#this got away from me but i can't resist writing them being all gooey with each other im sorryyyyyy
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transvampireboyfriend · 8 months ago
@steddie-week Day 1: Secret relationship
Rating: M Words: 2362
Modern AU
"I'm gonna get us some more popcorn" Steve says, slapping his hands against his thighs.
Eddie gives him side eye because it's only been ten minutes since the movie started and they're supposed to be discrete.
Steve silently shrugs at him, raising his eyebrows and pointedly looking at everyone in the room.
He's right, no one even reacted to Steve's statement. Jon and Argyle are absentmindedly playing with each other's hands, eyes locked on the screen; Chrissy and Robin are still whispering to each other; Jeff is still showing something to Freak and Nancy on his phone and Gareth is still dozing on and off next to Chrissy.
Okay then, Eddie thinks, and tries to communicate the same to Steve with a shrug of his own.
Steve smiles a small thing, and winks at him.
A blink and you'll miss it wink, but Eddie still has to bite the inside of his cheek to tame his answering smile and try to subdue the heat rising to his cheeks.
7:05 his watch reads when Steve leaves the room.
Five minutes should be fine right? For Eddie to follow without making their friends suspicious?
Eddie looks at the TV and tries to focus on the movie, but all he can see are colors.
He doesn't know what they're watching, was too distracted by the hair on Steve's arm when they discussed it.
The hair on Steve's arm, which Eddie only discovered yesterday, is so soft and fun to kiss.
And lick.
And mouth at.
Jesus, it's been a whole month since their first date, a little more than that since they first kissed and Eddie still acts like a lovesick fool.
Eddie starts bouncing his leg impatiently.
On second thought, popcorn takes like two minutes to be ready. And say it takes Steve an additional minute to put it into a bowl, then he'll be back in less than five!
Eddie's wasting precious time!
He stands abruptly and everyone does turn to look at him at that.
"Sorry," he smiles sheepishly, "need to use the bathroom. Be right back."
His friends turn back to the TV with hums and noncommittal grunts and Eddie at least has the sense to walk towards the hallway and not go through the kitchen's front door.
It's a redundant but necessary detour and in a few more seconds, he's opening the kitchen's side door.
Steve greets him by throwing his arms around his neck, "What took you so long?" he asks, leaning forward to bring their lips together.
Eddie hums against him and lets go of the door, letting it swing closed in favor of grabbing on to his boyfriend.
His arms circle Steve's waist and pull him closer as they kiss.
"Didn't wanna be too obvious" Eddie murmurs against Steve's lips, noticing there's no smell of popcorn or any sound from the microwave.
Steve hums, then grabs Eddie's face with both hands and soundly kisses him once, twice.
"I think I'm about ready to tell them," Steve comments when he pulls back, lowering his hands to Eddie's shoulders.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, feeling his heart pick up its pace.
Steve liking him back is one thing, getting to be together like this another, but him telling everyone about it? Eddie hadn't even dared to dream that big in the year or so that he spent pining after the most beautiful boy he's ever met.
Steve nods, a smile growing on his face.
"Cool," Eddie comments, unable to hide the huge grin that's surely showing his dimples.
Steve giggles, that wonderful sound reserved only for Eddie, and nods again, "Mmhm" he agrees, leaning forward again, placing his mouth on his and tangling his fingers in his hair.
Eddie searches his tongue the way he knows Steve likes, steals his air and sucks on his lower lip when they need to part, enjoying the way Steve's body goes boneless, melts against his hold.
"God, I love your mouth," Eddie sighs, making Steve laugh softly against him,
"Are you staying over tonight?" Steve asks, pleasantly scratching the back of Eddie's skull,
"If you want me to, babydoll," Eddie offers, thoroughly enjoying the blush that the ridiculous petname elicits as Steve scoffs and looks away from him.
Eddie takes the opportunity to smack a kiss on his cheek, feeling Steve's smile get wider.
He turns back to Eddie and his smile fades a little, Eddie turns his head to the side, worry creeping up inside him.
"Please stay," Steve asks, with something serious in his eyes,
Eddie understands. Maybe more than Steve would expect him to. So he makes it his priority to reciprocate his boyfriend's seriousness and moves both his hands up to hold Steve's face,
"For as long as you'll have me, sweetheart," he promised, hoping Steve can hear his sincerity, can understand how much he means it when they look into each others' eyes.
Steve smiles with something like wonder and brings their lips together again.
Eddie moves one of his hands to the back of Steve's head, and grabs onto his hair there, circling the other around his waist again and walking them back until Steve softly bumps the kitchen counter.
Steve sits on top of the counter with practiced ease, using Eddie's shoulders to jump up and then opening his legs like he always does.
And like always, it drives Eddie insane.
He takes his place between Steve's legs, kissing him insistently, his hands moving from his waist to the top of his thighs, rubbing there as he goes to kiss his neck, when the door opens.
Eddie's heart stops.
In the span of a few seconds which seem infinite to him, Eddie freezes, looks up from Steve's neck to his face, finds him staring ahead with eyes as wide as plates and straightens up, letting go of Steve's thighs to turn around and find Gareth rummaging through the fridge.
An agonizingly long minute passes.
None of them say anything, Steve staying atop the counter and Eddie frozen in place, until Gareth straightens up with a can on his hand, and looks at them like he hadn't even realized they were there when he came in.
Eddie can only raise his eyebrows.
"Sorry, Jeff did want a coke after all," Gareth says, like it explains anything, "You know how he is," he comments,
Eddie stares.
"Did ...you want us to pause the movie?" Gareth asks.
Eddie blinks.
"Uh, no. That's okay," Steve answers,
"Alright." Gareth says slowly, "...Cool," he concludes, and then he exits the kitchen without another word.
Eddie frowns, a little mindblown, immediately turning back to Steve and finding a similar frown on his face.
"Did you-?" Steve asks,
"No!" Eddie cuts in, scandalized and a little panicked, "Of course not! We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone!"
Steve's frown dissipates to give way to a soft smile. He places his hand against Eddie's cheek. "I know," he affirms, "sorry."
Eddie rolls his eyes a little, letting Steve know no apology is necessary and he sighs, calmer now that he can see that Steve's not freaking out.
He leans into his boyfriend's hand more.
"Do you think Robin-?" he ventures,
"I don't think so," Steve answers softly, "Last I heard Chrissy doesn't even know yet. And that was last week" he comments, moving his hand to tuck Eddie's hair behind his ear, absentmindedly caressing the strands after.
"I don't think she would tell Chris without telling me," Steve assures him,
Chrissy does suspect. Eddie met her a little later than he met Steve but she's rapidly become his best friend and regularly refers to Steve and Eddie as 'a couple'.
Eddie used to blush hard at the comments, before they got together. And she never pushed, but it was the thing that got him to notice that his looks were returned, got him to understand that Steve doesn't actually treat anyone else the way he treats Eddie.
Now he just sort of scoffs when she mentions it, but he hasn't told her either. Wanted to let Steve set their pace.
"I mean he is known to be distracted" Eddie offers about Gareth,
Steve laughs silently, "There's no way he didn't notice me up on the counter and you between my legs, baby,"
Eddie blushes. He can't get over the pet names, especially when Steve only uses them in private.
He returns his hands to rest on top of Steve's thighs and leans up to kiss him, trying to cool the heat in his cheeks.
It does not work.
Steve rubs their noses together when they pull apart, resting his hands on Eddie's shoulders, "You wanna tell 'em?" he asks,
"If you do," Eddie says, "but tell me if there's anything that should change" he requests,
One of Steve's hands holds his face again, his thumb softly moving back and forth on his cheek.
"Like what?" he asks, barely above a whisper,
"I don't know," Eddie answers, racking his brain for an example, "like, ...are you into PDA?" he asks in the same tone, not wanting to burst the bubble they created,
Steve strokes Eddie's hair again, turns his head and purses his lips, thinking,
"I'd like to hold your hand" he settles on.
He's gonna kill Eddie, one of these days, his heart will grow so big from how sweet Steve is, that it'll explode.
Eddie has to press his lips together so he doesn't smile ear to ear.
"That's not PDA, I don't think,"
"No?" Steve innocently asks, he knows what he's doing, the bastard. Eddie wants to melt.
"No, angel,"
"You want us to kiss with tongue in front of everyone?" Steve asks, in the same tone, but with a shit eating grin,
Eddie snorts loudly, has to lean his head on Steve's shoulder to suppress his laugh.
"No, I don't think I want that," he says, straightening up while his shoulders still shake with his laughter,
"Good," Steve says, looking smug, "Me neither,"
He places a kiss against Eddie's temple, gently scratches the back of Eddie's skull and asks, "What about you? Do you have anything?"
"Was thinking I like the things you call me in private," Eddie murmurs, emboldened by the tender touch,
Steve smiles softly, but wags his eyebrows.
Eddie laughs again, almost shy, "Shut up." he protests, "You don't even call me anything different in bed,"
Steve joins him, laughing softly, but then his eyes soften too.
"Hmm," he hums, leaning down to close the distance between them, "I can save the pet names just for you" he murmurs,
Eddie leans up the small fraction left to join their lips again, and Steve softly kisses back.
"Anything else?" Eddie asks as they pull back,
"Can I have shotgun privileges? And hold your hand while you drive?" Steve requests,
" 'Course you can" Eddie grins, sure that there are hearts in his eyes when he leans up to briefly kiss Steve's jaw,
"What else?" Eddie asks,
"Want your hands in my hair" Steve answers easily, in the syrupy tone he always gets when Eddie gets his mouth anywhere near his neck,
"Anytime," Eddie grants, softly biting where he just kissed,
"You?" Steve asks,
"Would you wear my clothes out of the house?" Eddie tries,
Steve smiles and kisses both his eyelids, making him chuckle a bit "I'd love that",
"Something more?" Steve gently probes,
"We can figure out the rest as we go?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Eddie and I are together" Steve proudly announces to his friends after the movie's over and the pizza's gone.
He takes Eddie's hand in his and Eddie smiles at him so wide, his cheeks hurt.
Robin squeals. Eddie turns to look at her and sees Chrissy doing the same, with a confused frown on her face.
Eddie thinks that's weird, but when he looks at the rest of their friends he finds expectant looks on their faces. Like they didn't understand or something.
After a beat, Nancy asks, "What do you mean?"
"Uh. We're dating," Steve answers, a little nervous now. Eddie softly squeezes his hand.
"Yeah, you have been for like a year, right?" Chrissy answers this time, "Certainly since I met you guys,"
Eddie gawks at her, "What?"
"Robin, did you tell her?" Steve asks,
"I didn't!" she defends,
"Tell me what?" Chrissy asks, turning to her,
Eddie cannot believe his ears.
"Wait," Jeff says, "you weren't dating before?"
"Before what?" Jon asks,
"Before we met Chrissy?" Gareth tries,
Eddie's whipping his head back and forth between them as they speak,
"When did we meet her?" Argyle asks,
"Was it last year?" Freak adds on,
"Shush! " Nancy urges, pulling everyone's attention to her,
"How long have you two been dating?" she asks Steve and Eddie,
"A month?" Eddie says, his head spinning,
"And a half" Steve finishes,
Robin snorts and the group erupts into protests,
"No way."
"What the-"
"Oh my god?? "
"There's no way!"
Eddie nods at them, "Yeah, how long did you all think we had been dating for?"
"Before we met Chrissy!" they answer almost in unison.
"What? Why?" Steve asks,
"Because you go on dates," Jeff answers,
"What!? " Eddie's beginning to sound like a broken record,
"Yeah, you guys go shopping, and to the record store" Argyle explains,
"And to dinner at each other's places" Freak finishes,
"I do that with all of you!" Eddie protests,
"Yeah, as a group," Gareth counters,
Steve turns to look at him and presses his lips together when Eddie looks back.
"Don't you dare," Eddie warns, already trying to swallow the laughter bubbling up his throat,
"Wait, so you thought you were always sitting next to each other by happenstance?" Chrissy asks,
"You save our seats together? " Steve asks her like it's the most heart warming thing he's ever heard,
Eddie lets go of Steve's hand in order to bury his face in his own, he can feel his blush against his palms.
"You know we could hear you making out in the kitchen right?" Nance asks,
Eddie groans loudly just as Robin bursts out laughing.
"You platonically watched a movie together on Valentine's?" Argyle asks skeptically, "At the theater?"
"Oh my god " Eddie complaints,
That's what topples Steve. His laughter filling Eddie's ears.
He has to come out of his hiding place to look at him, seeing Steve joyful is what he was put on this Earth to do, Eddie thinks.
"You platonically got him a sunflower bouquet for his birthday?" Jon piles on,
"He said he'd never gotten flowers before!" Eddie defends as everyone laughs,
Steve chuckles, rubbing Eddie's back soothingly,
"What was I supposed to do?" Eddie turns to him,
Steve smiles brightly and places a kiss on his shoulder.
Eddie smiles back, placing a hand on Steve's knee.
As embarrassed as he is, he's really glad everyone finally knows.
Sneaking around was fun, but nothing can compare to having Steve like this.
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