#they're quite similar in that they too are more driven by their impulse to protect the people they love rather than any ideal or ambition
vaguely-concerned · 1 year
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did u kno.... that the real ending to 'here lies the abyss' if you let hawke stay behind is malcolm hawke crashing through the fade in a blaze of fire and glory going "HEY WHO'S THAT MESSING WITH MY KID???" and unceremoniously squashing the spider and then they get to talk for a little bit before hawke goes back to kirkwall and the people who love them and everything is okay actually 🥺👉👈yes it's true because I say so and my uncle works at bioware so trust me I'm right goodnight
(some dialogue between them about the revelations in Legacy under the cut, because like varric I'm a huge sap who wants to give hawke some resolution)
"Did you ever regret it? I mean, I don’t know what the minimum desired return on investment for one’s soul would be, but somehow it doesn’t feel like… like we could have ever been worth the cost. Well. Me and Carver, anyway. Bethany, I could see it."  
"HAH! I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just that… huh. Garrett, have you had children of your own?"
"Maker forbid, I can barely keep up with my friends most days. I — No."
"That’s okay. But then I understand why you'd ask that. I’m not sure you can really know it before you feel it. I didn’t. 
No. I didn’t regret it. Never, not for an instant. I know what I did, and how wrong it was, and I would stand before the Maker himself, wherever he bides now that he’s flounced out of the Golden City in a fit of temper, and tell Him to His holy face I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. The Maker is himself a father, of a sort. I like to think He'd understand. And if not... then frankly, I don't give a damn. Getting to know you and Carver and Bethany was the greatest joy and pride of my life. I'd take none of it back. And I'm so sorry if I left even a sliver of doubt about it that would lead you to think otherwise."
and then hawke is like '*playing it totally cool clearly crying, voice breaking* that's c-cool dad ;_____;' and gets a hug on his way out of the fade and goes home and everything's okay, as previously mentioned, source: my aforesaid uncle at bioware who does exist.
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contentconsumer · 2 years
hi! perhaps this is a little different from the usual ship requests, but i recently made a stranger things oc and am having trouble choosing who in the show to pair her up with, so i'm asking around to see what the writers of tumblr think.
my oc is 16 years old as of season 1 and 19 years old as of season 4. she/her, cis female, bisexual, and an aries. she's 5'6, has porcelain skin, short wavy blonde hair, and big brown eyes.
she's known to be rather reserved and distrusting, appears cold and distant to strangers. but to people who take the time to get to know her, and who she lets into her life, she's very sweet and kind and caring, and would do anything for the people she loves. with the party she's definitely the protective friend who worries about everyone. she could also be very playful, loves making silly jokes and exchanging harmless banter, and has a childlike excitement over things she's passionate about or things she genuinely finds fascinating. since she likes writing short stories and drabbles in her free time, she's rather imaginative, but when it comes to real life, she's more of a realist rather than a dreamer. however, she's secretly a hopeless romantic, and dreams of falling truly in love like the characters she reads about in her books.
she has impulsive tendencies as she more often than not acts according to her emotions rather than using her head. in correlation to this, she has quite the temper, which also makes her an impatient person who gets frustrated easily. she also has trouble thinking and making important decisions under pressure, yet doesn't like asking people for help because one, she hates receiving pity, and two, she doesn't want to burden other people with her problems. nevertheless, she is a goal-driven person who would stop at nothing to achieve what she has her heart set on.
she isn't a complete nerd, but she prides herself in her studies and her above average grades. i also like to imagine that hawkins has a small animal shelter, and she often goes there to volunteer. while waiting for college, she'd work at a quaint local bookstore.
she's an outdoors person, loves flowers, stars, sunrises/sunsets, feeling a gentle breeze blowing through her hair, and animals, especially dogs. she has a dog herself, a golden retriever named buddy, and she grew up with her family's dog, ribbit the beagle. she has a love for music (both listening to music and playing a tune on her guitar), reading, and writing whatever comes to her mind. she also has a bit of a caffeine addiction, which has caused her to build up a caffeine tolerance (caffeine is no longer effective on her).
this isn't too important for a ship, but she actually has powers! not from dr. brenner's experiments though, but from a completely different project that was conducted in georgia before being shut down. she has the ability to convert her own (chemical) energy into other forms of energy (light, kinetic, electrical, etc.).
i personally feel like my oc would get along super well with steve and robin as her best friends. i think they would make a pretty chaotic trio!
i'd prefer her to be shipped with the older teens since they're around her age.
as for the drabble, maybe something about how they'd confess their feelings to one another amidst saving hawkins?
i'm so sorry if this got a little too long! but please give my girl a ship, thank you in advance!
oooooo this is so interesting and fun!
i ship your oc with steve harrington! i see alot of similarities with both your oc and myself so that might be why lol, but i feel like the pair would mesh very well (maybe not in season one but as time goes on). especially because you see steve shipped/written with characters who are shy etc whereas i think someone who is more brazen and outspoken would create a perfect pair. the couple are both extremely stubborn i feel and worry for each other immesley even if they don't say it outright - and i feel like steve's discovery of their love for romance books (me too girl) leads to loving teasing much like a lot of subjects in their relationship.
heres maybe a glimpse of the drabble? idk if it's that good so i do apologise - tysm for requesting i hope you enjoy:
electricity crackled and screeched along the road steve and _ were driving down as phone lines fell and clashed, steve gripped the wheel panicked, pressing the toe of his foot harder onto the accelerator making _ shift slightly back in her seat "fuck steve, if the upside down doesn't take me out your driving will" _ teases, "hey i'm running out of ideas here i'm just tryna get to the others as quick as possible" steve shrugs, _ looks over to meet steve's worried gaze, "we're gonna be okay" she mumbles, not fully sure, holding onto steve's white knuckles over the wheel of the car and they can feel the boy physically relax under her touch. "but what if we don't? then what? we die at 18 trying to protect hawkins of all places?" steve tries to joke slightly, "i have so many goals i haven't achieved" he sarcastically exclaims, "goals? more like so many girls you haven't asked out" _ teases, steve turns to face the blonde, "np," he mumbles, suddenly more nervous than he was when previously almost meeting his dimise, "one girl" "what?" _ questions, "i want to ask out" "oh" _ sighs slightly, "i'm sure once i get you out of this mess harrington, she will definietly say yes to going on a date." she tries to ignore the pang of jealousy in her chest, "i don't know about that" steve's insecurities shine through, "steve" _ replies assured, "any girl would be lucky to have you." "even you?" "what?" "would you-" a blush crawls up the brunettes neck as he tries to ask out his crush in the middle of a life or death senario, "would you go out with me?" _ can help the giggle that falls through her lips, "steve, once we are out of this i would love to go out with you." and by accident _ makes the sparks which follow them shine a bit brighter.
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Metal Astrology #1~Mayhem
Was I asked to do this? Nope! I was bored and I decided I'd make a post about the members of Mayhem's astrology. Obviously I'm not going to claim any of this is accurate, it's just a little bit of fun and nothing serious! If anyone wants me to do a band or a person or even themselves, I'm down with that, just send me a message.
In brief, this is how each aspect works:
The Sun is your 'core’. The Moon is your 'inner' self, your emotions, your values. Mercury is how you communicate and express yourself. Venus describes who you are in love and interpersonal relationships And Mars is your temper and sex drive-- although I'm not really going to be going into it here too much. 
So without further ado.....
Per Yngve "Dead" Ohlin.
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January 16th, 1969.
Västerhaninge, Stockholm County, Sweden.
Sidenote: his was especially hard to do because he was born during a time when there was a lot of changes in the sky and I don't have the time of his birth so, I did it to the best of my ability.
Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Aquarius
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Scorpio.
Dead's sun is in Capricorn, which means at his most basic, he's an ambitious, intelligent and hard-working. People who have their suns in Capricorn tend to be very stubborn and hard on themselves (due to the fact that they're so hard-working and have such high standards). They can also be loners and can seem emotionally distant. They're firm about what they believe in and they don't half-ass anything. 
His moon means that emotionally speaking, he's likely to have an optimistic demeanor. Those with Sagittarius in their moons are naturally independent, passionate and love to learn. They make great teachers too and are always 'searching'. They tend to be concerned with philosophy, religion and are creative. His mercury is also a creative one, if not very peculiar. 
Mercury in Aquarius tends to have an... 'odd' way of expressing itself. They're intellectual but in an unconventional way. They're not necessarily loud or eccentric about it, in fact they can be rather distant and detached, they have an interesting and unique way of looking at things that can make it hard to relate to them. Despite that, they make very interesting friends and often have a subtle and witty sense of humor. Their humour is usually dry and sarcastic, so much so that it can be difficult to tell what's sarcasm and what isn't. 
His Venus is in Pisces, which lends to a dreamy yet moody aura. These types of people are often soft and want to be protected, even if they can't express it. They're imaginative folks with a tender heart. They're easily disappointed due to the fact...well, they live in a dream. They're not always the most realistic and because of that, they can be quite unreliable in love. 
And finally, his Mars is in Scorpio, which is an interesting placement if you asked me. These people love challenges and pushing their own limits. They're intense, curious and have incredible will-power. Despite their intense nature, they've got a good temper and usually remain pretty cool. They don't 'crack' easy which can make them seem secretive and guarded. 
Scorpio is generally the 'sexiest' zodiac sign and people with this placement can have a sort of intense and mysterious sex appeal. 
On the downside, even if their temper is rather good, they can be violent and sometimes take their pain out on others, emotional manipulation isn't impossible. But despite that, they also make incredibly loyal friends and, you know, generally aren't manipulative.
Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth. 
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March 22nd 1968. 
Egersund, Rogaland, Norway.
Sun in Aries
Moon in Capricorn
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Pisces
Mars in Aries
Okay so I'm pretty sure nobody would be shocked to hear that Euro was an Aries. They're ambitious, curious, passionate and they have strong personalities. They get bored easily, so they're innovative but they also hate boredom so they're impulsive. They've got a charismatic nature and they tend to have a lot of friends. They can be self-centred and controlling though since they’re the ‘leaders’ of the Zodiac. 
Since his Moon is in Capricorn, he's likely to be rather stubborn and headstrong... yet practical. They have goals and they work towards those goals. He's not the most empathetic of sorts and people with this placement like everything to be direct. They usually surround themselves with those who agree with them because they can be argumentative at times. They have strong opinions and think they're always right.
I thought that Euro having a Mercury and Venus in Pisces was hilarious and out of place with the rest of the aspects. Since he and Dead share a Venus, it's safe to assume that I don't have to rewrite it, although a funny addition would be that those with their Venus in Pisces can not only be masochistic itself but have an attraction to those with masochistic tendencies. It tends to make them feel bigger and better to have something vulnerable at their whim. 
As for his Mercury, it's also sort of funny because those with their Mercury in Pisces will usually have something... uh... 'soft' about them. A soft smile, a soft laugh, voice. Even if they're not actually any of those things, they may look it. They're not intimidating-looking people... at all. They're similar to Mercury in Aquarius with the way they're also unique and intellectual but the big difference is that they are not as organized. In fact, they're very, very disorganized and despite their similarities, both signs tend not to get along well. Mercury in Pisces tends to be a lot more wishy-washy and it changes it's opinions rather quickly. Even though they're interesting, they can become annoying because not only are they moody but they're also not very realistic in their plans or expectations.
Euro's Mars is, one, unsurprising, two, depending on how you look at it... not necessarily so good. Essentially, people with these Mars' can be sort of like a giant flaming cactus, bumping into everybody. "Fuck you, get out of my way!!" Aries is at home in Mars, but it's probably not so good to have your Mars in a sign Mars rules over. How are you in terms of your aggressive? Oh, you're merely the most aggressive possible sign. Goody. That's not to say that he's an inherently bad person. It just means he's aggressive. Boy, is he ever fucking *aggressive*. At best, these people shine like the sun itself but at their worst, they can set fire to themselves and everything that they love. They're incredibly driven, passionate and impulsive and it can become destructive as they tend to believe the end justifies the means. They can be extremely quick tempered and aggressive but despite this, it never lasts long and they don't hold grudges. Despite all of the aggressiveness of these people, they’re are the kind of people who achieve great things. They're the sort who keep going even if it's uncomfortable, they'll do the things no one else is willing to do to get to their goals. They're fiercely loyal to their friends and incredibly fun people to around.
Jørn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud. 
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April 13 1968. 
Ski, Akershus County, Norway.
Sun in Aries
Moon in Libra
Mercury in Aries
Venus in Aries
Mars in Taurus.
Necro and Euro share a sun so I think you already have a fair idea of what an Aries is like already. Despite that, the other positions make him a completely different type of person. 
His Moon sign softens his emotional nature. People with their moons in Libras are inherently quite friendly, they love partnership and they hold those close to them very dear. They're giving, patient and forgiving. They're good peace-keepers and mediators because they're driven by a need for calm and security. However if it's just not working out, they can quickly become very irritated. All of it is really fine and dandy but it can cause conflicts because their willingness to give everyone a fair shot can make them seem fake and the way they're seemingly too-good at expressing themselves can make them seem disingenuous and insincere. Sometimes they don't understand that everything doesn't have to be pretty and clean and that emotions can be dirty, messy and chaotic.
Both of his Venus and Mercury are in Aries which does kind of contradict everything above (But if you thought any of this was fool proof then that was on you. This isn't Myers-Briggs, this is literally just astrology) if his Mercury is in Aries then he's might curse a lot, he might have a blunt and harsh way of speaking. Despite that, Mercury in Aries are passionate speakers and they're good speakers at that. They're the kind of person who can make you feel things and they don't bullshit. They're dynamic, honest and their enthusiasm is ddictive. They have a good sense of humour and they love to laugh. On the downside, they can be pretty defensive because they tend to be very sure of themselves. His Venus adds to that effect, except he's ALSO bored easily. These people like the chase, they like to tease people and play games. They like physical contact, wrestling, play-fighting, tickling, the like (TMI: they're also extremely sexual). They're ambitious and impulsive and they're naturally curious. They're not the most graceful with their emotions and they usually do shit big. Subtlety isn't their strong suit and that can make them seem almost a little arrogant and self-centered. They're not the type to know when it's time to stop.
And finally... his Mars is in Taurus! What's a good and bad placement is generally very subjective but I'd consider this to be pretty good. Mars in Taurus is steady, goal oriented and easy going. They tend to have a laid-back yet manly/womanly sort of sex appeal. They know how to pick their fights and generally have a good temper...until you piss them off, that is. Taurus has a reputation for the most stubborn sign so people with this placement can be unforgiving, possessive and overprotective. They don't trust easily and if you piss them off, it can take a long time before they finally let go of it-- if ever. They also dislike criticism and react poorly to it so with them it's "my way or the highway.”
Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg. 
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August 2nd 1969. 
Trysil, Hedmark County, Norway.
Sun in Leo
Moon in Aries
Mercury in Capricorn
Venus in Gemini
Mars in Sagittarius
Simply put, Leos are... hot. They're ruled by the sun, they're quite literally 'hot'. They tend to be good looking because they're self-obsessed and they tend to be well-liked because they're simultaneously warm, generous and kind. They're dynamic and big yet languid and lazy. There's something special about them just by the way they hold themselves. They're silly, playful and they hate being ignored. 
His Moon is in Aries, which gives him an assertive and independent streak. Usually very live-in-the-moment, do-it-now-remember-it-later. Those with a Moon in Aries can be temperamental, they're not the most sensitive or patient of folk, in fact, they can seem pretty selfish and, honestly, do put themselves first more often than not. Despite it, there's something playful and teasing about them. They're very honest people and they typically mean well.
Hellhammer's Mercury is in Capricorn. These people tend to have a really blunt and simple way of speaking. They can either be really good at communicating or not at all. They're not the most philosophical people on this planet, they're more of the 'practical' sort. They do what needs to be done and they don't have patience for people who waste time. They make careful decisions and they think before they speak. They usually focus on one thing at a time.
On the other hand... his Venus is in Gemini! Having Gemini anywhere can pretty much ensure that you like words. People with a Venus in Gemini are fun, smart and witty. But they're pretty much impossible to tie down and crave new experiences. They're pretty playful but maybe a little too light-hearted. They're not the most serious people to have around, they are however, a good conversation partner and are typically charming and flirty.
Mars in Sagittarius are... a mix of things. On one hand they're pretty out-there but on the other they don't really like conflict. They don't have a lot of patience to deal with it. They've generally got a good temper, they're playful and fun-loving but shit can get serious when you don't agree with them. They somehow don't give a fuck yet give all the fucks at the same time. They do good with exercise because they're quite restless and they like to have several things going on at the same time!
Welp, that’s it! I cant reiterate enough that this shit it just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Hopefully this wasn’t too long...
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