#they're okay now. ¾ th¾nk
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ufrlj · 1 year ago
she ¾s al¾ve
god ¾ hope cronus ¾s okay
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elacular-kink · 2 months ago
Hicvember 25: Someone Else's OC
Thanks to the random OC wheel made by the lovely mademoisellekalopsia, I have been assigned @hiccupscloud-26's Indyko! I've really been enjoying the high-speed, super varied way that they write hiccups, but I'm not super confident in my ability to replicate it, so we'll see what we can do.
Content: Hiccups, slight discomfort, flirting, weight gain (mentioned, positive), arousal
"Uh, h–*NK* hey! Hey Ca–*HUP* Callie! *HNK-llk!* I'm, uh, I'm re–*HEEK* recording thi–*IC*–is 'cause *UCK*...w-well, beca–*HUK* because I got th–*HAK* the hiccups! *HLK-llp!* Uh, hope y–*HOOP* you don't mind tha–*ULK* that it's aud–*EEK*–o only. Dun–*HNK* dunno if I'm co–*HMP*–omfortable being on ca–*HMERK* camera.
"I can te–*ULK* tell you what i–*HUP* it's like though! *HIUK-ULK!* Oof. So the–*HEEK* these just kinda ca–*HUP* came out of nowh–*EURK*. I was ju–*HUP* just go–*INGK* about my day and a–*ULK* all of the su–*HUP* sudden I ju–*HUK* just start *HIC-CUP*ping! Hehe–*HEEK*–ehehee. So they're uh–*HULP* they're pretty loud. That's, uh, *HNK* kinda obvious. *HMK-LP* I guess since *HERK* they're so loud mo–*HOUP* most of their energy is g–*UCK* goi–*HNK* go–*OLK* Oh j–*HEEK* jeez–*MNK! HNK! HULK! HAULK! HIC-ULK!*...*HUK* Phew. Okay. *HMNK* I was gonna sa–*AYK* that most of the–*URK* their energy was go–*HOLP* going into the no–*HIK*–oise, and I gu–*HULK* guess that's still tr---true, oof. But a li–*ICCUP* little's clearly go–*INGK* into ma–*ICK* making them fa---fast sometimes. *HMK-MMP*
"I'm, uh–*HUP* having some quiet–*ERK* ones now, though, and the–*ULK* they move my tum–*EEP* tummy a lot. I think I've, uh–*HUP* I've g-gained some we–*IK-ULK* weight since I sta–*HURK* started living w---with you. *HMK-LK!* I-in a go–*HOOK* good way. So when they're mo–*URK* more quiet my be–*ULK* belly pops out and–*HMK-LP* and I *HIULP* oh go–*HOK* oh je–*HIULK* fu–*HIUK* fuck, Call–*EEK* I thi–*HNK* think they–*HIULK* fuck–! *HNK! HLK! HNKLK! HEEK! HAULK! HUK-HUK-HUK–HMNK-LLLK!* Ohhhhhh...*HNK*
"Hff...*HUP* hfff...*HIUK* H'okay. That, uh *HMP* that didn't hu–*URK* hurt at all but–*HUKUP*–oof...but it w–*HUP* was a lot. *HNKLK-rrrrrrrp* Oop, uh...*hnk* 'scuze me. Guess I swall–*OUK* swallowed some ai---air there. *hmk*–mmmf. Th-the quiet ones kind–*UCK* kinda make my be–*HULP* belly move like waves are go---going through it. *HMK-mpp! HMP!* Th-the loud ones *HURK* it just kind–*ACK* kinda po–*HOP* pops out a bi–*ICCUP* bit. Whew. *HNK-lk*.
"You can, uh—*HUK* you can pro–*HOP* probably tell that I'm ge–*uuuuuuurk–UP–ulp!* 'scuse me, gett–*INGK* worn out. *HMK*–mmf. I don't thi–*ULK* think I'll cu–*HURP* cure them just yet, bu–*HUCKULP–HUK!* B-but I'll stop ta–*ULK* talking quite so mu–*HUCH*."
As the recording went on, most of it was just Indyko's loud hiccups, interspersed with groans, sighs, or mumbled exclamations. Very occasionally they would comment on something, such as "D-dunno if you he–*URK* heard that one. It thu–*HUMP* thumped in my che–*HUK-URK* chest really h---hard," or "*HMK! HLK! HNKLK! HRKUP! HULK! HIUK! HEEK-HEEK-HEEK-HIUK-HUK!* g-guh! *HIKOLK!* k-kuh! Huh...*HMP* Whew! Hahah–*HAULK* Those were so–*OLK* sooo fast!"
Eventually, Indy's hiccups started to wind down, slowing more and more until they petered out completely. It took a few minutes for them to notice that they weren't hiccuping anymore. "Huh. Guess they went as randomly as they came. Whoof. Just as well, I'm pretty tuckered out from all that. But, uh..." a smile was audible in their voice. "Totally worth it though. And when I see you later you'll be all 'how are you?' and I can say 'Oh man, I got a serious case of the hiccups today!' and you're gonna blush like crazy...ehehehee...I can't wait. Love you, Callie. See you soon."
Indyko wasn't sure what compelled them to listen to the recording after it was done, but they surprised themself with just how much they were blushing, as well as how...other parts of their body had started reacting. That could wait though. If they were going to take care of that, they'd like it if they got to do it with their girlfr—with their fiance instead. So they hit send, the audio file appearing between their texts with a headphones emoji, a winky face, and a bubbles emoji below it. And they grinned, thinking about the look on Calliope's face when she finally heard it.
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missiodei · 2 years ago
And also Aessyr: 👽💀🛌🍳🧿♠️🔱
Make this qu!ck..
👽- What is your stance on aliens? Should they be treated just like mutants?
Al!ens? They have those here? Shouldn't they be k!lled? !f mutants don't get slack why should they?
💀- Are you strong enough to face shadow droppers on your own if faced with them?
!'ll beat anyone, or anyth!ng's ass any day.
🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations?
Not a fan of the feel!ng of sl!me between my toes. But maybe !'ll get !n a recuperacoon w!th someone, !dk.
🍳- What sort of cuisine do you normally eat? Are you openly okay with items labelled only as grubsauce or grubloaf?
Anyth!ng at the mess hall or the food when !'m out and about that ! can buy. ! don't see a problem w!th the sauce or loaf, grubs get k!lled for less than that at least they serv!n some purpose ! guess. L to the grubs that a!n't make !t.
🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories?
Uhh ! haven't seen one. Don't really th!nk about them, don't care to try to see them.
♠️- Do you think pitches should only be based on hate, or do you believe they should also be based on a strong rivalry as well?
Hate and r!valry somet!mes go together. Not me though. ! don't g!ve enough of a sh!t to have a r!val. But !f you're cr!nge? Fuck you.
🔱- How different do you think Alternia would be if the planet wasnt ruled as a tyranny? Would it be better or worse?
Who g!ves a sh!t to th!nk about stuff l!ke that? Noth!ng !s gonna change. lol Make the most of your l!fe !n the now !nstead of worry!ng about hypothet!cals. Or go overthrow the tyrant !f you care so much.
Alternian Ask Meme
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trolloled · 8 months ago
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"Thanks... fxr what, exactly?"
=> You scratch at your head, puzzled. Maybe she really did have some sort of intense phobia regarding mannequins. Huh.
=> You blink, looking around as sudden, pale lights appear. Did fireflies glow that color? Eh. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing you've seen on this planet.
"Xh cxxl, new cxlxr xf f|refly. Yxu see|n' th|s here? | thxught they were all yellxw."
=> You glance back at her as she tries to warn you about... not letting "them" touch you?
"| mean. | guess they're k|nda grxss |f they've been xut here a wh|le, but | dxn't th|nk |'d catch anyth|ng ser|xus."
"Lxxk, they're cxmpletely harmless. |'ll shxw yxu-"
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=> You blink several times. First there was a bunch of light, and now... well, there's still light, but all you can see in front of you is dirt. You squint slightly at it, then try to move your arm-
=> Nope. Not enough room. Huh. A moderate sense of dread hits you - that must be some earth-kinetic user to immediately push you into the ground.
=> You take one, deep breath, trying to stay calm. Okay. First time buried alive. No big deal, right? You still have your phone... if you can get reception down here. You'll just... call... someone... to dig... you up...
=> You take the phone from your captchalogue, but without any proper place to fall in such a confined space, it just slaps the top of your head. You spend several seconds trying to nod your head to the side so it falls to your dominant had.
=> You think you hear a faint scrabbling sort of noise, but you chalk it up to bugs.
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“Yeah, they don’t have to try.” You mutter, because the fucking mannequins will probably do it first.
You ignore most of the rest of what he’s saying and try to figure out where to -
“FUCK!” You yell, adrenaline shooting through you as you stop immediately, aware of how narrow that escape was.
“Thanks!” You call to him.
You mutter a quick spell and summon a bunch of floating ghost lights - pale bluish white ones, illuminating the area.
You hear that rustling. You know it’s probably another one of the damn things, but you need to focus your energy on getting yourself out of here.
Fuck it, if you run you might just run into more of them, they travel in packs sometimes. Use your fleet tactics, Gliese, the damn army had to be good for something.
If only these things had emotions you could tap into, but frankly, you’re not sure you’d want to risk trying even if they did.
“Don’t let those things fucking touch you.” You say in a voice of forced calm. “Sorry for this, but I don’t have time to argue and I’d rather you didn’t die.”
Your eyes narrow and spark as you back up, calling on magic and psi alike.
Emotional magic might be your affinity.
But if there’s one thing you can rely on, one thing you know like it knows you, a dance of give and take you’ve done for sweeps, you know necromancy.
The ghost lights swoop down and surround both you and him, and pull the pair of you into the earth several feet, sealing it shut behind you so the mannequins (ideally) can’t follow.
Luckily, they also make sure the pair of you can breathe, and see, acting as a sort of glowing buffer an inch thick between your bodies and the soil.
It won’t last forever, but it’s something.
Of course, he’ll probably be pissed as hell and you can’t blame him, but better angry at you than dead.
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fantrollsecretsanta2019 · 5 years ago
{I'll be rebloging this onto my page to go in depth on some of the choices I made for them, as well as "behind the scenes" stuff such as concepts and what went on during their creation.}
{Apologies for taking so long!;; I think something must have gone wrong with my notifications; because I didn't know I had gotten my assignment until post Christmas, when it finally popped up in my notifications bar;;}
{This was made for @nerdynefelibata , and my prompt words were "Moss, Ceramist, and Wild". So I hope I did an okay job incorporating them! To Nerdy, feel free to message me if you want the full quality image, as I don't know how badly Tumblr will ruin it.}
{Welp, that's enough rambling. Here she is, and I hope you like her! As usual with the fantrolls I create, here's her "introduction"}
Your name is KAOLIN OPHYTA and you have MOSS colored blood. Your birthday is the 22ND of AUGUST and you're currently 9 1/2 SWEEPS OLD. At least, you BELIEVE so.
Your INTERESTS are rather MINIMAL. You love caring for your MANY PLANTS. They are SCATTERED all around your HIVE, and you enjoy the pops of COLOR. Your main PROFESSION is being a CERAMIST, so your HANDS and SMOCK are usually covered in DRY CLAY and smudges of PAINT. You live in a SMALL FOREST just outside of the CITY. It's FAR enough to ESCAPE the LOUD noises and all the hustle and bustle, but CLOSE enough for you to walk to your small STORE to sell your WARES.
You don't like being ALONE, but can appreciate the occasional bout of SILENCE. Neither seem to happen very much, mostly because YOU like going OUT. You have yet to fill any of your QUADRANTS just yet. You believe that it might be because you often LOCK YOURSELF AWAY on the occasion to WORK LONG HOURS, thus ISOLATING you for random periods of TIME. Even so, you continue to WORK HARD to still make TIME to spend with your FRIENDS. You can be quite the PARTY ANIMAL.
Your background is a bit FUZZY, to say the least. A few sweeps ago, a LARGE STORM caused a TREE to crash through your HIVE, and landed on YOU in the process. Because of it, they're are now LARGE GAPS MISSING from your MEMORYS of before the STORM. You are unsure what happened to your LUSIS, but remember it was a large FOX LIKE CREATURE. Even with this MISFORTUNE, you still MAKE LIGHT of the situation, and maintain your HAPPY and rather BUBBLY personality.
Your STRIFE SPECIBI is STAFFKIND/SPEARKIND; and you often use a DOUBLE ENDED SPEAR, with each side molded after a CLAY SHAPING TOOL. You are the MAGE of SPACE, and your LUNAR SWAY is PROSPIT.
Your TROLL TAG is argilChaparral and your QUIRK is one of the more interesting in your opinion. l-Y°u type l!ke th!s.-l l-It's n°t super s!mple, but y°u th!nk !t l°°ks neat!-l l-Y°u always were °ne f°r °verd°!ng th!ngs l!ke th!s.-l
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What will you do?
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