#they're worthless. move to a northern city and pay a landlord four figure rent for a home your family can barely fit in
tramontane-fire · 1 year
I have got to stop reading liberal publications because lately the slant they all take is The South (Especially Texas) is a horrible evil cesspit of fascism, and then you've got the Comments Section which I know you should never read chiming in about how yeah there are good people in Texas much the same way there were good people in Germany in 1933, or that you should just move to, and I quote, New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. You know, those famously affordable cities.
So I move every few months for work, but I always come back to Texas because it's the closest thing I have to home. I love it here. I've lived in a couple different parts of the state and not only is it affordable (most places), you can find acceptance where you least expect it.
I was thinking today I would trashtalk these so called blue states and cities the way their highfalutin intellectuals and journalists see fit to trashtalk my home. Here goes:
Chicago, the Windy City, where the smell of hotdogs from street vendors outside Wrigley Field is accompanied by the dulcet tones of a guy with an Eastern European accent talking into a portable mic about how marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman, and homosexuality is a sin. Behind him, posters tacked to telephone poles proclaim, Chicago doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black problem! in bold, racist lettering.
New York City, hub of arts, music, culture, fine food and wine, where a studio apartment in a bad part of town is a mere $2000/month, utilities not included. It's fine; just get a roommate! A man handing out leaflets on the corner bodyblocks a teenager from crossing the street, saying he will not let her cross until she smiles. Beneath the ever-present scaffolding, young people wearing shirts that say Bible Crusade hand out religious literature.
The Bay Area, where a gentle breeze blows off the water and missing the Grand Avenue exit and getting on the Bay Bridge by accident is only a $7 mistake. That's okay; if you don't want to drive, you can take AC transit in the East Bay, where bus drivers snap and yell at you if you try to ask them a question. Honey, this ain't the south. Scan the QR code and shut up. Oh, and your rent is $2000/month with utilities and you have to share a bathroom. People without $2000 to spare live in tents and broken-down RVs in a bad part of town. Let's go brandon! yells a sticker on a light pole.
True stories all. I have seen your exalted liberal cities and they are shit. You trashtalk the south from your cushy, overpriced apartment in a coastal city and yet you've clearly never been there.
This has been a rant.
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