#they run away TOGETHER they make lanky long legged love and talk about an ideal hunter's society
deanjo this deanjo that. WHY Are We Not Talking About Samjo It Is 2023
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Broken Pieces (young!James Potter x Reader)
hi! so this is for @pad-foots 500k celebration writing challenge, congratulations @pad-foots! *cheering noises* the reader being slytherin is important to the storyline otherwise it would have been non house specific. and um yeah it’s james potter x reader and hella angsty. with the prompt 10/12 “who the hell hurt you?” ahh i barely got this out on time! omg that was so terrifying to write! i hope everyone likes it!
warning: abusive family, bullying, self dislike?, swearing, SADNESS, 
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The Noble House of Monroe will not be shamed. The Noble House of Monroe will not be shamed. 
Y/N traced the scars on the back of her palm methodically in a soothing motion before sighing and getting up from her spot at the base of the wall in the courtyard. It was almost dark and she would for being out late if she didn’t get back soon. She hurried down the stair toward the dungeons, glancing back and forth as she went. If she was caught and points were deducted it would only give her cousins another reason to torment her. A while back, maybe about a year or so before, her mother had convinced her cousins to get me in trouble in Ancient Runes, the professor was a friend of mother’s, so that I could write lines for a week. The Noble House of Monroe will not be shamed. It had taken weeks for the cuts of the words in her hands to heal and months to scar.  She hated that she wasn’t good enough. It was long known within her family that her father was a ‘blood traitor’. They said it made her just as worthless. They said she was weak for loving her father, though he didn’t want her. They said she was dirty for helping muggleborn and half-blood's alike. She had sullied her place in the family. She was no better then her father, a worthless blood traitor. When she first came to Hogwarts, she felt free. Free of the ideas and rules that had bound her for so long. She had spent her first months at Hogwarts helping up the boys and girls who were being picked on, hoping to gain some friends. She soon found that the world was just a cruel as her family. They hated her because of her last name, and her house, and her family. It was 3rd year and she still hadn't made any friends. She stuck to her ideal saying it was the right thing to do, but she wondered every so often if it was worth the world of pain it brought with it. She kept a void mask on, no reaction, no emotions. No emotion when her cousins shoved her in the corridors, no emotion when her mothers hand would come down, leaving more then just physical wounds. No emotion when people would jeer at her and tug at her tie. But underneath she was crying, sobbing, breaking. Her being was just composed of cracked glass that she was so desperately trying to hold together. But at some point, she was bound to shatter. 
The door to Y/N’s dorm slammed behind her and she collapsed on to her bed. Immediately she felt something burn her face and arms. She leapt up and found her arms and cheek red with burns and the bed smoking. She just sighed and picked up the sheets and gave them a sniff. The draught of the living dead. But just enough to burn. She didn’t even get mad, she knew who did this. She was too tired, to drained to be mad. She was only a shell of the happy, kind, girl she had once been. The water washed over her burns, soothing the angry red that just couldn’t seem to faze her. Throwing on an old pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt she headed out of the dorm, eyes shining and threatening to break. It was only the sanctuary of the 2nd floor girls bathroom that she broke. Crumbling, shattering, a million pieces scattered. Sobs racked through her whole body, shaking and trembling. She caught her face in the mirror and she didn’t recognize the girl that stared back. She unleashed a scream so raw that even the sun seemed to cry. Worthless. Failure. Better off dead. Disgrace.  All she could do was cry as she shattered. And she wondered if she would ever be put back together. 
James Potter should not have been out this late. Sirius and him barely fit under the cloak together anymore. But this was essential if the prank was to go smoothly. “Pads, I swear if you don’t shut up I’ll tell Remus you’re in love with him!” He whispered. He had to repress a laugh as Sirius choked on his breath.
“You would not. And I don’t. Love him. Nope.” Sirius said, defensively. James just rolled his eyes and continued walking. Sirius opened his mouth to say more when something flew past them. 
“Should we...?” James didn’t have to finish his sentence before Sirius started guiding them down the hall where the figure had gone. They walked in silence until they approached a girls bathroom with light streaming out from under the door. Sirius nodded at James and James reached out a hand to push the door open. James peered through the slightly open door to find, a girl? A girl was sitting on the floor, head in her hands. He could practically feel her sobs as she rocked on the floor. Her hands were red, like they’d been burned, and her hair tumbled down from its bun to frame her face. She shook and trembled until her head snapped up and James jumped. She looked in the mirror and James didn’t think he’d ever seen that much pain in a person before. Her eyes were swollen and tears ran down her face. She looked so sad and small. Her hands shook as she ran them down her face. Before he could react, she let out a scream. James’s eyes filled with tears and he felt his heart drop right through his feet. The scream was so full of pain and hatred, anger and sadness that he nearly fell over. She had collapsed again and just cried. Each cry was a knife to the chest as the sobs tore threw her. He went to walk in, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Sirius was motioning him out and he widened his eyes trying to tell him that he had to go in. He had to help!  But Sirius was firm and dragged him away, prank long forgotten. When the reached the common room, Sirius sat down in an armchair across from James as he wore a hole in the carpet by pacing. 
“James,” Sirius said quietly, “sit down for a second.”
“Sit down! SIT DOWN!” James roared and then remembering that it was late, he lowered his voice, “Did you see her?! We should’ve helped her! I could’ve helped her!” James’s voice broke at the end and he looked away. 
“James, if you went barging in, do you think she would've appreciated that?” James sighed but Sirius kept going, “She needed a moment, and besides, I know her. I know her.” He trailed off at the end, his face contorted with guilt. 
“You know her?” James’s voice was soft, “Who?” He felt himself stumble back into the couch. 
“Y/N Monroe,” Sirius closed his eyes, memories washing over him, “I grew up with her. Our families were close. Her dad didn’t believe in any of the pureblood supremacy bullshit and left as soon as he found out that that’s what the family believed. She was like him. She always had a good moral compass.” A smile passed over his face fondly, “She liked to play quidditch with me...”
“Pads?” Sirius had never heard this tone in James’s voice before. Not when speaking about Evans, not when talking Rem down after a full moon, never. “What happened? Why don’t you talk anymore?”
“She was sorted into Slytherin” was the only response Sirius could provide. Silence overtook the pair, guilt hitting Sirius in waves. He had abandoned her and look what that had done. 
James was the one who broke the silence, “I’m going to be her friend.”
James was true to his word. The very next day he sat next to her and just talked. Surprisingly, she was really funny and easy to talk to. They would talk about quidditch, he would tell her about all his pranks, she would tell him about the books she read. When he invited her to sit with the marauders at the Gryffindor table, she was scared. She knew James and Sirius were friends but she was terrified about seeing him again. James assured her that he wanted to make it up to her. After a few days of begging on James’s part, she agreed. That day, Sirius had apologized and they rekindled the ashes of their old friendship. She had officially made friends in the most unexpected of people. Since becoming friends with James this fall, the year had gone from worst to best in a matter of weeks. She started spending most of her day with the Marauders and often found herself in their dorm more then her own. Her heart was suddenly light all the time and she never was without a smile. It was like a dream, she had friends she had James, and she was happy.
James was happy too. Y/N was like nothing he had ever expected. She could simply just listen to him and understand. She was funny and just so good. It was inexplicable. She was like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day. When she smiled at him, his heart grew about a million sizes bigger. When he first made her laugh, he almost passed out. It was so precious, that laugh, and he made it a goal to hear it everyday. It was like she was feeding life into him with each smile, each soft tease, each laugh. His mind would often wander back to the time in the bathroom, her tears running down her face, her body shaking with sobs. But he had to remind himself that those tears had become smiles and that her body shook with laughter rather than sobs. Everything felt better with her around. The sun, a little brighter. His flying, a little faster.  It was like she was feeding life into him with each smile, each soft tease, each laugh.  He was hopelessly in love with her. 
“You’re just jealous that Slytherin has a better keeper then Gryffindor!” Y/N laughed. The marauders sat in their dorm, Y/N tucked between James’s lanky legs. 
“Am not! He’s a horrible keeper! And ugly!” James retorted, shoving her back off his chest so she could look at him. 
“Didn’t Sirius say he was cute the other day?” 
Remus and Sirius both answered at the same time
“You did, but you also mentioned how he looked like a certain someone...” Y/N trailed off, smirk growing. She never missed an opportunity to make fun of Sirius and Remus after she caught them snogging last month. The two blushed and suddenly the board game was very interesting. James looked around in confusion before stretching back and lying down. Y/N glanced down and went to get up, wanted to leave James in piece for a nap. As her knees left the bedframe, a hand wrapped around her wrist and she flinched but managed to bite back her scream. James cocked an eyebrow at her, questioning. 
“You ok, love?” he asked quietly enough that she knew it was just for her.
“Yeah, just startled me is all” She managed as she struggled to calm her racing heart. Y/N cursed herself internally, usually she was fine with physical contact. In fact, she found it quite comforting. But when she wasn’t ready, all she could see was her mother’s hands and her father’s fists. 
“M’ tired love, wanna nap?” James yawned and Y/N realized with a start that he meant with him. She felt heat race to her cheeks and she gave a small nod. He opened his arms and Y/N climbed in and tucked her head into his neck. He gave a soft exhale and tightened his arms around her. His breath ruffled her hair and tickled her neck. His calming presence washed over her in waves with each inhale and exhale. She let her eyes close and for once she wasn’t scared of the things that haunted her dreams. Here, she felt safe. Safe. She hadn’t felt that way in a long time. 
Y/N should’ve known that a feeling a safety would only last so long. As she walked out of James’s dorm that night, she could feel a pair of eyes watching her. Their presence tingled on her back and her head. She slowly slipped her hand inside her robe and tightened her grip on her wand. She was nearly to the dungeons when she heard it. “Y/N/N!” a voice trilled. Y/N’s stomach dropped. She knew that voice.  Her cousins had found out about her recent bond with James and the Gryffindor's. She should’ve known that they would come sooner or later. Just another reason she was a failure. 
Y/N took a deep breath in and called back “Yes, Owen?”
Owen gave a malicious chuckle, “I have a present for you!” and with that he stepped out into the light. But it wasn’t just him. Y/N felt her whole body freeze. Her mother. Tall, commanding, cruel. And standing right in front of her. “She knows her potions, right, Y/N?” It took a moment for the meaning to hit Y/N and when it did she nearly fell over. Her mother had been behind the potion on her mattress. Why had she thought any different? She was taken back to the girl she was all those nights ago, breaking down in the girls bathroom. Broken, hurt and tired. 
“Y-you did that?” Y/N’s voice was barely audible in the large hallway, the space between her and her mother eating away at the sound. 
“Well, darling, I had to show you that we will not be shamed by you, didn’t I?” Her mother’s voice was cold and calculating, the honey she tried to inflict felt more like the lick of a whip, lashing out in every syllable. “Obviously, that didn’t work, as dear Owen says,” She stopped to give her nephew a fond look, “told me that you’d made some friends” Y/N’s mother spat the word with such disgust and her nose wrinkled as if the mere idea was repulsive. “You’ve been associating with blood traitors and mudbloods”
Y/N was cowering, each word her mother said seemed to sink her farther into the floor. 
“Maybe it’s time you really let the lesson... sink in.” Her mother crowed. Her mother advanced until she was looking down at Y/N. Her claw-like hands drew Y/N’s chin up to look at her. A palm struck her cheek.
“Worthless” The next 20 minutes were a blur of flying hands and purple bruises. Each hit broke down the glass she had finally put back together. She shut her eyes against the pain but she could still here. “Stupid”
Not good enough
She tried to stay strong, she really did, but tears fell in hot waterfalls down her face. Then it was over. “You are nothing.” was the last thing she heard before they were gone. She was left alone to pick up the broken pieces. Again. She slowly dragged her bruised and battered body up toward the same girls bathroom. The irony did strike her as she pulled herself in front of the mirror. The girl who stared back was purple and blue. Inside and out. The marks her mother and cousin had left would join the scars on her hands from the potion. They would join her memorabilia of pain. Of hatred. She wasn’t good enough. Worthless. Failure. GO DIE. NOTHING. The thoughts just kept getting louder and louder. Her hands were in her hair, tugging at the ends, pulling and pulling and pulling. James. Y/N wasn’t even aware of herself as she walked the halls, bloodied and limping. Her face reflected no pain, only defeat. It was only outside James’s door did she stop. Why would he want you? You, you who is nothing. You who is a broken thing. A basket case. He will never love someone who isn’t even whole anymore. Her glassy eyes pooled with tears which spilled. Her body gave out, collapsed on the floor. Go to sleep. Just die here. Her mind whirled with taunts. She just wished it would go away. She wished she could go away.
“Y/N?” James. His voice sounded so, so broken. Shattered. “Y/N, love, what’s going on?” She just shook her head. James fell to his knees next to her. His breath caught as he saw her face. “Y/N!” Tears burned the backs of his eyes, and then he felt the anger. Who? Who would’ve thought that they could hurt her? “Please-” he shut his eyes as the whisper curled out of his mouth.
“James...” her voice cracked, all happiness vanished, he was left to hear the same raw unadulterated pain from that night in the bathroom. He wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her inside the dorm room, pressing light kisses to her hair. Sirius and Remus jumped up, eyes wide, shocked. James just jerked his head to the door. They exchanged a look. James and her needed this moment. With that, they filed out silently, defeated eyes heavy on Y/N’s figure.
“Y/N, please. What happened to you baby?” It registered in neither of their minds that he had called her baby. The worry in his voice was slowly drowning her. Why did he care so much?
“I- James- I can’t” Fresh tears streamed threw James’s shirt. James pulled away, his large hand coming up to cup Y/N’s delicate cheek. His finger feathered over the bruises lightly. 
“Y/N.” his voice was firm but his hand was still just as gentle, soothing her face with each stroke, “Who the hell hurt you?” His burning eyes spilled over and he turned his head away. 
“No. Stop pretending you care! I’M NOTHING!” Y/N’s sadness had gave way to anger and she was yelling, tears still flowing. She wouldn’t stop. “I’m a basket case! Why would you love someone who doesn’t even love themselves?” James’s eyes widened. She thought he didn’t love her. Instinct took over and he reached his other hand to grasp Y/N’s wrist which was pulling at her hair and kissed her. Y/N stiffened but as James’s lips move against hers she let go. Her arms twined around his neck, digging her fingers into his hair. James was so overwhelmed with love for her that he had to pull away. Y/N was looking at him in shock. Her eyes full blown wide and mouth still open in surprise. 
“I love you. You are something. You mean everything to me. You are my life. My soul and my body. I love you even when you don’t love yourself and I will keep loving you until you do. I love you.” Y/N choked on a sob, “I first wanted to be your friend because I saw you crying, breaking down in a bathroom. I felt so helpless, so lost but when I had you near me, I was complete. You are the other part of my soul. I love you. And I always have.” James cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers again. “Tell me baby, I’m here” She just looked at him and he felt her pain, her happiness, her love. 
“I love you,” she whispered against his lips “I love you. I’ve wanted to say it for so long. I love you.” She pulled away and let a sob run through her, “And you love me.” James nodded, a sad smile gracing his strong features. 
And so she told him, told him everything. From the potion on the bed to the summers before to tonight. He didn’t interrupt, just let her talk. He gasped at parts, cried at parts and when it got hard to tell the story, he would rub this thumb over her hand and let her take a break. Y/N was exhausted by then end but she had never felt lighter. Someone knew. And someone loved her for it. James tucked them into bed, bringing her into his warmth. As the light faded from the lamp and Y/N let sleep take her away, James pressed his face against her neck and whispered his love and his apologies and his hopes. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again, my love. Never.” 
Edit: just gave this a name, i totally forgot the first time :)
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
May I ask for the alphabet prompt both R and E? I'm a sap bitch lmao. Reddie obv
 “Even I didn’t see this coming.” “Right then. We are screwed.”
When you’re a superhero, a force for good in a world that seems insistent on doing bad, there are many difficult alleys to navigate. You have to maintain the right image which means finding the perfect balance- being wholesome but not boring, being kind but not dull. You have to be accessible but not too accessible, interesting but not too interesting. It wasn’t easy but so far Eddie had been able to keep the scales balanced. 
He knew how to give away just enough information to keep people happy but not enough to put himself or others in danger. He knew how to make everyone who came to see him feel special, while also seeming forgettable once they left. It wasn’t easy but he prided himself on how well he’d done.
Some would say it was because of his power. He could see ten seconds into the future. Maybe that didn’t sound like much but it meant that he could alter nearly any path. It had saved him from bullets and punches more times than he could count (and also from slipping on patches of ice or running into someone as he turned around). It was an amazing ability and he loved being a hero. The long hours and late nights were all worth it because he knew he was helping people. 
Even when one of those people was Richie Tozier. 
Richie was another hero in his fair city. He could move at lightening speed, getting across a football field in seconds. He was everything Eddie wasn’t- loud and brash with far too many lewd jokes about what his powers meant for the bedroom. The two had been forced to pair up once or twice before and Eddie had always hated it. The man loved to tease and belittle Eddie, always seeming to gravitate to him at any hero events. It drove Eddie insane, especially since he couldn’t tell the lanky man off in public. 
Currently, they were together for an entirely different reason. Captain Shanty, one of the city’s many villains, had kidnapped them both, managing to get to them when they were both sleeping and had tied them up, villain style, over a pool with hungry sharks circling them. Eddie had to admire the dedication to his image. Captain Shanty had been rambling to them about his plans to take over the city, to kill all the pitiful heroes that stood in his path, his peg leg making a loud thunk as he paced the floor. He’d talked for what seemed like hours. Eddie had fallen asleep at least once, waking up with a terrible crick in his neck. 
Richie had teased him the entire time, baited him into telling them more. They were lucky that the Captain hadn’t simply released the lever and dropped them, with how Richie ran his mouth.  Eddie had tried to ignore Richie, instead thinking through escape plans. Everything he’d seen so far had resulted in them falling in the water and getting attacked. Not ideal.
“Well there Precog, what’s the plan?” Richie asked as the Captain left, vowing to return soon.
Eddie frowned, looking down at the swirling water. “I don’t have one. Everything ends with us being torn apart by those sharks.” 
Richie gave a firm nod. “Right then. We are screwed. I can’t believe I’m going to die without getting to take you on a date.” 
Eddie’s mouth dropped open as he stared at Richie. Annoying, awful Richie whose suit seemed designed to look like the loudest Hawaiian print shirt possible. There was no way Eddie had heard him correctly. 
“On a what?”
Richie looked at him, his face was hidden by his mask but he wore his trademark grin. “I’m crazy about you short stuff. I thought you knew.” 
Eddie scoffed, shocked. “Like hell I did! You always pick on me and tease me!”
“Schoolyard crush 101: Any attention is good attention.” Richie shrugged- as much as he could while being tied up.
Eddie thought back to all their encounters, looking at them with a new light. All the times Richie had touched him, putting an arm around him, all the teasing remarks, how Richie always seemed to be watching him at events. It seemed so obvious now. 
 “Well fuck this, I’m not dying here.” Eddie decided. “You can get us out of the ropes right?” He’d seen Richie rub his hands together fast enough to break through ties before.
“And then we drop into the shark pit.” 
Eddie let several scenarios play out in his head before finally finding one that worked. “Not if you bank left, you can land on the very edge of the pool. Then lower me down.” 
Richie grinned at him. “Cute and smart, I knew I picked the right guy.” 
Eddie watched nervously as Richie started to swing, his hands rubbing against the ropes. Soon Richie was falling and Eddie was yelling at him to tuck and roll as he hit the ground. Both let out a triumphant cry and then Richie manned the controls, bringing Eddie to safety. 
Once Eddie was untied Richie moved in, cupping Eddie’s cheek and kissing him softly. Eddie felt sparks that he hoped weren’t related to any faulty wiring. 
“Wow,” Eddie said, staring up at him.  “Even I didn’t see this coming.” 
Richie chuckled. “I had to do it before you started to overthink things.” He slid his hand into Eddie’s. “Come on, lets blow this popsicle stand. I’ve got a date with your name on it.” 
@spastuetheobsessedphylosopher @chaotickaspbrak @wheezyeds  @constantreaderfool @purplepoisonedgem  @queen-sock  @pink-psychic @bowersgangvslosersclub @jem-carstairs-is-perfection  @reddie-to-cryy @moonlightrichie  @eduardoandale @anellope @inthebreadbinwrites @sparklingrainbowdragon @madi-personal @lifesucksheres20bucks @appojoos @upsidedownlosers @thorn-harvester-ven @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @andaleduardo @xandertheundead @state-of-longing @fandomgirllover @adhdtrashmouth @rielysian @uppperteeeth @s-s-georgie @for-peanutbutter @edstozler @s-onora @notmyspaghetti @twoidiotsinl0ve @spirited-marvel @lover-mouth  @roobarrtrashmouth @njess04 @wilding-throught-thehallways @gloire-celeste @stansbooty @reddieobsessed @myeverythingisyourstruly @onlykatelyn @no-she-wasnt-reddie @isabelleritma @gczebos @ransonelovebot @stanleuyris @kasp-brakz @animalfacts @vipphil @sourmoist @reddie4diaster @playing-jim @twistedrainbows8908 @princesass-theresa @theandrewhurley @littledancersun @fourtccn @quenchyourhonor @mimiharu @kaspbrak-tozier-reddie @hushfakeomens @notyourmom90 @nancynwheeler @elphiegoescraycray
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Reverie - Prologue
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A/N: Ok so this is something I have been working at for a while. Although he doesn’t make an appearance in this Prologue, it is a Shawn Mendes fanfic. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
9 months ago 
A lithe blonde girl glided through the flashing lights, tailing a brunette girl into the sweaty mass of people. The crowd swayed, a gyrating chaos of bodies moving to the thumping beats of the music emanating from the DJ station and towering speakers set up against floor to ceiling windows that made up the entire back wall of the house.
From the crowd, the two girls were intercepted by a tall guy, with buzzed blonde hair and hazy eyes.
“Scotty!” Ruby grinned in excitement and pushed onto her toes to greet him with a peck. She flicked a strand of her rich brown hair over her shoulder and turned to her tall honey-haired companion. “Scott, you remember my cousin Cassie, right?”
“Of course, what’s up Cassie?” He pulled the blonde girl into a warm, lopsided hug, washing the smell of beer and whiskey over her. Ruby and Scotty were old high school friends, and dated on and off. At the moment they were currently on.
Cassie had liked him instantly when she had met him a few weeks ago, upon her arrival at her aunt and uncle’s. According to Ruby, he was a ‘crazy cat’. Actively seeking a break in the music industry, Cassie had gathered he worked hard and partied harder.
They followed him through the booze-sated dancing crowd to a large group gathered around a couch in close proximity to the DJ decks. The twinkling lights of the valley illuminated through the window behind them.
“Yo, Scott. You ready for your set?” one of his friends called across the circle.
“You know me dude, always ready.” Scott held up his beer towards his friend then took a healthy swig from it. He was on the DJ roster for tonight, and thus their invite to the ostentatious party in the hills of Hollywood.
He introduced the girls to his group of friends.
“Guys, this is Rubes - well, you all probably know her.” A few of the people around the circle rolled their eyes at the comment. Scott and Ruby’s love life was infamously a rollercoaster. “And this is Ruby’s cousin, Cassie. Special delivery all the way across the Atlantic.”
Around the circle, his friends raised their cups and bottles in greeting. 
As more than one appreciative gaze flickered over her, across the room one particular set of eyes was fixated on the tall golden haired woman. Involuntarily, Matthew’s eyes had been drawn to her since she arrived. Observing her as she sipped her drink with a lopsided smirk, he had entirely tuned out the conversation of his two friends. 
She was angular, but soft at the same time, he noted. She was tall, somewhat on the lanky side, but not without a hint of womanliness in the contours of her body, the gentle inward sweep of her hips to her waist. Long, lean legs, tightly wrapped in dark denim that hugged the line of her curves. The thin white blouse she wore dropped into a deep plunge at both the front and back, exposing her back and swell of her chest.
She exuded a kind of asserted confidence as she perched on the arm of a couch, cup dangling from her hand and talking animatedly. Obviously not an L.A. girl, she was way too demure for that. No, she was definitely from out of town. But not innocent. Maybe she was from New York. Big city girl confidence maybe? Either way, there was something undeniably captivating about her.
He watched as her brunette friend turned to her, offering her a cup filled to the brim with liquid. Ruby raised her cup towards Cassie.
“Fuck the international publishing industry.” Ruby’s rouged lips quirked into a smirk.
“Cheers to that,” Cassie tapped her cup to her cousin’s.
This morning she had received yet another rejection from a publishing house. She had been working on a novel for what seemed her entire life. She had always had faith that she had something as a writer, but doubt was beginning to creep in. With her rejection count racking up above twenty now, it was stinging more than she had anticipated.
“And fuck shitty admin jobs and ungrateful bosses.” Scott chimed in, leaning into Ruby who pouted, her bottom lip sticking out. Ruby’s company had called just hours previously and let her go from her job, so her day had been equally as crap.
Cassie took a few healthy gulps of the liquid inside.
“It seems like the Family Baker luck was running thin today, hey?” Ruby joked.
“Well, I’m not technically a Baker.” Cassie reminded her with a laugh. She had her dad’s surname, not her mother’s.
Ruby gestured in dismissal. “Eh, mere technicalities. You’ve got Baker in your blood, and there’s no way you can avoid that, whatever you’re called.”
Pretty soon, Scott was signalled for the start of his set. The sounds of the decks under his control reverberated throughout the entire space. The colourless aesthetic of the room was the perfect landscape for the strobe lighting that flared, flashing explosively in time to the powerful beats of the music.
Replenished drink in hand, Cassie was feeling the benefit of a night of distraction from her failing attempt at a writing career. When Ruby grasped Cassie’s hand, she didn’t need convincing to join the movement of the chaotic mess of bodies. Laughing, they danced together, the music and lights washing over them.
Matthew was struck by the golden-haired woman’s unusual beauty. As she and her friend weaved into the crowd, it brought them within feet of him. She had seemed generically beautiful at first - just another tall blonde girl. But, that wasn’t true at all. Her features were arranged in a unique way. An elfin nose, spattered with freckles, high cheekbones that looked sculpted, jawline descending to a point. 
What captured his gaze the most, though, were her eyes. Treading the line of almost being oversized, they glowed a vivid green, only intensified by the flickering lighting of the party. Physically, in terms of form, she was ideal. But her face; well, that was special. The difficulty of Matthew’s job was constantly searching for something without knowing what it was. But he had no doubt, now that she was in front of him, that this stranger was it.
The hot mess of the crowd had brought a sheen to Cassie’s body. Retreating from the dance floor with Scott’s friend Bonnie, they gravitated towards the counter with the goal of a refill. Replenished drink in hand, Cassie chatted away. Moments later, a hand unexpectedly fell to on the crook of her elbow.
Cassie turned around, surprised to come abruptly face-to-face with an unfamiliar man. A little older than the majority of the crowd here, maybe 35, with carefully groomed light brown stubble, a navy t-shirt and a pair of black jeans; he was understated yet chic.
“Sorry to interrupt you,” he raised his voice over the music. Now he was closer, he realised that her green eyes were also flecked with distinctive gold speckles. He also acknowledged something discerning in her emerald gaze that warned him she wasn’t likely to be taken along for a ride. “I’m Matthew March,” he held out his hand in greeting.
Okay, well he definitely isn’t chatting you up, she thought, a handshake is never an indicator of attraction. Cassie shook his hand firmly. “Cassie Valentine; what can I help you with Matthew?”
His eyebrows raised. Ignoring the question, he said, “Oh, you’re British.” He felt that he shouldn’t have been surprised. Now he was in her presence, she had that hard cosmopolitan air, mixed with a refinery that was instinctively Old World.
“Yes - well, partly. My mother’s American,” Cassie supplied.
“So you live here now?” Matthew asked. Cassie quirked her head to the side and took a sip of her drink, calculating what was motivating this strange conversation.
“I visit my family out here every summer,” gesturing toward Ruby, who was now watching the interaction very closely. “I’m just working out the next step.”
Matthew nodded, his black hair wafting with the action. “And what do you think that will be?”
“I don’t know, I was thinking vodka shots?” she laughed; he quirked a smile but offered no direct response. What he did say next was unexpected to say the least.
“Have you ever done any modelling?”
Cassie’s eyes widened. “No, never.”
He reached inside his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He handed her a business card.
“I work for IMG Models. I think you’re just what I’ve been looking for, if you’re interested give me call tomorrow.” He pointed to his number on the card. “We can set up a test shoot - headshots, build a portfolio, find a management team…” He gestured casually as if these were a completely normal activities to offer to someone at midnight in the drunken haze of a party.
Cassie looked at him speechless, a rare occasion.
She looked questioningly at Ruby, with a look that clearly asked her ‘is this a joke you’ve set up?’.
Ruby hopped up from the couch and grasped the business card from Cassie’s hands. “I’ll make sure she gets in contact.”
“Great,” he gave a brief half-smile. “I look forward to getting something arranged. Nice to meet you Cassie.” He nodded at her and then headed away into the crowd, his smile growing as he headed to the exit, pulling out his phone. Yes, he had found her. She was the exact answer to the past months’ problems of bratty, catty, unsophisticated models.
Cassie was jarred by Ruby’s piercing squeal, and call for celebratory shots.
At that moment, the celebration seemed to Cassie a tad premature. She humored Ruby though, raising the miniature sized cup of shimmering alcohol, never fathoming how much that evening’s proceedings would alter everything.
A/N: Let me know thoughts! xo
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