#they told my grandma today and showed her the ultrasound picture and i can't wait to see her tomorrow
cancelingplans · 2 years
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
The Worst Third Date Ever part 31
Chapter 31: Those Crackers.
A Month Later.
Max had been working part time between the school and the Smithsonian, Spencer started to teach at the university and the rest of the time he was at home researching or getting calls from the BAU to ask him things about the cases they were working on.
They were always busy but they find time to have dates. Sometimes he went to the Smithsonian and have lunch together or he order food for dinner.
They managed their time pretty good. Every women in his classes got sad the moment he said he was married. But that did not stop them from continue going to his classes.
One day Max was not feeling good, she was nauseous and could not hold anything in her stomach. At first she thought it was a food poisoning so she just drank some tea and tried to eat light things. But it did not got any better.
She called both works saying she was not feeling good so she will not go that day. They accepted it and wish her to get better soon.
Spencer did not want to leave her alone but she told him to go give his classes, she will be fine alone for a few hours.
He left still unsure but told her to call him if she needed him. She decided to call Michelle to asked her to come over her house to talk with her while he was gone and asked her to bring a package of crackers.
When Spencer arrived he saw his wife and sister-in-law talking in the living room and he saw the package of crackers on the coffee table. His brain started to work faster making connections.
"Spencer?" Said Max at him a little worry then he realized she was worry because he had some tears on his cheeks "baby are you ok?"
"Ye...yeah, um... Max when did you have your last period?" He asked looking at her.
"Well last month, but it should had came last Frid..." She just realized the same thing her husband did "wait... Do you think I am...?" She could not finish the question.
"Oh my..." Michelle was also in shock "I will get you a pregnancy test" she stood up after the couple nodded. When Michelle left they hugged tight.
"I will book an appointment with the doctor to be 100% sure" he said still hugging her.
"Ok... Gosh... Just when we just started a new job and are so busy" she said looking up at him.
"We will find a way. Beside you have your family. My mom will be so excited"
"I bet she will know the moment she looks at us" said Max "she is so much like my mom. When Michelle got pregnant, mother knew immediately" she laughed but had some tears.
He kisses her head softly "you know that the moment you and I start dating, my mom loves you as her daughter" she hugged her tight until Michelle arrived.
Max cleaned her tears and walked in the bathroom. She stayed there for some minutes, Spencer and Michelle waiting out of the bathroom.
When she walked out she looked at them "let's wait some more minutes for the result" she held Spencer's hand and wait some more until she checked the test. It showed a little "+" sign, she showed it to him and her sister "it's positive..." She has happy tears once again and hugged them. They hugged back all happy for the new addition to the family.
After some minutes hugging they broke the hug and Spencer called to book an appointment for her.
Before Michelle left they asked her to not tell anyone until the doctor's confirmation. She nodded and promised not to say anything until they gave her permission.
The couple sat in the living room and hugged "according to the paper in this test. It's very accurate and 99 of 100 results are real" she said with her head on his chest "when is the appointment?"
"Next Monday. They said we need a week to run a blood test, just in case and after that the doctor will do the ultrasound"
"What made you think I was pregnant?"
"Those cookies... I remember JJ and Kate, a former coworker, ate them when they were pregnant" he looked down "and other symptoms that made me suspicious"
"Mister Profiler in action" she laughed "I think the guess room will be the room of the baby"
Their house had four rooms, the main room, Spencer's office, Max's studio where she paint or plan the projects for the Smithsonian and the guess room. Also have two bathrooms, one in the main room and other downstairs. A living room, a dinning room and the kitchen.
"Yeah that's a good option. That room is big enough for everything the baby would need" she nodded.
The rest of the week passed without incidents, they decided to hold the excitement so no one know before it was official.
The day if the appointment, Spencer and Max met at the hospital. While he arrived the nurse ran the blood test and Max was filling the paper they gave her.
He walked to her and sat next to Max "sorry the students asked a lot today and I needed them to understand everything for their assignment"
"It's ok. The doctor haven't finished yet with the last patient. After her it's our turn" she kissed his cheek.
She finished the paperwork and handed it to the nurse. Then wait some more until they called them.
They walked in the office and the doctor was reading the test in her computer "hello Mr and Mrs Reid. I'm Dr Hailey Underwood" she smiled at the couple "ok, according to your blood test, you are pregnant Maxine"
"Please call me Max" the doctor laughed softly and nodded.
"Ok Max, you are almost 8 weeks pregnant. We can check the baby, go to the next room, change and lay there. Mr Reid, there's a chair if you want to take a seat" he nodded and they stood up and walked there.
Some minutes later the doctor walked in and started the exam "well everything looks great, I think you will give birth in November" the doctor continue to check the baby and she stopped at some point looking the screen in shock.
"Is everything ok doctor?" Asked Max and Spencer at the same time.
"Yes everything is ok... I'm just surprised because you are going to have twins" she said trying to show them on the screen "it's not so clear right now but I saw another leg hiding behind" both parents were in shock but still happy to have twins. He kisses her head after the doctor finished the ultrasound "ok while you clean Max, I will write you a prescription for some vitamins and a list of foods you will need. Also your next appointment will be around 13 to 20 weeks to know the gender of your babies"
The doctor left the couple "oh my... I can't believe we will have 2 children" said Spencer surprised.
"Yeah me neither" he helped her get up and walked back to the office of the doctor where she was finishing.
"Ok there is everything you will need" she handed her the paper "set the appointment and take care. Enjoy this beautiful experience... Both of you" she shook their hands and they left.
"Should we tell everyone already?" He asked as he opened the door of his car.
"It's official now, so why not?" She got in and he walked to the driver seat getting in the car "beside. The BAU people are like your family, your mom needs to know as soon as possible and we can tell my family tomorrow night. Michelle told me last week they wanted to have a game night"
"Sounds like fun" Spencer decided to go to the nursery home his mother was in.
"We like to do it to be all together one day per week" she said looking out the window "or per month if we can't do it each week"
"I'm really enjoying your family traditions. They are so much fun" she held his hand "I'm glad tobbe part of them" she kissed his hand as they arrive to the nursery home of Diana Reid.
They both walked out and went holding hands in the place. The nurses greetings and congratulated them.
When they reached the reception the nurse there took them to the room Spencer's mom was.
When they walked in the woman jumped off the bed and walked straight to them. She was smiling big "when did you find out?"
"A week ago. But we wanted to make sure" commented Max then looked at him with a smirk "It still surprised me how moms know"
"It's a super power you unlock the moment you see those little eyes. You can read them like a book" said her rubbing her son's cheek "but come in and sit down, I need to know everything so far"
They did as she said and they told her about the honeymoon, Max showed her some pictures she took with her phone.
They told Diana about Max's new job at the Smithsonian. How they found out about their pregnancy and they told her she will be the proud grandmother of two babies.
"Oh my God... I will have two grandchildren. I can't wait to meet them" she smiled "I will have to find the perfect gift for them so they always remember grandma Diana" Max and Spencer smiled at that. Spencer still got sad thinking every time with her could be the last one, so he enjoyed them as much as he could.
"I'm sure everything from grandma Reid will be memorable for them, mom" said Spencer holding the tears and his voice from cracking.
"Honey don't cry. I'm so happy right now so don't mess up this moment" the three laughed. Then the nurse came to let them know they have to go. They hugged Diana and let the hospital.
They went to buy something to eat and when to the park.
They just enjoyed that day of joy. They will be parents and will have twins.
The next day Spencer texted his BAU family to asked them if they were up for lunch with him and Max. They were all agree and he told them to meet them at the Chinese restaurant, their favorite when they were in town.
When all were there and the order was set they talked, he even invited Penelope. There were so teasing from Tara about Luke and Penelope.
They all laughed at her blush and his awkwardness. They keep talking happily then Spencer decided to talk cleaning his throat "ok guys we invited you here to tell you something. Something very important" he said smiling at them "recently Max and I found out that..."
"We are expecting!" Said both at the same time.
It took the rest of the team some time to understand what they meant but when they did, they all congratulate them and hug them.
"And not only that..." Added Spencer. The team looked at him "according to the doctor, we will have twins"
"Oh my... So I will have two godchildren to spoil?" Asked Penelope.
Max laughed softly "yeah but don't spoil them to much" she held Spencer's hand "I'm glad they will have you all around because as I told Spencer, you are his family so you are all like uncles and aunts for them" JJ has some tears at that.
"I always wish Spence could be father one day. Since he held Henry and watching him with all the kids we ever helped, I just imagine him being a good father. Congratulations" she raised her cup and everyone did the same "for the new BAU babies" then they clinked their cups.
"We will have baby geniuses" said Penelope "Oh I volunteer to plan the Baby shower" Max nodded, not wanting to unleash her anger.
They continued to talk while eating and when they all finished the team returned to the office, Spencer drove Max and Penelope back to their work and he went back to the campus to teach.
At night they told Max's family and Sammy was beyond happy with the idea of have two cousins and promised to help his aunt Max when he can.
The night was very relaxing, they played Uno, Scrabble and other board games. Then Max and Spencer left early.
It was a busy day so they were both tired and felt asleep almost immediately.
A week later, Spencer was checking his students essays about the last class, while Max was a the Smithsonian, when he got a phone call.
The call was from Emily, he stood up to get more coffee while answering "hey Emily, is there a case?" He asked as he reached the kitchen.
"Hey Spencer, no we don't have a case. I was calling to know how are you and Max"
"We are great, she is dealing better the morning sickness and I had to buy a bunch of crackers for her. Also something weird happened. She said since we found out about the pregnancy, she can't handle the smell or even the taste of coffee"
"Oh my... And that's your addiction" she laughed "how are you managing it?"
"Thankfully my working hours are when she isn't here so I can drink it all day" they both laughed.
"I heard that could happens but also her wanting weird foods"
"True, she haven't asked me for something weird just yet"
"Great, but be prepare" he laughed "there's something else I need to tell you. I had been wondering how I will tell you this but I can't keep postpone it any longer"
"You can tell me anything, you know it"
"Yeah I do" Emily took a deep breath "The women's prison called me yesterday. They booked Catherine Adams' execution to this Friday. They said she didn't asked for her last meal, she was happy with what she got when she had that weird date with you" Spencer closed tight his fist around the cup "she asked for you to be there"
"I said I wanted to be there when that needle stick in her arm but now I'm not sure"
"I know she did horrible things to you and I will understand if you don't want to. Sleep on it and let me know. And ask Max. If I were her I would totally want to show off my ring to that bitch" Spencer could hear her smirk and could not help but smile.
"I'm sure she would stick that needle herself"
"I bet she would" Emily laughed "call me with your decision so I can inform the prison you will be there"
"Ok, bye Emily" they ended the call and went back to work. His mind still thinking about it.
At night he decided to cook something for her and when she arrived she was surprised by it.
"Are we celebrating something?" She asked looking at her husband.
"No I just wanted to have a night date and tell you something" he gave her a plate with baked chicken with mashed potatoes and a glass of water.
"Is it bad?"
"I don't know" he answered honestly "well I guess Emily and everyone in my team told you everything about Cat Adams" she nodded "when she was at the FBI offices, she said she plead guilty of 73 murders and request the death penalty" Max nodded, remembering Emily saying it "they booked it this Friday"
"Yeah and Emily asked if I would like to go. I told her I would be there to happily see her death but I'm not sure it's worthy"
Max held his hand gently "you should go. That bitch needs to know she didn't win. She needs to know that we beat her"
"Yeah... But I don't.... Wait a minute... Are you suggesting to...?"
"Yes Dr. Spencer Reid, I want to go. In fact I would gladly change position with the doctor to stick it in myself" he laughed and nodded.
"Of course you would, then I will tell Emily to send our names to the prison" he kisses her hand.
They are changing from topic to topic then cuddle in the couch.
"Do you have any idea of how we should name our babies?" She asked playing with his fingers.
"Well I have two names I would like to use" she looked at him expecting "since there will be two babies. If we have a boy and a girl I would like Jason and Diana. Any of them could be first or second name I don't mind"
"And if we had two boys or two girls?"
"I'm not sure yet" he looked at her "and what about you?"
"Well I think I would like Rachel, that was my mom's name and my boy option could be Alexander, that was the name of an uncle who made me realize I should study art" she smiled "he was amazing and I miss him so much"
"Sounds perfect, so maybe we can play with those four options. Jason Alexander Reid and Rachel Diana Reid. And if we have two girls or two boys we can use them our two options as first name and just add a second name. What do you think?"
"I think it's perfect" she kissed him. Then they both went to their room and falls asleep hugging each other.
The next day Spencer called Emily and let her know the decision they made. Then she informed the prison.
In a few days he will have his revenge.
Next will be the last! Cat will have one last appearance in Reid's life, I want to do an epic thing that makes her be angry, something like Hotch did in Riding the Lightning when he showed that criminal Sarah Jean saved her son.
Got my inspiration from this video: https://youtu.be/OcZj0KM4MuA
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