#things will be ramping up again soonish!
qwanderer · 2 years
Between sharks, chores and the multiplication of chores via leaky appliances, I had no Sunday left for anything creative. I'll definitely make time for something tomorrow. Honestly if sharks are still the mood, I might stay home from work.
I know exactly what to buy and how to replace it to get my slow cooker to stop leaking because it's the crock. I loaded it unevenly once and it went *pop* and has had a slow leak ever since but it's getting to be a faster leak. Ordered a new crock today and will have to scrub down the inside of the casing.
Dishwasher is much more complicated. Since it's a countertop model I ordered a plastic drain tray to go under it until I can muster either the spoons to arrange a repair service or the time to disassemble the whole thing myself to investigate. I had hoped it was one of the hoses come loose but they seem fine and dry so it's probably deep in the guts of the thing and contacting an expert is probably the way to go here.
On a happier note I calculated out my PTO and I have like two weeks still to schedule! That's like two months of Wednesdays off and nice little bite sized two day weeks, which is my jam! I'm planning on starting those mid-july and continuing through mid-september if possible. At least then I should be able to catch up on chores and make time for creative stuff.
Very Excited about the new book! Should be getting feedback from my first pass editor soonish. If everything would just settle down and go smoothly around this apartment, maybe I'll have time to get some serious editing done even before I start taking my summer pto.
So far the alfalfa is doing okay in the jar, but I'm cautious of declaring victory too soon. I keep eating my sprouts when they're still little and then running out but hopefully soon I will have production ramped up far enough to meet consumption again. I miss those high volume harvests from the trays! Ah well, I'll figure it all out I'm sure.
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