#this has to be hands down my favourite version of tf
Someone please - I'm on my hands and knees begging - write a fix it for tf1 ending
Give me why megop
Just let them be please
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diagonal-queen · 11 months
hii! can i request hunting dogs with clumsy s/o?
Hunting Dogs with a clumsy S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura, Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: What are the Hunting Dogs like with an S/O who's clumsy?
♡ cw: Swearing, mentions of getting hurt/bumping into things/getting accidental cuts, mention of alcohol
note: It's been a while since I actually posted some proper writing. I genuinely do apologise you guys- there's not really any good excuse for me taking as long as I have. Long work hours and bad home life combined have me absolutely fuckin spent, but I know that's also the case for other writers who still manage to produce work on at least a semi-regular basis. I just wanna try and get on top of some of my reqs that've been gathering dust in my drafts lmao. Thank you guys for your support and I love you all <3 apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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I'm gonna be so real with you right now bro literally doesn't care
Like he gives absolutely no fucks that you're clumsy. Fuck you could trip into one of his many barrels of alcohol and fully destroy it and he just wouldn't even be mad
He'd just help you up and be like 'ah you're so cute when you trip over and faceplant and destroy my stuff <33' (probably not that far from verbatim to be honest)
I genuinely don't know what else to tell you other than 'he doesn't care', because he doesn't. Any mess you make, he'll have it cleaned up. Any precious item you break, he'll just replace it.
His only real concern is you somehow hurting yourself, but even then he's not really that worried because he'll find some insanely talented doctor to fix you right up. It wouldn't be an inconvenience for him at all
(Fukuchi IS a sugar daddy and nobody except me has ever acknowledged it and it's lowkey bothering me like c'mon be so for fucking real guys)
All this being said, he probably wouldn't let you carry something extremely valuable like amenogozen (not like he would let you carry it anyway, but your clumsiness does contribute to his overprotectiveness of that stupid dumbass sword)
As always, he will get pissed if anyone else gives you a hard time for your clumsiness
Your whole dynamic is basically just Ozzie and Fizz lowkey
He really just lets you do your thing honestly, he doesn't care whether it's imperfect or whatever. If you're clumsy, then clumsiness is automatically cute tf
Jouno's like the total opposite of clumsy, literally every particle of his being is perfectly coordinated at all times
So he might be upset at first to learn that your motor skills aren't as up to scratch as his are.
You need to remind him that hey, how does he expect a regular ass person to measure up to a genetically modified super soldier? (which is a totally fair argument that even he doesn't rebut)
And after some consideration he's like 'okay fair' and tries to get used to your clumsiness. Keyword being 'tries'; he's not always perfect at tolerating it, but he's doing his best and that's what counts
If you're the kind of person who curses when you stub your toe (or god forbid that thing where you bump your hipbone on the corner of the table for some reason), he's totally cool with that. He's fully okay with swearing
He just doesn't really like when you randomly yell or cry out in pain really loudly/right near him because of the auditory overload
If you cry he will take the time to calm you down and kiss whatever part of your body you hurt better (pretends to hate it but absolutely doesn't)
Uses your clumsiness as an excuse to hold your hand when you guys go out together <3 he also likes feeling your pulse speed up when he touches you
Will randomly pull you in certain directions while you guys are out walking and when you're like 'why?' he'll be like 'you were about to walk into a pole sweetheart' then you turn back around and yeah he was right
One of my favourite versions of Tecchou is aloof himbo Tecchou so that's what we're going with. Anyways he would be like '...just stop dropping things tf'
It doesn't take him that long to accept that fact that sometimes you're just clumsy without being able to control it and he probably shouldn't trust you with dangerous or fragile object
It probably secretly annoys him a bit at first but he doesn't wanna make you feel bad about
His attention quickly turns to prioritising your safety, so ultimately he doesn't really care
He's really strong so a lot of the time if you have to carry something heavy he just offers to carry it instead. Not only will he be saving you from back pain but he may also potentially be preventing your toes from being shattered under the weight of whatever you would have been carrying
Tecchou would want to cook for you to keep you away from all the kitchenware and appliances, but you don't let him because you know he'll whip up something absolutely abhorrent. Even if you sometimes get nicked with knives or touch hot pans, it's better than eating his food (sorry Tecchou)
He wouldn't want you to leave your place on your own if the weather is rainy or something because that means the pavement/ground is slippery (if you ask him to carry you the chance of him saying yes is surprisingly high actually)
If you ever bump into him, he'll act nonchalant about it but he would be blushing and sweating and shaking and panicking and screaming crying throwing up hyperventilating fanboying dying
Teruko (platonic):
Like most...general traits that a human could have, Teruko would probably make fun of you for it at first
Eventually her teasing would become more lighthearted and silly instead of genuine, but if anyone else tried to bully for you it it's on SIGHT
Teruko can be clumsy sometimes, but more often than not it's just harmless things like carrying a stack of documents and not making sure to secure it so that sheets of paper don't fly off the top
When it comes to her physical strength and combat everything she does is very intentional and coordinated. If you see her actively being clumsy she probably really does not care about what she's doing lol
She's the kind of person to do dart and knife throwing for fun but if you're even in close range of a blade she freaks out and worries that you're gonna fatally wound yourself somehow
If you do end up getting hurt she'll help fix up your injury, like cleaning wounds or bandaging you up or whatever, but she'll chide you about it the whole time (she's hiding the fact that she's secretly super concerned for you)
Absolutely has a phone recording of you tripping and eating shit and always threatens to send it to people unless you buy her food or something like that lmao
Unlike Jouno or Tecchou she's a little bit of a prick and doesn't warn you when you're about to bump into something and then laughs when you bump into said something
I mean she won't let you get hurt hurt but also seeing people get hurt is funny sometimes lmao
Let's not pretend that this motherfucker isn't also a clumsy bastard
C'mon the two of you are constantly tripping over your own feet let alone each other's feet. You're an accidental chaotic dual MESS
I mean Tachihara is a little less clumsy than you, being a Hunting Dog and all, but if he's sleep-deprived or drunk or something like that he is a literal safety hazard. He definitely doesn't realise how much of a unit he is
As such, he doesn't really mind that you're also clumsy. If you drop things or whatever he doesn't get upset, just helps you pick/clean them up like the sweetheart he is
Also tries to catch you if you trip over (his success rate is improving steadily) but may also fall over in the process so you never really know
He uses his metal manipulation to keep you from getting hurt. If you're in the kitchen and you're about to drop a pot on the ground he catches it before it lands on your feet. Is he really your man if he doesn't use supernatural abilities to keep you from dropping shit
Pretty much every room in the house is stocked with bandaids just in case. You guys almost always have tons of matching ones, along with bruises and random little sores that you have no memory of attaining
Again, if you're the type of person who swears when you stub your toe, the absolute horrific vulgar language that comes out of Tachihara's mouth when he stubs his toe puts you to SHAME
You're as equally concerned for his wellbeing as he is for yours. You both take good care of each other's physical health where you can
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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thelordofgifs · 2 years
One characterisation choice in the fairest stars that I feel compelled to defend a little is that of Maedhros – and specifically, the way he grieves. Honestly Maedhros being both such a fandom favourite and also SO messy and complex makes him an intimidating character for little me to try to write, so I do hope he comes across in tfs as recognisably himself!
Anyway, I think after the posting of Part 10 (which ended with Curufin’s dramatic lie that Fingon and Maglor were both dead), a lot of people were expecting Maedhros to go absolutely feral and furious with grief; and the direction I chose, of grief that absolutely froze him, grief that broke him, grief that was completely disabling even before the unreality attack started, might be a little unexpected? After all, Maedhros in canon is defined by his resilience: within a few years of being rescued from Thangorodrim, he’s done some impressive political wrangling, learned to fight left-handed, and headed off to the eastern front of the war against Morgoth.
Counterpoint: Maedhros canonically responds to the loss of a loved one by freezing, messing up, or otherwise removing himself from the narrative.
A chronological list of examples:
Finwë. Okay, admittedly Maedhros keeps his head quite well on his grandfather’s death: in some drafts he’s the one who delivers the news to the Valar and (though he doesn’t realise it) his father. What he notably doesn’t do, however, is rush after Morgoth and Ungoliant in a blind quest for vengeance. That’s his father’s job! And despite some superficial similarities, I don’t think Maedhros is much like Fëanor; or, rather, I think he deliberately makes an effort to be different to Fëanor.
Amrod. Not really published silm canon, but it’s worth noting that in the Shibboleth of Fëanor version, after Fëanor realises that he accidentally killed his youngest son, “nobody dared speak of this matter to Fëanor again” (might have slightly butchered that quotation bc I’m not looking it up). This is in a version of the story where Curufin was the only son involved in the ship-burning, so Maedhros doesn’t even have any particular culpability or guilt complex around Amrod’s death, but still – no significant reaction.
Fëanor. One of the obvious examples! Immediately after his father’s death, Maedhros makes the stupidest decision of his life and agrees to parley with Morgoth – despite having just sworn to avenge Fëanor! My own reading of this situation is that Maedhros simply wasn’t thinking clearly; stunned and grieving, he went along with what felt like the easiest course of action, and paid a terrible price for it.
Fingon. Another classic example. Maedhros after Fingon’s death is absolutely defined by his inaction – he spends some thirty years post-Nirnaeth simply wandering in the wilds, and, when time comes for the Second Kinslaying, it’s Celegorm who spearheads that. We aren’t told anything about Maedhros’ reaction to Fingon’s death (because ouch), but it doesn’t feel like a huge leap to say that it devastated Maedhros, so much so that he just. shut down.
Post-Second Kinslaying things get murkier because Maedhros has imo more upsetting things to deal with than his brothers’ deaths, namely his own terrible fall from grace. But I would like to point out that after the Third Kinslaying and one or both twins’ deaths (depending on your preferred Amrod crispiness), it’s Maglor who cares for Elrond and Elros; Maedhros, you could argue, is not in the mental state necessary to do so.
God this got long. Anyway, with regards to tfs specifically, Maedhros is dealing with a loss that’s actually worse than anything he experiences in canon – he thinks BOTH Fingon and Maglor are dead, at the same time! So I hope his reaction doesn’t feel too out-of-character; I was worried, in writing it, that I was woobifying him too much, but I do think there’s some canonical justification for this interpretation of him. Hopefully. And thank you to everyone who’s indulging this silly little story and all my unasked-for babbling about it ❤️❤️
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
Love your aggressive s/o x Bonten headcanons lol
If possible can we get a version where they find out the only freaking reason she's so aggressive is because she's literally hungry and sleepy... Like all the time? Like she'd need food in her hand 24/7 and constantly eating something (or napping) in order to not go off on someone for breathing wrong for more than an hour lol (you can ignore this if you'd like idc I just think it's hilarious to see them with what's essentially the equivalent to a pissed and grouchy cat lol)
Bonten x reader with hanger issues n a food complex.
'm glad ya liked em :)
love this idea too
Warnings: swearing, blood, fighting, gun references, drug reference (sanzu ofc).
Bonten: Mikey, Sanzu, Koko, Ran, Rindo, Kaku.
finds you rummaging through your bag after a fight
after you come back with nothing from it and a sour look on your face he cant help but ask
"What's up with you now?"
notices your similar to him after he hasn't had a snack for a while
if you ignore he'll leave you to your little tantrum as usual
after a long bonten meeting you're sat drifting off in your chair when someone bursts through the door
you do one of those freaky slow look ups a glare as cold as ice on your face
"You're really gonna come shouting in here n wake me up you fucker?! I'm fucking tired and hungry af n you have the balls to do this shit. I'm gonna cave ya head in dickhead."
'oh' Mikey knows exactly what the problem is now
he grabs a dorayaki out of his stash n throws it to you
you grumble a bit before going silent and munching on the treat
promptly moving to a couch and taking a nap
from then on Mikey keeps extra snacks for the both of you and you take regular naps in his office, sometimes with him.
your aggressive little attitude seems to get a lot better which keeps the rest of the executives calm.
tbh i don't think he'll realise, he likes it when you're a bit psycho n that
takes Takeomi or Mochi telling him that you seem calmer when you have snacks for him to realise
straight up asks you
"Soooo you got like a food complex or something babe? Cos I get it I get antsy when I don't have a pill for a while, I can get those food supplement drugs if ya want love."
like boy no who tf wants ur shitty drugs
"I want snacks motherfucker not some boring ass supplements, actual food n several naps a day."
our boy only gets it when you spell it out n will buy you all the snacks n food you want
also keeps a blanket n pillow in his office so you can take a nap with him
watches you sleep like a creep can't lie
whips random snacks out when you get n attitude during meetings
loves it when you have a little anger tantrum cos you wanna nap n lets you drag him down onto the couch to use him as a pillow
probably can't sleep cos of the drugs but good effort
"Think you should take a chill pill on the drugs, love."
"Which one's that is it in my bottle? Is it a downer? They're boring baby."
sir you have a problem >_>
chances are he already clocked it after the first few times he saw you beat a bitch then walk straight into a shop n buy snacks
wont actually mention it he just makes you take scheduled naps under the pretence that he needs one
will gently massage your kneecaps during meetings when you start to get grumpy
pulls random snacks and drinks out of his pockets
tries to keep you calm all the time
practically throws a blanket at you when you get ratty
will bundle you up even in meetings n make you take a nap on his lap
human burrito
very devoted to looking after you
will let you fight when you're really angry but prefers to keep you as docile as he can
"Love, enough. C'mon come sit down wit me and have a snack leave that piece of shit there."
ur surprisingly obedient when he's waving your favourite snack at you
honestly he just thinks you're a bit nuts plus you spend too much time with sanzu according to him
most of the time he just lets you do your thing n he doesn't get involved
only realises that there's something odd when the Bonten executives plus the boss go out for a meal after a meeting
you're silent for once n you even seem calm as you practically bounce in your seat with all the food in front of you
once he realises that you're a lot calmer with food he offers you his
will send someone to buy snacks as soon as he sees a hit of aggression coming from you
you fall asleep on his shoulder later in the evening
Koko adjusts you slightly to keep you comfortable
hears your light muttering about nonsense
he ignores the conversation that all the executives are having in favour of listening to you sleep talk
he can make out your quiet words at some points which cause him to chuckle
until you mutter about how much you love him
an unusually soft smile on the both of your faces is there until late into the night
tries to make you take naps often after that just so he can listen to you sleep talk
feeds your grumpy self often he orders some expensive snacks just to see your reaction.
if you think this cocky shit would ever question your angry self you have another thing coming
he enjoys watching you beat the living daylight out of anyone
coincidentally brings you some snacks during a meeting one day
usually you'd be snapping and threatening to fight sanzu by now but you're silent for once
he stops listening to Kaku's report to observe you n notices that you're only silent cos ur stuffing snacks in you mouth
"Uh babe? Did you actually just calm down cos I brought you food? If I'd known it was that easy I woulda brought you a whole ass shop."
"Mhm buy me a whole convenience shop n I'll marry you."
the boy definitely does a Koko n buys you way too much to keep in his office and your apartment
please let him pamper you
he realises that he enjoys your happy food enjoying self more than the little psycho you usually are
comes into every meeting with food
when you sleep on his office couch n wake up even calmer than with food he encourages you to sleep more
buys an expensive ass weighted blanket for his office
bless him he heard that they keep people calm from Ran
sometimes sits at the couch reading paperwork with your head on his lap
strokes your hair to help you sleep better
"Love ya Rin..."
your sleep talk is his favourite thing
already knew
this man is very aware of everything you do
he may seem lackadaisical but he knows everything that you like and everything that keeps you calm
he plays it off as a coincidence that he started bringing snacks 3 weeks after you started
when he figures out your favourite he keeps them in his office 24/7
also like Rin he has a giant weighted blanket in a cabinet for you
has it out as soon as you come into his office
leaves it so that you can wrap yourself up in it when you're both going through paperwork
you ofc inevitably fall asleep in it
your boyfriend gets you all comfy and lays down with you for a quick nap
he wakes up wot you gently brushing his now messed up hair away from his face
you seem gentle and calm for once as you smile down at him
"Hi handsome. Did you have a nice nap?"
he's shocked ngl
falls in love with you all over again
"You look like an angel my love."
pampers you and makes you sleep a lot in his office just so you can wake up and be calm with him
he wants all your calm attention
will still cheer you on when you have a "tantrum" as Rin calls them
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noona96n · 2 years
Omggg my feelings about the guest are so big idk if I can manage to be coherent TT but you did ask for a vomit after all hahah
So true tho aroace gilyoung!!! Honestly when I first watched the show I interpreted their (all 3) relationship as like found family like they're siblings they're best friends they're each others most important person they bicker they care SO MUCH
I was a little disappointed when I saw most if not all the fics about their relationship were romantic but like I take what I can get but your qpr version is sooo appealing yes please
[Slaps roof of Yoon] this guy can fit so much religious conflict/trauma in him!! I love how he fights with his faith and himself and his feelings like OOF and and
And the way when Hwapyung untangled their hands in the water he kept the rosary??? 🥺 like he wanted to take a reminder of what he's leaving/who he's doing this for with him? And then he keeps it when he survives?? Soft.
And Gilyoung so good so true she was probably my favourite from the three she's so headstrong and so caring and at the end she WILL get these guys to take care of themselves if it kills her
And the relationship development between all three, and just the general vibe of the show and the horror. I just love this show so much
omg yah! Gil Young is my absolute fav, hands down.
i love the trio a fckn lot and Choi Yoon will always have a soft spot in my heart (see: poetic suffering) but Gil Young takes the cake. Gil Young is everything! i admire her tenacity so much, the way she persevere and willing to do what's right, even if the law disagrees with her. she's just… S H E ! ! !
i haven't loved a female character so fully and wholeheartedly like this in a while 🥺 she has my heart and my admiration 💖
and, honestly, same… it's kinda sad that romantic fics are so predominant in the fandom… i also see them as found family. like, LITERALLY found each other. like wow… found each other in the first ep and found each other again in the last ep… full circle. fantastic metaphor ✨
anyway, as i said, i label their relationship as qpr only bcs conventional society would demand that they name their relations to one another and people would be like 'u aren't family, y'all aren't in the same family registry' or whatever tf bcs ive come to realize that a lot of people need to process all sort of relationships in relation to romance bcs they don't really understand that love doesn't only refer to romantic love smh
(also, sorry for the mini rant on love… i just hate how allos are dominating the discussion on love and refuse to see love beyond the romantic lense)
then again, i also understand the hetero ships bcs the writer and director be dropping subtle hints of possible Hwa Pyung/Gil Young and Choi Yoon/Gil Young here and there. and Hwa Pyung/Choi Yoon too lol so i can see why they ship Gil Young with the boys but nah, for me she's a kickass aroace that's just tired of all the allos around her haha
and the rosary… the fckn rosary *pterodactyl screeching* HWA PYUNG WEARS THE ROSARY!!!!!!!! i dont think rosaries are meant to be worn but Hwa Pyung just… wearing it??? around his neck????? and it sits over his chest??????? the chest where his heart is meant to be????????? F E E L S P A I N
(also, shameless self promo but i made this gifset of their hands bcs fckn PAIN)
i love Choi Yoon, a massive soft spot for him and, as my fav, i want him to ✨SUFFER✨ i wanna read a fic/meta where the Catholic side of him is explored and explained. im so fascinated by the internal conflict that's caused by his religion but im not educated or aware enough to really understand. i really wanna write a character study fic that explores Choi Yoon as a person but im not well-versed enough in catholicism 🥲 i especially wanna explore his relationship with his hyung bcs i can tell how much he loves his hyung and how much his hyung loves him as well… his hyung was somewhat lucid enough to ask if he was at cram school before he went apeshit and murdered their parents. his hyung still remembered to care for him despite everything. his hyung loves him and im reminded of the way Itachi annihilated the entire Uchiha clan but kept Sasuke alive bcs he couldn't find it in him to killed Sasuke. (sorry about the Naruto segue rip im a weeb can u tell?)
anyway, a question just pops up into my head and that is: how tf does Hwa Pyung managed to still be sane and kind after all the shit Park Il Do put him thru? he's truly such a 'vast' and kind and beautiful character.
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bertoto-hoover · 3 years
just some random hcs i've had rattling about in my head for a while,, some fluffy + nsfw ones are on their way too!!
Bertholdt Hoover Modern HCs!
Uses way too much fabric softener because he likes how it smells
Stays up really late watching painting videos
Bad habit of only drinking coffee for breakfast
Bites tf out of his nails, even when he isn't anxious
Smells like something gentle, like lavender, vanilla or peaches (depends on what detergent he's using that week)
Owns like 6 different versions of his favourite sweater so he always has one available
Only ever wears fluffy socks
Super soft hair
Loves having his hair played with by people he's close with
Likes pulling his sleeves over his hands to make sweater paws, they make him feel cute
Secretly knows that he gives the best hugs
Falls out of bed at least once a week (not that he fits in the bed to begin with)
Has a plushie from his childhood that he can't let go of & he feels awful every time he kicks it out of bed in his sleep
Is used to pulling his knees to his chest to take up less space
Group photos almost always have his head cut off
He knows he should just lean down but he always forgets to
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jade-it-queen · 3 years
Jade. The fate of female character in Mortal Kombat
It’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog cause I’ve been busy with my life and rapid changes in it. During this time, I’ve watched the new 2021 Mortal Kombat movie as well as the new animation Battle of the realms and also rewatched the Story Mode of MK11 a few times. As you probably can tell, I have a lot to say.
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Skip this if you don’t want to read my very important (and long as sh*t) rant about female characters in MK.
DISCLAIMER. This thing is going to sound extremely feminist and women-supremacist or whatever. By saying things that I’m going to say, I by no means think that male characters should be weak or lacking. If anything, it would be nice to have some godforsaken EQUALITY. I’ll explain further later.
Part One: Mortal Kombat (2021)
There’s no Jade in this movie. 
The end. That should be the sole reason I dislike it.
However, it might be better this way since the Nitara and Mileena portrayals in this movie are... questionable to say the least. Okay, y’all been robbed. If MY JADE would be brought into this movie to BE THERE for like 4 minutes of screen time only to get absolutely brutal FATALITY I. would. be. pissed.
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More than I already am and that means something.
Sure, there’s a possibility that she’s going to be present in some of the upcoming movies because this one is definitely not the only one they’re going to make. But do I want that? Yes. And no.
Mortal Kombat movies (and Mortal Kombat in general) have a problem with women portrayal in general. The target audience for them are MEN, potentially heterosexual men, who want nothing more than bloody gorey fighting scenes with occasional sex scene here and there. To achieve that, they need a female lead, an attractive, kinda kick-assish but not too much, to not overshadow the absolutely badass men characters. Girls tend to be “independent” (because God forbid they’d want to express interest in the male leads before the time is right), sarcastic, laid back and sometimes even bitchy. Because, you see, they are fighters. And they are Sonya Blade. They need NO MAN. They just need plot armor, bigger than America itself. And if they’re not Sonya Blade, they are... non existent. They are there, but they are never really there. Here, let me walk on screen for a couple seconds. Let me sit beside Very Important Male Character (aka Shang Tsung) for a couple of seconds, looking absolutely gorgeous. Let me have a fight scene in which I make choices so f*cking stupid there’s no potential explanation to it. I exist in this movie to make people that love me (this character) to come into theatres in hopes to see some good action and interesting plot.
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Now, I wasn’t born yesterday, I know how the world works. It’S bEeN LiKe ThAt FoReVeR, gEt OvEr here iT. Yeah, it’s been like that forever and the result is a mediocre movie that pleases neither the casual viewer, nor the actual Mortal Kombat fan. I don’t know, there might be guys who just saw Kung Lao’s fatality on Nitara, thought to themselves “Neat” and went on with their lives. But I exited the cinema with a sour taste in my mouth, feeling like I’ve watched one of the “fighting genre” films based on video games that had nothing worth remembering. Well, besides Kano. He was my favourite part of this movie and I  normally can’t stand the guy :’D
Would it really help if they changed the way the women were portrayed? I mean - is that the ACTUAL problem of the movie? No, women being the eye candy and barely something else (if they’re not Sonya Blade) are not the only problem it suffers from. It’s that MK has been going the same route, retelling the same goddamn story for the millionth time. It’s always THE SAME. The only thing changing is who’s gonna get brutally killed. But - of course - out of the “disposable” character pool. It’s never Sonya (because you need our female lead or else there would be no female characters in the story), who ya know could be killed by Mileena but magically WASN’T. Because Mileena FOR SOME REASON was like: Ya know what? Naaah. Even though Sonya’s from Earthrealm and is actively trying to stop you. If anything, kill her because she annoys you. BUT NAH. It’s never Liu Kang because he’s the Chosen One. But killing Kung Lao is fine, he can die so Liu can awaken or smth. It’s not the main character because how else can you portray THE MAGIC OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP? Ya, that’s what I thought, don’t even think about it.
You have an amazing universe, filled to the brim with SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL. Let go of the same boring plot line and show us Kombat from another perspective. Change something. F*ck, go all feminist route and make a story center around Mileena dominating the world. Try with different versions of the same story, making it center around different character each time. 
Part Two: Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms
Jesus f*cking Christ.
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To say this film was rushed is an understatement. While I was watching it, I was like: TF? Everything happens all at once, we have Kuai Liang-Scorpion story line, we have Outworld’s attack, the tournament, not to mention the final fight that should be whole another movie. I felt like no story line was properly laid out, some of the characters died before I got to even know them and the battles were... disappointing. I believe they needed to push this movie out so they squished in everything they had and just went with it. 
But, again, this movie just repeats the same things as its live action version. Let me lay it down for you:
Kung Lao dies (because yes)
Sonya Blade lives (because yes)
Jade is just there (more of it later)
disposable characters are disposed of
Liu Kang is badass and always wins
You watch it and feel like you’ve already seen it before. Sure, gore is fine, human Raiden is precious and need to be protected at all costs and adrenaline is pumping (I guess).
You know what’s coming.
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My f*cking piece of sunshine, the gorgeous goddess of beauty and kombat, the woman who owns my heart.
She’s there for like not even a minute.
Words can’t describe how f*cking PISSED I am by this portrayal. These motherfrickers put her in EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SNIPPET OF THIS MOVIE. HER BATTLE WAS IN THE TRAILER, ONE OF THE SNEAK PEEKS WAS A SCENE OF HER AND KITANA.
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I know I’m not the only one riding this trolley. Li Mei was there just to be killed. Kung Lao had a f*cking single dialogue line and then BAM, fatality, buh-bye. But I was watching everything of this movie, being so enormously happy that I will finally see Jade in the movies, FINALLY! Only for her to be present in a single scene, get her ass kicked by Liu Kang (what’s new) and then she’s never seen again, even when the whole f*cking world is breaking apart.
Again. She’s just there. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the best Shao Kahn’s assassins, gets her ass kicked in fourty seconds. They NEVER let her speak ffs. She just spews some general villanous sh*t and proceeds to step on Johnny. Then, she just goes Observer mode as Kitana “betrays” Shao Kahn, gets tied to the column and then the world is ending. 
If you hype me up for her every chance you get, at least GIVE ME what you’re advertising. This is a scam. This is criminal offense. And homophobic. She is more than a revealing outfit and Liu Kang’s punching bag. I’m SO. F*CKING. TIRED. OF THIS. SH*T.
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Kitana. The rebellious princess of Outworld... turned damsel in distress in this movie. Her role is so effing bad it hurts me to my core. You see her as a general being so badass and independent... oh right, we need Liu Kang to save her because he needs to maintain his hero look. And we need two kissing scenes. How do we get there? Oh, right, let him save her, because you know - that’s what makes wahmen kiss you. 
The movie started just fine, with Kitana being in charge with her right hand, Jade. Then, obviously, they water her down and soon she is a princess in a tower (in this case, princess on a column) that needs her buffy sexy man to save her. Oh, and she can’t resist him - you know, every normal girl’s reaction to getting untied is to kiss a guy you’ve known for like a few hours but seen before and you’ve talked like three dialogue lines in total. Sure.
Kitana just gets the unfortunate role of a female main character. She’s Liu’s love interest and that makes her take the role of a strong (but surface level, only) woman who still needs her hero to free her. Classic damsel in distress story, with Kitana being the princess, Liu being the Prince charming and Shao Kahn as the dragon (lul). Of course, they try to cover this up by making Kitana a general, letting her win a few fights but it won’t matter in the end. Some say that women want to believe in fairy tales but the more I see fighting games’ lore, the more I say it’s the men who want to believe them. 
Is it necessarily bad? No. But it’s boring as fuk.
I would like to ask the directors to stop being so afraid of upsetting the target audience. Target audience can change and sometimes it comes out better than originally planned. My Little Pony was designed as a child’s cartoon but it was the creepy men who made it reach the top. Morally? Questionable at best. But business is booming, right? And that’s what they care for, right?
All I’m trying to say is these days women and gays are the future.
Thank you for today, more to come. I’m going to rant about the Story Mode.
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abitofboth · 3 years
anyway what were some of your thoughts about Mobius at the end of the finale??? I’d love to hear your opinion!
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AAA HI YOU SWEETHEART THAT’S SO KIND OF YOU TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! the fact that you took the time to send this oh my gosh thank you 🥺<3
as for mobius; I’m super interested to see how they’re gonna go about “fixing” this! I think most people agree now that Loki has ended up in a wrong timeline, so I can’t help but think how Our Mobius is doing in the og timeline. is he looking for loki? does he even know he’s missing? is he capital D Distraught bc where’s his emo bf gone???!!?? though I am excited now to see mobius and Hunter b-15 pair up, I love her as a character and I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes now that they both know what the tva really is and that they’ve both been living under a lie. I hope they both get to burn the tva to the ground, can you imagine how cathartic that would be!!??!
I made a post about this already, but I REALLY love how even though mobius has no clue who loki is in whatever version of time this is, he’s still so kind and tries to help him- holds his hand out, tries to calm him down. I really think it’s just so telling of his character and it just made me fall in love with him so much more lmao. he’s a cocky bastard but also just so soft.
also where tf is this man’s jet ski!!! let him ride off into the sunset!!!
I’m writing this like way past 1am so excuse me if nothing makes much sense lmao but I’d love to hear what you think!!! feel free to reply here or we can shoot the shit in DMs :)
(AND HELL YEAH BRO I LOVE FALL OUT BOY! they’re probably my favourite band ever- folie a deux is my personal fave album ;) )
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . Herrroooo! 👋🏽 May I request a Baby daddy head canon (The “as dads” head canons lol) please? For Iwaizumi and Nishinoya please and thank you 💞 Love your writing too!!!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . jae idk whether anyone has requested this but is it okay if i request for some iwaizumi and ushi dad HCs 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ur HCs make me SO soft and tbh i just wanna live in ur imaginations 😢💞
❝ ― submitted by @b0kuto <3 ❞
✎ . . . since you did oikawa as a dad, what about my boyfie iwachann?? and maybe how their kids will interact with each other, thank you if you ever consider💛
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ iwaizumi hajime <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . happy 900 followers and happy birthday lizzie !! @kaidasen , i have two other iwaizumi hcs in my inbox and one being another dad req but not just general hcs and phew i'm tired
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➜ i'm not a s*mp but,,,
➜ i would glady offer him my hand in marraige
➜ you two weren't quick to settle down, since the both of you have been busy with your own jobs especially then, trying to survive a comitted long-distance relationship
➜ but now that it has been almost a year since you two got married, hajime knew he wanted to start a family with you
➜ and when i tell you that if MANS EVER EVEN THOUGHT of having children WITH YOU, you're in it for a long long run my love
➜ listen ─ iwa is a rational and decisive man, stubborn too, but overall thinks first before bringing these types lf serious stuff with you
➜ knowing that once you agree, mans will not be able to hold back anymore
➜ it was quite funny actually, since it has been a running joke between you two with your baby fever phase in high school that you soon grew out of when you attended collage.
➜ iwa used to relentlessly tease tf out of you but even then, he couldn't help but be the one that you want to have a child with
➜ now all the left over pride he has vanished away while he looks like a CLOWN as he nervously asked you about starting a family with him
➜ emodiment of👉👈😳🥺
➜ because now it was YOUR turn to tease tf out of him, payback bitch
➜ iwa : what if we . . start a family?? 😳👉👈 haha i'm joking . . . unless??
➜ you : it's funny how bitches turned into my fans💅💸
“ wow how the turn tables ”
“ baby girl, i don't think that's how it ─ ”
“ ─ aha simp ”
➜ but regardless, you immediately agreed to his offer and you BET that iwa would give you payback for all the teasing you have done in the bedroom
➜ ok bet fill me up to the brim sir
➜ okay um chile ,, i have to keep reminding of myself that this is a family friendly show
➜ he may be a little busy with work sometimes, but he'll always try to have time to go with you on your baby check ups and appointments which, he, actually booked the second you told him you were pregnant
➜ but whenever he doesn't, he would always be a lot more affectionate whenever he goes home to see you and would hear how you talk about updates from the doctor as he just RUBS YOUR TUMMY as he apologizes for not coming with you😭
➜ when you gave birth to a beautiful hanako, iwa couldn't help but cry because wow??YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL AND HE IS SO PROUD TO HAVE YOU AS HIS WIFE, AND YOU GAVE HIM THIS LOVELY MASTERPIECE OKAY AIGHT
➜ hajime didn't really care about gender now, but before he actually wanted a son, but as i said now, all his mind was just about you and your daughter ─ his precious girls
➜ besides, he has all the time in the world to make a son with you or two
➜ hanako, no matter how sweet she could be ─ she is lowkey a little shit too
➜ prefers hajime over you but would LOVE to rile him up and make it seem that she prefers you over him
➜ he would be a strict father, but such a softie for his daughter that he forgets why he even was mad when your daughter pulls up with THE TRUMP CARD with the same puppy eyes you always used on him
➜ like mans was already a goner but aight
➜ gets FLUSTERED AND EMBARESSED whenever hanako wants him to play with her with her dolls and he also has to act out with her lmao, but we all know she was doing it on purpose
➜ your daughter is a   s a d i s t
➜ makes her dad watch all the OLD barbie movies because she doesn't👏like👏the👏new👏ones👏
➜ periodt 😡💅
➜ has grown to LOVE the thought of being a princess AND HAJIME CALLS HER PRINCESS ALL THE TIME AHH
“ but daddy i'm a princess !! of course i need a prince ” hanako pouted as iwaizumi's tick mark just grew with the thought of his daughter having another boy in her life other than him ( and oikawa & perhaps future brothers😳 )
“ why would you need a prince when you already have your knight in shinning armor here, ” he gestured vigorously to himself with his hands moving up and down from his head to toe
“ oh yeah! i guess i'm okay with that ” your daughter giggled before calling out to you as she saw you coming into her line of sight, reaching her hands out for you to carry her
➜ and by the time you have her in your arms, she would always nuzzle her little head onto your neck, but this time, before he could, she looked back at her father ─ but this time with a mischievous glint
“ ─ for now ” she smiled cheekily before tugging you to head over to kitchen because one, she wants to get away from her father's intense aura emitting from him, and two, she was hungry
➜ as you can see, bb girl loves to rile up her father, but as i said, iwa could never stay mad for too long
➜ would, yes, kinda yell at his kids, but would NEVER EVER hit them
➜ would kinda BONK🔨💥 them but not the childhood traumatizing methods
➜ he has strong beliefs that hitting children are a no-go, because it would probably affect them in the future, and there are other, better and appropriate ways to handle them without leaving them in child trauma
➜ since argentina is close to california where you and iwa have settled down, you bet that oikawa BEGGED them to have a small little reunion atleast every other three months LMAO
➜ and when you gave birth to your son, hayato, oikawa's offer did not STOP, and when oikawa finally had the time to visit you guys with his family ─ it was chaotic.
➜ first of, hanako is so mean to oikawa for some reason but she also kinda likes him too?? 😭
➜ oikawa : that's so upsettin😔
➜ then moves to hayato because unLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE, hayato being the precious bb boy he is, accepted all the love oikawa would give him
“ hana-chan, yahoo !! ” before uncle tooru could engulf hanako as he ran up to her with arms open wide, she avoided his figure as he went pass her and hit himself on a lampost
➜ with a blank stare, she crouched to his cowering figure as he rubbed the spot on his head that hit the post while whining, poking his side in curiousity.
“ uncle, are you alright ─ ”
“ ─ oi, shittykawa what are you doing ─ ”
➜ as you and your husband along with oikawa's wife and kids, run up to where the two duo were crouching, your toddler son tilted his head innocently
“ shittykawa . . . ? ”
➜ usually these reunion day would always end in traditional family dinner with the iwaizumis and the oikawas ─ and after that, their offsprings just couldn't get away from each other when it's time to go 🥺
“ i don't want them to leave :( ” hayato pouted as he wouldn't let go of his little tug on akiro's sweater
“ hana-chan !! ” hikaru clung onto hanako as hanako quietly glared at him, trying to shake him off while she shyly held onto akio as aiko starts scolding her little brother
➜ also side note : you bet that they would come back to japan just to attend aobajohsai
➜ anywh0res😍
➜ iwaizumi is the type of dad that would give EQUAL amounts of love to his children, would never have favouritism with his children because that shit actually hurts ngl😔
➜ would arm wRESTLE with hayato but he doesn't wanna hurt him so he would always let him win though it may cost his pride
➜ someone thirst with me about his arms please😭😭
➜ when he's soft'ish
➜ it was near father's day and you have been planning for it along with your children but you guys were anything BUT LOWKEY
➜ iwaizumi could literally hear giggling in one of the rooms and he goes to check it out and sees nodding vigorously at hayato.
➜ wanting to join in the fun, he opened the door and leaned onto the door frame expecting for you to call for him to join you guys
➜ but to his suprised, you guys stayed unusually quiet while your two kids avoided eye contact with him
➜ iwaizumi was upset being left out, but didn't really comment on it. but as father's day rolls in with your two kids waking him up as he goes down to the kitchen to see his favourite breakfast along with some cards from hanako and hayato, and with you smiling warmly at him as you took off your apron before kissing him a goodmorning in his cheeks ─ he knew it was worth it, whatever you guys were planning
“ ew, mommy kissed dada!! ” shrieked by your children as hajime stuck a tongue at them as he grinned at you, lovesick, before he could get to steal kiss on your lips, you pushed his head to look at the opposite side
“ brush your teeth first, and THEN, i will think about kissing you ”
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 14 - watching notes
Little note on the last ep: I love how everyone finds wwx in his inner robe absolutely 🔥🔥🔥 I mean, I agree! but it's just one less layer! It's still covering his entire body! 😂 but still, it's somehow the hottest shit any of us have ever seen :D
So, off to ep 14 *bangs head to opening melody*
He put the headband back on because he fears that lwj is nervous without it 🥺🥺🥺
How can they be so soft with each other???
And lwj's almost-smile :')
Can't write much about the arrow picking except that I honestly love how this scene is shot. The lightening, the music, the sound of them working. It all works brilliantly to build up the tension
Wait? Was that weird lightening that lwj shot into wwx head something to let them communicate by thought? The potential! 😲 My mind immediately went to thought-sharing-smut fix but then I remembered that there might even be hope for that in canon!! 😱 (or at least, some version of canon)
That's vaguely disgusting (The inside of the shell, I mean)
I'm surprised the turtle doesn't notice that there is someone walking around inside her shell
So wait ... what? There is a sword there which traps the turtle. Meaning, someone has been there before and maybe purposefully trapped it there, meaning this whole excursion was completely unnecessary. They could have just left it there and it would never have bothered anyone outside that cave. Then again, Wen chao doesn't strik me as someone to think such things through ...
Quickly, Wei Wuxian! Stab the diary with its tooth! ... wait, wrong fandom
Maybe it's not though ... there's very horcrux-like black goo coming out of the sword 😳
Tf is happening to wwx? He's hurting 🥺
Now he's... not. And he's somehow controlling the black mist and the swords ... I'm confused. Is this where the "demonic cultivation" comes in
Worried lwj is my new favourite thing on this show
Why is there random fighting in the throne room of the wen sect???
Wwx looks mildly traumatised :(
Oh wow ... I'm continuously in awe of the music choices. During this talk, you can hear the main theme (wangxian's theme, I think) in the background. But for the first time, it's played on deep, melancholic cellos. That alone gave me chills! Just, endless kudos to whoever was in charge of the soundtrack for this show!
Apparently, worried lwj is also wwx's favourite thing :')
Seriously wwx!!! He is helping you and NOW you decide to throw the "boring" back at him??
Are these two idiots allergic against genuine, heartfelt moments???
Oh god, no I take it back immediately!!!!
"Can you sing a song for me?" 😭
Hughn ... you don't understand!
There's NO trope I love more than one part of a couple singing to the other (maybe it's because that's how I like to show love. Sorry, tmi)
I'm weak guys ... 😭😭😭
He's doing it .... OMG HE'S DOING IT! and his voice is so nice and deep and ...
Okay ...line break ... I'm actually crying. I legitimately have tears running down my face
I just watched this sequence three times and I couldn't type while I watched because I COULDN'T MISS THIS!
Also I'm crying. It was hard to see anything
Just ...
They did a straight up compilation of their love so far
And the song! THE SONG!! THE SONG!!!
I had suspected so before, but it's actually their love theme
And ... hugh ... lan wangji sang it ... for wei Wuxian
Apart from how f*cking meta that is, that's just... the most romantic thing you can do for mesomeone (have I mentioned that I'm weak for this ...)
And and and the compilation ...
They really know how to play a fandom, right? Like, they know
I'm speechless...
Just the fact that they do this and then they have to pretend that nope, this is completely straight, nothing to see here is absolutely bewildering to me
Hugh ... I need to calm down... I'll watch it a third time
The lantern scene was there, tooooooo!!! 😭😭😭
No, no I'm concentrating again
"What's the name of the song?" What's the name??? What is it?
(If you know, please don't tell me! I just ask these questions to get my feelings out, not because I genuinely want to know spoilers ;))
They got out. I'm almost sad. With how things were going, a few hours more in that cave and they probably would have straight up cuddled :D
Jiang Cheng allows himself to show 1, ONE second of genuin concern for his brother, before he starts acting all tough again 🤦‍♀️ *sigh*
Noooo, why did lan wanji leave??? :(
Okay, that's a good reason
Yay! They finally decided to do something about the Wen clan :D
God I love Lotus Cove :)
Again, this reminds me so much of lotr and particularly the elves. The way the camera pulled from a light background to wwx, just waking up in bed after being injured ... the only thing missing was Elrond's head floating above him :D
Woahwoahwoah, hold a second. I had to go back and pause ... is that two men kissing on the bed frame??? Is this the show's way of telling us "yes they kissed, no we couldn't show you. Here, have some heavy-handed subtext so you won't miss it"
It's senior sister :,)
And even Jiang Cheng is caring eith him, bringing him soup ... I have feelings!
And now the whole family is here *sniff*
Okay ... f*ck. I see. Jiang Cheng did so mich, wwx even tries to pull attention to it and their father/uncle still only pays attention to wwx :/
Argh, I forgot that there's still one more member to this family 🤦‍♀️
Oh f*ck her!
Just ... ugh ... that's all I'm saying about that
wwx and jiang Cheng! 😭 - they're both such emotionally constipated idiots (especially jc), but this heart to heart felt so real, you know? Like it could happen between any two brothers in their situation :')
And honestly, it's so tragic. Both of them are definitely NOT at fault for their situation, yet it always hangs over their relationship. I hate it when,in a story, the parents' baggage is transferred to their children, mostly because that's sadly how it goes most of the time
Episode finished... Going back to the song part, so I feel good again :D
These past two episodes where ... hagh ... heaven for my hurt/comfort-loving heart 🥰
And in general, I think, this one was my favourite so far!
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony (please excuse my typos, btw. I'm sure there are many) 😅
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femshepping · 4 years
mass effect canon love interests: isolating and being lazy together at home - sfw version
kaidan - it’s sweatpants and fluffy socks time, baby. he picks out the best movies to watch together and every morning he cooks up an amazing breakfast for you to eat together. you take naps together; he’s stress free and his migraines hardly make an appearance. you do chores together and joke the entire time. he’s happy, and you are too. you spend most nights on the back deck watching the sunset together, chatting about anything and everything. there’s always something new to learn about your favourite man.
garrus - garrus finds it a little harder to relax than kaidan might, but he does his best to chill tf out and not tinker with anything that is even remotely tinker-able. he makes a conscious effort to put down his data pad and spend quality time with you, and you really appreciate his effort. you notice that his hand is always reaching for yours or gently pressed against your lower back whenever he’s next to you. one morning, you wake to an intricately set up target practice set up in the yard of your home. you glance at each other and grin; the citadel bottles? forget about it. this is the real test, sunshine.
liara - liara is very concerned about the virus. you place a gentle hand over hers on her datapad - “it will be alright, liara,” you tell her. she smiles softly and nods. she knows, but she worries for everyone and she especially worries for you. you put on her favourite tv series and snuggle up to her on the sofa. she tilts her head to rest on top of yours, and you stay that way for hours. her hand squeezes yours and you smile. when you wake at midnight to the cool cyan glow of her datapad, you don’t interfere. you know liara needs to stay informed, and contribute in any way she can.
jack - there’s not enough fucking stuff to do, god damn it! it’s a daily struggle to help jack feel fulfilled. she can relax for an hour or so, but after that, it’s a lot of pacing and switching between activities. you’ve let her wax your eyebrows and customise some of your clothing and rearrange just about all of the furniture in the house, but you absolutely draw the line at any more amateur tattoos. the snack supply also depletes at an alarming rate. you’ve gotta get proactive about this. “hey jack,”you shout, and hope she hears from wherever she is in the house. “what?” she shouts back. there’s a loud crash and you cringe. “come here - you ever play doom?”
jacob - quarantine with jacob is a completely equal mix of laziness and fitness. you spend every morning in a routine - wake up, breakfast, shower, working in the home gym, cooling down with some yoga and cool down stretches, eating, showering, then turning into absolute slugs until dinner time. after dinner, you snuggle up in bed and he holds you until you fall into a relaxing slumber. you know that jacob is concerned about the situation outside, but he does his best to keep his head calm, and in turn, yours is too.
miranda - much like liara, miranda is concerned. she uses her professional reach to stay updated on the progress made to help fight the virus and passes that information on to you. it’s stressful, but comforting to know that this won’t last forever. you regularly take miranda food and drinks so she can stay healthy while she works at her terminal. you stand behind her and massage her shoulders, and she sighs as she melts under the soothing motion. you catch a glimpse of an impending bank transfer - three hundred thousand credits to the nearest public hospital. you are so proud of her - you know it’s probably not the first transfer, and it won’t be the last. “come hang out?” you ask. she smiles up at you and lets you lead her into the lounge room.
ashley - ashley is pretty chilled throughout everything. she realises it’s serious, but she knows you two are doing your part by staying home and not having contact with anyone in person. she talks to her family a lot, and she asks about yours daily. she’s on top of the toilet paper situation - you’ve got more rolls than cupboards which embarrasses you but it’s also a great comfort. you’ve already left more than a few rolls outside your front door for your neighbours in need. you take turns cooking for each other, and occasionally work out in the yard together to get some sunshine. she checks in with you often - “how are you feeling?” “are you doing ok?” “I love you.”
thane - this quarantine is so so so serious for him, and for you. with so little drell around to accurately gauge whether he is susceptible and if he could live through it, you don’t want to risk passing anything to him. you spend time draped across each other; reading books and sipping tea. you take regular breaks to chat about what you’re reading and anything else that comes to mind. these chats always end with you straddling him, giving him a sweet and gentle kiss, then flopping down to his side, where he holds you against him and you relax together in the peace, quiet, and safety of your home. he teaches you how to meditate, and when you’re practicing beside him you feel as light as a feather.
tali - netvids and chill. soooooo much netvids and chill. day drinking and movies that are so bad they’re good allllllll day. you’ve both been screened and cleared of the virus and are isolating for your own safety, so tali decides now is the time for her to begin removing her hood and helmet for longer periods of time. you’ve seen her before, of course, but her beauty never ceases to amaze you. you’ll never get sick of her sparkling eyes, and you especially love the way they look when she’s tipsy and laughing. you both go to sleep every night with pink cheeks and a smile on your face, and tali’s bedtime stories about rannoch give you beautiful, alien dreams.
steve - steve’s got a heart of gold, and he makes sure you’re always comfortable, never scared. when he thinks you’ve been watching too many news reports, he gently takes your hand and squeezes it in his own. “it’s good to be informed and prepared, but why don’t we watch something else?” he says softly with his soothing smile. you bicker jokingly about what to watch. you end up playing monopoly. once he gets out the beers, you know shit just got real.
sam - oh my god oh my god oh my god - there are not enough inhalers in the world for the stress induced asthma attack that looks like it’s about to take place once sam has seen the isolation restrictions turn into a full on lockdown. she’s come so far with her anxiety, but you know this situation is a struggle even for people who don’t have anxiety. you never laugh at her or make her feel judged. “how about I fill up the tub and get some snacks and drinks ready for us?” you suggest as you reach out and hold her hands in yours. she looks like she’s on the verge of tears, but she nods and smiles. “I’m gonna go set it up, alright? you yell if you need me,” you tell her. most of the time, sam just likes to know you’re there and be alone for a little bit. she dabs at her eyes with the back of her sleeve and nods again. you’re filling up the tub when you feel a small hand gently clasp your shoulder. when you look up, sam’s smiling her incandescent smile. “let’s get in”.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
For the directors cut - would you be willing to talk about "in the breaking"? Particularly the hair-combing scene. I love it so much <3
(director's cut ask game)
aahhh you have Good Taste! in the breaking is undoubtedly my favourite fic of mine no it's not tfs. why would it be tfs.
Maedhros did not respond, though there was now too much tension in his shoulders for him to even feign sleep. Maglor continued to massage his scalp. Maedhros’ hair was silken-soft and very fine: it tangled easily and painfully, and could take long hours to brush out to smoothness again. As it slipped between his fingers, Maglor had to take care not to let it snarl.
They would not sing of this, after – nobody else would know that Fëanor’s fearsome eldest son had flinched from anyone pulling his hair even accidentally; and they would not believe that Maglor’s hands, which had dealt out so much death, could ever have been gentle. Maedhros was right. It was a terrible thing, in truth, to know yourself a monster.
The whole physical pose in this fic - Maedhros lying with his head in Maglor's lap, halfway to sleep - means a lot to me. They're so. they're so tender with each other ok. Even now, at the end of everything, they're still gentle with each other: an interpretation I tend to favour over the harsher version where they argue a lot and hate each other. There's so much complexity you can still work into a very loving relationship.
Anyway, that description of Maedhros' hair, "silken-soft and very fine: it tangled easily and painfully, and could take long hours to brush out to smoothness again" is very important. I wanted to get across an idea of lingering beauty - this is Maitimo, after all, named for his bodily comeliness. When he was young he had absolutely glorious silky red hair that everyone admired, and he still does. I love the idea that even at the very end of their awful fall from grace, they're still in some ways recognisably the same people they were once. Maglor can still sing very beautifully, and Maedhros still has this gorgeous soft hair, and also they're murderers. Something something juxtaposition something something the idea that your blessings aren't withdrawn just because you don't deserve them any more something something there is mercy for everyone if they only choose to accept it idk these are half-formed thoughts that I wanted to kind of glance off instead of exploring in too much detail.
But of course Maedhros' hair isn't just nice and silky, it's also very fine and prone to tangles. In this I wanted to get across the impression of an almost childlike vulnerability to Maedhros, one very much at odds with the ruthless Kinslayer image of him. Which is what Maglor realises: they've done so much evil that all the softer parts of them will be forgotten, his own gentle hands and Maedhros' trauma (his thing about hair-pulling is very much a product of Angband).
Some minutes passed.
In a voice barely above a whisper, Maedhros said, “I meant it. If – if there was ever any penance to be done, you have done it.”
Maglor looked down at him. There was nothing stopping him from clenching his hands and yanking out Maedhros’ hair by the fistful, but Maedhros had lain his head there anyway.
yeah the vulnerability and so on. The startling violence of Maglor's thought, the fact that he's never actually going to do that. The knowledge that Maedhros trusts him unconditionally - which is what leads him to refuse Maedhros' offer.
“There was,” he said. “You know there was.”
“And what of mine?” Maedhros asked. “You said it yourself: you begged me not to leave you, and I went anyway. I burned all our best and brightest hopes on the Field of Lamentation.” His voice faltered for a moment. This was as close to naming Fingon as he would ever come. “I led you into slaughter—”
“But I chose to follow you,” Maglor said. “I knew what it meant.”
Maedhros did not seem to have an answer to this; instead, after a moment, he said, “I made you send the children away.”
“You were right to do so,” Maglor said. Saying it should not have been as painful as it was.
“Káno,” Maedhros said. He turned his face towards Maglor again. “Dearest.” That was a name from long ago; once, it had meant something, to be the first person in Maedhros’ affections and not merely the only one left. “I know – I know how faithful you have been, long after I last deserved it.” When Maglor opened his mouth again he raised his fingers to his lips, shushing him. “Don’t argue. I only mean that – that if there is any penance you would ask of me, over-late – then ask it.”
The climactic moment! Maedhros acknowledges how unquestioningly loyal Maglor has been to him. He calls him dearest!! If I ever break out the word "dearest" in an M&M scene I am Feeling Things Intensely for the record. I can recite every occurrence of it in tfs by heart.
He could not say what he was offering in so many words; Maglor knew it anyway. Maedhros would listen to him, now, if he said, I will not go, and bloody my hands one last time. If he said, Do not go either, Nelyo, come away with me instead, we can find the children or we can just disappear together, there is so much of Middle-earth yet to be seen. This need not be an ending for us; I do not want there to be nobody left who remembers how easily your hair used to tangle. Or even if he said, Let us hearken to Eönwë, and go home to plead for succour in the Ring of Doom – I do believe there is mercy left in the world, Nelyo, if we only choose to accept it.
Maedhros had never thought he had a choice.
The question this fic is trying to answer is, Why did Maglor agree to go with Maedhros to steal the Silmarils? So here I try to give him some agency, to make the answer more complicated than "Maedhros bullied him into it". Maedhros offers him the choice, and Maglor, who is well aware that they are in a tragedy, refuses it, for Maedhros' sake: because Maedhros can't see a way out, and Maglor knows that Maedhros trusts him, and he can't bear to betray that trust by forcing Maedhros to do something he doesn't want to.
(Maedhros did have a choice, of course. You always have a choice. And Maglor knows it! But he isn't willing to try to convince Maedhros into it.)
Since we've been talking about the hair thing, the motif wraps up here: I do not want there to be nobody left who remembers how easily your hair used to tangle. This is why Maglor chooses to live, after it all. If nobody else is ever going to remember that there was more to Maedhros than the bloody-handed murderer, Maglor will. He is going to make himself the narrator, and he is not going to let everything that Maedhros was be forgotten.
“There is nothing, Nelyo,” he said. “Only let me follow you once again.”
sigh. bby you were so close there.
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krystalmwoodfin · 4 years
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fulltimereviewer · 5 years
Top 50 Best Transformers Fanfiction Stories 2020
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Best Transformers Fanfiction Updates That You Must Read
Since Childhood, I am watching transformers and looking forward to becoming a transformer one day, Grew up by Reading Transformers Fanfiction Stories and was always amazed by the fictions that used to pop out from such inspiring Fanfiction Lovers. Also liking the Transformer Fanfiction Crossover a lot.
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If I Start Giving my Opinions about Transformers Fanfiction Lemon and Transformers Crossover fanfiction, I don't think so that I won't end the topic of Transformers Fanfiction Stories even in 24 hours. Lukas Schimik Agreed ! Don't know why everybody hates it, I think it's still my number 1 TF movie! Optimus new look, Lockdown & Galvatron, KsI (bots), Dinobots, cast ( HATED this Sam��& Mikeala ) and the TF/human conflict. Still love it. Miguel GC Gamer Age of Extinction is the only film that entertains that I don't skip any parts of the movie and I like all the characters in this film and the transformers designs are great, dino bots are Awsome. Vincent H well....bad taste is also bad taste at the end of the day. I know you younger kids think that everyone is supposed to have an opinion and everything is subjective blah blah blah but if you're a cinephile than the Transformers are objectively bad films. They are cynical cash grabs made to make money in China. Bay and the producers have said as much. I mean you can like whatever you want. If you wanna listen to Teletubbies soundtrack all day that's your right....but that does mean you have shitty taste. It's okay. Not everyone has good taste. urtpro 2 I'm not hating I'm genuinely curious. I certainly like it more than Last Knight but barely lol. I'm curious the reasons why AOE fans consider it one of the better Transformers movies. I will say it was nice to switch up the protagonist and all that since Sam Witwicky had worn out his welcome by the third film. And the actress who played Wahlberg's daughter was smoking hot, so that was a plus too. Oliver Parker I thought the premise of the world hating and hunting the Transformers(regardless of Faction), cuz of what happened in Chicago(in DOTM), was kool, MW was a refreshing Main Hero over Shia tbh, and Lockdown was Badass! Honestly kinda just laughed off the whole Romeo and Juliette law thing as being just a bad movie joke! I’m mean honestly I know there’s no such law, and as such it didn’t really bother me! Just rather thought it was somewhat silly! Yann Labeille Well Lockdown was a pretty good villain for once in the movies. However Galvatron went nowhere after this. Anthony That isn't true. I saw Bumblebee yesterday and I find it Like watching E.T., the movie is just on Charlie, not really much on Bee. The only g1 part is the first 5 minutes of the movie. Too much 80s references. Sometimes is even boring for me. It Was a cute movie but absolutely not my favourite. I still prefere the first one. Aron T-900 I'd rather get vibes from ET and Iron Giant instead of witnessing stupid humor, unnecessary hot shots, dogs humping each other, unrealistic explosions, parents acting like they belong in a cartoon, patriotism and confusing slo-mo action sequences. Cam Rich I preferred the first and third ones as they have so much more action in them making the films actually entertaining, when most of bumblebee is almost like a compilation of ‘cute’ little clips of bumblebee and that annoying girl taking up almost the entirety of the movie. Max Ramirez Personally prefer the 2007 movie because it's just overall more entertaining to me. Also, you can pretty much tell Bumblebee was a movie that was directed towards kids so 2007 wins for me So Sit back and enjoy reading my favorite transformers fanfiction lemon and Transformers fanfiction Crossovers Collection. That I have collected for you guys. I Hope You Guys liked our collection of the best transformers fanfiction stories and updates that we have presented above for all fanfiction lovers out here. Transformers Fanfiction Crossover Stories 2020(Updated) Transformers is America based  Franchise that was first seen in the 1980s globally. So the first five transformers Films was directed by Michael Bay. I really believe that this was the boost up for the Transformers Fanfiction Crossover stories that I really liked about among the whole and sole of the transformers fanfiction stories including the lemon version of the franchise. Minaya Rojas Tony: We have a Hulk! Optimus: We have a Grimlock! Porg King VII Bee is here what would Optimus want with that what would he take her hostage IT SOUNDS LIKE HE HAS BEEN BRAIN WASHED BY DESEPTAGONS Siidimus Prime! Except they transform their aliens they have Real blasters Different Voices blood Etc. arfhanisbest The interesting thing is that transformers would actually make for good marvel villains. dave tasca The original transformers comics were made by marvel and marvel had to do with the original transformers tv show so they really should try to get the rights back jovinprime Poop soc This would've been more awesome if gi joe, rom the spaceknight, M.A.S.K., micronauts and the other properties interfere with the whole marvel universe and the transformers both. That would be, not only a big, giant, massive crossover event, but a... gigantic, space-involving, multiversal collusion as well Darkknight329 yes megatron hack the armor with Soundwave and turn it off then they all just step on them but they will throw hulk to cybertron and leave him to the toxic oxygen Dr. Nobody Celz On they are robots what is a snap gonna do I know buckys arm was turned to dust but still they have weapons that can make thanos cheese agnas yes because they’re alive. They go to the allspark when they die, they are alive just like us, just made of metal. Bee is here Tony: We have thanos Optimus: We have your mom Tony:0_0 ok you win now give me my mom Hoping that you guys liked our collection of the topmost fanfics about the transformers fanfiction crossover flavors that we have published above this. 
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Transformers Fanfiction Lemon Version 2020 Funny Part of the Franchise is that the transformer's movies, on one hand, was loved by the fans and on the other hand there were critics about the direction "Worst Director of all Time". Still, there are some dirty minded people who are always in search of the Transformers Fanfiction Lemon and some people also call it Transformers lemon Fanfiction. Night light I really want to be apart of one of micheal bays movie of transformers Flo Parsons see this is why I love transformers, because the actors ACTUALLY seem like they are having fun, and they are such fun films to watch obert Delgad Even though the movie sequels are not that great, but you have to give Michael Bay a lot of Credit for what he does. fake lol Bay is a genius I mean, I wouldn't be able to figure out the scale of you know the explosions Like the layout nig*a LOL, lol or as you typed if, Lol: an acronym for laugh(ing) out loud or lots of laughs, some say it is Lots of love, is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication. Alex Bruh Bumblebee knows how to pick up ladies more than Sam 😂 lala I remember being a kid and having the biggest crush for Megan. Good lord she was so hot Michael ceasar Back than I thought Sam was looking at her belly and so was I saying "Hot belly I guess." hotman 280 Michael Bay while directing: Yeah Megan arch your back, perfect perfect. Get a good shot of her sweat glistening tanned bronze body. Yeah just like that. chief ada Yeah right. That engine is a big block. Fuel injected side draft 8 barrel carburetors. Hell even the headers are up and over side mount. And the damn engine is worth more then the car. As he only paid $4500.00 That damn engine alone cost $20,000.00! Leave the critics aside all I want to know is: How did you people find our transformers fanfiction lemon version? comment down below if you guys liked this collection on some of the best lemon flavors of transformers fanfiction stories. Transformers fanfiction Bumblebee Stories Updated The best part of the Transformers franchise is that bumblebee is the only character that got most of the positive reviews. This can be a reason that people Love Transformers Fanfiction Bumblebee Version a lot. No worries because we have provided some of the best Bumblebee fanfiction stories that you will enjoy reading. Master Yoda "Wasp", "Stinger" or "Hornet" would be appropriate Decepticon sounding names as "Bumble Bee" sounds too friendly. ron 1j2j barricade is a ford mustang and bee is a Chevrolet camero trust me they will not be friends pro gmer yes i do lol they killed ironhide and ratchet and jazz and sideswipe is already missing dnt know if hes alive but hes my favorite hari bhaskar I'm Bumblebee was a Decepticon he'd be dead like the other Decepticons, because boi they sure kill Decepticons like it's nothing. mighty raju Blackout had skills. Shockwave had skills. The Fallen had skills. Yet they all died like they're nothing. Why? Cause they're Decepticons lol. It's simple rlly, they kill off Decepticons like they're nothing that's just how it is lol. habob What about “what if sentinel prime didn’t betray the autobots” I think age of extinction and beyond wouldn’t have happened since sentinel basically destroyed N.E.S.T. And also Rachet and Ironhide wouldn’t have died so the Autobots would have had a great advantage, and then Sam would still be with the autobots since he disappears after DOTMBasically, I’m saying that the Transformers franchise would have dramatically changed if Sentinel didn’t betray the Autobots. ShyGuy 15 In the movies, technically Megatron is an anti-hero. The first movie makes an acception bc he was using the allspark for pure evil, also in Aoe no reason told us what he was trying to accomplish other than detonating the seed. So 2, 3, and 5, he has reasons to his doing Rotf: using the pyramid to kill the sun and repopulate cybertron. Dotm: rebuild cybertron. TLK: kill unicron using cybertron. This is all in my own mind, not sure if anyone else agrees with me Simon Tyson I forget what it was called, but there was a comic book series where Megatron was an Autobot. It basically swapped all the characters so that Optimus, Bumblebee, Iron Hide, etc. were bad guys. Megatron, Starscream, etc. were good guys Dank Starscream If Bayformer Megatron's history is similar to the IDW comics Megatron's history...then that would mean the Autobot government was not all that good, and would be directly responsible for why Megatron turned out the way he did. Because he was a slave to their functionalist system of control, and he would have remained a slave worker miner if he didn't rise up from the lifestyle forced on him and formed the Decepticon faction... Though it seems to me that if this were the case, Bayformers Megatron would still have become a gladiator before forming the Decepticons...and then eventually he found his way into more of the politics of Cybertron after one day meeting with Optimus Prime (Orion Pax at the time) and then they became brothers/friends. In that sense...it would be similar to how the history of the two were from the show TF Prime. They could still keep the part with the whole Optimus being a knight too, somehow... So in short...Megatron really did not start out as a bad guy at all, it was the way in which he reacted to everything that made him turn out a 'bad guy'. She-Venom What if Megatron is a good guy in the movies? Simple answer is right here becuse Optimus accepted become a Prime if he didnt accept Optimus and Megatron wouldnt fight each other and best brothers it was Optimus fault he started the war i think Megatron is a good guy Hoping that you guys liked our collection of the topmost fanfics about the transformers fanfiction crossover flavors that we have published above this. People Love Bumblebee! i love him/her because bumblebee is cool, let me know why do you love Bumblebee and more importantly why do you guys love Transformers fanfiction on Bumblebee. Transformers Fanfiction OC Version  Earning a total amount of $4.3 Billion, transformers became the 13th highest-grossing film series in the world. The Transformers Fanfiction Fans Should be happy to know that the Transformers franchise grossed a total of $1 Billion each from two superhit blockbuster movies. Comment Down the names of those movies if you know them. Jack R I think the first one was more epic just cause the fight scenes were cool and it was the first time we saw something like that. But the writing and characters were absolutely horrific. Bumblebee had much better writing and characters especially the character relationship between Bumblebee and the girl which is much better than the relationship between Sam and bumblebee. Dotm Shockwave Yeah I dont know how he put tlk over revenge and extinction. The last knight is incredibly boring and the only remaining aspect left to enjoy (the action) is incredibly dull in it compared to all the other films. There are no good fight scenes. Which is likely why it bombed so hard Ur mom Gai Ok imo the last knight is my fave AND I ONLY like TF5 is cuz bumblebee new form looks good as hell and Optimus prime vs bumblebee AND there is explosions. EVERYWHERE Boss  I definitely didn't think it was my favorite. It depends on what you are looking for in a movie. If you like character relationships and a girl and her problems trying to find her way, then you'll like it. If you like transformers actions and interactions, you may not like it as much. Even though the Bay movie didn't focus enough on the transformers, this one did even less The Burden of Bordem I'm a decepticon fan and none of the main decepticons were even given a name in the movie. They were just there to be bad. The Burden of Bordem For me I think this film would have worked much better if they just had Starscream as the main villain, and maybe Barricade hunting bumblebee and give them a more personal relation ship as enemies. But like I said, it end up being a movie about a girl and her relation ship with Bumblebee and enemies getting in their way. bandwon he main character is more fleshed out than the others, Bumblebee I guess is as well, but he can't talk so it isn't by much, the story is standard E.T./Iron Giant, the acting is fine, the directing is probably better than the others, the action is good when it happens, but there is far less than the others, and non of the action reached the peak of the Bay movies. and if it wasn't for the fact there were transformers in it I probably wouldn't have really liked it, but it's enough to get you invested and entertained imo. luke jack You really think anyone's gonna take you serious after you typed "Bumble" Haha the 2007 film and DotM were pretty decent films and satisfying in the end. lisa Speaking as a male, it always annoys me, as a child, that certain plot-line of every terribly written sci-fi (mainly Transformers): "main character is a dick=likable guy" "he has 'relatable' problems, that are only explored in the first 15 minutes of the film" "He start having an abusive/creepy relationship (because that's how well written romance works, right...), with the love interest (they barely explore her name)." "1+ hour action scenes" "world is gonna explode (not really)" "Main Character and Love Interest hook up". People always call me "a pussy", because i want equal rights, and then they go make a video about "how everything is now pandering to women, and everything is Woke"... By your perfect logic... most movies are "pandering to males, and straight people only" imo  not like super duper mad, but kinda upset. It was actually kinda funny. But dude, I love what you said about Man of Steel in your DC ranking video. I love that you love Man of Steel. Not many do, and it's seriously awesome! IMO I hope You Guys Like our Collection of the best Transformers fanfiction stories along with transformers fanfiction lemon and transformers fanfiction crossover collection. We know that people will like the Transformers Crossover fanfiction and transformers fanfiction bumblebee version stories.  If you like These Transformers Fanfiction Stories make sure you share this on various social media, and you can also give credits to our website. Thank You  Also, read  Star Wars fanfiction Updates 2020 Read the full article
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ninatastic · 5 years
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@kay-licious how dare u (thanks <3) @silent-calling youre doing amazing sweetie
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I wouldnt call it a key factor but it’s important to feel attraction towards your partner
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
sure! If it’s a healthy one definitely :D
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
I’d say so!
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
it me bf
9. Describe your perfect mate
same as above c: 
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no, only when it comes to animals c;
11. Do you ever want to get married?
thats a dream of mine tbh
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
I guess every healthy person would say no but yes, I’d absolutely do (only the first time tho, after the second time you gotta ask yourself if it’s really worth it)
13. Do you get jealous easily?
in regard to my bf: I used to but it’s a hell of a lot less nowadays. In regard to people in general, sometimes, especially when im not doing well mentally
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
me bf
15. Do you have any piercings?
just have my ears pierced!
16. Do you have any tattoos?
no but maybe soon
17. Do you like kissing in public?
only if its sweet forehead or cheek kisses, or quick kisses on the mouth or hand kisses
20. Do you shower every day?
yes though I gotta admit I really have to force myself. Not because I like being stinky but because everything is kinda difficult sometimes
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
bruh I sure hope my bf does;;
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
I’ve been in a relationship for 5 and a half years now, I think so
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
it is possible but who tf knows
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
idk, to be frank: I think my life would be a bit easier if I wasnt in a relationship, or if I hadnt been in a relationship for the past 1-2 years. And I often feel like im more of a burden to my bf than anything else. But thats a different story
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
as in losing touch with me? I guess so
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
a song yes and it was awkward as hell ajhajdfha and people have done drawings for me which is <3<3<3<3<3<<3<3<33
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
very very unfortunately yes, and just like a bunch of you guys I was this close to killing myself. I was in a very bad place which I know is not an excuse for this. I still think about it even if it’s been a time since then but I think I cqan never forgive myself because of that
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
often but im too much of a scared cat dsfskjf  idk though, I would love to be much more petite size wise
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
oh often
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
yeah;; I’m not exactly pretty or popular, so puberty was hard
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
hell yeah
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
:( no
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yeah and it’s difficult to be normal then aaaaaahhhhhhh
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
some of my friends have a strong disliking towards my current bf but i dont know if you can call it hate
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
yeah and it ruined me for a while
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
uuuuhh not really I think
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
whenever I write bday cards I always put a poem in it :D
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
depends on how thirsty I am
43. How long was your longest relationship?
5 and a half years and counting
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?
uuhh I was 14, no one 
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
22 my dudes
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I#d try to play it cool because internally I’m panicking, someone help me
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
I love about my bf how you can ALWAYS count on him when shit gets down, even if he hasnt talked to a friend for a good while and they’re like “hey I need you”, he’ll be there in a sec Also that he is still able to surprise me
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
jsdfhsjdfks GO AWAY, I’d say while closing the door and shutting the blinds quicker than lightning
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
yeah, but that’s probably because I have bpd and depressions
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
yeah, I tried to help them on all occassions, so much that I ruined my own life partially and made myself sick. But whatever I did or said, they apparently want to suffer, so i gave up trying. 
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
yeah my abuser probably
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
unfortunately yes and fortunately yes
55. Share a relationship story.
uuuuuuhhhhh; I dont really know what to write here. Guess I’ll never forget when my bf held a kitten (which was only a week old) in his hands and he almost cried because he loved the baby so much. Haha, he was afraid of crushing it though because it was much smaller than the palms of his hands
56. State 8 facts about your body
I gained a lot of weight since last year which is why I avoid posting or taking pics, but according to everyone else you dont see it that much (?); my hair is getting its natural curliness back; I fucked up my knee so I’ll have knee surgery next year; I bruise easily; I have a shit ton of scars; I love my super green eyes; I have thicc thighs and if I’m very emotional I get red spots all over my body
57. Things you want to say to an ex
to my first ever bf: fuck u lmao to the second bf I had: I’m so sorry for everything and I hope that you found your place :)
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
uuuhhh be sweet and understanding, be funny, be somewhat smart, dont be a mean asshole and be nice to other people (especially kids) and animals and also be able to be fascinated by small things 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
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60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
my current bf is 8 years older than me
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
how open and nice they are? Idk I always choose my ppl to hang out with according to this
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
even though I’m a switch I have a big preference for being the sub, so if someone can dominate me and yknow do stull like carry me princess style or something im all like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
everything that comes after kissing imo
64. What is your definition of cheating?
I think as soon as you try to pursue someone emotionally that already counts as cheating
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
kissing, grinding, I love when someone talks dirty to me
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
if it aint too much of a tmi i’d love to admit that we have a collar and a leash so (not thinking about pet play uughfjhjsdfkhsd, just yknow someone is able to drag me to them like this or being held in place while being taken from behind is p nice)
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
something something being outside in the nature and also good food 
68. What is your sexual orientation?
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69. What turns you off?
super super wet kisses where also my nose somehow gets stuck in someone elses mouth Like dude r u a vacuum cleaner sdfhsdkjhfks
70. What turns you on?
being manhandled
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
idk I dont really have a lot of wet dreams and usually theyre not very kinky but rather sweet and slow 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
I like dirty talk, so imma leave that open 
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
i love to get flowers, or lil stuff that reminds us of our friendship or something, self made/home made stuff is always !!!!!!!!!!!!
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
probably hands? I love it when girls have super slender hands and when boys have rough and big hands
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
I already answered that c:
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I have a few stories I’m proud of! But I really love this one: When I was little I grew up in a village in which like 300-400 people lived (maximum) and next to us lived this sweet older couple who always gave us sweets and vegetable for our parents, or they brought us stuff from when they went on vacation. The man is now constantly sick, he suffers from parkinson and you see the early statges of dementia setting in. A while ago he wanted to go and get the German version of fish and chips with his wife but due to him needing a ton of surgeriesw constantly he wasnt able to go out with his wife. When my mom told me this I was like wtf u cant just tell me this, I’m too soft. So I went and got fish and chips from the best market around us for him and flowers for his wife, despite the fact that I havent seen them in YEARS. When I arrived at their front door both of them hugged me and cried a bit
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
not bad if everything is consensual and if there’s a power balance thats equal 
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I think the leash thing is one of the kinkiest things we’ve ever done tbh
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
yesterday a bit when my bf went out wth friends and had a few beers while I was stuck at home with the thought that I can never have a beer again dkadfjahdf as stupid as that sounds but I always enjoyed these chill evenings with a beer and friends
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
this morning when I cuddled my cats :D
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
my bf and many videogame and anime characters, also my best female friend is hella attractive, also some of my friends are to die for
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my bf!!
83. Who was your first kiss with?
my first bf sdfjsdfs
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
it didnt really work out, it seemed as he was more interested in saying “hey im in a relationship!” than in me, hah;;
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
yeah, sure
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skymma · 6 years
››  RANDOM  MUN FACTS  YOU SURELY WANT TO KNOW .  repost, not reblog !
name : din
nickname / s :  dingo, dinnigans, swedin
height : 1.60m (5′3″? I think? what is imperial)
nationality : swedish
favourite fruit : raspberries. yes these are berries, not fruits. ssh
favourite season : spring
favourite scents :  tar. there’s this small length of rope I braided myself when we visited a museum when I was a kid, and it was tarred up to keep from unravelling. I sniff it sometimes. love it
favourite colour / s : green is objectively the best colour. but I also love me tones of grey and brown
favourite animals: arctic foxes. I was also a major wolf girl when I was younger (and let’s be real I still am) and my favourite bird is the common swift
average hours of sleep : ~7
when my blog was created : probably april last year? 
random fact : I have a little vulpix figure on my desk at work, right next to a little BB-8
favourite food : any kind of meat with root vegetable strips. best
favourite t.v. show : twin peaks, hands down.
favourite movie : I have ... many. haha probably a tie between spirit: stallion of the cimarron and eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
sexuality : straight? bicurious? who tf knows
pronouns : she/her
favourite book series : his dark materials by phillip pullman
favourite video game / s : legend of zelda is immortal. but also pokémon
favourite subject : art, psychology, sociology
guys or girls : ???
last time I cried : last monday
what I should be doing : I’m at work, so probably not this, but also: work is dead
favourite fandoms : the heroes fandom was a really good experience. but rping in the star wars fandom has been the bomb, also.
TAGGED BY :   @legendbcrn TAGGING :  @normallyxstrange @whcwashe @wartsetal @skadeglad + anyone else who feels inclined!
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