#they'll have a happy ending but gd are they fragged up
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lexicorp · 9 days ago
Here to politely request your version of the Seeker Boys lore 🙏, if you feel so inclined as to share
[i got distracting doodling the sillies but i am /so/ inclined sdfnwifb]
So FIRST! we got Starscream! (youngest)
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as you can see, he absolutely has his shit together :>
When it comes to his mentor Cryak, I tend to think of this fic by zeropro which i def recommend. After separated himself from her, he found himself enlisting in the Elite Guard of Vos. He quickly rose in the ranks, and met Thundercracker and Skywarp there, where the three rose up together as Starscream became the leader of the guard, much like in TF1. Overtime, the essentially police work, and monotonous servitude to the Primes got Starscream antsy. He didn't like how they were dismissed and given all the shit jobs the prissy higher ups didn't want. So, he decided to try and get into the Academy, since his time with Cryak had instilled an interest in such scientific endeavors. He managed to get in, juggling school and his work. He also met Skyfire of course (I wont delve too much into that part cuz it'd get p long-), aaaaand it was going great, with exhibitions to other planets in search of energon and possible settlements. But then on one to Urth back in da day, Skyfire was lost to the storm, and Starscream was forced to return without him despite his efforts. He was expelled from the school because of this on the basis of negligence essentially (they were itching for a reason to kick him out).
All that leads to when the next time he goes to a gladiator fight with warp and thunder to see the self proclaimed Megatron (prev D-16) in the ring as they often did, when Megs began his speech about how the system with the miners is screwed up, prejudice running rampant, and how shit needs to change: Starscream starts getting hella deep into that shit. Cuz he's pissed af now. He started meeting with megatron and openly supporting him as he was still the leader of the Elite Guard. Funding campaigns and giving information. This behavior got him flack from biches like Sentinel (more passive aggressive cuz that hoe had his own plans), and also the Primes, who were convinced that the system they had was necessary and tried to talk to him many times and when he tried to convince /them/ to change shit and set up mtgs for Megs, they wouldn't rlly listen (or their compromises were mediocre).
At that point in the lore, Megs and Star had an actually pretty good relationship for the most part. Even if Megs often prioritized Orion and their plans, and often would twist stars advice to make it sound like he had actually come up with it (Star brushed those things aside cuz he did admire Megatron and felt he had more right to organize this front from his background. His aft got gaslit and gaslit himself fr fr).
Star, Warp, and Thunder were generally on the same page then too. Warp hella down for usurping the government, and Thunder riding the high of his brothers' energy and wanting to support them.
Then, whole shit goes down of Sentinel and his accomplice assassinate the Primes (is framed as an accident and he tries to come back like oh yeah, I'm in charge now, so sad, much mourning). Starscream suspects it was bullshit, and he and Megatron plan to murder dat bich. Orion is against it of course, but follows them to continue to try and convince them to stop. How it ends, is Megatron gutting sentinel, and attempting to take the mattrix from him, but it denies him and chooses orion, which pisses him off. (detailing that would bleed more into Megs lore soo anyway-) Starscream was honestly like "wtf", and just follows Megatron out when Prime tells them to leave.
Then it goes into the war era, with Megatron rallying the Decepticons into a full ass force and announcing his plans to fuck shit up, and challenging Optimus. This is when Star and Meg's relationship starts going to shit. things get progressively worse and worse through the war, as Starscream is listened to less and less, and they get into fights often. This then starts reflecting onto his relationship with his brothers. At first, Starscream was decent at coming to them to rant or ask for assistance, but as Warp would show favoritism to Megs, and Thunder would tell him to just play it safe instead of starting fights, Starscream got more and more distant and bitter.
Oh! Also theres the fun Outlier factor where I imagine Star's is like super healing coded. Has a high ass damage threshold and very energy efficient (which can lead to him forgetting to fuel). The extreme end of this ability activates upon death, where his spark will hard deny separation and jumpstart his aft to life again and will try its best to heal his frame back to a functioning level. (which is rlly how he survived the shit that killed Skyfire) [bit about his optics]
Then there's Thundercracker (middlechild-)
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He didn't exactly have much of a Mentor, per say. He was onlined specifically for the Elite Guard, and was just guided by his superiors and expected to just figure it out and follow orders. He had his love for writing for a long time, and often uses it as a form of escapism. He also loves to critique movies and shit. Loves musicals-
He and Starscream actually initially bonded over this when Star had asked about it and showed interest, which not many others besides Skywarp had. Thunder would script-write little plays, and Starscream would always claim the lead role. Those were coveted nights in the prewar era for Thundercracker. Where they would practice, brainstorm improvements, screw around, and maybe have some high grade. It made him truly feel like he was a part of something, when so often before warp and star, he'd been alone in his passions just going along with the motions.
Thundercracker found the Gladiator fights, that Warp introduced them to, fascinating more than anything. He enjoyed the hype and community that came with it, although did find the premise unsettling. So when Starscream started working with Megatron, and the whole rising revolution shit, he was like, "oh yeah, that sounds cool". He honestly perceived it with more anime optics, tfe hashtag ass processor over here, as he thought the idea of rising up and bringing the world into a new age was awesome! He wasn't a fan of being "just" a seeker of the Guard, he wanted to be a famous writer, and he thought that whole thing could be the way to make that a reality.
Alas, it all went to shit. The war started, and he felt like everything was falling apart. Starscream had started to get more aggressive, and dismissive. Skywarp was all guns blazing for the blowing up everyone who stood in their way, but thundercracker just...didn't see how a war was going to fix things. he didn't understand why megs and orion fell out, and why optimus wasnt on their side. or why they were fighting instead of fixing things since it seemed like they had just gotten rid of their main obstacles.
Thunder became more disconnected himself as time went on. smothering himself in his art as much as he could. Maladaptive daydreaming for dayz baybe-- He's overall hella frustrated, and just wants things to get better, but doesn't know how, and is just back on the go with the flow grindset.
His tendency to disappear annoys the hek outta screamer. Especially when thunder doesnt tell him where tf he vanishes too when it comes to the Earth era (Thunder meets this human farmer fam, and constantly visits to hang out with their doge Buster.)
last but not least, there be Skywarp (oldest)
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Their Mentor was a scientist interested in researching Outliers. His earlier cycles were cooped up in labs, doing test after test after test. She hates that shit. Alot- Even joked at Starscream to "not become one of /those/ stiffs" when he'd gone to the Academy. When it came to joining the Elite Guard, it was a helluva an improvement to them, although adored any amount of freedom from the drab parts of the job by hanging with friends and trinemates. Adrenaline junkie and craves /all/ the stimulation.
They love graffiti, makeup/framepaint, and dancing. Would often do cover doodles for Thundercracker's stories, and helped choreograph shit. They /love/ drama, but only when it doesn't get too serious. They have fun with banter, brotherly ragging on each other, aaaand of course pranks. Theyre an absolute menace, but fiercely loyal to those they get close to (starscream would debate that fact when it comes to megatron-).
Skywarp was the first to introduce her bros to Gladiator lore Megatron. They idolize the guy, /heavily/. Which makes things difficult down the road when ol megs starts getting hella questionable, but they don't see it. They still view him the same way thru it all, and couldn't believe starscream's complaints as things deteriorated. Skywarps tendency to believe megs over star, ultimately is what starts driving them apart. Even if Skywarp still tries to bring them together again. They'll often try to rope star and thunder into their shenanigans, and petty schemes against the bots. Occasionally, it works. While others, he just gets an audial full about being immature.
Overall, they thrive in the chaos, but wishes the gang would get back together, and is hella salty about it. But being a silly goofy lad is the best coping mechanism lmao
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