#they're not convinced. they probably lost a bet and are not happy about it lmao
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snarkspawn · 1 year ago
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I randomly did this as a bunch of quick warmup sketches over the weekend, and I was going to do nash as well only to run out of steam two doodles in lmao
but I need you to look at twin tails and short haired nash anyway asjkls
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mischiefprincess · 7 months ago
Being on lokius tt was fun for some time
So, when Loki s2 came out I was hanging out w some lokius shippers bc I thought some of them had some cool analysis about the show and about Loki as a character, however as time passes I realize they're getting more and more lost in their own interpretations and their own headcanons that they consider to be canon at this point, I'm being honest, I have nothing against lokius but let's face reality: they're just not happening, it'll never be canon and that's okay, the timing for Loki to find a romantic partner is gone, if it was going to happen it had to be on his show bc I don't think marvel will use their avengers movies to focus on any romance between any characters, let alone lokius that it's not even a thing in canon lol
But the thing is, they seem really convinced that not only lokius is already canon (yeah, some of them are just like that) but they also think their reunion is a big thing that marvel is building up to, and i'm not saying Loki and Mobius will never see each other again but if they do it won't be this big thing they're expecting it to be, the brodinsons reunion is way more expected and I'm not even sure we'll get it lol
And i'm really not trying to be mean to lokius shippers but I feel they're going down the same path the sylkis went after s1, they got what they wanted from their ship (lokius not so much but still) and then they started to get more and more deep into their analysis and hcs and started to forget what's canon and what's not, when the next movies drop and Mobius doesn't show up in it and when Loki shows up and has a plot that has nothing to do with romance they'll lose it, they'll act just like the sylkis did with s2 and they'll say marvel ruined the greatest love story they ever made (lol), they'll say they don't care about Loki and Mobius separately and they just want them back if they get together in the end, they'll say marvel did a MASSIVE build up after s2 just to throw it all away as if it was nothing simply bc they are just too deep into their hcs and can't separate canon from fanon anymore and they'll say marvel ruined their lives and also ruined their only source of happiness ever, they're developing a toxic dependance on their ship and when things don't go the way they want they'll freak out and hell will break lose on their side of twitter
I really wish people would just interact normally with the stuff they consume, but it seems like everyone who likes a ship suddenly loses all senses and can only see things from the perspective of the ship and every little interaction between the two characters is read through the shipping lenses, it goes to a point where if Mobius doesn't lie to Loki about timeslipping being terrible is not because Mobius as a character just has no reason to lie to his friend at that point, not to mention he was trying to calm Loki down from his anxiety attack, ofc he wouldn't just say right to Loki's face how bad timeslipping really was at first, but no, Mobius didn't lie because they're on a point in their relationship where they simply can't lie to each other anymore bc their love is so strong and pure (lmao), it may sound like i'm nitpicking but really, it starts with these little things and slowly they start to live in their own bubble where everything must be analysed with the shipping glasses on and then the characters are reduced to being half of a ship and nothing more
Not to mention how they're placing all their bets on a tva spin-off that probably is just the comic they announced last week or so, again, I'm not trying to be mean but who the hell would watch a show about the tva and only the tva????????? What else is there to tell about them? They're going to show them working in their little cubicles and eating pie in the automat? If Kang was still the big bad I could see them expanding more on the tva but with him gone I don't think there's that much to explore about the tva anymore, I don't see them having that much protagonism in this saga and if they appear it will just be something small and in the background like Deadpool and Wolverine, watching them recruit heroes to fight the multiversal war seems pointless now that there won't be one (I know Doom will be a threat but I don't see him inheriting the multiversal saga plot from Kang, they'll give him his own thing imo) anyway, I think the tva is likely to stay irrelevant in this saga (and that doesn't mean that Loki will be irrelevant, some people think that somehow Loki depends on the tva to stay relevant but lol, just no) and if they appear it will just be something small but they're getting their hopes so high for this hipotetical spin-off that I fear how their reactions will be when they realize it's just not happening (but idk, marvel could announce it in d23 and surprise everyone, still, I doubt it)
All this to say that it really seems like shippers can't enjoy things normally, they have to make everything be about their ship (hipotetical or not) and they slowly loose grip on what's canon and what's fanon, they isolate themselves in their bubbles where they only get positive reinforcement thanks to their delusions and sooner than they realize they have a whole made up version of the characters and the show in their heads that doesn't align with what the show was in the first place, sadly the tendence is for them to only get worse and I really wish that wasn't the case but now they even seem to think that everyone involved in the making of s2 including Tom Hiddleston himself is a lokius shipper (???????????????????) And that lokius was confirmed canon in what they call the og s2 ep5 that was scrapped early in filming or so, the fact that they stalked the crew and their likes when s2 was airing only made them more certain of it, if Rafael Casal likes a post talking about Brad it's not bc he's happy they're talking about his character, no, is bc he endorses their view on the show and he's validating them and their interpretations, same thing as Eric Martin or some random editor that liked what people were talking about the episode he worked in, to them a like equals validation bc they desperately want to cling to any crumbs they can get of it
I'm not making this post to say people should stop shipping lokius or anything, I just wish the shippers could separate canon from fanon and that they would stop reducing a show that had so many themes to being a love story that didn't even happen in the first place, I still enjoy lokius and read fics of them every once in a while, I'm not here to police what people ship or not, I just wanted to write this bc some of these thoughts have been stuck in my chest for months now and I really needed to let them out.
At the end of the day I wish the Loki fandom in twitter wasn't split between those two ships and was more focused on Loki himself but unfortunately that's not the case, I can only hope that when Loki shows up again they don't find a way to reduce him to being part of a ship bc he always was and always will be so much more than that.
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