#they'll always see her actions in a negative light because they see Her in a negative light
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floralovebot · 2 years ago
do you think people are way too harsh on bloom? on one hand it's a little justified with how the writers started making her literally the only fairy that drove the plot forward with everyone else basically saying "welp bloom stubbed her toe so we can't do anything now" but on the other hand the amount of people i've seen insist she's a selfish monster that ruins everyone's life for her own amusement or to get ahead it's nuts.
Oh absolutely!
There's this kind of phenomenon where people just hate the main character for being,,, the main character. As much as we all love the other winx, the story was always About Bloom. The first three seasons were all leading up to Bloom's confrontation with the witches and the eventual revival of Domino. It was always her story! We just had a good group and a lot of good subplots that fleshed them out so they weren't Just Bloom and the Others. Which is good! The other winx having personalities and lives outside of "help bloom" is amazing! However, while the show is about all of them, the Main Story was always about Bloom.
And in s4, after Bloom's story is "finished", we actually see a drastic change in how they manage the group. Instead of focusing primarily on Bloom, they focus on Roxy and the Winx as a whole. In s5+, we do see a return of Main Character Bloom but that is 100% Nickelodeon's fault and not something that I would blame on Bloom herself.
I mean listen people are going to get annoyed with characters for whatever reason and I'm not here to say that people Can't dislike Bloom (actually yes i am here to say that all my homies hate bloom antis). But the reasons people give for why they hate her are always so... adhglahgdl like "oh she talks about her background too much >:( oh i wanted to see more of *insert other winx here* oh she's always targeted by the villains so unrealistic oh the other winx are better than her oh she complains too much" like GIRL
It's literally a case of hating the main character just because they're the main character. I guarantee you she would Not be this hated if someone else was the Main Winx.
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skania · 2 years ago
ONK Replies #4
If you've sent me an Anonymous message these past two weeks and I haven't replied to it yet, it should be here!
On a related note, unless it's something I've been meaning to talk about, I'm taking a break from replying to anon messages about Aqua/Kana because it's just not what I'm here for 😭 I don't want my blog to focus on the things I dislike about a ship I don't ship, I'd rather it be focused on the things I love about the ship I do ship.
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Off we go!
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Hi anon! No, I don't think Kana is the only light for Aqua. I agree with you, I think Kana is "light" in general and not Aqua's light specifically, I actually think she's meant to be "Everyone's Heroine" much like Fujiwara was in Kaguya.
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Yes anon, it's in Chapter 98.
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Hi anon! It's as Kana explains it:
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Himekawa wasn't trying to outshine anyone, he was acting the way any lead actor would. Akane deliberately outshone everyone in order to draw Kana out of her shell, but it has the opposite result because Akane stands out so much that Kana automatically falls into her self-appointed role of "coordinator".
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The way I saw it, it's because he was thinking of doing something (revealing Ai's secret) for someone else's sake (to save Kana). Since his actions are not (purely) motivated by negative emotions like revenge, his star briefly turns white. One of Ruby's stars goes white in that same chapter for the same reasons.
To be clear, Aqua was going to reveal Ai's secret regardless, it was part of his plan. But the timing of the reveal was for Kana's sake.
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I mean, the manga does go out of its way so we'll pity Kana, but it's used for comic relief just like Maki's self-inflicted suffering in Kaguya. The comment you read comes from someone who seems to expect OnK to be written like a shoujo, but it isn't supposed to be one lol
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No, I don't think Aka will go down the incest route. He will definitely have fun with it before he shoots it down, though 😂
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I think that acknowledging the contradictions would mean acknowledging Akane is more important to Aqua than they'd like to admit and/or believe, so it's easier to just not do it. Ironically, one could try to justify all of this by saying that Aqua just can't help himself: he comes up with excuses to stay near Kana but is perfectly capable of staying away from Akane.
...Except Aqua stayed away from Kana from an entire year, meanwhile with Akane he caved in and went to see her within 3/4 months of claiming he would have nothing to do with her 😂
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I'm glad it made sense to you anon! I honestly also felt like something clicked in my brain when I read that take 😂 It explains why Aqua's reaction is so subdued, why there is no focus given to it at all and just as you say, it also explains why Crow Girl just describes Kana as the girl who loves Aqua.
Honestly, I'm always trying to stay as cautious as possible, but by this point I do think it's Akane. I'm just waiting for the upcoming chapters to either confirm or deny it. So, all we can do for now is cross our fingers so that Aka takes this where we think it's going! lol
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To be fair, Aqua and Kana are a pretty inoffensive ship all in all, so it's not hard to see why people ship them. I personally don't ship them because I find them boring and underdeveloped, but that's just a matter of taste 😂
I can see why you feel that way! I'm not sure I see Akane as someone who is in the dark, but that may just be me. I think she is someone who can go there if she has to, but it isn't her normal disposition. She was willing to walk with him in the darkness if that's what it took, and now she is ready to do what it takes to pull him out of it.
So if Aqua and Akane are endgame, they'll be endgame because Akane has seen and been there for Aqua at his lowest and she has loved him and offered him solace through all of it.
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Hi anon, thank you!! I think it's a bit different. With Ai, he "superimposed" Sarina onto her because Ai was walking the road Sarina wanted to walk, it had little to do with the kind of person Ai was. With Kana, it's the opposite. I feel like Aqua thought 'Yes, she can be the kind of idol Sarina-chan wanted to be.'
Since Kana can be the kind of idol Sarina wanted to be (an honest one), Aqua likely felt that Kana could give Ruby (Sarina) the right example and lead her on the right path to become the (pure, honest) idol she's meant to be.
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Aqua didn't really need to project Sarina's dreams onto Ruby because Ruby had the same dreams herself. If anything, I think Aqua was waging a war on himself all along, because he did see Ruby as Sarina and blamed himself for it, thinking that he was only seeing what he wanted to see and that there was no way something that good could happen to him.
So all Aqua really had to do was watch over Ruby (Sarina) so she would fulfill her dream.
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"I don't know how you feel, but I'm here to listen" I love that! I think you're both right: Kana's intention was to empathize with Aqua and to offer him comfort, but she missed the mark. I think Kana's aim was to say I've lost people too and I know it hurts, your pain must be so much worse though. Don't downplay it! The problem is that she gets carried away in her own feelings, so the conversation immediately stops revolving around Aqua and his pain to revolve around her.
So while she meant well, this interaction does end up being an example of one of the fundamental problems I have with their dynamic. It's way too Kana-focused. We see Kana's fantasies about Aqua, how she depends on him, that she wants to be his idol, etc. We've seen Aqua saving Kana, but even when she makes the effort to try and comfort him, he ends up comforting her instead lol It's not balanced at all, for me at least.
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phoenix-fell · 2 years ago
I should probably just accept that I’m not likely to get what I want from the Faunus arc, mainly Blake kicking racist ass lol,
It could at least be nice to see her being an advocate for the faunus refugees, since they might get the short end of whatever relief effort the refugees end up getting
Although with the atlas military seemingly destroyed and Blake having the backing of ghira’s militia, ir feels like she’s the one with more power in this scenario lol
And to be fair that’s an important part of activism as well, being supportive of your community and sharing what resources you have to lift each other up, it doesn’t all need to be fighting the power and burning shit to the ground
The problem is I’m just not convinced Blake’s white fnag is willing to physically fight back if the need arises, perhaps it’s an unfounded worry, but we see them kinda endorsing respectability politics at the beginning of volume 6 and where told ghira’s methods in the past where too,passive, that combined with his actions in the Adam trailer and Blake’s stated dislike of ANY violent methods in volume 2 makes me wonder if she’d have been willing to do what Robyn was doing in volume 7 had she been in Robyn’s position,
She was evidently cool with raiding the SDC with sienna at first, but afterwords she left that life “for good reason on account of Adam” but has since then hasn’t been doing any more of such robberies, true she hasn’t necessarily had time but she also looks back on that time in a purely negative light so again it’s up on the air, and I don’t see an opportunity to clarify things,
Probably not for a while - as you've said in other asks, it'll be difficult to get it into the show in a way that's meaningful and impactful alongside the main plot and fight with Salem, cos the racism plot is one that deserves more than just being shoe-horned in. I do agree that they would need to build her up to it a bit first, maybe now she's healed from things with Adam, it could be an opportunity to do something more with the HH - Blake did seem to trust Robyn early on, I always thought that was because she sensed that Robyn's motives had been similar to her own.
I think Blake's really struggled between her dad's methods and Sienna's/Adam's, she's clearly not okay with killing or excessive violence, but seems okay with raids etc - so not quite vigilante but maybe something close. I honestly have no idea where they'll go with it tbh or how they'll build up to it - I guess it all depends on what they do with Vacuo, the Refugees and the SDC.
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sayruq · 3 years ago
Also, Alicent is casted younger and better looking than Rhaenyra. You are right, they'll be framing greens more positively i.e, Alicent will be more like Margaery rather than Cersei. Maybe its to balance out targaryen (and by targaryen I mean dany) favouritism among casuals, we all know Rhaenyra had better claim, and if the woke-crowd projects onto her (very likely) like they did with Dany, as some feminist kween fighting against misogyny, then God help the uproar when she gets eaten by her brother's dragon. I can already see the GaMe Of ThRoNeS HaTeS WoMeN iN PoWeR! articles. Absolutely ignoring that Rhaenyra and Daenerys were completely paranoid and very dark characters by the end, not because women in power often get corrupted but because people in power often get corrupted, since 99% of male rulers were also douchebages in GoT.
This is where I think leaving out Aegon vs Dany, dance 2.0 in show was a mistake. In original dance, woman has better claim than man, he kills her but he too has short lived victory. In dance 2.0, man was to have better claim than woman, she kills him but she too has short lived victory. So all in all it balances out, no favouring to either gender, only showing all targaryens are assholes, but now it'll look to casuals that poor Rhaenyra and Daenerys, the righful kweens, were sidelined by men, and it'll get worse if greens are shown negatively as compared to blacks. The thing about Dance is that we are not supposed to root for either of them, they were both terrible people and even worse rulers, and the only thing grrm is telling us is that Targaryens should go extinct.
i think dany's presentation is very much a product of early 2010s pop culture. i don't see any indication in the promos and interviews that rhaenyra will be presented in a similar light. in fact i'm hoping for more of a cersei-esque character where the writers really care about fleshing out rhaenyra and giving her motivation behind her actions and keeping her just sympathetic enough to make her interesting but not too sympathetic that she ends up looking weak.
frankly i'm starting to think the show will focus most of its efforts on daemon and the hightowers. while got did favor jon over dany (yes even with the whole 'youre ma kween' nonsense), it's not as blatant as hotd. daemon not being the main character is kind of the point of his character (despite grrm's efforts to undermine that because he thinks that dweeb is cool). he wants to be THE heir, the guy at the top but it's always someone else and no amount of scheming and killing will change that. so idk how hotd hopes to tackle that. i guess we will wait for the leaks.
but i agree. the exclusion of aegon vi is the biggest mistake d&d have ever made.
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mysticalhouseofcards · 4 years ago
🔥Stray Kids Hyunjin's romantic soulmate / future spouse reading🔥
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I asked the pendulum if Hyunjin is going to marry his romantic soulmate and I got YES and just to be sure I also asked if his romantic soulmate and future spouse are the same person and I also got YES , soo here we gooo ...->
Card/s to describe his soulmate energy currently and generally.
Well this girl gives me the vibe of a kind person but there are mental things that seem to hold her back and that she has to get rid of.
✨Six of Swords reversed and Nine of Swords ✨ Generally the Six of Swords reversed represents moving into troubled waters and lack of progress. In a reversed position, it is a card of feeling stuck, trapped overwhelmed, restricted and having nowhere to run or choosing to stand her ground. This card signifies instability, causing trouble and stormy relationships so it's expected life to be a little turbulent. This card also signifies slow healing. The Nine of Swords is another of the fear and anxiety cards. This card is not an indication of negative events actually happening, just that her fear and anxiety levels are so high they are making her feel that things are worse than they actually are. In short, she may be making mountains out of molehills. It represents stress, burdens, negative thinking and deep unhappiness. She is feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with or face situations, problems or just life in general and may has reached her breaking point. It is a card of mental anguish, remorse, guilt, regret, joylessness and despair and she may wish she could go back in time and re-write the past when it appears.
How she is perceived by others.
✨ Queen of Swords reversed ✨ I feel like because of what is happening currently people around her see her as cold-blooded, cold-hearted and harsh. They believe that she knows how to give you a convincing smile, however, her dead-cold eyes always give them away. They also think that she is someone who needs to figure out what she wants and how to take appropriate actions. She needs to get out of her head and connect to her heart again. Queen of swords reversed generally is someone who hasn’t felt anything in a very long time.
His first impression and circumstances in his life upon meeting her .
✨Page of Swords and Five of Pentacles reversed ✨ With the Page of Swords card it seems like she'll give him the impression of someone who is a free-thinker who harbours a love for freedom and non-conformity. Someone who is quite restless, inquisitive and at times very idealistic. He'll think that she needs to have her own unique expressiveness and a tendency to alienate others. What will make him more interested in her is that she is different to the point where she is weird and quirky but in quite a wondrous way. The Five of Pentacles reversed card tells me that he might have been going through a tough time as it represents hardship coming to an end, overcoming adversity or a positive change in circumstances. When everything seemed hopeless, he held on and when the time of the meeting come he will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel! It can also signify improvement in relationships, finances or luck. This card can also represent recovering from problems and being accepted or welcomed back after a period of alienation or isolation. He will be in a much more positive frame of mind, beginning to rebuild his feeling of security and stability and making progress. He may also will be finding forgiveness for anyone who may have caused him issues in the past.
Her first impression and circumstances of life upon meeting him.
✨ Three of Cups and Queen of Pentacles ✨ With the Three of Cups card it seems like he'll give her the impression of a person affectionate and fun. He'll seem like he loves to party, especially if he can be the host or center of attention. She'll think that he is very handsome and stylish, and that he has the ability to turn heads wherever he goes. She'll also think that he is very charismatic and positive and it is easy to fall in love with him. The Queen of Pentacles card tells me that her life will be far more better near their meeting , she'll manage to become more social and know and set her goals while working hard to achieve them if she hasn't already ! It generally a positive card that talks about good social life and success !
How will they meet.
✨ Knight of Pentacles reversed ✨ This card reversed can indicate lazyness so they might meet each other somewhere that they can be lazy and relaxed , maybe somewhere with friends . The meeting can take place somewhere near water maybe a lake because in my card I see both water and trees around and it could possibly happen around midnight or after.
Outcome of the relationship.
✨ The Hermit✨ Through their relationship they'll manage to do soul searching, self-reflection , spiritual enlightenment ,to discover their true spiritual self, contemplate their existence, their direction in life or values. They will manage to get more spiritual, mature and see the world and life with different eyes.
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nexyra · 4 years ago
RWBY Analysis - Ozpin & Ruby, on the concept of leadership
In her song "Burned out", Dodie sings of her fans, how they look up to her and how uneasy that realization made her. For everyone is at the end of the day just as human as their neighbour; and having the hopes and expectations of others put upon you when you're just as lost as them can be a frightening thing. And this... made me think of Ruby & Ozpin.
On the subject of leadership, Ozpin tells Ruby the following : “Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?”
While I love this quote, I also have to analyze the drawbacks of this mentality and how they align with both Ozpin and Ruby. At the time, Ruby is a newly appointed leader and unsure of this reality. Ozpin's counsel give her the confidence needed to step up as a leader and take her duties more seriously, which in return appeases Weiss' and make their team all the more balanced. It is, in that context, good advice. A good leader should strive to lead by example and work hard to be worthy of the respect others give them, both in and outside of battle.
However there is one aspect that I find much more complex and that is... what does it mean to "always perform at your absolute best" and to have others follow you ? Note the use of follow, people letting you lead alone as opposed to "standing by your side" or a similar expression. It showcases in my opinion one of the biggest problem of Ozpin's leadership, but one that I feel has been inadvertently repeated by Ruby's.
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To cultivate hope and lies
When it comes to Ozpin's lies, I am of the firm belief that he had good intentions. Soo if you think he's the scorn of this earth, this might be a good time to tap out :D Now, this said I have a lot to say on the subject but I'll keep this short to stay on track (& make another unrelated post to develop my thoughts.)
In my opinion, at the core of his lies stand different beliefs. And on the subject of leadership, I think one stands out in particular and aligns with the advice he gave Ruby : the need to perform at your best to give others a reason to follow you.
Ozpin is the reincarnation of a centuries-old wizard and the headmaster of a school : what is one aspect almost every character agrees on upon meeting him ? "Oh, he's wise. He's knowledgeable. He has the answers. He has his shit together. He can tell us what to do."
Inherently, Ozpin's existence inspires respect and reassure. Just like to a child, a parent is all-knowing and unbreakable, Ozpin's status automatically give others the assumption that he knows what he's doing. And this, in my opinion, is one of the core problems of his leadership.
May it be with his inner circle, with RWBY, with ANYONE really; as soon as Ozpin reveals himself there are unspoken expectations that will chain him. He has the knowledge, he was here when it all began, he's the one calling the shots so he HAS to know exactly what to do. In that situation, breaking down and revealing to everyone how lost Ozpin is, how out of his depth... is unconceivable. And this is where Ozpin's conception of leadership becomes a problem as well. If you always perform "at your best" then you keep your doubts to yourself, you hide your sorrows and you put on a brave face. There are expectations in place that Ozpin wants (needs even) to meet. And thus the hopes of others and Ozpin's desire to fulfill them feed one another, as a perfect recipe for disaster. Because the more time Ozpin spends acting as if everything is under control, the more the expectations pile up... And coming clean about his humanity, the fact that he's just as powerless as the rest of them, becomes impossible.
And in that sense, breaking down the pedestal Ozpin had been put on was probably one of the best thing to do for his own mental health (though the method lacked a bit of compassion in my opinion xD)
The other part that somehow causes problem is how RELIANT on him his inner circle is. Despite their apparent friendship, Ozpin is the clear leader and as soon as he's out of comission, everything falls apart. Ironwood is the only one to call out Oz but in the end still wishes for the wizard to tell him what to do in period of stress. Qrow plays spy and takes order but doesn't seem really interested in stading at Ozpin's side as an equal. Glynda is stern but still defers to him etc...
All of them FOLLOW Ozpin but are just a few steps off from standing at his side. And this is something I see reflected in Ruby.
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Following optimism up until it fails you
In Vol6, as secrets and lies are brought to the light, the loss of Hope that Ozpin feared so deeply happens. Is it worth it ? What are we even going to do with an immortal foe ? Maybe we should just go home. In that situation, Ruby is the simple soul who manages to keep her optimism, stand tall and say "No. We are taking the lamp to Atlas." And from then on her position as a leader and a bacon of light is reaffirmed. As Jaune put it in V4 "You gave us the courage to follow you."
Now is that, in itself, a problem ? Of course not. In fact I loved seeing Ruby come into herself and take the lead in Vol6. The problem in truth comes after, from the ramifications. From Vol6 onward, Ozpin has essentially been rid of his leader position and Ruby inherited it. And on a surface level sure, they are pretty different. Ruby is certainly closer to her partners : they're a family and they care about each other.
However, she is still clearly put at the lead. The others relied on Ruby's optimism and resilience to get to Atlas, and continue to do so. Setting foot in Ironwood's office, Blake tells Ruby "We'll follow your lead". They trust her, and whatever Ruby does... goes. They lie to Ironwood and Yang expresses some hesitations but eventually rally to Ruby's decision. And I emphasize this again : it is Ruby's decision. They did not pre-emptively discuss this as a group and then let Ruby be the spoke-person. Yang herself in Vol8 criticizes not their actions but Ruby's choices. Ruby calls the shots, Ruby is responsible for what happens, Ruby is their beacon of hope... Ruby is the new Ozpin.
Ruby has to be optimistic, and make the decisions and take risks because she's the leader. When Ruby leaves the room to break down, conversation & strategy stalls : the others don't take the lead. When things go south, it's Ruby's choices that led them here. Ever since Ruby has left Beacon, the only person who consistently encouraged Ruby to express the BAD, to share the negative has been Oscar. Even her silver eyes ask her to focus on only the happy memories to go off without a hitch ! The others comfort, they smile, they trust, they love even. But they don't want depressed Ruby finally grieving, they don't want honest "I don't know what to do" : they try to bring back confident and optimistic "we're gonna try" Ruby Rose. They want their earnest and happy but ultimately perfect leader that gives them reason to follow. In the end, even if they deeply care for her and have no shortage of warm coated reassurances for the teen, they still chain her down with their expectations. Ruby is NOT built for this. And I don't even say that in the "why is a kid calling the shots" sense, but "why is a kid put in a position where she's RESPONSIBLE for calling the shots ?"
Ruby is the youngest of the group apart from Oscar. The others should not rely on her this much to function. Blake telling Ruby that she looks up to her and that they'll follow her lead is admittedly sweet, but still builds up the pressure weighing her down. Blake calling out for Ruby's help when the teen has just been crashed to the ground by the Hound isn't even sweet anymore. They're all supposed to be equals. Blake is just as capable as Ruby. Calling out to your mind-controlled friend to bring them back from the edge is good. Calling out to your 17-old sister who's been beaten up because you need her to fight isn't.
They need to recognize that Ruby should not hold up the place alone. Because yes, they love her. But at the end of the day, Ruby is still the one bearing the weight of their decisions... Alone, even surrounded.
He was certain; So was I There was comfort in her sighs
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Dreams and ideas should not be the same thing You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, she'd want it, if she knew She could take it, I thought too Be careful, be cautious but you just wished harder You waited, smiling for this?
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"But they love you!" Over and over, "they love you!" Thousands and thousands of eyes just like mine Aching to find who they are
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"Oh, they love you!" Oh, you can feel how they love you ! Coated and warm but that's all they can do Words only get through if they're sharp
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Oh, how fitting For one so fake Make me a fairy Whatever it takes
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And just like a tale my dream was a scam You waited, smiling for this?
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I am burnt out I smell of smoke It seeps through her cracks and so I start to choke Sentences sit in her mouth that are templated You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, maybe I'll talk about it... (maybe I'll talk about it) I can just talk about it... (I can just talk about it) I'll never talk about it... (I'll never talk about it) No, I cannot talk about it...
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Don't build hope on something broken I am not cartoon. Cry for help, I am not joking I might just leave soon
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kyandice · 8 years ago
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How I wish there were more of such humans that would do this and go the extra mile for their friends. It's not even like what, an extra mile, they are just doing what they should do and what a normal human being should do.
people should know how much impact they could have on other person’s life. As for me, those secondary school boys should know better.
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I don't believe in God, but this is reassuring. If only people would say this to me. Maybe I should start believing in God. At least maybe for once, I know my worth. 13 reasons why may be not liked due to some controversial stuff like it's promoting suicide and what not. But we also can learn a thing or two from there.   Watch "13 Reasons Why" and you'll realize just how important every little thing you say to someone really is. be kind, it could save a life. 
We all tried to get help. It's just all about the people who listened, people who cared, people who made you feel loved, people who made you feel worthy of something. And you never know whats really going on with other peoples lives, so don't be mean. For all you know, they might die the next moment and words spread and people know it’s because of you, you'll live the rest your life with guilt. I would personally kill myself, and before I do that, ill spread the word about those who drive me into this. Sure, revenge will be made, they cant have a stable life, they'll live their lives with guilt. I'm not condoning suicide, I know it's wrong and people shouldn't do it. But I've been considering this as an option since I was in secondary school and the only things stopping me is just me having no courage to actually carry everything out. There's Bryan, I don't want to hurt him either.
Other people criticize the character of Hannah and say that she is as bad as the rest of them for pinning her death on them, knowing the devastating effects this will have on them for the rest of their lives. BUT YO, sometimes, revenge just had to be made to show the world the consequences of bullying or merely being mean. Hanna is not perfect, im not perfect, I would've done the same. she's not an angelic figure who does no wrong. Hannah is a flawed character. The show isn't about how the good girl got her revenge against the cruel bullies. The show is about how everything affects everyone. And if teenagers are able to take one message from the show, it's that their actions can have serious consequences, no matter how insignificant they may seem to them.  Hannah is bullied in the show, but not the way television and movies normally portray bullying. This isn't the big kids shoving the small kid in the locker. This isn't the jock robbing the nerd's lunch money. This is real. It's slut-shaming, it's being excluded, it's being treated like dirt and it's a lack of adequate mental health facilities at her disposal. It's real. Mine wasn't as bad. But how bad? that's all relative to the person. 
What we need you to understand is that suicide is not a light-hearted choice. It takes time and an indescribable amount of sadness. You would first need to break as a human being. The road to suicide is not paved with brick. It has mountains and cliffs and even road works sometimes when things get a little better in life. Sometimes people turn around and walk back the other way, sometimes they run towards the end, sometimes they wander around in the middle for a time. It is different for everyone. But all the while suicidal people fight to live. You only see Hannah's choice to kill herself, I see every day that she didn't. Even on the last day of her life Hannah went to the counsellor. She still tried to stay. No one wants to die, not really. We want the pain to stop. We want a way out. But even when the house is on fire and we have nothing but a cup of water in our hands to help we still tell ourselves "you can do this". But we can only fight for so long and maybe eventually we reach a moment where we give up. And it only takes a moment. Then it's too late. You can choose to die once but you choose to live every day. There is a lot of talk around the show planting the idea of suicide for revenge, which is a stretch. That's the stigma talking.
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When I see Clay I don't see a victim, I see a bystander.I don't think being a bystander makes you a bad person, because Clay clearly isn't.But it does make you a weak one.When you are getting bullied and no one is there to stand up for you but yourself, it's incredibly isolating.Their silence acts as encouragement to the bullies by turning a blind eye to their behaviour.
For my story, Back in secondary 2, Beatrice was always bullied. People boys laughed about her acne, pimples. Called her ugly. Laughed at her whenever she had to answer a question in class she sat at the corner of the class, trying to get away from all these negative attention. At that point, I had no friends too. The class was against me and it started because of a group of popular girls were just salty that I had more attention from boys than them. I've always hung out with boys since I was in primary school and yeah I was sporty, I played soccer, the fastest runner in school. Damn right I definitely will be popular amongst the boys. But hey, those popular pretty girls hated it. They started to spread hate about me, and well things worked pretty well for them. i mean if you were a guy, which side would you be on? A big bunch of lovely pretty popular girls or a lone decent looking girl whos kinda a tomboy whos really good at many sports? of course those pretty ladies. Guys love the pretty ladies. A point extra if you're popular. And slowly, those guys turned against me, started laughing at me, making fun of me. And each time they laugh at me, my reputation lost, my friendships were lost.
And back to Beatrice. She was another girl bullied in the school. this was the mistake that made everything worst. I didn't not regret this but, it definitely made me feel worst about myself. When people made fun of her acne and said she was disgusting, i stood up for her and comforted her everytime. But the more i do that the more people started making fun of me for protecting her and being friends with her. so yeah. but she was a shy person. i dont blame her for like not trying to stand up for me but i was taking more blow than beatrice and i just dont know if i should be selfish and just care for myself.
I just want someone, who could emotionally support me, someone who would do exactly what I would do for people. 
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