#theyve cleaned sun and moon's hands for them (
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chknbzkt · 2 years ago
Oh gosh I just read your comic where Sun falls(also unrelated but I love the way you draw them all), poor Moon(and probably Monty when he finds out) seeing that, will Sun be okay? Or is he...Well...Dead?
Oooo gentle yoink right in the heartstrings hereee we goooo
It was a Really high fall, and poor Sun landed right on his head where all his memory bits are
It’s bad. Those kids weren’t exaggerating, they’re screaming in horror at the mechanical equivalent to watching someone crack their head open like an egg after falling from the third story
And to say the damage was mostly irreparable would be underselling things a wee bit
It’s a Ship of Theseus situation, his engineers and idk, robot neurologists?? do what they can, but the majority of Sun’s memories and personality were destroyed alongside his old head. When they’re done he looks brand spanking new, but at what cost?
Moon and Monty are heartbroken. Monty has put a ton of dedication into his relationship with both of them, but it hits Moon harder because they’ve been there from the very start. When the first thing Sun asked upon seeing Moon for the first time in 2 months was “Heeello! My name is Sundrop! What’s yours?” it killed him. It ached, the sudden feeling of hollow loneliness. And the knowledge that they’d have to explain this to Monty.
Now this all seems depressing as shit, but this story carries themes revolving around togetherness and mutuality in the face of the worst circumstances.
Sun may be a blank slate for the most part, but he’s not naive or anything. Much more, I said a majority of his memories went kaput. Sunny has always been a social butterfly (it’s in his programming for goodness sake of course he would be), and despite how new everything feels everything in this daycare has this subtle but palpable sense of familiarity and nostalgia.
Which is to say nothing of the odd habits and compulsions to do things for reasons he doesn’t understand immediately. Things he can’t explain, but they feel right. Like ignoring his directive to tidy up balls of paper left by the kids because Moon likes batting them around and cleaning up after. Or pinning back the blankets draped over the back entrance to their room because Monty uses it and, bless his heart, keeps getting his scutes hung in them like a dumbass
It’s intriguing. Moreso whenever he gets the warm and fuzzies on the odd occasions he catches his shy and strangely avoidant moon-themed twin outside of working hours.
Not the warm and fuzzies he gets when his charges for the day flood through the daycare doors. A more personal and deep-rooted warm and fuzzies. A biting feeling that he knows this person, but he only met them briefly a few days ago.
And don’t get me started on the nifty gator that sneaks in during the wee hours of the night. He can’t make heads or tails of what they’re saying but he Knows there’s connections and he wants to know What.
I may never get around to drawing it, who knows we’ll se about story snippets here and there, but Sun essentially refamiliarizes himself with Moon and rebuilds the bond he shared with his sibling (he wants to know them SO BAD but they want space to process all the MEMORIES BETWEEN THEM THEYVE LOST AGSJSGSJSG), and on the other hand he falls in love with Monty all over again, this time instead of Monty vying for his attention, it goes the other way
Sun eventually learning the full scope of what caused all this. Him being drained, but also… relieved. But all throughout his journey to rediscover what was lost… finally relearning what made Moon so important to him and vice versa. Finally relearning why they both feel in love with this stupid gator and his stupid dumb lopsided smile and his stupid dumb glasses-
Him sitting them down and asking, begging to let him know them again. Because he feels so disjointed and off and he knows it’s because of them and he wants to fill the holes their absence has left. He wants to love them all over again.
You have rekindled many thoughts about this comic I made in a single night during a single discord livestream oh noooooo 😭💖
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smoosnoom · 2 years ago
can’t believe that i finally decided to comment all ur works that i read before daily compliments.
“let me steal this moment from you” became my first victim. tbh i haven’t read it since november i think?? and part of my brain which is responsible for memory is too occupied by remembering facts about u so i don’t remember plot sorry. this one is gonna be like the first time 🙏🏻
“If anything, it’s a miracle any of them are still awake and functioning.” no fr. they spent like a week in that uncomfortable van and the first thing they did after returning to hawkins is cleaned the cabin?? not even shower.
“At least it would save the catastrophe of seeing Argyle and Ted Wheeler interact.” ohh, i’d like to see that
“It’s blue. He imagines painting a yellow sun on it.” 🥺🥺 bc he’s yellow and sunshine and lights up every room he walks in. sorry i love him so much
“He wonders if he's more of a monster than a mistake.” ok i had 10 minutes tears break after that 🧍🏻‍♀️ maybe i Am crybaby idk
“He’s pretty sure it’s the first time they’ve laughed together since they’ve arrived back in Hawkins.” poor boys haven’t laughed in Weeks :( i wish i could fix everything for them
will wants to make “smalltown boy” with mike so bad and i can’t blame him. my boy deserves be as far away from hawkins as possible.
“He doesn’t have any time for self-doubt when Mike turns his hand over in Will’s grasp, until their hands are properly entwined” it’s all them. best friends, each other reassurance and safe space, soulmates if u want. i just love them ughhh. that’s why they hits so hard.
“we aren’t kids anymore” omg how do u exactly know where to put references?
“And we got to bury Jonathan in a bunch of sand, which was pretty fun.” oh wait!! i remember ur Fantastic fan art! writer And artist how talented u are!!
“Night Seven” ofc its night seven. love that it could have been 5+1 but it’s byler so it’s seven instead.
“and it seems to be the right move when Mike lets out an appreciative hum” my “naturally good kisser will” agenda never dies. he just knows what to do he didn’t need practice 🙏🏻
“He probably looks like a kissed-dumb idiot.” he is. good for him!
god, ilysm. ur so talented u have no idea. and u make me feel things.
i love that fic so bad and if u like it too u should thank moon for it!!
if it helps i dont even Remember most of "let me steal this moment", every time i click post it's like every associated memory just vanishes from my brain
im glad u get to experience it all over again i wish i could do the same with other fics </3
"the first thing they did after returning to hawkins is cleaned the cabin?? not even shower." U ARE SO RIGHT i thought abt that the first time i watched vol 2 like what do u mean u arent even going to change !!!! u have been in those close for Days !!!!
i almost did write a ted wheeler and argyle interaction . Almost
that is so real . will byers my sunshine sweetpie
so real and true ! i need these two far far away from hawkins and HAPPYYY
u get me !!!!!! theyve alwyas been best friends first and thats why they hit so different
oh god not the drawing 😭😭😭 can we pretend that Didn't happen . maybe . my artistry isnt grea t
IM SO HAPYPPYY U NOTICED !!!! night seven !!!! it was a seven !!!!!!!
will is just naturally good at it idk what to tell u . yes he has never kissed anyone Yes he is a loser yes hes also great as kissing . sorry
so honored to have made u feel things <3 alya my beloved it is Always the best day of my life whenever u decide to read something of mine :D
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ithisatanytime · 1 year ago
Spiderman Opening Theme (High Quality)
in those short couple of decades the so called nuclear age, radioactivity was set to explain everything! roughly half of the jewish comic book heros becoming popular at the time owed their powers to this new mysterious force, radioactive spiders, gamma rays, beta rays, mr fantastic, the sun and the moon and the stars. we were on the brink of a nuclear age! of nuclear weapons unlike the world had ever seen before and a new exciting form of power, NUCLEAR POWER. so you use some specially prepared plutonium or uranium or some radioactive isotope and you put it in a pool of water and that generates steam which turns a turbine and then you got power baby and clean too! nuclear waste is NOTHING compared to coal waste and there are far fewer greenhouse emissions as its generating power from steam not burning carbon, so why havent we adopted nuclear power wholesale? why do we instead choose to dig metric fucktons of coal out of the earth and burn it when we could get the same for a fraction of the labor, and a fraction of the cost with almost NO greenhouse gas emissions? why isnt greta thunberg screaming from the roof tops about this? its not chernoble or the three mile island incident i mean we still HAVE nuclear power plants all over but just not nearly as many as we have coal burning power plants, and do you know why? because it fucking SUCKS! thats why, its horribly inefficient way to produce steam let alone power, and the powers that be know it and they are as reliant as the power grid as we are so they fucking dropped it, told some horror stories and dropped it dont think about it too much. you see i could get the average man getting bored of the nuclear hype, but not industry, they would quietly make them anyway without giving a shit if the average man was entertained and sleep on piles of fucking cash, but its shit, everything nuclear was exaggerated. many of these exaggerations i know if they had the ability they would go back and undo, and again parallels to the holocaust mythos where early on before the official narrative was cemented long after the supposed events took place some time in the mid fifties, before then there were all kinds of messy competing theories all about equally popular as far as hitlers favorite method of killing jews was, electrified floors was popular as was throwing them alive screaming into burning pits as eli wiesel relates in his supposed first hand account of the deathcamps, his book being the second most popular autobiographical account (its night btw) behind the diary of anne frank, neither book mentions ANYONE being gassed to death, and WEASELs account of people being thrown alive into the pits was challenged by fellow jews when they finally settled on gassing, but besides the big details were all those little details that made for excellent horror propaganda such as human lampshades and soap and babies sewn into soccer balls and men masturbated to death with machines and many other lies that were once accepted as factual but the jews would rather be left forgotten, i get that same sense when i think about the nuclear winter, the shadows permenantly etched into the concrete, the blinding flash, the thousand year uninhabitable zone due to fallout and all this shit some of which theyve already had to backpedal on considerably namely the nuclear winter and fallout stuff they have publicly recanted more or less to very little fanfare 
oh and ill go more into space later but i just want to briefly mention that growing up i was told that venus was not just uninhabitable but unexplorable, due not just to extremely high temperatures but due to its literal either hydrocholoric but more likely sulphuric acid atmosphere, come to find out russia during the space race, was sending ALL their shit to venus, and the only known images from venuses service come from several russian missions to venus... WHY? the narrative is america had set its sites on mars because they thought it might be habitable someday, and it makes sense, seeing as how its not coated by a thick atmosphere of fucking eight hundred degree sulfuric acid, what were they hoping to accomplish and it cant be a propaganda moral victory or else they would not have kept their achievement a secret. let me make it clear i was learning this information from someone much more knowledgeable about the topic than me as i never gave a shit about space it always seemed gay to me, but i would try because i considered myself a science nerd you know, but this guy believes in all of it, everything nasa says probably wants to work for them some day, point is this was not a conspiracy channel or video just someone relating the cool declassified images from “venus”. and he was conveying that these missions greatly challenged preconceived notions about the planet itself, and thats really what im getting at with this shit.  as a species we seemed to be advancing slowly at first but then we started accellerating and faster and faster, fire copper bronze iron steel steam electricity automobile, and then manned flight, the first manned controlled flight with a biplane, then just fifty years later, jets helicopters and most amazingly of all, space flight, we finally left our planet, and in the same way that fire revolutionized the life of the common man, and so to did jet engines revolutionize life for the common man in its commercial applications imagine how much more radically manned space flights to other celestial bodies will have changed life for the common man! except beyond what technology is supposedly only possible with the use of satellites in outer space, it hasnt really effected shit. there is as much time passed between now and the so called moon landing as there was time between the wright brothers first manned flight with their paper mache looking trash to the supposed first manned flight to the moon, do you see what im getting at? the same for the so called nuclear age, everyone and i mean EVERYONE has the sense that we have been moving backwards since about the time all these wild and revolutionary things were invented, things that seemed like magic, and then its like they were forgotten. i understand that we couldnt remain in a space craze or nuclear craze forever but even if the public moves on industery doesnt, and if a tool has a practical use than it will be adopted for its practicallity not its popularity but its as though knowledge of space exploration tech and nuclear tech were forgotten, for as much good as they do the common man. the craze is the invention, the actual invention a fabrication.
how has it been so long since anyone was even afraid of nuclear war the way they were during the cuban missile crisis, and how could such an incident happen when M.A.D. which is the sole reason that for ONE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS no other country has used the nuke besides the first and last time on japan. i know the premise of the crisis but its a shakey premise because while cuba had missiles in striking distance of the US we had missiles in striking distance to them and our allies had missiles pointed at their allies over sees so you know... mutually assured destruction? i dont think they could MAKE americans actually afraid of nuclear war at this point and they dont even try hard, i know they try but they wont commit because even they can tell its just poinless. if nukes were at all real, btw, that would literally be all anyone was talking about twenty four seven 365, because we are currently on the “verge of world war three” but in reality no one is sweating it because deep down you just kind of know dont you and im already over explaining.
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brimscythes · 8 years ago
all your ocs for all the even numbers !
this is gonna be VERY LONG SO LETS SET UP A READMORE sorry to those on mobile. the ocs are lucky mcluckerson [nv], CHAOS MAN [3], starbuck [4] and asimov [4]
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
lucky is on their own side. they trust their own luck and judgement and don’t like being told what to do- and what could give them the best outcome than picking it for themselves?
chaos man aka dennis listens to no man but himself
starbucks helping out the minute men and railroad, mostly!
asimov is gonna join the institute and lead it!!
Give us a summary of their backstory.
lucky doesn’t remember most of their life before being shot in the head, but they remember that their father figure [actually their maternal uncle] would sneak them into casinos to be a good luck charm cause they were so crazily lucky. lucky mcluckerson isnt their real name but theyve been called it so long they dont remember their birth name. they have a twin brother named dennis, who is CHAOS MAN from fallout 3
chaos man is luckys twin whom he was seperated from and grew up in a vault. he left the vault with the excuse to find his dad but really he wanted to go on a fucking rampage and do evil shit. he blew up megaton
starbuck is a sweet man with a dumb name. starbuck is a real name cogsworth will say but nobody takes him seriously because of it. hes very kind and gay and he married nora, a lesbian, as a lavender marriage but they were like best friends. he cried when he heard the ‘hi, honey’ holotape
asimov‘s parents were either major science fiction fans or didn’t fear being called communist sympathizers, cause shes named after isaac asimov. i dont have much on her but she married an asian man named Nate so due to her russian name and his ethnicity there was so much suspicion around them but like... shes a stone cold lady who doesn’t care much
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?
lucky is bisexual and agender! they dont care about telling people. theyll loudly announce it to everyone they meet
chaos man doesnt care about anything but hes probably cis
starbuck is cis and gay!! he’s open about it
asimov is a secret is a lot of ways. she’ll never tell anything about herself.
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them?
uhhh chaos man is fucked up obviously but mental health care doesnt exist anymore so. nobody gets any treatment ever. lucky has terrible headaches and dizzy spells from being shot in the head.
What are they afraid of?
luckys scared of feral ghouls and centaurs also that one day their luck might give out
chaos man knows NO FEAR but he doesnt like confined spaces
starbuck fears feral ghouls too
asimov is scared of her own death
What are they most insecure about?
starbucks insecure about his dumb name. lucky hates people assuming theyre unlucky
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus)
not sure!
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)
didnt read harry potter!
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
lucky likes scavenging and gambling!! they usually win
chaos man kills things
starbuck likes playing w his new, better son dogmeat
asimov would like card games
What’s their favorite season?
lucky doesnt know what seasons are, same w her brother
starbuck and asimov would like winter
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?
lucky hides their feelings unless its excitement or being cocky
chaos man hides his feelings!
starbuck wears his heart on his sleeve :’(
asimov is a closed book. she wont show anyone a thing.
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make?
lucky: a weird violent person whos always up for a challenge
starbuck: sweet boy. good boy.
chaos man: evil. bad man
asimov: a distant, clinical woman
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?
lucky is selfish, asimov is selfish, chaos man is selfish, starbuck is selfless!!
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
lucky flirts a lot! but doesnt fall in love easily! chaos man doesnt have time for love or anything like that. asimov doesnt flirt and doesnt fall in love, starbuck is head over heels for any cute dude he stumbles across
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?
violence: chaos man, lucky
diplomatically: asimov, starbuck
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?
lucky has their pistol they stole from benny!! chaos man likes dynamite. asimov likes institute pistols, and starbuck likes lazer guns and a police baton
Their thoughts on power armor?
chaos man and lucky have never seen it. well lucky saw it once but the person in it tried to kill them and arcade so
asimov and starbuck both find it awkward to walk in
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?
lucky: flawless aim, almost every hit is critical
chaos man: bad... his hands shake cause hes exited to kill
starbucks hands shake cause hes not used to guns or killing
asimov has good aim and steady hands
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)
lucky doesnt fear death. they dont think it will happen to them.
chaos man sees it as inevitable and accepts it
starbuck and asimov both fear it desperatley!!
What’s their favorite location?
lucky loves new vegas’ strip!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR TERRITORY NOW!!
chaos man liked megaton
starbuck likes sanctuary.... sad boy...
asimov likes the institute. nice and clean
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?
all of them do both!! they all prefer to scavenge though
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?
lucky can sleep anywhere due to growing up as a homeless scavenger with their uncle, but the other 3 like to sleep in actual beds inside houses
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?
lucky likes the brahmin steak in the ultralux, yum yum. not picky, cant cook
chaos man likes to eat people and dogs. hes evil. hes not picky and cant cook
starbuck loves sugar bombs. hes not picky at all and is a great cook
asimov likes fruit!! shes fairly picky and knows how to cook
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?
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