#thinking of them having to put a last name down on papaerwork and they just make it minecraft
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They strollin to the square for important business (Zenix wishes to torment the traders again)
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larryssunflower · 6 years
TRR AU- You Opened My Eyes
Pairing- Drake and Mc (Elle Garden)
Fake relationship girlies!!
Nsfw eventually (not this chapter)
tagging-Tagging my usuals, if you don’t want to be tagged, just let me know! - @simplyaiden-blog @butindeed @mfackenthal @confessionsofabrokegirl @american-duchess @drakelover78 @monosodiumglutamateme @crookedslimecreatorpasta @mrsdrakewalkerblog @traeumerinwitzhelden @gardeningourmet @speedyoperarascalparty  @agent-zephyrkah @snyggflicka
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Elle’s Pov-
The ancient elevator creaks as it finally reaches my floor, and I step out, sighing and rubbing my forehead in exhaustion, my limbs feeling like lead. Another full night shift at the hospital working in the maternal unit. Apparently pregnant women love to give birth at three in the morning. I drag myself down the hallway, dropping my heavy bag at the door when I reach my apartment. I jiggle my bronze key in the old door, trying to get it at the right angle to eventually unlock it, grabbing my bag and pushing it open with my shoulder. I smack right into someone, making me yelp, jumping back. “What the fu-“ I start in surprise, my hand to my racing heart. On the ground in a crumped heap, blushing furiously, is a brunette girl in a sparkly black dress, smudged makeup and ruffled hair.
Oh another one of Drake’s girls. How sweet. I clear my throat awkwardly. “Heh. Sorry about that,” I say reaching my hand out for her. She smiles and grabs my hand gratefully. “Thank you,” She says in a sweet southern voice, wobbling slightly on her heels. “It’s no problem,” I say, smiling slightly. “I usually don’t do this kinda thing- ya know- one night stands, but Drake is just- different,” She gushes, as if she needs to explain herself to me. Oh poor girl. You have no idea what you just set yourself up for. I’m about to give her he bad news when she speaks up. “Well, Drake never told me his roomate was a gorgeous blonde,” she says, laughing and tucking her hair behind her ear bashfully.
“Aw you’re sweet, but seriously don’t feel threatened, Drake and I... would never happen,” I assure her, and she smiles warmly. “Okay well, I need to make it to my lecture,” She says, and I quickly move out of the way for her. “Oh yeah yeah, go ahead.” I smile, and she passes me gratefully, waving when she turns around the corner. I sigh, bending down to grab my bag and walk into our apartment. I hate that Drake is always hurting good girls like that. They don’t deserve it.
I kick the door shut behind me, and drop my keys and bag on the counter, slipping off my shoes. I groan in pain, shuffling down the hall to the bathroom, desperate for a shower.
After cleaning up and having a short nap, around noon I walk back into the kitchen, my stomach twisted in hunger. On the couch, not very far away sits Drake, scribbling on papaerwork, looking stressed. “Hey,” I mumble, opening the fridge door. “Hey Garden,” he mumbles back. I put together a sandwich silently, still half asleep. “ I met your friend this morning,” I say pointedly, slathering butter on the whole wheat bread. Drake chuckles.
“Heh. So you met... Amber- or was it Julie...” Drake says, stuttering and thinking to himself. I scoff, rolling my eyes. “You don’t even remember her name?” I ask, not with suprise but disgust. “Hey in my defense I was highly intoxicated last night,” Drake states, making me roll my eyes again. I plate my sandwich and plop down next to him on the couch. “Preying on poor college freshman in bars is really messed up-“ “-Shit!”Drake cuts me off, a look of pure horror on his face. “What? did you just realize what a monster you are?” I ask, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
He turns to me, his eyes wide. “Next friday is Christmas!” He says with dismay and I nod slowly. “What’s your point?” I say, squinting my eyes at him. “I- I made a bet with Liam that I would have a serious girlfriend by Christmas,” Drake says, looking down with a look of disbelief on his face.
“That was a dumb bet,” I snort, taking another bite of my sandwich. “You know I can’t lose to Liam,” he says seriously, and I look over at him. “Well you better find a girlfriend fast then,” I say, shaking my head. Drake and I have known each other since middle school, so I know his family really well. They are basically my family. His brother, Liam, has always been outshining Drake, being the star football player with a 4.0 gpa. They are always trying to find ways to compete and almost all the time the competition gets really serious.
“Elle, I can’t just go onto the street and beg some girl to be my girlfriend.” Drake says, running his hand through his hair, agitated. “Just call up Julie or whatever her name is then,” I say simply. “You know that everyone will be asking questions. She doesn’t even know my last name! I need someone who knows me.“ he mumbles, looking throughly worried, as he runs his hand through his hair, looking down.
I can’t feeling a pang of pity. His and Liam’s dynamic is pretty intense. And Drake almost never ‘wins’ their competitions, always making him feel self conscious. Thinking, I bite my lip. I sigh, looking up in annoyance at myself and my selfless ways. “What if we pretended to be dating?” I suggest, and he turns to me in shock. “W-What?” He asks. “Drake, we’ve known each other for years, and your family already loves me. We can just pretend while you visit them for the holidays then tell them we broke up after New Years. No biggie,” I say, shrugging. Drake thinks it over for a minute before slowly nodding. “Alright, sounds like a plan,” he grins.
Three days later:
Drake and I hop out of the taxi, grabbing our suitcases out of the back. “Thank you!” I say through the window to the taxi driver who just nods before pulling away. Drake and I start walking towards the check-in desk at the airport. Once the sliding doors open, Drake and I groan in unison, throwing our heads back at the huge lines and crowds.
“I hate Christmas,” I mumble as we make our way to our airline desk. I feel a hand on my arm, and I look over at Drake leading me away from the people. “What are you..?” I start but he shushes me, stopping at a secluded spot behind the lines, zipping open his suitcase. “I have an idea,” he whispers, still hunched over his now open suitcase. I just sigh, rubbing my forehead in exasperation. He finally stands up, handing me the deflated shell of a soccer ball, folded onto itself, creating a half spheric shape . “What do you want me to do with this?” I ask, turning it around in my hands. He zips up his suitcase wordlessly, before grabbing the soccer ball and shoving it under my jacket, right in front of my stomach.
I jump back, my hand on it. “What the fu-“ I start, but a women passing by cuts me off. “Congratulations!” She says, pointing at my stomach. It’s suddenly dawns on me. I shoot a quick glare at Drake, who has a smirking to himself, and plaster a fake smile on my face. “Thank you ma’am,” I say kindly, and she nods, wobbling away.
I near Drake, pointing a finger at his face angrily. “No! I’m not doing this,” I say sternly in a hushed tone, about to rip the ball out from my clothes, but he stops me. “Everyone gives pregnant ladies perks! Come on, if we want to make our flight this is our only option.” He says and I just glare at him for a minute.
“Fine. But I’m taking it off as soon as we land,” I grumble, snatching up the handle of my suitcase. “Yes ma’am,” Drake grins in triumph, following me. We get to the right lane, which also happens to be one of the longest lines. I take a deep breath before tapping the shoulder of an elderly couple near the front. “I’m so sorry, but could we please jump up front with you? We might miss our flight back home, and someone needs to come out soon!” I say in a fake but friendly tone, patting my stomach. The old couple’s faces light up with understanding. “Oh of course! Go right ahead!” The man says graciously, motioning for us. We gratefully go in front of them. “Good luck!” The wife chuckles, patting my shoulder. I chuckle lightly “thanks!” I say with a grin. “May god bless you,” Drake says kindly, making their faces light up with smiles. I have to force myself not to roll my eyes.
“‘May god bless you’? Seriously?” I whisper to Drake who just shrugs, grinning. He’s enjoying this too much. We get called up front and quickly check in our bags. We grab our boarding passes and make our way to security.
Amazingly, we pass through quickly, the bored tsa workers waving us through. Soon enough, we’re sitting on the plane, waiting to take off. I barely manage to strap in myself over the ridiculous ball. Drake snickers as he watches me adjust in my seat, trying to get comfortable. I shoot him a glare once again. “I swear to god I’m going to get you back for this Walker,” I snarl quietly, before going through my purse, grabbing my headphones.
The flight to Montana is short, I mostly just listen to my music, trying to block out Drake and his comments like “oh Elle do you want complementary champagne? Oh wait... you can’t!” His stupid satisfied smirk on his face. We finally make it off the plane, heading to the arrivals terminal.
“My mom sent me a text saying to look for a sign with our names and large red balloons,” Drake says, making me laugh. “Only Bianca,” I say to myself, shaking my head. I freeze. “Shit, my fake bump!” I whisper to Drake, who widens his eyes. “Fuck, go change in the bathroom,” He says, motioning to the nearest restrooms. I nod, heading that way quickly. Once I get into the stall I take the soccer ball out from under my jacket, and stuff it into my purse.
I take a deep breath, hoping no one saw me as I exit the stall. I quickly wash my hands, and rush to the door. I nearly bump into a woman on my way out. “Sorry!” I say apologetically and she just smiles. “No problem...” she starts and my gut drops as I realize it’s the same woman as before. The one who let us cut in line. Her eyes wander down to my now (nearly) flat stomach, her smile fading.
“Okay bye!” I say quickly, rushing past her. I run back up to Drake, breathing heavily. “Go go go!” I chant breathlessly, snatching my suitcase and his eyes widen, sprinting away with me. Once we are a safe distance away, I sigh with relief. “What?” Drake asks, eyeing me. “The woman who let us up in line bumped right into me after I took the ball out,” I say, gasping for air. “No shit!” He says, a grin forming on his face. “Come on, lets get out of here,” I say, laughing lightly at our bad luck.
As we near the sliding door, I start to get nervous and slow down. “I’m not sure if this is right...” I trail off, my stomach twisting nervously. Drake slows down and stops next to me, the door to the arrivals a couple feet away. “Come on Elle, it’s only for a couple days.” Drake implores. “We’ve come this far. We both know you don’t have any family to spend the holidays with, and they love you.” He says, and I nod. “Yeah all I have to do is pretend that I like you in that way, vice versa. No big deal,” I say, making him nod. “Y-yeah no big deal,” he nods. I take in a deep breath. “Okay let’s do this,” I say and we start walking, the automatic doors starting to open. Drake suddenly grasps my hand, making me look up in suprise. He just raises his eyebrows, his eyes telling me to go with it. I get the message, intertwining my fingers with his.
We look around the crowd, before quickly spotting red balloons. We make our way over, and our welcoming group comes into view. Bianca stands, holding the large sign with our names, Savannah grins at us, her toddler Bartie on her hip, and Liam is smiling, his arm around his girlfriend Olivia. We grin as we walk up to the group. “What’s up little man?” Drake says, poking Bartie gently on his stomach, making him giggle, cuddling closer to his mom.
Bianca turns to me, her expression warm, her chocolate eyes on mine. “Hello Elizabeth,” She says fondly, opening up her arms. I smile, dropping my bags, hugging her tightly. She’s one of the only people who I let call me by my full name. “Hey Bianca,” I grin, enjoying her aroma of nutmeg and cinnamon. She pulls away, resting both her hands on my shoulders. Ever since my mom died when I was fourteen, she was there, taking care of and loving me.
“I’m glad you’re here sweetheart. I’m even more glad that you and Drake are finally together!” She exclaims, making both me and Drake laugh awkwardly. ”She’s right! It’s about time!” Savannah jumps in, making me smile politely, guilt prickling within me.
I hug her anyway, minding the toddler holding tightly onto her. “it’s good to see you,” she says to me, a kind smile on her face. “Yeah, I’ve missed you!” I say. I then turn to Liam, who I hug tightly. Once we part he shakes his head. “Wow! and I thought Drake could never have an actual girlfriend let alone you, but here you are!” Liam says in disbelief. I just laugh, nodding. My laugh dies in my throat as an arm snakes around my waist, a hand resting protectively on my hip. “Well Liam, sometimes people change,” Drake says from my side, cocking his head slightly as he looks at Liam. Challenging him. They stare each other down for a moment, until Olivia breaks in.
“Im usually for any fighting or drama, but it’s Christmas and you guys promised Bianca you wouldn’t fight,” She says, crossing her arms. They nod, clearing their throats and looking away. She turns to me, her stony expression gone. “Ugh men. Always fighting for no reason,” She says, making me chuckle. “Hey you,” She says, a grin on her face. “Long time no see!” I say, hugging her. “Yeah last time we hung out, I was still crushing on this loser,” She says jokingly, bumping her elbow against to Liam. He just grins. “What can I say? I’m irresistible,” He says, shrugging. Olivia rolls her eyes, a small smile on her face. “Well, should we head home?” Bianca suggests, making us all mumble in agreement, turning and heading to the parking lot.
Two hours of being squished into Pam (an old, red suv hat has been the family car since the beginning) later, we arrive to our destination, snow swirling around us. “Home sweet home,” Drake says beside me, and I nod, a warm feeling of nostalgia bubbling up in me. We all get out, Liam grabbing our bags out for us from the trunk. Drake rolls his eyes, trudging after them into the house. I follow them after taking a deep breath.
I can do this.
I climb up the worn stairs of the porch and as soon as they open the door, out comes a blur of yellow which leaps right into me, knocking me over onto the wood porch. “Oh! Hey boy!” I say in surprise. Ziggy, the family Labrador Retriever, licks my face aggressively, his tail wagging quickly back and forth.
“You better get him off before he does your job for you,” Liam says, elbowing Drake with a grin, who sends him a glare before hauling the excited dog off me. “Come on Zig,” He says as Liam grabs his collar, holding him back. Drake then offers his hand to me. I smile in thanks and take it as he helps me up. “Sorry about that, I think he missed you,” Drake laughs, and I look down at the excited brown eyes of the dog. “Ya think?” I ask, chuckling. The rest of the group laughs as they make their way inside, Liam dropping our bags at the base of the staircase for us. I hear the crackling of the fireplace as I follow the rest of the group into the living room. I’m taken aback by the sheer amount of red, Green and gold as soon as I enter. It’s heavily decorated, paper chains and stockings hung up, a twinkling Christmas tree to the side of the lit fireplace.
On one of the couches is my old friend Maxwell. “Aye!” Maxwell shouts as he scrambles up, hugging me tightly. “What’s up Maxwell? It’s been forever!” I say excitedly, hugging him back. “Yeah what the fuck is up with that?” He asks, his eyes not too different from Ziggy. “Language!” Savannah says under her breath, walking in and settling Bartie down onto the couch. “What the fuck!” Bartie suddenly says with delight, giggling at his mothers horrified face. The rest of the adults laugh, also settling down onto the couches.
I sit down beside Drake, watching with amusement as Savannah scolds Maxwell. “I can’t believe you too are finally together! I mean, I could tell from the beginning that you guys would end up screwing each other,” Liam says with amusement, making Drake choke as I widen my eyes at him. “We were fourteen you pervert!” I say incrediously. He just shrugs, a knowing smile on his face.
“Okay guys. Give them some air! I’ll show them their room, and then I’m sure they can come down and join us for a bit before bed,” Bianca interrupts, and Liam backs up a bit. “See you guys later?” Drake says, and they all nod before starting their own conversations and with that we start walking upstairs.
“I thought we were going to stay at a hotel or something,” I say quietly to Drake as we go upstairs. “You know my mom would never let us,” Drake whispers back, as we reach the landing. Bianca opens a familiar door at the end of the hall, revealing a small room with a double bed and posters hung around the walls. Drake’s old room. “It’s not as big as you probably remember it, but I hope it’s okay,” Bianca says, as we put our bags down. “No! No it’s great Bianca thanks,” I grin, and she nods. “Well come on down in a bit if you want, no rush,” she smiles, before going back downstairs.
Drake turns to me, a slight grin on his face. “You’re sleeping on the floor,” I say, with a deadpan expression. He just nods, smiling to himself as he puts a blanket and pillow on the ground. I place my bag down, glancing around the room. “This is your old room right?” I ask, turning to him. He looks up, nodding. “Yeah, mom has definitely changed it to make it more of a guest room,” he says absentmindedly as he rummages through his bag. I look at an old cork board over his desk, pictures and medals hung on them. He used to be on the swim team, and was pretty fast, but Liam’s football always won the attention. My fingers graze over a picture pinned of me and Drake when we were fourteen.
We are in a tree, Drake on the branch lower than me, laughing as he looks up at me, and it looks like I’m obnoxiously screaming something to the camera. I can’t help the smile that forms on my face. “We look so young,” Drake says, sounding close behind me. I nod, turning to look at him. I feel the urge to back up when I realize how close he is to me, less than a couple inches away. I look up at his dark eyes for a moment.
“Yeah, That- that was a long time ago,” I say, pushing past him gently. I pause at the door, looking back. “Let’s go downstairs, I’m sure they want to see us,” I say, and he nods, his back to me. I start walking downstairs and I hear him following.
What do you guys think? Do you want to read more? Let me know! ☺️
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