#this is also because i'm missing taiora already
earlgreymon · 4 years
we’d talk/wed-talk
takari week // [day 5] taichi and yamato step in
so apparently i read the prompt wrongly. i thought it was taichi or yamato step in, so i only chose one of them. but as i wrote this, i just realized it was taichi and yamato. in addition to that, he didn’t really step in here, but well...
although this is still a fic about takari, i picked yamato and hikari as the main character of this story because i’m dying to see more of their interaction. and if you know me well enough, you surely know i’m a fan of writing unusual combination, so there you go!
“Takeru isn’t here yet?”
Hikari turned to find Yamato arrived beside her before she shook her head as a response. “I think his plane got delayed earlier.”
It was the day of Taichi and Sora’s wedding, but Takeru was in Hokkaido for the writer’s conference and only scheduled to come back at d-day. He already offered his apology to the bride and groom for a million times, and Sora had repeatedly convinced him that it was not a big deal. However, Hikari knew that he still felt guilty somehow, especially now that he would absolutely be late due to ‘operational problems’.
The couple had chosen a traditional Japanese-style wedding in a shrine, considering Sora’s strong cultural background. Hikari had no doubt that his brother looked dashing with his black hakama, but Sora was… enthralling. Not only Taichi who was taken aback as his bride stepped out of the sanctum; everyone who attended the ceremony was obviously captivated with her out-of-this-world charm. As if the universe wanted to take part in making Sora the most beautiful woman of the day, the autumn leaves started to dance around her—creating such an extraordinary sight to behold.
Seeing such an amazing scene, Hikari couldn’t help but wondered whether she would be as fine-looking as Sora in that pure white shiromuku—or perhaps she should choose a dress instead?
“Crazy huh?” Yamato murmured as the bride and the groom followed the priest’s lead. “First Ken and Miyako, and now them. I bet you and Takeru will also join the marriage club soon.”
Hikari didn’t specifically confirm the accusation. They both had started to think about officiating their relationship, but agreed to let her brother finished his wedding first before discussing it any further. It wasn’t surprising if Takeru had already mentioned their intention to Yamato, just as Hikari told Taichi.
“And you?” Hikari asked. “Your ex is currently getting married in front of your eyes right now. When will you join?”
Yamato laughed sarcastically. “I can’t believe you just said that, of all people.”
“I’m testing you. Takeru said that you’ve moved on.”
“I have. Don’t worry.”
The priest started the ceremony in the pavilion. Hikari should be seating in the front row accompanying her parents, but as she was happily volunteering herself as the photographer, she moved around to search for different angles until she returned to stand beside Yamato on the back of the crowd.
“Hey,” Yamato confided. “Please take care of my brother, will you? I don’t know if he has opened up to you about this, but the divorce carved a very deep trauma for him and the last thing I want is for him to go through another misery.”
There was an indescribable melancholy as he stared into the distance, but when he turned his head back to meet Hikari’s eyes, he gave a tiny smile. “But I believe you won’t let him be, right?”
Hikari replied with the same soft curve in her lips. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Although I can’t believe you made such a miserable joke,” they finally cracked into a small chuckle. “What if I still hurt?”
“That’s why I told you it’s a test—”
“What test?” Takeru popped between them all the sudden, each of his hands pulling them into an embrace, except that Hikari got an extra peck in her temple.
“Basically the whole ceremony,” Yamato joked flatly, even though the newlywed really seemed to start moving from the pavilion—probably for a photo session. “Well. As long as you're not late on your own wedding day, bro.” Yamato lifted Takeru’s hand from his shoulder and left them to approach another friend.
Takeru frowned for a moment watching the figure of his brother, before facing back to his lover. “Seriously: what test?” he repeated.
“Ah. Let’s just say he’s checking whether I deserve to be his sister-in-law.”
“Did you pass then?”
“He let me go easily. You should worry about yourself more. My brother’s a handful.”
Takeru hissed. “And surely I made a bad impression for coming late to his wedding.”
“Well.” Hikari giggled, turning him so she could fix his tie and straightened his coat. She’d never seen him wearing a hakama before, but considering he was very handsome in a tux right now, she probably should keep the option open for a wedding dress. With a meaningful smile, she continued, “As long as you’re not late on your own wedding day.” 
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