#this has been Alyx's bragging hour
underwhelmingalchemist ยท 2 years
Just give me one quick moment real fast to brag about my relationships.
I'm dating the two cutest people in the world (no, I'm not cheating, they are aware of each other and also really good friends)
They both have curly blonde hair and have bad senses of humor and gorgeous smiles and when they look at me with that look of adoration I just melt.
They're both soft and awkward and love cuddling and physical affection and words of affirmation, and pet names and holding hands and collecting stuffed animals.
She has little dimples around her eyes when she smiles, and he gets these deep lines around his mouth when he laughs
They borrow books from me and help me with things I struggle to do on my own and I try to help them.
I kissed her for the first time today, and we were both giggling and excited and exploding with happiness despite how awkward and unsure it was.
I kissed him for the first time over six years ago, in the school library when we were both teenagers, and it was awkward and neither of us knew what we were doing, but it was both of our first kisses ever, and how can you beat that?
I sit in the parking lot of In-and-Out with her, talking about relationships and healthy communication and politics.
I sit outside a restaurant with him, talking about life and college and plans for the future.
They both love when I wear platforms, love when I'm just that little bit taller than them. They've developed their own senses of style over the years just as I've developed mine. She dresses in pastels and he dresses in warm colors and thrifted jackets.
We've all known each other since we were teenagers. Now she's 20, I'm 22, he's 24. We've grown up together, watched each other grow and develop, been there for each other since we were kids.
With her it's queerplatonic, a romantic friendship. With him it's a comfortable, worn-in love that comes with six years of dating, a romantic love that pairs well with a friendship that's grown alongside it.
With both of them, it's a deep, genuine, pure love. The kind that makes you ache when you look at them and want to spend all your time with them.
I'm so lucky to be dating my best friends.
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