#they're all idiots alright they just evolve into idiots in love <3
lavenoon · 2 years
In the comic of Robin meeting Eclipse, their daydream had a Sun & Moon ring. Is that also the ring they would get when they eventually actually get married/engaged?
and if so- Who proposed? I can only assume Sun because he's a peacock, but it would be immensely cute if it was Moon. OR EVEN BETTER IF BOTH OF THEM PROPOSED SEPARATELY DJKFAHAJ
Hi, I'm normal about them <3 -G
So the short answer is "All of them but also no one but also all of them again"
The long answer is… 
Sun and Moon want to, very very much. But they simply can’t settle on how to ask Y/N! They have a ring (not exactly what Robin envisioned, maybe, simply because that one was a fantasy, but a celestial engagement ring combining both a Sun and a Moon just seemed… like the best choice. The most obvious, too) and they know they both want to be there, but… How? Their eclipse mode is out of question - as much as they love their little brother, no one knows if another split wouldn’t fry something irreparably, and they can’t risk that. They were already an experiment, combining two AIs in one body, and Eclipse ended up being even more of one - they can’t do that anymore.
So they bicker back and forth about who'll get to actually pop the question, not settling on any clear plan - but we know how well their plans to tell Y/N something important usually goes. 
One day, just around the switch, with both of them still active, Y/N pops into their room after a little knock, looking just like they usually do (which is to say, to the idiots in love, stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous - oh wait, they’re talking)
“I said, legally, do you guys count as one person or two?” 
Tricky question - one they haven’t thought about themselves, either. They feel like individuals, but they also can’t imagine being without the other, and there aren’t many other animatronics like them. They aren’t even sure if the law knows whether they count as one or two.
“... Why?” 
“Well, I was just thinking, if we wanted to marry, how that’d work?” 
Bluescreening just barely avoided, but they need a moment. With audible strain to their voice they ask again - 
That’s when Y/N gets flustered, too. Looks away, raises their shoulders a bit, hides their face. Quieter and quieter, they elaborate.
“I mean, just. Hypothetically. Some day. If you guys want to.” 
And, even quieter, barely audible: 
“I’d want to.” 
The boys rush forward then, taking their hands in their own, gently tilting their head back up so they look at them again. 
“Did you just propose to us?” 
More fluster - because, well, this! Was supposed to be a hypothetical conversation! Nothing set in stone, but if they’re asking… 
“I mean, I guess? I kinda just wanted to know if we could, legally, before I actually propose!” 
Boys start wheezing, gently lowering themselves towards the ground, still holding on to Y/N. Just more and more hysterical giggles as Y/N looks on like “whelp. accidentally proposed to my boyfriends and officially broke them bc I forgot how to be subtle around them”
They decide to snap them out of it with a tried and true method. 
“Please don’t die because I proposed. Eclipse would never let me live it down.” 
It… works, and it doesn’t. The boys first wheeze even more, but then look up at them with just the giddiest smile on their face. 
“Love, we’ll gladly take that bullet for you - Eclipse will never let us live down that we hesitated so long you ended up being faster than us.” 
Now it’s on Y/N to blink and process. Boys get up, leaving them for a moment to grab the ring box. Dark blue, but with crimson red velvet inside. And of course the ring - which you’re not getting a picture of because I’ve been looking for like 20 minutes without finding something that sparks pure joy and I simply want to write instead. It’d be a combination of the sun and moon somehow - maybe even one of those double rings usually meant for couples, one sun one moon, both to be worn by Y/N. Go ham! It’s both of their symbols, because they love the thought of that kind of irrefutable claim, but apart from that, I simply cannot settle. 
Whichever boy is currently backseat driving does accept this outcome - it wasn’t planned, and he’ll get his own conversation about this later, but for now he stays awake and watches (with commentary in their head)
The other goes down on one knee, all traditional (but still seems ridiculously tall), and then officially asks the question. 
“Will you marry us?” 
Not traditional, now Y/N breaks out in giggles - not as hysterically, but still very very giddy. But when they grin at their boys their eyes shine with unshed tears, and the happiness is just radiating off of them. They reach past the ring to cup their boyfriends’ face 
“Yes, you goobers. I’d do it right now, and without hesitation. I decided that I want you in my life ages ago, and I’ve already kissed you for it. I’ll declare it to the world and kiss you again, and again, and again. As often and for as long as you’ll have me.” 
Here I think the boys would react a li’l differently. 
Moon would grin, playfulness through the roof. “Can I get that in writing? Wait - wait, we know. Write it in your vows!” as Y/N laughs at this new level of antics. They can already see it coming, how much he’ll enjoy it, but they wouldn’t have it any other way. They let go only to slip on their new ring, and then he cups their face instead to pull them in for a kiss <3 
(He’d also be the one who’d love to make fiancé/ future husband his brand. “Jilted husband” jokes in the same style as the Miette post, he’d pretend he’s withering and dying because they haven’t kissed him in almost an hour, and really, how’s he supposed to do his job under these conditions? But also demands soo many cuddles because “fiancé privileges”) 
Sun would regard them with such warmth in his expression he’s giving his namesake a run for its money. “We could start with forever, then.” He’d slip the ring on himself, babbling a bit about how if they didn’t like this one, they could always get a different one, and this one could be a placeholder, how they didn’t mean to presume- Y/N interrupts him with a kiss, not in the traditional sense, but because he’s easily distracted by physical affection. “It’s perfect,” they say, and then he just has to kiss them again. 
(He’d be the one who’d love to stage a public proposal with Y/N’s permission, bonus points if they permit multiple proposals at different locations simply for the fun of it and also maybe to get some sort of reaction out of people; prompt discounts, elicit excited gasps, maybe even just make things really uncomfortable for someone who flirted with either of them a little too much. Also bonus points if it’s a meant to be extremely flashy diversion at a mission, dramatic bastard /aff)
(They also all have a very mature conversation about their timeline, their general hard boundaries for married life, the fact that they'd need to figure out the law exactly, how it'll affect work, what they'll do about work, stuff like that. And then kiss each other silly again <3)
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