#they're recovered post halo 1
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kelpiemomma · 3 years ago
i will say, with how much halo reach I have been playing, I am very tempted to make a spartan ingo & emmet attempt as well as sangheili akari. Considering sangheili rei? I do like bby spartan rei seeing bby sangheili akari and going “yes!! another baby!!” and just immediately taking to her. that’s his 7′ tall alien bestie!!! is elesa a spartan as well? maybe. skyla isn’t, though. i don’t think drayden’s a spartan either, or perhaps he’s a spartan from a previous generation,,, dunno yet!!
but i’ve been playing so much reach, having so many emotions, that i am staring at the armor going “okay, how do i draw that. how do i draw that. the elites- how do i draw them. i need to figure it out.”
god help me.
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mllebabushkat · 2 years ago
☀️ Warrior Nun S2E2 🌙
btw trending NO. 1?? uhhhhhh yes please-
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"you're jealous" ava spitting facts (listen she's just subconsciously talking abt herself but we been knew)
"easy on the eyes" HAHAHHAHA ngl a tad ooc for bea but she's just a lil jelly babyyy
jealous bea counter: 2
"i'm your best friend" sure jan bea yes true AND???? WHAT ELSE-
so then That lady at the bar
laying it on tHICk
they're such useless gays iltsm
on today's episode of The Adventures of Camilla & Mother Superion uhhh
team super cam !!
camilla with the scissors and the tranq dart and the "oh you were thinking blindfold?" SHEESH yes girlieeeeee y'all don't understand i love her so much
tiny package of badass <3
yasmine!! she's growing on me !!1 small eyeroll at yet another secret world protecting society tho lol
OOOOO avatrice warehouse scene my belovedddd
this made me so gleeful
"that guy he has a..,,thing/,. in his soul" "what do you want me to do" "i haven't thought that far ahead" <- adorable
protective!bea punching him in the throat
protective!ava absolutely going to TOWN on his face after he knocked bea down GET HIS ASS QUEEN
the pure TERROR when she saw that demon heading towards bea's recovering form, and the subsequent halo blast
very crimson-aiming-shotgun-at-bea-esque ***chef's kiss***
personally loved bea's little "come on not again" look of exasperation post-fight hehe
moving on, obligatory fuck off adriel
francesco is fighting a losing battle i do not envy his position
lilith backstory?????? ah top contender for shitty mother of the year yeP checks out
girl what voices are you talking to uh "/we/ need help"(??) weird scene ngl
she's getting bolder tho hmMM
ok so overall nice conflict weaving between avatrice
but more importantly
going wild at all the domestic familiarity they must've built up in that tiny apartment over the past two months, having to pack all that up yet again
anyway the way they fight (valid points from both ends) and move away only to come back together
always gravitating, always comforting (the hands the hands😍)
"just your job?" "well, and my pleasure" 🥹🥹🥹
and then
"we've lost mary" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
no they did her so dirty what the fuck no
fuck i miss her so much
god the way everyone collapsed sobbing TAT
oh team super cam they must be hurting so much, nobody but those two know right now that the entire ocs has been massacred, i barely knew them but that grief was Palpable :((
mother superion's rare moment of weakness :((((((((
at least they have each other :((
also i just
really really love kty's acting
HER EYES!!!!! and hands!!!! and all the little movements are SO EXPRESSIVE
that avatrice hug oUGH MY HEART
the way ava instantly goes to hold her after that devastating news
the way she buries her head into the crook of her neck, and bea returns it fully
throwback to when ava first hugged her and she didn't even know where to put her hands the PARALLELS the GROWTH !!!!!!
i cannot
thINGS are happening can't wait!!!!!
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imrowanartist · 3 years ago
Oh no!!! I'm sorry that you're sick! I hope you get feeling better soon. And I guess as a way to help with the boredom I've got kind of a long list for Yara if you're willing
#1, #5, #8, #9, #17, #21, #22, #23
I love Yara so much and I'd love to read more about him! (please don't feel obligated to answer all of these, I know it's a lot XD)
OC Ask Prompts
I am just being a baby about having a cold XD
But I will definitely use that as an excuse to answer al of these about my precious Yara!
I'm gonna put the answer to 1. under the cut, since it involves spoilers for Deference for Darkness. So it's up to you if you want to read it or not ^^
5. How affectionate are they? What are their top love languages?
At first Yara isn't very affectionate, mostly because he's very shy and socially awkward. He prefers tech over people, touch makes him uncomfortable and he generally prefers to be ignored. The longer he stays with Halo, the more he opens up, though! He still won't be affectionate with anyone he doesn't know well, but with Nova, Purrgil and a few others from Halo he feels safe. He's still not usually the one to initiate physical contact, but he does allow it. He doesn't fully come out of his shell until after Order 66, when he's living with Mij, Nuts and the rest of their clan. His top love languages are, words of affirmation and quality time :)
8. What will always make them smile? What will always make them cry?
Anything tech will always make Yara smile! Ask him to fix something, to improve something and he'll be happy. Nuts is also very good at making him smile with his snarky comments and silly antics. There's a person important to him whom Yara loses at some point. Thinking about that will always make him cry.
9. What was their first kiss like?
Ooohh boy... Yara's first kiss is actually with Nuts XD They're both recovering in the care of Mij Gilamar, very much physically and emotionally damaged from everything that happened during Order 66. There's a moment where they're comforting each other and on a whim Yara just...kisses Nuts. He's very awkward and embarrassed about it, but Nuts kisses him back. Then they basically sit back and go...nah that ain't it. They prefer to be friends lol.
17. Do they consider themselves to be romantic? Why or why not?
Yara doesn't consider himself to be romantic, but probably is? He'd be the kinda person to leave sappy notes for his partner to find and hold hands etc. Nuts loves to tease him about it.
21. What are they most afraid of? What made them fear this?
Early on? Being decommissioned. Especially after he loses half his hearing early on after being deployed and ends up with nerve damage in his hands (he loses the rest of his hearing towards the end of the war). Nova and Purrgil promised to protect him, but it doesn't take his fear away completely. Post O66 he is most afraid of the Empire coming for their clan, since they're all deserters.
22. What is something others admire about them? Are they aware that people admire them for this?
His family very much admires his ability to adapt. Especially Mij is very proud of how quickly Yara has learned to lip read, how he has taught himself to live with his disability and how he makes the most with what he has. He's not specifically aware they admire him for this, though he knows his buir is proud of him <3
23. Where would they fall on a politeness/rudness scale of 1-10 (1 being the most polite and 10 being the rudest)?
2. The only reason it's not 1, is because later on he learns to stand up for himself more and sometimes snarks at nat-borns who disrespect him XD
Thank you for all the questions! I feel like I learned some new things about Yara as well!
1. Who are they closest to? How did they meet and what do they like to do together?
Yara is closest to Jinn. Jinn has taken care of Yara since he was a tiny cadet on Kamino who showed more interest in tech than in fighting. They met when Jinn found Yara hiding in a supply closet, trying to hack his own training results so he wouldn't be decommisioned. Jinn watched after him after that, named him and stepped in once or twice when other cadets tried to bully him. Jinn loves languages and reading about different cultures, Yara loves listening to him. After Jinn gets deployed, Yara hacks his own files to change his age and assigns himself to Halo Company as well, a full two years before his training is supposed to be finished.
Jinn's death absolutely crushes Yara and it takes a while for him to get close to anyone again after that. Nova pairs him up with Purrgil intentionally, so they can keep an eye on each other, which works. After Order 66 he is closest with Nuts. They like to watch holo dramas together, especially detective ones and try to guess the plot twists and throw shade. Nuts also likes to drag Yara along into his crazy plans.
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