#this has been today's tangent not really related to the initial subject. tune in next week for more on The Adhd Network
psst! hey! um...what's a "TEHM"?
I keep meaning to just take this off the banners/etc because using the word is no good if nobody knows what it means. Communication is null if one or more parties doesn't understand what's being said y'know
It stands for "trans-exclusionary homosexual male". It's a bit of a gay cis man version of a TERF (TERFs are very commonly bisexual or lesbian cis women), and the groups ally themselves in many ways.
Their rhetoric overlaps strongly but it comes down to: I don't want to be around transphobic, bio essentialist, or gender essentialist people. So really, to save time and hassle, I should just list these ideological principles instead of bothering with every precise ideological label.
... which themselves, as ideological principles, are overlapping but not 1-to-1 interchangeable synonyms.
E.g. there are radfems who are not trans-exclusionary-- they are still gender essentialist, just trans-INclusive about it. "Yeah men are inherently cruel toward women, that includes trans men! Women are inherently victims to men, that includes trans women too!" type shit E.g. transphobia isn't always bio essentialist, like certain forms of nonbinary-specific transphobia (which I call ceterophobia). Dismissing microlabels and "unusual" gender experiences as attention-seeking is transphobic but not really bio essentialist E.g. bio-essential transphobia isn't the only bio essentialism out there. Racism is traditionally bio essentialist. Ableism is often bio essentialist. Eugenics itself is bio essentialist. Over-attributing individual people's strife to them rather than to their circumstances commonly strays into bio essentialism.
Basically... transphobia, bio essentialism, and gender essentialism go hand-in-hand but have some exclusive characteristics. I should make a fucking Venn diagram about it lmao
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