#this has been queued for so long but i'm finally ready to share it
queen-of-obsessing · 1 year
hear me out 
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is their daughter
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the sass of merlin, and the frown of arthur
pov: your two dads are the most famous king who ever lived and the most powerful sorcerer who ever lived
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bts-hyperfixation · 8 months
What do you think the boys would've done on their last nights with their significant others before joining the military?
Some of these are last nights, others are full days. Also only Taes has explicit smut mention, although most mention sex in some fashion
Please send me asks to keep me motivated while I'm off work! Thirsty thoughts, Most likely to, reactions, life updates, and general gibberish welcomed!!
I think Namjoon would've wanted a quiet night. He was probably stuck at work trying to finish plans on that Instagram account that's still posting and maybe fiddling with the album we know he started. But he would have tried his hardest to put it down and return home by nine to spend time with his loved one. His partner would be waiting for him with a simple takeaway on the table and maybe a TV show they had been watching together queued up. They'd stay cuddled on the couch for the longest time. They'd maybe fall around but not get anywhere (Something Namjoon regrets by day 3 in the barracks), maybe they intended to have sex one last time before he left but neither wanted to acknowledge it was actually the last time. He would talk about how this was ridiculous, it's not like they'd be 18 months without one another, just a couple of months at a time is all... And then he'd get sad and introspective. They'd fall asleep on the sofa because going to bed would bring their last night to an end and Namjoon doesn't want to willingly relinquish that time. 
I think he hired out a restaurant he and his partner like, maybe even their first date restaurant. The partner actually panicked that Jin was going to propose the night before he left and was ready to yell at him if he pulled out a ring. Jin sets up multiple proposal cliches throughout the evening giving his partner a heart attack each time while he acts nonchalant about it, pretending he doesn't know why they are getting worked up. This is stuff like a jewellery box on the table (It's a necklace), A gem in the champagne (It's tiny ice), He kneels by the table (and ties his shoe). They take a long walk by the river after dinner, his partner increasingly exasperated but still very fond. He finally does pull out a ring, but he insists it's only a promise ring and the real ring will be given to them on June 14th 2024 (Doesn't want to share the anniversary). The evening probably ended with some very slow, heavy eye-contact, love-making
Disclaimer - I'm not 100% sure if Yoongi had to go anywhere for any length of time... but this is written as if he were doing the same as the other boys. 
He cooked dinner, something he is gonna claim is simple, but he took all day to make it. He also lay the table with a white tablecloth, dimmed all the lights and set out candles. Flower petals lead you through different stations of the apartment. First appetizers and cocktails on the sofa so his partner can talk about their day, then to the table for the main course, to the bathroom where bubbly and strawberries await next to a warm bath for two, and finally to bed for dessert. Which actually meant dessert, there's a snack platter of sweets in the centre of the bedspread and a movie queued up on the TV. the movie wasn't really watched... but the thought was there.
I feel like Hobi made an entire day out of it, he set aside time to make sure he only had his significant other to focus on and made sure his SO did the same so they were uninterrupted. Then he locked them into their apartment, only opening the door to bring in food deliveries. The day starts with lazy morning sex. Then breakfast. Then lazy shower sex. Then maybe some TV time, where his hands remain firmly on his partner as if they are going to disappear the second he lets them go. The SO convinces him to go for a walk at lunchtime, they hold hands the entire time. Hoseok has them sit in his lap when they return home. Just wants to be permanently close. The third round of sex is definitely more driven, like he has a point to prove and doesn't want his SO to forget what exactly it is they are going to be waiting so patiently for. 
Jimin took his SO back to his home town a couple of days before. Maybe spent some time with his family in Busan, had a very nostalgic craving for his parents cooking and took his SO along for the ride. They do stuff he liked to do as a kid, visiting places that he wouldn't be easily recognised. He's anxious, and jumpy, and clingy a lot of the time. He keeps asking his partner if they are going to be okay when really it's his own insecurity. Jimin had someone drive them in a nice car back to Seoul in the early afternoon so they had the evening together, they probably fooled around in the car as he tried to keep himself occupied. He let them hold his hand while he had his head shaved, needing the familiar reassurance. He took a break to show Army his hair, but the SO is hiding behind the camera. Then the evening is spent quietly, wrapped together to enforce the fact that they aren't going anywhere.
He came up with so many different plans for what he wanted to do that by the time the day came around he hadn't actually implemented any of them. And sure he is Taehyung of BTS, if he had made a couple last minute phonecalls he could have made anything happen but he decides the lack of plans is exactly what was meant to be. He runs on pure unplanned whims and ends up taking his SO to absolutely anywhere that pops into his mind in the most chaotic fashion. They go to the movies (Something everyone's already seen so no one else is there) (they may spend most of it making out in the back). They go to an arcade (An old buddy of Tae's owns it and makes sure they get an hour uninterrupted). They eat lunch at the SO's favourite restaurant. Eventually, they go home and Taehyung spends hours between his lover's thighs, trying to immortalise the taste of them in his brain before he no longer has the access he so desperately craves. They probably also have a lot of sex. He falls asleep insisting on cockwarming, convincing his partner the UTI will be worth it with the Tata mic face. 
It takes a while for his SO to convince him to do anything at all because "What's wrong with in my arms in my bed forever?" (And he's right, nothing wrong with that and if his SO don't want it I volunteer). He convinced them to snuggle back down with him at least three times until lunch rolled around and they insisted he get up with them to go somewhere. They never end up leaving the house. Every time his SO goes to put on a shirt, Jungkook grabs it and throws it somewhere it can't be easily recovered. There was one in the sink with the dirty dishes, one mixed with the already dirty laundry, and another hanging from a light fixture they would both need a ladder to reach. Eventually, the SO has to relent because they won't have any shirts to say goodbye in the following day. So they succumb to his wishes (Although they make him go out to fetch food first). He holds on to them possessively throughout the day, pulling as much of them against him as is reasonable at any given time. I fully believe Jungkook would crawl into the skin of an SO if he thought it was possible. 
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susannaprouse · 5 years
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Sixty Eight - San Francisco
The morning was sad as we packed up our remaining things ready to leave. To make ourselves feel better we went out for breakfast to a Brooklyn style bagel place. The bagels were delicious and they had loads of flavours of cream cheese, I was jealous I couldn't try them all!
After breakfast we got an uber to Stanford where I met some of Mike's colleagues and dumped our bags. We walked to the Stanford store together where we perused all the Stanford swag contemplating buying t-shirts but not quite managing the $40 price tag. We also laughed at the 'Stanford Family' clothes trying to find a 'Stanford Wife' t-shirt. Unfortunately it seemed it was all geared to Mom, Dad and Grandma.
Mike went back to work while I wandered the shop some more trying not to catch the eye of the overly friendly people that worked there. My plan failed and I ended up talking to a woman who stood far too close to me and was trying to ask what types of books I enjoyed. Still feeling sad to be leaving I didn't really want to talk to her and managed to fob her off.
I walked around the huge campus (it's the biggest in the world at 8000 hectares) amazed at how pristine, ordered and quiet it is. The buildings are huge and designed with such different styles it felt like I was in Epcot at Disney World. It's clear the university has huge amounts of money and it feels very different to campus' in the UK.
I kept walking until I found the Papa New Guinea sculpture park. The woodland area was full of huge totems disguised within the trees. It was organised and funded by the Anthropology Department and saw artists ranging from 27 to 74 from Papa New Guinea come to Stanford to chisel the totems. They were amazing.
Next I walked to the Hoover Tower, dedicated to the only president that had graduated from Stanford. I paid my $4 to get the elevator up to the top. From the top you could see the sprawling campus and as far as San Francisco city. It was amazing to see a birds eye view of all the pristine sections of the campus. Right next to the tower I found a nice place to sit where I had a rest and caught up on writing and uploading blogs.
From here I walked through some green space on the campus to find the Arizona Cactus Garden. From a placard I learned the space was dedicated to the Stanford family who had started the university on their farm in the 1800s when their only son died. The cactus garden was full of huge and beautiful cacti. I walked around taking lots of photos before heading on to another nearby shopping centre.
I'd decided since I was on my own, it was hot and it was the last day of the trip I should have an ice cream. Obviously. Although the ice cream we'd had the day before was good I wanted to try another. I walked to the outdoor shopping centre quickly buying a little box of sushi so I hadn't just eaten ice cream in the last 14 hours. I managed to spill soy sauce all over my legs while eating the sushi - probably in my anticipation for the ice cream.
And the ice cream did not disappoint. I chose one scoop of strawberry lemonade sorbet and another of peanut butter fudge. After I ordered it the old man serving me asked me something I didn't hear. As usual I just nodded and smiled, he turned away and then handed my ice cream over, one scoop now had a big smile and two eyes. He'd obviously asked if I wanted a face on it because he thought I was a child. And he absolutely judged me correctly. I'm not sure if my body knew it had to make the most of it but that ice cream and sorbet was so so amazing. Even thinking about it now my mouth is watering. I highly recommend Tin Pot Creamery if you can ever go.
I walked back to Mike's office and waited in the sun for him to come and collect me. We grabbed our bags and quickly got an uber to the airport. The uber ride felt like we were back in South America with our Spanish speaking driver tapping away on his phone on YouTube choosing songs ranging from James Blunt to Whitney Houston while driving. That and the fact that he missed the airport turning means he got a bad review.
We got through the huge security line at the airport slowly. The way it's laid out at San Francisco is so frustratingly badly designed, I desperately wanted to streamline it especially when we finally got through and there was loads of redundant space with no one using it! It does make me realise how good the British are at queuing.
After some fries to share we got on the flight for the 11 hour journey back to London Gatwick. While we were waiting I had serious serious heart hurt. I couldn't believe it was ending. It felt like we'd been away for ages but also no time at all (I've tried to Google the word for this feeling but can't seem to find it, there must be one, please let me know if there is as I'd like it on my gravestone). We'd crammed so many amazing experiences in and going back to normal life felt heart breaking.
The journey on Norweigan Airlines, the meeting of low budget airlines and long haul flight was very weird as the seats didn't recline much and you had to pay extra for food but it went very quickly.
And then we were back.
It's going to be strange not documenting our days doing new and exciting things, meeting new people and seeing new places. I can see why people write journals as it's felt like another way to appreciate our trip rather than just experiencing it. Even on the days we've been ill or travelling on over night buses, writing about it brings it home how lucky we have been and are and I can't say how grateful I feel. I also can't say how grateful I feel to once again have Mike as my travel companion (and now life companion I guess!). Two months in each others pockets is definitely a test. Although there have been times when Mike's jokes haven't amused my serious side or my beautiful singing hasn't entertained Mike, overall we've been a brilliant team if I say so myself. As always Mike's made me braver doing things I never thought I could and I think I've pushed Mike to do new things with my enthusiasm. Hopefully that will be the way we are on every trip we take together.
So now all that's left to do is say goodbye, adios, chao, hasta luego. Thanks for reading, it's been really nice knowing that people have been with us during this amazing journey. Until the next time...
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