#they vibe with humans bc both species came from similar niches and evolved similar traits
askelectrochromic · 2 years
Species Spotlight: Acaprian
A breakdown and reference for my Acaprian original species.
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(Hand-drawn “Version 1″ reference sheet for the Acaprian species. This was mainly to nail down the general shape and proportions of the species.)
Acaprians are a mammalian bipedal sapient species, which bear a passing resemblance to Terran goats/ibex. Their legs are unguligrade and cloven-hooved, fingers are 3 on hand with opposable thumb and thick nails, tails are bobbed/vestigial. Their native homeworld has lower gravity than the Terran standard; homeworld Acaprians are slightly taller than the average human with slender builds, while offworld Acaprians grow more compact and are often shorter than the average human. Short fur covers the entire body, their coats are generally solid colours and neutral tones (black-brown-tan-white). A wide variety of patterns exist as well (cap/saddle/socks, tuxedo, painted, spotted, speckled/piebald, etc). Pointed and counter-shaded coats are extremely rare, no documented instances of striped coats. Eye colour range is similar to that of humans, skin colour tends to be light overall as the body is covered in fur. Dark coat colours are often reflected in skin pigment as well.
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(Some example coat patterns for a typical Acaprian. Solid and Patterned coats are equally common. Mane length and horn size/shape also vary between individuals, I’ve just used a generic masculine body plan here to showcase the fur colouration.)
Acaprians are obligate herbivores, unusual for a sapient species. Their evolutionary ancestors were a prey-species on their homeworld. Highly derived vocalization and mimicry abilities used for deception/defense developed into a capacity for language, while their herding instinct evolved into cooperative tribal societies. Their earliest organized civilizations were pastoralist/gatherers. An early member of Galactic Federation, many Acaprians work as translators and ambassadors due to their natural capacity as polyglots and mimics.
The species exhibits minor sexual dimorphism; horns appear in both sexes upon reaching adulthood, though tend to be more prominent in males (still greatly reduced in modern Acaprians compared to their ancestor species). Horn growth is constant throughout the lifespan, accelerating as individuals reach sexual maturity and slowing as they age. As a result, horn growth can be enhanced/suppressed via hormone supplements. Horn etching/adornment is a common aesthetic modification, as is pierced ears. They have a cultural/special aesthetic preference for smooth, enclosed shapes and strong symmetry. Acaprians with jagged markings, broken patterns, flecks, or asymmetrical markings are generally considered “unattractive” among their own species.
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