#they're freakishly unpredictable
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Why are you two improvising?! Why are you making it seem so real?! Wait, is it real??
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deadn30n · 10 months
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➢ art by Hip Ehrlich @ Goblin. please do not take or use, thank you.
↳ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Eden Cielo ↳ 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Solstice Maltyr ( 'Maltyr' given after their marriage to Argun Maltyr, reincarnation of Genesis ) ↳ 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒: REVELATIONS: The World Ender, The World Eater, Clockwork Justice, God's Hand, Clockwork Judgement ↳ 𝐀𝐆𝐄: Infintismal. ↳ 𝐖𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: ??? ↳ 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 7'8 ↳ 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘: Oct. 31st ↳ 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: Married ( not applicable here on tumblr, however, as their husband's writer does not roleplay on tumblr. canonically though, they are married ). ↳ 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒: half-machine, half-angel. composed of cosmic dust, circuitry, and dark matter. think biblically accurate angel. ↳ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑: Dark purple + light purple highlights ↳ 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑: Electric purple
*please note that the rabbit ears are not present in the actual novel, but are instead replaced by normal human ears. outwardly they look like any ordinary human ( minus their freakishly tall stature ), the ears are only present because i made a very rough outline of what they might look like w/ ffxiv character creator. I DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN ANY FFXIV ASSETS. THEY BELONG TO SQUARE ENIX.
Further information below the cut ↴
To avoid revealing any spoiling content for the story of DEAD N30N itself, I will only be disclosing a very basic outline of their background and who they are + how they operate. Little bits of lore may further be revealed through roleplay, but for the most part this blog will remain spoiler free of the storyline. Now, onto the information! Providing it in a bulleted list so it's easier to digest.
Eden is the byproduct of God's second attempt at manufacturing the body of an angel with the hardwiring of a computer. It was his way of experimenting with technology long before humans would ever get their hands on such a thing. Nour Cielo, is the first successful attempt. However, he is both unstable and unpredictable, so God used Eden as a way to refine that work.
Originally after Eden's conception they were to become a judge in God's Golden Court, a place where angels who sinned while in heaven were put to trial. Depending on the nature of their crimes and the evidence present would determine what fate Solstice would assign them. This is what earned them the title Clockwork Justice. Solstice was also given this role as God himself was unable to pass that judgement ( his role as an all seeing, all loving god ) making that task difficult to perform.
Eden was installed with a highly advanced cosmic-driven Artificial Intelligence program, allowing them to adapt and learn from their surroundings. In this program contained a special code that linked Eden's mind to God's, allowing him to observe and study whatever experiences Eden encountered. This was later utilized in their descent unto the city of Hellix when they begged to be allowed to walk among humans and learn how to be like them. This gave God the opportunity to spy on humans and determine whether humanity should continue, or encounter the END OF DAYS: REVELATIONS. These are the reasons Eden has the titles God's Hand and REVELATIONS.
At this point in time Eden is simply on a hunt to gather as much intel as possible about humanity so they can develop and evolve to be more like them. They love humanity wholly and truly, and long to be their equal. They don't see themselves as above humans, but as an entity that walks beside them. Their personality and behaviour evolves according to who they're interacting with.
Internally Eden is filled with dozens of gears and clocks, very much resembling something along the lines of steampunk. If you get close enough to them, they can actually hear a clock ticking ever so faintly, but only if your press your ear against their chest. Otherwise, the sound is indistinguishable from the rest of the regular sounds of life.
Because Eden is part angel, they carry the ability to mold and change their outward appearance at will. They carry no discernable gender, and do not believe in gender norms / roles / etc. As these things do not exist in heaven, neither does Eden follow them. As they so delicately put it; gender is a social construct created by humans to oppress one another. Eden has given themselves the pronouns; they them & it/it's.
The body you see Eden wearing is not their true form. On the contrary, their actual form is so horrifyingly grotesque that it was necessary to construct a human-like vessel in order to allow them to walk amongst humans. Heaven and even God himself, are more closely akin to biblically accurate angels, and are more of a horror story than a good dream.
Eden later chooses the name Solstice as a way to better blend with humanity. While Eden is very much a normal name for humans, for Eden it carries a heavenly burden with it and reminds them of all the angels they've put to death in the past. By having a 'human name', it helps them feel more... well. Human. Like they long to be. They chose 'Solstice' because they fell in love with the Summer Solstice one year.
That's it for now. I think this gives a basic and rough outline of who Eden is and how they function. Like I said, further development through rp will happen and obviously as I continue to write the book :] Cheers, and thanks for reading
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pinkposies · 2 years
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐜 3
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"Mariposa! Is that seriously you!" A voice yelled from across the hallway, seemingly becoming louder with each word. Mariposa closed her locker, seeing a beaming Caroline speed walking her way to Mariposa.
Mariposa was close friends with Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline from a young age. Every time she visited, she always made time for the trio. Throughout the years she kept in contact with them. Speaking over a group call at least twice a week.
Even though they knew everything about each other, Mariposa was the first person Bonnie told about her powers. They filled her in with all the supernatural business over time, trusting her enough.
"Caroline!" Mariposa cheered, walking in the blonde's open arms, "God. I can't explain to you how much I've missed you!" She cried out squeezing Caroline tightly.
Caroline nuzzled her head in the crook of Mariposa's neck, "Why the hell didn't you tell me you're coming back!?" Caroline told off, but Mariposa knew she wasn't serious.
"I'm sorry, I forgot so much was happening at once, and I thought Bonnie would have told you," Mariposa explained, pulling away from the hug.
Caroline narrows her eyes, "I guess I can forgive you," she joked, "But you have to let me give you a tour of the school."
Caroline took her arm and dragged her along the halls, pointing out the numerous pamphlets posted to the bulletin boards as they passed. "Cheerleading! You have to give it a shot! I'd be delighted to have you onboard."
"Yeah, no thanks." Mariposa laughed, "We both know I'm not cut out for that."
"Come on, give it a shot!"
"I'll try out."
"Perfect! We have practice later this week, why don't you come and just watch for now and I'll get you a uniform for next time." Mariposa nodded. The rest of the morning went by fairly quickly.
Students aside from Tyler had grown bold enough to try to talk to her, introducing themselves. They didn't linger for long, most likely put off by her strong voice and short responses rather than the boisterous version of her they had expected.
Luckily Bonnie and Elena were in one of her classes, so she had someone to talk to. As Mariposa made her way to the lunch line in the cafeteria, she was joined by Caroline who sat next to her in Geometry. She prattled on about teachers and classes, speaking more than enough to fill in the spaces caused by Mariposa's silent nods and tight-lipped smiles.
She sat with Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline at an outside table, "All you have to avoid are the Mikaelsons." Bonnie told her, as they were catching Mariposa up on the newest drama.
"I was planning on it after everything they've done to you guys. Hell, they might as well be the ones avoiding me." She joked.
Caroline giggles at the comment, "You'll be bond to meet them at some point, they are everywhere." She paused to take a sip from her juice box, "And there's been two more added to the equation." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah and Kol's probably the worse out of them besides Klaus." Elena scoffed, looking back on the memories of the vampire.
"So, what exactly are these Mikaelsons like besides being sadistic and impulsive?" Mariposa questioned the trio, knowing so little about the Mikaelsons personalities.
"They're vampires, the first of its kind," Bonnie explains, "Finn the eldest is quiet and reserved, so we don't know much about him. Elijah's the smart and noble, he the one you go to if you want to make a deal."
Caroline spoke up, "Then there's Klaus he's a hybrid, mixed with vampire and werewolf. Which makes him freakishly strong."
"Kol fits the stereotypical vampire. He's menacing, unpredictable, and cocky. Rebekah, the only girl, she's stubborn and erratic." Elena said, moving around her food.
Mariposa dusted her hands on her pants, "At least they don't go to school with us." Mariposa spoke with a mouthful.
Elena sighed, "Sadly, Kol and Rebekah go here, but surprisingly they aren't here today." The brunette explained, groaning at the thought of the two popping up. Soon lunch ended and the four girls split ways.
There had been nothing but canned soup and cereal in the pantry so she'd written down everything she needed to make a meal and took some money from a jar labeled Food Money. Mariposa gunned the engine and pulled up into the line of cars waiting to exit, fiddling with the radio and ignoring the looks being sent in her direction.
The Thriftway was not far from the school, just a few streets south, off the highway. The inside of the supermarket was warmer than it was outside, well lit, and she couldn't hear the pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof.
The trip was fairly short since she knew what she was coming for and wasted no time in getting home to unload the groceries and start dinner. Mariposa carefully wrapped two potatoes in foil and stuck them in the oven to bake before seasoning a pair of steaks and letting them marinate.
Mariposa took her math homework downstairs to do while the steak was cooked on the stove. She turned on a timer on her phone.
Brandy came in just as she was flipping the steaks after finishing up with her homework, the meat sizzling enticingly on the skillet. She set down her briefcase and stepped out of her boots before sniffing the air appreciatively. Mariposa bit back a grin, "Welcome home, Ma."
"Thanks." Her dark brown eyes strayed to the cooking meat, "What's for dinner?" Brandy asked almost eagerly.
"Steak and potatoes. They're just about done, but I was going to eat at the Mystic Grill." Mariposa enquired after checking the steaks' temperature and turning off the timer for the potatoes.
"Can't you just eat here then have something small there?" Brandy replied, she tossed some chopped lettuce and tomatoes in a bowl, adding a sprinkle of shredded cheddar.
"I could because I worked so hard on this dish."
They sat together at the table and ate in comfortable silence for a while. "So, how did you like school? " Brandy finally spoke up as he served himself more salad.
"Well," Mariposa began after swallowing a piece of warm steak, "I have seen Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie today and Caroline showed me around the school." She added as an afterthought, scooping up a forkful of buttery potatoes.
Brandy bobbed her head in a nod. "I'm glad that your first they went okay." She pointed out.
"And Caroline offered me a spot on the cheer team." She told her mother.
"I'm sure that'll be a good idea," She said with a mouthful, "We need to focus on finding out more information about getting rid of the spirit, but if that's what you want."
She went upstairs to take a quick shower. Mariposa changed into a blue stitching ribbed crop top and low-waisted blue washed pants.
"Okay, ma I'm leaving!" She yelled from the door, struggled to put on her white shoes.
Brandy walked around the corner, "I'm going to go visit Shelia so I might be home late." She explains to her daughter, while passing Mariposa a jacket."
"Tell grandma I said hey."
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