#they would let themselves feel all the scary things that little Neil and Andrew felt and tell them that it's okay to feel that way and they
mauvemischief · 2 months
Thinking about Andrew Minyard and Neil Jostens healing their inner child together tonight.
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soullessminyard · 8 years
 @palesandwichobject asked for a part 2 of the Andreil Twilight AU (part 1) (special thanks also goes to @alecolightwood )
Neil needs some time to adjust to his new vampire body
He is still surprised when his body moves faster than he anticipates
Stupid accidents in school happen
Like Neil just disappearing and then showing up at the other side of the room a few seconds later
The other students think he is even weirder since he started hanging out with Andrew
They are also concerned because the two of them seem really close now
Who would voluntarily want to spend time with Andrew (he is scary af)
But the Foxes are worried too because if Neil keeps acting like that they´ll have to move soon
Riko may be dead but if they call too much attention to themselves the humans will soon start to notice that they aren´t normal
And if other vampires (possibly members of Riko´s clan) become aware of the fact that they have revealed their true nature this could start yet another war between the Foxes and the Ravens
So they decide that it´s time to move
Nicky wants to move to Germany because he wants to move in with Erik again
But he´s overruled by the rest of the Foxes
Kevin suggests moving to Alaska and living with the Trojans a clan who has a similar lifestyle (Kevin is also close friends with the clan leader Jeremy)
Andrew of course chooses Kevin´s side
Neil doesn´t care (he just wants to be with Andrew) so he votes for Alaska
Most of the other Foxes also really like or at least tolerate the Trojans so most of them are ok with moving to Alaska
It takes some time to pack all their stuff (Allison has a lot of clothes and Kevin wants to take all his Exy gear with him)
They also need to make up an excuse about why they are moving in the middle of the school year
It takes about a month and a half of preparations until they are ready to move
At first Neil didn´t really care about moving because he´s been on the run for most of his life but when moving day rolls around he is actually pretty excited
The last few month were exhausting
He always had to pay attention to not blow their cover and to get used to all of his new abilities
Neil had to come to terms with his new scars
Andrew gave him a matching set of armbands when he found Neil silently tracing his scars one night
Neil has been wearing them ever since
He was also very busy figuring out his relationship with Andrew
There has been a lot of kissing and figuring out each others boundaries
They figured out that Andrew is ok with Neil touching his hair and neck and even his shoulders on most days
But the most important thing that Neil has discovered is the spot Neil has to kiss to make Andrew shudder
It happened one night when they sat on the roof together (like most nights)
Andrew had a cigarette between his lips and Neil´s new sense of smell allowed him to inhale the smell from just sitting next to Andrew and watching him smoke
Andrew looked good
The pale glow of the moon illuminating his straight nose, strong jaw line and long eyelashes
The smoke curling around Andrew´s expressionless yet beautiful face
Neil couldn’t resist
He leaned even closer inhaling some of the smoke surrounding Andrew
When Andrew didn´t shy away Neil moved another few inches closer
“Is that ok?”
Neil leaned in and gently kissed Andrew´s neck
His skin there was just as cold as the rest of him but Neil couldn’t help but think that Andrew`s skin is particularly soft there
Andrew´s hair tickled Neil´s skin while he explored Andrew´s neck
But then something happened
Andrew has been stock-still the whole time but when Neil reached the
spot right behind his ear his body shuddered and Andrew made the most beautiful little noise (almost a sigh)
Neil smiled against his neck
“You like it”
“Shut up”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Neil still grins whenever he thinks back to that moment (it has its advantages that  Andrew can´t read his mind because he would just glare at him 24/7 if he knew what Neil is thinking about most of the time)
Yes, the last few month weren´t always easy for Neil but that just makes moving more exciting
He is now ready to build a new life with the Foxes and especially with Andrew
Even tho Andrew gave him a key and a home the house never felt like a real home to Neil
Andrew´s room has always been Andrew´s room even after Neil moved in with him
Now they can finally start over and built a new home together
Neil can´t wait to do that
Andrew and Neil drive to their new home together (they were supposed to take Aaron and Nicky with them but Andrew just started the engine when they were going back for the last bags that were still in the house)
Neil got used to Andrew´s driving style by now
He actually really enjoys going on road trips with Andrew
This always means quality time and at least a few kisses when they have to stop for gas or Andrew simply gets bored
They are the first to arrive at their destination
Jeremy stands in front of the house to greet them
Nothing seems amiss but Andrew has a weird feeling and his instincts are right more often than not
He can smell something or rather someone
Andrew grits his teeth but can`t stop the hiss from escaping
“What is he doing here?” snarls Andrew
“He is one of us now”, answers Jeremy calm as always
“Then we won`t stay here”, states Andrew before he turns and starts walking back towards the car
“Andrew wait”, Neil runs after him (his new abilities allow Neil to reach Andrew before he can leave)
“No!” Neil protests when he reaches him
“I´m not letting him near you. Maybe you forgot but I still remember everything”
Just when Neil opens his mouth to say something Jeremy catches up with them
“When Riko died Jean came to us asking for help and a shelter. We decided to give him a second chance and if you can´t accept then I´ll have to ask you to leave. But I hope that you´ll think about it before you make a hasty decision”
Andrew just stares blankly at Jeremy and then continues walking towards the car
Neil jogs after Andrew
“Let us stay here. At least for a little while. If something goes wrong we can always leave immediately”
Andrew looks at him before he nods
He turns around to look at Jeremy “If something happens to him I´m going to kill you all”
Jeremy ignores Andrew threat and just proceeds to show them the house and the property
After a few difficulties at the beginning Andrew and Neil soon settle into their new room
It takes some time for both of them to adjust but they manage eventually
Kevin and Jean fight a lot the first few months after the foxes have moved in but after some time and a few talks they decide on a truce
Andrew and Jean still don’t really talk and Andrew almost killed Jean twice but other than that everything seems pretty chill
Neil FINALLY gets to play vampire Exy
To say he is excited is an understatement
He loves every second of it
Andrew and Neil stay with the Trojans for a few years until they decide that it´s time to move on
They want to live on their own (without the others breathing down their necks every second)
Having their own house instead of just having their own bedroom
They want to settle down far away from the civilization; somewhere in the woods (They are tired of changing identities and pretending to be human. They just want to be left alone)
After some research they find the perfect house in middle of the Canadian forest
It´s very remote and the next village is a three hour drive away
They choose their final identities so they can purchase the house
When Neil checks the new passport he splutters
“This says Josten-Minyard?”
“I am aware”
“We´re not married”
“You´re exceptionally clever today”
“Do you want to get married?”
Let´s be real Neil definitely thought about it more than once but he never imagined this could be something that Andrew wants as well
“Yes or no?” Andrew looks like he couldn’t care less when he asks the question but Neil sees right through him
He sees the slight shimmer of nervousness in Andrew´s eyes and the way the corners of his mouth twitch in anticipation
“It´s always yes with you”
This is how Andreil decide to get married
They don´t want a ceremony (their passports already say that they are married and the simple agreement that they want to acknowledge that fact is enough for them. They know that they are each others forever. They don´t need to prove that to anyone)
Renee saw their talk in one of her visions and when Andrew and Neil come back she doesn´t even need to ask Andrew how Neil reacted
She can see that her vision came true in Andrew´s eyes and can hear it in Neil´s carefree laughter
Renee doesn´t tell the other foxes about it because she knows that Andrew and Neil don´t want to make a big deal out of it
It´s actually Neil´s fault that the foxes catch up on what´s going on
Sometimes he just needs reassurance that all of this is true
That he doesn´t need to run anymore
That Andrew is his home
That Andrew is his husband
So he takes out his new passport sometimes to look at it and make sure it really reads Josten-Minyard there
In a house full of people it only takes so long until someone catches him doing that
It ends up being Nicky who walks in on Neil just quietly staring at the little booklet in his hand
“What is that?”
Neil tries to hide the passport behind his back but Nicky is faster and grabs it right out of Neil´s hands
“When did that happen?” Nicky asks barely able to contain his excitement when he reads their combined surnames
“What do you mean?”
“Don´t be stupid. When did you and Andrew get married?”
“Uhm technically we didn´t get married. We just changed our names on the passports so it would be easier to buy the house”, Neil tries to downplay the whole thing in the hope that Nicky will just forget about it
But of course he won´t
He tells everyone he comes across about his new discovery and after a few hours everyone in the house knows about it
When they all sit together in the evening Nicky of course mentions how sad it is that Andrew and Neil didn´t have a proper wedding and that it would be a nice way to say goodbye before they move
Andrew and Neil immediately disagree
They don´t need a ceremony
Not to mention a ceremony planned by Nicky
But Renee gives Andrew a look and a few seconds later he can see the vision she had earlier that day
It´s an image of Neil in a nice black suit standing at the end of an aisle decorated with flowers, waiting for Andrew to join him
But what strikes Andrew most about the vision is the smile on Neil´s face
It´s so radiant and bright
His dead heart clenches at the sight
Renee nods her head in Neil´s direction (a gentle gesture that says just think about it)
And Andrew knows that he would do everything to make Neil smile like that (even if that means having an actual wedding)
So it´s decided that they will get married on the day they move
Their belongings will already be a on the way to Canada and will wait for them there when they come back from their honeymoon
The ceremony is simple and nothing official
Just an exchange of vows in the garden
But that didn´t keep Nicky from going all out with the flower decoration
Sunflowers line the way to the makeshift altar (it´s a table with a white tablecloth) and at the end of the aisle an arch of yellow and white roses completes the ensemble
Allison choose the suits
They are both black and very fashionable
Wymack officiates the wedding
All the Foxes and Trojans are invited (even Jean)
There are several betting pools on how the whole thing will go down
They bet on a lot of different things but no one expected them to actually take the wedding seriously (except from Renee but she is not allowed to bet on anything because she probably already knows the outcome)
Neil is nervously standing in front of the altar waiting for Andrew
They are already married on paper but that doesn´t make the strange feeling in his belly go away
And then the music starts
It´s a lovely song but Neil doesn´t really pay attention because Andrew´s just arrived
Bee is walking him down the aisle
He looks breathtaking in his black suit with the white dress shirt and his silver tie
When he reaches Neil he puts out one hand and Neil is glad that he has something to hold on to
Andrew is his anchor
He holds Neil in place and will never let him go (Neil is glad for that)
Neil can´t help but give Andrew his biggest, brightest smile and he is pleased to notice that Andrew´s eyes soften the tiniest bit
Wymack gives a heartfelt speech
Saying goodbye to both of them and wishing them the best for their future
If vampires would be able to cry there would be only a few dry faces
Then it´s time for Andrew and Neil to exchange vows
Neil goes first
“Andrew, you gave me a place to call home and a new life. I promise that I will never forget about the second chance you gave me and that I will cherish that gift until the end of my existence. I promise to trust you and that I will stay by your side. And if should feel the need to run I´ll always come back home to you”
It is short but still more than anyone expected
When it´s Andrew´s turn they all sit stock-still and no one dares to make the slightest noise
Neil giving a little speech was surprising but Andrew saying something he actually means in return seems entiretly impossible
The silence stretches for a few more moments
Then Andrew opens his mouth
His voice is quiet but clear
His face entirely impassive
“This means something”
Neil doesn´t need to breathe anyone but he still gasps at Andrew´s words
“I vow to never bring you any harm and to protect you for the rest of my existence”
If Neil´s heart was still beating it would be jumping right out of his chest
His knees feel weak
He is not the most emotional person but this is the first time Andrew admitted that there is something between them
And he offered his protection
All Neil can do is hold on tighter and hope that Andrew will keep his promise and never let go
Andrew of course notices that something is going on
He squeezes Neil´s hand and tucks him forward
Neil stumbles a bit but Andrew stops him with two hands on his shoulders before he barrels into Andrew
Neil stares at Andrew for a few more seconds until Wymack interrupts their moment to continue with the ceremony
Renee stands and comes up to them
She has a little velvet box in her hand
Andrew and Neil turn their heads to look at her
While Neil´s mouth opens wide in surprise Andrew merely raises an eyebrow
“I saw you consider it and thought I´ll help you to make a decision. You don´t need to take them if you don´t want to. What you do with them is your choice but I just wanted to give them to you”
She smiles gently at them
When Andrew extends his hands towards her she places the box in his palm
Then she goes back to her chair
Andrew lets go off Neil`s hand and opens the box
In the box are two plain gold rings
“Yes or no?”
Andrew takes one of the rings and puts it on the ring finger of Neil´s right hand (later Neil wears his on a chain around his neck because he is scared to lose it on a hunt)
Neil does the same with Andrew´s ring
“Andrew and Neil by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may now kiss!”
(They don´t really need that part because it´s not an official ceremony but Nicky insisted it is mandatory)
Neil is unsure if Andrew is comfortable with kissing him in front of everyone
So he waits what Andrew will do
Andrew holds out his hand again
They intertwine their fingers and walk down the aisle together
They´ll save the kisses for their honeymoon
The wedding reception is short and mainly consists of saying goodbye to everyone
Andrew and Neil will spend their honeymoon on a small island in the Caribbean
Their flight is on the same day so they need to get ready to leave soon after the wedding
Nicky put a big Just Married sticker on the car they will drive to the airport but Andrew and Neil don´t care
They get into the car and Andrew starts the engine
Neil waves a last goodbye to his new family
When he can´t see them anymore he turns back around to find Andrew looking at him
He isn´t smiling but it´s a close call
Neil fiddles with the ring on his finger and smiles back
He can´t wait to spend his forever with Andrew
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