#they'll get a first year in quartz who's good at dancing bc that's what quartz needs and quartz is like
protect-namine · 2 months
one one hand, I kinda see why all the other classes would make their jack ace and al jeannes their class leader. like, if you were a univeil student, I can see the student logic of going, "yeah this guy knows how to put on a good performance, let's make him the leader!"
but in hindsight... that's such a bad decision?? like, imagine as the lead performer, you have to be in charge of both the performance and the class. that's too much responsibility! instead of focusing on delivering on stage, you now have to split your attention with everyone else's roles. not even takarazuka does this. the top star and kumichou are usually not the same person. so I would assume that's also how the tamasaka troupe works. univeil students what are you doing lmao
I think one of the reasons why quartz works is because neji isn't the lead performer. he writes, he directs, he acts, he dances, he sings, but he's not the main lead. by taking on responsibility for the backstage work (except for props/tech/etc.), fumi/kai/kisa/whoever can focus on their own craft as performers.
like. how is kaido leading onyx while also being the jack ace? how is he getting and working on feedback? I could say the same for tsukasa, but at least tsukasa has minorikawa doing a lot of the heavy lifting. amber is kind of a special case, I guess, because they all want chui to be the stage. but honestly if chui was a better leader, amber wouldn't have to be this way lmao. like, chui is great but he's holding amber back, sorry to say. they could do so much more than this
(hm I guess the teachers in other classes are more hands-on and provide more guidance and support than enishi, so they can get away with lead performers being class leaders)
I was thinking about this because I was imagining what kisa's year two in univeil would be like. the next class leaders are gonna be mitsuki, sugachi, and minorikawa, right? and all three of them tend to step back to let other people shine or to play support, so I actually think they're very logical choices for the next class leaders. plus that would probably be the year chui would try to like. make friends and human connections. so I'm just imagining that year two would be quite healing for univeil, especially since in year one they are all still kinda hung up on tsuki being univeil's treasure. you can have other treasures!! love tsuki, but he isn't the only golden boy here!!
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