#this guy^ is almost one year okd
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Queen live at Civic Auditorium Arena in Omaha, NE, USA - September 13, 1980

Fan Stories
“I don't know if anyone has ever been able to appreciate a rock concert as much as I did when I saw Queen at age 7. I knew the order the songs were supposed to be in, the way the stage was supposed to look, and what the band was supposed to do. And everything happened perfectly. Except for that damn mustache. Late summer 1980, I was pestering my mom to take me into town to get candy. She said, "Do you really want to get candy, or would you rather get tickets to see Queen?" I stopped in my tracks and started being the nicest boy you could imagine. I thought maybe she was kidding, but knew she wouldn't kid me about something like that. I guess my dad had already OKd it too. Like Axl Rose once said about Queen: "They meant everything to me." We drove all the way to Omaha to get tickets: they were $9 in advance, or $11 the day of the show if still available (though now I'm not sure how they weren't sold out immediately). I'm still not quite sure why Queen was playing smaller arenas at that point, since I think they had already begun playing stadiums. Finally, September 13 arrived. I was in 2nd grade. Ads had been all over the radio for this concert. One of my baby-sitters and two of her friends rode up with us also, and they went off on their own when we got there. The show was one of those infamous "general admission" things, so our seats depended solely on how early we arrived. I think we got to the arena at about 9 am... almost a full 12 hours before the show actually started (much longer in 7-year-old hours). A single word, "QUEEN", was boldly displayed on the marquee above the many doors where small lines were beginning to form. Excited bands of people were running/gathering everywhere. Queen was one of the biggest five bands in the world at that time: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was on the charts, The Game had just been released, and "Another One Bites the Dust" was soon-to-be released as a single. We picked one of the lines and got ready for what was indeed halfway dangerous: the growing mob of people ready to run in when the doors would open. This was a big issue of the time, as it was the year before that 11 people were crushed to death at the turnstiles of a Who concert. (An episode of the TV show W.K.R.P. in Cincinnati even focused on this.) People were starting to press onto the transparent doors trying to look inside, when suddenly there was the sound of tires screeching from the street: a white limousine honked twice and sped around the corner toward the other side of the arena, and was gone within seconds. The "big kids" screamed and ran after it; I was too small to do this, but we got better places in line! When everyone came back, they said they actually saw Freddie and John get out of it and be scuffled into the building before getting attacked by the mob of people. In the meantime, others around us were starting to talk to my mom. Two of them were a man and a lady who were apparently on date, and they ended up even staying by and sitting by us through the show. Some other people also offered to kind of stay around my mom and I to make sure I'd be safe on the way in. A couple of times, a big fat drunk guy yelled out, "Who's your favorite group?" and of course everyone yelled "Queen!"
Now people were beginning to bang on the doors of the entrance. I think the doors finally opened at around 11 am. When they did, we and other people from several sides of the arena moved in, towards those coming in from other doors on opposite sides: within seconds, everyone had funneled from outside to stopping cold in the lobby, having basically run into each other. This is exactly where everyone stayed for the next two hours. A human shield of several people were intact around my mom and I preventing my being crushed... and all I could see for two hours were a bunch of butts! Once in awhile someone would try and lift me up to see all the people. From the distance, the drunk guy again repeated the "Who's your favorite band?" line a couple of times, realizing that more people could hear him now that he was indoors and echoing, and everyone gave the appropriate response. By the fifth time, only the drunk people were responding to him, and by the tenth time people were laughing and moaning. Every so often, some loud music would come out of the arena like a band was tuning-up, but it wasn't Queen music so everyone figured it was just the opening act. At 1 pm, the turnstiles were finally opened. I was kind of keeping my guard around me as everyone pressed forward, and everything was moving faster the closer we got, but by surveying the area I thought I'd be safe. I had my ticket in my hand. The guy from the couple was going to try and enter first, then me, and then my mom. When I got to the turnstiles, my mom and the guy grabbed my arms on both sides and completely hoisted me over. A surprised old man tore my ticket while I was in mid-air. Suddenly, we were standing relatively calmly inside: the difficult part was over, and we were at least safe from here on out. People were still running everywhere and screaming, but the hallways were pretty big so it wasn't too dangerous as long as we stayed toward the edge. Most people were still outside, since we were somewhat early. An older 12-year-old tore around the corner, then his '70s-style tennis shoes screeched against the floor and he fell down for a second as he decided to which way to go. We knew we were sort of on a mission to walk fast toward a balcony and just get seats instead of wandering around indecisively like others. We went straight up toward the second level balcony, as others ran the opposite way down to the main floor. My mom and I and the people we'd befriended walked right next to the wall, and I pressed against it while just a few feet away scattered groups of people would sometimes run by full-speed. I would have wanted to be on the main floor, but my mom had previously explained to me how, unless we were in the balcony, we would have to actually stand through the whole show (there weren't any chairs on the main floor) and would hardly be able to see anything. Plus, along with the horror stories of people running in at the beginning of a rock concert, I had also heard how people supposedly got crushed to death against the stage... so sitting in the balcony was just fine with me. We got two seats in the front of the second balcony, just by the railing to the balcony below. We were on the right side of the arena, about halfway back, so we couldn't complain. Now, I knew this was the beginning of the biggest wait: sitting in the same spot from 1 in the afternoon to about 9 at night.
The main parts of the stage I liked (from viewing the pictures in my Live Killers album) were intact: the steps were lined with lights under Roger's drums, and middle of the main stage had a small plank stage that stuck out for Freddie to walk on, where the crowd could touch him but not too easily. Most of the instruments, and all of Roger's drum set, were covered in giant sheets of plastic. I'd never seen such big speakers; I had a flashback when I saw the black and white photo to the right because that's what they looked like with the house lights up. Throughout the afternoon, the lights in the arena would go out, then come back on... like we were being teased. Finally when it was about time for the opening band, the lights went off longer than usual and the band took the stage. The opening band was someone we had never heard of, and my mom and I both can't even remember who it was now (two people have e-mailed me saying it was a band called "Dakota"). I don't think they had any hits, and then apparently disappeared soon after. The crowd tolerated the first two or three songs. Then, every song ended with "Just one more song!" much to the audience's vocal dismay. I went on a trip to the bathroom, and they were still playing when I came back. Then they left. Ten minutes later, they came back and said "Just one more song!" and I think they played three. People were yelling, "We want Queen!" People were getting harsh to the point it was just uncomfortable even seeing the band on the stage. Everyone cheered when they left. The lights came back on. Another two hours. Just seeing them walk across the stage would have been enough for me, so at that age I really couldn't comprehend being in their presence for a whole two-hour concert. This wait was easier though because every second we knew the show could start. Seeing Queen still seemed like it was too good to be true, like some act of God would occur just before the show to prevent it. Then, the lights went out. There's no feeling like the wait in total darkness just before a Queen concert. It was 10 minutes of black and the loudest screaming I'd ever heard. I remember it was "scary" and so I think Brian might have also been playing the weeping guitar sound like the beginning of the We Will Rock You concert video. It was a good scary feeling though, like going up the first hill of a roller coaster. After several minutes of intense darkness and the crowd screaming, when I felt like my ears didn't have room for any more sound to enter (though I loved it), the even louder sound of thunder clapped across the arena with an incredibly blinding light. I could see everyone on the main floor have to turn completely around in unison toward the back of the arena because the lights were so bright. I kept trying to glance at the stage to see what was happening, but it was too bright to see anything... plus, in between the flashes, it was too dark to see anything. It was sort of an unnerving state, being totally blinded in that big of a place with that many people, and coming to the realizaton that it would be unthinkable to actually move around and that we were basically helpless. I was holding my mom's hand. Queen had the whole crowd paralyzed in their tracks before the show even began.
I'm not sure if the lights all rose up like in the We Will Rock You video or not (since we couldn't see), or if they were already raised because of the opening band. Eventually the thunder and noise turned to music. Finally, through my wincing, Freddie Mercury was suddenly in front of my own little eyes on the front extended stage in all the smoke. I'd never even seen a celebrity in person before, much less my idol at the time. I didn't think they would open with the fast version of "We Will Rock You" for some reason, since that's at the beginning of the Live Killers album and I thought they would want to do something different, but was surprised that they opened with a non-Queen song: "Jailhouse Rock". The stage looked similar to that in the We Will Rock You concert video, with the smaller panels of lights replacing the single giant panel from previous tours; however, I'm certain there was at least another entire, higher level of moving lights (not only from seeing them at the concert, but also looking at the pictures for years afterwards). The lights in the We Will Rock You video seem extremely cut-back. Instead of one row of panels of lights across the back of the stage, the panels were all over the place and the ones above the band moved straight up and down on poles and tilted back and forth. There were also little men somehow sitting amongst the panels who manually operated at least a dozen spotlights, and more guys doing this from a small section hanging down from the ceiling at the middle of the arena. Since the spotlights were directed from the top of the arena, there wasn't a big bulky spotlight booth in the middle of the main floor taking up space, and the audio booth was placed along the right side of the arena (down not to far from us) so it wasn't in anyone's way. In the darkness between a lot of the songs, flashlights darted around the stage... we couldn't figure out if it was the band or engineers setting things up. Thankfully, no one came out on stage before the show to announce the band (I've always thought this is really cheesy). Freddie had on those red leather pants with the blue knee-pads... and, unfortunately, that ugly mustache! "What do you think about my new mustache?" Freddie asked. (Mixed applause.) "Some people don't like it, but I just say 'fu** 'em.'" (Crowd goes wild.). Freddie drank some water, then tossed the rest out onto the crowd along with his cup. He tossed his tambourine out later, and I couldn't imagine what it would actually be like to touch it. Freddie also had that long silver microphone stand that he always danced around with in the videos. He was running all over the place; one second he was on the plank at our side of the arena, the next at the other side. The three high school girls who rode up with us were excited because when he went to the end of one of the planks he ended up level and close to them in the balcony (but upset because, had one not been on crutches, they would have stayed on the main floor where Freddie tossed his tambourine!). Once or twice I remember looking into the middle of the arena and some kind of explosion occurred in mid-air (apparently launched from the lighting duct at the top of the arena). There weren't that many lighters in the audience, but instead everyone was using those green glow-sticks that come out around Halloween (I think these were new at the time). The audience kept throwing their green glow sticks up on the stage until at times it was covered, and more than once Brian kicked off some back into the audience (and I think he might have been getting upset but I'm not sure!).
There were numerous parts of the show I knew had to be there... and they all were. The first was the "scary" sound effects and section of "Get Down, Make Love", where Queen showed off their lights. (At that age, I thought the erotic sound effects were simply supposed to represent the monster breaking-in on the cover of News of the World). Smoke shrouded the band, as the panels of lights took over and moved around to the audience's ooohs and aaahs. My mom and I were trying to figure out what was on Roger's bass drum, since it didn't look like an album cover; it turned out to be the white "face" design, also in the We Will Rock You video. Back then, concerts didn't have big video screens, so we just had to use the binoculars that we'd brought. Some spotlights were gathering on Freddie and Brian as they went to sit on two stools toward the right of the stage, and my mom got excited because we knew "Love of My Life" was coming. Freddie announced, "This is our first time in Omaha... " as the song started, and got the crowd to sing along like on the Live Killers album. Meanwhile, I had become a source of info for those around who wanted to know what the songs were; every time a new song would start, people would ask me what it was! I really don't know if anyone has ever actually been able to appreciate a concert as much as I did that night: I was only 7, but had every album except the first two, and knew every song they played except maybe two or three. But what's interesting is how fans often wish they could experience how a "classic" band was 20 years prior... and this is strangely how I felt I was experiencing the show, because at my age it seemed like Queen had been around 20 years. There were parts of the show, including the stage design, that were "legendary" to me, but were only 2-3 years old in reality. Now, 20 years later, they're legendary to everyone else. Periodically, the guy next to me changed the tape in his "hidden" tape recorder. We knew the show was close to the end when "Bohemian Rhapsody" began. Everyone clapped to the pre-recorded opera section, and as the Live Killers liner notes say: "The audience and the lights take care of the rest." The crowd went nuts when Roger hit the famous gong at the end.
I think there were two or three more songs, and then everything went black for about 10 minutes. Could it be that they were actually not going to play the standard "We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions/God Save the Queen" closing? The house lights may have even come on for awhile, then went back off. A few people were starting to leave, and I kept telling my mom that they had to end the concert that way, because that's the only way a Queen concert ends... but then even I was having doubts. Finally, the yellow lights around the gong all turned on, pointing directly on Roger, who started the drums of "We Will Rock You" and everyone stomped their feet and clapped. Of course "We Are the Champions" was next, and Freddie shook some of the hands flailing in front of the stage while singing it. I remember there was one hand jumping up and down that never got shook! Freddie bent his neck way back when he sang "... of the world!" at the very end like I knew he was supposed to from videos on TV, and we hoped for another song but knew that was probably going to be it. A grand finale of Queen's famous pyrotechnics began shooting everywhere from the stage, the lights were all moving around, and everyone was jumping all over in the aisles. Soon the pre-recorded Night at the Opera version of "God Save the Queen" did begin playing...but, nobody really sang to it since this is America and no one knows the words! At this point, I tried to make sure I was truly fathoming what it was like to actually see the band members in front of me since they'd be gone soon. Freddie was still dancing around and danced out a little door behind the drums, and the rest of the band followed one-by-one, with John being last as he waved to everybody one last time. The lights flickered and moved some more to the rest of the song, slowly going dark along with the rest of the arena, with the final rise of the crowd's applause. Perfect. Except for that damn mustache. We walked down what seemed like endless spiraling stairs on the way out...extremely slowly this time. My ears had that weird "ringing" feeling like everyone said I'd have, but that I'd never experienced before. Spotlights were panning the sky outside. We said goodbye to the couple we'd been with during the show. A guy in his late 20s started talking to us on the long way out; he laughed and told me how he'd also had to argue with his mom who said Queen would never come to Omaha. My mom asked him if he thought I'd even remember the whole thing since I was so little. He looked down at me, saw my grin from ear-to-ear, and said, "He'll never forget this."” - Jim
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I wish you would write a fic where....Stephen is hit with dubious magic and ends up comatose. Of course, Tony is drowning in guilt for letting this happen to Stephen and Stephen is kicking himself for getting distracted and taken down so easily.
*logs in on work computer, posts, logs out and deletes browser history*
Hmm, since I’ve just done comatose Stephen (I’m sorry, okay?) I remembered that I still have this in my inbox. (And another one which I’ll attempt to do tomorrow. I can either do fic or headcanon and the last few days it has been fic.)
Dubious magic. Heh, I like how I get that thrown back at me from time to time. 😍
There is a battle and the threat of the day takes aim at Stephen’s back - he’s unprotected except for the Cloak because all his power is needed for offensive spells. The battle has been raging for a while now, all the combatants are exhausted as hell and Tony’s suit has taken heavy damage. He tries to stay near Stephen to protect the man but it’s difficult.
Tony gets called away to help Peter with dispatching one particular annoying enemy and that’s when it happens: One of them sneaks through and hits Stephen with dubious magic. Stephen has time to call out to the others but by the time Tony finally arrives at his side he’s already down on the floor and unconscious.
He brings Stephen back to the compound and while the doctors are still trying to figure out what happened he calls Wong. Wong arrives via portal minutes later - just in time to see a host of baffled doctors confessing to Tony that they have no idea what happened and how to help Stephen.
While Tony is busy being Tony Wong marches through and checks out Stephen himself. Tony is still debating with the doctors when he comes back out, catches Tony’s eyes and shakes his head.
And just like that Tony’s world crashes and burns; all words gone. He ignores everything else and slowly walks over to Stephen. He stares down at the still form, unaware that he will first stand and then sit at this exact spot for a long time to come.
Wong breaks the news as gently as possible: The spell that hit Stephen is designed to kill a magic user instantly and its only Stephen’s incredible strength and the fact that the Cloak took its share of the blast that allowed him to survive.
Tony looks at the limp and almost lifeless piece of red fabric that lies draped over Stephen. It barely has enough energy to wave at Tony and Tony takes the offered piece and holds it as gently as if it was Stephen’s hand.
The Cloak will recover, Wong tells him. It’ll take time but it will.
“What about Stephen?” Tony asks, already dreading the answer.
Wong’s silence is telling. “I don’t know,” he finally admits in a barely there whisper and Tony closes his eyes to keep the tears from falling. It doesn’t help. “If he ever wakes up again it won’t be soon.”
And Tony just breaks on the inside. He’s not ready to lose yet another friend, especially not one that has started to become something else. They’ve managed to go on exactly one date so far and it had been fun and wonderful and they’d mutually agreed to take things slow. Pepper has only been gone for less than a year and Stephen’s a mess - neither of them is in the right headspace to jump into a relationship.
Slow, mutual courting - that’s what they’d agreed on.
Tony is determined to keep his part of that. He visits Stephen as often as possible, he brings flowers, he hold his hand, he plays with the Cloak when the thing starts to regain some of its energy. He talks to Stephen. About his day, his hopes and fears. The past, the present, the future.
Wong visits regularly, talking more than ever before. Keeping Stephen up to date on the mystical side of things.
Peter turns up from time to time but he’s not sure what to do and just stares at Stephen, unable to say anything at all. He kind of hates himself for that and tries over and over again.
Christine doesn’t come that often, actually. She’s been down that road before and while she will always feel affection for Stephen their paths have diverged a long time ago and she just can’t do this again.
Rhodey first starts to come by to keep Tony company but one day he comes by himself. It happens from time to time. He doesn’t talk much but he’s grown fond of Stephen long before he fell into the coma and misses the witty guy who can not only keep up with Tony but keep him grounded. He’d hoped for them to work out and it shatters his heart to see Tony’s hopes and dreams destroyed once again. He’s spent more than one night with Tony, sadly watching how the man forces himself to stay sober to be able to go and visit Stephen in the morning. It’s great that Tony doesn’t fall back into his okd coping habits but the reason for that is just so damn unfair that Rhodey wants to scream.
After a few months Tony and Wong move Stephen out of the Compound and into the Sanctum. Tony has a ton of equipment installed and FRIDAY can monitor him from here now just as easily and they both hope that the familiar, beloved surroundings will help Stephen in his recovery.
The Cloak is almost back to his old strength but seldom moves from Stephen’s side.
Stephen, trapped in his astral form, is forced to witness how his coma destroys every resemblance for a normal life for his best friend and the man he’s fallen in love with. He has to watch helplessly as Wong tries everything to wake him up and how Tony’s hope fades a little bit more every day.
He hates himself for getting hit, for only using offensive spells and forgetting about his defense. He’s desperately trying to go back but there’s a barrier between him and his body he can’t overcome.
One day, almost two years later, he once again watches Tony fall asleep on the other side of the big bed. He looks on as the Cloak arranges itself carefully to cover them both and how it caresses Tony’s face. He hates how old and haggard Tony looks. He hates and he loves and he wants. So, so, much…
He needs to go back, damnit!
He’ll never know how he manages it but all of a sudden the barrier vanishes.
When Tony wakes up the next morning he looks straight into Stephen’s eyes. Stephen smiles and although it takes his weak and depleted body an age or two he finally manages to bring one shaking hand up and wipe away the tears from Tony’s face.
Their first kiss is tender beyond description.
#ironstrange#tony stark#stephen strange#i wish you would write a fic where...#amy imagines#anonymous#inbox
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oH kaAy, like+-; fOrgoe witholdance, candance+-; duZzen.maDter tu for it, 14 montsh shit like+-; hey privacy+- or more to the 8paK years
but to say, wHat-; wHo these guys+-; what they do, not so much * " #brOWn * or #dALMaTion #peLiCaN, but, ih sincererly forgot about these guys, 5ways+-; or unfelillie tu adPect empoaChd code to #budDaH stYle lineage+!; -;3*Ππ^|` loSt of ek fag pazs
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nut futder
fair enuff
chukkuer rokkues, trmenti g nyrdering doung necro zooiphile shit in crocadhiles and tarantykas for you porn indUstry usnt :;*merited as any esteem, even blogh narneqyaarjer shukjues ue think high elevin, ue neca knew, neither dud ihy,+;
so, if so outrage denial tu cercumpherance uet i ward srlf deception aNd perverted inchik iltamuntus, to stil condemn uer rlght tu goodbess, or ibsust on sypportibg clutts jumo in hold my hand charade gestyres of wat , *#bS or calculating a hunch if ten to condider deriving, pointless, ir figure a word tu, nether, oh,+; sentianals get to 45years okd and experts on 'gHeZsTure;/ *pULling ugly *faCes, god wrik
#sTAr -; #fIsh, wHat tll them, oh #oRange and #brOwn ones, if ue wanna talk of #tuesday #isLand , mongh roayne, or aCstpAz #eVaCīlius, aLta land forus, take care often , sImpoase 5nih9ne #lions, so #sAd (+;if for moments privacy, #starfish races had almost perished, as too, naThkit #tropics, holoheaay, yeah +!;pRaNk and pry, +-; datisfied, but what, humm sething, *something alaMing nosteaghesic magestic about 3 #pelicans+-; ohykaay snuff wrutter, hope tu rNghdt ten this, netter, it was yesturefay tenpez wednesday early promzizqhû #sUn #rise of, pak.up
ihy ment, #buddah tHRiliologhy, aszpAz -*stArfish, tHen county upstained, go ask seone who said something about the padt patter of zGero's and io1onwqUe, that not a zEri oe a naUght, they still looking for the letter *J on a print out of 50round a second by thirteen tu join a capital *HAEYTCH WITH THE LETTER *Q, FIR YOUR INFORMATION OF WAT HE IS NIT, VUR OTHERWISE STEADDAST, +(! AS TOI CONDOLENXES FOR PREBIPUS POST, TU UNTEMEK -*MURDER DRUFS, WAS "*CORRECTION, SEVEHN MIN, ;"STAGE SHOW PROMPHANTH, EKE257PAA9T#@"*PHAUET
but as to last mention, of some #dark #vheda #ritual #aMbience, of ny.persinal esteem, forboad greatnes tu suremdearing, that +-; it isz -; maY be, generally ;'*humm?; interesting, or, strange, sHinqHin, altoreZson, but+-; it us, my -*right hand tu, propose that, it is or isn-t so.much a *privuwlidge, or effort tu, concerntrate,
but rectofy, !* #kozmikrayTor;/ c)(osm-iic gCK-;raEtour, - by.#meTAtROn #ōMÉGĀ, tu have nice day, h/ szorrie, but, generally, a style of musicx or be it consequencual, or be say, hum+! own identifyation to find something interesting in , +!;
haVe a nice #dAy
#kOSmOkRator, . anD being that said deniak of how irraTchitly vhenkie putrid ue are tu dalEMaIyne an '*aRe,/ *R,:;-78*èĀ93w1ATe3Pmn , #mETAtron not neCeSsarily an !;* #aRChaNgel/* done care fo4r uer neRf whiPpers, by pount of, no infinite esteem in yourselves, tu highligh a comment introspective before or after pasdage of a #cRaetour wher 'eXistance onfe was, or yoy o hace a plaCe or tine to.traffic hyperghligdyum, ir some gancy #ftench words, or, +!aNything, or ue want time off #qHaar lèy mAAtra tu considher uer bhi vie buERill, tu supponjaK a fanceh esOteric #iDea, yha, or theK, tu be it holding hand with clumphous hypokrat denwleirials in process if floud shikking your wonce was wgete uer beain left you in dhitch dhive and puddle, sQHish, tu blaMe it on uer firefrAnkforts or linnen isle at beLkig deLi near a konfekki lharringto #jACksndJive meal for less tHen none cH879gYhgÈGpfz)7-∆π[℅^¥©><\!-6"#2ghEyt fed levvy
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TWO DREAMS LIKE MO V I E S i had a dream that i was at dinner at some rental mansion thing with my family and i do mean my family like, BOTH parents grandparents erica the whole nine yards actually i think we were at uncle tonys ajd i had found this weird mask at a place i guess and i decided to give it to my dad as a present because idk he likes weird shit like that so i take the mask and it looks like the face of like... an okd republican guy. not that creepy. but when i brought it out everyone was TERRIFIED and i was like... its creepy but its just a plastic mask and its not... THAT creepy, its just an old man and everyone disagreed they were like "no that is DISFIGURED and HORRIFFIC and we left the room, with the mask, to go hang out somewhere else my mom took a picture of the mask with her phone so she could show me what the mask really was and it was TERRIFYING and shes like "it changes but this is its true form" and apparently when you gift this mask to someone it starts to reflect their true character, which is why as soon as the mask was given to my father it became grotesque and terrifying. ok but when i woke up from this it was SO NOPE AND SO SCARY most of this shit is paraphrased, not what they literally said the second one ohhhhhh so im in japan hanging w a bunch of jrock idola who are probably hanging out with me bc they think im pretty and they wanna get laid .....aww but i dont wanna say that because they were all nice and didnt treat me like that dont do them like that rose anyway it was aoi and uruha and then i think meto and another guy and we were hanging out in this area with a bunch of stores but in this little hideaway in front of them, like a studio under the stores and the parking lot looked like the one in the bay shore area thing with target and micheals at one point i was driving around in mia's fancy car through the parking lot regretting all my life choices bc i know if i crash his car im fuckin DONE FOR like JROCK IS OVER FOR ME I COULD NEVER EVEN LOOK A PICTURE OF ANY OF THEM IN THE EYE ANYMORE and periodically other jrock stars would come in and i didnt have my glasses on at one point? i think i wasnt being included in a conversation, so i stopped trying so hard and decided to go to the side and fall asleep on one of the cushy chairs but as soon as i did, i just felt this presence and my eyes opened and i saw this blurry image of kamijo just throwing something out in a trash can and i just knew it was him by the shape of his hair and immediately scrambled for my glasses ok but why tf am i wearing glasses around jrock stars thats the worst shit my glasses though were like.... invisible??? anyway im just looking at him like starry eyed and i say his name and he looks at me and im like OH BOY hes just gonna... look at me and go away and go talk to aoi or some shit but NOPE THIS OLD ASS MAN DECIDED HE WAS GONNA SIT WITH THE PRETTY GIRL ok ok this is so weird but also ok this dream is SO weird so.... he acts like he REMEMBERS me from somewhere like he KNOWS me and i assumed he just remembered me from the concert in nyc BUT HERES THE THING LIKE IM P R E T T Y SURE THATS NOT WHERE HE KNEW ME FROM because he just kind of went along with it with a face like. "this one is cute, she thinks i remember her from a concert that was 2 years ago" no, this fucker doesnt remember me from there. he remembers me from the 4 fucking thousand dreams where we've hung out together having a great fuckin time like we're 2 shitty friends. anyway so kamijo is just acting a lot like he knows me and shit and my ass is just EATING it up because i just desperately wanted to talk to him, i was like, hes here, you have dreams, pour them out to him. was talking about the concert with him "you performed at my favorite venue, that i performed in, and then you performed in, and when i performed in it again it was like i was you-" and hes listening to me actually p impressed like this is new one of the guys calls him over he leaves for like 2 seconds comes back like sorry SITS down next to me and KISSES the ABCK of my GODDAMN NECK and im like oH OK AY?? I DIDNT DO THAT YOU DID?? and im just blushing and what happens NEXT is we continue our fuckin conversation THATS WHAT and we talk and talk even after everyone leaves and its literally like kamijo just SO interested in my hopes and dreams and aspirations EATING that SHIT UP VALIDATING THE SHIT OUT OF ME and me running my mouth, periodically apologizing for doing that. not without him talking, though, he talked a lot as the night goes on for some reason he looks progressively more like a regular 40 something year old man and im like wAowh whAT is going on but im like it's kamijo! it doesn't matter if his hair is a wig or something like... hes kamijo and hes like, my biggest inspiration! and im still having this great conversation with him and im all like "whenever im not motivated to do music, i think of your concert in ny and i know i have to do it for kamijo" ANYWAY IT WAS JUST SUPER NICE AND SUPER INSPIRING AND FUN and when it was time to leave he just somehow sprung back into beautiful kamijo and hes like "wait where are you going" gives me this look like w he. r e u g o o in g i r l and im like look kamijo youre 41 im 18 and the look on his face when i said 18 was like DAMN FUCK I DIDNT KNOW SHE WAS 18 but he was like "damn, i need to get younger wOw im sorry" he knew that was a creepy age gap even if im of consenting age and then im like "and im not throwing away a relationship ive had for like, almost 4 years with my boyfriend" and hes like OH SHIT and he found that really admirable even tho like.... like WHY would i hurt nolan like that thats DUMB. even for a jrock idol? DUMB. and hes like you fuckin GO girl FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS I BELIEVE IN YOU and he just seemed kinda happy that i could leave like, my biggest inspiration whos hot af just as someone to talk to and not someone i was filling with lies so hed fuck me.
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