#this ep is an effing experience ya'll
mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch Season 1 Episode 12 “All Might”
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Now to the climax for S1! I’m pretty sure this is the episode (or rather the moment) that made BNHA. The big scene from S1 that showed the world It was Here and the potential it had for the future.
All Might makes his dramatic entrance. I do love how much this series puts an emphasis on the importance, not just of physically saving people, but giving them reassurance that everything’s gonna be ok. The way he carries Aizawa here is very sweet (changed a bit from the manga, where it’s a little less delicate).
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Tomura makes this speech that All Might confirms is just him bullshitting but is actually a really interesting notion. “Why do some people decide that some violence is heroic and others are villainous” is a line that pops into my head a lot when I’m watching other franchises. The whole “Protagonist centered morality” thing. It doesn’t really apply to BNHA that much, but there’s a lot of other narratives out there that could use a reality check in that regard. 
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This shot looks like a selfie. Deku is the worst at keeping a secret. Carolina is one of all Might’s attacks i really like, because it’s kind of creative and unique. I love the little setup of the fight against Nomu - how they lay out the conditions, and All Might still works within them to pull out a win anyway. That’s BNHA for ya. 
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Deku figuring out that All Might needs help...first time around I was waiting for Deku to do something appropriately climactic for the end of the season, and disappointed he didn’t get to. 
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But what we do get is pretty striking. On the one hand, we see Deku’s strengths as a character, the inability to ignore someone in need, that burning desire to help that he tries to reason himself out of. On the other hand, he charges in with no plan, and thinks mostly about how much he still needs All Might to teach him, thinking more of his own needs than his mentor’s...this isn’t the moment for him to save his mentor. 
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And look who’s pulling off his first Save to Win! Congratulations Kacchan, you did your first good deed in the entire series! While being a grump about it but still, thank you for saving Deku.  
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And also being badass AF. Kacchan, Shoto and Kiri making their dramatic entrances. Shoto is just so good at ice stuff guys. Bakugou being smart and outwitting Kurogiri. They’re just too cool for school. (also this angle makes Kacchan look like he has breasts. He’s oddly androgynous sometimes). 
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Tomura, of course, is not an idiot and recognizes this, telling Nomu to take Bakugou out so they can go home. I notice Todoroki gets this really panicked look on his face when they make that announcement (probably because Nomu is escaping his ice) but in my head it’s because he’s worried for Bakugo. Small Todobaku sideship here, ngl.  
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And Tomura’s full speech on heroes and violence comes in. All Might seems to indicate he’s just trying this philosophy out for size; while I still do remember this speech and find it fascinating in the context of other stories, for Tomura it’s obviously not what he thinks. He doesn’t care. He’s a villain without an ideology. Which is a big part of the diff between him and Stain, which Deku notices. There’s a lot to unpack with Tomura now, isn’t there, the light of the most recent arc? I guess I’ll get to that when I get to it.
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YSR is swelling. All Might is going to go beyond. It’s time. We’re here. Thinking about it, this fight feels like the Camino Ward fight in a slightly smaller format. (the whole arc is basically just Baby’s first Camino). There are similar lines, but one bit that sticks out to me is that All Might begins this fight thinking about how he’s a symbol, and in the Camino Fight thinks “I’m not doing this because I’m a symbol” or something like that. Character growth!
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And now the bit that launched a thousand memes. For some reason, every YSR Goes with Everything Vid I see uses this specific scene, quotes from it, inserted with whatever it’s being paired with. I guess this is the moment everyone associates with YSR, even though it’s in a ton of episodes. But yes, this particular scene does feel like it captures the whole YSR spirit quite well. 
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“Those aren’t just random punches either. They’re targeted. And everyone single one of them...is more than 100% of his power!” “You may have heard these words before, but I’ll so you what they really mean. Go beyond...plus ultraaaaaaaaa!!” (It’s basically the same ideas in the sub, but those are the specific words they used in the dub. They’ve become as much of a meme as YSR itself.)
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And it’s so interesting as a way to beat the villain. It’s kind of both outwitting him and out-powering him. Like the appeal of FMA & DBZ combined. 
Basically this episode is amazing. I think I kind of breezed through the whole USJ arc in a day the first time, so it didn’t stick out to me. But on a rewatch it’s a real highly. Very focused on it’s one subject and absolutely astounding to watch and hear. YSR + Fight is always a win. This one always puts a smile on my face.
BKDK Corner
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Save to win. Win to save. Katsuki saving Deku is such a quiet moment here, you don’t really notice it, but don’t think I didn’t notice that the first time Bakugou ever saved anyone in the series, it happened to be Deku (and vice versa). The important thing to remember here is that Deku is the one who most consistently brings out the best in Bakugou, as well as the worst.  
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“Kacchan! People who aren’t as important because they’re not Kacchan!”  
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Deku’s little yell of “Kacchan” is just a small preview of the Training camp Arc-era panic. Dude’s protective. And also loves taking any opportunity he can to gush as well. (And Bakugou refuses to be complimented for something he didn’t do. I kinda admire him too for that) Speaking of the training camp arc, I get some of those “responsible for All Might’s end” vibes from him here.
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Holy crap Bakugou is thin. Curvier than half the girls. Anyway, Deku observing him as always.
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And taking on the same poses in fear/awe.
Best Girl of the Ep: No new best girls this ep.
Ranker: Best YSR Uses
5. Deku vs Kacchan, Episode 7
4. The movie’s climax - Double Detroit Smash
3. Season 1 Episode 12 All Might vs Nomu
2. Season 1 Episode 2 Deku saving Kacchan
1. Season 2 Episode 10 - Shoto Todoroki Origin
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