#think i'm crazy? stay a while { luka interactions }
shininginyourlight · 1 year
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@stellanimarum​ sent: Birthday kisses for the birthday boy 😘😘 from Ves
Without paying much attention, suddenly Luka had a pair of lips against the side of his head, and then his cheek. Turning his head to look Vesemir’s way, he’d blink up at him in mild confusion before having him kiss his lips as well.
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“The fuck’re you doin’, weirdo?” He guessed it was his birthday. Least Ves was being sweet about it this go around, rather than immediately just opening today with stupid, juvenile pranks.
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nothingherebutlight · 3 years
@stellanimarum sent: ❝  i want you, you, and nothing but you. miles and piles of you.  ❞ Ves for Luka :D
“Now you’re just starting to sound needy. Quite the turn off, love,” Luka would tease, grinning up at him. Pushing himself up slightly, he’d peck Vesemir on the lips before letting him fall back down onto the bed. 
He always did love when they accidentally came across each other. Their nightly shags in the shoddy inn beds were always his favorite, having to make the other patrons listen to the aggressive squeaks of the bed. Perhaps then the innkeeper may put forth the effort into making the beds a bit better.
“Does that mean we’ll be staying with each other a bit longer than usual this time?”
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feminaexlux · 3 years
Marinette’s Luckiest Charm 10: Knit
So much for WIPril. Oh well 🥲
Read on AO3 here!
While Kagami was putting on a brave face after Adrien left, Marinette hadn't been so sure that Kagami was really as calm as she pretended to be. "Hey Kagami, Luka, maybe we can go to the arcade after this? It's not time to go home yet, right?" Marinette smiled, hoping the suggestion didn't come across as awkwardly as she thought it sounded in her head.
"Sounds good to me," Luka said affably. Thank goodness he was willing to roll with it. Marinette didn't doubt that Luka understood the intention behind Marinette's request.
"I… might enjoy that," Kagami said shyly, a small smile touching her lips. "Thank you. I would have left with Adrien in an hour but… I have more time than that if I request it. I'd like to spend more time with the both of you."
They finished off their floats and took a subway to the arcade, talking about the experience at the archery range. Kagami explained more about archery forms and her past competitions and how she prepared for them, with Luka listening in and absorbing all she said and asking clarifying questions. Marinette wasn't able to keep much of an interest but it was great to see Luka and Kagami interacting like friends as Marinette had always hoped they'd do.
They spent about 2 hours at the arcade before Kagami got a notification that her mother wanted her back home. Marinette and Luka said goodbye as Kagami stepped into Tatsue, and then rode the subway back to the bakery.
"I think Kagami will be fine," Luka said. "I sorta got the sense she was prepared for this."
Marinette sighed. "Yeah, I guess. It probably still sucks for her though."
"It probably does. But if you both want we can keep hanging out and spend more time together. Well," Luka then shrugged sheepishly. "I guess you can do that without me."
"No, it was great to see you two talking with each other. I want you two to be friends!" Marinette beamed up at him. "Thanks for hanging out."
"It's what I'm here for."
"To hang out?"
"To hang out with you," Luka smiled. "But I've taken up enough of your time. I'll head out. See you tomorrow." He leaned over and kissed her.
Marinette waved him off as he went back down to the subway. Marinette's parents welcomed her back and the family ate their dinner together. Marinette finally got back to her room and… something felt off. Her first instinct was to look for the Miracle Box, but it was hidden away under her sewing supplies, only… Only she had recently pulled out the Bee, hadn't she? She was wondering if she needed to find a new bearer for the Bee and had no idea who to give it to. She'd been toying with the idea of handing it off to Juleka before the date, but she had to set it aside to leave on time. Where had she left it?
Had she taken it out?
There was a thunk on her balcony roof. Hmm, she had actually expected him but it still gave her a little trepidation that he'd arrived now. She'd have to search for the Bee later, if she'd even taken it out at all, she must have just misplaced it somewhere like she did everything else! Marinette climbed up her ladder and opened the hatch to the balcony.
Chat Noir was perched on her railing. She hadn't expected him as Chat. "Ch-Chat Noir?"
"Hey." Chat said that so softly Marinette almost didn't hear.
She made her way out onto the balcony proper and leaned on her railing next to him. "Are you alright?" Chat didn't answer except for a shrug. "Kagami said it felt like you two broke up."
He turned to face her, looking surprised. "What do you mean?"
"The way you left today. She said it was the end for you two."
Chat laughed a little bitterly. "Yeah. I guess. And now you know who I am."
"Chat Noir would never give up his Miraculous to someone he didn't trust. And you didn't hand it to me. Kagami wouldn't give up Longg to anyone she didn't trust. It had to be you, Adrien."
"Surprise." He sighed. "I wish I told you earlier."
"You tried, remember?"
"Ugh, sorry. Not that way. In a nicer way," Chat sighed.
"It's… alright. What did you want to talk about, Chat?" Marinette tried to keep the question neutral but she was thinking he'd start talking about Kagami.
"I found my mother."
Marinette reeled back in shock. "Oh, oh my gosh, that's so…" Good? Exciting? Why did it sound like Chat was mourning? Was it bad news?
"My father is keeping her in some… life support thing. In a secret basement. A secret basement I didn't know we had!" Chat growled. "I thought she disappeared and she's been right under our noses, literally, for the past year and a half? How crazy is that? And why? Why would he do this?" Chat Noir slammed a fist against his thigh. "I hate this. I hate all of this. I can't believe he'd lie to me, I can't believe he'd just let me think that my mother was dead. I can't believe he and Nathalie are… some kind of together. I can't believe he put Mom in some suspended animation tube capsule thing in a garden underneath our house!" Chat let out a breath. "I needed Plagg back. I needed something to make sense. So yeah, I think Kagami and I are done. Or whatever. But I can't handle anything right now."
"I'm… so sorry," Marinette said softly. "What can we do?"
"I was gonna ask you that. I don't know, I really don't know. Somehow maybe I find myself wondering if my father is Hawkmoth after all? This seems like such a supervillain set up, you know?"
"But he'd been akumatized before? As the Collector?"
"Yeah, I guess." Chat hung his head in exhaustion. "I don't know anything anymore, Milady."
"Well, no matter what happens, if Gabriel is Hawkmoth or not, we'll find a way to set things right together. We'll figure out how to save your mom. I promise," Marinette said as gently as she could, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. He turned toward her to put his head on her shoulder.
Except that wasn't what he did.
He had leaned in to kiss her.
Their lips had barely brushed before she shoved him and leapt away yelling out a "NO!"
"Sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't--I didn't…" Chat stuttered, clinging to the railing to prevent falling out onto the street after he lost his balance.
Marinette covered her mouth with both hands but gasped out a "Wh-why?"
"I…! I…" Chat gulped and stared down at his hands. He let out a breath and his entire body sagged, drooping down to hang his arms and chin over the railing. "You were the first girl I fell in love with. I saw you being so brave and courageous when you told Hawkmoth that you'd protect Paris. I thought 'there's a girl who has a plan and knows what to do and she isn't afraid of doing the right thing.' Whoever you were behind the mask, that's who I wanted to be with." He lifted his head slightly to look at her. "I still do."
Marinette looked at Chat for a long moment before shaking her head. "I can't do this." She turned around to open her hatch and go back down into her room.
"Wait!" Chat leapt over the railing and grabbed her arm before she dropped down. "Please, wait."
"Chat. Don't touch me."
"Wh… what?"
"I said don't touch me!" Marinette yelled, wrenching her arm from his grip. She crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself tight. She looked around, anywhere but at Chat, and after a few tense moments she sighed. "What is it, Adrien?" She still wasn't looking at him.
"I'm… just scared. I really am sorry, please you have to believe me. I know this sounds like an excuse but it's the truth. You just… seem to have it together and… I really wanted to… have that too."
In that instant Marinette heard Luka's voice in her head: "Cool story. Still wrong." She laughed softly to herself, tinged with a little bit of bitterness of her own.
Oh no. Luka.
She had to tell him.
"I… know this is going to sound bad, but. I don't know where else to go, Marinette. You're the only one I trust."
Marinette looked up at Chat Noir, her forehead wrinkled with lines of worry and questioning. She searched his eyes and knew he was miserable. She took in a deep breath and let it out. "Okay. You wanna stay here for tonight?"
Not trusting himself to say anything, Chat nodded.
"Okay. Let's go back inside." Marinette silently prayed that she was doing the right thing. She dropped down to her bed, leaving her balcony hatch open so Chat Noir would follow. Marinette went down to her desk and… and there was something that she'd been doing before… looking for…
Well, whatever.
She needed to call Luka anyway. Marinette pulled out her phone and her last screen had been sending a text to Sabrina that it was alright to go in and pick up the group project. Oh, that must have been it, duh.
"Hey, Marinette?"
She flicked her eyes up at Chat Noir only for an instant. She looked back down at her phone and… she didn't feel like she wanted to call right now, so she pulled up Luka's texts and started typing. "Yeah?"
Chat took in a breath and started saying something but bit it back. "Thanks." She heard him sit down on her bed. "Claws in," he said quietly.
Good, it sounded like he was going to stay up on her bed. That was fine, she was hoping to get some more homework done at her desk anyway.
"Are you going to tell Luka?" Adrien asked.
"Yeah, I am."
"You… don't have to. It won't happen again. We can keep it between us."
Luka's voice was in her head again. "You can tell me everything, or nothing if you prefer." She nodded to herself. "I'm not telling him because I have to, Adrien. I'm telling him because I want to. He's important to me."
Adrien was silent for a few heartbeats. "Alright," he said, sounding defeated.
M: Chat Noir is here, he's
M: not doing okay
After a few moments she saw that he was typing back.
M: he tried to kiss me
L: Oh? Is he
L: What???
She was in the middle of typing out "it's okay, I stopped him" when she saw another message pop in.
L: I trust you
L: Hope you're okay
She felt tears falling from the corners of her eyes. Marinette was surprised by that. Maybe she wasn't okay after all.
HAH take that canon
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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@stellanimarum​ sent: "too rough for you?" Ves for Luka because of course tastes like candy | accepting
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“Godsdamn, Ves--” Luka hated sparring with this bastard. Of course, that was never all it was. It was means to get him ready to go back on the path. He definitely... had a tendency to slack off during the winter. And most of the year, but who was really counting.
He was rusty, and that was what was being worked on. He needed to be back on his game if he didn’t want to end up a meal for a kikimore.
“Really gotta be that much of an arse about it?”
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shininginyourlight · 1 year
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@stellanimarum​​ sent: ∗ 14﹕ a  text  sent  while  half  asleep . Luka and Ves the other line | accepting
He’d woken up, only to find that Vesemir wasn’t beside him. God where was that idiot? Wherever he was, Luka was pretty damn annoyed with the fact that he was anywhere but there. Begrudgingly picking up his phone, he’d start sending him a bleary eyed text.
[ TXT   —   VES ]: not here? y? where the fuck r u? [ TXT   —   VES ]: stupid
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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@stellanimarum​ sent: 🤗   - to hug your muse .Ciri gives Luka a hug 🤣 misc action meme | accepting
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Luka was surprised by the affection. He seldom got anyone really getting close to him like this. Vesemir? Practically every day? But the casual, familial shit? That was basically never.
“Hey, kid,” He greeted softly. “What’s this for?”
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shininginyourlight · 7 months
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@stellanimarum sent: "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." Ves for Luka prompts for suspicious circumstances | accepting
Scowling over toward Vesemir, Luka listlessly shrugged his shoulders at him. What did it matter to him? Christ, he was home now wasn't he? He hadn't even been gone that long, had he? Looking to the clock, he was quick to realize that he actually had no idea when he left.
Well, it'd been light out when he left. It was dark now. That could've meant he was gone for a few hours, or half the day. Hell if he knew which it was, though. And so he'd just look at Ves again, repeating the shrug.
"Home now, aren't I?"
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shininginyourlight · 1 year
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@stellanimarum​ sent: ‘don’t make that face. i’m telling the truth.’  Ves for Luka distrust prompts | accepting
Sure, he was. That wasn’t difficult to realize, but that hardly mattered to Luka. It was still bizarre to hear at every point. Compliments in any form were just lost on him. Side-eyeing Vesemir briefly, he’d roll him again a moment later.
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“Just shut up about it. I don’t even know what you’re expecting me to say when you spout off shit like that.”
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shininginyourlight · 1 year
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@stellanimarum​ sent: ❛ you’re important to me, you little shit. ❜ Ves for Luka naturally platonic sentence starters | accepting
“Yeah, I know. And you’re really fuckin’ annoying with it,” Luka practically snarled, arms crossed as he was gradually beginning to sink in his seat. He didn’t want to hear shit from Vesemir. Oh he was so important to him. Good for him.
Wasn’t gonna change the fact that he was pissed about what’d happened.
“I can take care’a myself. Don’t need you babysittin’ me.”
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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Flicking a dagger from his pack, Luka would toy with it absently. Amber eyes narrowed. Of course someone had to poke their nose in. Really couldn’t just let sleeping dogs lie, could they?
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“Problem?” He’d asked, tone challenging. If they pushed, he’d fight, but as it was? Luka didn’t want to give reason to get the town all the more pissed at him for. “Not difficult to tell you’ve been eyein’ me.”
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shininginyourlight · 2 years
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nothingherebutlight · 3 years
@stellanimarum | x
“Not giving me much a choice then, hm?” Luka eyed the cup of liquor in front of him. Did his presence bother the human so much, then? He reached out, though, to bring the cup up to his lips. It wouldn’t take him much to down it all in one go.
“I’m allowed t’stay then? Or are you going t’add in more conditions?”
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nothingherebutlight · 2 years
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@stellanimarum​ sent: ” this is why we can’t have nice things, Luka. “ Vesemir this is why we can’t have nice things | accepting
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“Hey-- you can’t seriously blamin’ this on me,” Oh, this absolute fucker. If he was really putting this on him, Ves was gonna have it comin’. 
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nothingherebutlight · 3 years
@stellanimarum | x
Luka nodded his head proudly, stretching his legs out and settling his back to the other end of the seats. Knowing Luka, he hadn’t been all too pleased by Vesemir’s overtly “quiet” time. He was in an attention hogging mood, that much was for absolutely certain.
“I’d like a certain pair of eyes on me. Not nearly taking a nap when you absolutely could be  having a lie down with me,” Not that it was by itself weird for Luka to want Vesemir’s attention, but even for him he’d been a little on the clingy side as of late. Most wouldn’t have bothered to point it out, given Luka was “always” like this, but even Sven had taken notice of how insatiable he’d been.
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nothingherebutlight · 3 years
@stellanimarum sent: “  upset?  why would i be upset?  ” Ves for Luka prompts for emotionally stunted idiots | accepting
There was a distinct pause, in which Luka found himself unable to answer. Why would he be upset? Why wouldn’t he be upset? They were supposed to be exclusively together, weren’t they? He was hoping Vesemir would take this well, but this felt like it was going too well.
“We’re... together, aren’t we? And I slept with others. That’s not right, and I regret it. I just-- it’s not like I ever thought of anyone else. It’s jus’ hard t’get that energy out even on your own, y’know?” It was rare for the young witcher to be flustered, but it was clear that he was bother confused and concerned.
“I feel like shit, and knew you’d end up upset with me,” His mother had been upset with his dad, after all. So much so that she’d taken out that anger on him and his older siblings.
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nothingherebutlight · 3 years
@stellanimarum sent: "Don't tell me you are already in the mood. Its too early for this." Ves for Luka. ;) morning after starters | accepting
Well, if that wasn’t just the biggest mood killer.
Luka would retreat at that, pouting with an irritation about him that wasn’t all too surprising. Fine, fine. If Vesemir was going to be a killjoy, then he’d stick to his side of the bed. Pulling one of his pillows to his chest, he’d use it as a means to cuddle with and put up a makeshift barrier between them.
“If anything, you should be amazed I’m awake at all, arsehole,”
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