#they'd rather just take apart an entire complicated machine and reassemble it than snip a single strand of hair
pushing500 · 1 month
Okay, I feel like such an idiot because I accidentally deleted the ask haven't cried about it yet though so that's a win, but someone asked me if I thought Mechi and Kwahu's long hair, coffee-fueled all-nighters, and work surrounding complex machinery would ever result in disasters or terrible, embarrassing haircuts.
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The answer is yes! I think these two dumbasses get their hair caught in everything all the time, but they're too proud to cut it, so they just take the machines apart and then painstakingly put them back together again every time there's an accident.
For your viewing pleasure, other places where Mechi's utter disregard for shop safety and OSHA regulations is discussed: here and here
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