring them just weeks before.
25 chapters, 48,900 words, lawyer au
and i could see for miles, miles, miles by jisooosname - based off of the prompt: in which joohyun runs an advice podcast show and one day, seulgi asks for her advice and she gives an advice so bad that seungwan hunts her down
oneshot, 5,547 words, college radio-host au (fluff and good feelings all around, a very adorable read)
never mind your bleeding heart by numot94 (futureplans) - the first time seungwan saw joohyun, she’d just turned 13 and the older girl was 14, a few weeks away from her birthday. she fell in love instantly.
3 chapters, 32,742 words, childhood au (yes yes i know another numot fic, but god their writing is amazing i can’t help but suggest it cause i just love everything they write)
hey jealousy by fated_addiction - "you know they're not dating." or when wendy struggles with definitions.
oneshot, 1188 words, canon au (i have a thing for this author’s introspective writing. it’s like a drug, also i’m a sucker for lowercase. highly suggest their semicolon and check one series)
a kiss (to build a dream on) by seungvvannie (galaxygerbil) - there are other things and other people that should fill up Irene’s time, but maybe… maybe just for now, it can be her in Irene’s heart. just her on irene’s mind. everything else can wait until tomorrow. wendy just wants tonight.
oneshot, 3,845 words, fallout au
pisces by espressochoreom - in which a 24-year-old joohyun is at a laundromat on a gloomy tuesday morning when she recognizes someone across her washer. it's none other than the girl who had her earnestly question her sexuality in high school—son seungwan. the last time joohyun heard from her was six years ago, months after they graduated from high school, when she told her that she was planning to move and stay in canada for good. but of course, that's not the case anymore. seungwan happens to be in the same laundromat building, and from there they attempt to catch up where they left off. the awkwardness is so consistent; it's laughable.
oneshot, 2,447 words, laundromat au (kinda)
vague hope by beatosuffers - irene only knows one thing: emotions are prohibited.
oneshot, 6,475 words, nier:automata au
yesterday, today, tomorrow by sparksfly7 - there are two new girls this year. one is tall and round-cheeked and sweet-looking. the other one – from canada, with her collection of instruments and powerhouse voice – won’t leave irene alone.
oneshot, 2,796 words, canon au
let it shine by sparksfly7 - “it’s just – i planned to talk more, to give people a good impression, but…” irene trails off, clearly frustrated. “i don’t know.” she drops her head, her hair falling over her face. even the pink streaks in it look duller, as if her mood has washed out the dye. “there was nothing wrong with how you acted.” wendy sits down next to her on the bed. “being quiet isn’t a bad thing.”
oneshot, 2,064 words, canon au
see you soon by leirskald - seungwan tries to be okay with everyone leaving for the new year's holiday, but it's hard when she's the one left behind.
oneshot, 1,237 words, canon au
trust these butterflies by rosybutterflies - the circus just isn't that fascinating for irene bae anymore, having been in it since she was young. but the butterflies in her stomach tell her otherwise every time she's with one of the newbies, son seungwan.
2 chapters, 17,527 words, circus au
in her eyes by blkvelvets - now is definitely not the time to get hooked on a dumb freshman with a smile that could light up planets.
oneshot, 2,387 words, highschool au
i wanna come home to you by newboldtrue - irene says, “thanks for not thinking i’m a serial killer. i guess.” “thanks for letting me throw up the worst new year’s eve of my life in your apartment,” room 53 returns, and irene cracks a tiny smile at that. or, irene doesn't know her upstairs neighbor, really, but it's 5am and she won't stop ringing the doorbell;
oneshot, 1,599 words, neighbours au
the scent of you by ashensprites - seungwan, a private investigator, is hired to find a child who went missing almost 15 years ago.
16 chapters, 38,253 words, private investigator au
the downfalls of procrastination by lovelines (alliwantisthetruth) - fun fact #1 : seungwan has exactly 3 midterms coming up this week. fun fact #2 : seungwan has not started to study for any of her midterms. fun fact #3 : joohyun might kill her before she has the chance to sink her gpa. college au where seungwan is a smart but hot mess(TM) and joohyun cannot tolerate messes but for her, she does. somewhat.
oneshot, 1,413 words, university au
close your eyes, see through mine by sindubu - "her name is joohyun, and if that were the case...." her heel comes up to rub at the bridge of her nose. "why is she even here?" junior shrugs. "the intricacies of repressed lesbianism, my young, sapphic friend, is shockingly not in my field of expertise."
4 chapters, 9,070 words, conversion therapy au
feel my heart come undone by sindubu - wendy is homesick.
oneshot, 1,390 words, canon au
i’m different by throwaway18 - when wendy returns to seoul, being mistaken as a homeless person has been far from her expectations.
6/? chapters, 27,871 enemies to lovers/baker au
my heart and this night (makes this game flicker) by daybreaking - seungwan just got dumped and her roommate is trying to make her feel better by playing cards with her, but she just keeps winning and whispering, "sorry."
4/? chapters, 33,782, university au (an absolute favourite of a fic, it is so so good)
colored out the line by baechuzz - it’s been a while since joohyun had seen sooyoung blooming with happiness and love since her soulmate died. so when joohyun met wendy for the first time and during their handshake, a little dandelion blossomed on her wrist—she decided not to say a word and step back on the sidelines. even if wendy was her soulmate.
4/5 chapters, 27,628 words, soulmate au
somebody wants you by winterbreath - wendy doesn’t need anybody to tell her that this is a bad idea but she needs something to draw attention to the coffee shop; and irene needs a pretend-girlfriend. except Irene is a brat—and can someone please just send wendy to hell.
12/? chapters, 71,840 words, fake/pretend relationship au (another one i love a lot, definitely suggest reading this author’s other fic too, especially their all this love series)
shared space by sapphicirene - seungwan needs a new roommate, and joohyun is searching for an apartment. joohyun wonders if it's bad luck or fate that draws her back to seungwan after all these years.
4/? chapters, 11,259 words, college au (i’m not going to lie, this hasn’t been updated since 2018-12, but the chapters that are written are very lovely, so i think it’s worth a look!)
tea party for two by scarletstring - as a veteran female escort, wendy expects to be between the sheets, receive her pay, and then leave -- all within the hour. but wendy can't tell if this particular client knew that when she was spending her time preparing her tea instead of telling her to take her clothes off.
8/? chapters, 114,713 words, female escort au
noisy thoughts by scarletstring - irene moves in to her new apartment, where she meets her interesting roommate.
15/? chapters, 172,654 words, college au (scarlet is currently on hiatus, but their fics are one of the best things you could read)
just my cover, sweetheart by newboldtrue - wendy threw a disbelieving glance at the woman in her passenger seat. “have i had lunch? i just attended my own funeral, haven’t much been in the mood for eating.” or, son seungwan is leaving her life as a hitman in the past--but when a dead woman criticizes her epitaph and offers her one last job, she finds herself agreeing to help. wendy isn't quite sure what she's signed herself up for.
6/? chapters, 14,319 words, 1950s hitman au (hasn’t been updated in AGES, since 2018-08, but it is honestly a really worthwhile read)
239 notes · View notes
imjustpeachy8 · 4 years
An Inconvenient Spark
Part I.  Summary: He's a Commander in the Resistance. You are a lowly force-sensitive thief from an equally lowly planet with order defying tendencies. You two under no circumstance get along. Your life take a turn the moment you decide to save his arrogant sorry-ass from certain death. If only you knew saving him would result in joining the Resistance finding not only your purpose in life - but also the biggest oaf-looking asshole in the whole galaxy. If only you could go back in time to that day - you would let him die, just to rid of this incessant headache Ben Solo is giving you. AU.
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2k
A/n:  i just needed an angsty, slow burn Ben Solo fic I guess. Go easy on me guys, this is my first time with writing.
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Ben Solo woke up with the intent to make that day better than the last one. Last day was - well, it was complicated. It was messy, unnecessary and downright ridiculous.
He still felt his frustration consuming every bit of his body. Yesterday, it had decided to sit on his heart and made a home in it. He didn't know how long he was going to feel it. And he hated the whole situation in each passing moment more.
Still, he forced himself to start the day as a new one. A blank page. Nothing else before the morning.
It would be for the best. For him, and for the whole base, actually. Yes, he decided then - he would do that, he would behave, he would pretend that everything was fine - just for the sake of the people who he led and commanded. And for her Mother - yes, for her he would behave.
When he stepped foot in the command center, the whole place fell silent for a moment.
Letting out a breath, he scanned the room to find a familiar face. After a second, Lt. Connix appeared next to him, a small smile disappearing from her face the moment her eyes found his.
"She's in her office, Commander. She's waiting for you."
"Thanks" - he muttered out, and went on his way.
When he reached the door of the office, he gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts. He pushed through the entrance, only to find himself face-to-face with her mother’s stern look.
"Commander, it's good to see you. Although, i believe this was due yesterday." - her tone made sure to have an edge in it.
He huffed out a breath in return. His annoyance was coming back in an instant.
"I apologize. I was.. I wasn't in the right state of mind last night and -"
"So I heard." - she replied. "Tell me, son.. what were you thinking? To send off your comrade without a blaster, and then leave her to fend for herself on her own."
Ahhh, right.
He knew this would be a problem. He just had a tiny little hope that his mother would somehow understand. Basically, he did nothing wrong. He just lost his cool for a moment back there. For a couple of moments, really, but that wasn’t important right now.
"We went back to her, she's fine and i didn’t think she'd be stupid enough to not have a blas-.."
"That's enough." - Leia pinched her nose with her delicate fingers and let out a sigh. "Ben.. you need to be smarter than this. I know the two of you had a rocky start, but this whole thing looks like you deliberately tried to leave her to die on that planet." - She was raising her voice now, obviously mad at this whole ordeal. "She's not just your fellow comrade, she's also under your guide." - She let out another long breath. "You have to fix this."
"Fine." - he reluctantly replied.
There were a lot of things Ben Solo learned in his 28 years of his life. One of the many was, that somehow women - and especially his mother - would turn out right in every argument. Every kriffing time.
Agreeing with her would be beneficial. And if he wanted to be honest with himself, a teeny tiny part of him felt guilty.
So, he let her have the last words, let her see how sorry he was - even if it only was an act. He would get scolded a little but then he would forget about the whole deal. Like nothing really happened.
"Good. I expect you to apologize to her." - she chided after a moment.
Ben let out an unwanted growl. "You cannot be serious! I won't apologize to that wench, she deserved to be left on that planet. Maybe this time, she learned something about why it is imperative to follow a simple kriffing order."
"You will apologize, end of discussion." - Leia decided to ignore her son's outburst, knowing well enough that further engaging Ben will only lead them to another heated argument.
His chest heaved. He was seeing red. Why- why should he apologize? He hadn't done anything that bad, really. He just wanted to teach her a lesson about not following his orders. Nothing else. After all, he was her commanding officer, she should be listening to him. He didn’t left her there, he just wanted her to see that she wasn’t the only person who knew how to play this game.
She was a pain in his ass, thats what she was in reality, ever since he first saw her. She - without a doubt - was the most infuriating person he had ever seen in the whole universe. She was reckless, defiant and most importantly, she tended to ignore orders when she saw fit. Well, honestly, that only happened when said order came from him. For everyone else- she was compliant, nice even. And that made him hate her more. She drew him to the fucking wall.  
He was snapped out from his train of though the moment Leia started to speak again.
"And the two of you are grounded for a week. Maybe this will teach you a lesson, too." A moment passed in silence, but Leia wasn't done just yet. "Oh, and please be a dear, and deliver the news to her."
He couldn't  fucking believe this.
You and Finn were seated in the mess cantina in the morning. The room was empty except for the two of you, everyone else was already busy with their assignments at hand. Life on the Resistance base meant that work started way too early and ended way, way too late.
You however, were back from a mission. From a really bad, tiring one to be specific. The Falcon landed in hanger B late last night, and since nobody assigned any task for you in the morning, you decided to sleep as long as you could.  Hence, the reason you are the only people in the cantina, with Finn sitting across you, both eating the blob that was left behind.
"You heard me right. Kriffing bastard almost left me on that planet this time. Apparently, to teach me a lesson about defying orders." - you grinned. "Can you fucking believe it?"
Finn looked at you in disbelief. "How are you so calm about this?" - he thinned his eyes at you, clearly being suspicious of your state of mind right now. "You.. - you are planning something, aren't you? That's it, right?"
"No, my dear friend. I'm not gonna do a thing about it." - your grin grew wilder. "Someone else will...I hope." - with that, you got back on munching the blob people here called breakfast.
While eating, you thought back to last day's events. The whole thing was - well, avoidable. If only the two of you just knew how to behave when things went awry. You often found yourself thinking about this arrangement. After saving his ass on your home planet, you found yourself in a place where you could choose. Choose about your future, about what you wanted to do with your life. So you left with him and his team to join the Resistance. Acclimation to this whole situation was pretty easy for you, easier than you previously thought. Everyone was welcoming, and very friendly. The realization of you force powers was the cherry on top. As they told you, there were only two of them on the base.
Since your first day, you have been helping them with everything you could. Sometimes with mechanical work, sometimes with piloting, sometimes with missions. Work was easy to find. Peace - not so much. Not really, when a certain Commander is always pestering you with little, incessant jabs and remarks. Not when every time you come up with a wonderful idea he immediately shuts you up. And definitely not when he leaves you on Nar Shaddaa. You huff out a breath at the thought, shaking your head.
This fucking man.
Blob put aside, you and Finn were chatting about nothing, sipping caf when the doors of the cantina opened, and Ben Solo swaggered through. Your gazes locked on each other. You waited for this moment since the morning.
Being on base only for a couple of months wasn't much, but you thought of yourself as a good judge of character. While Ben Solo sometimes was still a mystery to you, her mother wasn’t. You instantly knew how Leia worked. And you had a suspicion that she knew that you knew. Looking at his annoyed face, you realized Leia was playing along. You were baffled at the thought and forced the creeping smile from your face. You needed to savor this moment.
Your commander stopped at your table, face now impassive but the twitching of his left eye and the current energy around him gave his true feelings away. He was angry and annoyed, and at that moment, you were the happiest person in the galaxy. The staring contest  however, was interrupted with Finn's throat clearing.
You put up your sweetest smile you could muster and batted your lashes at him before speaking.
"Commander Solo, are you joining us for breakfast?" - you chirped.
He looked up at the ceiling then, breathing through his nose. You loved him so riled up.
As he realized that he didn't want to spend any more time in your presence than it was necessary - he leered down at you, and started talking.
"No." A beat. "I'm sorry for the mean, awful, accurate things I said and that I almost left you on Nar Shaddaa." - he still managed to be cocky and arrogant, even when apologizing. You couldn't believe it.
"Thank you, Commander. I hope your bruised ego will get well soon from this beautiful apology. Aaaaand, I just hope next time you would be a little more professional." - You couldn't just let him go with a sorry-ass apology like that. He needed a jab. Just a little one. "I mean.. one would think that after saving your life, you would.. I don't know.. not leave me to die on a hostile planet maybe?"
He was getting angrier now, the force around him resonated. While you loved making him angry, you realized this was not the right time to engage in another argument. After last night, you didn’t have the energy to fight, so you decided to let this conversation go as soon as possible. After all, you got what you wanted.
"What more do you want me to say, Princess? I'm sorry, take it or don't, I don't care."
What a jerk.
"Most importantly, both of us are grounded for a week, and for the time being, you're training only with Rey."
Oh. Ohhh.
You could work with that.
A whole week without working with Ben Solo? Last night, on that planet, while you desperately waited for  rescue you could only think about how unlucky you were to be left behind.
Now? Now, you were certain you were the luckiest girl in the galaxy.
Leaving without another word, you again had found yourself with Finn, a shit-eating grin already on your face.
"Why are you so happy about this? Didn't you hear the part you are grounded? For a week." - he looked at you incredulously.
"Oh, Finn. Don't you see? I got myself an apology and a Ben Solo-free week. I really couldn't have hoped for more."
If being mouthy and sarcastic around the Commander always resulted with a week of not seeing him, you would probably just try to sabotage every mission from now on.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Inside the Criminal Mind (Part 26)
Prompt: You’re married to Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, and are a distinguished doctor yourself on the team. You’re sent down to Miami, Florida for teaching and as a side request from the FBI, to investigate a string of missing persons. When you think you’ve figured out who the unsub is, your life becomes more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
Word Count: 2662
Warnings: (throughout the fic –>) death, blood, gore, killings, language, disturbing mental notions, mentions of rapes/murder/etc (You know, Dexter and Criminal Minds related business)
Notes: Thank you so much to @arrow-guy​​​​​​, @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​, and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​ - without each of you, I couldn’t have finished, written, or properly navigated this story. Each of you helped me fish out details that were incredibly important to me. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​… Aesthetic by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​
This is a crossover of Criminal Minds x Dexter. First time writing Dexter.
Also, the timeline is after Season 1 of Dexter, but during season 14-ish of Criminal minds into Season 15. Enjoy!!!
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“Alright, the marine biologist is here, I want to take him to the tent,” Rossi said. “Luke, go get Masuka,” he ordered. 
Luke nodded, muttered an acknowledgement, and dashed off. 
“As for you two kids, I want you to go ahead and get me a list of marinas in the area, that way when they get a hit, we can go immediately.” 
“On it,” Spence replied. You to started to walk toward the bull pen to collect a map, and pins or markers but suddenly Luke was dashing back in. 
“Ugh,” he groaned, putting the back of his hand over his mouth. 
“Luke? What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“The bodies… The tent. The garbage men must’ve knocked the dumpster into the AC unit. The victims… they aren’t in tact anymore.” 
A sense of relief washed over you. You wanted to turn and look at Dexter, to signal a thank you, but you refrained. Clever, clever. You really should stop underestimating him. 
“Oh my god. That’s horrible,” Spencer said. “So what about the marine biologist? Can he do his work?” 
“We’ll see. Most of the algae was on the rocks. We think he weighed the bags down with rocks from his marina. Rossi had me put the rocks in a separate fridge, inside the tent. It still had power so I think it’s okay. I don’t think the heat would’ve gotten to it. Good thing he thought ahead, huh?” he asked with a smile before patting Spencer’s arm and walking off. 
Your face whipped to your husband’s immediately. 
“They stored the rocks separately?” you whisper-shouted. “So that was for nothing?” 
“Well, at least the victims aren’t as intact…” 
“Who cares? The victims weren’t telling us anything. Son of a bitch.” 
“Look, it’s fine. Maybe he won’t turn anything up,” he offered. 
You tried to let it go while you two worked on a list of all of the possible marinas. 
Around 2 PM, Dex stood in the doorway of the conference room, leaning in. “You two wanna grab some lunch?” he asked casually, but you could hear the faintest, most undetected current of panic in his tone. 
You turned to Spence before confirming, asking with your eyes if he wanted to go. Spencer seemed indifferent so you nodded and said, “Sure.” You stood up from the desk, told Rossi and Luke you’d be back soon and left with Dexter. No one said much of anything until you got to a nice outside restaurant. 
“Finally, an ocean breeze,” you stated, soaking up the warmth and cool air. 
“Yeah, it’s a hot one. Especially since it’s summer…” Dex noted. 
“So are we not going to talk about the fact that your plan didn’t work?” Spencer asked, his sunglasses on, but you could see he was throwing daggers at Dexter under the dark lenses. 
“What are you talking about? I destroyed the AC. There should be nothing left for the algae,” he countered, confused. 
“Except there is. The algae was from rocks you picked up, not the bags. Our boss told our team member to store the rocks in a separate place. You didn’t think to check that?” he pressed, leaning forward.
“You didn’t think to ask? I risked everything to sneak in last night.” 
“Do you want me to feel sorry for you?” Spence snapped. 
“Guys,” you interjected. “For one, cool it. Listening ears, remember? Secondly, none of us knew the rocks got moved. We didn’t even know it was the rocks. Masuka never mentioned it. It was just algae.” 
“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway,” Dexter noted. “Tracing it to one marina won’t matter.” 
“Why not?” you asked, frowning. 
“Because I’m not the only boat there. They’d have to find me doing something suspicious.” 
“Well if you move your boat it’ll be suspicious.” 
“Maybe not,” he said with a thoughtful look on his face. 
A week seemed to fly by and the marine biologist came back with three hits - and Coral Cove was on the list. 
“Alright, who wants to take each one?” Rossi asked. 
“I’ll take Coral Cove,” you volunteered.
Spence took one, and Luke took the last. The three of you set out to canvass the area and look for any clues. You were already aware of the clues at this dock: dark, secluded, crappy security, no rental booths. It was ideal for Dexter to do his work. 
Still, you played the part of an agent and walked up and down the dock, taking in everything. You made new mental notes as if you were seeing the space for the first time, and would report everything to Rossi. The catch 22 of this was you couldn’t hold anything back because of how good an agent you were. At the same time, the more information you fed your team and Miami PD, the more they closed in on Dexter. 
You got back to the precinct before Spencer did, but Luke was already back and giving all the info he could. 
Debra suddenly spoke up. “We could check with rental companies and run the dates boats were rented against the dates some of our vics went missing.” 
“Good idea,” you encouraged, knowing absolutely nothing would show up. “Okay, so I did Coral Cove. It’s dark, only a few light posts. No security at all. It’s pretty private.”
“Coral Cove? That’s where half the force puts their boats,” Batista stated. “Yeah it’s the only place they can still afford.” 
All you did was half shrug. “However, there isn’t a rental boot there, Morgan, sorry,” you said, turning back to Debra. “But I’d still run the others. I doubt our unsub would do his dirty work out where cops are.”
“That would be risky,” Rossi agreed. “But he’s been bold enough to abduct some of these people in broad daylight. Let’s not rule it out. I want a log of everyone who keeps their boats at all these docks.” 
Luke and Debra dashed off to get the logs while you stayed behind in the conference room. 
“What if we put security cams up at the docks?” Batista suggested.
“Then we run the risk of never seeing the unsub again. He’ll spook and move his boat,” you tried, hoping they’d shut the idea down. 
“Well, if anyone does move their boat, I mean that’s kind of a red flag. But we might catch this guy doing something weird, right?” Batista replied. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I think we should do it,” you agreed, nodding, meanwhile dying a little inside. There was no winning this one. If you fought the cameras too much, it’d set off alarms. But with the cameras up there, who knows what they’d catch. All you could do was warn him not to do anything suspicious for a while. 
When the room seemed to disperse with their new tasks, you tried to casually go to Dexter’s office. The good thing was nearly everyone on both teams knew you and Dexter were close, so spending a lot of time together in and outside work wouldn’t raise too many flags. You just didn’t want to do it too often. 
“So,” you began, dragging the word out as you got in his office. You closed the door behind you and leaned on it, your hands behind your back. “They’re installing security cams at your dock,” you informed. 
“What? Why?” he asked, dropping his task and turning to you. 
“The algae was traced back to three marinas, yours being one of them.” 
“Well, then I need to go clean my boat,” he slightly argued. 
You narrowed your eyes. “Did you not hear a word I just said? You can’t. If you do anything but drive the damned thing, it’ll look off.” 
“And if they find trace evidence of blood and DNA on my boat, I’ll really be fucked,” he said with a sarcastic smile. 
You crossed your arms. “Okay, fuckface,” you began, giving him an exasperated expression. One a tired mother might give her rebellious teen. “You could always drive the boat out to the ocean and clean it there.” 
“Won’t they see the cleaning supplies, and luminol, and black light and be suspicious?” he asked, pressing your idea. 
“Not if we both go. Hide everything in a tackle box and grab some fishing poles. We go way out, and clean. It’s not that suspicious to clean it in the middle of the ocean,” you tried. 
“And by we, you mean the three of us. Your husband who hates me to help cover evidence--”
“Spence will not be coming. It’d be best if he stayed behind and worked on the case,” you interjected quickly. “Plus I haven’t gotten any time alone with you. I miss our nights together,” you said, with a soft smile. 
“What part?” he asked with a coy grin. 
You glared at him. “The part where we drank beer and shot the shit.” 
He appeared thoughtful for a moment before smiling up at you and saying, “Alright. Yeah, I suppose it’d be fun. We’ll clean the boat and go fishing.” 
“Sounds good,” you cheered before skipping out of his office. 
“So how has he been doing this?” Luke asked as all of you sat at the conference room table, eating dinner. 
“Doing what?” Batastia responded.
“Abducting them,” he clarified. “I know he took some delinquents, but he also took some people that weren’t low risk.” 
“He’s either strong enough to subdue them,” Rossi started.
“Or he has a ruse,” Debra added. “You know, like Bundy, maybe?” 
“Or he knocks them out some other way,” another detective offered. “Like a sedative.” 
Jesus, was it hot in here or was it just the heat closing in on you and Dexter? 
“Let’s get the ME reports,” Rossi suggested. “Maybe we missed something. See if he checked for toxins or drugs in the body, or any sort of bludgeoning on the head.” 
Spencer jumped up. “On it.” 
He stepped out to head to the ME’s office and the rest of you kept spitballing ideas until he called. 
He called Rossi and then Rossi put him on speaker. “Hey, guys. I’ve got the ME on the phone.” 
“Hey there, so I found something unusual,” he noted. “I was going back through my notes of your bodies, trying to find evidence of sedation or how they were being taken -- I did find Etorphine in their system.” 
“And that’s unusual, why?” Rossi asked, his eyes touching on everyone around the table.
“Well, other than being a heavy dosage, nothing. It’s a strong sedative. That’s not what was confusing me.” 
“Well, do tell,” Batista encouraged. 
“The three newest victims, the ones that were dead the least amount of time -- they had rough cuts on them.” 
“What do you mean?” Luke pressed. 
“Well so the first fifteen, a knife penetrated their chest, one quick movement. No hesitation, and it goes deep. These other three had hesitation marks, and they barely went in compared to the others. The severing on the ends of the limbs wasn’t as clean.” 
Everyone frowned - you included. Fuck - this ME was good. 
“So what do you think that means?” Batista asked. 
“No idea. Unless this guy got unsure about what he was doing, these last three bodies weren’t his victims.” 
At that, Spencer said that was all the ME had and that he’d be back to the station with the reports. The phone call ended and everyone continued theorizing.
“But how could we have a copycat before we even discovered the bodies?” Debra asked. 
“What if it’s not a copycat?” Rossi suggested. “What if… it’s a partner?” 
“It could be, but why would he suddenly take up a partner?” you asked. Being silent for too long started to look bad when you were the star profiler. 
“It does seem strange. He’s killed fifteen people and just now decided to let his partner do the killing? Most of the time they bring them in earlier,” Rossi agreed. 
“Unless they couldn’t find someone,” Debra tried. 
“Nah, I think it’s something else,” Luke noted. “If you were thinking you were cleaning up the streets… Who would you teach that to?” he pressed. 
Everyone seemed stumped so you threw out a bogus answer. “What about a son, or a sibling? Maybe the guy is getting older, or their kid just came of the age. They figure they should show them the ropes, have them take over the legacy.” 
Debra sat back. “Holy fuck. A family of serial killers? That’s just fucking great.” 
“It’s a start on the profile though, maybe,” Rossi encouraged. “Let’s see if we can get Garcia to fish out any possible vigilante types in the area that have family. Y/N, when you were down here, did you have any suspects at all?” your boss directed at you. 
Fighting the hard urge to glance to Dexter, you tossed your pen on the desk before looking up at your boss and saying, “No, I hadn’t gotten that far yet.” 
“No problem, let’s see what Garcia can dig up,” Rossi said before dismissing everyone. “Everyone, let’s take a half day tomorrow. We’ve been at this non stop, maybe some distance will help us get some clarity.”
At this everyone got up and gathered their stuff and finished out the day. Spencer showed up after an hour. Silently, you and Spencer went back to your hotel room. Once you were safely inside, you decided to tell Spencer your plans. The half day couldn’t have come soon enough. 
“So, I was thinking of going out on Dexter’s boat with him tomorrow,” you cautiously informed as you dropped your bag on the floor.  
“You’re… I’m sorry, you’re going on a fishing trip while we’re trying to cover up your tracks? Cover evidence you created?” he asked, incredulous. 
“That’s exactly what we are doing. It isn’t some kind of fun outing. Dex needs to clean his boat and we can’t do it with the cameras mounted around there.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“I know you hate it, for some reason. So you can either come along with us for hours, which I know you’ll hate… or you could spend time in Miami with the team.” 
“So that’s it? I either come along and be unhappy and uncomfortable, or I am forced to stay back in the city.” 
You shrugged, losing your patience. “I’m not sure what else you want, Spence. We need to clean his boat.”
“Can’t he do it alone?”
“Yeah but… to be honest, I wanted to spend some time with him. Time that isn’t about this investigation…”
“Oh, sorry, don’t let me interrupt your buddy time with him,” he responded as if he were offended while he got ready for bed. 
You clenched your fist and threw your pajama shirt on the bed as you faced Spencer. “Why do you hate him so much?” you demanded angrily. 
Your husband gave you a look that tore you apart inside, it was as if the answer should be obvious and even asking him to explain himself was a ridiculous request. 
“Why do you not?” he begged breathlessly. Disbelief colored his face. 
You were taken aback by his question. “Well… he’s my friend,” you began, somewhat stammering. 
“Yes, now he is, but a few months ago he would've been another unsub. and now... now we have to pretend to like him..."
“It’s not pretending for me, I really do enjoy his company.” 
He shook his head, disappointment replacing every feature on his expression. He stopped looking at you to busy himself with finishing his nightly routine. His voice got softer as he said, “It’s fine, Y/N, just go do what you have to.” 
You pursed your lips, wanting to make this easier on him somehow. This was exactly what you didn’t want. You were dancing in the line of fire here, but Spence wasn’t even guilty and he was going through the same stress you were. 
You sighed sadly before finishing your own routine and crawling into bed.
Forever Tag:
Spencer Reid
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queensdivas · 4 years
Wildest Notes Chap 2
Ya know what I love about this movie? The fact that it goes day by day instead of trying to cram it in one singular day. So this makes writing this fic so much easier and way more fun to write! 
Was this my best chapter? Probably not. Is it cute? YES! 
Will I start chapter 3? Not yet cause I have to catch up on Thistle and For Gods Sake. So y’all be patient with Gardner. Trust me I would love nothing more than to write out this entire fic in one day. But freakin Eugene and Samuel need their moments as well. 
So if ya liked to be tagged please let me know. And I’ll see you guys in the next chapter of whatever gets updated next! 
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What’s the best thing about Jazz? Besides it becoming very sexualized due to the fact that the Saxophone and Clarinet for some reason turn people on. I think the best thing about jazz is that it can cover so many different genres. Want some latin jazz funk? Here’s some jazz funky latin. I think this is my brain trying to calm down as my first performance with making money. 
Standing in front of the club as I was debating on whether to make a run for it or just too bite the bullet. Ahhhhh crap. I always get these jitters before a performance like this and even at just private concerts in school I was a train wreck. 
“Hey. You Cora?” Someone yelled as I held my binder tighter.
“Umm yes. And you?” He flicked his cigarette and approached me with his instrument. 
“Theo Rivers. You’ve come to join our merry troop?” He opened the door and motioned for me to go in first. 
“Yes I have.”  He closed the door behind me as it was a small dark hallway. We reached onto the club floor as there were a bunch of people on the wide stage warming up, and talking amongst themselves. 
The room was much bigger than I imagined as it sparkled with a large chandelier that dangled down from above. You could see the doors to and from the kitchen as they were painted black. The bar was long and filled with so many different types of alcohol I wasn’t sure what was from where. The hardwood floors were this lovely dark red that made the black tables look to grande. 
“Just play it cool little thang.” Ew. Thang? Really? I stopped in the middle of the dance floor as Lucas approached the stage in front of everyone. 
“Alright everyone calm down I know that we’re all excited for the new pianist whenever she gets here. Trust me you guys are going to love her!” That would be Mr. Lucas Puzo. I found him in a local music shop as I was trying to find some sort of cheap good piano. (Which is harder than it sounds.) 
“Would that be her Lucas?” Someone pointed out as I was standing in the middle of the dance floor. 
“Ah yes. Ladies and Gents this is our new pianist Cora Lister!” He popped down from the stage and walked over to me. I gave them a small wave as he placed his hands on my shoulder to usher me over to the stage. 
“Hello.” I said softly as everyone was smiling and waving. 
“Now we open in twenty minutes so get yourself warmed up missy! Alright make sure you guys give her the lineup so she’s not improvising too much. Ima go to the jon so give me five minutes.” He walked away as I stood in front of everyone as they stared back. 
Not saying a word I dashed over to the piano to get comfortable on my bench. The drummer got up from his set to stand on the end of the piano as he slid over a piece of paper. I grabbed it to look at the two sets we were doing tonight. A good mixture of swing, ballads, latin, and funk? Hm. Love it. 
“Felix by the way.” He smiled as I nodded. So we’re starting off with Give me a simple life? A Little cliche but it’s a good warm up song. 
“You don’t talk much do you?” He asked as I placed the sheet on my stand. 
“Sorry just trying to get ready.” I told him as he shook his head. 
“Leave her be Felix. He’s more wild than a dog in heat when it comes to new members of our troop. Kobi the bassest.” He stood on my left as I waved at him. 
“Then Kobi tries to be all smooth and act like he’s innocent. Y’all are not as smooth as you think. Krista I’m the best trombone there is.” She sat down next to me as I placed my binder on the piano stand. 
“And then she acts like the superhero for women when in reality she is also trying to get into your pants. As you can see Cora you’ve attracted the dogs of the band on complete accident. For the record she’s fourth chair as I am first. Chandler by the way.” He sat on the other side as I was completely confused on what was happening. So four people are trying to get in my pants and the only few words I said were hello and sorry just trying to get ready. How the flippin’ heck does that happen? 
“I should get a squirt bottle to back off against Cora! Bad bad bad!” Lucas yelled as everyone laughed to sit back in their seats. Thank Goodness. I’m not quite sure what the heck just happened but that felt like my first ever college frat party I attended. Like a penis magnet, then I left two minutes later to go home and binge watch SVU. 
“Cora please tune everyone before they go mad.” Lucas ordered as cracked my knuckles real quick. I played B flat and everyone began tuning. Quickly running up and down a few scales as some random man came running out of the kitchen. 
“We’re about to open! Go ahead!” He yelled as Lucas shrugged and began clearing his throat. Wait he’s singing? Would’ve loved to get a chance to practice with him so I know exactly how this band rolls!
“For your sake. Just follow me and you’ll be just fine.” Kobi told me as I nodded. I just do what I usually do when playing. TRYING NOT TO PANIC!
“One..two..a one two three four!” Immediately on a roll! 
My left ear listening to the bass as my other one was focusing on the tempo Felix was giving off. A little faster than normal versions of the song but I kind of enjoy it. Definitely features a lot of me but as long as I stay calm and keep my focus on the tempo I’ll be just fine. 
People began coming into the club, sitting around the small tables and waiters already serving them. I’m assuming this is a regulars club most likely. Because how many people do you know regularly enjoy listening to jazz? 
I noticed my piano solo was coming already as I cracked my neck and thought of a good improv pattern for myself that would match nicely with the song. Maybe something a little spicy but not too spicy. 
My fingers bounced up and down the piano as my attention went towards Lucas who was nodding at my improv solo. I’d known he was impressed with me when I played at graduation. 
Another glimpse into the crowd as everyone was talking amongst themselves or watching us up they're playing. Ya know I was expecting a lot less people but the turnout was pretty great for my first night. 
Is it weird that I’m a little shocked that Gardner didn’t show up? I mean I knew he was tightly rounded but thought getting him out of his house would do him some good. But that’s what happens when I try to be nice in my life. Everyone ends up shutting the door in my face but somehow I still stand..ah ya don’t need to hear me. 
The song finished as the crowd began softly cheering as Lucas bowed to everyone. He fixed his tie as he clapped his hands. He began kissing up to the crowd as I flipped the page to the next song in the set. Which should be You Belong to Me. Not the Taylor Swift version obviously. I believe it’s the Jo Stafford version. Luckily it’s not a big piano song so I’ll be nice and cozy back here this time. 
“PST Cora!” He was trying to be quiet but that obviously wasn’t working. 
“What Kobi?” I asked as he leaned over to the piano and tried to say something to me. But I barely could hear out of choice. I think I’m just going to bust through the sets here and then go home. 
A waitress approached me as she held up some sort of blue drink up to me as I shook my head. Me? Getting drunk on the piano? Never in my life! She shrugged as Lucas began counting us off again softly. 
Definitely business till I can get used to this sort of environment. 
“YOU BETTER GET BACK! HONKY CAT! LIVING IN THE CITY AIN’T WHERE IT’S AT! IT’S LIKE TRYING FIND GOLD IN A SILVER MINE! IT’S LIKE TRYING TO DRINK WHISKEY FROM A BOTTLE OF WINE!” I danced around my kitchen as I placed the last plate from lunch away. Angus was sitting in the entrance between the kitchen and living room. 
“Well I read some books OW! And I read some magazines! C’mere Angus!” I told him as he trotted over and jumped up into my arms. 
“About those high-class ladies down in New Orleans.” He was annoyed as I was moving him back and forth. He should be used to it by now at this point. 
“AND ALL THE FOLKS BACK HOME..WELL...SAID I WAS A FOOL!” Angus plopped down to sulk himself back into the living room and laid down on the floor with the sun shining through the window on him. 
“THEY SAID OH BELIEVE IN THE LORD IS THE GOLDEN RULE!” I danced my way over to the record play to turn it down a little due to the fact my neighbors probably don’t want to hear me screaming Honky Cat lyrics. I mean I can sing but when Elton comes on it’s like a party. 
It was just low enough I heard that creak of a front gate open as the tip toed over to the front door and was ready to pounce and scare him. No that’s too mean. Maybe another time when he’s not carrying a package of mine. He quickly knocked on the screen door as I opened my front door and he was off. 
“Hiya Gardner.” It was like a car break on how fast he stopped. I looked down to see how huge this box was and saw it was from Eureka. Mom? 
“Mind giving me a hand?” I asked him as he turned around and looked down at the ground. 
“Sure.” He came up the porch as I tossed the mail into the music room as we bent down to pick up the box. 
Well..a slip and a fall. That big bulky box landed straight on my left foot. If you think stubbing that little toe of yours was bad. This was a whole lot worse.
“Son of a biscuit!” I tried laughing it up as Gardner had his hands over his mouth. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He panicked as I smiled at him. One of those painful smiles that’s trying to cover up that I’m screaming in pain internally. 
“It’s fine. Just let’s get this in here!” I said through my teeth as we tried lifting it again and carrying it inside. We walked into the living room for Angus to move quickly out of the way. 
“Now please don’t crush my foot again.” I told him as we slowly lowered the box onto the rug. I sat down on the couch to then look at my left foot making sure it wasn’t broken. Luckily we’re all good. 
“Is your foot okay?” He chirped as I nodded. 
“Yeah it’ll be fine. You often drop boxes on people's feet?” I tried to lighten the conversation but I could tell he was not interested. Might as well see what’s in the box.
“Give me another hand into the kitchen.” I got back up from the couch as he looked at the door. 
“I really don’t have time.” I placed my hands on my hips with one eyebrow raised at him. We reached down again and carried it into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. He took a step back and grabbed a small knife to open the box. 
“Well if that’s everything Cora.” I placed the knife down and tossed an apple to him. He barely caught it as I reached into the box. 
“You look a little famished. An apple always helps.” I pulled out a rolled up bubble wrap to see it was Mrs. Seymours old collection of her Elvis Presley China!  
“Oh my gosh!” I laughed as The King was painted on the plate. 
“Ya know I love people’s obsession with the weirdest things in the world. Mrs. Seymour loved Elvis Presley China.” I pulled out the second dinner plate that had him in his big red glittery suit. 
“Why Elvis?” Gardner asked as I handed him the plate. 
“She loves Elvis. Oh my god it’s like her passion before opening a home for all of us and locking it down.” I reached in to pull out the all white suit Elvis but it was cracked in half. 
“Well. You broke Elvis Gard. Now you gotta fix him.” I told him as a wave of panic rolled on his face. 
“Ya know..I...I..can’t. Uh..I really really..” I think the glue is in the junk drawer. I opened the drawer to see super duper glue. Perfect! He placed down the apple he didn’t even take a bite out of and stand in front of the broken plate. 
“Now just be gentle with the King.” I began squeezing the glue along the crack as he kept trying to check his watch. If he doesn’t stop checking his watch I’m gonna throw it in the backyard! 
“Alright now just hold it still.” I told him as we pushed the plate back together for the glue to start sticking. 
“Now I’m going out to lunch if you could just stand here till I get back.” His eyes widened as I looked at him dead seriously. 
“Wait what lunch!?” I lost it as he sunk back into himself. 
“I’m..I’m sorry. I..I generally don’t hang out with civilians this much.” Civilians? Do I look like I’m in the army? Do I need to salute him or something? 
“Just messin’ with your Gard. You need to lighten up a little bit sir. Us civilians aren’t all horrid people.” I told him as he looked down at the plate as I gently took it from his hands. He put his white hat on his head as he began becoming uptight again. 
“I’m sorry if I broke your foot.” He blurted out as I looked down at it. I imagine I'll be getting some sort of bruise. Not really a problem due to the fact I use my right foot for the petals anyhow. 
Angus came strolling into the kitchen as he sat down in front of Gard waiting for him to scratch the top of his head. He looked down at him as Angus was beginning to whimper at Gard. 
“If you’re going to bail on me without saying goodbye. At Least say goodbye to Angus.” Angus licked his lips as Gard quickly scratched the top of his head. 
“Goodbye Cora. This was interesting again.” Turning around like a bat out of hell as Angus and I watched him leave the kitchen through the living room and shutting the front door. 
Why do I find him so adorable?
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