#things and i'm done responding to/posting to all this albeit important stuff because i've said what i want to say and this says things
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queercapwriting · 8 years ago
Important reminders about identities in our communities and our fiction from @purplesaline​ (edited by me slightly, where indicated, to take out the personal context from which these are drawn).
“Lee made some really good points... I’d also like to understand why [someone’s] identity grants [them] the right to be the arbiter of how a character should be portrayed but someone who is also non-binary and gay isn’t allowed. In many... posts that I’ve read regarding this subject it consistently comes across as... being dismissive of Cap’s identity and othering them from the community. Additionally I’d like to know why [people] seem to think that if an autistic person asks for very specific things in a fic that is representative of their own lived experience it qualifies as bad representation because [someone else doesn’t] relate to it as an autistic person. Is it purely because the person doing the writing is neurotypical (or assumed to be)? I might be able to give more credit to that logic if they had done it of their own volition but they were essentially acting as a ghost writer. It’s sounding an awful lot like [people] are allowed to demand people represent an identity [they] inhabit in a way that [they] relate to but that other people who share the same identity but have a different lived experience than [others] aren’t allowed to ask for that shared identity to mirror them. [People in our communities sometimes] say that these other representations are harmful and problematic because they don’t fall in line with [everyone’s] lived experiences but in disclaiming those representations [it is] harming people. There is no single way to be any identity whether it’s a gender identity or a sexual orientation or neurodiversity or any other identity out there and because of that you’re going to find honest representations of that identity that can read as stereotypical because sometimes a persons lived experience of their identity falls in line with the stereotypes. It is unfair to invalidate their lived experience of their identity, it is harmful to invalidate their lived experience of their identity. What is problematic is not that that example of an identity exists but that there is not a more diverse sampling of the different ways people can inhabit the same identity. And as a final point I have a HUGE problem with [people] deciding that just because characters have been portrayed as having sex in canon that it negates any chance of them being portrayed as Ace forever after. Having had sex doesn’t not disqualify someone from being Asexual. There are many reasons why someone who is asexual might have sex, not least of which is that they hadn’t come to the realization that they were asexual. I think [people’s] arguments would hold more water if this was a discussion about the representation on the show itself rather than fan service fiction and would hold more water if the fanfic world was lacking in the very representation [some of us] claiming to be the ‘correct’ one but even if we just look at the microcosm of QCW’s fic library alone there are multiple fics representing each of a wide variety of identities. How [someone] can claim Identity Erasure when there are ten fics representing the canon identity to every one fic representing an alternate identity i really don’t understand. One of the biggest draws for people about fanfic is the ability to change canon in a way that allows them to relate more completely to the characters and/or the show and to me that’s one of the best things about it. To try to police that? You come across as an elitist gatekeeper deciding who is or is not worthy of gaining entrance to the VIP club. Doesn’t the LGBTQIA2+ community deserve better than that? We’ve already got far too many cishet people telling us that we’re not worthy of being in mainstream society, let’s not mirror their actions in our own community. While [people in our communities’] criticism of representation that [people] find harmful to [their] lived experience of [their] identity is certainly allowed, [the] policing of the way other people express and represent their own lived experiences of their identities (even if that is through a proxy) is unacceptable...”
“Okay so, first of all? Queer and Dyke? Some of us have gained a lot of empowerment from those words. I get that they are still being used as slurs and that they are really harmful to a lot of people still but this then becomes a case of “please don’t use that term in reference to me” and that’s cool but [people] don’t get to police how I, or anyone else, chooses to label themselves (or their incarnations of fictional characters). Sure [one] can point out that it’s possibly problematic because of the negativity still associated with it but it’s not a simple issue and a “You’re a bad person for using it how dare you” isn’t gonna cut it...
And look, I get that [people in our communities are] upset about what [they] see as stereotyping identities but the fact of the matter is that there are people who relate to those portrayals and by saying that it’s wrong to be portraying characters that way [people] are invalidating their experiences the same way [they] are feeling [their] own invalidated. The solution here isn’t a reductive one, but additive. Taking away representation because [not everyone] relate[s] to it is harmful to those who do relate to it. It’s definitely important to point out where representation is missing and that the experience portrayed isn’t indicative of everyone with that identity but instead of tearing someone down for trying and, if the comments left on these stories is any indication, succeeding in representing the experience for at least some, maybe try the approach of either a) asking for a representation that differs from what was already written or b) write [one’s] own. We need to avoid building ourselves up by tearing others down.
Now as for [people’s] point of a writer changing a canon lesbian into another identity if they don’t claim that identity themselves. That’s a complicated one. On one hand Cap is essentially acting as a proxy for a lot of people who want to see their head canon in writing and for various reasons can’t write it themselves and I see nothing wrong with that. These people trust Cap with their vision and from what I’ve seen most appreciate the results.
Changing the identity of a marginalized character is a bit trickier for sure. On one hand yah there aren’t enough canon lesbians on tv or in media in general but I don’t think fan service fiction is necessarily the place to be policing that. If for no other reason than [one] run[s] the risk of trampling over someone’s attempt to learn more about themselves through exploring these identities in fiction. I’m not trans and I’m not nb but I did go through a period in my life where I was seriously questioning my gender identity and writing about it was one of the ways I explored that about myself.
I think maybe the line there is the same one we tread with cultural appropriation. Changing a canon lesbian into a straight woman is blatantly problematic but changing them into an identity that is even more marginalized and has even less representation is maybe not as much of an issue. It’s human nature to want to take the thing we can most relate to and then change it so it reflects our experiences even more, which is why [we] see the gay characters being head canoned into ace characters etc.
Which isn’t to say that it’s not also problematic but I think that more than being problematic it’s just scary to see already slim representation being appropriated no matter who is doing it. I would honestly rather give someone who has no representation a portion of mine, however small mine may be, than them not having any at all especially knowing how much harder they would have to fight to claw anything away from the ‘mainstream’ than I would.
So yah, it’s not clear cut and there is no easy answer to that one but I’m certainly falling on the side of letting the even more marginalized appropriating canon lesbian characters and that it’s acceptable for someone to write outside their own identity especially if it’s fan service.
As for the pulse fic? Cap said they realized it was problematic and removed it which I think shows a great deal of character. Their intent for writing it in the first place though? Not off base. It’s natural for us to process grief through fiction, we do it all the time. Using a traumatic event in a story isn’t necessarily trivializing it, in fact it cam be incredibly helpful and healing for many people, author and readers alike. I read the fic in question and I didn’t see anything that stood out as being disrespectful. Obviously [people] saw differently and that dichotomy is going to echo on a larger scale as well and I think that this is another instance I prefer to err on the side of 'if it helps people then it’s acceptable’ and for those who would be harmed by it them we take the same action we would in other situations where content can be harmful like content or trigger warnings.”
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cardcaptor3 · 5 years ago
ok i know this is dumb and you probably don't feel comfortable with this but... what exactly is your opinion on hellpark, its server, and the anti hellpark server? i've seen you sent an ask to them and have been @ by them and i'm kinda confused? i know you aren't bad and you're just trying to live your life and that's cool! i just want to know you're stance.
kinda important post? i recommend reading it!
so i had these asks for like- a couple of weeks and to be honest i didn’t know how to respond to these as i feel like i didn’t have an appropriate response. but anon i don’t think your dumb for asking this! its understandable to be a bit concerned or confused on things so don’t feel bad (there's never bad or dumb questions!)
of course this is all my opinion! you don’t have to agree with any of them and i don’t see any of you guys doing that! i would like to know your guys’s opinions on these though! id love to have discussions on this or similar topics
not exactly sure which to address first ngl...
i guess i should state on my opinions on the antihellpark blog-
i feel like they have good intentions but the way they execute them isn’t the best. like i totally get their frustrations with the server but they don’t exactly clearify much? like they’re pretty vague about some stuff and it’s not a good look. i also feel as if they act a bit rude? especially with talking about anyone from the server (of course i could be reading the room wrong)- i feel like having an entire blog about this is really silly, like i feel as if it would be better to have just made a giant post rather than a blog...
as much as i love the tea, the tea has been getting cold and boring and i’m not so interested in it anymore
on hellpark itself it... its ok
i’m not as interested in it as i was when i first read it, the story’s direction isn’t one i’m looking forward to, some of how the character’s interpretations don’t make much sense, the character designs albeit fits the universe isn’t as... interesting? not exactly sure how to describe it... anyway- 
i’m just mainly not happy with the stories direction, so many lost opportunities and not many good ideas. not as enthusiastic with it. i know i probably shouldn’t critiq it since it’s not finished and the story is still going but... that's no excuse. people can critiq stories that aren’t finished, people do that with steven universe, homestuck, MANY animes and other stories. there isn’t anything wrong with it either because the creators can hear this criticism and learn and decide if they wish to follow those critiques. its just how shit goes
and for the server...
i don’t care about it anymore.
i used to be on the side that did not like the server and in a way i still do, its just i couldn’t care less and tbh i don’t exactly see myself joining it. ever? maybe just for updates and i never talk in the server (but i doubt id be joining 
there's many issues i see with it like the constant miscommunication, dogpiling, disrespect, and some issues with mods- at first i didn’t like it. i hated the server in fact and it shaped and changed my opinion on the au. but now taking some time to think about it and other things now i just don’t care about it. i don’t exactly care for the fans either really- or the fans i have in mind. some of them (not all mind you) get on my nerves! and from what i’ve seen and heard from others many seemed to have not liked me either BUT that happens in every large server- not everyone is gonna like you and your not gonna like everyone! and you know what? that's 100% ok!
of course i have some other issues like feeling anxious when talking in there as i have that fear of being dogpiled (again) and feeling as if i’m being pushed into a corner. there's also the fact i felt like i could never talk about my au’s as people would just ignore it and interrupt me and or make me force major changes to the story just cause they don’t like something in it or not.
though now at this point i’m just getting petty!
my stance? i don’t know- i guess i’m in the middle? while i get the reasoning on the blog i can also stand by the side of the server and the creator of the au if something affects me enough to care. like i know that its difficult to run such big servers and its probably stressful! i know everyone is trying their best and as both an ex fan and a critic i appreciate and respect that! i give big respect and applause to all the artist, voice actors, animators, mods, and wire for all the stuff they have done and will continue to do! and it can see why lots of people can enjoy the au AND the server!
the art is both unique but its still familiar to the south park artstyle, the characters have both a familiar vibe but since they’re older much has changed and it feels as if your meeting a cousin you only met once, the animation is beautiful and the comedy is pretty ok for being both a south park au and not having much of the crude humor it has.
a lot of the members of the server are friendly and yes while quite a few dogpile i know they mean no harm!, i have made a handful of friends there and i’m happy i met them! its well organized and the mods are friendly! there's so much to explore in it and it really was so much fun! especially when you’ve never joined these before! i understand why many people like it and will defend it and i’m so happy that people have these interests! it makes me happy hearing a friend tell me about it and showing me art! and even though i don’t care about the au or its server now i’m not gonna rain on people's parades!
like i said these are my opinions and all though i wish for you to read them and understand them i understand if you don’t agree- and you don’t have too! i encourage you to have YOUR own opinion! and i’m always willing to debate!
i recommended that you check hellpark out if you haven’t (though i know many have) its an interesting read and hell if you end up not liking the story like me at least the art is good!
ok i’m done jesus christ-
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