#they waited like a week then started letting the cat outside again
charliemwrites · 7 months
Hybrid AU with Ragdoll!Reader and Siberian-mix!Konig
Reader is a rescued cat hybrid that Laswell's sister in law has been taking care of for the last 3 months. When she meets this little ragdoll kitty, so bright and friendly and curious, she immediately thinks of the 141. Hybrids have a lot uses in the government. Sometimes combative, sometimes therapeutic. The 141 could use a companion animal, given the close call Soap recently had and the general trauma the whole squad has.
With the kitty's permission and cooperation, they assess her as a possible therapy placement. She tests so well and so high that Laswell (again, with consent) immediately starts paperwork to place her with the 141 before even bringing it up to Price.
He's a bit skeptical at first. Even without being a combat hybrid, their jobs are high stress, very dangerous, and not very stable. But Laswell convinces him to at least meet Ragdoll.
They do introductions at the sister-in-law's house, where the kitty will be most comfortable. Ragdoll takes one sniff of him and starts purring like a little engine. He's visibly surprised, and Laswell can barely hold back her grin as the kitty climbs into his lap. They spend the rest of the afternoon discussing arrangements while his new hybrid naps because obviously he can't say no now.
Price becomes her primary handler. They move her to his barrack and give her a week to settle in, but she's not a skittish thing by any means. Wants to follow him everywhere, curls up in his bed, meows sadly at the door when he leaves her alone. It becomes clear very quickly that the usual introduction manuals are too slow for her.
Kitty meets Kyle next. Again, instant purrs. She presses her cheek into his palms, then wriggles her way closer to brush up against his cheek. Lets out a little "mrrp!" when he stutters out a pleasantly surprised, "hello there." She nibbles at the brim of his hat and grins when he gently redirects her, chirping at this fun new friend.
Two for two, Price and Kyle decide to introduce her to Simon and Johnny. They let her explore the common room first, get comfortable, and then call the other two in. Kitty watches from behind Price as Simon and Johnny enter.
Johnny is a dog hybrid with Simon as his primary handler. Price has faith that his sergeant will behave well with the new kitty, but he's not sure of what her reaction will be. Johnny's obviously, visibly excited, tail wagging, but Simon gets him to sit and wait while she makes the first move.
It takes absolutely no time at all for her to pad out from behind Price and approach. Simon goes first, offering a hand. But she barely even sniffs him before cuddling up to him, pawing curiously at his mask. He lets her, clicking his tongue when she dislodges it a bit, but then he gently nudges her towards Johnny.
His ears are perked forwards, tail still swishing. Kitty's ears are twitching, eyes big and curious. But her tail is up and curved curiously, not even a little fluffed. She gets in real close to his face, sniffs, then bumps her forehead against his chin. Which is when he loses patience and licks a big stripe up her cheek. She mews indignantly, ears going airplane mode, but thankfully doesn't swat at him.
It literally couldn't go better. She's a perfect fit.
Over the next few months she settles in with them happily, an absolute dream of a hybrid. Not very verbal, at least through human speech, but perfectly communicative and incredibly friendly.
She chirps whenever one of the 141 enters a room, has a different tone for each of them. Purrs if one of them so much as looks at her, all slow blinks and little smiles. Chitters when she sees them running outside through the windows.
Even grooming is relatively easy. She lets them brush out her floofy tail without much fuss, only trying to retreat if they catch a tangle. Readily gives up her hands to trim her claws. Even opens her mouth for them to brush off her fangs after raw meals.
She curls up with Simon on bad days, warm and purring, breathing little puffs of air against his collarbone. Lounges with Kyle after hard missions, nuzzling against him while he pets her soft ears. She spends hours upon hours in Price's office, curled up on his lap while he does paperwork or talks over the phone, kneading biscuits into his stomach.
Her friendship with Johnny is maybe the most surprising. They play wrestle just about every night, rolling around on the rough carpets in the common room and nipping at each others ears. She'll pounce on him, little teeth flashing, but almost always get bodied by his larger stature. The others will let them play until one of them - usually Johnny - gets too excited and makes the other yelp. At that point, Price or Simon will usually scoop one of the hybrids up and tsk at them for getting rough.
She's the 141's precious kitty, sweet and friendly and outgoing. The whole base knows her, though she's never far from one of her boys. And they know what it means if Ragdoll doesn't like someone.
It's rare, which is why it raises neon red flags. The first time is a new recruit that reaches to pet her without introducing himself first. She twists around on him, but usually even that would be recoverable. Except when he keeps trying to touch her, she gets a whiff of him and hisses, scrambling away.
The guy doesn't last long.
It happens again a few weeks later with a nurse meant to be giving her checkup. She gets low to the table, tail poofing up, and growls low in her throat. When the nurse rolls her eyes and tells Price to just hold his hybrid still so they can get things over with, he knows instantly that his little ragdoll was right to react that way.
With that in mind, it's no surprise that no one trusts Philip Graves when he visits their base and she takes an instant dislike to him. He introduces himself correctly, but she still hard reverses away from him, nose scrunched up. Ears back, tail fluffing up, she slips behind Price and glares from around his arm.
Problem is, Graves is used to dog hybrids. He's great with them. Kitties... not so much, even with a manual. Ends his week at the base with a couple of proper bite marks and an itchy scratch on his hand.
Given her reaction, Simon and Johnny aren't too shocked when he betrays them in Las Almas.
When a team from KorTac is scheduled for a joint assignment, the 141 is bracing for a similar reaction. Especially because they have their own cat hybrid - some big mixed breed.
Kyle even suggests keeping Ragdoll inside for initial introductions on the tarmac, but they all know that's not actually viable. Their kitty wouldn't talk to them for the rest of the day if they left her out like that.
So Price double checks that her little bell-collar is on and brings her out to meet the KorTac team.
Their cat hybrid is even bigger than expected - no wonder he's a combat placement despite being a domestic breed. He keeps his face hidden behind a big black hood with cutouts for his ears, fluffy tail slightly tangled-looking.
Price hasn't even finished introductions with the KorTac team when she makes a rolling little chur noise, bright and curious. The bigger hybrid zeros in on her instantly, ears flicking. She pads out from behind the captain and slips away before he can catch her. Any calls for her to come back are fully ignored.
She trots right up to the Austrian and mrrps again, pausing mid-step, waiting for a response. The other hybrid doesn't respond - at least he doesn't seem to.
"Sorry, kitten, but he doesn't really do the cat noises," Declan tries to tell her. But he's also ignored, and no sooner has he spoken than she's getting into the other cat's space, continuously making little "brr" noises.
And then to everyone's shock, he's bending down to greet her in return, nuzzling her cheek and forehead through the hood. She starts to purr, pressing up close, tail swishing lazily. A noise erupts from him, deep and rough, rattling in his chest. Johnny jumps and snatches at her shirt, dragging her back to the safety of their team.
She mewls sadly, arms extended to reach for him.
"He's growling, Doll," Johnny corrects, arms curling around her middle. For the first time ever she starts to wriggle. "He's too big for you to mess with."
"I... wasn't growling," the Austrian pipes up. "I apologizes if I caused alarm."
Johnny shoots him an incredulous look.
"Then what was that?" Kyle asks, confused.
"I don't... often purr."
Price takes one look at their still-wiggly kitty and the Austrian leaning towards her, as if wanting to follow, and pinches the bridge of his nose.
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alottiegoingon · 5 months
golden rule
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lucy maclean x gn!reader
summary: you become lucy's only friend in wasteland.
warnings: weapon usage/mentions, brief blood mention, wasteland and life outside the vault, lucy is naive and oblivious at first and a hot mess later, mostly just fluff, golden retriever lucy & black cat reader type of shit, kinda enemies/strangers to secret in lover with each other, reader is hot i wanna date them but also a loser if you see through them, no nsfw, not proofread
"just give it a thought, alright? we could help each other."
"why would i want you for a company? no offense, princess, but i don't associate with vault dwellers." you take a look at her from head to toes, studying the details in her jumper. despite how cool her pistol looked attached to her belt like that, the yellow and blue choice was kind of goofy, you thought.
you can see the excitement in her eyes disappearing as she hears you and you almost felt sorry for her. almost. "okay, ouch." she tilts her head, crossing her arms. in a second, her dramatic act gave place to a smug smile. "oh, i know! what if i help you to find the head?"
even your own bitterness left your soul as you hear her. you pause for a moment, searching for any sign of unseriousness in her face. maybe it was just a bad joke? but then, she keeps staring at you with those huge eyes and a not so subtle smile, proud of what she had said.
"i'm sorry, a head? you mean someone's head?" you frown. "i don't know what you vault people think of us but i'm not a monster." you weren't really offended, but seeing the panic in her face was actually princeless.
"what? no, no! i was just- everyone wants that head and i thought you-" she starts to ramble, not wanting to offend you. her beam went away as fast as it reached her face. you almost felt bad for her twice in a row now.
you couldn't hold yourself back anymore and allowed a smirk to creep onto your lips. she immediately stopped talking and, even though she exhaled relief, you knew that deep down she wanted to kill you but was too kind for that.
"oh. you were messing with me. funny." she gives you a forced dry laugh. it was actually annoying how she tried to be so nice all the time.
as a response, you give her a nonchalant wry smile. "anyway. i'm not looking for a dog right now, so..." you sigh, reaching for the heavy backpack on the floor and sliding it onto your shoulders. "but good luck with the head or whatever it means." you wink at the stranger and turn around to leave.
"wait! please." she grabs your wrist before you could take the first step and in response, you turn around again impatiently, glancing down at her tight grip on your skin. it takes her a while to realize that she's still holding you but as soon as she does, she immediately looks at your wrist as well and let go of it. "sorry." she whispers.
you were ready to interrupt her but, curiously, you felt bad when seeing how insanely desperate she was. it wouldn't hurt to just hear what the had to say, right?
"i've been having a rough week, okay? everyone i've met tried to kill me, except for you. a weird..." she pauses, thinking "robot, or whatever, tried to harvest my organs out and i had to cut someone's head off. and i may not be the strongest or the most experienced person but i can learn!" she was truly putting on her best show while you stood in front of her completely unbothered. at least, you liked to think that you were a complete fearless and tough person. "just... please?"
against all odds, you didn't deny it immediately. and, if you didn't deny it immediately, you knew what it meant. fuck, when did you become such a softie? it could be, of course, the way her hair looked pretty even in a messy ponytail or how the cut on her lip made her look so incredibly ho-
"okay, fine. whatever." that idiot creepy huge smile of hers spread on her face again before you could even finish. "listen up, i'm not done." you roll your eyes. "we'll do things my way, get it? you speak when i speak, you shoot when i shoot, you walk when i walk." you take steps closer to her while you talk. firm, hoarse and assertive tone. you stop when you feel the tip of her nose almost touching yours, keeping the steady the eye contact intact. you were so busy initimidating her that you don't even notice when she hold her breath.
"you are my shadow." you reach up for her face, cupping her chin with your thumb and index finger, forcing her to look back at you. "you don't exist unless i tell you to. do you understand me?" you stated with a piercing gaze.
you thought it was impossible for her eyes to get any bigger but when you step out of your scary platform, you notice her terrified expression. "okey dokey..." she nods frantically.
you gotta admit it. she didn't seem as goofy as before while paying attention to you so devotedly like that. even when still wearing that ridiculous jumper.
eventually, you realize that your eyes were betraying you by staring at her for a little too long. you clean your throat, trying to cover that up. "good. let's go now. we can't stay here forever." you step back and start to walk away, not even waiting for her to join you.
you hear her hasty footsteps getting closer as she tries to catch up to you until she finally shares your pace. "i'm lucy, by the way. lucy maclean." she held her head high, corners of her mouth going up again. god, she smiled a lot.
"good for you. i'm still gonna call you princess, though."
"not to brag, cause that would be impolite of me, but i found a really cool place when i was looking for a river this morning." lucy's smiling from ear to ear and excitedly rocking from side to side is the first thing you see when you open your eyes after a tough night of sleep.
a week had passed since you met lucy. no matter how tough you considered yourself to be, lucy was persistent, charming, sweet and funny enough to make her way to your heart and you knew that you were doomed. deep down, you were suspicious that she knew that as well.
"why are you always so happy?" you groan, rubbing your eyes. unlike lucy, you were not a morning person. or a night person. or any time of the day person.
"good morning to you too, sunshine!"
you are forced to get up, not being actually opposed to it, and take a short sip from your last water bottle. maybe taking a look at lucy's oh so great place would be useful.
"okay then. let's do it, princess." you use your hands to brush the remains of sand and dust out of your pants but lucy's cute giggle prevents you from heading out of the shelter you had found.
lucy approaches you with her usual polite and sweet grin and you unconsciously flinch as she stops just a few inches from you and touch you. predictable, she was gentle while brushing the top of your hair with her fingers, fixing the bundle of messy strands that merged together while you were sleeping and added a funny volume to your head. you follow every move of her with darting eyes and an uncontrollable urge to admire her green eyes focused on your hair and reddish parted lips.
"there you go. pretty as always." lucy coos and before withdrawing herself, her fingers slid down by a few inches and casually tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. for the first time in ages, you froze.
thankfully, lucy didn't seem to notice how affected you were by her innocent act. "thanks." you whispered in a ridiculously soft grin and followed her out of the shelter.
"why do you have a gun if you don't like using it? that's stupid." you tease lucy while you two walked side by side, following the train track to the place she had mentioned.
"i do use it. just when i have no other option. you know, because of the golden rule." she shrugs, proudly, proceeding to explain it to you.
you really tried to not care or call it dumb, but instead, you snorted in amusement. "you are way too naive, you know that?"
a dilapidated house.
lucy's incredible and cool place was nothing but a whole junk. everything was falling apart and, judging by how empty it was, many others were there before you.
"it looked cool from the outside..." she explains herself while scratching the back of her neck.
you were strong. firm. scary and ruthless even. you would shove a knife on anybody's throat if they wasted your time like that, especially after a terrible night of sleep. but, again, it wasn't anybody. it was her.
so, funny or not, you laughed.
"god, you are such a terrible explorer." you take a quick peek at her with the corner of your eyes, wearing an idiotic and foolish smirk on your lips.
"i am not!" her jaw drops and her voice sounds whinier as she defends herself but giggle along with you, not feeling scared to be vulnerable and fully stare at you.
you didn't have to answer to that. all you did was look back and forth at her and the house, proving your point.
"okay, you got me there." she looks down, dramatically pouting and pretending to feel so insulted. "but at least i made you smile. looks good on you." lucy's lips twitch in a shy grin.
"maybe i should smile more, then. if you like it." you boldly murmur, surprised at yourself for saying that. you could swear that lucy's face got almost entirely red but you didn't have enough time to appreciate it or figure if it was real.
"look at those cute lovebirds. love has returned to wasteland, gentlemen." a tall, sturdy middle-aged man mocks you to two other creepy looking guys. one was even missing an eye. in two seconds, you were able to count how many weapons they had and your first thought was the possibility of lucy getting hurt.
you quickly stood in front of her, shielding her from any kind of possible danger.
everthing happened too fast after that. all you remember is denying their offer to take your backpacks with the remains of food and water you had and all of your weapons.
everything went black for a second as your body hit the ground. you slowly manage to get on your knees and look around but lucy isn't there and you are trapped. you feel a sharp pain as you breathe in and a drop of blood hits your pants. you shudder at the moment you cautiously feel your cheek, warm to the touch and stinging like you were poked by a thousand needles. your fingertips carefully drop to your mouth and you hiss as you touch the wide cut on your swollen lower lip.
you notice the crisp click of the gun's trigger being released and you look up, expecting to see the weapon pointed at your head. instead, you see the men with their hands above their heads.
"get away from them!" lucy's voice fills your ears and you turn your head back to find her with a huge weapon in hands pointed at the strangers. she takes a quick glance at you and you see the anger inside her overflow as she notices your wounds.
"i'm gonna count to three and i want your ugly, filthy and miserable roaches out of my face or... or i'll shoot!" judging by her tone, you can easily notice how nervous she is even though she's trying her best to actually stand up for you.
and the thought of being protected by someone made your heart flutter. you weren't bothered by the aching pain in your lip when you found yourself proudly smiling at her.
the big guy seemed to notice the tension in her voice and took a step closer to you. you could only imagine how badly he had regretted that as soon as a loud bang echoed through the entire house and his foot was hanging by a thread, quite too literally.
"oh, golly..." lucy mutters with widen eyes. you follow her shock with a gasp that was completely muffled by the loud and agonized screech.
"don't make me repeat myself! all of you out, now!" she yells, threatening them by aiming the gun at them once more. "if that's okay with you, please." the scary expression in her face swiftly changed to a well-mannered and soft grin.
the injured men is rushedly dragged out by the other two, not looking back and you can not believe that someone as adorable looking as lucy was the one to broke her dear rule and hurt people.
"thank you! t-take care." she waves at them innocently, still with the gun in hands before running to you.
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fortunxa · 2 months
Fourteen days
[sequel to ‘Blue hair, blue eyes, blue lights’]
Jinx x fem!reader / modern AU
summary: They say the longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss. But, darling, I’m starving, so don’t keep me guessing.
cw: around 4k words but could be mediocre, mild nsfw
author’s note: I’m alive! Sorry for the delay in posting, I’ve been hustling :( But here’s the awaited sequel, so buckle up ;)
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“Uno, motherfucker!”
Jinx is… competitive, to say the least. As of right now, we’re lying on my bed, legs tangled, and playing UNO while it’s pouring outside. It’s well past midnight, and I stopped trying to shush her victory cheers after the second round. She has a way of making her presence known and commanding your attention, but truthfully, she isn’t hard to miss anyway. Every aspect of her exudes an unapologetic ‘Look at me!’ aura—from her infectious laughter to her bold fashion sense. Even her braids have a life of their own, swirling and swaying with every step she takes. She’s unforgettable.
But I’ve come to discover a more delicate side of her in her most vulnerable moments. It’s almost like she transforms into a different person, both in terms of her personality and, surprisingly, her appearance. Her features become softer, more child-like, her eyes wide and innocent. The way she effortlessly switches from one persona to the other is impressive to witness. On the flip side, she has a tendency to become obsessive and possessive, which resulted in us spending almost every waking moment together. You may call me crazy, but it makes me feel needed. Ultimately, isn’t that what we all want?
These are just a few of the observations I’ve made about her in the past two weeks. My mind’s file on her is growing exponentially, tucking away every information I learn about her in a safe place—from her preference for orange juice but hate for oranges to her strained relationship with her older sister, which makes my room the designated hangout spot whenever we’re stuck inside. Jinx is a complex person with many layers, and while I can’t claim to know everything about her just yet, I do feel like I have built a stable foundation of understanding what makes her unique. I certainly know enough to start falling for her.
“Alright, alright, you win. Again,” I say with a small smile playing on my lips and twenty cards in my hands. My phone is buzzing beside me—probably another message from my mom asking us to be quieter—and I ignore it. I still remember her face when she asked us how we met, and Jinx jumped up, telling her all about the police chase, earning a nudge in the ribs from me. It’s a miracle she still lets us hang out, but with the number of times the blue-haired girl sneaked in through my window, I don’t think it would’ve changed much if she didn’t.
I feel a yawn building up, but before it reaches the surface, I’m pinned against my bed. “And what do I get for winning?” Jinx teases as she straddles my hips, and I certainly feel awake now. Another thing that I learned about her is how touchy she gets, but it still catches me off-guard at times. My heart rate quickens, and I’m sure she feels it pulsating through my wrists. She smirks at my dumbfounded expression and lowers herself even more, brushing her nose against mine. “Cat got your tongue?”
This proximity between us takes me back to the night we met when we almost shared a kiss. Fucking almost. Although I’m familiar with many aspects of her, I’m still a stranger to the way she tastes. Is it sweet like the Skittles she keeps stealing from me or, on the contrary, sour like the Warheads? Perhaps it carries the freshness of her toothpaste or the fruity allure of her cherry-flavored chapstick. I need an answer to the question that’s been consuming my thoughts as of late, and I need it now.
Just when I’m about to get it, my phone buzzes again, and—you guessed it—Jinx pulls away and casually snatches it off the bed, reading the message. I feel like I’m about to explode.
“Aw, why didn’t you tell me that we woke your mom up?” she innocently asks as I stare at the ceiling with a blank look. I suddenly feel self-conscious. Maybe I was misunderstanding our connection since the beginning. Maybe she never wanted us to take it further. And maybe this is another thing that I need to learn about her—she’s just flirty, and there’s no ulterior motive behind her actions. How fucking stupid was I to think otherwise? I’d be fine if she wanted to stay friends, but this whole teasing is starting to make me feel like a toy. I need clarity.
“I guess I was too focused on our game,” I finally mutter as a reply, putting the UNO deck away before standing up to grab us two fresh pairs of pj’s. When I turn to face her again, she’s already watching me with a worried expression.
“You okay, toots?” I’m not. Jinx walks over, and her bare feet make a thumping sound across my carpet. She positions herself in front of me as her eyes analyze my demeanor, and I feel vulnerable under her scrutinizing gaze. I wonder if now’s the time to be open about my feelings, but as I take in her cerulean eyes—I stopped calling them blue as they’re so, so much more than that—I can’t bring myself to face the rejection.
My cowardice wins.
“I’m fine,” I say with a tight-lipped smile before presenting her with a nightshirt. She opens her mouth, presumably to push her investigation further, but decides against it. Her eyebrows knit together at the newfound awkwardness.
We change into our nightwear, and Jinx snuggles under the comforter while I head to turn off the lights. I remember her fear of the dark, and quickly turn on the nightlight, casting a soft pink glow across the room. I find myself wondering if she cares enough to remember the little things about me, too. I slide into bed alongside her, making sure to maintain a respectful distance between us. The air is filled with an uncharacteristic silence, broken only by the gentle patter of raindrops outside and our quiet breaths.
I flip on my side, my back toward Jinx as I try to fall asleep. I can sense her restless shuffling as she tries to find a comfortable position before she settles by wrapping her arms around my torso. She’s flush against me, and I let out a sigh—screw it. I turn around and face her before pulling her frame into my chest. Her grip tightens, and a shuddering breath escapes past her lips. I’m not a mind reader, but I know that the sudden sour mood brought her feelings of uneasiness, and a plethora of negative thoughts, igniting her own insecurities. I rest my cheek on top of her head and close my eyes. My hand finds its way into her hair, and I start massaging her scalp gently. When she finally relaxes, it doesn’t take long for me to hear her soft snores.
I don’t remember dozing off, but the morning light filtering through my window comes too early as I slowly flutter my eyes open. My eyelids feel heavy, and my bed is unexpectedly empty, fueling my disoriented state. I sit up groggily and rub the sleep from my face before scanning the room in hopes of catching a glimpse of Jinx, but she’s nowhere to be found.
Right as I’m about to sink into self-pity over her Irish goodbye, my bedroom door suddenly bursts open. I jump, and my tired eyes lock with her cheerful ones. I guess she never left after all.
“You’re finally awake! Good morning!” she exclaims with a radiant smile while skipping over to me, her slightly gapped teeth proudly on display. Her braids are tousled from sleep as she settles on the edge of the bed, presenting me with a plate of freshly made chocolate chip pancakes. “Made your favorite. And don’t worry, I already cleaned up,” she adds, and my heart swells as my eyes flicker between her and the breakfast she prepared. She does the same, a giddy smile on her face and her lower lip caught between her teeth. Yet, as I remain silent, her shoulders slump and the sparkle dims, replaced by a nervous fidgeting of her hands. “It’s okay if you don’t like–”
I interrupt her by pulling her into a tight embrace, expressing my gratitude. At first, Jinx is taken aback, but she soon returns the hug, burying her face into my neck. The scent of vanilla extract lingers in her hair—probably from messing with it during her cooking—and her skin radiates an unusual warmth, bringing a small smile to my face.
“Okay, trinket. Dig in and get some energy,” she says, pulling away as she walks over to my vanity mirror and starts unbraiding her hair. Well, don’t mind if I do. “It’s your college move-in day after all!” She giggles happily, and I almost choke at her words. It isn’t just move-in day; it’s my imaginary deadline of making her mine slowly ending. Despite my lack of progress, she has kept her word in showing me fun—however this friendship goes, I will be sure that I’ve felt alive at least once in my life.
“Shit, I forgot! What time is it?” I scramble to find my phone, which has been lost somewhere under the pillows. I leap to my feet, unsure of what to grab first as I start flailing around. “I still need to finish packing and–and load the boxes into the car, and I–”
“Woah, slow down!” Jinx grabs my shoulders and grounds me in the middle of the room. She takes a deep breath and urges me to mirror her actions. “What am I here for?” Her hands trail up my neck and rest on my jawline, leaving me breathless again. “Finish eating first, then we can worry about the rest. Capiche?” I nod, and she pats my cheek with a grin. “Good girl.”
I���m left flustered, and she resumes untangling her hair as if she didn’t just say the hottest shit I have ever heard in my life. I try to keep my cool and finish my breakfast, but my imagination is running wild with all the scenarios I could be a good girl in. I pick out some fresh clothes for the day, trying my best to act casual while my thoughts are anything but.
“I’m just going to freshen up. I’ll be back in a few,” I say and head to the bathroom, hoping that a cold shower would tame my heat. But, on the other hand, there’s a part of me that’s begging for her to join and do it for me.
She never does—obviously—but I come back with a clearer head. Jinx’s hair is now completely down, her vibrant blue waves cascading to the floor. I see her struggle to part it evenly and decide to step up.
“Here, let me help you,” I offer as I gently take the comb from her hands, carefully brushing out any leftover knots before dividing her hair into two even sections. As I work on the base of the first braid, I steal glances at her in the mirror’s reflection. Her eyes are closed, and she occasionally lets out content hums, seemingly lost in thought.
“For the record, toots,” she speaks up as she now deftly weaves the second braid with practiced fingers, “I don’t let just anyone touch my hair.” My brain is slowly putting the meaning behind her words together, and a smile tugs at my lips as realization dawns on me—I’m special. Despite my best efforts, I fail to conceal my grin. Jinx communicates a lot through body language, so when she explicitly says what’s on her mind, it stuns me a bit.
“So, I’m not just anyone, huh?” I tease and concentrate on finishing the braid.
“Clearly you’re my getaway driver,” she retorts with a smirk, and I nudge her shoulder.
Once we’re done working on her hair, we begin filling up the boxes and clearing out most of my room. It’s a mix of emotions knowing that I’m moving away, even if it's only temporary. But what really tugs at the strings of my heart is the thought of not being able to spend as much time with the blue-haired troublemaker. With my upcoming college schedule and her still torn between taking a gap year or not, the idea of our bond weakening is the most difficult part to imagine. If I’m lucky, perhaps life will allow our connection to endure and flourish.
“Sheesh, I don’t remember packing rocks. Did you?” Jinx huffs as she loads the last box into my car. I laugh and shut the trunk.
“It’s my books, dummy,” I reply and get behind the wheel as she takes the passenger seat.
“At least you’ll be too busy reading to hook up with anyone,” she mutters, connecting my phone to the car, and my cheeks flush. Totally normal thing to say to a friend.
The song Jinx chose is blasting through the speakers as I pull off. We fall silent, but I can see her bopping her head to the music through the corner of my eye, lost in her own world with her feet on the dashboard, which she had decorated ‘the Jinx way’ as she called it. Meanwhile, I’m filled with embarrassment as I realize that I haven’t even checked the released college roommate assignments. How awkward will it be if I introduce myself to my bunk buddy after moving in? On a scale of one to ten, I deem it a seven. I don’t even remember filling out the housing application, for fuck’s sake.
We’re halfway there when we decide to take a quick pit stop, and I pull over on a backroad underneath a row of trees. Jinx gets out of the car with an indecipherable expression, and I follow in confusion. I’m no stranger to her mood swings, but I still get concerned. She’s walking around in circles, kicking at the dirt and stray rocks caught in the crossfire of her boots. When I open my mouth to call out for her, she beats me to it.
“Can I talk to you about something, toots?” she asks as she whips around to face me. I simply nod, and she continues, “Somewhere private.” She climbs into the backseat as I look around the empty road. Doesn’t get much more private than this, but I digress. I shut the door behind me and get comfortable.
“So what did you–” I don’t have a chance to finish as she straddles my lap, and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach as I recall what happened the last time she did this—her teasing won’t stop unless I speak up, but when I take notice of the whirlwind of emotions flashing through her eyes, my hands subconsciously fall to her hips, tracing soothing circles on the soft skin. I realize I’d rather be stuck in limbo than lose her altogether.
“Is there something wrong with me?” Her question takes me by surprise, and my eyebrows shoot up. She squeezes my cheeks with one hand, turning my face upwards.
“W–what? Why would you think that?” I stutter as her gaze skims over my features.
“Why won’t you make a move already?” Her voice is wobbly, and I’m left speechless. My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of the water as I rack my brain for the right words.
“I wasn’t–I’m not sure if you want me to,” I finally reply, and she makes a face.
“Look at us, Y/N” –she gestures to our current position– “you’re a smart girl, don’t act clueless now.”
Realization hits me like a train. Jinx needs loyalty and devotion—she needs me to show her how much I want her. She wants to know that despite her complex character, I’ll stick around and fight for her. In retrospect, it all seems so simple and obvious.
“Jinx?” My voice is barely above a whisper as I look into her eyes. She can only hum in response. “I’m going to count to three, and then I’m going to kiss you.” Her grip on me loosens in surprise, and her wide eyes are blinking rapidly. “I’m giving you those three seconds to stop me if you change your mind.” She stays silent, and I begin my countdown.
When I finally taste her, I realize how badly I’ve been starving.
My hands cannot bring her close enough to me as I snake my arm around her waist and rest my free hand on her jawline. I’m not holding back anymore. If she wants devotion, I’ll show her exactly that.
I’m furious—furious that I’d been denied this pleasure for so long, but my lips move against hers as if they’d already danced this way before. It’s effortless, like the gliding of a pen on paper from an inspired writer’s hand, and she’s the muse.
It’s not a gentle kiss, the way first ones usually go. It’s hungry, rough, and precisely what was needed to let out the pent-up tension. It’s swirling tongues, dripping saliva, and smudged lipsticks. Without ever pulling away, I carefully lay her on her back, and my fingers sink into the soft flesh of her thighs. Her colorful nails claw at my back, and I groan into her mouth, digging my hips into hers. We’re both breathing heavily through our noses, and my attention shifts to her neck by biting and sucking on the tender skin, letting my hands roam over her curves freely, mapping out her body.
A trail of hickeys is forming on her collarbone, and she’s a moaning and whimpering mess under my touch; it’s a blissful sight. She locks her slender legs around my hips and pulls me further into her, chasing more friction. Watching her become so needy thrills me even more, and my hand tentatively falls to her clothed crotch. Her jaw slacks in anticipation as my fingers ghost over the area where she needs me most, and her back arches into me in response. I want to watch her unravel beneath me, shaking limbs and sweat dripping from her temples.
But she’d teased me too many times for me to grant her this relief right now.
I relish the feeling of our closeness with one last peck and catch Jinx’s lower lip between my teeth, pulling on it slightly before letting go, earning a faint whine from her.
We’re both panting and trying to catch our breaths as I hover over her, my palms firmly planted on the seat on either side of her face, propping myself up. I can’t help but admire my work. Her cheeks are flushed, and her lips are puffy, her smudged plum lipstick matching the bruises on her neck—still, she’s absolutely beautiful. She watches me through half-hooded eyes with her pupils dilated, and I smirk at her breathlessness.
“Leaving me high and dry, trinket?” she asks, and her hands fall to my hips, trying to pull me back in.
“Call it payback,” I reply before hoisting her back into my lap, and she yelps in surprise.
Jinx grips my shoulders to steady herself, and I try my best to smooth out her disheveled hair. I start peppering sweet kisses to her bruised skin, and she lets her head fall back with a pleased sigh. I pull her back in so my lips can find hers once again. It’s much slower this time, grounding us in the moment, and there’s that delicate side of her peeking through with each swipe of her tongue. When I pull away and take notice of her peaceful state, I know it was all worth the wait. I caress her cheek with the back of my hand, and she leans into my touch.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve craved this?” I whisper, and an amused glint flashes through her eyes.
“Two weeks isn’t that long.” She’s giggling now, and this sound alone is enough to bring a smile to my face.
“It is when you’re right in front of me, and I’m unable to touch you properly.” My thumb starts working on cleaning up her smudged lipstick, and her features soften as she mirrors my actions.
Sitting in the backseat with her feels like a full-circle moment. This is where it all began—a simple thrill-seeking witness turned getaway driver for a blue-haired menace.
Fourteen days.
It took me two weeks to make her mine.
I can’t help the dumb smile tugging on the corners of my mouth as I start driving again. Jinx’s head is on my lap, the same way it was the night we met, and she’s telling me which houses she’s planning on tagging next. The drive goes by quickly as we exchange our opinions on what the Montana spray paint smells like—I say cotton candy, she’s hellbent on bubblegum—and before we know it, I’m parking outside my future college.
“Oooh, look how fancy,” Jinx speaks up as she analyzes the building, and she’s absolutely right. The size itself is intimidating, and I can already see myself getting lost in the halls. The architecture looks modern with futuristic touches, and the campus is surrounded by grass and cherry blossom trees. If it wasn’t for my scholarship, I wouldn’t even dream of affording to study here. “Is now a good time to tell you that I’m your bunk buddy?”
I turn my head so quickly I almost give myself whiplash, and I stare at her as if she grew a second head in the last thirty seconds.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I grab her arm in disbelief, and she shakes her head with a smile, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.
“Surprise!” She laughs while I’m still processing her confession. “My mechanical engineering scholarship got accepted, so I filled out your housing application and requested myself. Then I filled out mine and requested you. I didn’t think it would work, but, holy shit, isn’t that awesome?”
Any sane person would feel violated by this. But me? I’m fucking delighted.
“You’re a gift that keeps on giving.” My hands cup her cheeks as I pull her in for a kiss, the excitement getting the best of me. One kiss turns into two, then three, and before I know it, I’m peppering her whole face in them as she laughs. When she finally settles, there’s a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Wanna test out the beds?”
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Hii i love ur work i was wondering if u could do an angst story when ur the fem 9th member and jyp adds another fem member and they start ignoring you yelling at u and acting harsh and only one member is by ur side all the time
-9th skz
Warning: yelling, panic attacks, harsh tones, angst
Pairing: I.N x 9th member
Summary: a new member joins your group and it seems everything starts crashing down when you realize your being slowly replaced.
!not proofread!
Hey thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy this short story lol! Have a good day 🩷
"Chan? I don't know where you are but I've been outside. Waiting. You promised to pick me up remember? Just text me or call me when you get this." I send the voicemail and let out a frustrated sigh. Had he forgotten to pick you up again? This was starting to become really annoying.
The last time he forgot because apparently the new girl, Haneul, needed help recoding something for the album. I let it go because it was the album after all and I want what's best for the team. But this time I had no idea why he wasn't texting or picking up.
The sky starts to drizzle and I let out a sigh. Slowly starting the walk home. I knew I was going to be soaking wet when I arrive at the dorms so I just put my phone in my bag to avoid it from getting spoilt.
The past few weeks, the schedule was really busy especially now that their was a 10th member. Everyone was trying to make her feel like home even offering her MY room as I took the couch until we were transferred to our new dorm. It was frustrating because now everyone's attention was on her and the fact that the boys were excited for a girl joining got me thinking that maybe they were tired of me.
The rain was pouring heavy now and my tears were too. Last week Han forgot to practice with you because he was with Haneul teaching her the rap part for the new song. Last week Felix forgot that you were making brownies with him and decided to do it with Haneul instead. Last week Changbin double booked his schedule with the recording studio and told me to come at a later date because Haneul needed more attention. LAST week Leeknow took her to the new game park when he had promised me to go with.
Haneul was slowly getting me replaced. The less I talked the more nobody would notice me.
My phone vibrates and I quickly pull out my phone.
"H-hello?" I say into it while snifling.
"Y/nie? Love? Are you there? What's all that noise?" I hear I.N's voice booming through the phone obviously panicking.
"I'm walking home." I sadly say looking at the puddles that had completely got my shoes wet.
"But it's raining dogs and cats outside! Yah! You're going to get sick."
"Chan forgot to pick me up again but it's okay I'm like 2 minutes away from the house."
"Oh baby. Let me make you some hot chocolate and run you a bath."
"You don't have to babe-"
"No I will! Now hurry along please. I want you home safe."
I say a little bye before rushing to get home.
My shoes let out squishy sounds against the hard wood floor as I make my way through the house.
"Where's Chan?" I glare at Changbin who's walking to the kitchen.
He stops and his eyes go wide when he finally sees me. "Oh my God. What happened babydoll?" He gasps at the state I'm in.
"Where. Is. Chan?" I ask one more time. Angry wasn’t even the word that could explain the emotion I felt at the moment.
"His in the studio-"
I walk past him and charge at the studio where I open the door to find him with Haneul laughing at something.
Was he being Foreal right now?
"Chan how could you?!" I say hurt at him causing him to jump and look up at me.
"Y/n? Oh my God what happened to you? Why are you soaking wet-"
"You fucking forgot to pick me up from schedules Where were you huh? Huh?" I frown and glare at him.
He looks panicked as he picks up his phone to check his reminders but his eyes open wide in realization.
"Oh my God- y/nie I'm so sorry. Haneul-"
“It’s okay,” I say not even bothering to fight with him. It wasn’t worth it. It was tiring.
"What’s going on guys?" Leeknow says coming into the room confused.
“Yah! Y/n your getting the whole house wet with your clothes? What’s your problem?” He scolds me.
“I had to walk through the rain and you don’t even care, no need to yell at me.”
The boys all start piling up into the room trying to figure out what the matter was.
"Y/n! Your wet!" Han exclaims
“Yes I think I get the point people!” I groan and shiver as the cold air hits my body.
“Y/n go get change please, now I have to clean up your mess,” Leeknow’s tone is harsh. I can hear it with a tint of frustration.
“Jeez Leeknow you won’t even bother to ask if I’m okay?” I roll my eyes trying to avoid the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks once again.
He just dismisses me with his hand and walks out the room to do whatever he had too.
“Anyways, Haneul do you still wanna watch riverdale later?” My neck snaps at the direction that Hyunjin stood. Did he just say riverdale?
“Yeah yeah, I hope it’s not too much work but I was wondering if we could also make those little friendship bracelets-“
“Hyunjin did you just say riverdale? That’s our show,” my voice is now soft and quivering. Why would he watch our show with her.
“Y/n don’t be selfish, she’s just watching season one. It’s not a big deal.” He didn’t care. He didn’t care at all.
“We can alwyaks watch another series Hyunjin I don’t mind really-“
“Nah Y/n will be okay she’s just being dramatic like always,”
My breathing started to pick up. I couldn’t hold in the tears anymore. I was cold, tired, hungry and emotional. The sob that left my lips represented all that.
Chan’s eyes go wide when he notices the distress I’m in. “Hey, why are you crying? Are you okay?”
I don’t even bother to answer and just walk past the boys that stood by the door looking confused and worried.
“What’s the matter Y/n? Is it because of riverdale? Please don’t tell me you’re crying over that!” Hyunjin says as his hand grabs mine.
“You guys treat me like such a bother ever since she got here. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I’m I boring to you guys now? All of you have been mean or pushing me aside for her. I don’t even ask for much but to have my friends back. If you don’t want me in the group anymore just tell me.”
I’m a mess, I’m a mess. I free myself from his grip before walking up the stairs where I run into I.N. He gives me a smile and realizes the state I’m in. His smile drops.
“Hey- woah woah woah, what’s wrong?” He asks but he was the only one that knew the current position I was in. I had told him the day he saw Chan snap at me when we were learning a new choreography and I had messed up.
“I’m- I’m just tired.” I cry as he automatically pulls me into his arms.
“Don’t cry hmmm. It’s okay I’ve got you okay? Let’s go upstairs and get you showered and changed. Then we can talk about it okay?” He whispers in my ear and I just nod in response.
He pulls me up the stairs and into my room where I find my pajamas laid out and some candles lit. The bathroom was running.
He slowly undresses me and guides me into the bathroom where I sit in the hot bathtub.
“Join me?” I ask well basically whimper. Craving his touch.
He chuckles. “Yeah sure my love. You miss me hm?”
“Yeah,” I softly say before blushing.
He gets undressed and gets into the tab. He leans back as I sit in between his legs. My body slowly meting into his.
He leaves tiny kisses on my naked shoulders while slowly massaging my neck. I find my body relaxing and slowly shutting down.
“Hey do you wanna talk about it now?”
“Mmm, it’s just that Everbody’s been acting so different towards me eve since she joined, I told you this last time but now it’s worse. Sometimes they don’t even acknowledge my existence.” I sigh feeling the sadness start to rise again.
“Baby, I told you last time to talk to them about it. What happened?”
“I don’t know I geuss, I geuss I just don’t want to make them feel like they’re picking.”
“But it’s your feelings that matter
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
a background check.
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“Are you angry?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, eyes trained on his hands wringing the shirt’s fabric in his lap.
“It’s okay if you are.”
Obi-Wan shook his head again. It wasn’t okay if he was angry. Even before Melidaan they’d accused him of being too headstrong, too volatile. Too angry.
He’d been so angry on Melida/Daan.
“Are you scared?”
He nodded before he could think. The nod, too, was too volatile, too angry.
“Are you scared you could infect people?”
Amongst others, he thought a bit hysterically. Nodded.
“The healers have tested, rigorously, if you can infect others. They have confirmed that you are not a danger to others, Obi-Wan.”
Which was the only reason he could be outside his room when the walls got too small or too big.
“How are you adjusting to the mask?”
He shrugged. Sometimes he wanted to rip it off and half his face with it. Sometimes he wished he could crawl into it completely and escape the curious looks and whispers of how his jaw was gone, have you heard? I’ve heard he’s rotting underneath—
It started with a cough after Melida/Daan.
He got message after message on the progress after he left and it made him smile, sometimes laugh at the betrayed disbelief over how much bureaucracy was actually necessary to form a planetary government.
The laughs soon turned into hacking coughs.
He drank the tea Qui-Gon made him to soothe his throat.
“Just a cold,” he murmured. He’d had that one before leaving Melidaan, and he and the Temple healers figured it was the stress his body had to endure that finally caught up with him.
“If it gets worse,” Qui-Gon started, looked down into his own cup, and fell silent.
Obi-Wan’s return to the Temple was a mixed bag of loth cats, after all.
A year of rumors and no contact showed him exceedingly well and painful in its brutal subtlety of lost smiles and avoidance who his friends were.
Lumi— Luminara had waited outside the healer’s wing after a follow-up check. Had straightened up when she saw him and clasped her hands in front of her. “I am very happy to see you, Obi-Wan,” she said, halted and stiff before the anger got the better of her.
What in the Galaxy had compelled him to leave the Order? No sign of him. Just an official statement that he had chosen to leave the Order. And now he’s back?
“What the fuck, Obi-Wan!” She reeled back immediately. Took a step back.
And Obi-Wan’s life had taught him how to step forward despite the fear clawing at him. “Let me explain? Please?”
She huffed at him, head up high. “This better be good. Quinlan is driving me up the Temple walls with his teenage drama sullenness over you.”
So that was why Obi-Wan hadn’t seen him but exactly once since he’d come back.
Obi-Wan explained. The war. Master Tahl. Master Qui-Gon. The war. The children. The war children. The war. The war. The war—
He hiccuped on the tears and something… something changed. In his throat. He lifted a hand to it—
Lumi’s arm was around him, stroking his shoulder and crying with him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—“
He coughed, convulsed with the cough, and there was blood on Lumi.
It had started with a cough after Melida/Daan began to turn into Melidaan and he, what felt like, crawled back to the Order begging for forgiveness and a new path and a new Master while he was at it.
What followed was multiple summons to the Council, a closed door meeting of the Council and Qui-Gon after which his Master wouldn’t look him in the eye for a week.
What followed was Master Tholme being dragged across the courtyard by Quinlan who avoided his eyes but emanated stubborn help. The Shadow Master, which was only a rumor but a rumor that had lasted decades, drily looked at Quinlan before explaining to Obi-Wan how Quin had washed and pleated the robes Master Tholme was now wearing. Would Obi-Wan like some tea?
Tea turned out to be a monstrosity of a milkshake, a secret even more closely guarded than Shadow identities.
“I have been informed you are looking for a change.”
What followed was Obi-Wan getting to know Master Tholme as a person. The soft, comfortable core of him that was never betrayed by his stoic expression but rather the old fashioned music player his first Padawan had gifted him that he danced to in the sanctuary of his kitchen. His silences that invited to share, his calm demeanor, his high expectations and his steady, grounded, and ever ready provided help.
Before all that, the new Master, the old Master, a planet uniting, there was a kiss in victory, in celebration, and in genuine, heartfelt thanks, that transferred a local bacteria.
And that, that had started the cough.
“The Force is with—“ is the last thing he’s spoken with his own voice and, with distance and age, he’s rather proud of that one.
A lot of distance and age, granted.
Getting eaten from the inside out had hurt, had pushed him to the brink of insanity with how much it hurt even with the healers - five, six, seven healers working simultaneously to keep him from dying - keeping the pain at bay.
They had used the Force to try to contain the bacteria’s progress, trying to buy time to figure out what was attacking him.
He’d succumbed eventually. The pain, the sheer force of wills battling against the infection, half his neck just… gone. He’d succumbed to unconsciousness with Master Qui-Gon’s forehead against the back of his limp hand, and waited to see if he’d wake up again.
“The system Melidaan resides in has a strain of bacteria that,” newly graduated Healer Che halted, managing to shuffle her data pad like a stack of flimsi, “eats human-based tissue. The population is vaccinated and only very few cases have been reported in the past decades. It has been nearly forgotten.”
It spread orally.
Obi-Wan, when everyone was gone and he had managed to limp to his data pad on the table across the room, had sent a message “are you okay? Please go to the hospital”. Had crawled to the fresher, had scrubbed his lips and sutures raw and bleeding, and cried silently until dawn jostled him back to bed.
“How are you feeling, Obi-Wan?”
He shrugged. Eyes trained on the cracking open hands in his lap. “How is Thelar,” he signed.
“They are recovering well. Their healer contacted our office to let you know that they are alright and they are sorry.”
Thelar was too nice.
“You pushed them with the Force. What happened?”
Talking and teaching basic sign language and he got to take his first deep breath without the mask and in the company of friends.
Wet and too narrow and he was drowning in the liquified tissue of— no air, no feeling, his lips pressed against his teeth and he couldn’t feel it but the drowning and choking—
“They kissed me,” he signed.
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jealousy, jealousy || Lee Know x Reader
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Summary: "Sure, Minho missed an opportunity to spend more time around you in a relaxed setting, but is he upset about it? Does he get annoyed when he hears you talk with the guy behind him? Does hearing you chuckle at the guy’s stupid jokes, probably just to be polite, ‘cause he’s not that funny, make him want to claw the dude’s eyes out?
Well. Yes."
Or: You're working with a different partner for a group assignment, and Minho's totally chill about it.
Word count: 4.9k
Genres: college AU, coffee shop AU, strangers to lovers
Warnings & Tags: jealousy, kissing, minor language, tooth-rotting fluff, seriously this is so fluffy, reader is implied to have social anxiety, Thunderstorm
series masterlist
A/N: This is the second story I've written where Lee Know's a barista and cats are involved. It probably says something deep about me, but what? I hope you'll enjoy the fic, please consider letting me know your thoughts and reblogging the fic if you do~
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Minho doesn't know exactly when he noticed you, or when you started appearing in his life. It’s kind of annoying actually, because he knows he noticed you because he kept seeing you around, but he has no way of pinpointing it. What he does know is that you started showing up at the coffee shop where he worked, twice every week. That wasn’t that big a deal, you were far from being the only one the only one, but it was a shop that was pretty out of the way, near an old building that was only used for a few classes, as far as he knew, so it wasn’t that frequented.
In fact, you could almost say that the people who bothered to come here were the weirdos who wanted to avoid the other permanently full coffee shops on campus. Which was fine by Minho, who wasn’t paid enough to deal with that sort of crowd.
Anyway, at some point, Minho’s brain had to have put together he was seeing you around quite a bit, and finally he managed to figure out that it was because you were in one of the classes he was rudely forced to take outside of his major. In his defense, it took him so long because he didn’t really like people, as a rule, and he paid as little attention to them as possible. His friends were enough of a hassle to deal with already.
It makes it all the more frustrating that he can’t tell what it was about you that caught his attention. It has to have been something. Once he starts trying to understand it, more things come to light. Like the fact that your lips move but your voice doesn’t come out when you thank him for giving you your order, or the sigh of relief you always seem to heave out when you let yourself fall at your favorite table, the one in the corner, where you sit with your back to the window.
Actually, from what he can see, you appear to do your best to stay out of people’s way. It’s a multitude of little things, from how you always sit in the middle of rows in the amphitheater and wait until everyone’s cleared out to leave, to how you keep close to the walls in the hallways, eyes usually on the floor, to how, on the couple of occasions when your voice can be heard in class, it’s only after the professor’s been waiting for an answer for an increasingly embarrassing amount of time.
The first time it happens — the first time Minho notices it happening, anyway — he has to make you repeat yourself louder, and it seems almost painful for you to raise your voice.
Then there’s that time when someone accidentally backs into you and the books and papers you’re carrying spill onto the floor.
“Shit, sorry,” they say, and you reply immediately, like it’s a reflex, “Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it”, but afterwards, as you kneel next to the papers, you let out a defeated sigh, just staring at the mess for a few seconds. And that’s when Minho can’t stay in place anymore.
“Oh, thanks, you don’t have to do that,” you say, again, with that cadence that makes him feel like these are sentences that pour out of you without you getting much of say, so deeply ingrained in you that you can’t control them.
Then you glance up at him, and your eyes widen, little mouse caught in the cat’s gaze. He feels his lips curving into a grin. You recognize him, and you’re being very obvious about it too.
“Thank you,” you repeat, taking your stuff from his hands and dipping your head to stop looking at him once you get control of yourself again.
“Vanilla latte, right?” he asks, and he probably shouldn’t be this amused by the way your head snaps back up and you freeze, but it’s— It’s kind of adorable. Though you’re obviously trying to reign yourself in, there is something so sincere about it that he can’t help but be enticed by it.
“Um,” you say. “Yes.” And then you visibly search for something to say next, rolling your lips together as if they’ll figure something out of a list of socially acceptable answers. As fun as this is, Minho decides to put you out of your misery.
For now anyway.
“I’ll give you a discount on the next one,” he says, and then he’s gone before you can start saying “You don’t have to do that”.
He actually slides the next one to you over the counter and tells you that it’s ‘on the house’. You hesitate for a few seconds, and he thinks you’re going to refuse, before you bow your head politely and thank him for it. You don’t quite look up at him after that, but a bright smile has spread on your lips.
Cute, he thinks, again, and then he doesn't think of it much at all. A part of his brain was intrigued by the novelty that you represented, and that part has been satiated now.
At least, that’s what he assumes.
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You get his attention again a few weeks later. It’s fairly early in the morning and, as Minho does whenever he gets a chance, he’s behind the half abandoned building near the café, setting up some food for the cats that have taken residence here. It’s something he’s not really allowed to do, but also he’s never asked permission, so no one's told him that yet, which means that he’s not not allowed to do it either.
Still, when he hears footsteps approaching as he’s surrounded by a chorus of meows, there’s a part of him that considers making a run for it.
But then he’d have to run.
Which he doesn’t like doing.
You appear at the corner of the building before he’s made his decision. When your eyes meet, he half expects you to turn around and pretend you haven’t seen him. He’s pretty sure you’ve done that after a class, recently. You swallow, but you keep walking towards him, kneeling by his side and petting the cats as the braver ones rub themselves against your legs.
Whoever said that the surest way to a man’s heart was through his stomach clearly wasn’t obsessed with cats, because liking cats is maybe the most important requirement for Minho.
“Hi,” you say, at a surprisingly normal volume, and then, cadence a little too fast, “I have some cat food.”
Is it weird that he finds that attractive? It’s probably weird.
“Have you been stalking me?” he says more than he asks, vaguely aware of the fact that there’s something ironic about him saying those words.
Your eyes widen and you quickly shake your head.
“No! I— have classes in there,” you point at the building, “and I’ve— seen you come around here. We’ve been told we couldn’t feed the cats,” you add with a slight pout. “We still do it when we can get away with it, but it's good that someone is also taking care of them.”
And you break the law for the sake of cats. Isn’t this amazing.
“I can help you buy food,” you say. “If you’d like.”
He doesn't reply right away, and when the silence stretches a second too long, you start speaking again, faster and your voice lower now.
“Or not, you know, I don’t want to impose anything, I mean, I didn’t want to intrude—”
On the one hand, that seems more like you, based on the glimpses of you he’s been getting, and on the other, he’s not sure how to shut that down. The truth is, he can barely fit the expenses in his budget. He literally can't afford to refuse your help — but he doesn't think he’d do it if he could.
“You can help,” he says, interrupting you in the middle of a sentence where you’re basically apologizing for existing, and that seems to knock the breath out of you.
“Oh,” you say, “that’s good.”
He wonders if you walk into interactions with a prepared set of sentences and panic when anyone goes off script. That sounds kind of exhausting.
“I’ll bill you,” he adds, and the feeling he gets when you let out a light laugh is one he can’t quite explain. There’s a sense of pride in it, but also some much deeper satisfaction at the feeling of having gotten you to let that guard slip, even for just a few seconds.
“I have to go to class,” you say, getting up while you rummage through your tote bag to hand him a package of dry food. “But I’ll, uh, see you around?”
There’s an expectancy to your tone, a hope even. He wonders if you’re aware of it. Either way, that sincerity, which he’d noticed before, remains pleasantly refreshing.
“Sure,” he says.
The next time you show up at the coffee shop, Friday a few minutes after six, like always, he has your vanilla latte ready.
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After that, Minho finds it fascinating to see how differently you react to him, depending on the situation. Every now and then, you meet him behind the building, usually early in the morning, before there are too many people around. They would probably recognize you, and then you’d get in trouble, you explain. Your voice is lighter then, your body more relaxed. You manage to chat with him, to make small talk.
‘Manage’ really is the word for it, because your behavior is worlds apart when he sees you in class. It’s clear by now that this just isn’t your element, so you stick to your script, and Minho just isn’t a part of it. He doesn’t take it too personally, considering that no one else seems to be either.
It’s obvious to him that you get there with the objective of being in and out of the building as efficiently as possible, and with as little interaction with others as you can get away with. He does approach you still on a couple of occasions, one of them being when the classes before yours ran late and everyone was waiting in the hallway. You're focused on your phone then, and you jump when he says your name.
“How are you doing?” he asks, leaning against the wall next to you.
“Oh,” you say, which he thinks is just your filler word to give yourself time to figure out what to say next. “Um. Good. How are you?”
Someone else would bristle at the awkwardness of the exchange, but Minho is mostly amused by it. After a few seconds of very visibly searching for something to say, you come up with “…and how are the cats?”, though your tone is hesitant, unsure.
“They’re good too,” he grins. “Went to visit them this morning. Also, I might have found an association that could them spayed.” He certainly can’t afford to pay for it.
“That’s great,” you say.
This time, he’s the one who takes it upon himself to save the conversation, casually pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Wanna see my cats?”
You light up at the question, and Minho feels the same sort of pride he does when Dori jumps into his lap to ask for pets — instead of ungratefully evading him like the little shit he is.
It doesn’t last long, the class before yours ends soon, and after that you get back to your ‘just getting in and out’ state. It’s almost physical when it happens. The smile disappears from your lips as you press them together, you straighten your back, but the most impressive change is the way your eyebrows tighten, a small line forming between them. Minho almost wants to reach out to wipe it from your forehead, but he doesn’t. Baby steps, that’s what you need, not him invading your personal space by that much.
He doesn’t ask himself, even for a second, why he’s willing to go through that much trouble to get closer to you. He just goes with the flow, as he always has, and that works fine for him.
He doesn’t sit next to you in class, thinks it would only stress you out more, make you too aware of his presence and of how you react to it. Instead, he takes a spot right in front of you, where he can’t see you but can easily check on you if he wants to — which he does. He refrains from doing it too much though, because on more than one occasion, he caught you looking at him, and you averted your eyes quickly, acting a little too invested in your note taking.
He still thinks it’s cute, but he doesn’t want to make you go in hiding, so he holds himself back.
Which comes back to bite him in the ass, rudely, when the teacher announces that he wants people to work in pair for an assignment.
He turns around to ask you to work with him, and sees, right in front of his eyes, as the guy sitting next to you asks you the same thing in a casual manner. You reply too fast, one of your knee-jerk answers, he can tell, but it’s still done before he even got the time to open his mouth. He also knows, instinctively, that you’ll feel embarrassed if he asks you now, so he doesn’t, turning to his own neighbor while holding back the strange urge to hiss at the guy.
…maybe he spends too much time with cats, actually.
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Minho’s fine with the situation. He is. He still gets to be around you some mornings, and you now look him in the eye when you place your order at the coffee shop. You also don’t recoil as much as you used to when he leans over the counter, ostensibly to flirt with you — though he’s like, 98% sure you haven’t realized that’s what he’s doing. He’s making progress in getting you to feel more comfortable around him.
Sure, he missed an opportunity to spend more time around you in a relaxed setting, but is he upset about it? Does he get annoyed when he hears you talk with the guy behind him? Does hearing you chuckle at the guy’s stupid jokes, probably just to be polite, ‘cause he’s not that funny, make him want to claw the dude’s eyes out?
Well. Yes.
He’s been moody about it for days, to the point that Jisung pouted at him, asking him “what was wrong with him these days”, and Changbin looked him dead in the eyes to ask him if he needed help to get a girl, because he clearly needed to get laid.
A conversation he got out of by replying “do you want to die”, which is a card he’s maybe been playing a little too much these days.
He’s been in a good mood today, though. He’d seen you in the morning, and you’d helped him try to make a small shelter for the cats, because it had been announced that there would be heavy rain over the whole week-end. It had been a fun time, and maybe he’d used the opportunity to get closer to you than usual, enjoying how flustered it made you. Just brushing against you as he grabbed some planks you’d sneaked out of the building, totally accidentally touching your hand when you handed him something, that kind of things.
He had somewhat ruined the effect by accidentally dropping a plank on his foot, but that had made you laugh, so, it was— No, it still wasn’t worth it, he didn’t enjoy pain, but it made him slightly less annoyed about it.
So, as he waited for you in the coffee shop, as the skies outside darkened and fewer people than usual showed up, he wasn’t in as bad a mood as he’d been lately.
It started to rain at around half past five. He would have loved to run to get you with an umbrella, but he, unfortunately, needed his job. He did get a towel ready to hand to you, in case you didn’t have anything to protect yourself from the rain.
And then you came in.
Under an umbrella.
Which was in the hands of the one guy that was your partner in that one class.
Violent thoughts of murder flash before Minho’s eyes.
“Hey,” you say as you walk to the counter, giving him a bright smile, “this is Jooyeon, he’s in—”
“Class with us,” Minho completes with a smile that’s very much fake, “yes, I recognize him.”
Actually, technically, Jooyeon hasn’t done anything wrong, but it doesn’t help that he’s been looking at you and following you around like a damn puppy. What annoys Minho the most is probably the fact that you seem a lot chiller around him, a lot more natural than you are whenever Minho’s around. That’s— upsetting. He wants to see these sides of you, too, and not just from afar.
One vanilla latte and an americano later, you and Jooyeon sit by the window, in your usual spot, and Minho can’t stop himself from glaring. Jisung, or anyone, really, would call him out on it in a matter of seconds, because he’s not being subtle about it, but there’s no one around right now. The room, which is rarely full, is emptier than usual because most people rushed to get home to try to avoid the downpour.
That means that there is nothing to distract him from the intrusive thoughts that are trying to convince him to just throw something at Jooyeon. Anything would do.
When it starts becoming a little too tempting, and considering that he doubts anyone would brave the rain that’s falling at the moment, as thick as a curtain separating the coffee shop from the outside world, he decides to grab his computer and try to get some work done.
Of course, because some divinity out there must have decided to target him today, he’s just getting started and finding his rhythm when the lights flicker above him. He glances up. In the distance, the thunder rumbles.
There’s a flash outside.
And everything goes dark.
Fuck. His. Life.
With a sigh, he pulls out his phone to turn on his flashlight. At least, in this day and age, most people in the shop have the same idea, and soon enough he can see what’s happening.
“It’s probably just a power cut because of the storm,” he announces loudly, because it’s his responsibility to reassure the clients — if that had been something they’d tested for when he was interviewed, he would never have gotten the job. “Lights might come back on soon.” Or not, how would he know. “No reason to panic.”
He scans the faces of students, though he’s not sure what he’s looking for. Some people look worried, others, no doubt those who know that this happens semi-regularly on campus when there’s a storm, because why would your tuition pay to ensure that you have reliable electricity in here, just seem prepared to wait it out. Someone’s already gone back to tapping on their keyboard, though the sound of it is swallowed by that of the rain.
But then, he does a double-take, just to check on an impression that he had, and that confirms what he thought.
You’re not in the room. Most likely explanation is that you’re in the bathroom, but he has to imagine that it’s a pretty freaky experience, when all the lights turn off without warning and you’re all alone.
So, without thinking much about it, he makes his way in that direction. He’s hesitating in front of the door when it pushes open, and he’s suddenly blinded by cellphone light.
“Sorry!” he hears you apologize before he can make out your face. “I, uh, is the power out?”
“It looks like it,” he answers, and then his tone softens. “Are you okay?”
There’s a few seconds of silence, and he can’t quite discern your expression, because you’ve both lowered your lights. He resists the urge to reach for you, to inspect you to see for himself that everything is fine.
“I’m fine,” you answer. “I just—”
Then there’s the crack of thunder, and you jump, gasping, before closing your eyes in obvious annoyance.
“Fuck,” you say, and he wonders if it’s the first time that he’s ever heard you swear. And if it’s weird that he’s kinda into it.
“You scared of storms?” he asks, trying his best to contain the amusement in his voice.
“No,” you protest, a little defensively. “I don’t like being surprised— Fuck!”
Minho knows he shouldn’t laugh, that making fun of you could ruin the trust he’s been trying to build this past month, but at your annoyance for letting yourself be taken by surprise, and considering your obvious lack of fear, he can’t help it. It comes out higher than his usual pitch, a little airy. You roll your eyes at it, but you don’t seem to miss the humor in the situation, because a smile forms on your lips as well.
At that point, because he isn’t one to let an opportunity slip, he reaches out to take your hand in his. Your palm is soft, if somewhat calloused on the spot under your fingers, and after the first moment of surprise, you squeeze his hand in response.
“It’s okay,” he says. “It should be over soon.” Then a pause. “Or maybe we’ll be stuck here until we have to decide who we’re going to eat.”
You laugh at that, brief and light, and as cliché as it is, Minho thinks that is quickly becoming one of his favorite sounds in the world. Especially when he’s the one making you laugh, and not that jackass Joo— Ah, the kid hasn’t technically done anything, and it feels silly to blame him when you’re here with your hand in his.
So he’ll let it go. For now.
As much as he would like to stay here with you, in the dark, away from everyone else, Minho unfortunately has stuff he needs to take care of right now.
“Wanna go back with the others? I think I have to keep an eye on them.”
“Sure,” you say. You don’t attempt to take your hand from his, and so he pulls you along with him. He’s not going to let go if you won’t.
Things in the café are still quiet, and people don’t pay a lot of attention when the two of you come back, except for Jooyeon, who gets up from his seat.
“That must have taken you by surprise,” he says with empathy. “Everything okay?”
“All good,” you reply warmly, and there’s a pinch in Minho’s chest again. “I think we’ll have to postpone the session though. I’ll let you know when I’m free, if that’s okay with you?”
Ugh. Minho tunes Jooyeon’s response out, only waiting for an opportunity to whisk you away. He probably shouldn’t feel this strongly about it, is aware that you’re entirely within your own rights if you want to pick Jooyeon over him, but from his perspective, that doesn’t mean he has to let it be an easy decision to make. He’s not the type to lie down and just watch as that happens.
So the second Jooyeon’s eyes flick back to his computer, Minho’s taking you towards the counter with him. He checks the register once he’s there — which he definitely shouldn’t have let unattended without verifying that it couldn’t be accessed without electricity, oops, his bad — and after having confirmed that everything’s fine, his eyes go back to you.
The spike in his heart rate when he finds you already staring at him surprises him a little. He supposes that he can’t be that jealous without also having that sort of reaction to you. It’s not… unpleasant, actually, though the strength of it surprises him. It’s not the kind of emotion he usually welcomes, he’s used to them feeling less sharp, duller. But he doesn’t reject that one.
Gently, he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his.
“Is there an issue between him and Jooyeon?” you ask, voice soft.
Ah. For someone who’s so completely oblivious about his interest in you, you were sure quick to notice that.
“You could say that,” he replies, and you frown.
“I didn’t know that,” you say, words coming out slow, like you’re figuring out what to say as you go, instead of defaulting to your usual pre-built answers. “Can I ask why?”
Minho raises an eyebrow. Then, wordlessly, he shifts himself so that you’re against the counter, with him standing in front of you. It’s interesting, because he’s almost exactly in the spot where he is every day, and every time he steals glances at you to make his day marginally better. He puts his hands on either side of you, hears you take a sharp breath.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
His voice comes out soft and muted, and as he asks, he feels something squeeze at his heart. Maybe because he’s not sure of what you'll answer. Maybe because he could have misread you, thought that you were oblivious when the truth was that you weren't interested. He could be keeping you away from your one true love, Jooyeon, who you’re going to go on to marry and have three k—
“Yes,” you squeak.
Ok, never mind.
Technically you’re in public, but it’s not like anyone’s looking your way, or like they'd see something other than silhouettes when he leans towards you.
It feels so natural when he kisses you. You lift your arms to wrap them around his neck, his hands find their place on your hips. Much to his surprise, you’re the one who presses yourself into him, lips moving softly against his, and it sends a jolt of electricity through his body. Suddenly there’s urgency running through his veins, desire, and his fingers dig harder into you. He kisses you with more intensity, like he’s trying to get rid of any space left between the two of you, and the soft sigh you let out only spurs him on further.
He’s seconds — fractions of seconds — away from doing something stupid when laughter and claps fill the room.
He parts from you, feeling his ears and cheeks turning red already, and discovers that the lights treacherously turned back on, and everyone is looking at the two of you. Protectiveness rushes through him, and he’s about to say something snappy, thinking that you’d be uncomfortable with it, when he realizes that you’re doubled over in laughter. Yes, you look a little embarrassed, but mostly, you seem fine with it.
Which is good, because otherwise he thinks he might have lost the shop a number of customers.
Everyone looks amused and happy for the two of you. Even Jooyeon’s grinning, though the look he gives Minho says, essentially, “Oh that was your problem”. It doesn’t capture people’s attention very long, but there’s something very sweet and human about the moment and how happy it seems to make everyone. Some regulars even exchange glances that seem to mean ‘I told you so’. Ha, he didn’t think he’d ever become campus gossip.
Once there are fewer eyes on the two of you, Minho leans towards you.
“I’ll take you on a date anywhere, as long as it’s not to get coffee.”
Your face lights up.
“I’d love that.”
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Working at a coffee shop is not something that Minho finds very fun. Someone who enjoys human interactions more than him might, but it just feels very repetitive to him. Doing the same movements, asking the same questions, having to deal with the same issues from asshole customers who are different but also fundamentally the same person. The ding of cash register, the one of no contact credit cards, the buzzing of the coffee machine. It’s repetitive, but in a way that fills and numbs the mind.
There’s just one sound that he minds a little less now, and it’s the one the door makes when it opens.
Because, every now and again, it means that you’ve just come in.
“Hey,” you say as you reach the counter. You’re smiling so bright, and he loves it because he knows that it’s another one of those things that you can’t help. You’re smiling because he makes you happy, and isn’t that the best thing in the world?
“Dating the barista doesn’t entitle you to free coffee,” he says as he slides your vanilla latte over to you, though he has used his employee discount on everything you’ve ordered lately and he would very much give it to you for free if you didn’t insist on paying for your own stuff.
“We’re still on for tonight?” you ask, taking the coffee from the table.
“You think I’d let you get out of it?” he replies, and you laugh, before taking off to go to your usual table.
After that, he keeps going, keeps doing the same movements, asking the same questions, hearing the same noises. But sometimes, he glances in your direction and finds you focused on your computer, biting your lower lip as you’re deep in thought, or looking at him with a smile, and it makes it all more bearable.
Because you give him something to look forward to.
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Taglist: @lethallyprotected @jisuperboard
2K notes · View notes
junislqve · 4 months
⟡ stay in my memories
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when you had finally started to accept your past, it comes back to haunt you
pairs ex!jake + reader content angst kissing jake being toxic wordcount 1404 — find my other works
note ending is highkey rushed and was supposed to be happy, but this is self indulgent, so! i also listened to memories an ungodly amount while writing this
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YOU HUFFED AS YOUR DOORBELL RANG FOR THE SECOND TIME. it was 11pm. a few minutes ago, your friend had just left after picking up her cat from the week-long vacation she had with her boyfriend. you had sensed she’d forgotten something.
when it rang once more, you begrudgingly stood up dragging your legs to the front door. the lights to your small living room was already off save for one that was only enough to illuminate the front door.
you sigh as the door click open, “you really need to stop forget-” 
“hi, babyy” 
your heart dropped. not because of how the man in front of you accidentally stumbled and now practically has his boy weight supported by you, and also somehow not because of how his hands circle your body and rest on your waist like how it used to.
it was his voice that did. 
his voice that you swore on everything you would never want to hear again. hating how it sounded so much you’d bail on any man that sounded similar to him or had his accent.
how could you not when only a few simple words uttered with that voice had your mind reeling? repeating the same heart wrenching sentence in your head over and over again, it engraved itself.
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it was pouring outside. you’ve been very stuffed with schoolwork and your finals coming up. papers spread out everywhere on your table and books scattered on your bedsides and floor. 
you felt a tickle on your ankle and watched as your dog rubbed its side on your body, begging for attention. you chuckle, dropping your pen and bending down to pick her up. sitting her on your lap as you rubbed its back. 
“i’m sorry, i just need to finish this paper and i’ll promise i’ll give you some attention, okay?” you coo at her, it hung her head low but complied, laying her head on your lap. 
a moment later, your phone lit up. you stared at the caller and with no hesitation immediately picked it up, a smile growing on your face, “hi, babe-”
“let’s break up”
you stopped. the pouring rain seemed to have hushed in a matter of seconds, the air around you felt constricted. your dog stayed silent, looking up at you in confusion.
“it’s just going to be hard keeping up our relationship in the long run. i’m graduating and you still have two years” 
“so i don’t want to hold each other back” he sounded frustrated. 
“so that’s it?” you ask, voice heavy. “you’re going to leave me because you don’t want to wait two years for me?”
“you’re twisting my words”
“that’s exactly what you said, jake” 
“i’m sorry”
no he’s not. 
“no, you’re not” you say, you wait for a second too long before hanging up. you damn well know he’s not, because if he was you wouldn’t be crying as hard as you are right now. your chest wouldn’t have felt as painful as it does.
there was nothing but confusion that clouded your mind the following days. you were trying to reason with yourself why he’d ever break up with you. 
your boyfriend is the sweetest yet most comforting guy you’ve ever known. or at least, was. you thought there must be something wrong with you.
everything reminded you of him. back then, you thought you hit the lottery when he landed as your first love as well as your first boyfriend. you never doubted your relationship, he was always there for you whenever you needed him and you never turned him down if he needed a shoulder. 
every waking moment after the breakup felt plain to you. habits and hobbies turned more of a chore, some of the things you did were picked up from his habits.
you were quiet about your breakup. it took a total of 13 days until anyone found out. your friends having to fish it out of you when they felt how quiet and more zoned out you’ve become.
for three months, jake’s name was not allowed to be uttered. it was a rule your friend made. she knew anything correlated to him could tip you off, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. 
she didn’t know that you’d still visit his old album from time to time just to feel something. to remember all the ways he loved you and all the ways he wasn’t there to, anymore.
you can’t let go the feeling of how he would hug you, all the times he would kiss you giggles filling out every corner of the room. the moments he’d lay on the bed with you, whispering sweet nothings lulling you to sleep.
you still can feel all of that, a ghost of the past you were never willing to let go.
you wished time could heal all of you completely. because now when you swore you have finally started to move on, he has his body slumped on yours, breath fanning your neck.
“jake?” you curse yourself from how quiet it came out. your voice wavering, your breath shallow before you slowly walk in, his body still slumped on yours.
he hummed, “i missed you” he dug his head deeper into your neck, making you physically sick.
you tug him off, stabling him by his shoulders and you wished you didn’t. you could see his state now. his hair was all messed up, face tinted red from drinking and he had that pout. his eyes attempting to blink itself awake as he looks at you through sleepy eyes.
“jake” you say again, finding your voice. that pout of his grew at your tone.
“don’t you miss me?” he asks, voice so soft you almost gave in. his hands still hover on your waist and you’d lie if you said you weren’t fully aware of it. 
“i’ll grab you some water” you say, walking out of his reach. the heat from his body slowly seeping away as you walk to grab a glass of water.
you turn back to see him sat on the couch, his head laying on the arm rest, legs sprawled sideways. tapping him on the shoulder, his eyes crease open along with that smile of his. your heart clenched.
he grabs the cup and downs it in one gulp, “thank you” he says quietly.
when you were about to grab it and walk back to the kitchen, jake had tugged your shirt causing you to topple on top of him on the couch. 
“you haven’t said you missed me back” he said, head buried in your hair, breathing you in. 
you gathered all of you to push against him and stand up, “jake, stop”
“i know you’re sober”
it barely showed, but you could see the slight waver of his smile.
“i miss you” he says for the third time tonight, eyes open but still slightly glazed.
“you’re being selfish” tears start to well up. it’s overwhelming to say the least. how could he just show up at your doorstep months later giving you false hope? after everything he’s made you go through.
“i know” he starts, sitting up slightly, “and i know i have no right to come back here begging for you to come back. but i miss you”
“you should leave” you look away.
“i’m sorry” he says, “but i’ll do better this time”
maybe it was those eyes that convinced you, or the sliver of sincerity you pretended to see in his eyes or maybe once again it was that voice that allured you. but you gave in. 
he brought you in for a kiss. one that you’ve undoubtedly miss all these months of being apart. jake just knew how to bring you back into his arms. he held you all night long and between the kiss and the cuddling, you dozed into a sleep you haven’t felt for months.
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you shifted, you peek at the light hitting your eyes from the slip of the curtains. 
you rolled over, the space beside you, cold. 
you sat up, the blanket falling off your body as you looked around the living room. trying to grasp at the hazy memory of last night.
the table in front of the couch is neat. when your eyes focused there was a scrap of paper placed on it.
‘i don’t deserve you, i’m sorry
-love, j’
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
247 notes · View notes
bouncybongfairy · 7 months
Hello I have an idea. I don’t know if I already sent you something but I don’t think I did so anyways here is my idea
So void gets into stiles body and he’s walking around thinking about his plans until his friend y/n and asks what’s wrong with him they figure out that stiles is actually void and they start talking back in forth until void says something that’s makes y/n’s werwolf suddenly come out and I mean like eyes glowing and fangs come out and then they start talking about y/n’s werewolf power and that she is a hybrid werewolf and then void asks what y/n does with there “prey” and they say I like to play with my food. He says do to me what you do to your “prey” and she does just that and she pins him to the ground and starts to claw at his back and bits his shoulder but he likes it and it just goes down from there.
If you do it then thank you but if you don’t it’s okay, you probably have better things to worry about :) :)
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Cat and Mouse Games
Void Stiles x Werewolf Reader
Summary: Thinking Stiles asked you to hang out excited you. After going on a late night hike, he reveals himself to be Void. He teases and gaslights you into letting him fuck the shit out of you.
Word Count: 2.0k+
TW: Rough Smut, Blood Kink, CNC kink.
Account Ref: @kaionyx
It was Friday and you could barely keep your eyes open on the bus. Sleep deprived, also mentally exhausted from the academic and social aspects of school. Regardless of your exhaustion, Stiles invited you to hang out tonight, lately he’s been his own little world. Isolating himself and acting quite withdrawn when he did converse with you. That being said, you didn’t want to brush him off. After getting home you jumped in the shower. Welcoming the hot water burning your shoulders and back. Hoping it would loosen the tightness in your muscles. You cut the water off and stepped out of the tub. After wrapping your hair in a towel, you sit down at your vanity. Drawing a deep breath in and letting it out with a sigh, you start doing your make-up. Of course you wanted to impress, up until a couple weeks ago you thought there was something between the two of you. So now that he was showing interest in you again, it was important that you made your feelings clear. Not to mention Stiles was already so familiar with the supernatural. Once you were ready you texted him to come pick you up. Scrambling to gather your things together while waiting. He texted you a simple: here. Normally he would have called but you brushed that off and made your way outside. 
“Hey, what’s up?” you asked, climbing into the passenger seat of his beat up Jeep.
“How are you?” he asked without looking over. 
“I’m pretty good, tired but good. What about you? I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever,” you chuckled, clicking your seatbelt into place.
“Yeah sorry, I just been discovered new things about myself,” he said. 
“Oooo, so mysterious,” you laugh before continuing, “are you okay though, like mentally? Sorry I don’t mean to pry and you don’t have to answer, I just noticed you’ve been kinda withdrawn lately. Even from Scott,” you said, treading very lightly. 
“I appreciated the concern but like I said, I’ve just been in my own head lately. Realizing things about myself that I needed to deal with, you know?” he asked. 
“Well, I’m just glad that you’re doing better than I thought. I totally understand what you mean, when I get in my head a lot, I usually go on a hike and it really helps. You know, like the fresh air and everything,” you said. 
“That’s crazy because I’ve been doing the same lately. Like nightly walks and stuff to clear my head, can I show you a cool trail I found? It’s one of my favorites,” he suggested and you agreed. 
The ride was pretty chill, just making small talk while the radio played quietly in the background. Even though there was nothing that really stuck out, something was off. Stiles was normally very bubbly and bright. Tonight he was anything but that. Extremely still and calm, never looking over at you when speaking. Keeping his eyes steadily on the road. All his laughs and chuckles seemed forced and dry. Not only that but it was just a feeling in your gut. Finally getting to the hiking trail, your suspicions only grew from there. The conversation was just so surface level, commenting on different plants and random shit. Another thing you noticed, was how unaffected he seemed to be by the cold weather. Eventually you stop entertaining the conversation, just walking in slightly uncomfortable silence.
“It’s a really nice trail right?” he asks. 
“Yeah there are a lot of little critters running around, it’s nice to see how lively it is tonight,” you said. 
“Yeah it’s real unfortunate,” he sighed which made your brows furrow. 
“Unfortunate?” you asked. 
“Well of course, all this prey, just going to waste,” he said, your heart began to race. 
“I’m confused, what do you mean by that,” you asked, slowing your pace down. 
“Oh it’s no secret that you’ve been confused this whole time. Do you think you were good at hiding it? It’s obvious that you think something is off about me, have you come to a conclusion as to why?” he asked, voiced laced with condescension. 
Immediately the realization hits you like a truck; he was Void. Your brain starts flooding with worse case scenarios and questions. Involuntarily your eyes begin to glow and claws come out. Unsure of what to do you just stand and watch him. Nothing in his body language indicated to you that he would try to hurt you. At the same time, you knew what Void was capable of. 
“You know Stiles is still in here and I can’t deny the sexual fantasies he has about you are truly a sight to behold. He is a nasty little guy. He likes the fact that you’re stronger than him. He’s never told you this but watching you hunt gives him a rush like no other. Can’t say I don’t agree-” he tried to continue but was interrupted. 
“What’s your point? Honestly, like… seriously are you just gonna ramble till we both drop dead?” you asked
“Egar are we? Well, like I said I would be lying if I didn’t indulge myself in his fantasies. I mean, look how powerful you are, quite literally an apex predator. Teeth sharper than daggers, claws that can shred flesh like it’s paper. Don’t you wanna give in to your natural instincts?” he asked, making such strong eye contact that you were getting uncomfortable. Shifting back and forth, the fight or flight reflex tethering on the edge of uncontrollable. When you didn’t respond, he continued,
“When you first got turned, it took you a couple months until you could control your impulses right? I just wanna see those instincts in person, how do you normally kill your prey?” he asks. 
“I like to play with it before going for the kill, like hobbling it before finishing the job,” you say quietly, fearing the silence would make you appear weak.
“Say it with your chest, why are you so ashamed of your biological instincts?” he asks, tilting his head to the side a bit, “Show me how you hunt, like i’m your prey,” he half demands half asks. 
“You want me to attack you?” your heart was beating out of your chest, “that’s- I’m not doing that, why would you even want that?” you ask, taking a few steps back. 
“I want to feel your internal conflict, the shift from the good girl persona you sell to well and pull out what’s underneath. A whore that gets off on the most shameful activities. You may fool yourself, however I’m not so easily persuaded,” he said approaching you, he was trying to taunt you and it was working. 
Scott had warned you about how dangerous Void was, that he was the definition of toxicity. Now that he was standing here, inviting you to tear him up the way you would a deer. You felt disgusted that you were actually tempted to attack him. It was true, when you hunted you felt powerful. Like there was nothing that could stop your reign of terror on your chosen prey or target. He was now only a foot away from you, eyes were completely black. Jaw was clenched, indicating that he was getting impatient. Your eyes were locked on him, pushing him back which only hummored him. Becoming irritated with the anxiety building up inside, you turn and walk away. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having a second more of your attention. This infuriated him, an all powerful Nogitsune such as himself was never to be ignored. To be denied a request; seeing you walk away from him only made him watch you unravel you more. 
“You think you can ignore me? The same way you’ve ignored all the urges and needs swarming in your brain on a full moon? I will get what I want out of you, making you act on every sinful desire you have. Even if I have to reach down your throat and rip it out myself!” he roared, stomping towards you while shaking in anger. 
Something in you snapped, the taunting was enough to make you go crazy. All you wanted was for him to shut the fuck up. Jumping on top of him, you use your claws and swipe at his chest. Blood starts seeping through his cotton shirt, taking a look at his face to catch the reaction. To your dismay, he chuckles letting his head fall back. It wasn’t until then that you realized what he meant when saying he wanted to see your internal conflict. This was conflicting; expecting to look up to see him damaged. Normally giving you a satisfied feeling but this was different, normally content in a platonic way. The way his head fell back and the smirk on his face. You couldn’t deny being turned on by how twisted he was. How unaffected he seemed to be by your attacks. Adding another slash across his chest, it felt so good being vicious. For so long you’d bent your instincts to Scott’s mission of keeping the peace in Beacon Hills. Letting your mind be wrapped in a foggy daze while letting your urges run wild was an intoxicating feeling. He pulled his shirt off, hands becoming soaked in blood. He reaches up and takes your face into his hands. Leaving bloody hand prints on your cheeks. Pulling you down so your lips were hovering over one another. You could feel the blood from his chest seep into your shirt. Starting to fall deeper into the kiss, you let your full body weight press onto him. He suddenly flips the two of you over swiftly, now keeping a tight hold on your hair. His hands were sticky with blood, only making for a better grip. 
“Did you really think I'd let you use me to satisfy yourself without a fight?” he asked, holding you down with his body weight. 
Feeling a little too vulnerable, you bite down on his shoulder. Feeling his skin pop as your canines break through. He lets out a loud groan, leaning into the bite which makes your lower stomach burn with pleasure. He pulls your head up slightly by the hair and pulls it back down, indicating he wanted you to let go after a while. You refuse; after realizing he was caught in your jaw, he moves his hands from your hair to your throat. Hair still stuck to his hands, which covered your face as he changed hand placement. At first it seemed like you’d be able to keep this up. Until his grip became tighter and your breathing became strained. Towering over you and focusing most of his weight on your throat. Your vision was becoming blurry and cloudy, you scratched at his shoulders. When this doesn't phase him, you rake your claws down his back. Trying to put in the last of your strength into shredding his back before passing out. 
Void watched as your eyes become glossy, the feeling of your nails in his back making him rock hard. Chuckling as your arms went limp, falling off his back and to the ground. He let go of your throat and turned his attention to your body. He lifted your skirt and pulled your panties to the side. Muttering a couple curses as he uses his fingers to feel how wet you were. Even your thighs were wet and sticky from you leaking desperately for his cock. He uses one hand to rub himself against your entrance and the other hand to start slapping your chest. Watching you bounce as he tried waking you up. Once you started coming to, he began fucking himself into you. Moaning as you started becoming more aware of what was happening. Blood drips from his back and shoulder onto your body. The only thing you were focused on was chasing your orgasm. Rocking your hips into him, trying to get him as deep as possible. Noticing this, his thrusts become rough and fast. His hip bones piercing into your ass painfully. Gripping your hips hard enough to embed his nails into your skin. 
“What kind of whore gets off on this? Are you that desperate for attention?” he taunted as he destroyed your pussy. 
You let your body go limp, enjoying and accepting anything he had to offer. He moved his hands back to your throat. Seeing your face turn red and gasping for air was what sent him over the edge. His climax racking through his body, you came slightly before him. Seeing how your helplessness and pain was enough to make him cum was what made you climax. By the time both of you rode out the highs, you felt completely worn out. Like your body was carrying the weight of a ton, forcing you to stay on the ground. His shoes walking away were the last thing you saw before losing consciousness.
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brooooswriting · 10 months
Hi!! I love your writing, so how about prompt 9 and 16 with Nat?
9. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s someone in our house”
16. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF”
A/n: my first prompt writing, let me know what you think :)
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You were laying in bed with your head on your girlfriends pillow and your guys cat curled up to you. Natasha was on a mission for the last two weeks and there were one and a half more to come. You hated it when she was gone, especially since you guys moved into such a secluded house, it felt extremely lonely there. But you loved the fact that your girlfriend was saving the world so you never said anything. It was around 2 a.m. now and you just couldn’t fall asleep, you tossed and turned around until Liho came and lays down next to you.
You were about to doze off when you heard a crack making you jump awake again. It was loud enough to be on the inside and you were 100% sure that you closed all the windows which meant that it couldn’t have been the wind. Another sound was heard from the first floor making you jump again before turning to the cat. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s somebody in our house” you mumbled to the blob of black fur next to you but only received a purring as a reply. “Great to hear that you’re also concerned” you rolled your eyes before standing up to investigate where the sound was coming from.
With your phone in hand you waddled downstairs, turning every light on that you had passed. Your phone was on call mode, Natasha contact already open, just in case. It was kinda funny to you how your first instinct was always calling her, not the police or Tony, who lived like 8 minutes away when he flew with his suit and was currently home. No, it was her because you only felt save when she was there.
You looked around and went through almost all the rooms but there was nobody. “Well, I guess it was my imagination then. Right?” You whispered to yourself. You decided to drink some water while you were already in the kitchen. With your back towards the door you looked outside the window, watching how the wind blew through the trees and a sense of calmness overtook you.
At least until you felt an arm around your waist. You immediately let go of the glass and yelped as you started to hit around yourself. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF” you screamed once you felt yourself being turned around. Terrible scenarios building in your mind as you cried out for them to let you go. As soon as you were turned the grip on you disappeared and you felt the person take a step back.
“It’s alright, it’s okay. It’s just me love” The moment you heard the voice you calmed down, taking a moment to breath before doing anything. It was the moment you also noticed that you had tears streaming down your face. She repeatedly mumbled reassuring phrases until you started to talk.
“You asshole! I thought somebody was going to kill me” you whisper screamed at her, hitting her with the kitchen towel that was behind you. She couldn’t help but giggle as you kept on hitting her with the fabric.
“Im sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that bad. But it was kinda funny” she grinned and hugged you tightly, her hand rubbing your back while yours wrapped around your neck.
“Why are you here already?” You asked into her neck, your hand playing with the back of her shirt.
“What? Not enough time to hide your side chick?” She laughed as she squeezed your waist, making clear that she was joking. “We found the suspect sooner and I couldn’t wait to come home. Steve snores like 10 men” you giggled before placing a kiss on her neck.
“I’m happy you’re back, I really am but I’m so tired” you sighed and placed the side of your head on her shoulder. The next thing you let out was a yelp as your girlfriend picked you up and carried you up the stairs and placed you on the bed. “Thank you” you mumbled with a small smile as you went under the blanket.
You watched as the redhead greeted the cat before changing into some sleepwear. “Now move over, I gotta cuddle my girl. You’ve had her for the last two weeks” she said to Liho and poked his belly making him stand up and lay on your other side. “Thank you very much” you couldn’t help but laugh at their antics.
“I’m so happy you’re back” you whispered as you nearly laid on top of her.
“I’m happy to be back too” she placed a couple of kisses on your lips as her hand rubbed your bare back. You chased after her lips making her smile but keep kissing you nonetheless.
“I love you, but if you ever scare me like that again you’re sleeping on the couch”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good, now give a kiss and then cuddle me”
“Yes ma’am” you kissed again before you turned to your side so she could spoon you.
“I love you too by the way” she kissed the back of your neck before turning off the light to let you sleep.
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
simeon watching over mc from the celestial realm
✎ synopsis: mc is depressed after the exchange program so simeon watches over them. this takes place shortly after lesson 20 but before MC goes back to the devildom!
✎ warning: depression, mention of death, minor lesson 16 spoilers
✎ a/n: made this drabble bc ever since i was a child, i was told by my parents that an angel is watching over me so it still brings me comfort to this day!
after the RAD exchange program ended and MC returned to the human world, they struggled to adjust to their daily life. MC had made lifelong friends and adjusted to an entirely new culture only to be ripped away from their new life just as they started getting comfortable in the devildom.
frequent life changes took a large toll on the human body. simeon knew that from years of watching over humans. he and luke adjusted back to their lives and duties in the celestial realm quite easily. the exchange program had been but a small millisecond in their long, immortal lives. despite that, simeon felt his heart ache at the thought of having to wait till MC's death to finally see them again, so he often watched over MC.
the angel often felt MC's eyes gazing towards the celestial realm. he felt their stare in the early morning, when the sun embraced the earth in a scarlet-gold hue, and at night, when silvery stars painted the velvet sky. every day, the clouds seemed to part just so that MC could catch a glimpse of the heavens.
although MC couldn't see simeon from the human realm, he had looked directly in their eyes on many ocassions. he wondered why MC's heart lingered on the heavens. shouldn't they be living their human life to the fullest instead of focusing on what came after? human lives are so short, after all.
with sadness, simeon realized that MC was struggling. all he wanted to do was to fly down to his little lamb and hold them in his arms, letting them know that he was always close, watching over them. knowing that angels were not supposed to have close relationships with their charges, especially after lilith, simeon knew he had to appear to MC in subtle ways.
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you sighed, spending another day staring up at the clouds instead of tending to your responsibilities. it felt like the days blurred in on each other. every week was the same, you had no energy to continue with your human life as usual.
you had dealt with depression for a lot of your life, but it was manageable. the exchange program had helped, providing a change of environment. now that you were back, your depression hit you harder than before, as you constantly felt the heavy sensation of loss.
you especially missed simeon, as you had gotten close to the angel during your time in the exchange program. the only thing that brought you comfort was staring up at the clouds, wondering if simeon could see you.
this particular day was no different than the one prior. you sat outside on the grass, staring at the clouds above, trying not to acknowledge the feeling of emptiness inside you.
suddenly, something soft brushed against your leg. a cat, purring lovingly, crawled into your lap. it seemed like the animal had just appeared out of thin air. as you gently scratched behind its ear, you took note of the white markings on its brown fur that looked suspiciously like wings.
when you stared into the cat's eyes and saw pools of blue and yellow staring back at you, you smiled for the first time in weeks. immediately, you knew that your angel was watching you from heaven, and with his love, you would find the strength to continue on.
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littlebitsalt · 8 months
Hello can i request yandere catboy x reader, so the yandere is reader's cat (in cat form) but in school yandere is also reader's classmates (in his human form (so he can change his form to cat and something perfect human even human with ears & tail)) so automatically the knew each other as classmate (they're not close in school) but reader didnt know that their classmate is their cat too, the yandere its so obsessed with reader inside school and house, but he more clingy when he in his cat form because he can get patted and cuddled with reader, but one day when they're cudding together the cat turn into human which make reader shocked, the reader keep trying to get rid of him even start to ignore him in school where he suddenly being clingy ans touchy, the rest of the story i let you continue (≡^∇^≡)
Yandere catboy x reader
Note: longest fic I've written It got longer than I expected 😙
Summary: you find out your cat is actually your classmate.
drawing of yandere catboy 1
drawing of yandere catboy 2
Your friend stopped walking as an orange cat came into view.
"Oh- There's a cat over there!"
Before you could react, your friend dashed over to the cat.
"Aww... so cute."
"Come on, let's go home."
You said, standing beside your friend who is taking pictures of the cat.
"Wait- she's purring. I need to take a photo of this."
You sigh. Your friend was obsessed with cats and never missed any chances to watch them, take pictures of them and touch them. She also took photos of this orange cat just outside the school gate everyday.
"I don't have anything to feed you today.. but I'll buy some tomorrow, okay? Bye, Chesse."
After one last pat, your friend stood up.
"That cat has a name?"
You asked.
"Of course she does! Everyone in school calls her Cheese. Her soft fur is just like cheese."
Your friend proceeded to show you pictures on her social media. You had no choice but to look at her social media that is filled with pictures of cats.
You didn't hate cats, but you weren't a fan of them either. You've taken a few pictures of cats in the past, but admiring cats all day was not that interesting to you.
After saying goodbye to your friend, you went to your home.
"Mom, I'm home."
You shouted loud enough for your mom to hear.
Your mom was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.
"Hey mom- huh?"
You felt something cling to your leg. You immediately looked down to find a black and white cat.
"What is this?"
You said, confused. You tried to back away from the cat, but it was still clinging on to you. You turned to your mom to hear some kind of explanation.
"It's a cat from my office. I'm sure you've seen this cat a few times."
Your mom replied. Now that you think about it, you could remember this cat from a few days ago when you visited your mother's office.
"Is this cat the one staying at the back of your office building?"
"Yes it is! I made a simple bed for it to stay.. and I decided to just take it home-"
"What? Does dad know about this? What about my brother?"
"They seem pretty chill about it. Your brother liked the idea. You know the drawing he drew in his kindergarten? That kid likes cats."
"What if this cat already has an owner?"
"I checked it, and everyone around my office said this cat was alone for a few years. So it's fine, (y/n), don't worry."
"You could have asked if I'm fine though."
You looked back at the tuxedo cat. You didn't want to blame the cat, but getting a cat without your opinion was not the best feeling.
You patted the cat's head while it curled around your leg. This cat was acting like it's smart enough to comprehend your feelings. You felt the cat clinging to you more as you touched it.
"I'm sorry (y/n). I should've told you sooner, but I was busy. Plus, the person using the second floor starting next week is allergic to cat fur, so I had no choice to take the cat to home."
Your mom said. You nodded as a reply and looked at the cat again.
"Look, the cat likes you the most. That cat never warmed up to me like that. Why don't you name the cat, (y/n)?"
Your mother was true. You visited your mother's office a few times, and this cat only liked it when you touch it.
"I'm bad with names, and why don't you name it? It's you that brought it here anyway."
"Oh come on, (y/n). Don't be so harsh on the cat."
You ignored your mom and tried to go inside your room, but the black and white cat followed you inside your room without any presence.
"You really do like me.."
You murmured to yourself.
The cat still curled up to you between your legs. You had to pick up the cat and move it to your bed to unpack your school bag and change into comfortable clothes.
You crawled into your blankets and got your phone ready to watch videos before dinner. The black and white cat also crawled beside you, using your right arm as a pillow.
"Oh right.. I need to think of a name for you.."
You said as you scratched the cat.
"What about.. just Tux? That's pretty easy to pronounce."
You said as the cat digged into your chest.
"Do cats like their owners this much..?"
You mumbled.
"So Tux it is? Or do you want another name?"
Your cat ignored your mumbling and rubbed its face onto you.
"... okay then. Your name is Tux from now on."
Your cat, now named Tux, reacted to its new name, and it seemed quite pleased.
You spent time scrolling down social media with your cat beside you before your mother called for dinner. As you got up and walked to the kitchen, Tux followed you. At the kitchen, you found your little brother and your dad talking about their experience today in the playground.
"Where have you been?"
You asked your brother.
"In the playground with my friends... wait- that's the cat mom's talking about-!"
Your brother's attention darted to Tux immediately as he touched the cat. Tux didn't avoid the touch either.
"That cat's name is Tux. I named it."
You said, sitting on your chair and eating food your mom prepared.
"That's a.. intuitive name."
Your dad said, looking at Tux.
"... Anyways, why did you agree to raise a pet?"
You asked. Looking at your brother's wide smile, your dad answered,
"Didn't your mother tell you? Uh.. your brother likes cats, and why not?"
"... yeah whatever."
You ate dinner listening to your little brother talking about Tux. You felt good that your brother got a pet that he wanted. However, at the same time, you felt uncomfortable... having a pet all of a sudden. It felt like having a new family member without your permission.
You know that having a pet will feel like having a family member as time passes. Your friends told you about how their pets meant the world to them... But there was this uncomfortable feeling about Tux.
Maybe you were just mad about your family and wanted to leash your anger to Tux. You didn't know.
When you woke up the next day, you found Tux right beside you.
"How did you get in here..."
You went to sleep alone last night. You remembered that you closed the door before Tux gets in.
You shrugged it off since you had little time before you go to school. You walked around, brushing your hair and wearing your uniform.
"Where is it? Ugh.."
You mumbled as you searched for your earphones. You put them on last night, and the right one was missing.
"Hey- don't distract me."
You lifted up Tux from the bed sheets and searched to see if the bed sheets were covering your right earphone. You rummaged through your bed sheets but you couldn't find it. While you were busy lifting up bed sheets, Tux crawled under your bed.
"What are you doing?"
You also looked under the bed.
"Oh- You found it!"
Tux was playing with the right earphone you were desperately searching for. You grabbed your right earphone and put in the case as your cat tossed it to you.
You sighed in relief and looked at Tux.
"Thanks for your help... I would've died for boredom in school without your help."
You smiled at Tux and left your room, ready to go to school.
In your classroom, you talked about your new cat to your friend. As expected, your friend was excited about it, asking dozens of questions.
"How can you not have a picture of it?"
Your friend said.
"I didn't think of it. I'll send you a picture when I go back home."
Your friend rambled about how her mother would not allow her to have a pet. You listened to your friend quietly.
Someone poked your shoulder. You looked back to see who it was, and one of your classmates was standing right behind you.
"You're sitting on my seat."
Your classmate said.
"Oh- sorry-!"
You stood up right after.
"Don't you think you and him have a lot of connections lately?"
Your friend said, eating a chocolate bar she bought in free time.
"Who are you talking about?"
"You sat in his seat in lunch time. How could you not remember?"
"Oh- are you talking about Blake?"
"Of course I am! Don't you think he likes you?"
You knew your friend loves setting people up and likes searching for possible couples, but this time, she's talking nonsense.
"I didn't even talk to him that much."
Your friend was eager to tell you what she has found.
"That's not the point- The important part is that he's constantly gazing at you during class. Also, how can you not notice that it's you he talks to!"
"He talks to plenty of people."
"Oh no, you're clueless. If you observe further, you'll definitely realize he only talks to certain people, or friends, and they all knew Blake even before highschool."
"How do you know that?"
"My eyes and ears are open."
Blake and you? That's such a confusing match.
"Your observations can't be the reason."
"See for yourself then. I'm sure. Blake has interest in you."
You didn't believe a word your friend said before Blake asked if he can join you on the way home.
It was awkward, walking with a classmate who you've barely talked to.  Blake was quiet, and you didn't know how to start a conversation.
"I thought you go home with your friends."
You said.
"Oh- I moved recently. It seemed like you go home this way too, so... I thought it could be great having another friend to go home with."
Blake said. You could see he was a bit nervous... but why?
Not much conversation went by, and you waved goodbye to Blake in front of your house. You went into your house, throwing your book bag onto the bed and taking off your jacket.
You looked around to see if Tux was around, but you couldn't find it anywhere. You went into every room in your house but Tux wasn't in any of them. You went back to your room, wondering where that sneaky cat hid himself. You were unpacking your bag when you noticed something jumping over the fence. You looked at it to realize that it was your cat that was jumping over the fence and into your home.
You quickly opened the window facing the garden Tux was walking across and let it in your room.
This was strange. The doors were all locked, and you went out of the front door in the morning, so there's no way for Tux to get out. Your mother took your little brother to kindergarten and your father went to work after you left for school.. but they wouldn't have left Tux leave the house.
"Do you get out of the house when no one is watching?"
You said, in a surprised tone.
Was this cat extra smart, or were you mistaken about all the doors being closed?
Tux didn't seem to care that it got out of the house when everyone was outside.
You were skeptical but decided to ignore it and kept on unpacking your bag and organizing your clothes.
After a few hours, your mom came home with your brother.
"We're going to have dinner after an hour when your dad comes back from work-"
Your mom said loudly enough for you to hear.
In your room, you were studying while Tux was watching. You studied until your mother called you to eat dinner.
Your little brother was talking about his day in kindergarten like always, and your mother was setting food plates on the table.
You ate quietly as your brother went on about how his friend and him played some kind of game.
"Mom, today a classmate wanted go home together with me. The funny thing is.."
You said to your mom when your brother cooled down.
"Are you listening?"
You asked your mom.
"Oh- I am listening. Go on."
"The funny thing is that.. I've never talked to him properly yet."
You went on.
"And I beat Anthony- so I got a prize-!"
Your words were blocked with your brother's babbling.
You sighed. Everytime your brother blocked your words, it felt so frustrating.
"Can't you wait when I'm talking?"
You would've heard what your brother needed to say, but this time, you felt like speaking up.
Your brother looked at you.
"I mean.. I want to talk too."
"Your brother is thrilled he got a present today in kindergarten. Let him talk, he's feeling good today."
Your dad said.
"I think he talked enough though."
"You talked a lot more when you were young too."
Your mother said, smiling.
You were annoyed. Why was she smiling?
Your family wouldn't listen to you, and it was so frustrating to you.
"I ate a lot, I'm going back to my room."
You said.
"You haven't eaten half of it, why?"
Your mother asked.
"My stomach hurts today."
You stood up and walked to your room. Tux follwed you.
You couldn't understand it. You wanted to talk about your new friend too. You wanted to talk about how Blake suggested to go home with you.
You turned to your cat that was cuddling you, covered in your bed sheet. You scratched its fur as it purred.
You noticed that Tux followed you everywhere in the house. You also noticed that Tux only cuddled with you. That actually felt heart warming.
Tux jumped off the bed and crawled to a shelf you collected all your goods like  small stuffed animals, and some figures you collected from before. It was usually goods from a few years ago.
"Is there something interesting?"
You looked at the shelf, confused.
"I don't see anything interesting... wait-"
The shelf was missing something.
Now you searched through all your goods to find there was a figure missing. And you also found some of your markers missing. You actually needed those markers for art class tomorrow.
The first thing that came up to your mind was your brother.
You thanked Tux and went out of your room, to the table where your family was eating dessert.
"Where's my figure and markers?"
You asked your mother.
"What do you mean by markers and a figure? The ones on your shelf?"
Your mother replied.
"Yes- where are they?"
"I gave it to your brother."
With your mother's answer, you went straight into your brother's room to find your figure on the corner of his shelf. You grabbed it and put it back on your shelf. Your mom watched with a confused expression.
But you couldn't find your marker still.
"Where's my marker?"
You asked your mother again. Your brother was quiet, staring at you now that he realized how irritated your voice was.
"I said multiple times that I needed my markers for my art project-"
You were shouting now.
"I gave it your brother because he had a drawing competition today, and your brother left it in kindergarten because it got damaged. You can draw with something else for your art project, right?"
Your mother said, annoyed too.
You tried to calm down, but this was too much. How can your whole family ignore your words?
"That's not the point here- why would you take my stuff without my permission?"
Your mother said nothing, but she was definitely baffled from your statement.
When your mother said nothing and your brother kept whining, you went into your room again, shutting the door roughly.
The next day, you were silent the whole time getting ready for school. You didn't have your marker, and you couldn't finish the art project how you wanted to because of that.
You walked to school with heavy footsteps.
Art class was after lunch, so you still had time to think about how to do your art project. But you didn't have good ideas on your mind. Also you have already done the sketch for the drawing, which makes it harder to think of other good ideas.
Time flew by fast and it was time for art. Unfortunately your friend didn't have markers, so she couldn't help you out.
The uneasy feeling went on. You had to decide whether to switch the concept of the drawing or find usable markers one way or another.
"You'll do good with or without markers..."
Your friend comforted you.
You decided to use watercolor the school had and walked over to the sink with a small yellow bucket.
You felt a poke on your shoulder.
It was Blake.
"Oh- hi."
".. I have markers.. if you want to use it."
"... wait- really?"
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.
"Yeah.. you can take them and use it at your table. I use watercolor anyway."
"Thanks- you're a lifesaver."
Blake was a lifesaver, and that went on for a few weeks. He gave you stuff you really needed, which made your friend more invested in your relationship with Blake.
Your relationship with your family recovered a bit over a few weeks, but you were still in some kind of a cold war, and you were still angry at them. You didn't talk very much either, so it really didn't matter.
You went home with Blake a few times a week. Blake wasn't the funniest person to talk to, but Blake was sure a great listener. Just like Tux.
Blake listened to you, occasionally talking about how he thought. He was not like your family who ignored how your life was in school, and everytime Blake helped you out, you thought of your friend's words. Maybe your friend was an expert at reading people's feelings.
If Blake helped you out in school, Tux was your company in your home. When you went home alone, Tux was waiting for you behind the front door.
You felt uncomfortable around Tux at first, but now you warmed up to Tux. You spent all your days with Tux telling your worries and secrets that you wouldn't tell anyone.
Tux stayed right beside you curling its body into your arms.
Spending your time with Tux felt soothing, and you thought this would go on for sure.
However, despite your wish, it didn't last long.
It was Friday, and you walked home alone. You went home fast to see your cat waiting for you.
"I'm home-"
You shouted.
You didn't see your cat behind the front door, so you walked into your room to find your cat lying down on the bed.
It was unusual for you cat to be like this. Tux always tried to rub itself on you if it had the chance.
You sat beside Tux, worried if the cat is sick.
"Are you ok?"
You asked. You knew Tux won't understand what you're saying, but you wanted your cat to know you're worried by your tone.
You lay down on your bed with your school uniform on. There was no one in the house, so there was no one to scold you for not changing clothes.
You turned to your cat. Tux seemed to be struggling with something, and you didn't know why. You thought about calling your mom, but you knew she wouldn't answer when she's busy with some project of hers.
What if Tux needs to go to the hospital?
Several thoughts went by your head.
Tux was still in a bad state and you didn't know what to do.
You got your phone out and searched through the internet to find some clue after you messaged your father(hoping for him to message you back).
As you searched with your phone, you felt Tux slipping away.
Tux was slowly crawling away from you. It seemed he wanted to head out of your room.
"Hey, where are you going?"
You put one arm around your cat, confused.
"Do you need something? Where are you going all of a sudden?"
But your cat was desperate to get out.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
That was the moment you saw something so unbelievable.
With a blink of an eye, Tux was gone, replaced with a boy your age.
".... Blake?"
You couldn't believe what you just saw.
Tux was no where to be seen, and Blake, who said he was going home with his friends, was exactly in Tux's place, facing you.
Surprised and confused, you quicky removed your arm on Blake's body. Then you jumped out of bed before Blake could react.
"W.. wait-"
Blake grabbed your arm and yanked you back into the bed. You lost balance and fell back first to the bed while Blake grabbed your arms still.
"What the- what are you doing??"
You said as Blake's grip got stronger.
Blake was on top of you, facing you with his face red.
"I'll explain-"
You didn't want to believe it, but from the looks of it, Tux was actually Blake.
Blake's face came closer to yours, and you could hear Blake's heart beating fast.
You pushed off Blake and ran out of your room before Blake came any more closer. Blake followed you without hesitation, desperate to explain himself.
You maintained certain space between you as Blake tried to take a step closer to you.
"I can explain-"
Blake protested.
"Get out of my house.. I'll listen to your explanation later.."
"No- no- I didn't do anything wrong.. I just.. wanted to get closer and help you out."
"I messaged my dad and he'll come home soon. I'll tell him about you if you don't get out."
You said in a harsh tone. You wouldn't tell your dad that Tux is human, but you had to threaten Blake..
Blake's face clearly showed that he was not satisfied, but he left.
When your dad came home, you told him Tux was somehow escaped. Your little brother was upset. But you didn't care to notice him because Tux being Blake was the most important topic in your head for hours.
You've done some pretty embarrassing stuff in front of Blake in his cat form. You told him all your cringey moments, you showed him your true personality.. and you even changed clothes in front of his cat form. You basically showed every aspect of you.
You went to bed imagining how it will be meeting Blake in school again. You imagine yourself being awkward in front of Blake.
You hoped not, but the thought that Blake came to your house just to be beside you made you feel a bit frightened.
The whole situation was weird. Blake was weird. His actions only tell you that he's creepy.
Instead of confronting Blake, you avoided Blake in every was possible. You ran straight to home after school, hoping for Blake to lose sight of you.
"I'm home-"
You said. You find your mom sitting on the couch.
"(y/n)-! Tux came back!"
"Why, aren't you glad Tux came back without a scratch?"
"Can we just let him be a stray cat again?
You blurted out.
"How can you say that, (y/n)? We brought Tux here, so we have to take care of it."
"It was your choice- you brought him here- then don't let him in my room, okay?
"Why are you acting sensitive lately? Don't you think this is too much?"
You ignored your mother and walked back to your room. Blake tried to follow you, but you shut the door at his face.
Your mother noticed this right away. Irritated herself, she opened the door to your room and let the cat inside.
"Don't vent out your frustration on Tux, (y/n)."
With that, your mom closed the door and headed to the livingroom again.
You glared at the person pretending to be a stray cat. With the frustration that built up past few weeks, you couldn't stand someone deceiving you.
"Get out."
You said.
Blake was still in his cat form, standing still.
"Are you listening..?"
You said. Blake just stood there, staring at you.
"... I'll just go out then."
At that moment, Blake went back to his human form, grabbing your wrists.
"Don't go out."
Blake said.
"....why don't we cuddle like we always did?"
"Are you serious? Why would I-"
You tried to get his hand off your wrist, but he's grip only got stronger.
"You can't even force me out of your room."
"Can you at least let go of my wrist?"
Blake let go of your wrist, but he didn't move away from you.
Both you and Blake got quiet after. Your mother shouting from the livingroom broke the silence.
"Stay here."
You said, looking at Blake. Then you went to the livingroom.
"Why did you call me?"
You asked.
"Actually, I didn't buy eggs since I was busy with work. Can you buy them now? You didn't even change to comfortable clothes yet."
"I'm keeping the change."
"Okay. Just come back before I prepare dinner. Oh and we need something else too. I'll send you a list."
You got money from your mother and walked back to your room. Blake was waiting for you, sitting on your bed.
"Where are you going?"
"To buy groceries."
You looked away from Blake and picked up a bag to carry groceries.
You felt someone following you while you were walking to the supermarket.
You knew it was Blake.
"I know you're following me."
You said.
As expected, Blake came out of his cover. He was in his human form.
"I just wanted to see if.."
You ignored him and kept walking. Blake followed suit.
"I like you a lot.. I'm sure you know by now..."
You stayed silent. The whole situation was strange and you didn't quite process it.
"I actually liked you way before you knew me. I can move around more freely as a cat, you know?"
Blake held your hand and walked right beside you.
"It was hard for me to keep my distance from you in school... that's why I tried to be a stray cat. To get closer..."
"That's... uh..."
Blake suddenly wrapped his arms around you out of nowhere.
"What are you doing??"
You said, trying to push him away. Unfortunately Blake didn't budge. Instead he only got closer, which made your head spinning.
"What if someone sees us?? Stop-"
"Does that mean I can hug you in your room?"
"That's not what I meant.."
Blake laughed as you panicked and didn't know what to do.
"You should stop ignoring me in school. You liked Tux, why not treat me like it too?"
Blake said, holding your hand again.
Blake didn't do anything that would attract glances while buying groceries. He kept holding your hand, but he didn't do anything other than that.
You quickly bought the things your mother asked and went home with Blake. Blake transformed into Tux by the time you arrived home and everything went smoothly after that, like a normal day. Blake, in his cat form, watched you from afar as you ate dinner.
You went back inside your room and Blake quickly made his way inside before you could lock the door.
Blake changed back to his human self as soon as he closed the door to your room. Then he lead you to your bed, wrapping his arms from the back.
"I waited for this."
He said while digging into your neck.
"Hey- don't rub your face onto my neck-"
There was no use resisting because Blake had no intention of letting you go.
"I have to study. Let me go."
You said firmly.
"I know you don't study right away after dinner. Let's watch something together. Or we can just lay on bed together and sleep."
"What if my family finds out??"
"Then you should be quiet."
Blake smiled.
You were annoyed, but you kept quiet.
Blake pestered you so you couldn't do much of anything. It was soon late at night and all your family members went to sleep.
"I'm going to sleep."
You said, organizing your desk before bed.
"Really? Then we can sleep side by side. Cuddling each other."
"I'll get you bed sheets. You can sleep on the floor."
"What do you mean-"
"Or you can turn into a cat again."
"I- I'll turn into a cat."
Blake, in his cat form crawled beside you when you lay in bed, covered with blankets.
You heard the alarm and slowly opened your eyes to see Blake's face right in front of you. You screamed right that moment.
Your mother heard your scream and opened the door to check if anything's wrong.
"What's wrong here?"
Your mom asked.
You quickly hid Blake under your blankets, covering his face with your arms.
"Nothing- just a bad.. dream."
"Well, ok. Come eat breakfast in 10 minutes."
Your mom walked out of your room, still suspicious of your actions.
"What were you doing? We could've been caught-!"
You jumped up pushing Blake away.
"Are you going to change into your uniform?"
Blake asked, still lying down on the bed.
"I mean.. uh..."
You grabbed your school uniform and changed your clothes in the bathroom.
"I can't believe you watched me all the time."
You said, leaving the house. Blake already prepared for school and waited for you at the front door.
"Aren't you hungry? You haven't ate since yesterday lunch."
"I go back to my house in night and stay there until it's time for you to wake up. I do regular things I missed at daytime."
"That explains why you're sleeping all day at school."
"Then will you let me sleep in your room with you? I want to beside you all day."
"All day? That's exhausting."
"It's not exhausting for me. I want to be beside you whether it's in school or home."
"I'll think about it.."
Blake held your hand.
"I know you'll accept it at some point."
Blake said with confidence.
Blake's words were oddly convincing to you.
He was beside you when you fought with your family and got upset. He listened to your words and helped you.
It's true that you liked Tux in your home, and Blake at school as well.
You like Blake's warm touch, but you'll have to think about Blake staying with you all day.
Part 2 here
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
Crazy For You - Part 2
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing, a lot of jealousy, mentions of bullying
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst (no smut in this chapter)
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: I need a friend like Chris😭
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
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You walked out of your class and towards the cafeteria, desperately in need of a cup of coffee to calm your throbbing head. Seeing a particular face among the sea of students at the cafeteria had you smiling.
'Chris!' You said with a smile, tapping his shoulder.
Chris Bang was one of your closest friends outside your friend group. He gave you a grin, ordering you a coffee too and bringing it to your table.
He sat opposite to you and said 'So, are you gonna spill the details, or-?'
'What is there to say, Chris? Hyunjin was just being himself and I was an idiot to expect anything else.' You say sadly. 'And I have this terrible migraine since then.'
'Aw darling.' he said, sympathetically. 'You ok?''
You shrug.
Ever since your break up with Hyunjin, you have been finding it very hard to get back to normal. You were never really a couple to be honest. You did things together and were always with each other, but that was that. It was like neither of you knew how to handle the situation you had waited for so much. You felt totally lost and hurt at the way Hyunjin spoke to you and nothing could seem to bring you off it's effects.
Changbin had tried to talk to you a couple of times, but you didn't want to bring up the topic.
'I'm alright, Chris' You say, giving him a weak smile. 'I miss him. My bad.'
'Y/N, you are amazing. Don't let him bring you down ok? Do you want me to teach him a lesson?' Chris asked playfully, flexing his muscles.
You laugh at that and say, 'Why are you so sweet?'
Chris winks at you and steals a sip of your coffee. Unknown to you both, Hyunjin watched you from the other end of the cafeteria. He felt jealousy take over him as he watched you being so relaxed with Chris. He didn't know why you two never had a normal conversation. Things always got heated up and ended up with you swearing at each other.
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'Are you going to talk about it or what?' Changbin's voice snapped Hyunjin out of his thoughts.
'Talk about what?' Hyunjin asked, pretending he didn't know.
'Hyunjin. I know you since we were in diapers.' Changbin said. 'Don't start acting with me.'
Hyunjin sighed and closed his eyes as the cool evening breeze caressed his face. He tried to watch some of their juniors play football, but his mind was elsewhere.
'I don't know what came over me. It felt like she didn't want me, you know-'
'Not all girls respond so freely in the first go!' Changbin said.
'But this wasn't our first time' Hyunjin reminded him.
'That happened years ago. You were what, sixteen? And you were both drunk.' Changbin said. 'Besides. You know she is on the shy side.'
'She isn't shy when she's yelling at me!' Hyunjin said, scoffing.
'You have that kind of an effect on people.' Changbin said dryly, earning a glare from Hyunjin. 'I know it's frustrating sometimes. But I know how much she means to you, and all I want to say is, don't give up. Especially when it's so clear that she feels the same.'
Hyunjin remained silent. He loved you. More than he could even admit. And a part of him also knew that you felt something for him. But he couldn't help but worry that he was imagining things. What if you really weren't interested? His insecurities made him say all those mean things to you. And he got himself dumped. He didn't know how he would win you back again.
'Help me, Bin. Please.'
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'As much as I know Hyunjin, he can can be an asshole if he doesn't get what he wants.' Lisa said.
Lisa was one of Hyunjin's earliest girlfriends from highschool, a relationship that lasted roughly 2 weeks since Lisa was actually the female version of Hyunjin and they couldn't stand each other. And Lisa was also best friends with you and Jennie.
'We never even had a real conversation till this day. How was I supposed to know that he is not just horny? I just didn't feel like he felt much for me. And then, he suddenly starts to kiss me, and I was so fucking shocked!' You said with your face in your hands.
'He's so stupid' Jennie sighed.
'What do I do?! He just made me so angry, I wasn't even thinking straight.' You said, pouting. 'I want my Hyunjinnie back.'
'Y/N, I swear to God, you and your Hyunjinnie are going to be the death of me.' Jennie muttered, throwing her bestie a glare.
'Don't worry, we'll get your boy back.' Lisa said with a grin. 'I have a plan.'
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'Rose? Sorry but not happening' Hyunjin said, shaking his head and walking away from Changbin.
'Making her jealous is necessary if you want her back.' Changbin said, jogging to keep up with him.
'How is taking another girl out going to get Y/N to want me back?  For all I know she'll end up not wanting me at all.' Hyunjin said. 'Y/N has had this cold war with Rose for ages. She would hate me for this.'
'You're not dating her for real!' Changbin reminds him. 'You'll just casually invite her for the dinner party and act interested. I know Rose, I know she will want to help.'
'I'm telling you I have a bad feeling about this. I will kill you if this backfires!'
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'Chris, Christoper, Channie.' You call as you sit next to him at the library.
'I have a bad feeling about this.' Chris said giving you a suspicious look.
'Uh. Stop trying to read my mind, Christopher.' You said seriously. 'I have a bad feeling about it too.'
'Everything OK?' Chris asks, tilting his head in question.
'No, not really. That's why I need my bestest boy friend ever to help me.' You admit with a smile. 'My most favorite boy in the world, will you say yes to anything I ask?'
Chris sat up straight and raised one eyebrow, studying you for a second.
'Don't tell Hyunjin I said that.' You add quickly.
'Now I'm really scared.' Chris said, moving his chair away from yours.
'Ok, ok, go on.'
'Um, we are going out to dinner this Saturday to celebrate Changbin and Jennie's anniversary. I was thinking it would be great if you'd join us.' You said nervously.
'As your date?' Chris asked. 'Is this a revenge plan?'
'Yes? Maybe?' You looked embarrassed. 'Please please please? Besides, my friends know you well, so it won't be weird at all. Please Chris.'
'Are you really planning to make that poor guy jealous? What happened to you?' Chris asked with a chuckle.
'Now you're making me feel really bad.' You pout and look away. 'I already hate this idea, but I'm kinda... you know...'
'Umm' Chris made a show of thinking hard. 'Hyunjin is gonna hate me for this. But anything for you.'
'Yes! Thank you!!  You're the best!' You said squeezing him in a tight hug. 'So Saturday night at 7. I'll text you the details.'
'I'll be there' Chris said with a grin.
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'He's soo sweet,  Lisa. Why didn't I fall for him?'' You whine. 'He's like this cute teddy bear, he's sooo wholesome-'
'Jennie, I think she's better off with Chris than your cousin.' Lisa said dryly.
'Hey! You're supposed to set her up with Hyunjin! Not Chris!' Jennie said throwing her pillow at Lisa.
'If he wasn't such an idiot, it wouldn't have been so hard!' Lisa shot back.
'Who's the idiot?'
You were sprawled on the sofa, with one leg on Jennie's lap and the other falling off the the sofa. Hearing his voice, you shot up to a more decent sitting position, and ignored him.
'Hello Jinnie.' Lisa said, voice laced with fake sweetness.
'Hi, Lisa.' Hyunjin said, giving the girls a suspicious look.
'So?' Jennie asked. 'You're here because?'
'Just to tell you that I invited someone for the dinner.' Hyunjin said, casually.
Your eyes shoot towards him, heart beating way too fast. Dressed casually in a white tshirt and black sweatpants, he looked so effortlessly gorgeous. Your cheeks are warm as his eyes meet yours. Looking away quickly, you try to tame your wild heart.
'And who is this someone?' Jennie asked.
'Excuse me?' Jennie said, her mouth falling open.
She turned to Lisa and asked 'Did he just say ROSE?'
Lisa nodded, her eyes darting to you, as you tried to look as unbothered as possible.
What Hyunjin didn't know was that Rose was a bit of a bully back at highschool. She had taken up an interest in Hyunjin and knowing that you and Hyunjin were some sort of involved, she had made it her thing to bully you out of it. She kept telling you how you were never going to be accepted by his family or community, and that Hyunjin would lose interest in you and you'll make a fool of yourself.
Your naive younger self believed everything she had said, even though Hyunjin proved again and again that he never lost interest in you. It had hit your self confidence pretty hard and your belief that some day Hyunjin could be yours. Rose was a changed person now, having reached out to apologize when she realized you were going to be attending the same college, but you were far too hurt to let it slip.
'Why would you do that?! She's so fucking annoying!!  This my MY dinner party!' Jennie fussed, but Hyunjin wasn't even listening to her.
His eyes were on you, as you sat staring at your phone. You were clearly worried, biting your bottom lip, a habit which drove Hyunjin insane.
He looked away quickly realizing that he had been staring at you. His eyes locked with Lisa's who gave him a knowing look.
'You such a pain, Jinnie!' Jennie pouted. 'Of all the people you had to choose her.'
Getting one last look at you, Hyunjin stepped back.
'See you then.' He said, turning to leave. Once the door closed, you dropped back on the couch with a sigh.
'Nothing will work. He's already moving on!' You cry.
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You twirl around, glancing at your cute red dress in the mirror. You felt good, and hoped everything would be fine that day.
'You look so cute, Y/N.' Jennie said, hugging you from behind. 'Jinnie is going to totally lose it today!'
'Hopefully.' You add.
'OK let's go now. He's waiting'
You find Hyunjin dressed in a black full sleeved shirt and light blue jeans. The sleeves were rolled up a bit, showing off his sexy watch (and hands), and he looked totally irresistible. His eyes skimmed through you and he bit his lip absent mindedly. He regretted everything. You looked so beautiful, it's a shame that he couldn't put his arms around you and kiss you.
He sighed as he heard a loud 'Hyunjinnie'.
Everyone looked towards the source of the voice and sighed. Rose looked so excited, it put a smirk on Hyunjin's face. He desperately wanted this plan to work.
'What the fuck.' Jennie whispered, giving Rose a look of disapproval before snapping at Hyunjin to get moving already.
You, Jennie and Lisa climbed into the backseat of Hyunjin's car and Rose joined him in the front. Jeongin, Minho and Jisung were picking up Changbin and Chris.
Once at the restaurant, you saw Chris dressed almost similar to Hyunjin in a black shirt and jeans. You got off the car, and rushed off to hug him.
'What the fuck is he doing here?' Hyunjin asked, as he watched them. Chris put his arms around you and you looked way too comfortable in his embrace.
'What the fuck is she doing here?' Lisa countered, pointing at Rose. 'Mind your own business, Jinnie.'
Hyunjin sulked throughout the dinner. You and Chris sat at the other side of the table, directly opposite to him. You giggled as Chris spoke to you in a voice that was barely audible across the table, and it pissed him off more. Chris placed his hand at the back of your chair and you leaned closer to him as he spoke. Eventually he placed his hand around your shoulder, why was enough for Hyunjin.
'Lisa.' Hyunjin whispered, nudging Lisa who sat next to him.
'What?' she asked.
'Why is he really here?' he asked her.
Lisa sighed and said, 'Y/N invited him.'
'But why?' He asked. 'Are they-?'
Lisa shrugged.
'You should ask her that.' she said giving him an innocent smile, batting her lashes at him.
'Anyway, why would you care? You yourself brought a date.'
'She's not my date. I just invited her casually.' Hyunjin protested.
'You invited HER of all the people, Hyunjin. You know how Y/N feels about her.' Lisa, said, shaking her head.
Hyunjin couldn't wait for this stupid dinner to get over. All he wanted was for Chris to leave. His prayers were answered when Chris got a call and had to leave earlier than the others.
'Bye guys. Thanks for having me.' he said as he left.
'You should join us more often, Chris.' Jennie said with a smile. 'This was so fun!'
He thanked them again and gave you a long hug and a wink before making eye contact with Hyunjin. The latter gave him such a cold look, Chris had to fight himself to not burst out laughing.
Hyunjin had had enough of this and he glared at you, as you watched Chris till he disappeared around the corner.
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Once they were all in the car again, Hyunjin sped through like a maniac, making Jennie yell from the back.
'Are you fucking trying to kill us all you psycho!?' She screamed.
Hyunjin continued to drive that way, taking out all his anger on the road. As he neared a red light, he skidded to a stop and you almost fell forward and grabbed onto the first thing that touched your hand - Hyunjin's shirt.
Your eyes met in the mirror, and you gave him a pleading look, begging him to stop. He held your gaze, breathing heavily. When the light turned green, Hyunjin was normal again, though his knuckles had turned white with how hard he was gripping at the steering wheel.
'Fucking crazy.' Jennie mumbled as your hand remained on his shoulder, holding on tight. He halted in front of Rose's house. You pulled your hand back quickly without anyone noticing.
'I'll walk you to the door.' Hyunjin mumbled, as he got off the car.
He and Rose walked in silence and once they reached her front door, she touched his hand and said, 'Why don't you just talk to her?'
'I mean, it's not that hard to catch up with the fact that you can't get over her. I've known you two since high school and this is not some stupid crush at this point. It's so annoying to watch you too look at each other like that and never make a move.'
'I'm sorry, Rose. i didn't mean to-' he asked.
'Don't worry, Hyunjin. I know you didn't invite me because you like me or anything. I wanted to help. I've been really bad to her, and I feel terrible.' Rose said with a sad smile.
Hyunjin smiled, shaking his head.
He hugged the girl and she said, 'I hope we can still be friends.'
'Of course.' Hyunjin said, but if you really didn't like it, he wouldn't do it, he thought.
'See ya' Rose said,  before stepping into her house.
The others watched everything from the car, but they couldn't hear the conversation.
He got in and began driving again. Once you reached the apartment building, he parked in silence and held the door open for you.
'Can we talk?' he asked you, and everyone else scurried away quickly, giving you space.
'What's going on with you and him?' Hyunjin asked plainly. 'Be honest.'
'What does it mean to you Hyunjin?' You ask, feeling frustrated.
'Why can't you just answer the question?' He asked with a sigh.
'Because you're so...uh!!!' You were going crazy with this man. 'Why did you just drive like that?! Why did you bring ROSE?!'
'It's not the answer to my question, Y/N.' Hyunjin said, taking a step forward.
You take one back, your back hitting his car and he stood right in front of you.
'You never answer me right. It's always some twisted vague thing. Why is it so hard to be clear and straightforward for once, Y/N?'
He was too close now. He smelled so good, and the warm radiating from his body had you feeling like your brain was actually shutting down. You hated the effect he had on you.
'I don't have to do anything you say. Got it?' You snap, your body brushing against his as you step aside and storm off towards the elevator. Of all the people in the world he had to bring Rose.
'What did you do, Hyunjin?' Minho asked, having watched everything in silence.
'He fucked up. Again.' Jennie said, shaking her head as Hyunjin stood looking helpless.
'Understatement of the year' Lisa muttered under her breath.
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skzhua · 9 months
Caroling to my Heart
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Pairing: Lee Minho x Female!Reader
Genre: Inspired by A Christmas Carol, Christmas love story, angst, fluff.
Word Count: 14,653
Warnings: Swearing, talks of regrets, mentions of alcohol, heartbreaks.
Summary: Christmas is meant to be spent with your loved ones. Minho stopped loving a long time ago.
A/N: Credits to my boyfriend for the general idea of the plot (story is all me, though)
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November nearing its end, Chrismas was approaching quickly. Children playing in the snow, shops filled with decorations to sell for the holidays, sales everywhere for presents shopping, music playing everywhere you go; truly the most wonderful time of the year.
At least, that's what most people think.
Chan has always loved Christmas. He always took it as an opportunity to gather up with his college friends with whom life was always enjoyable. Jeongin had recently gotten a promotion at work which he took very seriously, Hyunjin finally opened his dog rescue center a few years back, Felix was happily getting married in the following spring, Seungmin had finally started to get recognition for his stand up comedy shows, Changbin had entered a production company with Chan, and Jisung was finally seeing someone after not daring to date for years.
And then, there is Minho.
Him and Chan used to be the closest friends ever, and Minho was always the life of the party. He messed around in college, got good grades, made his way up to become a successful lawyer. Overall, things had turned out pretty well for him.
What Minho considered as his biggest accomplishment was his lover. The apple of his eyes, the prettiest woman he had ever laid eyes upon, the sunshine of his life. Y/N was in the same major as him, one of the top students. It started out as a very typical college love story. He was annoying her, she found him funny, they were paired for a project, they got closer, and they got together in a matter of weeks. From that point, life was perfect. They moved out together after college, adopted a ton of cats, went on so many trips outside of the country... they even got engaged.
That was until Minho messed it all up, losing everything he loved the most in one go.
Ding dong.
Jumping at the sound, Minho takes a second to recover and puts the movie he was watching on pause. He checks the clock; it is 7 o'clock in the evening. He wasn't expecting anybody to visit him. Nonetheless, he goes over his front door and looks into the peephole. He isn't surprised to see Chan waiting patiently with a plastic bag in hands. He rolls his eyes in annoyance before letting his friend in, greeting him boringly.
"Hey, Chan," he says before yawning loudly.
The older man looks him up and down, analyzing every bit of his friend's appearance. "Wow, you look like shit."
Minho doesn't answer, giving Chan the death stare instead. "What do you want?"
"Well," he starts while allowing himself to get comfortable on the couch. "Jisung is presenting his new girlfriend to us and because you didn't answer in the group chat, I thought I would check on you."
"Tonight? No, I have to get up early tomorrow."
Chan's shoulders drop as Minho, once again, declines an invitation. "You haven't come to see us in months."
Minho shrugs, visibly not seeing a problem. "I'm just very busy. I have cases coming in all the time and I can't trust my associate to work on them."
"You're overworking yourself, a break would do you some good. Besides, we miss you."
It's not that he doesn't want to see his friends, of course he does. He just knows very well he'll only end up ruining the night by not being the funny guy he used to be.
"I don't know."
Chan takes a nicely ironed shirt out of his plastic bag and puts it on the coffee table in front of him, and stands up to walk to the door. "You're welcomed to drop by if you change your mind. It's at the restaurant we used to go in college."
"Why the shirt?" Minho's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Consider it as an early Christmas gift from me."
After throwing a small smile his way, Chan opens the door and leaves. Minho finds himself alone again, perplexed. He approaches the shirt and scrutinizes it. It's a designer piece which does not surprise him, Chan has always been the kind to go an extra mile for his loved ones. Looking at the clock again, it indicates 7:20 P.M. Does he still have time to go? It would mean he has to shower, get dressed, drive all the way to the restaurant... Right, that specific restaurant.
He will visit his friends, just not tonight.
2 years ago.
Christmas was the most important holiday to Y/N. It brought so much nostalgia to her and she absolutely adored every aspect of it. Baking cookies and go ice skating were part of the many activities she loved doing in December.
This was also the first year she had to spend it away from her family. She didn't regret choosing to study so far away from home but it hurt nonetheless. It would be difficult and Minho knew that.
Y/N had to work an extra shift that night if she wanted the day of Christmas Eve off. It was ridiculous, she thought. As if the restaurant really needed her to stay so late. Coming home, Y/N was so glad to finally be able to relax as she climbed up the stairs.
Meanwhile, Minho was waiting excitedly at the front door of their shared apartment. He made sure the gingerbread cookies were all ready to be assembled to construct a house, checked if the Christmas lights were working fine, and put a playlist of Y/N's favourite holiday songs on his speaker.
"Soonie!" he yelled frantically at his cat as he saw him get on the counter. "You don't want to ruin your mama's night, do you?"
He picked him up and brought it close to his body, petting his head lovingly. Needless to say, this couldn't be a cuter sight to have when Y/N walked in.
"Hey, my two favourite boys," she chuckled at them before taking in how well-decorated the home was. "Min, did you set up all this?"
Her boyfriend put his pet down before bringing her into his arms. "I did. You've been feeling off recently, I thought it'd be a good idea to cheer you up. And since Christmas is next week, why not decorate cookies for the occasion?"
"You made gingerbread cookies?!"
Y/N's eyes lit up from seeing the baked goods and she rushed to go sit at the counter. Minho smiled at himself, proud he had managed to lit up her inner light just a little.
"Thank Felix for these."
"Well, thank you Felix."
Minho remembers every night she came home from that workplace. He always tried to make her feel better each time, Y/N despised working so late but she somehow always stayed positive.
How much he misses her.
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Minho gasps for air, sweat all over his body. He had another nightmare, nothing unusual. What is odd is the phone ringing nonstop at this hour of the day; 4 o'clock. Who in their right mind would call someone so early?
The person on the other side of line doesn't respond, Minho can only hear them breathe unsteadily.
"Minho," Jisung finally speaks. "Sorry to bother you this early."
"It's 4:00 A.M."
"I know, I know. Just, I'm getting worried about you and I can't call you tomorrow –well, today–  or you'll say you're busy with work as always. You're not okay and I think you could use a friend."
Although not wrong, his statement fueled Minho with annoyance and frustration. He doesn't need help, or anyone for that matter.
"Minho?" Jisung speaks up again as he doesn't get a response.
"Good night, Jisung," he simply says with the intention of hanging up.
"Wait!" he hurries to stop him. "If you don't want to talk for your own sake, at least do it for mine. Not just mine, the other guys' too."
Sure, Minho hates talking about his feelings. Still, he's not a monster and cares a lot about his friends nonetheless. Feeling a bit obligated, he agrees.
"So, uhm, who's your new girlfriend?" he asks, getting uncomfortable already.
"She's a friend of Jeongin. Remember that girl he worked with in college? Well, that's her. She's so nice, I wonder why Jeongin hadn't introduced me to her sooner. She kind of reminds me of..." he trails off but stops himself before stepping out of line.
"I'm happy for you two. I'm sorry I couldn't come."
Jisung lets out a huff. "Thank you but I know you could have, you just didn't want to."
"That's not-"
"Don't lie, Minho," he cuts him off. "You didn't come because of her, am I right? Because of Y/N again?"
Minho can feel his heart tighten while his friends keeps going at it, insisting on speaking about her. He doesn't want to, is it so hard to understand?
"Let's not talk about her."
"That's the problem, Minho. You never want to open up about it."
"She left. What is there more to say?"
"How you're coping with all, how we can help-"
"The only thing you can do to help is leave me alone. I'm doing just fine. Talking was a bad idea, I should go back to bed."
"Min..." Jisung says in a desperate voice.
"Good night."
As he hangs up, he can sense it might have gone too far. Regardless, he discards his phone on his nightstand and buries his body in his bedsheets. He hears meowing coming from the entrance of his room. A second later, his cat Dori jumps on the mattress to come and lay next to him. Minho reluctantly cuddles the cat back, his last one he got with Y/N. Dori is technically her baby but she left so suddenly that Minho had no other choice but to keep him.
"Where are your brothers?" he whispers affectionately to the ball of fur who replies with some more purring. "Are Soonie and Doongie sleeping too?"
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Chan is probably the only one able to get Minho out of his house, especially during Christmas time. Maybe it is guilt or shame that he feels, but Minho hasn't been so great ever since he had his early chitchat with Jisung. Shopping for presents wasn't what he had in mind when he thought of making up for it but Chan insisted it would be a good idea.
"Look," he says while pointing at the pig plush on the top of the pile. "It looks like Changbin."
Minho shrugs. "I guess it does."
"What about this?"
He looks boringly at the shirt Chan is showing. Yeah, maybe he should have done something else to make the most of his day off. A good meal at home seems so much more appealing to him.
"Come on," Chan encourages him. "Enjoy a bit."
"I am enjoying, look," Minho tries to convince him with a forced smile.
"Hmm, maybe it's time to go to the food court and take a break."
Dragging his friend behind, Chan moves from restaurant to restaurant in search of a meal for his lunch. After a while of debating internally, he settles for a hamburger. As for Minho, rice with pork seems to be tasty enough. They sit at a table and start to eat in silence. Minho looks around the place, watching people chat and laugh. He sees one couple in particular and they remind him too much of Y/N. Adverting his gaze from this spot, he focuses back on his food before speaking.
"I was thinking of buying a new hoodie for Jisung."
Chan is surprised his friend is even conversing with him but smiles. "A hoodie? Doesn't he have plenty of them already?"
"He does but he sent me a picture of one specifically the other day."
"Then you should buy it for him. Have you heard from him, by the way?"
Minho gulps. "No."
Although suspicious, Chan doesn't push it. They quickly finish their lunch and decide to head towards a clothing store to find Jisung's present. At a certain point, they unconsciously part ways as they look at different pieces of clothing. Minho would look for Chan but he has the hoodie to find. Chan is fine on his own anyway, he tells himself. He goes to the right section and begins to browse through each item. He frowns as he inspects them, not convinced these would be appropriate for his friend.
He freezes in place. Has he gone crazy or has he just heard Y/N's voice?
"Minho," she says again.
Finally turning around, he is somewhat relieved that it isn't his former girlfriend, but her sister. "Deena," he greets her politely.
"It's been a while, wow. How have you been?" she asks cheerfully, too much in his opinion.
"Nothing much."
She seems taken aback by the short length of his answer. Minho used to be the nicest man she knows. Of course, she doesn't know the full story about what happened. Nonetheless, she still considers Minho as family. So seeing him so lifeless in front of her is quite a shocker.
"I'm in a bit of a rush but we should go grab coffee soon and catch up," she suggests but from the look on Minho's face, she knows she shouldn't have.
"I'm pretty busy."
"Alright," she answers, uneasy. "I'll see you around then."
Without adding anything, he resumes to looking through the hoodies. Deena eventually leaves and Minho feels like he can breathe again.
He has nothing against his former "sister-in-law" but seeing her so unexpectedly is not something he has prepared himself for. He will go grab a coffee with her when he feels ready to.
Chan comes back a few minutes after with a couple of black shirts and an oversized pair of jeans he picked for Jeongin. As they wait to pay for their things, Minho can feel that Chan has something to say. It wasn't an abnormal occurrence but this time feels like it's eating him inside.
"What is it?"
Chan hesitates for a second. "It was Deena, right?"
He hums. "Yes."
"I'm running out of ways to tell you appropriately but you need to get your shit together. The girl did nothing to you and she seemed to be on the verge of crying when she left the store."
Minho rolls his eyes, like always. "What do you want me to do? Run after her and apologize? I didn't do anything."
"Exactly. Dude, everyone around you is getting sick of your way of dealing with what happened. Sure, your feelings are valid. This doesn't mean you have to inflict your pain onto us. We only want to help," Chan responds, not realizing his tone is increasing more and more.
"Always wanting to play the good savior, uh?" Minho scoffs. "In front of strangers too? Look, I don't need you to tell me how to be. You're not my dad or anything."
"I took you under my wing in college, of course I'm still looking out for you."
"That was back then. I don't need your pity anymore."
Chan's jaw clenches as the two men stare right into the eye. The cashier awkwardly calls for them to proceed to payment which breaks their staring contest. They hurry to pay before storming out of the mall, both of them fuming with anger. The moment they get into Chan's car, the latter explodes.
"This has lasted long enough. How long has it been now? A year?"
"Eleven months," Minho corrects.
"Whatever, same difference. My point is that it might be time for you to move on or at least stop being such a pain in the ass."
Minho's eyebrows raise as he lets out a chuckle. "I didn't know such strong words could come out of your mouth."
"Minho," Chan says in a warning tone.
"So what if I'm not as easygoing as before? You don't understand how it feels anyway."
"Help me understand, then!"
"You just wouldn't!"
He surprised himself by yelling so harshly. The hint of regret creeps up but he tries to hide it by looking away. They both know this is the end of this conversation, neither want to continue anyway. Chan starts the car and the ride home can't be any worse. The tension is so heavy, he swears he feels his body crushing.
Still in silence, he drops Minho off in front of his apartment complex and drives away. Face blank, Minho goes in his building and lazily enters the elevator. It's like he's in a daze, not fully aware of himself. Before he knows it, he's back home sitting at his counter with three cats waiting patiently in front of him as they expect him to fill their bowls with food. But he remains still and stares at nothing in particular. Has he gone too far this time?
In all of the people he knows, Chan is the last one he would have thought to snap at him so harshly. Most importantly, he never thought he'd yell at him for no reason. For the first time in a while, Minho allows one single tear drop from his eye.
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Christmas has come. Well, almost. Work has been the same and no contact have been made with anyone for the last week or so. The lack of human interaction felt both good and bad, but mostly aching.
Every day is the same, Minho realizes. Waking up, eating a very mediocre peanut butter toast with coffee, scrolling through his feed on social medias, getting dressed, going to work, bossing his ass off in return of a less than decent pay, coming back home, eating, washing up, going to bed, sleeping, only to do the same all over again the next day.
In a way, he loves not having to think about planning things out. On the other hand, his life is becoming more and more dull with less of a purpose. Why is he alive for if it's only to do the same task over and over again?
For a change, Minho decides to start a Christmas film instead of rotating watches of the same five movies. A mistake he does is not reading the synopsis before pushing play on the remote. He settles comfortably on his couch while Soonie and Doongie cuddle next to him. Dori is somewhere nearby, playing with a piece of paper Minho had dropped on the floor earlier that week.
At first, the show is boring he thinks. The more the story develops, however, the more he sees the resemblance between himself and the protagonist. The movie is A Christmas Carol, one Y/N once had begged him to watch with her. Scrooge is very unlikable, there is no denying in that. But Minho tries to ignore the similarities he shares with him and keeps on watching the screen in silence. At some point, it simply became impossible to ignore the tightness in his chest. In an abrupt move, he turns the TV off, picks up his two cats, and heads to bed.
Christmas is so near, he thinks as he is watching his alarm clock getting closer to midnight. He really does his best to not make a big deal out of it but his mind can't stop having these images of Y/N, his friends, Christmas... everything. He can't escape pain, no matter what.
Thankfully, Dori comes in his room to join the other felines which distracts him for a second, just long enough so he can finally fall asleep.
The clock indicates 11:55 P.M. when Minho is in a deep sleep and the only sounds that can be heard throughout the whole flat are the appliances running and the cats snoring. Maybe some snores are coming from the man himself but they are faint. Slowly, Doongie wakes up. He wiggles around to find a new comfortable position but fails and falls off the bed. Luckily, cats always land on their feet. He was going to hop back on the bed but a weird sound catches his attention. It sounds like a bell. Curious, he comes out of the room in attempt to find where it comes from. But nothing. Or maybe there is something.
A faint light can be perceived from the bottom of the front door. The cat carefully gets closer, lowering his body. In a single snap, something flies right from under the door and moving straight into Minho's room which scares Doongie well enough to go hide in his cat tree and let out a cry.
This immediately wakes Minho up as his instinctive cat dad senses take over but it is soon replaced with an unsettling feeling as he sees the bright light in front of him. He squints as it almost blinds him but he wants to know what it is. He can feel his heartbeat increase by the second as the source of light gets closer and closer. Holding his breath, he shut his eyes closed and moves his head away from whatever that is. Until he hears a sigh too familiar to his liking.
He dares to open his eyes and his shoulders drop at the sight. "Chan?"
It's not exactly Chan, it is more of a ghost-like version of him. He wears a very formal suit with his hair styled with gel and his body is translucent, making Minho very skeptical. This is a dream, he thinks. Chan is very much alive and very much not in his apartment. Certainly not after the events of the other day.
"I see you didn't even reach out to me."
Minho frowns and looks around the room as if to make sure he really is speaking to him. "What do you mean?"
Chan chuckles, his voice sounding more like an echo. "After our fight, dumbass! Come on, you weren't going to leave things as it is until Christmas."
He checks his alarm clock quickly. "Well, it is Christmas."
"In five minutes," Chan smirks at him. "I know the past few months have been hard on you."
"Great, even my subconscious is trying to fix me," he whispers to himself, loud enough that the ghost-like figure hears it.
"As in a dream?" Minho nods to the question only for Chan to laugh some more. "You're funny. Anyway, I'm not here for fun. I'm here to help you."
"You tried that already," Minho grumbles in an annoyed voice but receives a shook of the head as an answer.
"My human self tried, I haven't tried yet. You see, I only appear if I'm really needed and your case is a pretty severe one."
Minho tries to protest but is quickly shushed.
"Look, this is a night shift on Christmas Eve, I don't want this any more than you do so let's do it quickly. I'll send you three spirits tonight before it hits midnight. They'll guide you through your entire life and help you make the right choice. Got it?"
"Midnight is in five minutes."
"I know."
"You'll understand," Chan cuts him off. "As for now, bon voyage."
Not even conscious that he had been awake —or dreaming— Minho hears a snap of fingers before opening his eyes widely and gasping for air as he wakes up. He is still somewhat confused, but rather glad this was simply a dream. He can feel that the sweat has gone through his pyjamas and makes a face out of disgust.
Quickly, he eats breakfast and freshens up before leaving for work. Yes, he is working on Christmas day. This might be the only way he can get distracted from everything going wrong in his life.
As he approches his work building, he notices a young man. He looks awfully similar to Jeongin but not quite. Curiosity gets the best of him, however, and Minho instinctively walks up to the man. He takes a moment to scan his appearance: he's shorter than Jeongin, has light golden hair and wears loose white streetwear clothing. He also takes notes on the grey of his eyes.
"Lee Minho!" he says cheerfully before Minho could let out a single word.
The man jumps in surprise. "Jeongin?"
He shakes his head as a no and smiles brightly. "No, my name is P."
"P..." Minho repeats slowly, slightly confused.
"Shall we go in?"
He doesn't wait for an answer as he begins to walk and Minho automatically follows him into his building, assuming this boy might be a new worker in his firm. They hop onto the elevator together and P pushes the button to level 7. As Minho is about to look for his own floor, he notices something odd. The building has 26 levels. So why the hell are the numbers going up to 30? He slowly turns to come face to face with the younger man who keeps a wide smile on his face, fear creeping in.
"Who are you?" he dares to ask.
"I told you, I'm P!" the boy repeats with an even bigger grin, almost creepy. "Short for Past."
Oh. Oh no. It all suddenly clicks in Minho's head. Either this is a dream occuring because of the movie he had watched before going to bed or this is his own story of A Christmas Carol. He pinches the side of his arm, hoping he would be back in his room but it only results to him hissing in pain.
"Do you remember your Christmas when you were seven years old?" Minho can only glare at him but P doesn't seem to care. "This might refresh your memories."
The doors of the elevator open right after and not only are they not in his workplace anymore but the setting is exactly as he remembers it from his childhood. They are right on the street of his parents' home. The street is empty, understandably so because of the light snow falling down and the cold weather. It is early in the morning and his childhood home looks much smaller than he remembers, and in a much poorer state.
P walks out first before turning around, encouraging Minho to follow. "Can they see me?"
The answer satifies Minho and he finally steps out of the elevator, letting himself get led by this Jeongin look-alike. He wonders why this specific time was chosen in all of his years of life. He ponders the idea of asking P but it soon vanishes when he spots his younger self coming out of the house with his parents observing him in a loving way. A knot forms in his belly. He hasn't talked to his parents since Y/N left. Are they doing okay? Maybe he should have called a few times at least.
"Can we bring one home?" younger Minho asks his mom, eyes full of hope.
"Do you want a kitten as your Christmas gift?" his mother asks and the child happily nods. "We'll go see the cats and I'll think about it, okay?"
Satisfied enough, he skips down the street while humming a Christmas song. Oddly enough, it is Y/N's favourite: Winter Wonderland.
Minho watches his former self with nostalgia. He remembers the moment perfectly. This was the first time he ever owned a cat after begging his mother to get one years after years. He had named her Nala, which he thought was very clever at the time.
"Can we follow them?"
P takes his hand, much to Minho's surprise, and they begin to float just slightly above ground and fly right to where his past self is. He doesn't question the spirit about how this works and resumes to watching himself coo at the cats. For a brief moment, his eyes advert from the scene and land on his parents. But there is something catching his attention. He sees his father emptying his wallet as well as his mom before they give it to the worker. His breath gets heavier as he looks back and forth from them to himself.
"Is this why my mother stopped going out for tea with her friends? And why my father couldn't take my mother out for dates? They used to argue so much about it..." Minho almost whispers.
"Parents make great sacrifices for their children," P says longingly.
"Why didn't they tell me?"
P shrugs. "Probably because you were a literal child but also because they didn't want you to feel bad."
"My grandmother would have helped us in an instant if she knew."
P shrugs again. "They didn't want help."
He easily catches on why the ghost brought him at this exact moment. Just in time, Minho gets a hold of himself and says in incoherent words that he won't fall for P's tricks. The latter isn't nearly fazed by this statement and he takes the man's hand to bring him back to the elevator in a quick flying trip.
After the door closes, Minho is relieved that he can finally go back home. That is until P pushes the button for level 18 which earns a frown from Minho.
"Aren't we done?"
"No, you have other things left to see before I send you back. Well, a few more years to see."
"And me at 18 years old was an important year?"
P sends him a knowing look but he acts clueless, as if he doesn't know what happened back then although it's painfully obvious he does. Denial is the best way to cope, isn't it?
The doors open to the hallway of his college dorm he used to share with Chan. He can instantly recognize the said-man and Changbin joking around before they walk in his dorm. Without waiting for P, Minho follows and freezes when he stumbles upon Y/N. This moment was merely over two months into their relationship but he could tell he already knew she was his everything at that time.
Y/N greets the two boys and encourages them to put their wrapped presents under the mini Christmas tree she had insisted on making to display in his small living room. Meanwhile, a nearly adult Minho is unwrapping takeout as he watches the scene with a huge smile.
"What took you two so long?" he asks, walking towards the group with the food in hands.
"Chan's fault," Changbin immediately accuses, earning a stare from the older man.
"Not true."
"I'm not the one who lost Hyunjin's present."
Hyunjin's eyes lit up. "You got me a present?"
A small smirk appears on Chan's face. "I got all of you a present."
"Even me?"
Minho's heart tightens. He still struggles to listen to your voice and because you were there physically in front of him, it pains him so much more.
"Even you."
"Can we open them?" Felix asks, eyes lighting up.
"After eating," younger Minho says in a stern voice. "Otherwise, you'll get your dirty ass hands on the gifts, or on anything for that matter."
Y/N glances at Jisung with a knowing smirk that his friend returns, something he hadn't caught onto back then. She still hastens to give Minho a hand with all of the food dishes, not forgetting to give a napkin to each person. He knows he can be a bit peculiar with keeping his place tidy and he never wanted Y/N to feel pressured with that. Still, it visibly seemed to have been a common issue she and Jisung had with him.
"Y/N, I thought you were supposed to go back home for the holidays," Seungmin tells with food already being chewed in his mouth.
"I was," she confirms. "Minho and I determined we wanted to spend our first Christmas together and, sorry, but I rather be here than with my aunts. They were going to be all over me about not knowing what I want to do with life, I can spare myself from it."
The whole group lets out a laugh as they go on with their feast before discussing all sorts of things. Hyunjin and Chan are in the corner laughing their asses off, much to Minho's dismay who is keeping a close look at his white carpet. Hyunjin has always been clumsy and this wouldn't be the first time he spills something.
Present Minho watches it all, fully aware of what is about to happen. He never regretted getting mad at his friend for a small spoil but this kind of behaviour is one of the many that contributed to his separation. He sees what P is trying to do by showing him this.
"I get the point, can we go?"
P chuckles. "After you know what."
In shame, he observes from the corner of the eye himself exploding at Hyunjin for staining the carpet, Chan nagging at him for doing so, the boys uncomfortably watching the scene as they back away from him... and he catches a glimpse of Y/N getting the necessities to get rid of the sauce stain, not even complaining.
"I think we're good here," he tries again to convince P.
He receives a playful smirk from the spirit. "Are you sure?"
Minho groans but, nonetheless, nods. "Please."
P is quick to grab his hand and fly right back into the elevator, doors shutting behind them. He does give Minho a minute or two to recuperate from the sight before pushing the button 24. Minho's eyes are stuck on the lit up number and gulps, feeling suddenly hotter. That was last year.
"Don't you have another Christmas to show me before..." he trails off.
He is met with no answer and has to settle for the tranquility of the metal box going up. Anxiety keeps letting itself known through his body the more the number rises. Finally, after what felt like eternity to him, the ding sound signals that they have reached the level.
"You might want to prepare yourself for this one."
Minho huffs and glares at the ghost as to tell him "no shit". The doors slide open and they are already in his apartment. At least, P was kind enough to spare him from reliving what triggered the actual argument.
His cats are all doing their thing as normally. All seems out of the ordinary until he feels footsteps through the ground. He takes a deep breath in and watches Y/N barge into the place, hair messy and tears streaming down her face. The guilt pit down in his stomach when he sees himself step inside after you, throwing his scarf carelessly on a chair.
"Are you going to talk at least?" he asks, looking down at Y/N who scoffs at her boyfriend's question.
How dare he is the one demanding explanations from her?
"Are you going to talk about it?" she questions back, crossing her arms on her chest.
"Oh, come on, I didn't do anything."
"Telling everyone you want to call off the engagement is something."
P hisses in a disapproving way. "Man, you outdid yourself with this one."
"Shut up."
Y/N still waits for Minho to speak up but nothing comes out of his mouth other than his unsteady breathing. In a swift manner, she walks behind the counter and fills their cats' bowls in the meantime of waiting still for her lover to say something. But the man stays where he is, observing his surroundings in awkwardness.
"Minho," she finally calls out.
"I didn't call off the engagement."
"Really? Saying getting married is bullshit isn't telling everyone you don't want to marry me?"
"It's not like that. I meant it's not a necessity for us to know we love each other."
"You don't get that marriages can mean something other than that, it's so much more."
"It's an excuse to spend thousands of dollars on things that will last a day or two at most."
Y/N buried her face in her hands as she let out a groan. "You've always been like this."
"No, a grumpy old man. You can't see the beauty in anything."
Minho smirks for a second. "I see beauty in you."
"Don't try with your sweet words, Lee Minho," she says, raising a finger up at him. "You know exactly what I mean. I can give you so many examples. Firstly, you never buy me anything on Valentine's day because it's a marketing holiday. Then, you want every single aspect to be perfect and at their exact place although life isn't like this. And finally, you just see the negative everywhere, always pointing out what is wrong. What happened to my sweet Minho who would smile at the slightest thing?"
He remains quiet as he sits on one of the dining table's chairs. Not knowing what to do next, Y/N copies his actions and gets seated in front of him. They don't dare to look at each other just yet but Minho most definitely wants to. His ego too big, he doesn't budge.
"Minho, please," she begged.
"Alright, it's enough."
P lets out a huff. "The action barely started."
Clenching his jaw, he doesn't insist more and settles on looking at the ground while the scene he had been trying to forget about for almost a year was happening right in front of him. Minho hates it, his heart is bleeding in pain.
"I've grown, maybe that's something you should consider doing as well," he hears himself say.
Curiosity gets the best of him and he can't contain himself from looking at her, he never knew how she had reacted to his words. The view he has in front of his eyes makes his heart shatter in an instant. He swears he can see her soul leave her body just now. Had he really done this to her?
"What- Min, I-" she tries to speak, but struggles.
"Y/N, we want different things now."
She chokes out on her tears, the ones that she finally lets stream down her face since she had been containing them. She hated crying, especially with Minho.
"No, we want the same things," she affirms, her voice breaking. "You've just become too obnoxious and focused on your career that you don't see it anymore."
"You think I'm the obnoxious one? Y/N, have you seen yourself?" Minho asks in a loud voice as he gets up from his chair. "You're so full of bullshit with your positivity and ignorance towards actual problems, it makes me sick. Take the cat, for example. We don't have space for a third one but yet, here is Dori who can't even behave properly. And your Christmas decoration is taking too much space too."
"This is about space now?"
"Yes, I need space! And I'm sorry I cancelled our last date but I just can't deal with you right now. You're in the way and I can't work and- Fuck, I don't know how to tell you but we can't keep on going like this."
Her breathing is becoming more unsteady while the tears are still flooding out of her eyes. Present Minho approches her and tries to put a hand on her shoulder, but it goes through. Right, he forgot. He is not really there.
"I didn't want to call off our engagement. But maybe I do now."
Slowly, she gets up and walks towards their shared bedroom which leaves a perplexed and helpless Minho standing alone in the middle of his dining room. He hears unknown noises and hesitates on whether he should go to you or wait. But again, his ego takes over and he stays right where he is.
Soon later, only a couple of minutes, he sees Y/N walk out of the bedroom with one bag and two suitcases full of her belongings. His face dropped immediately.
"You're leaving?" he asks, desperate. No answer. "For how long?" Still silent. "Y/N, please, I know we can figure it out."
Her lower lip quivers as she sobs some more, trying her best to ignore the man in front of her. She dares to walk towards their front door, not acknowledging her lover for one second.
"My love, please," Minho tries once more.
And just like that, she walks out, door shutting quietly behind her.
"We've seen enough."
P is about to say no when he catches Minho's watery eyes. He taps himself on the back mentally, he didn't think he would break down so fast. Taking him by the forearm, he leads him towards the elevator. The doors slide shut rather fast, which Minho is thankful for. In a careful move, P presses the ground floor button and the elevator goes down.
Once arrived, the doors reveal Minho's bedroom. It looks the same as it did the night before. Minho takes notes on that, it means his night is far from being over.
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep."
"You will," P reassures. "I'll leave you alone, now. It was my pleasure being your guide for tonight."
As the two men exchange a small smile, more as a form of respect, P begins to glow, brighter and brighter. So much that Minho can't even look at him anymore and is blinded. He tried to look away but even then with his eyes closed, the light goes through.
Suddenly, there's nothing.
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The morning is brighter than he thought it would be. He swears he saw on the news the day prior that Christmas day was going to be gloomy. The blue sky with the sun shining is definitely a pleasant surprise.
Enough with admiring the weather, Minho finishes rapidly his coffee, grabs his briefcase, and heads out to work. As he walks towards his building, he can't help but think of his dream from last night. He did expect dreaming of Y/N but not having to relive the day she left so vividly.
As he is about to cross the road, he feels his body collide with someone which is soon followed with the feeling of burnt. He curses out loud and is considering telling the other person off. Only, it is someone he hasn't seen in a while and who has a face he definitely recognizes.
The man cocks his head to the side and frowns. "Are you Mr. Lee?"
Minho, as equally confused, nods. "You don't recognize me?"
The Hyunjin look-alike seems to take notice of his whereabouts and clears his throat. "I apologize, sir. This is my first year working as a guiding spirit. Shall we start over? Hi, my name is P."
Suddenly, Minho has flashbacks of his encounter with the boy of the same name. Was he still in the dream? Or was the Chan spirit saying the truth? He feels a lump growing inside of his throat as the P man in question goes on about himself.
"I'm sincerely sorry about the coffee I spilled, let me fix this," he says before splashing Minho's figure with gold dust. The stain instantly disappears. "Now, where was I..? Oh, right! I'm P, short for Present. I was assigned to you to review your Christmas of this year."
At this point, Minho doesn't have it in him to protest. Without saying a word, he walks in the building as P follows him behind. This one spirit is much giddier than the previous one. The moment he steps in the elevator, he does nothing but look around nervously. It is with a heavy sigh that Minho empresses himself to push the button next to 25.
"I thought I forgot something, thanks," P laughs nervously, receiving a glare in return.
The ride up is quiet and awkward but when the doors open, they both step out in sync and walk along the trail of snow. The Christmas market is an event that the real Hyunjin takes part in each year. He always contributed with an animal rescue center to help them give puppies up for adoption.
This year is especially important to him, it is the first time he does it with his own dog rescue shelter. For the occasion, a few of the boys promised him they would come by to encourage him. Including Minho.
Far from the distance, Minho sees Felix and Seungmin arguing about whatever while Chan greets warmly their friend who has just finished setting his booth up.
"Guys, come look at the doggies," he calls the younger men who rush to pet the furry creatures.
"I'd call this one Seungmin," Felix jokes as he picks up a baby labrador.
Hyunjin laughs at the comment. "Her name is Daisy."
"Not very original," Felix allows himself to point out to which Hyunjin chuckles again.
His laughs trails off while he looks around, brows furrowed. "Didn't Minho say he'd come too?"
Chan sighs heavily, giving one of the poodles some scratches. "I called him but he didn't answer. Plus, we had an argument last time I saw him so I don't think he'll come."
"About Y/N again?" Seungmin asks and Chan nods. "The number of times I told her to talk it out with him, she really should call him. The guy is getting on my nerves."
Minho's heart stops for a moment. Not only because he finally knows what his friend thinks of him but also because he apparently has been in contact with Y/N, without his knowledge. He thought all of his friends haven't heard from you since.
"I told her too but what can I say? They're both stubborn," Felix shrugs. "I thought of stopping by her place today to see how she's doing but Minho would kill me if he discovers."
"Oh, please. He'd kill you if you even mention her name."
The four men share a sad laugh before changing topics. Hyunjin is careful with each dog as he introduces them one by one. All of it becomes a blur for Minho, he doesn't know if he wants to leave now or listen more to it. As much as it hurts him, he can't help but be curious.
"Did you know this?" he finally says, turning his body towards P.
"I did read it on the report paper before meeting you but, hey, I don't know you all," he responds with his hands up in defense. "We can go see her if you want."
Minho ponders for a moment. Was he ready to face her once again?
"No. Not yet."
"As you wish. Your friends are having a party tonight if you didn't know. We have to see that."
"I know, yeah."
P takes his hand as they float away all the way to Changbin's house. Before setting foot on the ground, he can already see all of his friends with Felix's fiancé, Chan's wife and Jisung's new girlfriend. Everyone is there. Except him.
He carefully approaches the group inside the living room where the girls are busy putting the presents under the Christmas tree. What takes him aback the most is seeing a tall and beautiful woman coming down the stairs before placing a kiss on Changbin's cheek. Since when is he seeing someone? It takes everyone a few minutes to settle down and serve themselves drinks. Once everyone is sat, they hold their glasses up for a toast.
"Who wants to do the honours?" Jeongin asks and Jisung immediately gets up.
"Merry Christmas, guys! Thank you for this year and thank you to Changbin for hosting the dinner tonight," he says, bopping his head towards him. "And let's have a moment for our Minho. He might not be here but he's in our heart. Let's hope he can get back on the right track next year."
There is a pause in the room, everybody suddenly feeling a wave of guilt and sadness. They know they've done everything for their friend, but they still feel like they should have tried harder.
Minho, this time, doesn't try to contain his cries. He walks up Jisung and smiles, just a little.
"Thanks, Hannie," he whispers.
"To Minho," he cheers, holding his drink higher.
"To Minho."
P lets out a cough, grabbing Minho's attention. "Not to be a mood breaker but I think you should see Y/N."
"What do you mean?"
"See what she is doing at this exact moment."
He surprisingly agrees with no hesitation and they both float away to another neighbourhood of the city. One Minho isn't too familiar with. This must be why she chose to move there, somewhere she knew she wouldn't encounter Minho. They float down at the apartment's balcony and Minho can see her right away through the window.
"You can go through walls," P informs and he does as told.
He's surprised to see her alone with her sister. She used to be a social butterfly, he wonders what happened. Deena sets the table while humming to Christmas music and Y/N finishes up with cutting the ham. It's not as Christmas-y as it should be, it's rather sad. The atmosphere is sad.
"Need help with that?" Deena offers.
"I'm good, thanks," Y/N answers as she brings the dishes on the table.
She looks paler than he remembers, maybe because of the lighting. Her hair is longer and she seems to have dyed it brown. She's also much skinnier.
"Thank you for cooking," Deena smiles warmly at her.
"It's nothing," she smiled back and begins to serve herself a plate. "I would have definitely given a piece of ham to the cats if they were here."
Deena shakes her head. "How many times did I tell you that I can go get them back?"
Y/N shakes her head too and sighs. "He loves them as much as I do, maybe even more. Who knows how he would survive without them."
"He's not really surviving, if you want my opinion. You should have seen him at the mall the other day."
Y/N shrugs while playing with her potatoes. "He's coping in his own way."
Her sister lets out a groan, desperate. "Jeez, you two are so sad to see, it's depressing."
Well, if Minho wanted to be sure Y/N is still struggling with getting over their separation, he has his answer right there.
"I'll be fine and so will he. Besides, it's not like we lost everything. I still have you and he has the boys."
Deena deadpans at her and then points at her ring finger. Minho looks at it more attentively and allows himself to gasp quietly. Y/N still has the ring, the one he proposed to her with. After what he said to her, she still wears it?
She is quick to pull her hand off the table and cover it with her sleeve. "It's a pretty ring."
"It means more to you than that and you know it."
"He didn't want to get married and it's alright. We grew apart and it is what it is. Can we talk about something else now?" she says in annoyance.
"Y/N, Felix, when he called-"
"Stop," she cuts her off. "Felix doesn't know what happened. He doesn't understand."
"Okay, I'll stop. But just so you know, this is doing no good to anybody, especially the two of you."
Minho can't hear any more of it. In a second, he turns around and goes back to the balcony which indicates to P that the visit is over. The ghost throws some of his golden dust in the air and the elevator magically appears next to them. They step inside and press the button to the ground floor.
As it goes down, Minho is looking away from the spirit, he has a certain pride to maintain. P hesitates but decides to put his hand on the man's shoulder.
"Can I just say? In my whole year of working, this might be the only case where I really empathized with my client."
Minho moves his hand away from him and grumbles something under his breath. P doesn't hear it properly but it goes along the lines of "I don't need empathy, don't act like you care".
When they get to his room, the spirit is quick to take a leave, leaving Minho alone in his cold room. At least he has his cats. He has them because of Y/N's kind heart knew he needs them.
At least, maybe she still cares a little.
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The formula is the same this morning. So much that Minho knows he isn't going to work and is still trapped in this weird loop of exploring his life. He doesn't bother dressing properly nor bringing what he needs for his job. He doesn't even change his cats' water.
The moment he walks in his workplace, it doesn't even take him a second to spot the ghost of his future. It's Jisung this time. Well, not him exactly.
"Hello, my name is-"
"F, I suppose? For future?"
The spirit, stunned, slowly nods. "Usually, people are happy to see me."
"I had a long night, buddy. Just show me what you have to show me and I can move on with my life."
F doesn't argue with him and he leads him to the elevator when he presses the button 30 right away. "We'll do the quick version since you're in such a rush. I would have gone through 26 beforehand but-"
"What happens next year?" Minho interrupts him.
"No, you want this to be quick. I respect that. It's Christmas anyway, I can make an exception."
"What happens next year?" he repeats.
F smiles knowingly before glancing at the button 26. Minho, hesitantly, goes ahead to press it himself to which the ghost responds with a satisfied smirk. Before he knows it, they already reached the level.
As the doors open, Minho soon recognizes Jeongin's penthouse. Looks like that year's Christmas is settled to be at his place. Jeongin is alone with Changbin as they seem to be preparing food and drinks for the guests they are expecting. It is soon confirmed when Jisung walks in without knocking, alongside with his girlfriend. In the following minutes, each of his friends, sometimes with a significant lover, come inside and the party gets louder and merrier. However, after Hyunjin arrived, it dawns on him that his future version himself won't take part on that year's dinner.
Just like the previous year.
After chatting some more about what they are up to in their lives (nothing much other than Felix getting married but everyone knows as they attended the ceremony), Changbin calls everyone for dinner and they sit around Jeongin's dinner table.
"Can I make the toast this year?" Jisung asks, earning looks from his friends.
"You did last year, I say our host of the night does it," Seungmin suggests and they all seem to agree.
So, a bit uncomfortable still, Jeongin gets up with his glass of wine in hands. "Thank you for another year of our usual Christmas party. I'm really glad all of you were able to come. Of course, we still have a thought for our Minho who won't be joining us, yet again, tonight." The guests exchange glances in agreement and let the youngest continue. "Merry Christmas and let's enjoy our meal!"
They cling their glasses together, wishing a merry Christmas to one another, and don't lose another second to attack their plates. Although it pains him to not see himself enjoy the feast with them, Minho is somewhat happy. At least, they still have each other.
"Why couldn't he make it, anyway?" Chan asks around the table, looking at anybody who might have the answer.
The only person to answer is, unsurprisingly, Jisung. "The last time I saw him was in September and he said he had some issues with the cats. I don't know if he was making up excuses but he seemed to be alright."
"It was a miracle he even showed up for my wedding," Felix scoffs, making Minho huff. "An even bigger miracle was that he didn't make a scene when he saw Y/N there."
"They left together, no?"
What Seungmin just said gives him some kind of hope. Wanting to be sure he would hear every detail, he gets closer to his friend who continues to speak on the matter.
"I know they drank a lot but has someone seen what they were doing?"
"He was cuddly," Jisung answers. "No, clingy as hell. Poor Y/N who had to drive him home."
"They could have made up then?" Chan questions and Jisung nods.
"But we all know him, he missed his chance to fix things again."
"I really thought inviting both of them would have put an end to their mishaps," Felix sighs, discouraged. "I'll send Minho a message later."
"We could call him all together?" Chan suggests but by the reactions of everybody, this is not an option.
Just like that, they change subject and continue to discuss cheerfully about everything and anything. F gives a sad smile to the man, who watches the scene feeling beaten. There must have something really wrong with him that his closest friends wouldn't even wish him a merry Christmas.
"Where am I while all of this is happening?" he asks the ghost.
Carefully, he is transported away from the penthouse and directly to his apartment. The moment he takes in the sight of his place, he sees how nothing much changed in a year. Everything is still where it was during the present year.
His hair is longer, he notices. Not only that but he grew a bit of a beard, a choice he questions a little. His cats are still doing their thing, none of them appear to be sick. What particularly catches his attention is the glass filled with a bright yellow liquor that is set next to him as he scrolls down through his feed on his tablet.
Is he drinking? He does have a few occasions where he'll consume alcohol but a glass full of whiskey is new.
Soonie jumps on the counter and, unlike what Minho would automatically do as of right now, his future self pushes the cat off. He gasps in horror and runs to catch his pet. Only, he did forget he isn't actually there and that things pass through his body. Fortunately, Soonie is fine.
"I should text her, at least," he hears himself say.
The man he sees is far from being remotely close to what he is. Hair messy, tie loosened and a beer belly growing; he wonders what caused him to let himself reach this point.
Future Minho opens his e-mail app and clicks on New Message. He is quick to find Y/N's e-mail address, which real Minho takes as a sign he must have done the same more than once in the last year. He tries to read what he is typing but the amount of typos is quite overwhelming. Despite that, he manages to make out a somewhat coherent note.
I know I should probably not be writing this but it is Christmas today so, merry Christmas. Remember how we used to go out with the others and play stupid games until late? Then, we'd come home and I'd make you a hot chocolate before going to be? You remember all of that, don't you?
I miss it, and I miss you. I know I said I'll stop writing but you broke my heart, Y/N. How can I forget and ignore what happened? You left so suddenly for no reason. I should be furious, maybe I am. No, I know I am. I still can't help myself but longing for you.
Have a jolly holiday, even if it's without me,
Min xox
"Wow, that's pathetic," Minho breathes out after reading. He turns to face F and frowns. "That's a year from now?"
"No, it can't be. I'm alright, I moved on."
F visibly tries to contain himself from speaking on that, but he can't. "You're one oblivious man."
"I am okay!"
F scoffs. "Sure. Now, shall we visit you at 30 years old? It's Christmas and I have others plans after this."
Minho keeps finding it ridiculous how these ghosts continue to act as if they are actual people. He's still dreaming, why would he bother imagining spirits with personalities?
He is soon led to the actual elevator of his apartment building where F presses the button quickly. Once the level reached, the doors open to a beautiful wedding reception, leaving Minho confused. He does not know anybody other than Felix, who is supposedly already married by then, who is engaged.
The two men walk around the room, recognizing a few faces, and Minho finally spots himself sitting with his friends. At least he isn't alone, he tells himself. He goes straight ahead to observe the scene where he is obviously bored and sick of being there. He does notice how his appearance seem much better than before with gel in his hair and a tuxedo well ironed on.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Chan asks him in a concerned voice.
"Stop with that, I'd leave if I wasn't fine," Minho rolls his eyes.
"You haven't spoken to her, though."
"You really are good at observing, Chan," Minho responds in a mocking way and the older man simply sighs.
Suddenly, the entirety of the room begins to cheer loudly and clap. Minho tries to follow their gaze to find out who they were waiting for. After moving around to see through the dozens of head, he finally spots her. And him.
Y/N. It's her wedding. And she invited him of all people?
His brain short-circuits and he feels his heart pounding faster and faster. He can't think properly anymore, the only thing he can vividly see is her. How she smiles at every single person who congratulates her. How she clings onto this man as if her life depended on it. But most importantly, he sees how her smile just gets sadder when her eyes stop on him.
He knows time stops for the two of them before they walk towards each other. He knows so many things are still left unsaid. Gaining back his consciousness, he follows himself to watch what is about to happen.
She hugs him, a bit awkwardly. "I didn't think you'd come. Thank you."
"Congratulations," Minho says, retracting from the hug as fast as he can. "You two make a fine couple."
"Thanks," she chuckles. "Look, Min-" she starts but Minho shakes his head.
"Don't, it's okay. Enjoy your day."
Grateful, she sends him one last smile and moves to thank other guests. Chan, at this point, can do nothing else but pat his friend's shoulder. Surprisingly, Minho doesn't budge. He does, however, let one single drop fall from his eye.
"That's it?" he exclaims, now looking at F. "I'm not even trying? I just gave up? What even happened between then and that moment?"
"I've shown you plenty, you can figure it out by yourself," F says calmly and then begins to walk back to the metal box.
Minho, refusing this as an answer, runs to join him hastily. "Who's this guy, anyway?"
"Does it really matter? You two are not together anymore."
"Yes, if it can help me to prevent this."
"So you don't want her to be happy?" F perks an eyebrow making Minho groan in frustration.
"I'm asking you what I need to do to change this. It can't be like this. I'm the one who's supposed to marry her."
F smirks as they walk in the elevator, presses the button to the ground floor and finally looks at the man. "You know what has to be done, you're just afraid."
"Of what?"
"Oh, please. Stop with the act. How has the last year really been like for you?"
Minho gulps, already feeling himself choke up. "I-" he starts. "It's been hell."
F nods. "What else?"
"Y/N was right, as she always is... I'm the one who lost myself with time. I did want to marry her and I did not think she was obnoxious. Certainly not..."
He starts to cry, heavily this time. There is no more hiding or denying, he just said it all out loud. Regrets and pain, that's what's been eating him. He sobs as everything finally hits him so brutally. He lost Y/N for good. Or he will lose her for good if he keeps acting the way he does.
And his friends, the only people who stick with him through everything. The ones he keeps pushing away in fear of himself.
"You're home," the spirit says, interrupting the moment.
Minho doesn't hesitate to crash into his bed and sob some more. Even if F wanted to leave so badly, he doesn't think he should just yet. Cursing at himself, he comes to sit on the bed and pats the back of the broken man.
"It's alright, let it all out. You've had a rough night."
Minho hiccups and sniffles before glaring at the ghost. "No shit."
"You know, I think you can fix this."
Minho shrugs. "I've been horrible to everyone."
"You acknowledge it, that's a start. From there, only you can decide how things will be." F looks at his watch for a second and gasps. "I'm late for my next human! Good luck with everything."
Minho doesn't watch him leave. He is still crying but he has no more energy. He desperately wants to wake up, but mostly, he wants to see Y/N.
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Minho doesn't wake up until the later morning. With the dream he just had, the sleep deprived guy seriously needed more than eight hours of resting. He does miss out work but, honestly, is not bothered the slightest. In fact, he is grateful he won't be working today.
After feeding Soonie, Doongie and Dori, he determines he should catch up on the gifts he planned on offering to his friends. Walking to his home office, he pulls out the wrapping paper he hadn't touched in a while and begins to wrap each and every single one of the presents he bought. He is definitely happy to have made some purchases the day he went shopping with Chan.
The task does grow tiring and boring after a while. To keep himself motivated, he plugs in his speaker to play some music and hums alongside the lyrics. He hasn't done that for a long time. As he is about to skip the current song playing on his playlist, his solo karaoke session is interrupted by a call coming in.
Not bothering to look at the contact, he answers happily. "Merry Christmas, you joined Lee Minho. How can I help you?"
The other side of the line is silent but he can hear that there is someone. Frowning, he repeats himself to encourage the person to talk.
"Minho, it's Changbin."
"Oh, hey! How are you doing? I was about to call you to ask what you wanted me to bring for tonight."
He senses that his friend is quite taken aback and he smiles proudly to himself.
"You're coming?"
"Unless I wasn't invited-"
"No, no," Changbin cuts him. "You're always welcomed, you know that. I'd just expected you to say you have work or something."
"I was supposed to clock in but I didn't feel like going to the office. Oh, by the way, can I ask a favor from you?"
"Uh, yeah, go ahead..." Changbin replies, skeptical.
"I know you're still in contact with Y/N."
Changbin, on his side, freezes. "How did you- Min, I swear we all wanted to tell you-"
"I'm not mad. I just wanted to know if you could possibly invite her and Deena for dinner, please? Don't tell them I'll be there, though."
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, I want it to be a surprise."
He doesn't say anything for a minute, processing what is happening. "Then, I'll invite them and say you aren't coming."
"Good! See you tonight! And tell your girlfriend I'm excited to meet her!"
He doesn't let Changbin question him on how he learned about his girlfriend and hangs up. Resuming to his activity, he stops when he sees Soonie playing with wrapping paper. Filming him, he coos at him before giving him loving scratches.
"I won't ever hurt you, I promise," he tell his cat, recalling what happened in his dream.
When he has finished with wrapping his gifts, he goes to his closet to find an appropriate attire for the night. For the last year, he hadn't wore anything other than work clothes and sweats. The nice shirt Y/N once bought him catches his attention. The dark green buttoned blouse seem to be a perfect match for his black clean pants. He changes fast and does not forget to add a few pieces of jewelry to finish his look.
He is all set to go. But one look at himself in the mirror at his entrance stops him for a moment. It suddenly clicks that he is a couple hours away from seeing Y/N again, for real this time. Although terrified, he has found some peace with it from the events of the previous night. He wants to make things right.
And one thing he can do just now is call his parents, the ones he has been ignoring for a year. He did expect his mother to cry but certainly not his father. Both incite him to come to his hometown in the following days and he can't refuse the invite. Not when they are begging with their puppy eyes.
"I'll come for New Year's, does it sounds okay?"
His mother nods vigorously through the screen of his phone. "Will Y/N be coming with you?"
He might have left out that he isn't with her anymore. Seeing the look on his parents' faces, he does not have the heart to tell them yet. Instead, he goes with a safe answer.
"I'll see with her if she can clear her schedule, but no promise."
"Tell her she's always welcomed here whenever. Merry Christmas, son!" his father wishes him adoringly.
He smiles, feeling suddenly nostalgic. "Merry Christmas to you two!"
And he hangs up.
Before going to Changbin's place, he doesn't forget to stop at the Christmas market to pay his friend, Hyunjin, a visit. Mentally preparing himself to face a pissed off Chan, he strolls between the booths and stops at a few of them. Some are selling soaps, a lot of them in fact. Others sell clothes they crocheted themselves and a few offer samples of their baked goods.
A few minutes later, Hyunjin's golden locks are easily found from afar. Minho also spots Chan, Seungmin and Felix. He has a heavy case of déjà-vu when he sees the four of them discuss with frowns on their faces.
Discreetly, he walks towards his friends who don't take knowledge of his presence yet. That is until he arrives right behind Felix.
"-stopping by her place today to see how she's doing but Minho would kill me if he discovers," the man is telling the others, oblivious that Minho is hearing everything.
Seungmin gulps and nods his head towards him but Felix cluelessly frowns. Hyunjin does the same which finally makes him turn around and come face to face with Minho. His eyes grow twice their sizes and his mouth opens slightly in shock.
"Hi, Yongbok," Minho says, unbothered. "Cute puppies you got, Hwang."
Hyunjin smiles, thankful. "Do you want to pet one? I've got this chihuahua that looks like Kkami."
He doesn't have the time to answer when a small dog is suddenly placed in his arms. With no complaint, he pets the puppy affectionately. The four men look at him, rather confused, and say nothing. They simply have no idea on how to react to this.
"Minho, what I said about Y/N- She- Uh... We-" Felix stammers out his words but Minho interrupts him.
"I know and it's all good. She is your friend too, I can't be mad at her for wanting to keep you all around."
"I see you've made some thinking," Chan finally speaks up, eyes stern.
"You can say that... I'm sorry about the other day, you were right. I shouldn't have shut you out of my life," he admits, much to his own surprise.
"Apology accepted," Chan grins. "A little birdie told me you asked Changbin to invite Y/N and Deena for dinner."
Seungmin's eyes lit up. "So you changed your mind? You'll come?"
Minho huffs. "I never said I wouldn't come."
Hyunjin sneers. "I know someone who'll be ecstatic about that."
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The girl paces the floor nervously, biting her nails as she waits for her sister to arrive. Even if Changbin assured to her that her ex-fiancé wouldn't be attending the party, she can't help but feel like he will find out. She already feels guilty for keeping contact with his friends, who knows how he would react if he learns she went to celebrate Christmas with them.
As Deena finally walks in the apartment, she lets out a heavy sigh of relief. "Finally!"
Her sister rolls her eyes. "It took me barely five minutes to get here."
"Still," she chuckles sheepishly. "Thank you for coming with me."
"What would you do without me?" she exclaims dramatically. "For real, it's very nice for them to invite you. Especially after last year. Plus, it's better than our sappy sister date night."
Y/N lets out a small laugh but resumes automatically to biting down her lower lip in nervousness. Deena notices it but doesn't comment on it. Instead, she rushes her to leave, saying they will be late otherwise.
In the car, Y/N can't wait any longer. She has worries and needs to let them out or she'll go mad.
"What if Minho ends up showing up?"
Deena gives her a look but answers nonetheless. "He won't. And if he does, he'll have to suck it up and be an adult about you being there."
"Do you think he'll get mad when he discoverd that I still talked with the guys?"
"Y/N, for fuck's sake, it's not your problem to deal with! He's the one being a little bitch. Besides, you're not with him anymore."
"It doesn't mean I want to hurt him... and..."
She doesn't complete her sentence since she knows Deena must have understood right away. Y/N is still hopelessly in love with Minho. As much as she believes that leaving was the right thing to do, there were so many instances where she tried to convince herself that he'd change if she goes back to him.
She knows, deep down, she might be right on that.
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"I can't believe you're actually here with actual presents!" Jisung almost yells as he brings his friend into a warm hug.
Hyunjin scoffs. "Let the man breathe! See, Min? I told you."
Minho taps Jisung's back a few times as to tell him to let go but he refuses, tightening the embrace. Jeongin is the one to break them apart to be the next in line to hug Minho. Everyone is baffled by his change of heart but they look past it and are simply grateful to have gotten their friend back.
"So? Is she coming?" Minho asks Changbin once he greeted everybody one by one.
"She confirmed she is."
Chan frowns and takes him by the shoulders. "Are you sure you want to talk to her?"
"Things were left unsaid, I need to clear this out once and for all."
Ding dong.
Oh. Now things are getting a bit too real, and panic begins to settle throughout his entire body. With once glance exchanged with Chan, it somehow reassures him. Still with his heart beating fast, he retreats himself behind the group as Changbin goes ahead to open the door.
She looks just like he remembers, stunning. There is, however, a hint of something he can't quite understand. She is paler and shyer. Past that, she is the same. While hugging everyone with her bright smile on her face, she shines. Minho is not too sure if he wants to ruin her brightness by letting his presence known. Looking around nervously, we wonders if this was a bad idea after all.
Before he can escape, he hears his name being called from afar; Jisung. Cursing at him mentally, Minho steps aside from behind Hyunjin and waves, embarrassed.
To no one's surprise, there is a moment of awkwardness settled in the room. While Minho is too ashamed to look back at her, Y/N can't rip her gaze away from him. She can't believe he is actually there. She has to make a mental note for later to smack Changbin for lying to her.
The moment is interrupted by Deena, thankfully. "Hey, Minho! I didn't think you'd be here."
"Hi Deena," he replies in a small voice.
This seems to be enough for the others to resume to their thing: Changbin taking his guests' coats to the other room while his girlfriend offers drinks, Deena putting the presents under the Christmas tree, Chan's wife and Felix's girlfriend sitting in a corner to discuss... Y/N, however, does not budge. Not until everyone leaves the entrance, revealing Minho standing in front of her.
"You dyed your hair?" he finally says, more or less to break the weird tension between the two.
She chuckles and runs her fingers through her longs brown locks. "I did, I thought a change might be good."
He nods as he puts his hands in his pockets, rocking his body back and forth. Now what? He knows he wants to talk about the obvious, but how?
"You're wearing that shirt," she points out with a smile. "It fits you well."
"Thank you. Your dress is cute."
"Thanks. I haven't wore this in a while."
"In a dress or not, you're cute either way."
She blushes. It's not as bad as she thought, they can at least do small talk. Still, this is far from being what she was used to with him. It suddenly snaps in her mind how much she missed him.
"I'll go get a drink, you're welcomed to come along," she offers which makes Minho smile.
Changbin's girlfriend makes no complaint when Minho asks her to make a specific drink, one Y/N would always get when they were together. It does not get unnoticed by the latter and she is amazed he remembers such details even after not speaking to each other for a whole entire year.
"You seem to be doing good," he comments once they get a hold of their alcoholic drinks.
"I'm not too bad. I joined a new law firm and, hopefully, they'll let me work on a case on my own."
It pains him to know she is still struggling with work, this was never an issue for him. "One day, someone will recognize your competence."
"Easy for you to say. I've heard you climbed status and have your own office?"
"Which one of the boys told you that?"
By the look on her face, he has managed to surprise her. "So you know."
He takes a sip of his glass and shrugs. "It did hurt a little that nobody told me but it's alright. You needed them as much as I did."
Her eyes soften. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm the jerk here. I pushed you away to the point you left and after you did, I was so close to losing all of my friends. You did nothing wrong."
She moves her head to the side, unsure on how to react. "We both made mistakes."
He scoffs. "Maybe, but you have to admit I did things way worse than you."
"It's alright, we're okay now. It wasn't meant to be."
His heart tightens and he scoffs once more. "What if it was?"
"No, Y/N, listen to me for this one. Please." The gleam in his eyes convinces her and she nods for him to continue. "I don't know exactly what happened, it might be work, but I lost myself at some point. I never thought weddings were bullshit, not once in my life. My dream the moment I met you was to put a ring on your finger."
Minho stops himself and gives a scan around to make sure nobody is watching. He is thankful when he realizes his friends are busy with watching a funny video on Felix's phone. With no hesitation, he takes Y/N's hand and moves her sleeve up to reveal her engagement ring, still beautifully worn on her finger. Embarrassed, she is quick to retract her hand back in hiding. How did he know if she has been hiding it as soon as she saw him?
"And I think you might still want that."
Her eyes get watery when she forces herself to stare back at him. "This year has been... a lot. I was not ready to remove it just yet and, I guess I just got used to wearing it."
Although tempted to correct her as he know the truth, Minho does not insist any more. Instead, he sends her a look that says he understands. Almost as if it was planned, Chan calls everyone in the living room to open the presents and to, as they do every year, make a toast.
It takes a few minutes until everyone is sat and silent but once they seem good to go, Chan nods his head at Minho. "Why don't you do the honours this year, Min?"
"Oh, um..."
"I think it won't be appropriate if it is anybody else other than you," Seungmin adds to which the others seem to agree on.
Reluctantly, he gets up from his seat and clears his throat. "First of all, I'd like to apologize for the way I've been acting. I was going through a lot and I shouldn't have imposed it on you, I'm sorry. Second of all, thank you all for sticking by my side although I was a total asshole."
"Heck yeah, you are," he hears Changbin jokingly respond.
"Something else I want to mention," he continues, ignoring his friend, "is how much regret I've felt this year. Y/N?"
All eyes move to her figure by the mention of her name. She looks at Minho, feeling a bit intimidated, but smiles to let him know she wants him to go on.
"I've never loved anyone else more than I have with you. I am aware things were not ideal but you brought the best out of me. I'm sorry I had to be the one ruining this for us. I love you still and I can only wish you the best from now on." He gives the others a last glance before raising his glass. "Thank you Changbin for hosting this year's party, and merry Christmas!"
Even though the entire room cheers and applauds in response to Minho's sweet speech, Y/N is not mentally there anymore. Her mind going wild, she can't think straight other than what Minho has said. She undeniably still loves him, more than she'd like to admit. But is she ready to let him in again?
"Hey," Deena calls her out, shaking her away from her thoughts. "You might want to figure some things out with lover boy."
Her face grows red. "You think so?"
"He just left outside to go for a walk but I'm sure he isn't too far yet. Go join him."
"I don't know..."
"Y/N, stop being in denial. You still love him, he still loves you, he obviously wants you back... Just go get him already."
Slightly intimidated by her sister, she doesn't need to be told twice to go grab her coat and boots, and walk out the door. She expected for him to be at least further away on the street but it is definitely a surprise to see him sitting down on the porch. His back facing her, she quietly approaches him and sits beside him.
There is a moment of quietness before he finally looks at her. "It's snowing."
She chuckles. "Thank you for the info, Mr. Obvious."
They share a laugh and both go back to watching the snowflakes fall. It's calm and peaceful, Minho loves it. It painfully reminds him of many occurrences where they'd watch outside the window for no reason on snow days.
"That was a good speech you just made."
He smirks. "I know."
His playful demeanor is something she doesn't remember seeing in the last moments of their relationship. It feels nice to see him back, as himself.
"What you said earlier, did you mean it?"
He frowns. "The part about regrets? Yeah, I mean, I was an ass and it didn't help me getting better so... I just know I want to fix it."
She shakes her head. "Not just that. The part about still loving me."
He moves his eyes from the snow to her own and she looks at him expectedly. She is so pure, he hates himself from even thinking he had hurt her. Carefully, he takes her hands in his and sets himself just a bit closer to her while still giving her space. He feels the sweat on his forehead, waiting for either getting rejected or getting the love of his life back. Either way, he has to say it. He's been putting it off for too long.
"I meant every word I said, I still and will always love you. How can I not? You're sensitive, smart, beautiful, and so caring. You always put me before yourself. So far, you were ready to give up your cats so I could have them because you knew I needed them."
"No, you don't get to interrupt me until I'm finally done saying what I have to say. Y/N, never once did I think you were obnoxious. You see beauty in everything, something I'm incapable of doing and that's what bugged me. It bothered me how you are so perfect while I am not even close to be as loving as you are."
She scoffs with a knowing smile pending on her lips. "Now, I'll have to cut you here. You don't see yourself how I see you, Minho. Why do you think I fell in love with you in the first place? You have your own little ways of showing affection, each cuter than the other. I don't mind the rest because I know you do love me."
"I hurt you," he argues sadly.
"And I forgive you, just as long as you don't do it again," she grins, tightening her grasp on his hands.
Minho raises an eyebrow in confusion. "You forgive me... As in-"
"Don't make me say it, I have my own pride too."
Minho wipes away his tears he hadn't realized were starting to fall on his face and doesn't lose another second to bring her close to him and crash his lips onto hers. They're just like he remembered and maybe better, sweet and soft. At that point, both of them are crying. Only this time, it's not because they are hurting. So many feelings are said through the kiss and not a single one is coming from pain. It's sereine and warm, Minho can feel his whole body get lighter.
"Fuck, I missed you so much," he says when they break away, holding her close to his chest. "I'm never letting you go again."
"You better," she chuckles through a sniff.
The door behind them opens wide with more than seven pairs of eyes on them. Minho blushes while Y/N hides herself in the crook of his neck.
"So we good? Everything is sorted out? Please, the food is ready and I'm starving," Jisung complains, receiving a smack from Changbin.
"You're not starving and let them have their moment!"
Jeongin sighs. "I think the moment was already ruined.
The couple, who are still sitting, explode in laughter before getting up and joining their friends in the warmth of their home where Changbin's girlfriend has selected a nice Christmas playlist to complete the ambiance. Music Minho recognizes to be Y/N's favourites. A coincidence? Probably but he likes to believe it isn't.
While the boys congratulate him for being back together with his love, Minho looks outside through the window one last time. He isn't too sure if what he sees is right but four figures seem to look at him proudly.
While nobody is watching, he mouthes a "thank you" before the silhouettes fade away in the wind.
Minho still doesn't know to this day if what happened that night was real or not. One thing for sure is he can't be any more thankful for these spirits. Most importantly, he is finally in a happy place.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
218 notes · View notes
palajae · 2 years
i like you.
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PAIRING ▸ dancer! niki x dancer! reader
GENRE ▸ dancer! au, a2ls, romance, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ a collab with one of the best dancers at your studio might not sound too bad. it would’ve been amazing, except for the fact that in the ten years you’ve known nishimura riki, you’ve only spoken a total of two words to your beloved dance partner.  
AKA a try not to be awkward challenge.
NOTES ▸ like one kiss? not proofread, if i missed anything please let me know! // a merry merry christmas to anyone who celebrates it:)))
PLAYING ▸ i like you by post malone (ft doja cat). | series masterlist.
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Another day of practice, another day of exhaustion and a lot of sweating. Unbeknownst to you as you wipe your forehead with your shirt, a small group stands outside the door to your practice room, peeking in through the tiny window. 
They whisper in awe after experiencing your performance, just separated by a mere door from a few feet away. Your fluidity, attention to even the tiniest details, the look in your eyes, it was all different. 
No wonder it seemed like you were on another level, separated from the others since the beginning by an invisible barrier known as raw talent and skill. 
The only other ‘one’ like you was Nishimura Riki, or more commonly referred to as Niki. Between all the trainees at your dance company, you two were different. You just stood out the minute you walked into a room. 
If you were being honest, you’ve only interacted with Niki before at the company studio like... once. A total of five minutes in each other’s presence that consisted of bowing politely and greetings before he was called away by his sister. You forgot but probably said something along the lines of “good morning,” or literally anything else that couldn’t have made it any more awkward than it already was. 
That was your first impression of Niki. Before that, you only heard of his impressive skill when you first joined over ten years ago, especially since he was the studio founder’s son. You heard all about how he started dancing when he was three and had kept going since. 
Besides that, most of your time was spent practicing alone and occasionally with friends or instructors. And when competition season came around, it was even worse. 
That was when more than half your day was spent in one of the practice rooms, going over your multiple routines and rehearsing until you physically couldn’t anymore.
Today was no different. The first competition was in about a week and everyone had been on edge. That meant no time to waste on trivial matters like- in your case- watching others dance. 
Your friends understood how seriously you took dancing, because they were the same. Maybe they didn’t have as much passion as you, meaning they weren’t willing to sacrifice as much of their normal lives, but again that was what separated you from the rest.
There were plenty of events and sections that your studio entered in, and you yourself were no different, having entered in numerous ones already. All trainees were busy preparing for competition day, countless routines performed simultaneously. 
A figure coldly pushes past the small crowd of dancers, knocking only once on the door before entering the room you occupied. They whisper in alarm and shock at how urgently he entered. 
You gulp down water, head turning towards the sound from the entrance. You tilt your head in acknowledgment, “Instructor Woo. What’s up?”
The serious expression on his face sends alarms ringing through your body, but you try to keep calm. Maybe you were reading too much into it. Your teacher was always known as the cold and strict type when you first met, but after years your relationship had melted into a respectable junior-senior one. 
“Follow me.” 
Confused, heart rate beginning to pick up, you grab your stuff and follow him, ignoring the fellow bystanders waiting outside the door. 
Once you’ve reached the safety and privacy of his office, you falter. Mainly because you weren’t alone- it wasn’t just the two of you. 
Niki stands there with unreadable look as he  spots you the same time you spot him. Recognition flickers in his eyes for split second before he glances away. 
You cross your arms, barely addressing him. “What’s going on?” 
You give your instructor a purposeful stare as if to say, why in the world were you alone in a room with him and Nishimura Riki?
He sighs, clasping his hands together. “Two dancers who entered in a couple performance just got into a minor accident. They’re on bed rest for at least a week.” 
It was just like him to go straight to the point. You know exactly what he means, but you don’t understand why he’s letting you know.
You frown. “I’m sorry to hear that… but why are you telling us that?”
Niki side-eyes you, mumbling something along the lines of, “isn’t it obvious?” 
You glance at him for a second before returning your attention to Instructor Woo. 
“I apologize for bringing this upon you so late, but we need you two to sub in.” 
No. No one does that. No one is given an event with less than a week to prepare. Especially not, your eyes slide to the boy next to you again, especially not if you had to work with someone who was essentially a stranger to you. 
It’s like your instructor already knew what you were about to say before you opened your mouth, holding up a hand to stop you in your tracks. 
“I know we’re asking for a lot, but you two are the best dancers at the company. That’s a fact. We decided on you two for a reason- because we all know you can pull it off together.” 
You’re speechless while Niki just stands there. With no reaction, Instructor Woo sighs and pulls out his phone. He taps the screen before turning it to show you and Niki. 
Two people, you’re guessing the two that got in the accident, dancing to… 
Immediately, you shake your head. “No. I’m not doing that.” 
He sits up straighter, “You don’t get to make a decision-“
You turn to Niki, “No offense, but I barely know you, and there’s no way we’re dancing to that song together.”
He shrugs, “None taken.” 
“Y/n y/l/n.” At that, you almost shrink. 
“What happened to your professionalism? You have less than a week to learn a new dance, what other choice do you have?”  
Perhaps you should’ve taken the time before to watch Niki dance- even seeing him perform once would’ve helped and provided some familiarity. 
Regardless, the stubbornness in you just tells you that it doesn’t fit your own style, and you don’t want to- you just can’t do a dance if it won’t be executed up to your standards. You won’t ever be satisfied. 
You clench your hands into fists, “I’m sorry but I know I can’t possibly perform that dance as well as I want to in less than a week. Perhaps if I had more time to work on it, then I would agree but I don’t have the luxury, so I can’t. There’s only one other option we have and I’d rather take that risk for a better performance. I’m fully willing to take responsibility if it doesn’t work out.”
For the first time, Niki agrees with you, nodding along to your words. 
Your dance instructor grumbles and you look at Niki before speaking up again. 
“We’ll choose a song and choreograph it ourselves,” your voice sounded much more confident than how much confidence you actually had in yourself. 
He drops his phone on his desk, eyes widen and mouth set in a firm line. “Do you know what you’re saying? A whole new dance in six- technically, five days?” 
And you nod. 
By the end, Instructor Woo has given up and left it to you two to figure things out. You feel grateful for the immense trust he has in you because honestly, you don’t have even close to enough trust in yourself. 
The walk out of his office is silent. In all the times you’ve seen Niki around the company, this is the first time you’ve been so close to him. It’s strange seeing him up close, he was much more defined (and taller) than you thought. 
“Hey, uh,” you say hesitantly, “I just wanted to apologize for saying all that without discussing with you first.” 
Niki recognizes your words with a tiny nod and you bite your lip, unsure if you’re about to regret your next words. 
“If you really want, we can just do the previous dance.” 
But to your surprise, Niki frowns. “No, I’d rather make a new choreography that fits us better too.”
And he sees you smile for the first time. 
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You were grateful for the fact that you spent the previous month practicing and getting the hang of your other routines. Only because originally, your plan was to spend the last week leading up to competition day just finalizing moves and reviewing until after the bombshell that Instructor Woo dropped on you and Niki and your plans were mostly scrapped. 
You supposed Niki’s plan was the same, due to one night that you walked into your planned meetings and caught the end of one of his performances. Judging by the slight shine off his skin and heavy breathing, he must’ve been dancing for a while. 
“Hey,” you reply meekly. He gives a short greeting back before focusing back on a certain part of the choreo. As you get your things settled and start warming up, you realize you can’t stand the silence. 
“Are you, uh, ready for competition? Besides our performance together?”
“Yeah. Maybe not as much as I would like but as Woo said, we don’t have a choice.” 
You nod silently. “Then… should we decide on a song?”
So far so great, you think internally with a grimace. You knew close to nothing about Niki and now you have to work with him for almost a week straight. Not to forget the fact that you’re almost always the first to speak to him. The long silence was starting to get to your head. 
“Since this is a couple performance…” you inhale, “what kind of song would you rather do?” 
Obviously his preference wasn’t the sensual and slower type, and if it was, it obviously wasn’t a dance he would want to do with a stranger like you (and neither would you). Even so, you could just tell that wasn’t a song he would pick. 
He drums his fingers on the wooden floor, seemingly in deep thought. You forgot he also knew close to nothing about you as well and was probably taking your impression into account. 
“How about Hip hop? RnB?” He looks at you questioningly, and you’re a bit shocked. Was that a lucky guess or did you just have similar styles? 
Niki must’ve noted the look on your face because he scratches the back of his head sheepishly. “Do you not like that?”
You’re quick to shake your head, “No no, that’s not it at all! Actually, I’d prefer to do those.” 
“Oh. Cool.” He smiles thoughtfully to himself, although you miss it. 
You hum, “I like you?”
Niki suddenly shoots up, mouth gaping as he blinks at you. “E-Excuse me? I’m sorry, but I barely know-”
You roll your eyes, becoming a little flustered as you realize the double meaning behind your words. “I-I meant the song, you idiot. Who would suddenly confess like that..” your voice ends in a grumble. 
“It’s i like you by post malone,” your words come out unintentionally louder to get your point across. 
“Ah.” He pauses for a moment before agreeing, ears reddening. “Sure. I like his music.”
Then came the real challenge. Creating a whole new dance from scratch.  
Actually, you wanted to use that song for your own dance but seeing a bit of Niki’s dancing, you realized it would be a good fit for him too. You even brainstormed some moves but thinking about Niki’s reaction made you unsure. 
It’s fine, you reassure yourself. You’ll come up with something,  no matter what. The instructors chose you two for a reason. You needed to trust yourself and your partner. 
You suddenly clap your hands. “Let’s get to it.” 
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You prided yourself on making others, especially strangers, comfortable with you. Even if it didn’t seem like it with your usual blank expression and valued independence. Yes you prioritized dance, but time with others was something you enjoyed. Niki wasn’t an exception, except that he was pretty shy by himself. 
It surprised you a little, as from what you’ve heard from others he wasn’t like that at all. Then again, people said he was scary and like an annoying little kid at the same time so you couldn’t form an opinion right off the bat. 
As you mapped out ideas, pieces began to fall into place. That was one of the things you enjoyed most about choreographing your own performance. The satisfaction as parts began to connect and your hard work began to show its efforts, it was the best feeling for you. 
It helped that you two had a lot of experience under your belt- but that didn’t mean it was easy. 
You both fall to the floor, drained. After more than 12 hours spent on experimenting new moves, you check the time. 4am. 
You were used to it but adding on the burden of knowing you had about four and a half days left, your body felt heavier. 
“How far did we get?” You breathe out, eyes closing. 
“Almost one minute.” The sound of his husky voice makes you shiver and your eyes open. He must be tired. 
You sit up, trying to lighten the mood. “Hey, that’s more progress than I thought. We’re almost a third done,” you remind. 
“You’re right.” He groans while sitting up and your forehead creases in concern. 
“Niki, here.” 
You toss him water and he thanks you with surprise evident on his face. “Thanks.” 
“How much sleep did you get?” Although your actions seemed like they were out of concern, you simply didn’t want your partner passing out on the dance floor. Not when you had several more runs to get through.
Niki runs a hand through his hair, “Three hours, maybe? I was practicing and didn’t realize the time…”
His words strike you in gut. Real hard, because you were the exact same. You don’t know the amount of times you had answered in almost the exact same way when others asked you. 
You huff, “Go home and get some sleep, Niki. I want us both to be in our best condition since we have such limited time.”
He lets out a half scoff and half laugh. “You sound just like Instructor Woo. Why should I listen to you?”
“Okay,” you hold out your hand, “I want the water back. I bought it with my own money since the water here tastes like the sewers.”  
He pauses mid gulp and you can’t hold back your laugh. Swallowing, he stares at you indignantly.
“Hey, take that back. Our company water is perfectly fine.” 
You forgot he was the son of the CEO, but that still didn’t change your opinion. You make a sound of disapproval, “I don’t ever see you drinking it.”
Okay, so you got him there. He makes an expression like he’s been caught before breaking out in laughter and you can’t help but join in. 
The song you chose, you think it really united your styles together. That could’ve played a factor in why you and Niki got along quickly. Or the shared pressure that you both felt in order to get this dance executed as close as you could to perfect.
It had only been a few days spent with Niki and yet you could (and would) already consider yourself friends. After 10 years of passing each other in the halls silently, it was suddenly like you knew him all that time.  
Practicing was fun with Niki. He got you. Your humor matched, and the fact that you both learned the choreo quickly lightened a bit of the heavy load off your shoulders and made you less pressured. Countless hours of working hard paid off, making your miniature breaks with him even more worth it. 
To the point you would go out for a treat to reward yourself for the hard work. 
When he suggested ice cream, you gladly agreed. You paid for the both of you as Niki protested, leading to hours of bickering that didn’t stop during your practices. It only ended with a promise of next time, he would get it. 
“I said it was fine, Niki.” 
Your hands are on your hips, lips blowing out exasperated air as you shake your head again. 
You knew he was stubborn but not this stubborn. He rolls over to lay on his stomach, eyes peeking up you. Even when half of his face was covered by his arms, you could see the displeasure written all over his face. 
“You didn’t even let me pay you back!” He childishly objects, kicking his feet off the ground. You bite back a smile, fingers hovering over the play button. 
“Are you done? So we can continue practicing?”
You hear a muffled no as he gets up, warming up his body. 
“I’m not gonna give up,” he reminds as you approach him, getting into position. “Sure,” you agree with a grin, waiting for the countdown. 
“Next time. I’m getting it.” 
Next time? Taken by surprise, you start a second too late, glaring as Niki watches you with an amused yet fond look. You didn’t mean to get flustered but the longer Niki gives you that sly smirk, the harder it is for you to continue going on. When the section ends, you shove him and he snickers. You’re both breathing heavily but with matching smiles on your faces.
“Why were you looking at me like that?”  You try your best to seem annoyed. 
“What do you mean?” The fake clueless shrug makes you narrow your eyes at him. 
“Oh, so now you’re playing innocent?”
“Who was the one that couldn’t focus again?”
It’s because of you, you think silently. 
You weren’t sure if you were the only one that looked forward to working with Niki all day, seeing his face light up and laughing for hours on end until your stomach hurt. 
You really enjoyed seeing the side of him that many others couldn’t see, because it meant you had reached a deeper level. 
It meant Niki trusted you- he trusted you to be a little more vulnerable and show more of himself to you. 
You weren’t sure if you were the only one that felt it. 
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With about two days left, you two had been over the routine countless times. As much as you enjoyed the song, you were starting to get sick of hearing it again and again. 
Everyone else at the studio recognized it too. They saw your dedication and time spent together, the younger trainees whispering a lot in awe. 
Even at home in your bed quite late at night, while you were up texting your friends, they noticed it all too. 
Don’t you think you’re spending a lot of time with Niki?
I’ve never seen you around hang someone so much.. 
him neither-
You frown while reading the messages, fingers already flying across the screen to type out a response. Your reasoning? 
You both had an insane drive to win, and if that meant practicing 15 hours a day together, so be it. 
Your friends didn’t believe it. 
hmmmm nah 
We keep hearing that niki never spends this much time with someone else
like, not even with his friends 
You frown. You don’t even know what they’re getting at. With that, you leave their questions on read. 
But those messages stay in the back of your head leading up to the performance. You don’t think it’s a good idea to dwell, all your time and energy needed to be on this final performance and your other ones, and you didn’t want to break the groove. So you hold back. At least, you try to the night before competition day. 
The song ends and you don’t realize how much you’re ready to never listen to this song again. As much as you liked i like you (ironic, you know), the stress and trauma of the whole situation kinda ruined it. 
At least you had Niki to share it with. 
Satisfied with your performance, you look over at him and laugh, holding out a hand for a high five. He easily high-fives you back, grinning in content. 
“Good luck, partner.” 
Your smile unconsciously grows. “Good luck to you tomorrow, too.”
“Don’t sleep too late and stress about it, okay? We got this.” He must see through you and into the anxiety settled in your system since he was the one reassuring you, not the other way around. 
“Yes sir,” you joke. “You too, though,” you add warmly and he nods, almost shy? to the point where you can notice the sudden shift in the air. You cock your head-
“I just wanted to say thank you… and I’m glad that you’re my partner.” 
Your eyes widen at his confession, wandering around before deciding to settle on his shoes. You felt your heart pounding as the texts your friends sent echo in your head. 
“Me too,” you reply softly. 
The day of competition, you feel the familiar jitters in the pit of your stomach. Your duo with Niki came at the end after your solo performances, so you had some time to prepare yourself. 
With all the chaos of calling performers and getting hair and makeup done, you hadn’t seen him at all. But you knew he was going to ace it. You only hoped you would too. 
Your name is called and you exhale. It’s time. 
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By the end of your solo performances, you’re exhausted. But you can’t stop now. Ten minutes until you’re supposed to be called for your duo performance and you don’t know where Niki is. You were already dressed and waiting for your partner. 
You asked several people if they saw him but to no avail. Just for a second, you decide to sit down somewhere with free space to rest your tired legs. Competition day was high energy and constantly draining, but that’s what you loved about it. 
Your head whips up, glancing around to find the owner of the voice. Niki pushes past a few people, getting over to you while panting. 
“Niki!” You call out, surprised. 
He stops in his tracks. You say his name again, slightly concerned this time. 
“You look really good.” 
You cough, trying to hide your embarrassment at his sudden compliment. 
“You do too.” 
He fiddles with his hands, biting back a smile. “Thanks. Sorry I was late, my event ended 15 minutes later because of someone who didn’t show.”
You roll your eyes, “That’s sucks- I get it, don’t worry.” Eyes shining, Niki takes a step closer and your mouth falls shut. 
It felt like he was about to say something, probably something important, but you hear your names getting called. You give him a look as if to say, go ahead and say it quickly, but he shakes his head. 
Instead of words, Niki offers a hand and you gladly squeeze it, heart feeling like it was going to burst as you made your way to the stage. 
Needless to say, you aced it. The cheering crowd and endless compliments from your fellow friends and dancers made it even more obvious. You didn’t get much alone time with Niki after the performance, but it was okay because you knew you would see him at the award ceremony.
Even Instructor Woo approached you both, clapping with an impressed look. “No wonder you two are the best, you did not disappoint me. I’m proud of you guys, keep it up.”
You share amused looks with Niki, having already joked and laughed to the point of tears from Woo’s cold persona.  
The hardest part was the time for awards.
As they called out different categories and sections, you zoned out in your seat. How could you not? After a long week of practice, practice, and more practice, your mind flew through the past couple of days. 
Meeting Niki again, getting to know him, adjusting your dancing together, having fun together, stressing together- all in the span of a week. Yet as he sat a few chairs from from you, you realized you didn’t want it to end. 
You wanted to keep doing all those things with him. It felt like you had known each other for years, and besides the fact that most of those years were spent as strangers, you realize your time together was precious- it had just started. Regardless of if you won or not, you didn’t want Niki and you to be strangers again. 
You didn’t want to lose him.
Just as that realization hits you, you hear the announcer call out your and Niki’s section. Your breath hitches as your hands grow clammy. Unbeknownst to you, Niki’s eyes flick over to you. 
“And the first place is…” 
You can hear your heart pounding, blood rushing. In that second, your eyes meet his. Everything without any words, you understand with that single glance. 
You don’t, or do, expect your name to be called, followed by Niki’s. 
Without even thinking about it, you rise up from your seat, fellow trainees and dancers cheering so loud the sound echoed in your head for days after, and even through all of that you can only focus on Niki. 
People get out of the way as your body moves on its own, directing you towards him as he gets closer. Suddenly, you’re engulfed by Niki, his scent filling your nose as he picks you up and spins you around. That’s when you break out of it. 
He’s laughing, you’re smiling. 
“Congrats, partner.”
You laugh brightly, reaching to tussle his hair. “Congrats too. I’m proud of you.” 
His gaze sucks you in- it’s like you can’t even force yourself to look away. You could care less about the surrounding people. 
“Maybe after,” he starts carefully, and you swallow, “after the competition is over- do you wanna like, get out of here?”
A huge wave of relief washes over you. Maybe it’s the relieved pressure of finishing this performance or the way that Niki’s staring at you while biting his lips in what you think is nervousness. 
“I would very much like that,” you pause and Niki looks visibly happier at that compared to just seconds earlier when you two were just announced as the winners. You shyly cough, 
“-and I very much like you.” 
Niki freezes at you abrupt confession. You avoid his stare, swiftly regretting your heat of the moment decision.
Without realizing it in your embarrassment, Niki swoops down to give you a quick peck. Very much in front of your whole company. Gasps and squeals fill the air, unless you just imagined it. 
Now you’re the one taken aback. 
“Me too,” he smirks while murmuring, 
“I like you.” 
Those three words you thought you were sick of didn’t sound too bad coming out of Niki’s mouth.  
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MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @jungwonize @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount @hoeshii @love-4-keum @nyanggk
SERIES TAGLIST ▸ @axartia @makiswrld @jovibaes @ksphnrk @soobnism @asyleums @ayayiiie @r3niun @ahnneyong @jakahbot @thisisnotjacinta @jjongsha @chatoyervictoria @swnheo @onthevergeofdepression @skzenhalove @miraculouspabu @hoeshii @yjjungwon @qimmylol @lilactangerine @loves0ft @rosie-is-everywhere @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy
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Happy single Awareness day
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Maybe a double date with Ruby and Penny plus Jaune and Pyrrha with Blake and Hera spying?
Happy (very late) single awareness day!
Inside a rather nice restaurant up in Atlas, four people just sat down at a table together. The group consisted of three redheads and one blonde, and after they got their drink orders in, they all started conversing amongst themselves.
"Thanks for inviting us out to dinner you guys!"
"Indeed! This is going to be very excellent!"
"No problem. It's our pleasure, Crater Face." Jaune had to dodge a roll being thrown at him after using his nickname for Ruby, and he did! Just not the second one that bounced off his forehead back into the basket on the table.
"Indeed~! We were trying to find somewhere that we could bring Hera as well, but not many places are open to pets here. We honestly could only find reservations for this place anyways, and only if we had a certain number of people.”
"Wait, is that why you asked us to tag along?"
"Well kinda, but it isn't the only reason!”
"We did think to ask you for that reason at first, but then we also thought that it would be much more fun to spend time with friends rather than just be alone all night again. Besides, we haven't really had a chance to see each other for almost three weeks. Catching up with you will be much more enjoyable than just us being by ourselves at such a fancy place."
"Yeah Pyrrha's right, this isn't exactly our usual outing location. I don't normally like to put on a suit."
"No, but I still think you clean up very well, Jaune."
Jaune's cheeks turned the slightest bit pink with her saying that. "Thanks Pyr. You look great in your dress too! S-so Penny! How is Team Ruby's training going up at the Academy?"
Ruby slapped her hands down on the table, but not rattling anything on it. "Hey! Why are you asking her and not me?"
"Because you would try to sugarcoat it."
Ruby sat back and crossed her arms in defiance. "No I wouldn't."
"You did it when you told Yang about our journey to Mistral."
"So you're telling me you wanted me to tell my short temper, over protective big sister Yang about all the things we ran into? All the Grimm, the Nuckelavee, that psycho scorpion guy, uncle Qrow being hurt most of the trip. You think I should have told her about all of that after seeing her for the first time in almost a year?"
"She does have a point, Jaune."
"Yeah, I guess she does."
Penny didn't seem to get what they were referring to, but wasn't bothered by it. "Well I think that team RWBY is doing wonderfully in their training! It has been so exciting to see them all fight again after so long!"
"See! That's what I would have said!"
"And Ruby has gotten much better with evolving her semblance! She is no longer accidentally running into walls or dropping people when she tries to carry them with her!"
"Peeenny, you didn't need to tell them that!"
"But they asked."
... ... ...
Blake, the ninja cat faunus that she was, was perfectly hidden in a bush outside the restaurant's window and peering inside, going completely unnoticed. "You know, this is honestly a lot more wholesome than I was expecting."
Hera, who was trying her best to copy her auntie Blake, was also peering into the window to get a look at her mama and papa. However, she unfortunately had her floofy butt sticking out of the back of the bush they were hiding in. Somehow, it didn't give them away. Hera let out a super sneaky growl to agree with her Auntie. "Rrrrrrr."
"Yeah. As long as they're having fun, I suppose that's all that matters. They all deserve to unwind for a bit."
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 3
TW: pregnancies, miscarriages/spontaneous abortions, and other mature themes ahead
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Sukuna can still remember your suppressed whimpers when you believed that he was asleep, how your weight would go up and down every few weeks, and how nothing would interest you, not your foreign books or drawings or koto. No matter how many times you two tried or how faithfully you listened to the advice of your doctors and shamans, children were a faraway dream. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…What’s wrong with me?” You used to cry.
“Nothing,” he always answered, rubbing circles on your back. “Nothing is wrong with you.”
You never seemed to hear him. Sukuna would tirelessly comfort you while reassuring you that spending eternity with only you was his idea of a happy life. However, his words fell on deaf ears. You would always hope, and every single time, your hope would get crushed.
Until you discovered yourself pregnant again for three months. The past pregnancies never lasted for more than a few weeks. Sukuna didn’t want you to hope too much, but how could he resist the brilliant smile of his beloved wife?
He accompanied you to every shop for toys and fabrics and clothes and furniture. He patiently gave his opinions on what the baby’s room should be like. 
You successfully carried to term, your belly round with a healthy child. Sukuna had to admit that it was not an unattractive sight, and despite the protests of the midwives, he stayed by your side, dabbing the sweat from your face and neck as you delivered your precious child. Uraume waited outside with a whole parade of maidservants prepared to help you get washed once everything was over. The cotton blanket which would envelope your baby was washed three times. You wove it yourself, pestering your husband to embroider enchantments for protection and a long, healthy life.
However, as you fell back after giving your final push, you instantly sensed that something was wrong. You had silently turned to your husband. “Ryo?” His head was hanging, unable to meet your gaze. He didn’t need to say anything.
You stopped being you that day.
The Sukuna household, which used to be so full of life and music and cheer, was enveloped in darkness. The one and only madam of the house was given a taste of motherhood like she always prayed, but she was never even able to hear her child’s cry let alone hold them. You stopped leaving the main house. You refused to go down the village to browse for any new foreign products. The maple trees you adored were ignored and the garden you personally tended would have wilted completely if not for Ryomen’s intervention.
You slept on the floor right next to an empty cradle. 
You would have died there too if your husband couldn’t take it and spent three straight days pleading for you to try and go out.
“A merchant passed by and Uraume bought several flowers from him,” he said, trying to make conversation as he eased you into the garden. “I think you’d like them. One species even eats flies.”
It was then, Sukuna recalled, when the two of you heard it.
An inhuman sound came from the bushes.
You hurried to investigate, with Sukuna warily following.
“Oh!” You gasped.
“What is it? Are you hurt?”
As if you hadn’t heard him, you dug into the shrubbery. “Here you are.”
“My love, be careful–”
“Naughty, naughty, you made us worried.” You rose to your feet and started cradling… something. 
Sukuna called your name. He didn’t sense any malicious intent right now but he couldn’t risk you getting hurt.
You turned around. “Ryo-chan, I found him.”
The maids knew better than to show their emotions, but their mouths tingled with the desire to gasp and talk amongst themselves.
Sukuna whispered your name and you walked towards him, arms protectively wrapped around a black-striped overgrown cat. You carried it like one would a newborn. 
You made a fake angry expression at the stupid cat as you scolded it:
“Yuji–” that was the name you and Sukuna agreed on while you were eight months pregnant “–you can’t just disappear without asking permission. You made your father and I worried!”
The cat made a sound that could only be described to be close to a purr, but not quite a purr. 
You giggled and nuzzled its nose. “How can I stay mad at you?”
Sukuna watched as you continued to baby the odd-looking cat. You were the happiest he’s seen you in weeks. He missed your smile.
He no longer cared that it was some stray from some traveling merchant. He didn’t care if the damn thing was eating way too much and growing a hella lot for a simple cat. All that mattered was that you were happy. No servant was allowed to treat your behavior as anything but normal. No one was allowed to even try to destroy the illusion. 
There were times when Sukuna swore he could see clarity in your eyes, when you would watch the sleeping “infant” or when you thought you were alone. A part of you must’ve known.
But because you never stopped treating “Yuji” as your beloved child, he never brought it up.
You were eating, you were smiling. You were happy. That was enough for him.
Though admittedly, he hated the little twerp. 
Not only did “Yuji” get spoonfed and burped personally by the madam of the Sukuna household, you also bathed him, dried and brushed his fur, and let the thing sleep between the two of you. 
It was so annoying.
He couldn’t even embrace his own wife anymore.
Now, over a thousand years later, he still had to share his darling wife with this damn brat.
Part 4: An immediate continuation of this chapter
@laurcad123 @aidanstan @deepinballs @satosuguswife
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