#they're too similar to stomach that plus it would have been horribly awkward to read
thomastair · 1 year
saw your post on matthew's alcoholism but I don't know if it's pre- or post-cot! just wondering if you still think the same after cot and what you think about alastair's involvement in his recovery
that was posted pre chot! i honestly thought it was pretty well done considering there was one book and a bunch of other storylines to wrap up. i thought alastair's role in his storyline was also basically what i would have wanted (offering some advice but overall not putting himself in a position to be more involved than he was comfortable with). i think matthew removing himself from london at the end and giving himself and the people he'd hurt space and time was probably for the best and there's definitely a lot unsaid there about everyone benefiting from that. i also think the letter he sends to james in the special edition was a pretty good representation of what happens when you develop other addictions to avoid relapsing (in matthew's case coffee) and i didn't have many complaints about the storyline on the whole!
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