#this ain't have to go this hard at fucking 8 pm but here we are
b0y-yuri · 23 days
you ever flinch at a song?
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Jungkook's One-Shot
Topic: His ex comes back to your lives when you two married and tries to get him back by creating problems inbetween you two...
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: Smutty, Angsty Contents ahead...
Rating: 18+ along with angst and drama
The following first few chapters would be though fluff and a little smut...
Part 1/Chapter 1
You and Jungkook have been married for 5 years now! You were living an incredibly happy life with your love and tomorrow was your 6th Marriage Anniversary!! You were very excited about it and here you were in the kitchen, swinging around to the music while preparing lunch... You drifted back to some golden memories of yours and Jungkook's!
You were still not graduates when you two fell deeply in love and decided to get married, your family was against the relationship cause neither of you had jobs... And you were already broken without any hopes, but Jungkook still stayed strong and kept the idea of running away and marrying... He was ready to leave his family, and everyone just for you, just so that he could be with you, the person whom he cherished with all his heart and was so sensitive about ❤️
Thus, just after giving the final examinations, you two ran away together without a letter, message or anything behind, to start a new life! Your elder brother along with Jungkook's friends supported you a lot with this relationship! It was a small marriage with just your brother and his friends... The priest said the vows and the lovely speech he gave on your marriage... It was the first time he was the cause for your tears and that too tears of happiness! ✨
Then that kiss!! You still couldn't get over the feeling of his soft, plumb lips on yours pressed against tightly and moulded perfectly into each other... He was the only one who could make you feel that happy and protected! You just love this guy! And now after the lovely, dramatic marriage you two got a house to live in with the help of your brother and his friends! Seeing Jungkook and yours capability, both got jobs and earned a living together from a small one bathroom-kitchen-and-bedroom to a five storey luxurious apartment!
He didn't like the idea of you overworking yourself when he was there and thus he got you leave your job and enjoy your life at home and you just didn't argue cause you know it wasn't that he did it cause it hurt his pride but cause he cared for u and wanted to give you the best living he could give! And being a housewife didn't feel boring or like a jail when it was being Mrs Jeon! Everyday cooking for him and trying out different dishes just to impress him even though you know he'd like anything as long as it was made by u! Then standing at the door and waiting for the most handsome guy yet alive on earth!
And as he comes back, first see that bunny smile that lit on his face just for u and only u! Rest it never appeared for anyone apart his family and friends... Family that is long lost now... But neither of u regretted your decision to leave your family behind just to be with each other!! ❤️ After the smile your mischievous bunny lifting u up in his arms and pressing you against the wall just to talk dirty though which always ended in giggles from both your mouths and a sweet kiss before letting u down if it wasn't that he was turned on...
For child well... You can't become a mother... Both of you were really sad to know that, specially u as you felt guilty to be not able to give Jungkook a child... A little one of himself or you... It was a really depressing period of life for u but Jungkook seemed to be more stronger and mature than u on this topic and believed that he no longer needed anything if he got you and after knowing this assurance from his mouth, you felt better and better day by day until u forgot about all those regrets and moved on that depressing period!
As you were engrossed in your memories, the bell rang taking u out of your thoughts and u ran towards the door knowing who could it be at this time of the day! You opened the door just to meet the boxy smile you were expecting to meet, a handsome friend of your husband standing at the door with two cakes in his hand! One was for tonight's 12:00am night party and other one for tomorrow's evening celebration... "Hi Taehyung-ssi! Thanks a lot for bringing the cakes! If it weren't u, I wouldn't have been able to execute this surprise party out!", you said thanking the still smiling boy standing on the doorway before inviting him in...
You and his six friends, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin had decided to surprise your lovely husband with a barbeque party in your big yard at sharp 12:00am and ofcourse along with all the other stuff, cake was required for some delicious desert apart from all the grilled dishes you were going to have... Taehyung was incharge for the cake and it was done! Jimin and Yoongi were incharge for barbeque stand, tables and chairs and tents as you were going to sleep in your yard that night playing games and enjoying yourselves!! Rest of the boys were incharge for the food and you were to make sure that it is a secret until midnight to Jungkook! Jin was going to be the chef tonight!! It wasn't that you didn't cook great but this guy! Damn! His cooking skills were better than your mom's!!
Taehyung helped you keep the cake in the spare fridge where Jungkook never gave a glance... And now you called the others to update yourself with the status till now... Everything was done... The chairs and all were set! Food was bought which included chicken, salmon and other meats! Spices for marination and some leaves and veggies for garnishing the dishes... Afterall Jin left the plates with perfection! Though this time we didn't have any plates, instead sticks for the barbeque but Jin is Jin and you don't have any problem as long as food is made by him!
You cooked the lunch for all the six boys and yourself, Jungkook wasn't coming home until late evening so no worries till then... After eating your lunch which was Kimchi Cheese Bokumbap (Kimchi Cheese Fried rice), all the tired boys threw themselves on your big couch while you giggled seeing the tired men... It looked like a mother smiling at their son who just came from playground all tired and worn out...
It was past 8 pm at night and you knew Jungkook must be on his way to the apartment, thus all the boys hid themselves in your spare room, again a place being where Jungkook almost rarely went and which was half the time empty, except when your brother came to live with you two in the summers as he had one of his company's branch here which he looked after in the summer months of the year... The bell ranged and you excitedly ran to the door like a little girl does when he hears her father come... Though it was your husband not father but definitely, no doubt he was your daddy in bed!
As you unlocked the door, in revealed the most handsome, sexy and hot husband in his formal uniform! The uniform just made him look even more attractive and hot, the belt which gave you memories of nights when he tighted your hands with them, the watch gave a boldness to his wrist and the tie with button up shirt made him look so much masculine, not like he wasn't already, but just a smile could change that masquiline self to a soft ball of fluff! And seeing you his tired yet just fucked up kind of look changed into an excited, happy bunny who lept on you like a lion does his pray...
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His bunny teeths never missing to showcase themselves, as he pressed you against the wall, which was his usual habbit, and then tugging you a little up such that you were now sitting on his thighs against the wall... He moved his face to your ears which already sent chills down your spine and make your body rub against his thigh from anticipation! Seeing the eagerness in you, he got even more turned on and whispered in a deep husky voice, "Baby is already getting so eager for daddy? What does my little kitten want her daddy to do? Should he just fuck her or should he tease her a bit more?"... Saying this his nose trailed down your jaw line and then to your neck...
You threw your head backwards and knew where it was going... It was another one of the nights where your lovely husband came home hard on and would just fuck you then and there... But even though u wanted it so bad... You had guests at your house which were to be kept a secret till midnight and also not to make them hear your moans and erotic noise from sex... Thus you had to leave your bunny boy unsatisfied this night... Though you'd make up for it tomorrow, on your wedding anniversary!
"Jungkook not today please! I'm... I'm.... I-... I'm on my periods" you lied not being able to think of a better excuse! But this guy ain't taking no shit! "Y/N... I remembered the date was 25th... And it's still 11th...!?" he asked raising his eyebrows... God! You suck at lying but definitely you had a simple answer to this one though... "I started with them early!"... Another lie but he just nodded and let you down and then again smiled widely before peppering your face with a thousand kisses! "If you need anything, pads... Tampons... Heat packs... Or pils... Just ask me and I'll get them for u! Okay baby?" he asked while caressing your cheeks with his thumb to which you nodded like an innocent child...
He then went inside to take a bath in your shared bedroom while you took a sigh of relief just to be met with coughs behind your back making you stiffen up... Ugh! You didn't want them to hear all that though... You turned around just to meet with six smirks thrown right at your embarrassed self! "Eager for Daddy!? Huh!?" Jimin said to which you scoffed... "And Periods.... Like you seriously couldn't get a better excuse" another one added just to receive another scoff from you... You send them back to their hiding place as you heard the shower stopping and door opening...
To be continued in the next chapter... It's gonna be dirty though with a game of Truth/Dare 😏 Angst is yet to come... First let's have some fluff and smut to prepare you for the heartbreak! 😁 Pics taken from Pinterest! DO NOT COPY MY WORK! OR REPOST IT ANYWHERE!
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kumamon-kp · 5 years
Late night imagine (For Roji)
She’s the one
Think about her face every time I wake up
At night I wanna ask about how her day was
But I just haven't told her yet
11:30 am
He sits in the bed next to Minhyuk. His laying on his back with his phone in his hands scrolling through his Instagram news feed looking at everyone else’s awesome days with their girlfriends and all the old couples making videos and getting older together.
He smiles at some of the pictures, until she pops up into his mind.
“Oh I forgot I haven’t asked Rojina how she’s going yet? It’s her birthday tomorrow” He sits on his side.
There’s nothing but silence in the room, Kihyun could feel a stare. He looked over at the other bed to see Minhyuk looking up from his phone and smirking at him.
“You really can’t stop thinking about her can you?” Minhyuks on his belly whilst his feet are up in the air waving around like a teenage girl.
Kihyun laughs nervously, his face turning a light shade of pink. He ruffles his wet hair and pushes it back exposing his forehead. He sighs again.
He is constantly wanting to see how she’s feeling and what she’s doing. He cares about her so much that is what is constantly on his mind from the moment he wakes up till the moment he falls asleep.
He knows he doesn’t have a place in her heart yet, he admits it, but he always manages to put those thoughts aside and thinks about how much he can love her no matter the distance in their feelings.
Minhyuk can hear little tapping noises in front of him, he looks up from his phone again and sees Kihyun tapping his blank phone screen.
“Just text her, she might appreciate it you know” Minhyuk grabs his lips and plays with it. Kihyun groans and rolls over on his stomach. His heart is racing again.
12 am
K: Happy birthday beautiful ~
Love U (Rojina POV)
You make me crazy it's not just the wine
Go on and take me right across the line
Looking at you, I got one thing on my mind
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8 pm
Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
sarang ha neun Rojinaaaa
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
Your friends were all extra. Some were screaming the song, some were 3 octaves lower then normal and some were just soothing… you look over at Kihyun who had the biggest smile. He was clapping and laughing so hard that his little dimple showed on his cheek.
Tonight, you wore your tight black dress since your friends made this birthday a little more special then the others. You were all sat at fancy restaurant in the private section.
“Make a wish Rojina” Kihyun whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine. He was on his knees next to you. He placed his warm hand on your cold shoulder sending heat waves down your body. His hands were so soft, and he smelt so good you felt a little confused at how much more attractive he looked tonight. His skinny looked so soft, his eyes were darker, and his hair was slicked back showing his forehead.
“ooh- you’re so cold?” his eyes widened. He panics a little removing his jacket and placing it on your bare shoulders. At this point everyone had moved around, someone had taken the cake to cut it up and the other were letting you have your moment… moment? Was it a moment? No no it definitely not a moment.
You looked away trying to join into another conversation
But… every time you tried to draw your attention to something other than him you always managed to make eye contact with him. At some point he looked flustered, bit his lip a little and looked away at the other boys.
“You know you’re still with Wonho right?” Eleni whispered scaring the shit out of you.
“Yah I know!” Your heart rate had increased by 100.
“Really?” her voice going high pitched, crossing her leg she continued eating a cake.
“I mean… I don’t know if eye fucking Kihyun is you remembering Wonho” you choked on your drink slapping her arm. You continued coughing and she stared laughing at your pain.
“Shut up!” you drank more wine hoping it might get you drunk enough to forget.
“I’m just stating the facts” she got up and walked over to other side where her boyfriend was sitting.
This night continued to confuse you.
You missed Wonho the truth was, but you guys ‘technically’ broke up 5 months ago. He hasn’t bothered to call you back, he just left you without saying anything and now your lost. It’s not like you hate him but it’s not like your happy that he left you with no explanation. You still love him but you’re slowly losing hope in waiting for him. Questions like when will he come back? Will he come back? Was it my fault did I scare him away? What can I do to get to where he is right now?
10.30 pm
“Kihyun I really don’t think this is a good idea” Kihyun laid on top of you. You were both out of breath from your heated make out but things started to get serious. His face wasn’t the same as usually, he seemed darker and much more determined.
“I want you now, even if we both regret it in the morning”
“but we’re drunk Kihyun”
“It’s not the wine baby”
His touch was soft, gentle something you missed and something you’d lost. He kissed your forehead. You grabbed his face pulling him in to kiss you. His lips were soft, you could taste the wine which didn’t feel great but something was telling you that this night was more then this moment.
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Happy without me (Wonho POV)
Do you think about me sometimes?
'Cause I think about you sometimes
You can’t hold my heart no more (Rojina POV)
And, there's nothing that I can say at all
You can't hold my heart no more
And I'm waiting for your arms to fall
You can't hold my heart no more
11 pm
“Hi” your heart sank. It hurt so much hearing his voice again. Your eyes watered immediately; you took a deep breath holding the phone away, so he didn’t hear you.
“Wonho if you’re ringing to try and apologise, I’d rather just not hear it”
“Just tell me you’ve been ok-ay” your voice broke a little.
“STOP SAYING MY NAME! Just tell me you’ve been okay I don’t want excuses and that nonsense bullshit Wonho” you were crying. You hated this, you hated showing him that you struggled without him.
“I’m sorry, I know you’ve been worried I’ve asked the boys about you every week, I don’t think you’ll understand anything I explain to you now”
You stayed silent. Your heart was in pain, his voice made you so mad but so happy and relieved.
You were both still silent.
“I missed you” he whispered in the phone, you could hear the sniffles from the other side of the call.
“I just need time” he spoke again each time his voice getting weaker.
“I have to go… thanks for remembering me… but I’ve moved on now Wonho, I can’t stand holding my heart away from other people anymore just because I’m depending on you to come back and hold it for me and protect it, because I trusted you with my heart once and this is how you treated it”
The phone stayed silent; it was just sobs coming from Wonho.
“Mm” he agreed, he had no words.
“It was nice knowing you Wonho, I hope you finally figure out what you need to figure out”
You ended the phone call, you laid on the floor, your heart hurt, the tears were never ending.
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If you need someone who can love you while he's gone
Baby, you got my number, got my number, whoa
When you realize it ain't him that's on your mind
12 pm
You saw your phone buzz again, you wiped your tears and opened it with a racing nervous heart. Your heart was relieved to see Kihyun’s appear on your screen.
K: Hi, are you okay? I just wanted to see how you were.
Your heart fluttered again, you hesitated.
R: Please come here.
K: Why?
R: I just need you..
K: I’ll be over soon.
You were nervous, you’ve never felt so many emotions within one hour.
You heard your doorbell ring and you quickly ran to the door. You wiped any left-over tears before you opened the door. He stood there with a bag in his hands, his black hoodie and his face bare. He dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. He rubbed your hair as you started to sob again. His hoodie was soft, and it smelt fresh. You held on to his hoodie hoping he would never let go.
“Don’t cry please” he pulled you away and you giggled a little feeling embarrassed that you cried so easily.
“I told you anytime, no matter what, you have my number and you can call me, and I’ll be right over” he held your shoulders and looked at you with a worried expression.
You both sat on the couch, you put your head on his shoulder and stared out into your own thoughts.
“You know he did text us every week but… he told us not to tell you”
You nodded already knowing the situation.
“I would be saying to forgive him right now but I also have to worry about my own feelings right now to, you know?”
You looked up at him confused.
“since that night together… you have been on my mind and even before that and ill keep hiding my feelings to step away from you and wonho but-“
You cut him off by pecking his lips, he was talking too much for your brain right now. His face was bright red this time.
“I know how you feel and I know that I feel something too but you just have to give me more time” you managed to finially say. He nodded biting his lip, looking down at his hands. You grabbed his hands and leaned against him weakly. He moved his arm out of the way and let your head fall into his lap. Your felt all sorts of things but this moment was definetly making you feel at ease. He did something to your heart that you hadn’t felt before, warmth and safeness.
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Bye bye its late.
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