#they'd fit taros so well too
gilgamemesh · 7 years
I saw this long and super elaborate dream and I’ll try to write it down fast before I forget!!
The dream took place in this medieval-ish castle but the time period was honestly closer to like Renaissance than medieval times, perhaps even later times but it was supposed to be a fictional universe I think? 
Basically there was some sort of coup going on in the castle but the exact type is a mystery to me as I spent majority of the dream just kind of running around for some reason and trying to avoid getting killed? The part where I was physically in the dream was fun in the dream but boring if I were to write it down so I’ll skip this directly to when I disappeared from the dream.
There was this young man who was probably around 16-17 in the castle, dark-ish skin, dark hair and he was some sort of squire I think and also a talented tactician? And he realized the coup would happen and everyone in the castle would get killed if they didn’t run away, but all the doors were blocked. While he was running around trying to find an escape he ran into a small boy (probably around 10) he pulled with him as a way to save both himself and the boy once they just find a way out.
Then suddenly one of the walls of the castle opened to them and there was a group of men inside wearing dark capes and matching clothes and they were some sort of secret society and they were willing to let the boys in for a reason that was totally explained but I forgot, and so they went in. They could hear how the castle rumbled and how people were slaughtered outside but they were safe there. The young boy got super attached to the older one, and while he didn’t speak much at all he was always following the older boy around. 
I think they lived within the walls of the castle for some time but then it became clear they would soon be attacked too and they had to prepare for a fight, and they started planning how to attack the opponent and the older boy worked as a tactician and became some sort of unit leader as a result? 
They then went outside through a tunnel with all their men and the older boy told the younger to stay on the charts they had prepared somehow and that he should try his best to stay alive and run and hide if push came to shove. Then the battle started, I think they were ambushed and were met with archers and fiery cannonballs, and in the heat of the battle the older boy was killed by the archers. It was an instant death and came as a plot twist surprise even to ME. The younger boy then jumped out of the chart and ran to the older boy’s corpse and tried to hold him and see his face and nudge him back awake but it was useless, he was dead and wouldn’t wake up anymore. 
And then the young boy got mad and his form changed into this weird smoke like creature, like humanoid enough but definitely some fantasy race and every one of he secret society members gasped and the young boy started MAULING their opponents and brutally murdering them by turning into like invisible gas when dashing and thus avoiding arrows, and would materialize only to like kill the men in one strike. 
At this point the dream stopped but I was still asleep and then I was in the real world and apparently the whole thing had been a video game??? And I had this guide book with me detailing the fictional races and species of the game series (it was supposed to be like game of thrones somehow) and I remember looking up what that boy was supposed to be and apparently he was part of a species that instictively think they’re human and try to live as humans in the human world? And they don’t talk much, they mentally mature faster than humans (so even though the boy looked 10 he was mentally around 15-16 already) and get attached to one person they usually follow around until their death, and if harm falls on this person they reveal their real form and just go on a rampage sdfg 
I’M MAKING THIS SOUND REALLY BORING but it was good in the dream I loved the unity the two boys had and the death plot twist was honestly a surprise even to me even though it was my dream and I’m :( 
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